LNI Média

10 janvier 2009

Un parallèle?

Filed under: Israël,Palestine — François M. @ 4:48


1 janvier 2009

Une vérité à propos d’Israël que les nord-américains ne sont pas supposés savoir

Filed under: Israël — François M. @ 1:02

Une vérité à propos d’Israël que les nord-américains ne sont pas supposés savoir

L’aspect des nombreux juifs et Israéliens qui s’opposent aux agissements de l’État d’Israël est très occulté dans nos médias. Pourtant, plusieurs vont devoir faire de la prison en Israël parce qu’ils sont des objecteurs de conscience qui refusent de joindre l’armée IDF pour participer au génocide à petit feu des Palestiniens. Ils et elles sont très courageux.

Voici une courte vidéo qui vous les présente et ils ont besoin de notre aide pour signer leur lettre pour mettre de la pression sur leur gouvernement pour éviter d’aller en prison pour refuser d’aller tuer et se faire tuer. Il y a eu tellement de bonne initiatives pour la paix organisées de concert avec des gens du peuple palestinien et israélien sous oublier plusieurs organisations juives. Mais elles ont toutes été bazardé par le pouvoir sioniste en place. Quelqu’un ne veut pas la paix et en majorité, ce n’est pas le cas des deux populations qui ne demandent qu’à vivre ensemble en paix.

Leur site: http://december18th.org/

Contrary to Israeli war party propaganda in the US, not all Jews and not all Israelis support Israel’s Nazi-like conduct in the Occupied Territories.

This simple fact is probably the single most censored piece of news in the United States.

Here are some young people heading to prison because they won’t join the genocide.

You can support these brave kids here:

Write: http://december18th.org

One of their stories…

Name: Tamar Katz
Age: 19
Location: Tel-Aviv

Why I am one of the Shministim:

« I refuse to enlist in the Israeli military on conscientious grounds. I am not willing to become part of an occupying army, that has been an invader of foreign lands for decades, which perpetuates a racist regime of robbery in these lands, tyrannizes civilians and makes life difficult for millions under a false pretext of security. »

First Sentence: 28th Sept. – 10th Oct. 2008 (12 days)
Second Sentence: 12th – 30th Oct. 2008 (18 days)
Third Sentence: 1st – 22nd Dec. 2008 (21 days)

Write: http://december18th.org

Please pass this video on to friends and colleagues.

I’d like to see us generate tens of thousands of letters.

30 décembre 2008

Un billet pour la fin de l’année 2008 et pour les 400 ans de Québec

Filed under: Divers — François M. @ 2:14

Un billet pour la fin de l’année 2008 et pour les 400 ans de Québec

Voilà que l’année 2008 s’achève. Elle fut mouvementé dans plusieurs domaines. Pas besoin de vous décrire tout, vous en êtes déjà conscient. Cet année a marqué le 400e anniversaire de Québec et ce billet fait partie d’une belle initiative qui souligne ce moment, nommée 400 ans 400 blogs. Vous pouvez trouver tous les autres billets qui rendent hommage à cet anniversaire de la ville de Québec.

Je pense sincèrement que Québec est une des plus ville d’Amérique et que les gens qui y vivent sont merveilleux. Nous avons une belle culture et il fait bon vivre sur cette terre, d’où l’importance de le réaliser et de vouloir toujours en prendre soin. Il y a beaucoup d’histoire dans cette belle région et il ne faudrait pas oublier qu’avant Québec, il y avait des gens qui y vivaient, les amérindiens. Nous avons pris beaucoup de place et il faudrait redonner beaucoup plus de pouvoir à ces gens qui nous ont précédé.

Longue vie à Québec, ville romantique et remplie d’amour!

29 décembre 2008

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Gaza et Israël: le droit légitime à la défense et quelques faits importants

Filed under: Israël,Palestine — François M. @ 11:42


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 30 décembre 2008

Gaza et Israël: le droit légitime à la défense et quelques faits importants


Le 27 décembre 2008 marque un jour funeste: Israël a entamé une offensive dévastatrice sur la bande de Gaza. Le motif avancé est le droit légitime à la défense, en réponse aux roquettes que les militants du Hamas lancent sur le territoire israélien. Jour important parce qu’il marque la pire attaque sur la Palestine depuis 40 ans, causant autour de 300 morts et plusieurs centaines de blessés. Des F-16 fournis par les États-Unis et des hélicoptères Apache ont largué plus de 100 missiles et bombes sur plusieurs quartiers de la bande de Gaza, qui est un des endroits ayant une des plus grande densité de population de la planète avec ses 1.5 million d’habitants vivants sur 360 kilomètres carré. Les opérations militaires israéliennes se poursuivent maintenant depuis quatre jours et ils préparent la prochaine phase, l’attaque directe sur le sol avec l’armée de terre et les chars d’assaut.

Tout semble être une réaction plus ou moins spontanée de la part d’Israël, en guise de défense. Mais en est-il réellement ainsi? Nous savons que les plans militaires pour l’invasion de la bande de Gaza furent tracés il y a plus de six mois, alors qu’Israël négociait un cessez-le-feu avec la Palestine. Un autre indice qui nous permet de confirmer que cette guerre a été planifiée et préparée depuis longtemps est cet effort de relation publique déployée la semaine passée pour convaincre les leaders du monde du bien-fondé de l’agression militaire de Gaza. Cet effort de “légitimation internationale” fut précédé de menaces en bonne et due forme envers les Palestiniens, qui eux, se préparaient à cette offensive.


Israël soutient que c’est une attaque en réponse des roquettes que le Hamas lancent, mais il ne faudrait pas oublier que c’est Israël qui a brisé le cessez-le-feu le 5 novembre dernier, tuant six militants palestiniens, alors que l’attention médiatique était tournée vers la victoire présidentielle de Barack Obama, qui lui d’ailleurs, se refuse de commenter les attaques israéliennesvoilà pour le changement. Suite à cela, le Hamas répliqua avec une dizaine de roquettes. Qui peut prétendre recourir à la légitime défense?

Quelques faits à considérer

Israël est la quatrième puissance nucléaire au monde avec plus de 400 bombes nucléaires, chose connue depuis les années soixante, dans le temps de Nixon. Israël a tendance à jouer la victime, mais le rapport de force est simplement incomparable. Les roquettes du Hamas ont fait une vingtaine de victimes du côté d’Israël en huit ans, dont une victime seulement depuis la fin officielle du cessez-le-feu le 19 décembre, alors qu’en une journée seulement, Israël a tué plus de 296 personnes. On pourrait aussi se demander pourquoi Israël a décidé d’attaquer des postes de police, une université, des centres médicaux, des résidences et surtout, pourquoi avoir lancé les attaques vers midi, alors que les jeunes écoliers finissaient l’école et étaient route pour la maison.




Serait-ce que le but n’est pas réellement d’arrêter les tirs de roquettes – car en effet, comment croire que tuer autant de personnes ne va pas attiser encore plus de haine – mais bien de punir la population palestinienne pour ne pas avoir “bien” voté lorsqu’ils ont choisi le Hamas dans les dernières élections? Est-ce que Israël, les États-Unis et le Canada pensent que le Hamas va regarder la situation et se dire: “Wow, ce blitz de destruction est vraiment impressionnant, nous ferions mieux de reconnaitre Israël, de déposer nos armes, nous en remettre aux autorités, se faire emprisonner indéfiniment et soutenir un “processus de paix” américain au Moyen-Orient”.

Plusieurs pays ont rapidement condamné les sauvages attaques israéliennes: l’Angleterre, la Turquie, le Brézil, le Vénézuela, plusieurs pays d’Asie, la Russie, la France, la Chine; sans compter les nombreuses manifestations aux États-Unis, au Canada, dans plusieurs pays arabes, en Europe dont Londres et en Grèce ainsi que dans le reste du monde.

Robert Falk, le rapporteur spécial sur la situation des droits de l’homme de l’ONU, a accusé Israël d’avoir enfreint trois règlements de base des Conventions de Genève, tels que la punition collective, usage disproportionné de la force et usage de cette force de façon non-discriminatoire, tuant beaucoup de civils dont malheureusement des enfants. Des activistes israéliens de même que des journaux israéliens se questionnent sur l’ampleur des attaques sur Gaza. C’est qu’on ne pourra jamais assez souligner la différence à faire entre sionistes et les nombreux juifs qui ne partagent pas les mêmes valeurs et idées que ces premiers ainsi que les idéologies qui se reflètent dans la politique étrangère et intérieure de l’État d’Israël.

Les États-Unis ont appliqué leur veto contre la résolution de l’ONU qui demandait l’arrêt immédiat des attaques et de la violence dans la bande de Gaza et ont accusé le Hamas d’être responsable de la situation.

Est-ce que la venue des élections en Israël aurait de quoi à voir avec le déclenchement de ces attaques? Beaucoup de sionistes sont prêts à casser du Palestiniens pour démontrer qu’ils sont des durs à cuire.

Les origines du Hamas

Il faut savoir qu’à l’origine, le Hamas fut créé avec l’aide du Mossad israélien, dans le but d’affaiblir le mouvement pour la libération de la Palestine de Yasser Arafat en le divisant. Bien que le Hamas ait été démocratiquement élu par les Palestiniens, les États-Unis et Israël ont décidé de fermer la porte à toutes discussions et processus de paix.

g-massacro21Les cibles des attaques de l’armée israélienne ne sont pas que des militants du Hamas, mais aussi plusieurs postes de police et autres infrastructures publiques. Donc, si le but était vraiment de faire cesser les attaques de roquettes sur Israël, pourquoi cibler les forces de sécurité palestiniennes qui luttent contre elles? Le but certain est de renverser le gouvernement Hamas démocratiquement élu par les Palestiniens et le peuple lui-même. Mais serait-ce aussi qu’on cherche à radicaliser et affaiblir une population pour justifier un état de guerre permanent ne servant que les fanatiques sionistes au grand détriment des nombreux Palestiniens et des Juifs qui veulent la paix? À se dépêcher avant qu’Obama entre en fonction et ainsi diminuer ses chances d’influencer le processus de paix dans la région en le plaçant devant un fait accompli?

Punition collective et état de siège

L’aspect de punition collective se reflète aussi dans la nature du siège qui fut imposé à la Palestine depuis des mois par Israël.

Ce siège de la bande Gaza qui viole délibérément toutes les lois internationales, créant de facto la plus grande prison à ciel ouvert du monde où se retrouvent un million et demi de civils prisonniers de l’armée israélienne, s’est traduit par un blocus presque total de nourriture, carburant, médicaments, équipement scolaire, vêtements et d’électricité. L’aéroport et le port ont été détruits avant même d’avoir jamais pu fonctionner. Il est interdit de pêcher. Seuls quelques bateaux affrétés par des militants ont pu forcer le blocus. Évidemment que la situation n’a pas pris de temps à se transformer en une catastrophe humanitaire avec des hôpitaux sans électricité, des égouts qui remontent dans les rues avec le lot de maladies que cela amène et des problèmes de malnutrition qui a poussé les gens à devoir manger de l’herbe pour survivre. Les journalistes ont vite été interdit d’entrer sur la bande de Gaza pour rapporter sur la situation. Tout peuple assiégé a le droit de résister à l’oppression.

La sécurité va de pair avec la liberté. Ainsi, ni les Palestiniens et encore moins les Juifs ne seront plus en sécurité avec de telles politiques.


Aspects historiques

Les roquettes et les attentats suicides ne sont pas pardonnables, mais elles représentent les derniers outils de résistance d’un peuple occupé militairement depuis 60 ans et qui a perdu plus de 80% de son territoire depuis la création d’Israël en 1948. Ces cartes suffiront pour vous convaincre de ces faits. Des millions de réfugiés qui furent forcés de quitter leurs terres ancestrales n’ont jamais eu de droit de retour depuis.


Israël est le seul pays au monde qui ne se reconnait pas de frontières durables. C’est que cela pose un sérieux problème pour reconnaitre un pays dont on ne connait pas clairement les limites. Depuis sa création, Israël a demandé à ses voisins de reconnaitre son droit inconditionnel d’existence alors qu’ils refusent encore à ce jour de reconnaitre l’état palestinien.

2981945370_b92d071aa21Il y a ce mur qui a été construit tout autour de la Palestine, au nom de la sécurité, la divisant en de multiples enclaves, entrecoupées de plus de 600 points de surveillance (checkpoints), mais qui a eu le soin d’être construit de façon à envelopper les colonies illégales en territoire palestinien. Ceci a eu pour effet de voler de larges portions du territoire palestinien parce que ce mur a été construit, à plusieurs endroits, loin de la ligne verte de 1967, à l’intérieurs des terres palestiniennes. Pour ce faire, des milliers de maisons de Palestiniens ont été détruites, avec bien souvent quelques minutes d’avertissement seulement pour évacuer les lieux.

Les conséquences de la construction du mur de séparation sur la ville de Jérusalem sont confirmées par un rapport des chefs de mission de l’Union européenne à Jérusalem-Est. Ce texte, relève, parmi d’autres, certains axes de la politique israélienne dans la ville sainte :

– le presque achèvement de la barrière autour de Jérusalem-Est, loin de la ligne verte (ligne de cessez-le-feu de 1967) ;

– la construction et l’expansion des colonies illégales, par des entités privées et par le gouvernement israélien, à l’intérieur et autour de Jérusalem-Est ;

– la démolition des maisons palestiniennes construites sans permis (qui sont presque impossibles à obtenir)Source

Le racisme prend des formes étonnantes: Un bon nombre de villes, des autoroutes et écoles sont uniquement pour les juifs. Les Palestiniens ont des plaques d’immatriculation et cartes d’identité de différentes couleurs que les juifs. Les citations haineuses de la part d’importants personnages israéliens et sionistes abondent.

Ceci est donc le coeur du problème. Un peuple occupé militairement depuis 60 ans vivant à l’intérieur d’enclaves qui rendent impossible toute souveraineté et espoir d’avoir un État viable et reconnu par Israël. La cause des violations des droits humains en territoire palestinien provient des attaques et de l’occupation militaire continuelle d’Israël depuis sa création.

Voici ce que David Ben Gurion a lui-même a déclaré à ce propos:

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti – Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault ? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” — David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister) Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.



Avant que quiconque se fasse accuser d’antisémitisme en critiquant les politiques et agissements d’Israël (qui contrôle réellement cet État?) – qui ne sont pas endossés par plusieurs juifs d’ailleurs – nous devons retourner à la vraie signification de ce qui est sémite. La plupart des Juifs vivants en Israël sont de descendance Ashkenazi, qui eux, n’ont aucun lien génétique avec les Hébreux bibliques. Lorsque les sionistes ont mis en marche leur plan pour établir un état par force, dicté par leur enseignement du Talmud, ce qui va à l’encontre de la religion juive venant du Torah, ils ont eu besoin de créer un mythe justifiant l’existence du peuple Juif d’Israël pour prendre une partie du territoire des Palestiniens qui eux, tout comme les juifs arabes, SONT des descendants génétiques des Hébreux bibliques. Les Israéliens savent cela et ils ont essayé activement d’étouffer les évidences scientifiques pointant dans cette direction. L’ironie étant de voir ces Khazars convertis, qui ne sont pas de descendance sémite, accuser n’importe qui critique les agissements d’Israël d’antisémite. Les sionistes ne sont pas nécessairement juifs, comme le futur vice-président des États-Unis, Joe Biden, le prouve.


Pourquoi est-ce si difficile de simplement voir tous les pays du monde obéir aux même lois et conventions internationales? Pourquoi est-ce que Israël peut commettre 51 violations des cessez-le-feu sans être réprimandé par la communauté internationale? Pourquoi est-ce que des rabbins peuvent demander publiquement à ce que tous les Palestiniens, hommes, femmes, enfants et mêmes leurs bêtes soient tués, ou des politiciens proposer que les Palestiniens soient chassés de leur territoire? Pourquoi permettre à un État de défier plus de 100 résolutions de l’ONU et de posséder des armes de destruction massive comme des bombes atomiques clandestines sans aucune conséquence?

N’y a-t-il pas ce deux poids deux mesures intolérable dans toute cette histoire?

Beaucoup de questions lancées en espérant qu’elles trouvent des réponses. Il est primordial que les lois et traités internationaux s’appliquent à tous les États de façon uniforme, sinon, il n’y aura pas de loi du tout.

En terminant, je vous suggère cette excellente émission de radio web sur laquelle vous pourrez entendre votre humble serviteur en entrevue avec l’organisation Palestiniens et Juifs Unis (PAJU) pour mieux comprendre la question palestinienne dans toute sa dimension:

L’Autre Monde 21 août 2008
90 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

PAJU – Palestiniens et Juifs unis – Palestinian & Jewish unity

«Palestiniens et Juifs Unis (PAJU) est une organisation des droits de la personne. Nous reconnaissons explicitement le droit du peuple palestinien à une existence nationale ainsi que le droit de ce peuple de vivre dans la sécurité. Nous sommes contre toutes violations des droits de l’Homme. Le PAJU a été fondé à Montréal par Bruce Katz, un juif canadien et par Rezeq Faraj un Canadien d’origine palestinienne. Bruce et Rezeq sont des amis depuis plus de 25 ans. Notre groupe est composé de juifs, de Palestiniens et d’autres Canadiens et Canadiennes de conscience. Nous travaillons ensemble pour la promotion de la paix au Moyen-Orient ainsi qu’à l’éducation du public concernant la question palestinienne.­»

Ne manquez pas de visiter Les 7 du Québec

Note: Je vous invite à laisser vos commentaires sur Les 7 du Québec.

Gaza: Tous les articles importants concernant la situation

Filed under: Israël,Palestine — François M. @ 10:46

Gaza&Israël: Tous les articles importants concernant la situation

Voici 45 pages de liens vers les articles les plus importants du moment pour comprendre dans toute sa complexité le drame qui s’y déroule. L’article qui suit et intitulé « Gaza et Israël: le droit légitime à la défense et quelques faits importants » est une synthèse en français de toutes ces informations qui, malheureusement pour certains, sont majoritairement en anglais. Restez branchés pour la suite des nouvelles.

URGENT! Israeli Navy Attacking Civilian Mercy Ship! TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY!

The Dignity, a Free Gaza boat on a mission of mercy to besieged Gaza, is being attacked by the Israeli Navy in international waters. The Dignity has been surrounded by at least half-a-dozen Israeli warships. They are firing live ammunition around the Dignity, and one of the warships has rammed the civilian craft causing an unknown amount of damage. Contrary to international maritime law, the Israelis are actively preventing the Dignity from approaching Gaza or finding safe haven in either Egypt or Lebanon.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

At last report, the Israeli Navy rammed the Dignity and she is taking on water fast. Dignity is trying to make landfall in Lebanon.

No other information available at this time.

Israel Is Doomed!

Israel is doomed because it is run by psychotic idiots who are bent on a « Greater Israel » strategy. Zionist religious fanatics who somehow think that by becoming like the White Anglo Saxon Protestants (W.A.S.P.s) who nearly wiped out the Jews in Europe in World War Two, by adopting the « Let Someone else suffer now » philosophy Zionists think they will be allowed to succeed in their expansionist plans.

FLASHBACK: Fake rocket attack

On the afternoon of February 7, rockets rained down on the northern Israeli town of Nahariya, and were immediately described by Israeli police as Katyusha rockets fired by Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon.

Later in the same day, the attack was described as the result of ‘human error’ involving a failed test by an Israeli weapons manufacturer in the area.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

As Israel screams that they are being attacked by someone, remember that Israel has a habit of shooting missiles at itself to justify attacking their neighbors.

Remember the rockets found in Lebanon pointed at Israel last week?

Gaza conflict enters third day

For a third successive day Israeli planes have launched bombing raids on Gaza and according to Palestinian officials the number of dead has risen to around 300.

View From a Palestinian Leader: Palestine’s Guernica and the Myths of Israeli Victimhood

The bloodiest single day in Palestine since the War of 1967 is far from over following on Israel’s promised that this is ‘only the beginning’ of their campaign of state terror. At least 290 people have been murdered thus far, but the body count continues to rise at a dramatic pace as more mutilated bodies are pulled from the rubble, previous victims succumb to their wounds and new casualties are created by the minute.

What has and is occurring is nothing short of a war crime, yet the Israeli public relations machine is in full-swing, churning out lies by the minute.

FLASHBACK – NOVEMBER 5TH, 2008 – Six Hamas activists killed during Israeli raids in Gaza Strip

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Gaza and HAMAS had honored the cease fire agreement until November 5th 2008. While Americans were distracted by the Obama election, Israel launched an unprovoked attack into Gaza killing six members of the HAMAS government.

Following this attack, HAMAS announced that the cease fire was (obviously) no longer in effect. Israel’s PR campaign continues to insist ( supported by the White House) that HAMAS is to blame for the escalation of violence.

IN PICTURES / Firestorm over Gaza

In pictures: Gaza Massacre


Webmaster’s Commentary:

For any reader who does not know, ` der schwartzen` means `the blacks`.

‘Israeli air strikes represent massive violations of international law’

The Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Convention, both in regard to the obligations of an occupying power and in the requirements of the laws of war.

Robert Fisk: Leaders lie, civilians die, and lessons of history are ignored

We’ve got so used to the carnage of the Middle East that we don’t care any more – providing we don’t offend the Israelis. It’s not clear how many of the Gaza dead are civilians, but the response of the Bush administration, not to mention the pusillanimous reaction of Gordon Brown, reaffirm for Arabs what they have known for decades: however they struggle against their antagonists, the West will take Israel’s side. As usual, the bloodbath was the fault of the Arabs – who, as we all know, only understand force.

Israel, a Morally Bankrupt State led by Psychopaths

The stinking smell of a conspiracy, a disaster, a political plan is behind the Israeli “war” against the population of Gaza. The Israeli military “Operation Cast Lead” did not begin as a result of adduced rocket-spiegel“self defense” against Palestinian rockets, which appear to be made and shot for the most part in Israel itself or distributed by the employees of Shin Bet Chief Yuval Diskin, the Israeli intelligence system, to collaborators within the Palestinian resistance.

The Politics of the Gaza Massacre

On the Israeli front, elections loom large. The current Israeli government is enormously unpopular, and – with polls showing a massive swing to the right – this latest « incursion » is its last attempt to shore up their sagging power base. The rightist surge in Israel has been building for a long time, with the settler movement gaining momentum and the Likud Party likely the chief beneficiary – in which case there will be no chance of a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian question, no matter how evenhanded President Barack Obama turns out to be.


Scenes from yesterday’s demo in New York City….. All united against the ‘zioblitzkrieg’ in Gaza.

Obama Defers to Bush, for Now, on Gaza Crisis

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is « change »???

Hamas Must End Attacks on Israel, Bush Administration Says

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Dear President Bush

Shut the suck up; you are embarrassing us by putting your ignorance on public display.

It was Israel that broke the cease fire back on November 5th.

World rallies around Palestinians amid Gaza offensive

Israeli attacks on suspected Hamas strongholds in Gaza have triggered protests in more than a dozen countries.

Protesters Burn Israeli, US Flags In Greece Demo

Greek riot police fired tear gas Monday to keep protesters away from the Israeli embassy during a demonstration against Israel’s Gaza Strip offensive

The protesters, who included Palestinians, burned Israeli and U.S. flags. Some beat shoes against photographs of U.S. President George Bush.

Cynthia McKinney is on her way to Gaza!

Another American with a brain, heart, and courage!

What a contrast from the twin zionist whores, Pelosi and Clinton.

Anti-Israeli protests across Europe

British foreign secretary calls for urgent cease-fire in Gaza

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband on Sunday called for « an urgent cease-fire and immediate halt to all violence » in Gaza.

Turkey says Gaza attacks a crime against humanity

Brazil criticizes Israeli attack on Gaza

Venezuela rejects Israel’s attacks on Gaza

Asian governments roundly condemn Israel’s ‘genocide’ in Gaza Strip

Israel air strikes spark protests worldwide

Demonstrators in cities around the world are gathering to protest against the Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip that have killed more than 300 people in the Palestinian territory.

Eye-witness: Morgues overflow with bodies

Russia asks Israel to end Gaza attacks, let in aid

Violent protests at Israeli Embassy in London

China calls for immediate halt to Gaza attacks

Sarkozy calls for immediate halt to Gaza violence

Britain slams ‘unacceptable’ loss of life in Gaza

Kucinich criticizes Israel; wants U.N. probe

Kucinich likened the Israeli attacks on Gaza to its war with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon in 2006. In both cases, he said, civilian populations were attacked and “countless innocents” were killed or injured.

“All this was, and is, disproportionate, indiscriminate mass violence in violation of international law,” Kucinich said in a statement. “Israel is not exempt from international law and must be held accountable.”

Israel considers ground attack as it mobilises more troops

Israel‘s cabinet yesterday approved the call-up of thousands of reservists as the military deployed tanks close to the border with Gaza while pressing on with air strikes, suggesting a major ground invasion was being considered to follow the biggest single day of conflict in Gaza since the 1967 war.

Israel: Don’t forget the Iranian connection!!!!

Among the many negative consequences of the Second Lebanon War in summer 2006 was the distraction it provided from Iran’s nuclear program.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel trying to kick the Gaza operation into a new push for war on Iran … fought by YOUR kids!

Israel Warns America Yet Again–There’s “Hell To Pay” For Not Attacking Iran

Speaking recently at a conference at the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, Israel’s Minister of Defense Ehud Barak sternly warned his audience (and the world at large) that “If Iran acquires a nuclear weapon, it could try to attack the United States,” specifying that if the Islamic Republic built “even a primitive nuclear weapon” similar to the one used in “destroying Hiroshima” that she would “not hesitate to load it on a ship, arm it with a detonator operated by GPS and sail it into a vital port on the east coast of North America.”

Israel prepares to wipe Gaza Strip off Earth’s face

Israel prepares to continue the military actions despite numerous protests from the international community. A ground operation in the Gaza Strip may start in the next few days. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that her country had no choice. “We do what we have to do to protect our citizens,” Livni said.

London protest over raids on Gaza

Ten people have been arrested for public order offences after clashes at a protest near the Israeli embassy in London against air raids on Gaza.


Amira Hass and Gideon Levy join those in the human race that condemn the actions of those destroying it. To those of my readers that still might have a poblem differentiating Jews from zionists, here are but two examples of the difference. Not all Jews are supporters of the evils of zionism…. please remember that in your comments.

Israel bombs Gaza in ‘all-out war’ on Hamas

Israel bombed Gaza for a third day on Monday in an « all-out war » on Hamas, as tanks massed on the border and the Islamists fired deadly rockets to retaliate for the blitz that has killed nearly 320.


Israel Accused Of Massive War Crime Atrocities

Falk, United Nations Special Investigator for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, listed numerous actions by Israel that clearly break the rules of engagement codified in the Geneva Conventions.

‘Israel Has Lost Its Right To Exist’

An article in a leading Norwegian newspaper last weekend lambasted Israel and Judaism and said Israel has lost its right to exist in its present form.

Entitled « God’s chosen people, » the article by author Jostein Gaarder in Aftenposten is raising a storm in Norway. Gaarder, author of the book « Sophie’s World, » links the Israel Defense Forces’ acts in Lebanon to Jewish history and foresees the coming dismantling of the state as it exists today, with the Jews becoming refugees.

Israeli assault targets symbols of Hamas power

Death toll reaches 315, including 7 children, in retaliation for rocket attacks.

Israeli defense minister Ehud Barak told Israel’s parliament in a special session that Israel was not fighting the residents of Gaza « but we have a war to the bitter end against Hamas and its branches. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

BULL BISCUITS! Israel is obliterating Gazan Palestinians as a way of obliterating Hamas.

But I would warn the Israeli politicians and military to be careful what they wish for. Immoral acts against a starving, ill population may yet have a way of going spectacularly, and unimaginably, wrong, in spite of all the people you have killed, and all the physical damage you have created. so far.

5 Girls, Sisters, Killed in Their Sleep

Stand down ‘Christian’ nation.
It’s not your babies.
Ethnic cleansing is not a ‘sin’ as long as the ‘chosen ones’ of Israel do it.


Army Radio reported Monday that captive Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit had been wounded in one of the IAF raids on the Gaza Strip, quoting an unnamed Hamas source as saying that the organization intended to safeguard him.

It said Hamas sources had confirmed an Egyptian television report on that Shalit, kidnapped in Israeli territory outside the Strip in June, 2006 by Hamas and other militant Palestinian groups, was injured.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Gilad Shalit was captured (Israel calls it « kidnapped ») right after Israel shelled the beach at Gaza in an unprovoked attack that killed a family on a picnic. HAMAS promised to keep Shalit alive and well as long as Israel stopped shelling the Gaza beaches.

Gilad Atzmon – Eine Kleine Nacht Murder: How Israeli Leaders Kill for their People’s Votes

In order to grasp the latest devastating murderous Israeli expedition in Gaza one must deeply comprehend the Israeli identity and its inherent hatred towards anyone who fails to be Jewish and a hatred against Arabs in particular. This hatred is imbued in the Israeli curriculum, it is preached by political leaders and implied by their acts, it is conveyed by cultural figures, even within the so-called ‘Israeli Left’.

Anger, sadness over fabricated Holocaust story

« Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people, » literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many others, were taken by Rosenblat’s story of love born on opposite sides of a barbed-wire fence at a concentration camp.

« I question why I never questioned it. I believed it; it was an incredible, hope-filled story. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Relinked because so many people keep sending this to me.

As for the « other kind » of emails screaming that I am an anti-Semite (« Rivero » is a Sephardic name, BTW), yes there is a real reason to post all these articles about holocaust books that turn out to be fakes, including the above, « Fragments: Memories of a Childhood », « Painted Bird », and « Misha ». Even that venerable icon of holocaust worship, « The Diary of Anne Frank » has come into doubt, both because of the ball point pen (unavailable to Anne during the war) used to write portions of the original manuscript, and the emergence of records of a lawsuit by a ghost writer hired by Otto Frank to turn the pieces of legitimate writings by his daughter into a salable propaganda commodity.

The point is this. In the middle of all these revealed hoaxes, there seems to be a total dearth of memoirs that can survive a close examination. Elie Weisel’s book has come under suspicion of being fictional. Emilie Schindler, Oskar’s widow, said that the film « Schindler’s List » was filled with lies. And the famous sketch of three executed Jews by Simon Wiesenthal was revealed as having been traced from a photograph of three German soldiers shot for desertion!

Right now, with Tzipi Livni insisting that Israel is not killing civilians in Gaza even as the bodies of children pile up, it is clear that Israel has a very tenuous relationship to truth. And Israel gets by with their by-way-of-deceptions only because good people will not point out the lies.

ISRAEL: No civilian casualties in Gaza!

Webmaster’s Commentary:

According to Israel, this is NOT a civilian casualty.


The pornographic mass slaughter perpetrated by Israel in the Gaza Strip on Saturday, 27 December, once again reveals the Nazi nature of the Zionist state.

It also underscore the genocidal nature and brutal ugliness of the Zionist mentality, a mentality based on and shaped by murder, bullying, coercion, aggression, brutality and criminality.

Furthermore, it shows that Israel is capable, both mentally and physically, of carrying out a real holocaust against the Palestinian people and other peoples of the Middle East.

Protests Reported in Several Arab States Over the Israeli Attacks on Gaza

Protests have been reported in Lebanon, Yemen, Sryia, Jordan, Iraq and Qatar. The largest reached one million people, according to officials in Yemen.

In Jordan, at least 30 MPs burned the Israeli flag under the parliament dome while in session on Sunday, while calling on their king to fire the Israeli ambassador from Amman. Meanwhile, in Lebanon, hundreds of Palestinian refugees and Lebanese held a rally at the United Nations office in central Beirut.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The the leaders of the world should, collectively, revoke the diplomatic credentials of every Israeli diplomat in their country and send them packing.

Otherwise, they are enablers to genocide.

Gaza 2008.Israeli attack.

UN Security Council urges end to Gaza violence

The UN Security Council called early on Sunday for an immediate end to all violence in Gaza after the death toll climbed past 270 on the second day of Israeli air strikes in retaliation for rocket and mortar fire by Gaza militants.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I predict the US will veto any resolutions.

US veto blocks UN anti-Israel resolution

Washington once again used its veto powers on Sunday to block a resolution calling for an end to the massive ongoing Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip.

US veto blocks UN anti-Israel resolution

The UN Security Council has been unable to force an end to Israeli attacks against Gaza due to the intervention of the United States. Washington once again used its veto powers on Sunday to block a resolution calling for an end to the massive ongoing Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it. » – Ariel Sharon

Israel bombs university in Gaza

Israeli air force jets have bombed the Islamic University in the Gaza Strip, a significant cultural symbol for Hamas.

Witnesses in Gaza said they saw six separate air strikes on the Islamic University just after midnight, followed by smoke and flames, Associated Press (AP) news agency reported.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Bombing a university is tantamount to bombing the future of Palestine, no matter which political party the university seemed to endorse.

Israel mounts PR campaign to blame Hamas for Gaza destruction

Israel has mounted a public relations campaign to convince international hearts and minds that Hamas is to blame for the death and destruction they are seeing on their television screens.

Stung by the wave of international criticism earlier this year when Israel invaded Gaza to stop militants firing rockets, in an operation dwarfed by its current attack, Israel decided to go on the offensive.

Tonight’s plans

8.05pm. Explosions begin again near to us and Al Shifa hospital here in Gaza city…

Shifa ICU: a glimpse of hospital critical injuries

a six year old down’s syndrom with brain trauma

an 11 year old with brain trauma, not likely to survive

a 13 year old with a head injury (”brain matter out”)

a 21 year old, leg amputated, various shrapnel injuries over body and face, loss of hearing in one ear

a 21 year old, braindead, “hopeless” case

a man in his fifties, neither police nor resistance

a man in his forties, on the beach when struck, head trauma (”brain matter out”)

a man in his fifties, head trauma

a 53 year old, shrapnel in the brain, no surgery possible

Gaza massacres must spur us to action

« I will play music and celebrate what the Israeli air force is doing. » Those were the words, spoken on Al Jazeera today by Ofer Shmerling, an Israeli civil defense official in the Sderot area adjacent to Gaza, as images of Israel’s latest massacres were broadcast around the world.

The Hanukkah Massacre in GAZA. The Sacrificial Lamb to the Israeli-American-Arab Interests

As of this writing 284 Palestinians have been murdered, over 700 injured (many in critical condition); most are innocent civilians living in the most densely populated area in the world—Gaza. This is the highest one day total of dead and injured by Israel’s terrorism since its founding in 1948.

Protest in London over Gaza being bombed

Violent confrontations broke out at the Israeli Embassy in London today as up to 1,500 protesters against Israel’s Gaza campaign gathered in a vociferous demonstration.

Campaign supporters, Palestinians and British Muslims stood on the pavement of High Street Kensington, west London, and chanted in unison: “Five, six, seven, eight – Israel is a terror state.”

Dignity Leaves on Emergency Mission

More than two-hundred, maybe three-hundred people have died in Gaza under the shelling of Israeli military jets. Hundreds are injured. This Sunday, the killing activities have continued. The wall between Gaza and Egypt has now been torn down by Gazans, according to international Human Rights observers witnessing and documenting the Israeli attacks on Gaza. Millions of people in the world are shocked, hurt, and angry about this « Guernica in Gaza », as Vik calls it (see below). In Guernica, the civil population was punished for its democratic elections.

Israel targets pharmacy in Rafah

Shortly before 7:00am local time, yet another Israeli missile strike hit the residential neighbourhood of Hi Alijnina in the southern Gaza town of Rafah.

This time a pharmacy was targeted, totally destroying the building and causing severe damage to surrounding homes. Electricity lines were torn down during the blast and the street was littered with medicines. This footage was filmed within minutes of the attack as fire fighters battled to control the blaze. Shocked residents poured into the streets, some still wearing pyjamas.

Disinformation, secrecy and lies: How the Gaza offensive came about

Sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.

Israel Masses Troops, Tanks For Possible Ground Invasion

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says there are no plans to occupy Gaza, after two days of airstrikes in the Palestinian territory and the callup of 6,500 Israeli reserve soldiers.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Remember what Shimon Peres said in an interview published yesterday, Saturday, 27 December, as reported by Xinhuanet.com:


« Israel has no plan to invade the Gaza Strip in its efforts to end the continuing rocket attacks from the Hamas-ruled enclave, President Shimon Peres said in an interview published Saturday. »

We know when Israeli politicians lie: they open their mouthes, and they speak.

In pictures: Hanukka Massacre

Hundreds of activists in Tel Aviv protest IAF strike in Gaza

According to the protesters, Israel’s military action in Gaza does not protect Israeli citizens or provide them security.

« No one can tell us that slaughtering the citizens of Gaza is meant to protect the citizens of Sderot and Ashkelon, » said Matan Kaminer, a student who participated in the march.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The attack on Gaza has made the world MORE dangerous for Jews. But that is what the government of Israel wants! If Jews of the world are safe, there is no need for the Israeli government.

Today I end my support of Israel

I’m Jewish and descendant of holocaust survivors. Moreover, I’ve been a Zionist all of my life. I went to a Zionist school, I was active in Zionist youth groups. I’ve always been a fervent supporter of Israel as a refuge for Jews around the world who seek a place to exercise their traditions and embrace their identity in peace.

I sang the Israeli anthem in the train rails of Aushwitz-Birkenau and I pledged to fight every day of my life to make sure the savage crimes that had taken place there would never happen again. Every year I pledged: Never Again. Remember and Never forget.

Top Israeli Newspaper Raises Doubts About Gaza Attack

In the usual process, the U.S. government, media here – and most liberal bloggers – are silent or playing down questions about whether Israel overreacted in its massive air strikes on Gaza, while the foreign press, and even Haaretz in Israel, carries more balanced accounts.

Violent protests at Israeli Embassy in London

Violent confrontations broke out at the Israeli Embassy in London today as up to 1,500 protesters against Israel’s Gaza campaign gathered in a vociferous demonstration.

As the standoff continued, a security guard at the nearby Royal Garden Hotel said police had been rapidly outnumbered and handled the situation “terribly”.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It might just be that Israel has misjudged the degree of public anger over this latest atrocity.

And as a result, the world’s Jewish people are in far more danger than they were a week ago, contrary to Israel’s professed desire to make the world safe for Jews.

Show them how not all Jews are Zionist:




Across Mideast, thousands protest Israeli assault

Crowds of thousands swept into the streets of cities around the Middle East on Sunday to denounce Israel’s air assault on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

From Lebanon to Iran, Israel’s adversaries used the weekend assault to marshal crowds into the streets for noisy demonstrations. And among regional allies there was also discontent: The prime minister of Turkey, one of the few Muslim countries to have relations with Israel, called the air assault a « crime against humanity. »

Several of Sunday’s protests turned violent. A crowd of anti-Israel protesters in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul became a target for a suicide bomber on a bicycle.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Think carefully about that last one. A suicide bomber targeting anti-Israel protesters? Does that not tell you who the suicide bombers have been working for all along?


No organization called for the demonstration – but more than a thousand men and women gathered spontaneously in order to protest in front of the Ministry of Defense in Tel-Aviv, only a few hours after the murderous Air Force attack on the Gaza strip started.

Why there were rockets. How to explain things to totally ignorant Americans.

How would America and Americans react if we were under a foreign military occupation. Them saying it was the will of their god to do it would hardly find an accepting ear. Oh « god » told you to kill my children and demolish my house, oh well in that case it’s oK…. Not going to happen.

The Hanukah Massacre on Gaza–Judaism in its Finest Hour

“When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy…You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…” –Book of Deuteronomy, 7:1-8

Civilian houses and medical centres targeted by Israeli air-strikes

Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip have been ongoing through the night, with civilian houses and medical centres being targeted by Israeli air-strikes.

Last night thousands of Palestinian residents of Gaza were subjected to calls from the Israeli Ministry of Defence saying that « any house that has guns or weapons will be targeted next without further warning or any announcement »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The IMD’s announcement about « any house that has guns or weapons will be targeted next without further warning or any announcement » can be translated as follows;

« No matter if your house has guns or not, it has become fair game for complete destruction, as well as the destruction of any and all inhabitants ».

In photos: ‘Israel Attacks Gaza’

Israeli troops near Gaza, airstrikes continue

Israeli warplanes pressing one of Israel’s deadliest assaults ever on Palestinian militants dropped bombs and missiles on a top security installation, smuggling tunnels and dozens of other targets across Hamas-ruled Gaza on Sunday.

Israel called up 6,500 reserve soldiers and moved tanks, infantry and armored units to the Gaza border for a possible ground invasion. Some 280 Palestinians died in the first 24 hours of the campaign against Gaza rocket squads.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel broke the cease fire November 5th with a raid that killed 6 Palestinians.

Analysis: The Hamas army

« Hamas has learned a lot from Hizbullah and has adopted many of the Lebanese group’s tactics which were used successfully against the IDF in the Second Lebanon War, » one IDF official said.

Since Israel’s unilateral disengagement from the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2005, Hamas has created a military with a clear hierarchy, led by Hamas « chief » Ahmed Ja’abri.

Gaza residents breach Egypt border as IAF bombs 40 smuggling tunnels

Gaza residents on Sunday breached the border fence with Egypt in several places and hundreds have crossed the frontier prompting Egyptian border guards to open fire, said officials and witnesses on both sides of the border.

Gaza’s desperate hospitals overwhelmed by casualties

Two of Gaza’s highest-ranking security officials are among the victims of Israeli airstrikes. Medical personnel scramble to treat the wounded in facilities left low on supplies by a blockade.


The Israeli bombings is flagrantly violating all laws which call for protecting civilians. This was so obvious from the number of civilian casualties. The brutal bombings happened in time of school children were going home after a normal day of study. A considerable number of children were killed, but medical sources didn’t announce official numbers in this respect. Identities of killed people are still unknown but few ones.

Egypt accused of ‘deceiving’ Hamas

London-based newspaper quotes sources who say Egyptian intelligence minister deliberately misled Palestinian organization about IDF intentions; Hamas sources say this is why movement’s compounds were not evacuated

With Gaza raid, Barak is back in the political ring

Two months after Ehud Olmert was elected as Israel’s prime minister, the Second Lebanon War broke out. Two months before Olmert departs, the military campaign in the south breaks out.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

War Crimes as a campaign tool?

Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza Strip Imperil Obama’s Peace Chances

Israel has been warning for weeks that it would not tolerate regular rocket attacks launched from Hamas-controlled territory in the Gaza Strip, and it has been laying the groundwork for a new offensive with the collapse this month of a shaky six-month cease-fire. Still, the ferocity and scope of yesterday’s Israeli attacks, which killed at least 225, appeared to stun Western governments and analysts. Arab countries condemned Israel, and Saudi Arabia urged the United States to intervene to stop the attacks.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Western governments and analysts, had they been reading this site once in a while, would not have been « stunned » at all about either the timing, or the ferocity, of this assault.

They would have understood completely that the desired outcomes of the Israeli siege of Gazan Palestinians, through malnutrition and disease, was simply to « soften them up » for « the kill » of an Israeli military assault.

This is obvious as to hardly be worth repeating, except some people didn’t get it the first time they saw this phrase here. It was more than a metaphor: it was a truism about what the Israeli government wanted to accomplish.

They would have understood that Israel would do this kind of action right before Obama’s inauguration to completely destroy any possibility of a viable peace deal going forward.

What Israel really wants is territory, not peace,and territory by any means necessary; if it really had wanted peace, it could have accomplished that a long time ago.

Israeli air strikes – photos

Grief and fear in Gaza

The man said he had been going to work in a clinic when he heard the sound of planes and turned back. But after that he cannot remember what happened – he just woke up injured, with wounds in his hand, leg and stomach.

The teenage boy had blood on his head and was in a lot of pain. He could not even remember his own name. « I don’t even know where I am, » he said to me.

I saw a body too, in the emergency room, with a stick of wood stuck through the chest.


More than 230 Palestinians were killed and several hundred others injured Saturday when Israeli warplanes and combat helicopters carried out massive aerial bombing attacks targeting numerous police and security-related buildings throughout the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian officials and spokespersons in both Gaza and the West Bank used epithets such “carnage,” “massacres,” and “war of extermination” to describe the deadly Israeli raids.

The intensity of the bombing, say Gaza citizens, were unprecedented in living memory.

Iran orders all Muslims to defend Palestinians against Israeli Gaza raids

Iran‘s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei issued a religious decree to Muslims around the world on Sunday, ordering them to defend Palestinians against Israel’s attacks on Gaza, state television said.

« All Palestinian combatants and all the Islamic world’s pious people are obliged to defend the defenceless women, children and people in Gaza in any way possible. Whoever is killed in this legitimate defense is considered a martyr, » state television quoted Khamenei as saying in a statement.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel broke the cease fire on November 5th (while Americans were distracted celebrating Obama’s victory) with an unprovoked attack that killed 6 Palestinians.

‘Little Baghdad’ in Gaza – bombs, fear and rage

There are many corpses and wounded, every moment another casualty is added to the list of the dead, and there is no more room in the morgue.

Relatives search among the bodies and the wounded in order to bring the dead quickly to burial. A mother whose three school-age children were killed, and are piled one on top of the other in the morgue, screams and then cries, screams again and then is silent.

FLASHBACK: U.N. Report: Jews are Terrorists, Not Palestinians

Israel mounts third day of Gaza raids

Six Hamas activists killed during Israeli raids in Gaza Strip

The death toll in the Gaza Strip rose to six on Wednesday morning after another Al-Qassam Brigades fighter died of wounds sustained in an Israeli airstrike near Khan Younis.

Five Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades activists were killed earlier on Tuesday evening by Israeli fire in the Al-Qarara area of Khan Younis and at Juhr Ad-Dik, in central Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This was the raid that ended the cease fire in Gaza.

The most propagandized country on earth, the US

Sixty years of massive, ongoing, coldly calculated human rights abuses against the Palestinian people.

That’s the legacy of the State of Israel.

Americans pay the bills for this tyranny and our hopelessly corrupt news media and elected officials go along with it because it’s politically expedient.

Note: The videos of IfAmericansKnew.org are constantly removed by YouTube censors.

I have no idea how long this one will be up.


We have yet another « Israel under alles » president headed to the White House – and the Israeli war party knows it.

Thus their recent savage and very public bombardment of civilians in Gaza by the Israeli military.

Recall the Israeli war machine would be out of money in three months without constant US subsidy.

What will President Obama do about this latest display of savagery by the Israeli war party?

Let’s see…

He picked Hilary Clinton as his Secretary of State… and Rahm Emanuel, dual US-Israeli citizen and son of an Israeli terrorist, as his chief of staff…

It doesn’t look good.

I’m afraid we’re going to find out that selling « hope » is not unlike selling « soap, »
the only difference being people who sell soap actually deliver something.

The only unequivocal promise I heard Obama make during the campaign was to support Israel and my guess it that’s the only one he’s going to keep up.

America needs to wake up.

Obama’s silence on Israeli airstrikes disappoints many

President–elect Barack Obama blew the first opportunity that had come his way to show that unlike his predecessors, he was going to adopt a more even-handed approach to the Palestine question by choosing to keep quiet after savage Israeli airstrikes across Gaza.

U.S. demands Hamas end terrorist acts, urges Israel to avoid civilian casualties

The United States on Saturday urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties in air strikes on Gaza, and said Hamas must stop rocket attacks into Israel for the violence to cease.

The White House did not call for an end to the Israel Air Force strikes that have killed at least 155 people in Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Nor did the United States make any comments back on November 5th when Israel broke the cease fire.

This zionist whore doesn’t speak for me

Pelosi: US must stand strongly with Israel

Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi issued a statement concerning the Israeli operation in Gaza in which she wrote that « When Israel is attacked, the United States must continue to stand strongly with its friend and democratic ally. »

US holds Hamas ‘responsible’ for Gaza violence: Rice

The United States holds Hamas « responsible » for the renewal of deadly violence in Gaza after the Islamist group broke its ceasefire with Israel, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Saturday.

An earlier version of Rice’s statement was recalled by the State Department and replaced with a slightly adjusted version that expressed Washington’s concern about the violence and added an appeal to safeguard innocent lives.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Secretary Rice: Israel broke the cease-fire on 5 November of this year.

The only reason you added that little bit of palaver in your statement about « appeal to safeguard innocent lives » was simply a sop to Israel’s infuriated Arab neighbors, upon whom the US depends for oil.

Were there no US dependence on Arab countries for oil, that little bit about « humanitarian concern » would never have appeared in this statement at all.

The US government absolutely doesn’t care about how many kids, women, the medically infirm, and the elderly Israel kills, as long as this conflict doesn’t spread regionally. That is the only « containment » issue they care about.

Scores killed in Israeli airstrikes on Gaza

At least 155 Palestinians have been killed and 200 wounded across the Gaza Strip in massive Israeli air strikes on the Hamas-run enclave. Israel has launched a massive wave of air strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza after warning of a fiery riposte to ongoing rocket fire, officials said.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And again, no mention that Israel broke the cease fire on November 5th with their unprovoked attack that killed 6 Palestinians.

Israel is addicted to violence

The attack on the Gaza strip is proof that Israel is addicted to violence. Slaughtering 155 civilians, many of whom are women and children, can not be justified.

Every nation state has the right to defend itself against terrorism and wanton aggresion but this attack is both disgraceful and disproportionate, and Israel, a nation which has endured much suffering in its relatively short history, should recognise this. Imagine the international response if the UK committed such an act in today in Afghanistan.

Israel attacks Gaza, more than 155 reported killed

Black smoke billowed over Gaza City, where the dead and wounded lay scattered on the ground after more than 30 air strikes destroyed Palestinian security compounds, including two where Hamas was hosting graduation ceremonies for new recruits.

The Israeli army said it had targeted « terrorist infrastructure » following days of rocket attacks from Gaza on southern Israel that caused some damage but few injuries.


With the `peace process` going nowhere, and beset by chronic internal divisions, Fatah has once again postponed convening its long-overdue Sixth Congress. The last time Fatah held its general congress was in Algiers nearly 20 years ago.

At least 195 killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza: Hamas

« The number of victims has reached 195 martyrs with more than 300 wounded, 120 of whom are critically hurt, » he told AFP. « The toll has gone up because of new Israeli raids and the discovery of several martyrs under the rubble. »

Israeli leaders ‘to topple Hamas’

The two leading candidates to become Israel’s next prime minister have vowed if elected to topple the Palestinian Islamist movement, Hamas, in Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And there is the real agenda behind this morning’s attacks; to wreck the government the Palestinian people voted for.

PA ‘ready’ to take Gaza if Hamas ousted

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel‘s puppet ready to take over once the elected government gets kicked out.

Israel the only Democracy in the Mideast?


Today is not an ordinary Shabbat in Israel…. it is the Shabbat of Chanukah. It is also a new month on the Hebrew calendar. A time to celebrate….

BUT…. Israel decided to wage war against the people of Palestine instead. An area where one and a half million people are literally being held hostage by the zionist regeme is being bombed as I write this.

Shadow of death spreads over Gaza

Israeli helicopters fly over the Gaza Strip for a second round of attacks after killing at least 195 people in their previous attack.

Military gunboats have also been approaching the coastal territory, witnesses told Press TV on Saturday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

… and you paid for it all!

‘The Hospitals In Gaza City Cannot Cope’

Russia Today has a video on the situation in Gaza, where Israel has launched an air strike attack. It reports that the strikes happened while children were leaving school, and many parents are still trying to locate their children. Watch it here:

Israel’s Gaza Operation Infuriates Arab World

World leaders appealed for a halt to violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip on Saturday after at least 190 Palestinians were killed in an IDF offensive against Hamas and dozens of rockets were launched into Israel in response, killing one and wounding several others.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel will listen to calls for « restraint’ when pigs fly!!


International Witnesses Speak Out from Gaza

« Israeli missles tore through a children’s playground and busy market in Diere Balah, we saw the aftermath – many were injured and some reportedly killed. Every Hospital in the Gaza strip is already overwhelmed with injured people and does not have the medicine or the capacity to treat them. Israel is committing crimes against humanity, it is violating international and human rights law, ignoring the United Nations and planning even bigger attacks.

Israel attacks Gaza, scores killed

Israeli war planes and combat helicopters pounded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing at least 195 people.

The dead and wounded lay scattered on the ground after the attacks, which destroyed several Hamas police compounds.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

They probably were not terrorists before. But they sure as hell are now!

Gaza Airstrikes: Did Israel target School Children?


Mass murderers expect your support and understanding

Israeli aircraft attacked police and security installations across the Gaza Strip, killing scores of people in the deadliest raid since the occupation of the coastal region ended in 2005, security and medical officials said.

Obama on Gaza: ‘No Comment’

« There was no immediate comment on the Israeli air strikes on Gaza from Obama, who is vacationing with his family in Hawaii, or his staff. »

Egyptians open fire on Palestinians

Egyptian border guards have opened fire on Palestinians who breached the border to escape Israel’s assault on Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

An Egyptian security official said there were at least five breaches along the nine-mile border and hundreds of Palestinian residents were pouring in.

At least 300 Egyptian border guards have been rushed to the area to reseal the border, the official added on condition on anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the press.

Democratic Underground’s Treatment of Discusson About the Israel/Palestine Conflict is Shameful

The Israel/Palestine conflict is at the heart of the confluence of U.S. foreign policy and world opinion about this country and its government. It is arguably one of the central drivers of U.S. middle eastern policy. It is at the heart of neoconservativism and the impacts that misguided philosophy have visited upon our nation. The U.S.

Israel to mount emergency international PR effort in wake of Gaza campaign

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Saturday instructed the Foreign Ministry to take emergency measures to adapt Israel’s international public relations to the ongoing escalation in the Gaza Strip.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Okay, open for ideas here. How do we make it look like it’s the school childrens’ fault they got killed. anyone? Anyone? Hello? »

New poll: Kadima surges into the lead

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Well, THAT’S worth bombing a bunch of schoolkids for!!! »

Massive Israeli air raids on Gaza – VIDEO

Israeli F-16 bombers have pounded targets across the Gaza Strip, killing more than 200 people and injuring at least 700, according to local medical workers.

Hundreds killed in a series of bloody IOF air raids on Gaza

Israeli warplanes on Saturday launched a series of bloody air raids on the Gaza Strip that left at least 120 people killed and 200 others wounded.

Witnesses described the intensified raids as a « real war » where they targeted almost all security headquarters in the Strip killing scores of Palestinians.

They said that IOF F-16s raided residential neighborhoods in north, central and south of the Gaza Strip, noting that the raids coincided with the students’ return to their homes from school.

Greetings from Palestine

How the rest of the world sees the Hanukkah Massacre

Israel launches massive air raid on Gaza

At least 205 Palestinians killed during Israeli raids on besieged Strip as death toll expected to rise.

Egypt slams Israeli ‘murder’ raids on Gaza
NGOs: ‘devastating impact’ on Gaza civilians
Russia calls on Israel to halt Gaza raids
World Muslim body slams Israeli ‘war crime’
EU calls for immediate ceasefire in Gaza
Britain ‘deeply concerned’ by Israeli air strikes
Sarkozy calls for immediate halt to Gaza violence
US urges Israel avoid civilian casualties in Gaza
Austria warns of fresh Mideast ‘spiral of violence’
Bethlehem douses Christmas lights over Gaza
Israeli Arabs take protest Israeli strikes on Gaza

The rains of death in Gaza


Gaza massacres must spur us to action

« I will play music and celebrate what the Israeli air force is doing. » Those were the words, spoken on Al Jazeera today by Ofer Shmerling, an Israeli civil defense official in the Sderot area adjacent to Gaza, as images of Israel’s latest massacres were broadcast around the world.

US blames Hamas for provoking Israel

Webmaster’s Commentary:

… and Saddam really did have nookular bombs, too! Honest!

World recoils at Gaza bloodshed, US backs Israel

The United States said massive Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip were the fault of Islamist Hamas « thugs, » as rival world powers urged both sides to halt escalating violence.

Outgoing US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said in a statement that the US « holds Hamas responsible, » whereas the European Union, Russia and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon distanced themselves from blaming either side.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel broke the cease fire on November 5th with a raid which killed 6 Palestinians.

But the US, which lied to the world about Saddam’s « nookular » bombs, continues its perfect record of mendacity with this latest whopper that the rape victim was just asking for it!


Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel is trying to sell this « They made us do it » excuse to explain the bombing of Gaza, including a schoolyard hit just as children were leaving classes. But as the blame gets bounced back and forth, remember that the maps tell the true story of just who is invading who, and of just who wants to wipe whom off of the map!


Israel resumes Gaza bombardment

Israeli warplanes have resumed their air strikes on Gaza, blasting targets all over the Strip, including a mosque and a TV station.

Inside Gaza: ‘The hospital morgues were already full. The dead were piled on top of each other outside’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Further attacks are underway, targeting at least one Mosque, a TV station, and the graduating class at the police academy where brand new traffic cops were gathered with their families and children.

Gaza: Protests in London on Sunday & Monday

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Which will be ignored by the obedient (to Israel) British government.

Bloody Day in Gaza

A family of 9 members, 15 young children, and some women were killed but not recognized. Ministry of Health is not able to recognize the ID’s of casualties. Tawfiq Jaber, Director of Gaza police was killed in the air raids along with Ismail El Jabari head of security section in the police. Governor of central Gaza governorates and camps was killed as Israel hit his car.

Arab League to hold summit on Gaza

A look back to what’s ahead: Siege and Separation, Sharon’s New (Old) Plan 06,June,2001

« Surely the attempt is to strangulate the Palestinians into submission. »

That statement was made in 2001 based on activities at the time. A more appropriate statement for today’s activities would be….

« Surely the attempt is to eliminate the last remaining Palestinians.« 

Robert Fisk’s World: One missing word sowed the seeds of catastrophe

[United Nations Security Council Resolution 242], you’ll recall, was supposed to be the resolution that would guide all future peace efforts in the Middle East; Oslo was supposed to have been founded on it and all sorts of other processes and summits and road maps.

It was passed in November 1967, after Israel had occupied Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Sinai and Golan, and it emphasises « the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war » and calls for « withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict ».

28 décembre 2008

Attaque de la Palestine: Le Canada doit demander un cessez-le-feu

Filed under: Palestine — François M. @ 1:51

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East

Le Canada doit demander un cessez-le-feu

Merci d’avoir participé à notre appel à l’action

Le samedi 27 décembre, Israël a tué plus de 230 Palestiniens et en a blessés plus de 400. Dans un communiqué de presse, le Ministre canadien des Affaires étrangères a excusé l’attaque israélienne en la qualifiant d’« autodéfense ». Veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous pour faire savoir à nos chefs politiques canadiens que la folie à Gaza a assez duré. Le Canada doit demander un cessez-le-feu immédiat et inconditionnel. Veuillez poser ce geste pour Gaza et sa population.

Veuillez cliquer ici pour envoyer votre courriel.

Renseignements supplémentaires:

Israël a exercé de la pression sur la population de Gaza à travers des mesures de plus en plus extrêmes au cours des dernières années (voir les fiches-info à gauche). Par exemple, pendant presque toute l’année dernière, les habitants ne pouvaient entrer ou sortir de Gaza, même en cas d’urgence médicale extrême. Le carburant et les autres approvisionnements étaient arrêtés en chemin par Israël, ce qui a causé la fermeture de presque toute l’industrie de Gaza. Les livraisons de produits médicaux et de denrées alimentaires ont également été dramatiquement réduites, accablant ainsi une population déjà victime de pauvreté.

Bien qu’Israël justifie l’offensive actuelle par le lancement de roquettes Qassam à partir de Gaza (voir fiche-info), CJPMO croit que l’occupation israélienne de la Cisjordanie et de Gaza (voir fiche-info) est la cause première de la violence.

Veuillez acheminer ce courriel à d’autres après avoir envoyé votre réponse.

Merci beaucoup!

L’équipe de direction de CJPMO

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) is a non-profit and secular organization bringing together men and women of all backgrounds who labour to see justice and peace take root again in the Middle East. Its mission is to empower decision-makers to view all sides with fairness and to promote the equitable and sustainable development of the region.

« Les Canadiens pour la Justice et le Paix au Moyen-Orient » (CJPMO) est une organisation séculaire, sans but lucratif, regroupant des hommes et des femmes d’horizons divers qui œuvrent pour que la paix et la justice renaissent au Moyen-Orient. Elle a pour vocation de responsabiliser les personnes d’influence à traiter les protagonistes avec équité et à favoriser l’essor durable et équilibré de la région.


30 seconds for Gaza – please…

On Saturday, Dec. 27th, Israel killed over 230 Palestinians, and wounded over 400. In a press statement, Canada’s minister of foreign affairs excused Israel’s attack as « self defence. » Please click on the link below to tell our Canadian political leaders that the madness in Gaza has gone on far too long. Canada must call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. Please do this for the sake of Gaza and its people.

Please click here to go to our email submit form.

More information:

Israel has been pressuring the population of Gaza with more and more extreme measures over the past several years (see factsheets at left.) For almost all of the past year, for example, people were unable to leave or enter Gaza, even for extreme medical emergencies. Fuel and supplies were stopped by Israel, which resulted in the shutting down of almost all Gaza industry. Health supplies and food deliveries have also been drastically low, punishing an already poverty-stricken population.
While Israel justifies its current offensive on rocket attacks from Gaza (see factsheet), CJPME believes that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and Gaza (see factsheet) is the root cause of the violence.

Please forward this email to others after you have responded yourself.
Thank you very much!

The CJPME Leadership

Child Injured
A man seeks aid for a child severely injured in Israel’s Dec. 27th attack. (Photo AFP) / Un enfant palestinien gravement blessé par les attaques israéliennes sur la Ville de Gaza samedi le 27 décembre. (Photo AFP)

Relevant Documents:

Yellow LIne

CJPME Resources (English):

Siege of Gaza Update, May 2008 (CJPME Factsheet)
Qassam Rocket Attacks from Gaza (CJPME Factsheet)

Documents pertinents:

Ressources CJPMO (français):

Blocus de Gaza, envahissant et destructeur (Fiche-info CJPMO)
Le statut d’Israël en tant qu’occupant militaire de la bande de Gaza (Fiche-info CJPMO)
Attaques de roquette Qassam à partir de la Bande de Gaza (Fiche-info CJPMO)
La crise humanitaire de Gaza et ses origines politiques (Fiche de Position CJPMO)

Réagissons contre le massacre que le régime d’apartheid israélien vient de perpétrer à Gaza.

Au moins 200 Palestiniens ont été tués lors de la récente attaque d’Israël sur la bande de Gaza,
et davantage de sang pourrait être versé, car cette attaque se poursuit.

Il s’agit du plus important massacre commis à Gaza depuis son occupation illégale par Israël en
1967. De nombreuses victimes sont des civils, et leur nombre continue d’augmenter.

Le blocus a déjà tué des dizaines de personnes.

L’opération de l’armée israélienne, baptisée « Opération plomb durci », rappelle des incursions
antérieures à Gaza caractérisées par des attaques aveugles sur des secteurs peuplés de civils,
des détentions massives, de violentes démolitions de maisons et autres formes de punitions
collectives contre le peuple palestinien.

De plus, cette manifestation dénoncera l’appui total du gouvernement canadien à Israël, illustré par le renforcement bilatéral des liens sur les plans militaire, politique et économique.
Ce nième massacre exécuté à Gaza se déroule avec la complicité officielle du Canada
à l’égard du siège illégal qu’Israël impose à Gaza et des sanctions continues que subissent les civils de Gaza. Depuis deux ans, la bande de Gaza subit la violence quotidienne de la vaste catastrophe humanitaire causée par les lourdes restrictions pesant sur l’accès aux ressources énergétiques, à la nourriture et aux médicaments. De fait, Gaza est la plus vaste prison en plein air du monde.

Solidarité pour les droits humains des Palestiniens (SDPH) et Tadamon! Montréal

SDPH est un organisme à but non lucratif formé d’étudiants qui lutte
pour l’établissement d’une solide plate-forme sociale en vue de défendre
les droits des Palestiniens contre toute forme de violation des droits de la personne
et toutes formes de racisme, de discrimination, de désinformation et de fausses représentations.
Au moyen de la sensibilisation, du travail de défense des droits, d’actions directes non violentes et du développement de la solidarité, ainsi qu’en faisant connaître l’identité, la culture
et l’histoire du peuple palestinien, SDPH œuvre à défendre les droits des Palestiniens à la fois sur le plan local et à l’échelle internationale. http://www.sphr.org/

Tadamon! (« solidarité » en arabe) est un collectif montréalais qui apporte sa contribution solidaire
aux luttes pour l’autodétermination, l’égalité et la justice au Moyen-Orient et dans les communautés de la diaspora, à Montréal et ailleurs. Tadamon! mène actuellement des campagnes politiques au Canada,
dont la campagne visant le boycott, le désinvestissement et les sanctions contre l’État d’apartheid
israélien. http://www.tadamon.ca/

27 décembre 2008

La liberté d’expression est menacée

Filed under: Liberté d'expression / Censure — François M. @ 11:17


La liberté d’expression est menacée

L’aĝe de la pensée criminelle a commencé, la censure est présente et on voudrait vous inculquer certaines « vérités », quitte à utiliser des menaces et l’emprisonnement. Tel est la réalité, que vous l’aimiez ou pas. La liste d’articles ci-dessous vont vous apporter de nombreux exemples concrets.

Il y a un guerre qui a lieu présentement pour votre esprit, mais la plupart n’en sont pas conscients. La guerre du savoir et de l’information. Le savoir est aussi une arme.

The Age Of Thought Crime Has Begun

So it’s official. Thought crimes in the UK now do exist, and you can receive long jail sentences for committing a thought crime.

You WILL believe what you are told to believe!

Desperation on the cusp of madness. The holocaust has become the new religion for the new Dark ages, complete with burning of the heretics.

Zundel sentenced to 5 years

Truth needs no laws to support it. Truth has facts and logic to support it and facts and logic are enough. In the absence of facts and logic, coercion must be used. From Galileo to Zundel, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.

Nothing so much as the extreme methods defenders of the official version resort to calls into doubt the validity of their view of history. After all, one does not see jail recommended for those who insist Elvis is still alive. People who claim to see Bigfoot are not prosecuted in a court of law. Only in the case of the history of WW2 are those who dare question what they have been taught by a government of proven liars hunted down by mobs screaming, « BURN THE HERETIC! BURN THE HERETIC! »

Jailing Zundel was a very foolish thing to do. The inevitable result will be that more and more people will want to know what it is he wrote that caused such an uproar. Zundel’s writings and videos, already all over the internet, will draw new interest and study, and one and only one conclusion will be possible. Zundel is in jail because he raised questions that the defenders of the orthodoxy have no answers for, other than chains and truncheons.

Why I admire Ernst Zundel

UN Adopts Resolution Condemning Refusal to Believe That Elvis is Dead

UN Adopts Resolution Condemning Holocaust Denial

The brief text simply « condemns without any reservation any claim that Elvis is still alive. »

That a resolution is well-intended does not make it wise. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And this resolution is very unwise. It is an attack on free expression – at a time when that is under threat from many quarters. Free expression is a unique and primary good in free societies; it’s the oxygen that sustains other freedoms. You must therefore have very good reasons for restricting it by law.

Truth needs no laws to support it. Truth has evidence, facts, hard scientific proof to back it up. Truth can stand alone. Throughout history, from Galileo to Zundel, from the Holy Inquisition to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, only lies and liars have resorted to the courts to enforce adherence to declared dogma.

There is no law making it a crime to claim the sun rises in the west. People who insist Elvis is still alive are not sent to jail. Prison does not hold a cell ready for those who claim to have seen Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster. Only in this one unique part of history is the mere asking of a question grounds for prosecution. If ones dares mention that the soap and lampshade stories were hoaxes, one can be sent to jail, no matter that the soap and lampshade stories WERE hoaxes and frauds. Holocaust questioning has been made such a serious crime than even truth will not be allowed as a defense.

History is full of genocides, and in all those crimes the victims scream out for a fuller examination of that which was done to them. All those crimes, save one. In the case of the Holocaust, it is the purported victims themselves who most argue that the facts never be examined closely.

In a world where we know that we were lied into the war in Iraq, prudence demands that we re-examine everything we have ever been taught.

Prosecutors want Holocaust denier jailed

I suspect you will not see the mainstream media shouting « Freedom of speech » in this case.

All Germany is going to do is create yet another martyr for truth, and remind everyone that the holocaust must rely on the coercion of the courts rather than open debate of the facts. Nothing so much as the actions of the defenders of the orthodoxy themselves makes it obvious that something is being hidden from the public.

Future history will recall Ernst Zundel in the same breath with Galileo and Giordano Bruno, while already the names of their persecutors are forgotten.

Truth needs no law to enforce it. Nobody needs a law to know that there is just one sun at the center of the solar system. Nobody needs a law to force them to understand that two hydrogen atoms plus one oxygen atom makes up a molecule of water. Nobody needs a law to force them to understand that the acceleration of gravity is a constant. Truth is like that, obvious to all.

Throughout history, laws that punished ideas were used to support lies, not truth. Galileo was punished by law of his day for daring to suggest that the Sun was the center of the solar system. The law protected the lie that the Earth was the center of the universe. The lie that the Earth was the center of the universe NEEDED laws to protect it because there was no evidence to support that claim. In the middle ages, laws that condemned accused witches to horrific deaths were matched with laws that made it illegal to question the reality of witches. The claim that witches were real NEEDED a law to protect it, because there was no evidence that witches were riding their broomsticks up over the top of our homes or turning themselves into black cats.

Truth needs no laws to support it. Only lies require laws to force them upon the public.

I can think of nothing more dangerous to the world than this odious attempt to lead the world into a new dark age where fear rules fact and reason.

Holocaust Denier’s Lawyer Gets Prison

Sylvia Stolz, who represented Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel at his trial, also was banned from practicing law for five years.

Now, how does Germany expect their legal system to work if the lawyers face prison time for defending the accused?

Not since the days of the Nazis has Germany seen such bias instituted as government policy.

Truth needs no laws to support it. Truth survives re-examination. Truth survives questioning. Truth survives verification. Throughout history, from Galileo to Zundel, only lies and liars resort to the courts to enforce adherence to dogma.

Do people who think Elvis is still alive face arrest? Do people who claim to have seen Bigfoot have their lives destroyed? Do people who claim to have taken a ride in an alien spaceship languish in prisons? Only in this one area of inquiry does the mere asking of a question bring the full weight of the legal system down upon ones shoulders. Only in this one area are you commanded to believe as you are told without question, with disobedience to be severely punished.

There is nothing new about genocide. It has happened far too often throughout history. But with genocide, the surviving victims usually WANT further examination of the crime. The surviving victims WANT research. The surviving victims WANT all possible evidence unearthed. Only with the history of WW2 are the purported victims seen to fight as hard as possible the examination of the actual evidence connected to their claims.

It is nothing so much as the behavior of the defenders of the orthodoxy that casts doubt on the veracity of their claims. They act as if they have something to hide.

The land of the free – but free speech is a rare commodity

You can say what you like in the US, just as long as you don’t ask awkward questions about America’s role in the Middle East

Semite?? Who is a Semite?

One of the myths that has been perpetrated on the world is that only Jews are semites. This is totally inaccurate. Unfortunately, the ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) has made a fortune in donations and has conned most media networks and most people in the world into believing this untruth.


The Battle for Control and Censorship of Canada’s Internet by the B’nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress

Jewish Group Urges Firing Of CNN’s Dobbs Over Nazi Remarks

A Jewish group is calling for the firing of an outspoken CNN anchor, Lou Dobbs, after he accused advocates for illegal immigrants of using propaganda techniques employed by Nazi Germany.

« We own the trademark on ‘Nazi’ and nobody can use it except us! »


Israel and powerful Zionist circles in Europe and North America have been seeking of late to spread the message that criticizing Israel and her brutal policies and actions in occupied Palestine borders on anti-Semitism.

The ultimate purpose of this campaign is obviously to silence critics of Israel in order to allow the racist entity to murder Palestinians as quietly as possible and to steal their land as quietly as possible, and to get away with impunity.

Italy shuts down blog exposing Italy’s Jewish academic mafia

Iran Revolution ends the ‘Holocult’

Iran gov’t challenges Europe to hand over Holocaust ‘proof’


According to Zuroff, the notion that Jewish identity is “locked into” the Holocaust and causes resentment, coupled with the statement that “Israel and the Jews are the biggest players” in a “culture of violence [that] is eventually going to destroy humanity,” clearly amount to anti-Semitism.

Adolf the dog’s Nazi salute lands right-wing owner in jail for five months

A German dog called Adolf who salutes like a Nazi on command is today looking for a new home after his right-wing owner was sent to jail.

Don’t the Germans have real problems to deal with? Or is the country running so smoothly they have to look for things to do?

JDL Thugs Attack Paul Fromm

Mainstream Mum on Jewish Terror Attack

Fromm stripped of teaching certificate

B’Nai Brith has just declared that teachers no longer have a private life. Paul Fromm lost his teaching certificate not because he did anything wrong in the classroom, but because he has an opinion that B’Nai Brith does not agree with.

Legislating history

The desire to control both past and present is, of course, a common feature of dictatorships. This can be done through propaganda, distorting the truth or suppressing the facts. Anyone in China who mentions what happened at Tiananmen Square (and many other places) in June 1989 will soon find himself in the less-than-tender embrace of the state security police. Indeed, much of what happened under Chairman Mao Tse-tung remains taboo.

Which brings us to laws punishing th asking of any questions about the holocaust. According to the Los Angeles Times, any nation which has such laws must be a dictatorship.

AP president: US arrests journalist in Iraq to ‘control’ information

Associated Press president Tom Curley says his news organization does not buy the government’s argument that one of its photographers arrested in Iraq was working on behalf of the enemy, and he alleged the US is rounding up journalists in an attempt to control information.

AlterInfo in trouble: another struggle for the freedom of speech on the Internet

The French alternative website Alterinfo.net is threatened with closing down as they face legal complaints and accusations of « antisemitism » by the Zionist lobby.

The French associative AlterInfo news agency is facing what it qualifies as a « new attempt of intimidation and destabilization ».

ADL Battles Internet Free Speech

ADL puts pressure on search engines like Google to filter out websites which criticize Zionism or homosexuality. So far, it has not succeeded. Recently, Google’s Israeli representative, Meir Brand, flatly repulsed ADL requests to ban internet criticism of Zionism. (link to article) ADL has been similarly rebuffed in the United States.


The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution declares “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

However—in open and deviantly proud defiance of American tradition—the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith and other private Jewish pressure groups loyal to a foreign nation—Israel—have achieved special influence in the public arena and are thus able to go beyond the purview of the First Amendment in time and again attempting to suppress (often successfully) the rights of Americans outlined in the First Amendment.

Israël attaque sauvagement la bande de Gaza

Filed under: Israël,Palestine — François M. @ 9:12


Israël attaque sauvagement la bande de Gaza

Ça y est, les sionistes d’Israël ont mis leurs menaces à exécution. Je vous mets en lien les premières informations les plus importantes et je vais vous revenir sur cela dès demain, le temps d’organiser et de collecter toutes les autres détails. Le nombre de morts varie entre 140 et 200 et celui des blessés touche les 700. On nous dit que c’est une attaque en réponse des roquettes que les Palestiniens lancent, mais n’oubliez pas que c’est Israël qui a brisé le cessez-le-feu le 5 novembre dernier. Voir les articles ci-bas pour les sources.

Israël est la 4e puissance nucléaire au monde avec plus de 400 bombes nucléaires, mais ils ont peur de quelques petites roquettes, dernier outil de résistance d’un peuple occupé militairement depuis 60 ans et ayant perdu plus de 80% de leur territoire depuis. Ça fait depuis des mois que Israël tient un siège médiéval sur la Bande de Gaza, interdisant, vêtements, équipement scolaire, nourriture, médicaments, et pétrole. Cela porte un nom: punition collective; et c’est un crime contre l’humanité. Bien que le Hamas a été démocratiquement élu par les Palestiniens, les États-Unis et Israël ont décidé de fermer la porte à toute discussions et processus de paix. Les cibles des dizaines de missiles lancés des airs par l’armée israélienne ne sont pas que des militants du Hamas, mais aussi des postes de police et bâtiments résidentiels, tuant plusieurs femmes et enfants.

Génocide à petit feu de la Palestine.

État apartheid.

Et maintenant… le nettoyage ethnique de la bande de Gaza.

Israël commets ses crimes de guerre en plein temps des fêtes. C’est leur façon de vous souhaiter la bonne année. Incroyable.

Voir les suites du Massacre : http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=EFbSBxLvf1U


Protestations en France cette fin de semaine.

ET A Montréal ???????????????????


Bureau National De l’Union Juive Française pour la Paix

Gaza : la responsabilité directe de la France et de l’Union Européenne

Du blocus à l’assassinat collectif

L’armée israélienne a attaqué Gaza cette nuit avec des moyens militaires énormes. Le premier bilan fait état de 150 morts, civils pour la plupart. Ce massacre était annoncé, envisagé et commenté ces derniers jours dans la presse israélienne, après la fin de la trêve respectée par le Hamas et rompue sans arrêt par l’armée israélienne. Ce crime a été rendu possible par l’impunité totale accordée à Israël depuis bientôt 9 ans et le soutien actif dont il bénéficie au sein de l’Union Européenne. Il est le résultat direct du «rehaussement de la coopération avec l’UE» imposée par la présidence française contre le vote de report du Parlement Européen.
Depuis maintenant des années, la bande de Gaza subit, avec le soutien complice de l’Union Européenne un siège criminel qui viole délibérément toutes les lois internationales : un million et demi de civils sont prisonniers de l’armée israélienne et privés de tout : de nourriture, de carburant, d’électricité, de médicaments, de matériel scolaire … Moins d’un dixième des camions nécessaires au ravitaillement normal de la population parviennent à passer. L’aéroport et le port ont été détruits avant même d’avoir jamais pu fonctionner. Il est interdit de pêcher. Seuls quelques bateaux affrétés par des militants ont pu forcer le blocus. La population subit une «punition» collective impitoyable pour avoir «mal» voté. La communauté internationale laisse faire, voire encourage ce siège. L’occupant a expulsé Robert Falk, le rapporteur spécial sur la situation des droits de l’homme de l’ONU.
Il n’y a aucun statu quo possible, aucune perpétuation envisageable de ce siège impitoyable et criminel. Tout peuple assiégé a le droit de résister à l’oppression.
Aucune symétrie ne peut être établie avec les quelques missiles qui sont tombées sur des villes israéliennes. Il n’y aura pas de sécurité pour les Israéliens sans sécurité pour la population de Gaza. Les politiques européenne et américaine depuis Annapolis, en évitant d’affronter la réalité de l’occupation, aboutissent à l’impasse attendue dont encore une fois le peuple palestinien paie tout le prix.
L’Union Juive Française pour la Paix dénonce le crime qui se déroule contre la population de Gaza. Elle appelle à manifester partout contre cette nouvelle agression. L’UJFP exige une réaction immédiate du gouvernement français, de la Communauté Européenne et de l’ONU pour faire cesser l’agression et pour mettre un terme au blocus de Gaza.

BN de l’UJFP le 27 décembre 2008

Les bombardements aériens menés par Israël dans la bande de Gaza ont fait au moins 205 morts et 700 blessés. C’est le plus lourd bilan côté palestinien en une seule journée depuis le début du conflit il y a 60 ans. Parmi les victimes figurent le chef de la police du Hamas, Taoufik Djabber, ainsi que le chef de l’unité de sécurité et de protection du mouvement islamiste.

Offensive israélienne dans la bande de Gaza, au moins 205 morts

At least 140 Palestinians killed in Israeli air raids on the Gaza Strip

IMEMC correspondent in Gaza Rami Al-Meghari says, it appears the Israeli air strike targeted the Palestinian Police headquarters in the central Gaza Strip and a small police outpost nearby.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Again, here is the problem. Israel is not attacking missile launchers. It is attacking the civil infrastructure of a government elected by the Palestinian people. The selection of targets is what gives away that the real agenda is to wreck Gaza rather than to stop the Qassams.

If Israel really wanted the Qassams to stop, they would give the Gazan police the equipment and supplies to hunt down the people shooting the rockets. Instead the Israelis are doing everything they can to make sure the Gazan police are unable to do anything at all. One has to wonder why that is?

Palestinians: At least 155 dead, over 200 hurt in IAF Gaza strikes

Israel launched Saturday morning the start of a massive offensive against Qassam rocket and mortar fire on its southern communities, targeting dozens of buildings belonging to the ruling Hamas militant group.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Okay, here is the total giveaway that this is all a deadly hoax.

If Israel really was worried about the Qassam, why would they destroy the only civil force working to stop those attacks?

That’s like Russia saying it wants to stop terrorism happening in the US and then attacks our army and police force. It should be obvious that the real agenda is to crush the government, and terror is just the excuse.

The war in Gaza – a vicious folly of a bankrupt government

The war in Gaza, the bloodshed, killing, destruction and suffering on both sides of the border are the vicious folly of a bankrupt government. A government which let itself be dragged by adventurous officers and cheap nationalist demagoguery, dragged into a destructive and unnecessary war which will bring no solution to any problem – neither to the communities of southern Israel under the rain of missiles nor to the terrible poverty and suffering of besieged Gaza.

U.S. demands Hamas end terrorist acts, urges Israel to avoid civilian casualties

The United States on Saturday urged Israel to avoid civilian casualties in air strikes on Gaza, and said Hamas must stop rocket attacks into Israel for the violence to cease.

The White House did not call for an end to the Israel Air Force strikes that have killed at least 155 people in Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Nor did the United States make any comments back on November 5th when Israel broke the cease fire.

Israeli president says no plan to re-enter Gaza

Israel has no plan to invade the Gaza Strip in its efforts to end the continuing rocket attacks from the Hamas-ruled enclave, President Shimon Peres said in an interview published Saturday.

« Israel will take all steps demanded of it in order to stop the rocket fire, » he told the London-based newspaper Asharq al-Awsat, adding that « We will not go into Gaza. There are other ways. We didn’t leave Gaza in order go back. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

We know when Israeli politicians lie to their countrymen and the world: they open their mouthes, and they speak.

Israel-Hamas violence disrupts Gaza truce

Hamas fired dozens of rockets at Israel on Wednesday after Israeli forces killed six Palestinian militants in an eruption of violence that disrupted a four-month-old truce along the Gaza frontier.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

AFTER Israeli forces killed six Palestinian militants. This article tries to spin the blame o0nto HAMAS, yet it is Israel that provoked the exchange.


Israel breaks Gaza ceasefire, assassinates six

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns in the strongest possible terms the killing of six Palestinians carried out by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the Gaza Strip yesterday evening and this morning. The victims were all killed by air strikes. This escalation is the first of its kind since the tahdia (the Egyptian-brokered truce between Palestinian resistance groups and Israel) entered into force on 19 June 2008.


Israel attacks Gaza, more than 140 reported killed

Israeli war planes and combat helicopters pounded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing at least 140 people and prompting rocket fire from Palestinian militants that killed an Israeli, medics said.

The dead and wounded lay scattered on the ground following the Israeli attacks, which destroyed several Hamas police compounds in the bloodiest day for Palestinians in more than 20 years. Distraught rescuers cried out as they tried to find those still alive and black smoke billowed over Gaza city.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

You know, the guys the Palestinians actually voted for!

Israel acts on threats, pounds Gaza

Israel is in the midst of carrying out its threatened counter-attack on Palestinian militants who’ve been firing rockets across the border.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

… in response to Israel’s November 5th raid that killed 12 and 13 year old Palestinian boys that broke the cease fire.

Israeli Air Strikes Kill at Least 140 in Gaza Strip

Israeli aircraft attacked police and security installations across the Gaza Strip, killing scores of people in the deadliest raid since the occupation of the coastal region ended in 2005, security and medical officials said.

At least 140 people died in the strikes, according to Dr. Mu’awia Hassanein, an emergency medical services official at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital. The dead included Tawfiq Jaber, chief of the Gaza police force, a security official, who declined to be identified, said in a telephone interview today.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Note that Israel, despite the rhetoric about stopping the Qassam rockets, is targeting the elected HAMAS officials.

120 reportedly killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza

The first round of air strikes came just before noon, and several more waves followed.

The first air strikes took place as children were leaving school.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: the timing of these raids was to maximize the injury and death for Gazan Palestinian kids. and their parents.

It’s a Holiday Celebration for The Synagogue of Satan.

Just as they attacked the U.S.S. Liberty in an attempt to provoke a war between The U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

Gaza Voices, American Silence

The baby is crying again. You wake up. Cold. There is no electricity in the house; it went off during the night. For the last week – weeks, months – it has been on only sporadically. You throw on a coat and go to check on the baby. It seems listless. There is no milk in the house, and very little food. The UN shipments have stopped again, and you are not sure when they will resume.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And then the bombs come.

Human Rights Violations in Palestinian Territory Stem from Israeli Attacks

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) dedicated its sixth special session to human rights violations emanating from Israeli military attacks in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, according to the Human Rights Council report

UN envoy speaks out against resumed Israeli demolitions in West Bank

The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) has voiced alarm at Israel’s recent resumption of house demolitions – after a freeze which began this April – in the West Bank.

Robert Serry said in a statement issued over the weekend in Jerusalem that the UN Humanitarian Coordinator and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) are discussing the world body’s concerns – given the impact of the demolitions on the area’s most vulnerable, with many poor families left destitute – with Israeli authorities.

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Dick Cheney admet avoir autorisé la torture, passible de peine de mort

Filed under: Torture — François M. @ 7:35

Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 27 décembre 2008

Dick Cheney admet avoir autorisé la torture, passible de peine de mort


Plusieurs personnes ont été jugées et ont reçues la peine de mort à la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale lors des jugements de Nuremberg pour avoir commis, autorisé et ordonné l’usage de différents techniques de torture telle que la torture par l’eau (waterboarding). Nous avons jugé qu’ils représentaient des crimes de guerre graves et ces responsables furent pendus.

Mais qu’à cela ne tienne, Dick Cheney a admis pour la seconde fois, et ce, en pleine télévision nationale aux États-Unis, qu’il avait autorisé l’usage de la torture dans les prisons américaines réparties un peu partout dans le monde dont les tristement célèbres en Afghanistan, Irak et Guantanamo pour ne nommer que celles-là. Un rapport du Sénat américain a aussi confirmé la responsabilité de la torture de plusieurs hauts échelons du gouvernement Bush, incluant George W. Bush et Dick Cheney, sans oublier l’ancien Secrétaire à la défense, Donald Rumsfeld.

Le FBI a pointé du doigt le Président Bush pour avoir autorisé la torture à Abu Ghraib, à Bagdad. La Croix Rouge a remis un rapport accusant la CIA de torture. Amnesty International accuse les États-Unis d’être devenu le premier pays en liste à éviter leur responsabilité en matière de violation des droits humains dans le monde, au nom de la sacro-sainte guerre au terrorisme.

C’est que depuis le 11 septembre 2001, la torture est devenue, aux États-Unis, une pratique d’État politiquement et juridiquement justifiée par la ” guerre globale contre la terreur “. Pour certains éminents penseurs américains, la torture serait un mal nécessaire, voire un bien, dans certaines situations de menace extrême. Comment comprendre cette dramatique régression de la “première démocratie” ?

Ces techniques “d’interrogatoire coercitif ” sont le résultat de recherches scientifiques entreprises par l’armée américaine dès les années 1950. Plusieurs techniques ont été élaborées durant la guerre froide selon les méthodes de torture que les Américains craignaient voir employées sur leurs soldats capturés par leurs ennemis.

Plus de 100 000 pages de documents du gouvernement américain existent pour prouver que la torture n’est pas l’oeuvre de quelques mauvaises pommes, mais fut bien autorisée au plus haut niveau du régime Bush, de la CIA et de l’armée. Sur le plan juridique, les justifications de la torture seront légalisées par le Congrès américain, ce qui mènera à la création d’un véritable archipel mondial de la torture. Mais il ne faudrait pas oublier le rôle crucial que l’ancien attorney général des États-Unis, Alberto Gonzales a joué pour légaliser l’usage de techniques de torture comme le waterboarding.

Le 25 janvier 2002, Alberto Gonzales remit au président Bush un mémo indiquant que « la guerre au terrorisme est une nouvelle forme de guerre », « ce nouveau paradigme rend obsolètes les strictes limitations des Conventions de Genève sur l’interrogatoire des prisonniers ennemis et rend caduques certains de leurs dispositions », une analyse en droite ligne de celle qu’il avait formulée au Texas sur l’applicabilité de la Convention de Vienne. C’est en vertu de ce document que les prisonniers détenus à Guantanamo ne sont pas protégés par les Conventions de Genève.

Le 1er août 2002, Alberto Gonzales franchit un pas de plus en approuvant dans un nouveau mémo le recours à la torture. C’est ce document qui a servi de base légale à la généralisation de la torture en Afghanistan et en Irak, notamment sur la base militaire de Bagram et à la prison d’Abu Ghraib. (Source)


Les conséquences sont graves: 600 prisonniers sont détenus depuis cinq ans dans la prison de Bagram, en Afghanistan, sans être accusés ni reconnus coupables de quoi que ce soit. Ils n’ont aucun recourt judiciaire pour se défendre. En Irak, ils sont plus de 10 000 à être emprisonnés sans qu’aucune charge ne pèse contre eux, ni aucune évidence pour les incriminer. La torture est largement employée dans ces réseaux de prisons connues et secrètes où l’ont retrouve une bonne quantité de femmes et d’enfants. Si vous n’avez pas vu le documentaire Taxi to the dark side, ne manquez pas d’y jeter un coup d’oeil.

Alors pourquoi admettre avoir autorisé l’usage de la torture? C’est que ces gens se considèrent au-dessus de la loi. Ils ont carrément commercialisé la torture en la donnant à contrat à des firmes de mercenaires privés et ils l’ont exporté vers des pays où la torture est admise. Elle est devenue un jeu sans raison et si les évidences peuvent nuire, on n’a qu’à les détruire comme la CIA l’a fait.

Nos descendants observeront ce que nous aurons décidé de faire face à ce choix de société. Nous serons considérés comme des gens qui acceptaient ou refusaient la torture. Historiquement, la torture n’a jamais réussi à faire obtenir des informations valides et n’augmente pas la sécurité. Elle ne sert qu’à faire admettre ce que le bourreau ou l’État veut faire admettre dans le but de satisfaire son agenda particulier. La victime admettra n’importe quoi pour faire cesser la douleur. Elle cherchera à savoir et dire ce que le bourreau veut entendre. Prenez le cas du 9/11: Cheney demanda à ce que Khalid Sheikh Mohammed soit torturé à l’aide du waterboarding pour lui faire avouer qu’il était un des responsables des attaques. KMS fera plus que cela, il avouera qu’il était aussi responsable de la planification d’une attaque terroriste sur la Plaza Bank quatre ans avant même que la banque en question ne soit construite!

Ceci est une complète déshumanisation et retour à une sombre forme de folie fasciste du temps des nazis, si ce n’est pire, car maintenant ils ont même l’audace de légaliser et légitimer cette torture. C’est une honte, une horreur sans nom.

Donc, tous les éléments sont présents pour faire appliquer la loi à tous les responsables. Il s’agit de savoir ce que la population en fera. Si nous laissons Harper, Obama et ses conseillers passer le dossier de la torture sous silence, cela nous rendra complices et responsables de facto en donnant tacitement notre consentement. Mais attention: si nous sommes d’accord avec ces nouvelles valeurs, c’est que nous acceptons aussi que ces méthodes puissent être appliquées contre nous et nos soldats s’ils sont capturés par des adversaires ou par nos gouvernements. Nous ne sommes pas à l’abris de cette dangereuse dérape. Cela s’applique autant aux étrangers que les populations à l’intérieur des États-Unis et du Canada. Rappelez-vous du cas de Maher Arar et des milliers d’autres innocents qui se retrouvent dans ce nouveau type de Goulag qu’est ce réseau de prisons secrètes de la CIA dans le monde depuis des années, un véritable trou noir où aucune loi ni droit n’existe. Ils ont disparu et ils sont devenus la propriété des É-U, qui eux, se donnent le droit de vie et de mort sur chacun d’eux, comme dans le bon vieux temps féodal du Moyen Âge. Les enfants n’y échappent pas.

La torture devient le venin de la démocratie et de nos sociétés. En acceptant de briser les corps des hommes et des femmes “ennemis”, menant parfois jusqu’à la mort, elle mine inévitablement les principes mêmes de l’État de droit, corrompant la société tout entière. Cuba a compris ceci et demande aux États-Unis de récupérer Guantanamo dans le but de faire fermer cette horrible prison qui s’y trouve.

Et nous, que ferons-nous? Pensez-y, mais ne soyez pas silencieux. C’est cette indifférence qui nous mène à commettre des atrocités. Malheureusement, il semble que les expériences de Stanford et de Milgram soient encore vraies aujourd’hui: nous sommes rapidement prêts à torturer notre prochain si une figure autoritaire nous le demande.

La pire chose que nous pouvons faire à autrui n’est pas de les haïr, mais bien de leur être indifférents, car c’est l’essence même de ce qui nous rend inhumain.


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26 décembre 2008

Les 25 histoires censurées de l’année

Filed under: Médias et Internet — François M. @ 7:34


Les 25 histoires censurées de l’année

Ce billet vous présente les 25 histoires les plus censurées par les autorités et les médias traditionnels.

Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009

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