LNI Média

30 novembre 2008

Ces grands devins qui ont prédit l’effondrement du WTC7 30 secondes en avance

Filed under: 9/11 — François M. @ 12:22

Ces grands devins qui ont prédit l’effondrement du WTC7 30 secondes en avance

Never seen before!: Fox news 5 reports WTC 7 collapse before it happens


13 juillet 2008

***Vidéo: 9/11 Chronicles Part 1: Truth Rising

Filed under: 9/11,États-Unis — François M. @ 8:29


***Vidéo: 9/11 Chronicles Part 1: Truth Rising

Voici le dernier vidéo d’Alex Jones sur le mouvement pour la vérité sur le 9/11. Ça vaut la peine d’être vu pour voir à quel point ce mouvement prend de l’ampleur et travaille fort pour exposer la fraude de la version officielle sur les événements du 9/11. C’est ces efforts individuels qui ensemble forme la formidable puissance de ce mouvement. La vérité sera exposée et justice sera faite.

Le groupe Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911 Truth) regroupe maintenant plus de 400 architectes et ingénieurs dont moi-même. Plusieurs ingénieurs en structure du bâtiment se sont aussi prononcés: les trois tours WTC 1,2 & 7 ont été l’objet d’une job de démolition contrôlée. Les évidences, la science et la physique sont indiscutables.

Suite à cette tragédie, le gouvernement US et l’EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) a menti de nouveau en déclarant l’air ambiant respirable et sans danger alors qu’il est maintenant établit que ce n’était pas le cas. Des centaines, sinon des milliers de secouristes, pompiers, policiers et autres personnes s’y trouvant en meurent aujourd’hui: la poussière était très toxique. Le gouvernement refuse toujours de traiter et aider ces héros et la semaine dernière un juge a déclaré que la responsable à l’époque de l’EPA ne peut pas être tenue responsable de ce mensonge!

Cette inside job a été la justification du gouvernement Bush pour couper dans les droits et libertés des Américains et le passage d’un Patriot Act que les congressistes n’avaient même pas lu. Mais ce Patriot Act a permis la mise en place d’un véritable état policier aux États-Unis.

Alors, dans cette suite d’idée, je vous présente une vidéo de deux comédiens qui ont eu à faire à ce Patriot Act et ont pris leur revanche. C’est incisif, drôle et le message passe.

9/11 Chronicles Part 1: Truth Rising


The Patriot Act is Bullshit

Penn and Teller

P & T; BS! – B1G BR0THER

Penn and Teller are two US comedians who’ve
had their own run ins with the so-called Patriot Act.

This informative – and very funny – video is their

Unlike most of what we show on Brasscheck TV,
this video would be rated « R » for restricted if it were
a movie.

So if you’re offended by such things or under the
age of consent, you might look elsewhere:

– Brasscheck

P.S. Why is it that it takes comedians to tell
the dark truth about the Patriot Act?

Hats off to Penn and Teller for telling it like it


P & T; BS! – B1G BR0THER

17 juin 2008

Nouvelles évidences à propos du 9/11

Filed under: 9/11 — François M. @ 1:34

Nouvelles évidences à propos du 9/11

Conférence 9/11 à Montréal par David Ray Griffin et Michel Chossudovsky

Video: New evidence about 9/11

US Military Officers Challenge « official Bush version ».

The Pakistan newspaper « Pakistan Daily » has recently published a powerful article entitled « USA Military Officers Challenge Official Account of September 11 » . This article succinctly presents the views of 25 outstanding, courageous, US military officers who have spoken out against the Bush Administration lies about the 9/11 atrocity. The views of these men are particularly noteworthy because of their unquestionable patriotism, their military service and their technical expertise.

Professor David Ray Griffin – June 4, 2008
Wikipedia about Dr. Griffin

Professor David Ray Griffin, who is one of the leading voices in the 9/11 Truth Movement, spoke to a capacity crowd in Los Angeles on Wednesday, June 4, 2008. Below is Griffin’s talk – covering mostly new evidence about 9/11 – divided into three parts…

Part 1 (9:32)

Professor David Ray Griffin, who is one of the leading voices in the 9/11 Truth Movement, spoke to a capacity crowd in Los Angeles on Wednesday, June 4, 2008. Below is Griffin’s talk – covering mostly new evidence about 9/11 – divided into three parts…
« If we do get a real investigation or a trial there is simply no doubt of what the verdict will be because now the evidence that 9/11 is an inside job is now overwhelming. »

Part 2 (9:16)

Topics covered include why the Pentagon wasn’t evacuated? The faulty timeline of Michael Hess and Barry Jennings in WTC Building 7 and Rudy Giuliani telling Peter Jennings that the World Trade Center was going to collapse.

Part 3 (5:26)

In Part 3 Griffin speaks positively about how far the 9/11 movement has come and urges people not to give up pushing for the truth.
« I’m fearful that many people will say, ‘okay, the criminals are out of office now and so let’s not work on [9/11]’. But the more hopeful possibility is people will say, ‘now there may be a real chance for an investigation.' »

Global Research, June 15, 2008

Click to View,

Video of David Ray Griffin’s presentation in Los Angeles, June 4, 2008


New Evidence about 9/11

Global Research Articles by David Ray Griffin

© Copyright David Ray Griffin, Global Research, 2008

The url address of this article is: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=9337

9 juin 2008

Pétition déposée au Parlement aujourd’hui pour demander une enquête sur le 9/11

Filed under: 9/11,Canada — François M. @ 11:55

Pétition déposée au Parlement aujourd’hui pour demander une enquête sur le 9/11


9-11’s a Lie





Vancouver BC,
Drew Noftle

A few months ago various 9/11 Truth activists across Canada got together to compose a Parliamentary Petition demanding an investigation into 9/11. The first 500 signatures were submitted last week, verified, and accepted. This petition will be read into Parliament on Tuesday June the 10th, at approx 10 am EST, by East Vancouver member of Parliament Libby Davies.

Our Petition can be found here:


The 9/11 attacks not only killed 24 Canadians, but it is also our sole reason for participating in – and now enduring – the War on Terror. Upon the outset of the War in Afghanistan, former US Secretary of State Colin Powell (who will be in Vancouver June 12th) promised Canada a whitepaper linking the September 11th attacks with Osama bin Laden in exchange for our premature participation in the conflict in Afghanistan. This whitepaper never came, yet our troops are still fighting abroad.

To date, the United States of America has yet to convict a single person in a court of law for the crimes of September 11th. Both official US reports, The 9/11 Commission Report and the NIST Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster created more questions than answers, and cannot be credited as final accounts. Thus, in absence of our whitepaper or any other credible report, Canada must now take it upon itself to investigate the crimes of September 11th, not only for the sake of those in Canada who lost their loved ones, but also to justify our war efforts in Afghanistan, or to bring a cause for an immediate withdrawal.

Although this petition has already been submitted, we still wish to collect as many signatures as we can to show our true numbers. These yet to be collected signatures will then be added to our current tally, and a total will be read outside of Parliament on September 11th 2008 in support of bringing our demands to fruition. This rally on Parliament Hill, will succeed a March on Ottawa, that will start in Montreal QC, 5 day’s earlier This March on Ottawa will be the first nationally organized 9/11 Truth event here in Canada and we are anticipating on having thousands of marchers and participants rally with us in Ottawa: www.marchonottawa2008.org

If you have yet to sign this petition, please do, and mail a copy in to our mailing address:

March on Ottawa Organizing Committee
32-2902 Main St. Vancouver BC
V5T 3G3.

Contacts: Drew Noftle onehistory@gmail.com (Vancouver)

Robert Lewis robertslewis42@hotmail.com (Montreal)

Matthew Buechler matthewbuechler@rogers.com (Ottawa)

_Drew Noftle


This year, we demand the truth.

7 juin 2008

Two governments: The public and the deep

Filed under: 9/11,États-Unis,Histoire — François M. @ 1:14


Two governments: The public and the deep

If you don't know the work of 
Peter Dale Scott you should. 
He's one of the most thorough scholars
on what he calls the "deep" government.
It's the space where government, law
enforcement, drug dealers and corporate
criminals collaborate outside the eyes
of the sleeping news media.    
The interview conducted by University of
Berkeley starts with some softball questions,
but hang in there.  Very worthwhile. 



Peter Dale Scott

The interview starts with some softball questions, but hang in there.

Peter Dale Scott points out that there are really two governments, the public government and the deep government.

The public government is aboveboard, well intentioned, and accountable.

Then there’s the deep one…the one that really runs things.

4 juin 2008

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 5 juin 2008: 9/11, crimes de guerre et terrorisme du régime Bush-Cheney avec la complicité des médias

Filed under: 9/11,L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 5 juin 2008: 9/11, crimes de guerre et terrorisme du régime Bush-Cheney avec la complicité des médias

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 5 juin 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…”

– Cette semaine on a une variété de nouvelles importantes dans plusieurs domaines: les prix du pétrole, des révélations troublantes à propos de Rumsfeld et du 9/11, Guantanamo, le rapport du FBI qui a répertorié les crimes de guerre de l’administration Bush en autorisant la torture, des mensonges de Washington exposés cette semaine par McClellan pour partir la guerre contre l’Irak, le Moyen-Orient, la déclaration de Jimmy Carter au sujet des 150 bombes nucléaire d’Israël et beaucoup plus! Puissante émission à ne pas manquer!

L’Autre Monde, pour la plus importante information de la semaine et ce, sans détour. Cette émission est documentée. Nous menons la guerre à la désinformation!

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

9/11 est une inside job.

Le Mouvement montréalais pour la vérité sur le 11 septembre présente:

David Ray Griffin

professeur, auteur, et chercheur émérite sur le complot du 11 septembre

dans une conférence (en anglais) présidée par

Michel Chossudovsky

économiste canadien et directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation


Samedi 21 juin 2008 à 19:30

Centre St-Pierre

1212 rue Panet, salle:100

à 5 minutes du métro Beaudry
stationnement gratuit

Les billets peuvent être achetés par l’un des moyens suivants:

1) 10$ sur le site http://www.mtl911truth.org (Paypal sera en fonction dans les prochains jours)

2) 10$ par chèque ou mandat-poste à l’ endroit de:
Michael Pengue
4360 de Chateaubriand
Montreal, PQ

3) 10$ en organisant un rendez-vous avec Michael Pengue. (Envoyez un e-mail à mtl911truth@hotmail.com)

4) 15$ à l’entrée le soir de l’évènement (un dvd vous sera remis)

N.B.: SVP, veuillez nous fournir votre nom complet afin que nous puissions vous identifier clairement sur place ainsi que votre adresse courriel pour pouvoir vous envoyer votre reçu de paiement.

Les profits iront vers notre marche vers Ottawa
en Septembre 2008

Précisions sur l’origine du prix élevé du pétrole

par F. William Engdahl

Mondialisation.ca, Le 25 mai 2008

un calcul prudent montre que, dans le prix du baril de pétrole brut d’aujourd’hui, au moins 60% des 128 dollars sont dus à la spéculation à terme non réglementée, des hedge funds, des banques et des groupes financiers. Ils utilisent les échanges à terme du ICE Futures de Londres et du NYMEX de New York, et les échanges inter-bancaires incontrôlés ou négociés hors cote pour échapper à tout examen minutieux. Les règlements de la Commodity Futures Trading Commission du gouvernement étasunien permettent aux spéculateurs d’acheter du pétrole brut grâce à des contrats à terme sur le Nymex, en avançant seulement 6% de la valeur du contrat. Le prix en ce moment étant de 128 dollars par baril, cela signifie que le spéculateur à terme n’a qu’à donner environ 8 dollars pour chaque baril et emprunter les autres 120 dollars. Cette « force » exceptionnelle de 16 pour 1 permet d’amener le prix à un niveau follement irréaliste et de compenser les pertes bancaires du subprime et des autres catastrophes au détriment de l’ensemble de la population [mondiale].

La mystification du pic pétrolier, c’est-à-dire l’argument selon lequel la production pétrolière aurait épuisé plus de la moitié des réserves, ce qui rend le pétrole bon marché et abondant sur le déclin dans le monde, a permis à cette fraude coûteuse de perdurer depuis l’invasion de l’Iraq en 2003 avec l’aide des principales banques, des négociants et des opérateurs pétroliers majeurs. Comme toujours, Washington tente d’en faire porter le chapeau aux producteurs arabes de l’OPEP. Le problème n’est pas la pénurie de l’approvisionnement en pétrole brut. En fait, l’offre est actuellement excédentaire dans le monde. Pourtant, le prix grimpe toujours plus haut. Pourquoi ? La réponse se trouve dans la politique manifestement délibérée du gouvernement étasunien, qui permet la manipulation effrénée du prix du pétrole.

Demande pétrolière plate, boom du prix . . .

Aux États-Unis, les stocks de pétrole ont augmenté de près de 12 millions de barils en avril. Selon le rapport mensuel de l’inventaire du 7 mai de l’EIA, ils sont en hausse de près de 33 millions de barils depuis janvier. Au même moment, le rapport du 7 mai de MasterCard montre que la demande en essence a diminué de 5,8%. Et les raffineurs sont en train de réduire considérablement leur cadence de raffinage pour s’adapter à la baisse de la demande. Ils tournent actuellement à 85% de leur capacité, par rapport aux 89% d’il y a un an, dans une saison où la production est normalement de 95%. Les raffineurs sont manifestement aujourd’hui en train d’essayer de tirer vers le bas l’offre des ressources en essence pour augmenter son prix.

Annonce de nouveaux grands champs pétroliers en cours

Non seulement il n’y a pas de crise d’approvisionnement pour justifier pareille bulle de prix, mais il existe plusieurs nouveaux gisements pétrolifères gigantesques qui doivent commencer à produire au cours de 2008 pour augmenter l’offre.

Alors pourquoi augmenter encore le prix ?

Nous sommes frappés par une série sans fin d’arguments plausibles sur le prix élevé du pétrole : « super risque de terrorisme » ; élévation « foudroyante » de la demande chinoise et indienne ; troubles dans la région pétrolifère nigérienne ; « explosion » d’oléoduc en Iraq ; possible guerre contre l’Iran. . . et, au-dessus de tout ça, le matraquage du pic pétrolier.


Il est de plus en plus évident que la récente bulle spéculative pétrolière, devenue asymptotique depuis janvier, est sur le point d’éclater.

À la fin du mois dernier, à Dallas au Texas, l’American Association of Petroleum Geologists a tenu sa conférence annuelle en présence de tous les principaux cadres et géologues. Selon un participant, les bien informés directeurs généraux de l’industrie pétrolière sont arrivés à un consensus sur le fait que « le prix du pétrole chutera bientôt de façon spectaculaire et que l’augmentation à long terme concernera le prix du gaz naturel. »

Juste quelques jours avant, Lehman Brothers, une banque d’investissement de Wall Street a dit que la bulle du prix pétrolier touche à sa fin.

Goldman Sachs de nouveau au milieu

Aujourd’hui, le prix du pétrole, contrairement à il y a vingt ans, est déterminé à huis clos dans les chambres de commerce d’institutions financières géantes comme Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank ou UBS. Dans ce jeu, l’échangeur clef est le London ICE Futures Exchange (autrefois International Petroleum Exchange). ICE Futures est une filiale possédée intégralement par Atlanta Georgia International Commodities Exchange. ICE d’Atlanta a été fondée en partie par Goldman Sachs, qui dirige aussi l’indice des prix des matières premières les plus utilisées dans le monde, le GSCI, qui est surpondéré au prix du pétrole.

Comme le notait le rapport du Sénat en juin 2006, Le rôle de la spéculation dans le marché pétrolier sur la hausse du prix de l’essence, « Il y a quelques managers des hedge funds là-bas qui maîtrisent la connaissance de la manière d’exploiter la théorie du pic pétrolier et le sujet brûlant de l’offre et la demande, et en prédisant audacieusement la progression choquante des prix à venir, ils ne font qu’ajouter davantage de carburant au feu de la spéculation dans une sorte de prophétie qui se réalise. »

Le Congrès démocrate agira-t-il pour changer la minutieuse opacité du marché pétrolier à terme dans une année électorale, et risquer de faire éclater la bulle ? Le 12 mai le comité de la Chambre sur l’énergie et le commerce a déclaré qu’il se penchera sur cette question en juin. Le monde aura les yeux braqués.

(UNE des principale raison pour le prix élévé est la dévaluation du dollar américain. -LNI)

America’s house prices are falling even faster than during the Great Depression

AS HOUSE prices in America continue their rapid descent, market-watchers are having to cast back ever further for gloomy comparisons. The latest S&P/Case-Shiller national house-price index, published this week, showed a slump of 14.1% in the year to the first quarter, the worst since the index began 20 years ago. Now Robert Shiller, an economist at Yale University and co-inventor of the index, has compiled a version that stretches back over a century. This shows that the latest fall in nominal prices is already much bigger than the 10.5% drop in 1932, the worst point of the Depression.

Guantanamo trials ‘being rushed’

Lawyers for five 9/11 suspects have said the US government is rushing their cases to trial at Guantanamo in order to sway the US presidential election.

They have called for the military judge to dismiss the case on the grounds it is politically motivated, according to documents seen by the Associated Press.

This administration is seeking to use these trials toward some kind of political validation and restoration, particularly with Scott McClellan’s revelations about having been lied into the war on Iraq.zero relationship whatsoever to legitimate American justice and law.

Canadian Supreme Court Declares Guantanamo Illegal – Why Won’t Anyone Say It?

« a Supreme Court ruling that says Guantanamo Bay was essentially an illegal operation… »

I know, I know… you didn’t hear that on the evening news either! But it’s true. For the second time a country’s Supreme Court has declared the Guantanamo Bay kidnapping/torture operation illegal.

Funny how the headline doesn’t include that – seeing as headlines are supposed to convey the most important gist of the story in a sexy way. If I were the editor, I would have insisted on a front-page, gigantic headline stating: CDN Supreme Court: Guantanmo Bay Illegal!!!
Yet on this one and every other article I could find – even one from Al-Jazeera – they have boring titles:

Neither Honest Nor Trustworthy: The 10 Worst Corporations of 2007

Gen Re
Murray Energy
Purdue Pharma

The U.S. public holds Big Business in shockingly low regard.

A November 2007 Harris poll found that less than 15 percent of the population believes each of the following industries to be « generally honest and trustworthy: » tobacco companies (3 percent); oil companies (3 percent); managed care companies such as HMOs (5 percent); health insurance companies (7 percent); telephone companies (10 percent); life insurance companies (10 percent); online retailers (10 percent); pharmaceutical and drug companies (11 percent); car manufacturers (11 percent); airlines (11 percent); packaged food companies (12 percent); electric and gas utilities (15 percent). Only 32 percent of adults said they trusted the best-rated industry about which Harris surveyed, supermarkets.

These are remarkable numbers. It is very hard to get this degree of agreement about anything. By way of comparison, 79 percent of U.S. adults believe the earth revolves around the sun; 18 percent say it is the other way around.

The Harris results are not an aberration. The results have not varied considerably over the past five years – although overall trust levels have actually declined from the already very low threshold in 2003.

RCMP subdue hospitalized man, 82, with Taser

Lasser told CBC News that he sometimes becomes delusional when he can’t breathe properly. He said he couldn’t explain why he refused to let go of the knife even after the Mounties arrived.

Kamloops RCMP said Thursday that officers had no other option but to deploy the conducted energy weapon when Lasser refused to drop his knife.

« …No other option » with a 82 year old man in a hospital bed but taser him?

We used to go to Canada on a pretty regular basis when we lived in Washington state.

It is now, for many reasons, a « no-go » zone for this family.

Report: Carter says Israel has 150 nuclear weapons

Carter Reveals Israel’s Possession of 150 Nuclear Weapons

Jimmy Carter revealed the fact that Israel has at least 150 nuclear weapons Sunday, and they can not officially lie to the world about that one any longer. The former president made the claim during an appearance in Wales, BBC News reported.

Carter said, « The U.S. has more than 12,000 nuclear weapons; the Soviet Union (sic) has about the same; Great Britain and France have several hundred, and Israel has 150 or more.


Fox: Carter ‘outing’ of Israeli nukes helps Iran

« The extraordinary thing is a lot of people throughout the Mideast have assumed for a very long time that Israel had [nuclear weapons], » concluded Steve Doocy. « But nobody has ever said officially that they had it. So, here you have got this guy who was once upon a time the president of the United States doing just that. … He has just helped Iran. »

Memo to Steve Doocy: what Carter has done has been to simply and honestly tell the truth about Israel’s nuclear capabilities.

Of course, you will never see Israel become a signatory to the nuclear non-proliferation agreement, to which Iran is a signatory, and that is the real embarrassment here for Israel.

111 Nations, Minus the U.S., Agree to Cluster-Bomb Ban

In addition to the United States, Russia, China, Israel, India and Pakistan — all of them major producers or users of the weapons — did not sign the agreement or participate in the talks.

32,000 deniers

Financial Post

That’s the number of scientists who are outraged by the Kyoto Protocol’s corruption of science

Bishop Compares Global Warming Skeptics To Pedophile Rapist

Smearing people who are skeptical about man-made causes of global warming as akin to Holocaust deniers was apparently not enough for the climate cult alarmists, who are now saying that if you disagree with them you’re no better than infamous Austrian pedophile and rapist Josef Fritzl.

Rumors of OBL Death Put to Rest

Hmmmm. WE are seeing a LOT of stories about Osama these days.

I am reminded of August 2001, where the media was full of Osama stories. And it wasn’t that he had actually done anything newsworthy; we were just being reminded constantly what a bad fellow he was. I was still on good terms at Free Republic back then and I wrote that all the Osama stories looked like a PR run-up, and now we are seeing the same again.

And again, this story fits the pattern. Osama hasn’t actually done anything. It’s just waving him in our faces.

As for Osama being dead, more info on that is HERE. The plain fact is that there has been no authentic video of Osama since the end of 2001. Everything shown on TV is re-edited old footage or an obvious actor in a fake beard.

Just think about the last few days, in which Scott McClellan has reminded us of how badly we were lied to to get us into the war. Can you dismiss the idea that « Osama » is just another part of that lie? Or 9-11 itself?

Al-Qa’eda to urge biological warfare in new video message

You know, THESE Al Qaeda!

Memo To Corporate Media: Anyone Can Dress Up As An Arab Terrorist & Fake An Al-Qaeda Tape

US questions Pakistan force’s allegiance, funding

Signs that Pakistan’s Frontier Corps is helping Taliban and al Qaeda-linked groups cross into Afghanistan only exacerbates U.S. frustration over Pakistan’s plans to secure peace deals with fighters in that region, where Osama bin Laden is thought to hide.

« We cannot rely on Pakistan to stop the traffic of terrorists crossing that border despite the strong statements of its leaders, » said Sen. Carl Levin, the Michigan Democrat who chairs the U.S. Senate’s committee on armed forces.

Levin and some U.S. defense officials said Taliban fighters may also be getting assistance from Pakistan’s army.

Yet more demonization of Pakistan in the so-called press, again bringing back the « dead guy » (as in the very room-temperature Bin Laden).

So what is this demonization of Pakistan softening up the American people for??

Intelligence Official Sees Little Progress Before Bush Exits

A regenerated al-Qaeda will remain the leading terrorism threat, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence Donald M. Kerr said. Pakistan’s « inward » political focus and failure to control the tribal territories where al-Qaeda maintains a haven, he said, is « the number one thing we worry about. »

Apparently, to Deputy Director Kerr, any foreign national who wants their country back is « Al-Qaeda ». And notice the particular focus on Pakistan, where it is very possible that the US-supported Musharraf may well be on his way out.



Royal flag comes down at Nepal palace

The royal flag was taken down from Nepal’s royal palace Thursday as the Himalayan nation celebrated a vote consigning its centuries-old monarchy to the history books and declaring a republic.


Bush, Cheney et Cie accusés de crimes de guerre dans un dossier du FBI

La révélation la plus étonnante d’un rapport de 370 pages de l’inspecteur général du département de la Justice américain est que des agents du FBI avaient officiellement ouvert un dossier de « Crimes de guerre », documentant la torture dont ils avaient été témoins à la prison de Guantanamo Bay, avant de recevoir l’ordre de l’administration de cesser d’écrire leurs rapports.

Le rapport établit clairement que la torture fut ordonnée et planifiée en détail aux plus hauts niveaux du gouvernement, y compris la Maison-Blanche, le conseil national de sécurité, le Pentagone et le département de la Justice. Les tentatives de faire cesser ces pratiques, sur une base légale ou pragmatique, par des individus à l’intérieur du gouvernement furent systématiquement contrées et les preuves de ces activités criminelles dissimulées.

Les détenus de Guantanamo ne représentent qu’un pour cent de ceux détenus dans des camps de détention américains et des prisons secrètes opérées par les militaires et la CIA en Irak, Afghanistan et d’autres points du globe. Il est estimé que près de 27.000 personnes sont détenues sans accusation, sans parler de procès, plusieurs d’entre eux ayant simplement disparu dans le goulag global de Washington. Certains sont détenus dans des navires de détention, d’autres dans des donjons secrets opérés conjointement par la CIA et des régimes vers lesquels elle « transfère » les détenus, comme l’Égypte, la Jordanie et le Maroc, où d’autres formes plus cruelles de torture (être enterré vivant, l’électrocution ou la lacération avec un scalpel) sont employées.

En fait, comme le révélait ABC News le mois dernier, les représentants officiels du soi-disant comité de principe (le vice-président Dick Cheney, le secrétaire à la Défense Donald Rumsfeld, le secrétaire d’État Colin Powell, le directeur de la CIA George Tenet, le procureur général John Ashcroft et la conseillère à la sécurité nationale Condoleezza Rice) ont eu des discussions détaillées sur les « techniques renforcées d’interrogatoire » qui, selon ABC, « étaient quasiment chorégraphiées – allant jusqu’à préciser le nombre de fois où les agents de la CIA pouvaient utiliser une tactique particulière. »

Surprise, Surprise: Bush Lied

Some may view ex-White House press secretary Scott McClellan’s new book as vindication for those who took grief – accused of « derangement, » « treason » and a bunch of less-printable things – for calling George W. Bush a liar over the past eight years.

But the more troubling point is that there has been little improvement in the Washington political/media structure that failed to call Bush out on his lies in a timely fashion.

With the advent of the blogs, the so-called « political/media » structure has become nearly irrelevant.

Any lie that any politician is going to feed some suppliant « propaganda media enabler » will be struck down almost immediately on the net.

So those in positions of power better get used to telling the truth; the consequences will catch up with those who do not at the next election (remember: no matter how good the vote fraud may be, it can never be good enough to overwhelm a landslide).

Internet Attacked as Tool of Terror

Right now the people who lied you into one war and are trying to lie you into another are terrified of the blogs!

The White House Lie Factory


Treason is never

It must be pretty clear now – even to the densest of individuals – that Bush and his fellow weasels deliberately lied the US into the Iraq war.

So how does the US news media respond to a former press secretaries account of this reality?

They question his loyalty, his accuracy, his motivations.

And it’s largely working.

These questions have framed the discussion of the McClellan book.

Not the fact that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bush and Rove and Rice and Cheney lied, betrayed the country and did it for personal gain.

How many Iraqi civilians dead now?

How many US servicemen and women dead or injured gravely?

How many innocent lives destroyed?

And the f%$%ing brain dead news media is talking about whether or not McClellan was good team player?

Bush: U.S. deaths in Iraq ‘laid foundations for peace’

Dumbass, I mean Dubya? The place was a lot MORE peaceful before you showed up!

McCain Reacts To McClellan: ‘Every Intelligence Agency In The World And Every Assessment’ Said Iraq Had WMD

Asked about the book today, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) defended the administration’s actions in the run-up to the war, suggesting there was no manipulation involved. McCain claimed « every intelligence agency in the world » thought Hussein had WMD

Every claim that Saddam had WMD all came from one source only.

And at least British Intelligence knew there were no WMDs before the invasion started.

Scott Ritter said there were no Iraqi WMDs.

Hans Blix said there were no Iraqi WMDs.

Canada’s analysts said there were no Iraqi WMDs.

And Paul Wolfowotz is on record admitting that the WMD issue was a ‘bureaucratic reason’ for war.

I need you to copy these stories off and send them to every single media outlet you can, and post them on every blog where McCain’s claim that « every » Intelligence Agency thought that Saddam had WMDs, because that is flat out not true.

Time to burn his lying ass.

CNN’s Yellin: Network execs killed critical White House stories

« The press corps was under enormous pressure from corporate executives, frankly, to make sure that this was a war presented in way that was consistent with the patriotic fever in the nation and the president’s high approval ratings, » Yellin said.

This is why the networks are crapping their trousers over McClellan’s new book. They cannot delink from the lies that tricked this nation into war. The blood of all the dead stains their own hands as much as it stains that of Bush and the Neocons and the US Congress.

Former White House spokesman: Bush used ‘propaganda’ to sell war

McClellan tracks Bush’s penchant for self-deception back to an overheard incident on the campaign trail in 1999 when the then-governor was dogged by reports of possible cocaine use in his younger days.

A person who is good at ultimately lying to himself to convince himself that something which happened actually didn’t happen out of convenience will ultimately have absolutely no difficulty lying a country into war.

Ex-Press Aide Writes That Bush Misled U.S. on Iraq

Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan writes in a new memoir that the Iraq war was sold to the American people with a sophisticated « political propaganda campaign » led by President Bush and aimed at « manipulating sources of public opinion » and « downplaying the major reason for going to war. »

No shit.


I point this out for two reasons.

Now that it’s all over, the war started, the Americans and Iraqis dead and crippled, now the mainstream media will admit that the government lied us into the war because now it is too late to stop it, and there is a book to sell and money to be made. So now, 5 years after the fact, and more to the point, five years after the blogs blew the whistle on the lies that led to war, the MSM finally catches up to reality.

Second, I do not congratulate McClellan on his book. I will not buy it, read it, or promote it. The book is an admission that Scott McClellen KNEW HE WAS LYING TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHEN HE STOOD AT THAT PODIUM IN THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS ROOM. The blood of our dead young men and women stains his hands and every page of that book. And having earned his keep as a paid liar for the government, now McClellan shamelessly tries to reap a few more bucks with a « how we put the screws to the country » manual.

McClellans book does not tell the American people anything that was not already being written here on the blogs five years ago. He just wants to act like he is breaking the story to make a fast buck.

FLASHBACK: British officers knew on eve of war that Iraq had no WMDs

Scott McClellan’s book is merely the final confirmation of what the blogs have been telling you for years.

The government lied us into a war of conquest.

The government lied us into a war of conquest.

The government lied us into a war of conquest.

Knowing that, and finally facing up to that, it is time to realize that nothing you have ever been taught by the state schools or the state-controlled media can be assumed to be true and factual. Everything is suspect. Who killed JFK, RFK, JFK Jr. MLK, Vince Foster, all need to be re-examined. Is what we have been taught about WW2 accurate? That needs to be re-examined. 9-11? For certain we have been lied to about that.

The Constitution does not allow the government to lie to the people. The 10th Amendment prohibits the government from assuming that right. Therefore, when the government lies to the people it acts both unconstitutionally and illegally. When the government lies to the people it breaks faith with the people who pay the taxes that power that government. When the government lies to the people it delegitimizes itself and ceases to be the lawful government of the land.

There is no greater crime by a government against its people than lying them into a war of conquest. There is no punishment too severe for a government that lies its people into a war of conquest.

FLASHBACK: A lack of intelligence

Australia‘s spies knew the United States was lying about Iraq’s WMD programme. So why didn’t the Government choose to believe them?

FLASHBACK: Ex-CIA official: WMD evidence ignored

A retired CIA official has accused the Bush administration of ignoring intelligence indicating that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and no active nuclear program before the United States-led coalition invaded it, CBS News said Sunday.

FLASHBACK: Bush Was Set on Path to War, British Memo Says

During a private two-hour meeting in the Oval Office on Jan. 31, 2003, he made clear to Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain that he was determined to invade Iraq without the second resolution, or even if international arms inspectors failed to find unconventional weapons, said a confidential memo about the meeting written by Mr. Blair’s top foreign policy adviser and reviewed by The New York Times.

FLASHBACK: Bush ‘plotted Iraq war from start’

A top official sacked from the US Government has accused President Bush of planning for an invasion of Iraq within days of coming to office.

« Why? Because Israel done told me to! » — Official White Horse Souse


Okay, take a good look at the faces here.

Now go read the articles below about how former White House Spokeslug Scott McClellan has just written a book admitting that the government lied to trick us into the conquest of Iraq.

Then look at the faces again.

Take a good long look.

FLASHBACK: Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction

Two former CIA officers say the president squelched top-secret intelligence, and a briefing by George Tenet, months before invading Iraq.

Relinked in light of McCain’s idiocy earlier today.

I need you to copy these stories off and send them to every single media outlet you can, and post them on every blog where McCain’s claim that « every » Intelligence Agency thought that Saddam had WMDs, because that is flat out not true.

Time to burn his lying ass.

FLASHBACK: The French, the Germans and the Russians all KNEW there were no WMDs in Iraq prior to the invasion.

The British intelligence source said the best Humint on Saddam was held by the French who had agents in Iraq.

‘French intelligence was telling us that there was effectively no real evidence of a WMD program That’s why France wanted a longer extension on the weapons inspections. The French, the Germans and the Russians all knew there were no weapons there — and so did Blair and Bush as that’s what the French told them directly.

Relinked in light of McCain being a stupid ass earlier today.

I need you to copy these stories off and send them to every single media outlet you can, and post them on every blog where McCain’s claim that « every » Intelligence Agency thought that Saddam had WMDs, because that is flat out not true.

Time to burn his lying ass.

FLASHBACK: Star Witness on Iraq Said Weapons Were Destroyed

On February 24, Newsweek broke what may be the biggest story of the Iraq crisis. In a revelation that « raises questions about whether the WMD [weapons of mass destruction] stockpiles attributed to Iraq still exist, » the magazine’s issue dated March 3 reported that the Iraqi weapons chief who defected from the regime in 1995 told U.N. inspectors that Iraq had destroyed its entire stockpile of chemical and biological weapons and banned missiles, as Iraq claims.

McCain is raising on a busted flush.

Folks, I need a favor.

I need you to copy these stories off and send them to every single media outlet you can, and post them on every blog where McCain’s claim that « every » Intelligence Agency thought that Saddam had WMDs, because that is flat out not true.

Time to burn his lying ass.


In Italy, the Parliament comes to conclude a study on the origins and the consequences from the forgeries, and according to certain sources, the report/ratio mentions among the principal suspects Michael Ledeen, Dewey Clarridge, Ahmed Chalabi and Francis Brookes.

Remember Bush’s infamous « 16 words? »

« The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. »

That statement was based on documents known to have been forgeries. The Italian Government investigated and named Michael Ledeen, Dewey Clarridge, Ahmed Chalabi and Francis Brookes as the most likely suspects.

When former ambassador Joe Wilson investigated the claim of Iraq purchasing uranium from Niger, he quickly discovered the claim was a hoax. When he tried to go public, White House attempts to silence him resulted in the exposure of his wife, Valerie Plame, as a CIA asset. In so doing, the White House blew the cover off of Brooks Jennings & Associates, which was the CIA’s primary capability for tracking nuclear weapons and materials in the third world.

FLASHBACK: White House Silenced Experts Who Questioned Iraq Intel Six Months Before War

Six months before the United States was dead-set on invading Iraq to rid the country of its alleged weapons of mass destruction, experts in the field of nuclear science warned officials in the Bush administration that intelligence reports showing Iraq was stockpiling chemical and biological weapons was unreliable and that the country did not pose an imminent threat to its neighbors in the Middle East or the U.S.

But the dissenters were told to keep quiet by high-level administration officials in the White House because the Bush administration had already decided that military force would be used to overthrow the regime of Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein, interviews and documents have revealed.

FLASHBACK: Warnings on WMD ‘Fabricator’ Were Ignored, Ex-CIA Aide Says

In late January 2003, as Secretary of State Colin Powell prepared to argue the Bush administration’s case against Iraq at the United Nations, veteran CIA officer Tyler Drumheller sat down with a classified draft of Powell’s speech to look for errors. He found a whopper: a claim about mobile biological labs built by Iraq for germ warfare.

Drumheller instantly recognized the source, an Iraqi defector suspected of being mentally unstable and a liar. The CIA officer took his pen, he recounted in an interview, and crossed out the whole paragraph.

A few days later, the lines were back in the speech.

These were confirmed as being the mobile artillery balloon inflater systems Great Britain sold to Iraq.

FLASHBACK: America Tore Out 8000 Pages of Iraq Dossier

THE United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq’s 11,800-page dossier on weapons, before passing on a sanitized version to the 10 non-permanent members of the United Nations security council.

George Bush Authorized the Leak of Valerie Wilson’s Identity

Scottie McC doesn’t know it yet. But that’s basically what he revealed this morning on the Today Show (h/t Rayne).

During the interview, Scottie revealed the two things that really pissed him off with the Bush Administration. First, being set up to lie by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby. And second, learning that Bush had–himself–authorized the selective leaking of the NIE.

White House doesn’t deny McClellan’s Bush-to-Libby leak allegation

ad yelled a question to the president trying to ask him a question about this revelation that had come out during the [Libby] legal proceedings, » McClellan told the Today Show’s Meredith Viera on Thursday morning. « The revelation was that it was the president who had authorized, or enabled, Scooter Libby to go out there and talk about this information. And I told the president that that’s what the reporter was asking. He was saying that you, yourself, were the one that authorized the leaking of this information. And he said, ‘Yeah, I did.’ And I was kinda taken aback. »

What Bush did was not only to Plame, but also to the entire organization she worked for..

This was the organization which had its finger on which countries were actually looking at developing rogue weapons, and which absolutely weren’t.

And US agents and operatives died in that process.

It was his way of getting back at Joe Wilson, who said that the « yellowcake uranium » story was bogus regarding Iraq’s nuclear threat.

FBI Evidence that Indicts George W. Bush for Mass Murder, War Crimes and Torture

A 370-page report by the Justice Department Inspector General references an FBI investigation of US torture that accuses the Bush White House, the National Security Council, the Pentagon and the Justice Department with ‘ordering and planning’ torture, including ‘procedures’ that resulted in death to ‘detainees’. In other words –murder!

The report details how the US began torturing captives in 2002. ‘Attempts to stop it … were systematically suppressed’, evidence of criminal activity by the Bush administration covered up. Bush’s cover up of torture is itself a crime for which he should be impeached, tried and prosecuted.

Bush loves to portray himself as a « war president »; in truth, he is a « war crimes president.

Rumsfeld On Tape: Terror Attack Could Restore Neo-Con Agenda

Shocking excerpts of confidential recordings recently released under the Freedom of Information Act feature former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld talking with top military analysts about how a flagging Neo-Con political agenda could be successfully restored with the aid of another terrorist attack on America.

The tape also includes a conversation where Rumsfeld and the military analysts agree on the possible necessity of installing a brutal dictator in Iraq to oversee U.S. interests.

The tapes were released as part of the investigation into the Pentagon’s « message force multipliers » program in which top military analysts were hired to propagandize for the Iraq war in the corporate media.

In attendance at the valedictory luncheon Rumsfeld hosted on December 12, 2006 were David L. Grange, Donald W. Sheppard, James Marks, Rick Francona, Wayne Downing, and Robert H. Scales, Jr. among others.

The most extraordinary exchange takes place when Lt. Gen. Michael DeLong bemoans shrinking political support for Neo-Con war plans on Capitol Hill and suggests that sympathy for the Bush administration’s agenda will only be achieved after a new terror attack.

Rumsfeld agrees that the psychological impact of 9/11 is wearing off and the « behavior pattern » of citizens in both the U.S. and Europe suggests that they are unconcerned about the threat of terror.

DELONG: Politically, what are the challenges because you’re not going to have a lot of sympathetic ears up there until it [a terror attack] happens.

RUMSFELD: That’s what I was just going to say. This President’s pretty much a victim of success. We haven’t had an attack in five years. The perception of the threat is so low in this society that it’s not surprising that the behavior pattern reflects a low threat assessment. The same thing’s in Europe, there’s a low threat perception. The correction for that, I suppose, is an attack. And when that happens, then everyone gets energized for another [inaudible] and it’s a shame we don’t have the maturity to recognize the seriousness of the threats…the lethality, the carnage, that can be imposed on our society is so real and so present and so serious that you’d think we’d be able to understand it, but as a society, the longer you get away from 9/11, the less…the less…

Click here for the audio clip.

In another exchange, after assuring that comments are « off the record, » Rumsfeld and one of the military analysts agree that Iraq could use a « Syngman Rhee » to take control of Iraq. Syngman Rhee was the ruthless authoritarian dictator of South Korea from after World War II through the Korean War to 1960. If the invasion of Iraq was about liberating the Iraqis from a tyrant in the form of Saddam Hussein why is Rumsfeld talking about installing an even more brutal dictator?

Click here for the audio clip. Newsvine has the recording in full.

Rumsfeld’s admission that the correction for dwindling support of the Neo-Con imperial crusade is another terror attack is perhaps the most startling and blatant indication that 9/11 was an inside job.

How much more evidence do we need to confirm that the Neo-Con hierarchy in control of the U.S. government are instigating and exploiting terror in the pursuit of their own domestic and geopolitical agenda?

As Jerry Mazza writes today, « In the seven years since the day, exhaustive and still growing evidence proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the US government, spearheaded by the Bush administration, planned, orchestrated and executed the 9/11 false flag operation. As openly advocated by wide swaths of elites, from the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), of which Rumsfeld has been a member, to the likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski (in his The Grand Chessboard), only an attack “on the order of Pearl Harbor” would, in Brzezinski’s words, cause the American people to support an “imperial mobilization,” and a world war. »

OK: This is how these people think, and how absolutely contemptuous they are of their fellow Americans.

National « DNA warehouse » bill passes

Passing the House of Representatives on a voice vote, S. 1858 has been sent to President Bush for signature. The Newborn Genetic Screening bill was passed by the Senate last December. The bill violates the U.S. Constitution and the Nuremberg Code, writes Twila Brase, president of the Citizen’s Council on Health Care (CCHC). « The DNA taken at birth from every citizen is essentially owned by the government, and every citizen becomes a potential subject of government-sponsored genetic research, » she states.

Bush seeks to limit military lawyers’ independence

The Bush administration is escalating a conflict over the independence of military lawyers who have repeatedly raised objections to White House policies over prisoners held as enemy combatants.

The administration has proposed a regulation requiring « coordination » with politically appointed Pentagon lawyers before the promotion of any member of the Judge Advocate General Corps, the military’s 4,000-member uniformed legal force.

(La dernière fois que j’ai vu cette expression utilisée, c’était par le régime fasciste de Hitler. L’idée est de faire en sorte que tout le monde suive la ligne du gouvernement sous peine d’être purgé. C’est typique d’un système totalitaire. LNI)

‘Big Brother’ database for phones and e-mails

A massive government database holding details of every phone call, e-mail and time spent on the internet by the public is being planned as part of the fight against crime and terrorism. Internet service providers (ISPs) and telecoms companies would hand over the records to the Home Office under plans put forward by officials.

U.S. to Insist That Travel Industry Get Fingerprints

The U.S. government today will order commercial airlines and cruise lines to prepare to collect digital fingerprints of all foreigners before they depart the country under a security initiative that the industry has condemned as costly and burdensome.

Chertoff Says Fingerprints Aren’t ‘Personal Data’

In a recent briefing with Canadian press (which has yet to be picked up in the U.S.), Chertoff made the startling statement that fingerprints are « not particularly private »:

Apparently, according to Chertoff, nothing you have, say, or do, is private anymore, and there are no boundaries against « unreasonable search and seizure », as guaranteed by the 4th Amendment to the Constitution.

Blair caught on train without ticket

FORMER British prime minister Tony Blair has been caught travelling on a train without a ticket or any cash to pay the fare.

Did they tase him for that?

TransLink Cops Will Continue To Taser Fare Dodgers

When we lived in Washington state, we used to love going to Vancouver; it was a lovely place at that time.

However,I don’t think I would ever want to go there again.

If their transit system cops have been granted permission to taser « non-compliant » passengers, imagine under what conditions regular officers might be permitted to tase people!

2 juin 2008

Conférence 9/11 à Montréal par David Ray Griffin et Michel Chossudovsky

Filed under: 9/11,Québec — François M. @ 12:04


Conférence 9/11 à Montréal par David Ray Griffin et Michel Chossudovsky

Chers amis, nous avons le prévilège d’avoir des gens vraiment engagés du Mouvement pour la vérité sur le 11 septembre de Montréal qui ont organisé une conférence ce 21 juin à propos de la vérité sur le 9/11 à Montréal qui va réunir deux gros canons: David Ray Griffin et Michel Chossudovsky. Ne manquez pas cet événement crucial pour avoir l’information que les médias de masse refusent toujours de faire circuler.

9/11 est une inside job.

Le Mouvement montréalais pour la vérité sur le 11 septembre présente:

David Ray Griffin

professeur, auteur, et chercheur émérite sur le complot du 11 septembre

dans une conférence (en anglais) présidée par

Michel Chossudovsky

économiste canadien et directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation


Samedi 21 juin 2008 à 19:30

Centre St-Pierre

1212 rue Panet, salle:100

à 5 minutes du métro Beaudry
stationnement gratuit

Les billets peuvent être achetés par l’un des moyens suivants:

1) 10$ sur le site http://www.mtl911truth.org (Paypal sera en fonction dans les prochains jours)

2) 10$ par chèque ou mandat-poste à l’ endroit de:
Michael Pengue
4360 de Chateaubriand
Montreal, PQ

3) 10$ en organisant un rendez-vous avec Michael Pengue. (Envoyez un e-mail à mtl911truth@hotmail.com)

4) 15$ à l’entrée le soir de l’évènement (un dvd vous sera remis)

N.B.: SVP, veuillez nous fournir votre nom complet afin que nous puissions vous identifier clairement sur place ainsi que votre adresse courriel pour pouvoir vous envoyer votre reçu de paiement.

Les profits iront vers notre marche vers Ottawa
en Septembre 2008



16 avril 2008

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 17 avril 2008: 9/11 Inside Job et État Policier

Filed under: 9/11,L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:30


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 17 avril 2008: 9/11 Inside Job et État Policier

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 17 avril 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…”

– 17 avril 2008: Dernière émission de la saison. De retour le 8 mai 2008. Nous abordons en cette dernière les derniers développements à propos du 9/11 et de l’état policier, état de surveillance et d’espionnage, torture, Taser plus quelques autres nouvelles de l’actualité. Soyez au rendez-vous pour votre dose de lucidité!

Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Welcome to Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth!

317 architectural and engineering professionals
and 1323 other supporters including A/E students
have signed the petition demanding of Congress
a truly independent investigation.

Architects, Engineers and all others may sign the petition!

ZERO – Enquête sur le 11 Septembre à Bruxelles avec ATTAC le 17 avril

Revue de Presse italienne de « ZERO, Enquête sur le 11/9 »
by ReOpen911

14 Structural Engineers Now Publicly Challenge Government’s Explanation for Destruction of the World Trade Center

Government-Funded Investigators Accused Of WTC Cover-Up

The American Society of Civil Engineers – an organization that was funded by FEMA to investigate the collapse of the twin towers on 9/11 – has been accused of engaging in a cover-up to protect the government, with critics charging the organization falsified conclusions that skyscrapers could not withstand getting hit by airplanes.

The group has been forced to convene an investigative panel which could lead to a suspension in government funding.

Lying for the government should not be big business! – M. R.

Report Of WTC Collapse Cover-Up Justifies Call For New Inquiry

Richard Gage AIA, the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and hundreds of other industry experts’ call for a new investigation into the collapse of the WTC twin towers and Building 7 is gaining strength following revelations of falsification and cover-up in relation to the FEMA-funded inquiry into the destruction of the buildings on 9/11.

Eight-author paper (including 5 PhD’s) pub’d in Journal of 9/11 Studies: Extremely High Temperatures during the WTC destruction

A little background is in order. The paper was written several months ago with the decision to focus on the « temperature gap » between temperatures reached in the « official story » and temperatures required by the data. (No mention of « thermite » was given in the paper — so that might have a better chance of publication in a mainstream journal. Showing the « official explanation » to be wrong seemed sufficient for this paper.)

WTC molten molybdenum cover-up

A paper by Dr. Steven E. Jones, Dr. Jeffrey Farrer, Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, Dr. Frank Legge, James Gourley, Kevin Ryan, Daniel Farnsworth, and Dr. Crockett Grabbe in the Volume 19 – January 2008 online edition of the Journal of 9/11 Studies has details of analyses of the WTC dust. An « abundance of tiny solidified droplets roughly spherical in shape (spherules) in the WTC dust samples » was observed. Many of these spherules were found to be iron-rich, indicating that iron had melted. The melting point of iron is 1,538 °C (2,800 °F). There is also evidence of molten molybdenum (melting point 2,623 ºC = 4,753 ºF).

Eight Senior Republican Appointees Challenge Official Account of 9/11 – « Not Possible », « a Whitewash », « False »

Eight former senior Republican administration appointees have severely criticized the official account of 9/11 and several have called for a new investigation. « I find the facts against the official story of the [WTC] buildings’ collapse more compelling than the case that has been made in behalf of the official story. I would like to see the issue debated by independent scientists and engineers, » wrote Paul Craig Roberts, PhD, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan. « A real investigation is needed to find an explanation consistent with the evidence, even if it doesn’t reassure the public, » said Dr. Roberts [1], frequently referred to as the « Father of Reagonomics. »

Eight U.S. State Department Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11

Official Account of 9/11: “Flawed”, “Absurd”, “Totally Inadequate”, “a Cover-up”

Judges condemn police lies after 9/11 attacks that ruined pilot’s life

Six years of fighting for justice left Lotfi Raissi an emotional and physical wreck and his marriage close to ruin. But yesterday, the Algerian pilot falsely accused of training the September 11 terrorists heard, finally, that he was “completely exonerated” of any part in the attacks on the twin towers.

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

9/11 Commission had to go through Bush advisor Karl Rove

In a revelation bound to cast a pall over the 9/11 Commission, Philip Shenon will report in a forthcoming book that the panel’s executive director, Philip Zelikow, engaged in “surreptitious” communications with presidential adviser Karl Rove and other Bush administration officials during the commission’s 20-month investigation into the 9/11 attacks.


Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies.

Coming Out All Over: 9/11 Was an INSIDE JOB!

Cossiga, the man who set up Operation Gladio tells Italy’s largest newspaper attacks were run by the USA’s CIA and the Israeli Mossad.

Former President of Italy: 9/11 was an Inside Job

On November 30th, the former President of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, wrote in Italy’s largest newspaper:

[Bin Laden supposedly confessed] to the Qaeda September [attack] to the two towers in New York [claiming to be] the author of the attack of the 11, while all the [intelligence services] of America and Europe … now know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the CIA American and the Mossad with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.

Mr. Cossiga joins a very long list of top military leaders, intelligence professionals, scientists, structural engineers, architects, members of Congress, 9/11 Commissioners, legal scholars, heroic first responders, family members of 9/11 victims and psychiatrists who question the government’s version of 9/11.

The above is a rough translation using Babelfish. Someone who speaks fluent Italian will be able produce a much more accurate translation.

Mr. Cossiga previously stated, in 2001:

The mastermind of the attack must have been a “sophisticated mind, provided with ample means not only to recruit fanatic kamikazes, but also highly specialized personnel. I add one thing: it could not be accomplished without infiltrations in the radar and flight security personnel.” (p. 36-37)

Note: Criticizing Zionism, as Mr. Cossiga does, is not the same as being anti-semitic. See this, this and this.

The 9/11 Commission Doesn’t Believe It: Why Do You?

The 9/11 Commission co-chairs don’t believe the 9/11 Commission Report:

  • Chairman Thomas Kean says “I’m upset that [the government] didn’t tell us the truth.”
  • Co-chair Hamilton says of the CIA’s cover up and destruction of tapes of interrogation of people allegedly connected with 9/11:

« Did they obstruct our inquiry? The answer is clearly yes, » says Lee Hamilton, who co-chaired the 9/11 Commission, in the wake of reports the CIA destroyed videotapes of interrogations of two al-Qaida suspects. « Whether that amounts to a crime, others will have to judge, » adds Hamilton.

Many of the other 9/11 Commissioners don’t buy it:

And many other key players in generating the Report don’t believe it:

  • One of the primary architects of the 9/11 Commission Report, Ernest May, said in May 2005, « We never had full confidence in the interrogation reports as historical sources. »

Air Traffic Controllers Do Track Planes Even with Transponders Off

The First Fifteen Minutes of September 11th

Within three hours of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Robin Hordon knew it was an inside job. He had been an Air Traffic Controller (ATC) for eleven years before Reagan fired him and hundreds of his colleagues after they went on strike in the eighties. Having handled in-flight emergencies and two actual hijackings in his career, he is well qualified to comment on what NORAD should have been able to achieve in its response to the near simultaneous hijacking of four domestic passenger carriers on the morning of September 11th, 2001.

“There had to be something huge to explain why those aircraft weren’t shot down out of the sky. We have fighters on the ready to handle these situations twenty-four-seven. We have NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) monitors monitoring our skies twenty-four-seven. We have a lot of human beings, civilian and military, who care about doing their jobs.”

See The 9/11 USAF Stand Down

UN Could Lead New 9/11 Investigation, Says Japanese MP

Japanese member of Parliament Yukihisa Fujita told the Alex Jones Show yesterday that a potential new investigation of the 9/11 cover-up could be led by global parliamentarians he has been in contact with, or even by the United Nations itself.

Fujita, an MP for the Japanese Democratic Party, and a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet (national legislature), presented evidence which contradicted the official 9/11 story during a widely publicized Japanese Defense and Foreign Affairs Committee meeting in January of this year.


Transcript Of Japanese Parliament’s 911 Testimony

We are running out of time but I would also like to mention the put options. Just before the 911 attacks, ie on September 6th, 7th and 8th there were put options put out on the stocks of the two airlines United and American that were hit by hijackers. There were also put options on Merril Lynch, one of the biggest WTC tenants. In other words somebody had insider information and made a fortune selling put options of these stocks. The head of Germany’s Bundesbank at the time, who is equivalent to the Governor of the Bank of Japan, said there are lots of facts to prove the people involved in the terror attacks profited from insider information. He said there was lots of suspicious trading involving financial companies etc prior to the attacks. The had of the Bundesbank was willing to say this much. I would like to ask the Finance Minster about these put options. Did the government of Japan know about this, and what do you think about this? I would like to ask Finance Minister Nukaga about this.

911の真相を捜査すべきだ。« Was Al-Qaeda the real suspect\



Washington ‘speechless’ after Ahmadinejad 9/11 comment

The United States said Wednesday it was « speechless » after Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voiced doubts about the accepted version of the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington. ADVERTISEMENT « I am not sure what you say about a statement like that. It leaves one speechless, » said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack.

Okay, allow me to fill in.

Let’s start with the fact that the BBC reported the collapse of WTC-7 20 minutes BEFORE it happened, with the building still standing in view of the camera while the news lady reported its destruction.

Then we have the way WTC-7 collapsed straight down, looking just like a controlled demolition. In the wreckage, obvious signs of the use of cutter charges were found on the load-bearing members of all three buildings.

Finally, there is the very strange manner in which President Bush, even after being told of the second impact, simply sat and read his book. More tellingly, the Secret Service protective detail, whose only task is to protect the President, did nothing, proving that they knew in advance Bush would not be a target that day.

Someone was able to warn Rudy Giuliani that the towers were going to fall. How did they know, given that no steel-framed building had ever before collapsed from fire? Was it FEMA, who coincidentally was in New York the night before, ready to go?

And who sent an advance warning to Odigo, sent before the hijacked planes had even left the ground? Who were the Mossad agents who cheered and clapped as the towers fell?

And just what is the secret evidence that links those arrested Mossad agents to 9-11, evidence which has been classified by the US Government?

Please feel free to send these links to everyone you know.

FLASHBACK: Americans Question Bush on 9/11 Intelligence

Only 16% of Americans believe the official story.

Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel

« We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq, » Ma’ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events « swung American public opinion in our favor. »

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

911 Explosive laden van 2-3 arrests

Video confirming that van full of explosives was found on 9-11 and the occupants arrested.

From the way this story « went away », one is left to conclude that these were more Mossad agents.

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11. – M. R.

Flashback : Israel Intelligence Began Selling « Iraq Did 9/11 » Only Days After Attacks

This is an historic pattern for Israel. Israel bombed the King David Hotel and blamed Arabs. Israel bombed US and UK assets in Egypt and claimed Egyptians. Israel attacked the USS Liberty and tried to blame Egypt. There is evidence to suggest that the attack on the USS Cole was also by Egypt with the blame to again fall on Arabs.

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11

In order to facilitate the computer network penetration, Mossad set up a IT consultancy and software provider named Ptech using Lebanese and Arabs as the front-man financiers and founders and keeping their Jewish American « sayan » in a secondary, but critical position.

U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons’ Role in 9/11

A new U.N. Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

No WONDER Israel won’t let this guy across the border!

J’ai financé le 11 septembre et tout le monde s’en fout !

A l’heure où tout un chacun rêve de devenir une célébrité, quitte à n’avoir rien fait pour le mériter, il est des êtres qui ont beau se démener dans les actions les plus spectaculaires qui soient, ils demeurent désespérément ignorés, ne parvenant guère à attirer la lumière sur eux. C’est le cas du général Mahmoud Ahmad, probable financier des attentats du 11 septembre – événement sans conteste le plus marquant de ce début de siècle-, et que l’on laisse à son triste anonymat. De grands médias avaient bien braqué leur regard sur lui dès les premières semaines post-attentats. Mais rien n’y fait: Mahmoud Ahmad n’intéresse pas. Il n’a pas l’étoffe d’une star. L’ancien chef des services secrets pakistanais reste un homme de l’ombre, qui semble voué à une retraite paisible sur ses terres. Lumière – tamisée – sur un suspect incroyablement tabou. (Au-delà de cet homme, c’est le rôle du Pakistan dans l’organisation du 11 septembre qui est interrogé.)

9/11 Bombshell !!!

Man who claimed to have trained 9-11 hijackers linked to CIA.

Rigged Gitmo Trials Prove 9/11 Official Story Wrong

Four prosecutors In the Guantánamo Bay case assert that the trials are rigged and that convictions are already assured despite the fact that there is scant evidence to link Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his cohorts with 9/11, proving that the official story is a fable and the real perpetrators are being protected.

US to seek death penalty in 9/11 case

So, here we have a group of patsies, tortured into confessing, to be tried by a military tribunal in a special sound-proofed courtroom where the government can switch off the microphones if the defendants say anything in their own defense, like blurting out that they WERE tortured, then the bum’s rush to the gallows to silence them permanently.

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

9/11 Panel Study Finds That C.I.A. Withheld Tapes

Media critic Barrie Zwicker

Que Bono?

Watch three videos below, then try to guess which person interviewed made 7 BILLION BUCKS from the 911 attacks.

Media critic Barrie Zwicker makes great use of some non-commercial TV in Ontario, Canada.

1st responder


A tale of three broadcasters

This is the story of a 47-story building, in a world-famous city, that collapsed several years ago. The collapse was not ‘intended’ – in the sense that this was no listed demolition site. It was a busy office building, occupied by working staff until the previous day. Then, a little more than six years ago, it simply collapsed.

If you think that’s odd, hold on tight… there’s more…

BBC To Apologize For 9/11 Truth Hit Piece?

The BBC could be forced to apologize and admit mass public deception for airing a documentary on the 9/11 truth movement that was clearly riddled with errors, lies and bias, as the scandal-hit corporation desperately squirms to avoid a potential court case brought by a British scientist.

See also The BBC reported WTC-7 had collapsed while the building was still standing.

FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event


Another clear cut case of the media on 9/11/01 being fed a cover story on WTC-7’s collapse before the actual event. In this clip, the anchors for FOX-5 in Washington DC on 9/11/01 report that WTC-7 had already collapsed and then they watch WTC-7 collapse seconds in their own video footage just after they already reported that the collapse already happened. This is more evidence that WTC-7 was brought down in a controlled demolition. How could anyone know a building with light fire damage is too collapse at free fall speed, unless they know it is going to be brought down with explosives?

Totally ridiculous. 9/11 was an inside job designed to convince the American people we need perpetual war.


U.S. Media Begins Apoplectic FRENZY as 9/11 Truth is Exposed !! A Crisis is Approaching . . .

Corporate media now smears those questioning 9/11 as « terrorists » who should be sent to eastern European prison camps . . .

Governor Jesse Ventura On Hannity & Colmes 4-8-08


AOL News Networking Website Bans Prison Planet

AOL-Time Warner’s popular social networking website Propeller.com has banned submission of all Prison Planet.com material – citing Prison Planet’s « inflammatory » articles about 9/11 as its justification.

MSNBC Reporter: « I hope there is a secret prison for all 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists »


Desperate Smear Campaign Follows Actress’ 9/11 Comments

Oscar-winning French actress Marion Cotillard’s comments regarding her doubts about the official 9/11 story have already provoked an international media smear campaign despite the fact that she is merely echoing a plethora of other highly respected public figures in questioning the establishment position.

Marion Cotillard: French Anti-Americanism at an All Time High

Just one week ago french actress Marion Cotillard won the Academy Award for Best Actress, but this week the main stream media is looking to take her out of the picture.

… Marion Cotillard’s questions are shared by millions from around the world, including Americans who are demanding answers. But they spin this story so far that we are literally watching them turn our questions about 9/11 into a Thought Crime. The Telegraph reports that the actress is likely to face a backlash for questioning 9/11, and in the extended version the author Peter Allen goes even further. He is clever, declaring the official story TRUTH, and Marion Cotillard will be shunned for « openly » questioning « the truth, » (implying that such things shouldn’t be questioned at all).

Noam Chomsky, White Knights and 9/11 Truth.

9/11 was blamed on a man who denied it and who supposedly headed up an organization that high ranking members of the CIA say does not exist. The myriad of connections between Israel and 9/11 is tremendous and no amount of coincidence can account for it. People who have been connected to their countries secret service; ex-presidents and high officials in various lands have said that 9/11 was an inside job and some have laid the blame at the feet of the CIA and Mossad. I tend to believe that MI-6 had some connection to it as well. They certainly were connected to 7/7 in the London tube. The same Israeli security firm was in charge of all 9/11 airports, the London tube and the Madrid train station. I can go on and on about Dancing Israeli’s and Odigo… the sheer weight of the evidence is… I can’t find a word for it.

“Anti-Semite” and Social Engineering

But those are mere facts and the ‘anti Semite’ syndrome, like the 9/11 denial syndrome, is not cured by applying factual information. In a contest of raw power, mind control and propaganda win over facts. Emotions rule and anger and fear are the king and queen. Creating programmed responses to conversational triggers aids in squelching societal debate. “Conspiracy theorist, whack job, holocaust denier, wing nut, absurd, anti Semite, crazy” Attack the messenger to discount the message. Interrupt him, talk over him, make him lose his train of thought, ridicule him, insult him. No issue is to be addressed; no evidence is to be assessed – ever.

9-11 Truth And The Holocaust

The fact is that even though at trials of such Holocaust Revisionists as Ernst Zundel, whose defense brought up significant truths with regards to certain aspects of the official Jewish Holocaust story, using forensic experts and cross-examining top Jewish Holocaust leaders such as Raul Hilberg, revealing many conflicting discrepancies in their stories, the judge found Ernst Zundel, who is a pacifist with no previous criminal record, guilty of “incitement to hatred” and he’s been in jail for years, first in Canada and now in Germany where he was extradited to. You can google him for the details. Remember there are always at least two sides to every story, so do your cross-referencing. So the end result was that the Truth about the Holocaust was/is completely irrelevant in his trial. The fact is that his powerful political enemies want him in jail. Period. It’s like the Grand Inquisition. Even his defense lawyer in Germany has now been put in jail.

The judge in Zundel’s trial actually stated that the truth of the matter was irrelevant. Even if every word of what Zundel spoke was the absolute truth, IT WAS STILL A CRIME TO SAY IT.




whatreallyhappened.com: A Dormant Danger in the Dust

When the World Trade Center (WTC) towers crumbled, a dust cloud containing more than 2,500 contaminants spread across the city—reaching as far as New Jersey. The toxic dust was composed of harmful elements such as construction debris, glass and other fibers, and poisonous compounds such as lead, mercury, and asbestos. Those living and working near the WTC and those who assisted in cleanup were gravely affected by this contaminated dust. Many of those exposed to the dust have experienced disquieting health issues, ranging from problems with breathing to various forms of cancer, the most common being lung cancer.

9/11 Coincidences (Part Nine)


Mysterious Power-Downs in the World Trade Center

Please visit the website to order the full version of 9/11 Mysteries:


Did the World Trade Center towers undergo a deliberate « power-down » on the weekend prior to the 9-11 terrorist attacks? According to Scott Forbes, a senior database administrator for Fiduciary Trust, Inc. — a high-net investment bank which was later acquired by Franklin Templeton — this is precisely what took place. Forbes, who was hired by Fiduciary in 1999 and is now stationed at a U.K. branch office, was working on the weekend of September 8-9, 2001, and said that his company was given three weeks advance notice that New York’s Port Authority would take out power in the South Tower from the 48th floor up. The reason: the Port Authority was performing a cabling upgrade to increase the WTC’s computer bandwidth. However, there seems to be no logical reason why the electricity need be shut down in order to upgrade computer bandwidth.

The Fiduciary Trust was one of the WTC’s first occupants after it was erected, and a « power-down » had never been initiated prior to this occasion. Forbes also stated that his company put forth a huge investment in time and resources to take down their computer systems due to the deliberate power outage. This process, Forbes recalled, began early Saturday morning (September 8th) and continued until mid-Sunday afternoon (September 9th) — approximately 30 hours. As a result of having its electricity cut, the WTC’s security cameras were rendered inoperative, as were its I.D. systems, and elevators to the upper floors. Forbes states that there were plenty of engineers going in-and-out of the WTC who had free access throughout the building due to its security system being knocked out.

Even though these disclosures could jeopardize his current employment, Forbes has stepped forward because, « I have mailed this information to many people, including the 9/11 Commission, but no one seems to be registering these facts. »

Sydney Conference: 9/11 – Physics and Findings: Challenging the NIST Report

In Sydney a conference is now under way challenging the official version and lack of investigation into what happened during the September 11, 2001 attacks in the USA.

I have reached the point where I don’t care to investigate 9-11 any longer. I don’t need to waste time picking at tiny details. The facts is that the government lied to us about what happened, and that is all I need to know. That is all WE THE PEOPLE need to know. Now we have reached the point where we must decide what we shall do with a government that lies to us.

What Caused the Fiery Ground-Level Explosions Right Before the Collapse of Each Tower?

* A CBS News reporter on stated: « All of a sudden I heard a roar and I saw one of the towers blow … I saw from street level as though it exploded up, a giant rolling ball of flame… »

* The same reporter stated: « I hear simultaneously this roar and see what appears to be a gigantic fireball rising up at ground level . . . giant ball of fire come out of the earth » (pages 119 & 239)

Bill Clinton: ‘Paranoid’ hecklers ‘come and scream at me everywhere’


9/11 – Greatest act of psychological warfare ever perpetrated

Some people believe an outlandish conspiracy theory involving 19 Arab hijackers who allegedly: commandeered four commercial jets with nothing more than their cunning, wit, resolve, hatred of America, and some box cutters; then proceed to fly these aircraft around US airspace unfettered for a total lapsed time of over an hour; on three of the planes, pulled stunning flight maneuvers beyond the capability of even expert pilots; and, managed to cause damage to their targets — one of which just happens to have been the most heavily defended building in the world — so extreme as to be in clear violation of several well understood laws of Physics, Chemistry, and Thermodynamics. This amazing conspiracy theory is even more suspicious and bizarre in that it is the one proffered by the United States Government (USG) and the 9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission.

Video – Bill Clinton: 9/11 doubters ‘look like idiots’

New York Times Bestselling Author Aims at 9/11 Coverup with Both Barrels Blazing

What Do a Renowned 9/11 Physicist and a N.Y. Times Best Selling Novelist Have in Common? Harassment by Dis-Information?

In the last 48 hours, N.Y. Times best selling novelist, Steve Alten, author of, « The Shell Game, » was recently shocked and dumbfounded that he’d become the victim of harassment, when someone not only put a map of his home and his personal private phone number and home address up on the internet, . . . but also either remotely accessed or intercepted personal private email between he and his publicist . . .

Unfortunately in this country, when someone tries to get the truth out there, even if be in a fictionalized format, they frequently are given this kind of treatment.

Lying to « Reassure » the Public

Might it sometimes be appropriate for the government to lie in order to reassure the public? Asked this question during a Court of Appeals hearing yesterday in Benzman vs. EPA, the case brought by residents, students and office workers exposed to and in many cases sickened by the environmental hazards following 9/11,* EPA lawyer Alisa Klein answered, « Yes. »

Competing interests such as the economy or the « return to normalcy » [sic] might supercede that of public health, she argued.

Accepting, for the moment, the mindbending reasoning that requires us to be reassured by a government which has admitted that it will lie whenever it feels like it, let us turn now to some situations in which said government has seen fit not to reassure us but in fact, to scare the sh*t out of us.

And then, the city and county of New York medically and financially « dumped » many of their first resopnders who got seriously and chronically ill from their heroic actions after 9/11.

The CIA’s Gift to Conspiracy Theorists

The CIA has proved, once again, that the cover up is worse than the crime. Or at least let’s hope that’s the case.

CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden has admitted that in 2005 the CIA destroyed two videotapes of interrogations of al-Qaeda prisoners, including a central figure in 9/11, Abu Zubaydah. Hayden said the tapes were destroyed to protect the identities of the CIA interrogators from members of al-Qaeda and other terrorists who might try to retaliate. He also claims that the tapes were made to safeguard against unlawful treatment of detainees, and that they were only destroyed after it was confirmed that suspects were not being tortured.

Pay No Attention to The Soldier Saying the Government is Lying about 9-11

So anyway, I’m on the Internet this morning and reading [imagine that] an article I saw on the most excellent website, Whatreallyhappened.com that was written by investigative journalist Stephen Webster of the Lone Star Icon, entitled “Under Fire! U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Targeted For Suggesting New Independent 9/11 Investigation,”[2] and details the story of an Army Sergeant First Class named Donald Buswell, who is being “investigated for using his government email account to send out messages that could be considered “disloyal to the United States.” According to Webster, the military is implying that this Purple Heart recipient “could soon find himself dishonorably discharged, court martialed, or worse.” So what did Buswell write in this email? I’m glad you asked, that implies you aren’t asleep.

Developer sues to recover 9/11 costs

The developer of the World Trade Center in New York is seeking $12.3 billion in damages from the airlines and other companies associated with the September 11 terrorist attacks, his spokesman said Thursday.

Talk about Chutzpah!

Years ago, I was in a convenience store in Los Angeles when it was robbed. The crooks took my wallet along with the cash register contents.

Now, do you really think I have grounds to sue the store for « allowing » me to be robbed on their premises?

Rare 9-11 Footage of Flight 93

This tape starts right off confirming that Flight 93 wreckage was spread over several miles, consistent with a shoot-down and totally INconsistent with the official story.

911 was an Inside Job; say it till they hear It!

Joe Scarborough calls for members of the 9/11 Truth movement to be thrown into secret prisons; possibly the greatest and most soulless whore to appear on television, ever; Geraldo Rivera, states that the New York bombing is likely the work of the 9/11 Truth movement. We’ve seen Netanyahu soul mate, Bill Maher, screaming like a hemorrhoidal finger puppet at his audience. We’ve seen sneers and grins and a denial that should be lining the outside of our space vehicles. We’ve seen and we have believed our lying eyes. Everyone else’s spouse is sleeping with the help.

The Old and New Pearl Harbor

In his article for the March/April 2008 edition of the CFR organ ‘Foreign Relations ‘, Paul R. Pillar defends the intelligence community against criticism of perceived intelligence failures such as the ‘surprise attack’ on Pearl Harbor and September 11. Neither ‘surprise attack’ came as a surprise of course. The attack on Pearl Harbor was deliberately provoked by the U.S. government. First, they put a crippling oil embargo on Japan, then they set up the entire Pacific fleet like a sitting duck. As intended the Japanese attacked, giving the U.S. government the excuse to drag its reluctant population into World War II. There was plenty of warning against an imminent Japanese attack. They were all ignored on order of the U.S. president under the silly excuse that making the fleet leave Pearl Harbor would be too costly.

September 11 was not much different, only this time the attacks were committed by a bunch of Arab students working for the secret service of a ‘friendly’ country, Israel’s Mossad.[1] Given the fact that the U.S. airspace is heavily defended, U.S. air control and military well trained to deal with 9/11 style attacks, U.S. airplanes equipped with remote control devices for the purpose of taking control of abducted planes[2] and U.S. airports guarded by Israeli owned and trained airport security firms, it is pretty obvious that the attacks couldn’t have been performed without help from the inside.

More about Pearl Harbor HERE, HERE, and

More about 9-11 HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Sensenbrenner stunned by 9/11 questions from an anti-neocon


Jon Stewart takes on the ‘uncensored’ history of the 9/11 Commission

« It is remarkable the efforts that the Bush White House went through to try to prevent the 9/11 Commission from getting the information it needed, » Shenon told Stewart. « The person who was most responsible for that tension was former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales who was then the White House Counsel. »

Government’s Evasiveness about 9/11 is Proof of Guilt

When a suspect who is confronted with a direct question repeatedly tries to change the subject and refuses to answer the question, that’s evidence that he’s guilty.

Michael Shermer, the Self-Described Skeptic Turns Gullible on 911

At the very outset, Shermer’s misstatement of fact discredits his article. Knowledgeable « truthers » have not denied the existence of « molten steel ». It is the existing video tapes of molten steel that, in themselves, utterly disprove the official conspiracy theory of George W. Bush and those who would continue to cover up this crime. Steel melts at much higher temperatures that could possibly have been reached in the brief and relatively cool fires in all of the towers that fell that day.

9/11 « Truthers » a Pack of Liars

Michael Shermer stamps his feet and throws a tantrum in support of the official fable, and links those who question 9-11 with those who question the holocaust.

And note that he goes right for the « No Plane at the Pentagon » hoax, which we now know was intentionally planted in the 9-11 truth movement to give shills like Shermer an easy handle to ridicule those who refuse to regurgitate the correct dogma, as Shermer himself does.

7 avril 2008

Mouvement pour la vérité 9/11 de Montréal et le Métro/Verint/Mossad

Filed under: 9/11,Canada,Québec,Terrorisme — François M. @ 10:42


Montreal 911 Truth Movement Averts Mossad Metro Terror Plot

Recently the makings of a plot for a 7/7 style terrorist attack by Israeli Mossad terrorists against Montreal’s Metro was exposed.

Mtl 911 truth released a documentary showing that companies tied to the terrorist state of Israel’s intelligence(read:terrorists) are surveilling the transit system.











14 mars 2008

9/11 au Parlement UE, CIA et la drogue, Diamants de sang

Filed under: 9/11,Divers — François M. @ 12:33

9/11 au Parlement UE, CIA et la drogue, Diamants de sang

Voici trois vidéo fort intéressantes. L’une témoigne du 9/11 qui fait maintenant l’objet de questionnements au Parlement Européen. Le Japon a fait de même. Le deuxième est un court extrait d’un ducumentaire où un ex-agent de la DEA aux États-Unis admet que la CIA a importé de la cocaïne. Le dernier souligne un appel au boycott des diamants de Leviev à New-York pour ses liens avec la misère imposée aux Palestiniens.

Bonne fin de semaine!

9/11 Questioned in European Parliament



Members of We are Change UK were at the European Parliament in Brussels to watch the Premiere of Zero, a new film that questions the official version of events on 9/11. A panel of guests were in attendance to answer questions before and after the film. These included David Ray Griffin, Yukisha Fujita MP and Giullietto Chiesa MEP.

David Ray Griffin is one of the leading authors on 9/11, having written 6 books on the subject. His newest book looks at the 25 largest contradictions in the 9/11 Commission Report.


Yukihisa Fujita is a Japanese opposition MP who recently questioned the Japanese Prime Minister about outstanding questions regarding 9/11. This was televised on national television reaching an audience of millions.


Giullietto Chiesa is an Italian MEP and journalist. He is one of the producers of the film Zero and was responsible for the screening in the European Parliament.

Ex-DEA Head Admits CIA Imported Cocaine

Now then, just a reminder. When Iran-Contra operated, guns went south and drugs came north. The American side of the pipeline was based at Mena, Arkansas under the watchful eye of then-governor Bill Clinton.


A clip from « American Drug War: The Last White Hope »

*Material contained in this video constitutes ‘fair use’ of copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material is distributed without profit for research and educational purposes.

Boycott Diamond Giant Leviev


Activists Call for Boycott of Diamond Giant Leviev for Support of Israeli Settlements and Links to Human Rights Abuses in Africa
Leviev, the world’s largest cutter and polisher of diamonds, has been linked to expanding Jewish-only settlements in the Palestinian West Bank and a sketchy human rights record in Angola, where it controls the diamond supply. We speak to two Palestinian and Jewish members of Adalah-New York, a group that’s held weekly protests outside Leviev’s Madison Avenue store.

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