LNI Média

21 décembre 2008

Comment l’armée israélienne tue les Palestiniens avec des fusils contrôlés à distance

Filed under: Israël,Moyen-Orient,Palestine — François M. @ 6:30


Comment l’armée israélienne tue les Palestiniens avec des fusils contrôlés à distance

Ceci n’est pas un jeu et plusieurs de ces systèmes ont récemment été installés et sont en usage le long de la frontière entre Israël et Gaza. La vidéo de l’opératrice est à donner froid dans le dos – sa façon calme, mais létale d’opérer les fusils montés à distance à l’aide de sa manette – assure ainsi que maintient une distance entre les opérateurs d’une part et le sang et les tripes des Palestiniens qui explosent en petits morceaux.

La deuxième vidéo dépeint la réalité à Gaza que les grands médias se refusent de vous montrer.

Le dernier morceau est une pièce écrite en 2003, avant le début de l’agression criminelle de l’Irak, par le Brigadier Général US à la retraite James J. David à propos de quelques réalités mal comprises par le publique en général à propos d’Israël versus l’Irak.

How Israel kills Palestinians with Remote Control Guns – shooting fish in a Barrel IDF style

This is no game and several of these systems have recently been installed and are in use , live, along the Israel-Gaza border. The video of the female operator is chilling – her unhurried , yet lethal operation, poise and perfect make up – ensures and maintains the disatnce from the blood and guts of actually blasting people to bits.

Réalité à Gaza

Brigadier General Says Israel is the problem not Iraq

by James J. David, Brigadier General, USA ret. – Jan 7, 2003

(James J. David is a retired Brigadier General and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College, and the National Security Course, National Defense University, Washington, DC. He served as a Company Commander with the 101st Airborne Division in the Republic of Vietnam in 1969 and 1970 and also served nearly 3 years of Army active duty in and around the Middle East from 1967-1969.)

Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Answer: Israel.

Question: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?
Answer: Israel.

Question: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
Answer: Israel.

Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes and artillery and naval gunfire?
Answer: Israel.

Question: What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)?
Answer: Israel.

Question: In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed?
Answer: Israel.

Question Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
Answer: Israel.

Question: What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses?
Answer: Israel.

Question: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?
Answer: Israel.

Question: In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United Nations diplomat assassinated?
Answer: Israel.

Question: In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime minister?
Answer: Israel.

Question: What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters, killing 34 and wounding 171 American sailors?
Answer: Israel.

Question: What country in the Middle East employed a spy, Jonathan Pollard, to steal classified documents and then gave some of them to the Soviet Union?
Answer: Israel.

Question: What country at first denied any official connection to Pollard, then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously demanded that the American president grant Pollard a full pardon?
Answer: Israel.

Question. What Middle East country allows American Jewish murderers to flee to its country to escape punishment in the United States and refuses to extradite them once in their custody?
Answer: Israel

Question. What Middle East country preaches against hate yet builds a shrine and a memorial for a murderer who killed 29 Palestinians while they prayed in their Mosque.
Answer: Israel

Question: What country on Planet Earth has the second most powerful lobby in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders?
Answer: Israel.

Question. Which country in the Middle East deliberately targeted a U.N. Refugee Camp in Qana, Lebanon and killed 103 innocent men, women, and especially children?
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from 29 more by U.S. vetoes?
Answer: Israel.

Question: Which country in the Middle East receives more than one-third of all U.S. aid yet is the 16th richest country in the world?
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East receives U.S. weapons for free and then sells the technology to the Republic of China even at the objections of the U.S.?
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely insults the American people by having its Prime Minister address the United States Congress and lecturing them like children on why they have no right to reduce foreign aid?
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East had its Prime Minister announce to his staff not to worry about what the United States says because « We control America? »
Answer: Israel

Question: What country in the Middle East was cited by Amnesty International for demolishing more than 4000 innocent Palestinian homes as a means of ethnic cleansing.
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East has just recently used a weapon of mass destruction, a one-ton smart bomb, dropping it in the center of a highly populated area killing 15 civilians including 9 children?
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely kills young Palestinian children for no reason other than throwing stones at armored vehicles, bulldozers, or tanks?
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East signed the Oslo Accords promising to halt any new Jewish Settlement construction, but instead, has built more than 270 new settlements since the signing?
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East has assassinated more than 100 political officials of its opponent in the last 2 years while killing hundreds of civilians in the process, including dozens of children?
Answer: Israel

Question: Which country in the Middle East regularly violates the Geneva Convention by imposing collective punishment on entire towns, villages, and camps, for the acts of a few, and even goes as far as demolishing entire villages while people are still in their homes?
Answer: Israel

Question: What country in the Middle East is the United States threatening to attack because of fear that it may be a threat to us and to our allies?
Answer: Iraq

17 décembre 2008

Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet,Moyen-Orient — François M. @ 8:55


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 18 décembre 2008: Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 18 décembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde:

– Le NIST admet que le WTC7 s’est écroulé à la vitesse de la chute libre.

– Le journal The Financial Times annonce le projet d’un nouvel ordre mondial.

– Économie: Émeutes en Grèce qui se répandent à d’autres pays, banques nationalisées et fonds de pension qui vont disparaitre et l’écroulement des finances publiques.

– Nous complèterons avec un survol du Moyen-Orient, état policier, changements climatiques et autres.

Dernière émission de la saison automne; soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:


Role of Alleged CIA Asset in Mumbai Attacks Being Downplayed

Recent press reports on developments with regard to last month’s attacks in Mumbai, India indicate the role of Dawood Ibrahim, a wanted crime boss, terrorist, and drug trafficker, is being downplayed, possibly the result of a deal taking place behind the scenes between the governments of the US, Pakistan, and India, to have others involved in the Mumbai attacks turned over while quietly diverting attention from a man who some say could reveal embarrassing secrets about the CIA’s involvement in criminal enterprises.

U.S.: India prepared for strike on Pakistan

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Because we can’t think of anything else to do, THAT’S why! » — Official White Horse Souse

India demands Pakistan hand over 40 wanted ‘terrorists’

India has demanded that Pakistan hand over 40 people it believes were involved in attacks on Indian soil and other serious crimes, the Indian Foreign Minister announced today.

Pranab Mukherjee also called on Pakistan to follow up on its recent arrest of several militants by completely dismantling the facilities of terrorist groups operating on its territory.

However, Pakistan says it wants proof of their role in Mumbai and has categorically ruled out handing them to India, pledging to try them on its own territory if there is evidence against them.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

India had to know that this demand was a non-starter from the get-go.

Let us hope that Pakistan’s intention of investigating and trying these people on Pakistani soil is not used by India as a justification for targeted strikes in Pakistan.

That could well be the prelude to World War III. Remember: both countries have nukes.

Creating an « Arc of Crisis »: The Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia

The recent attacks in Mumbai, while largely blamed on Pakistan’s state-sponsored militant groups, represent the latest phase in a far more complex and long-term “strategy of tension” in the region; being employed by the Anglo-American-Israeli Axis to ultimately divide and conquer the Middle East and Central Asia. The aim is destabilization of the region, subversion and acquiescence of the region’s countries, and control of its economies, all in the name of preserving the West’s hegemony over the “Arc of Crisis.”

Proxy war between India and Pakistan will benefit ‘divide and conquer’ agenda of the USA and Israel

The USA has been the chief supporter of Pakistan for the past several decades. During the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, the USA funneled vast amounts of war materiel to Afghanistan through Pakistan, and much of that war material was diverted, with US permission, to Pakistani Terrorism against India. The USA actually created Al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden worked as a CIA asset in Afghanistan and also in Kosovo.

Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”

General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani ISI, told CNN yesterday that both the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 were “inside jobs,” much to the chagrin of host and CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria, who told viewers that Gul’s opinions were “absolutely wrong and thoroughly discredited”.

Mumbai gunman’s confession sheds light on massacre

The gunman captured in last month’s Mumbai attacks had originally intended to seize hostages and outline demands in a series of dramatic calls to the media, according to his confession obtained Saturday by The Associated Press.

Mohammed Ajmal Kasab said he and his partner, who assaulted the city’s main train station, had planned a rooftop standoff, but they couldn’t find a suitable building, the statement to police says.

Webmaster’s Commentary:


This operation was too well planned for them not to have had a suitable roof top of that was indeed what they wanted to do. We know that some of the operatives were on the ground in Mumbai as much as two weeks ahead of the attacks; plenty of time to pick high ground (not to mention the ease of using Google Earth to look at the city from above).

Mumbai attack was meant to topple my govt, says Zardari

Highlighting action against Lashker-e-Toiba and detained Jaish-e-Mohammed founder Maulana Masood Azhar as evidence of Pakistan’s
commitment in fighting terror, president Asif Ali Zardari maintained that the Mumbai attacks were targeted at his government and blamed non-state actors for the security situation within Pakistan.

India, Pakistan Air Forces on High Alert

Pakistani F-16s were seen flying over the capital of Islamabad today as the air forces of both Pakistan and neighboring India were reportedly placed on high alert. The navies of both nations are also aggressively patrolling in the Arabian Sea.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Don’t forget the report from Wayne Madsen a few says back that Israeli bombers with Indian makings were prepared to bomb Pakistan.

Mumbai Terror Group Trained American Jihadists

A growing chorus of intelligence officials in the U.S. and in south Asia have pinned the Mumbai attacks on the Kashmir-based militants Lashkar-e-Taiba. But there’s been hardly any mention of the extremist group’s deep ties to American-based jihadists.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Yeah, we’re being « pre-sold » on who to blame for the next faked terror attack!

Arrest Provides More Evidence India, Israel, and the U.S. Behind Mumbai Attacks

It now appears Indian intelligence played a large part in the terrorist attacks. On Saturday, the Associated Press reported that a “counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission” was arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the gunmen.

Pakistan: We’re ready for war with India

Pakistan warned it is ready for war with India if it is attacked following the strike by the Mumbai terrorists.

Pakistan is a ‘failed state’, says US Congressman

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: We’re ready to invade!

Indian terror suspects linked to Mumbai plot

Police arrested four Indian Muslims for alleged involvement in a planned attack on Mumbai as early as February, a senior police officer who handled the case told The Times yesterday.

One of them, Faheem Ahmed Ansari, was carrying a fake Pakistani passport and a list and maps of nine targets in southern Mumbai, including the Taj Mahal hotel and other sites attacked last week, the officer said.

Paul Craig Roberts: « Washington Arrogance Has Fomented a Muslim Revolution. »

« In a government of law, the existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. »
Justice Louis Brandeis

Is Pakistan responsible for the Mumbai attack in India? No.

Is India’s repression of its Muslim minority responsible? No.

FBI claims that US has jurisdiction in Mumbai terror probe

The FBI is assisting Indian investigative agencies in collecting evidence in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks, the US attorney general has said as he insisted that his country has the jurisdiction to prosecute the terrorist captured during the deadly strikes.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Why the push to take control of the surviving « terrorist? »

Details emerge on CIA terror plot warnings

Indian intelligence sources have confirmed to The?Hindu that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) delivered two warnings of an impending terror attack on Mumbai in September. The first one was delivered through the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) on September 18. The sources said the information was of a general nature, suggesting that the Lashkar-e-Taiba was planning to attack Mumbai.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Remember the month before 9-11, when ABCNNBBCBS were constantly barraging us all with stories about what a bad dude Osama Bin Laden was, and I pointed out in august 2001 that Osama hadn’t actually done anything to justify such media exposure, and thus the news stories were « selling » Osama to us all as a villain for something yet to occur.

These CIA warnings (which are just as vague as the Mossad 9-11 warnings) seem like they serve the same purpose; telling the intended victims who they should assume is behind the attacks ahead of time.

Phone Call Hoax From India to Pakistan–Yet Another Mossad Operation?

In sum, for 24 hours the two nuclear powers were a hair’s trigger away from war. The United States–having very close (and increasingly closer) ties to India was contacted by Zardari who informed the State Department about the increasingly dangerous situation. Sec. of State Condoleeza Rice contacted her Indian counterpart who informed her that no such call had been made.

WMD attack to originate in Pakistan: US report

The bipartisan Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism reported earlier on Wednesday that if there was a WMD attack on the United States, it would originate in Pakistan.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Can we invade them now? Can we? Huh? Can we? »

Hoax call fuels Pakistan-Indian tensions

A man pretending to be India’s foreign minister called Pakistan’s president and talked in a « threatening » manner during the Mumbai terror attacks, prompting Pakistan to put its air force on high alert, a security official and a news report said Saturday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And yet the US is still trying to claim that there is « irrefutable » evidence linking Pakistan to the Mumbai attacks.

Rice tells Pakistan to act ‘or US will’

The US Secretary of State, Dr Condoleezza Rice, is reported to have told Pakistan that there is ‘irrefutable evidence’ of involvement of elements in the country in the Mumbai attacks and that it needs to act urgently and effectively to avert a strong international response.

Contrary to the formal statements issued by Pakistani authorities and her own statement at the Chaklala Airbase before her departure, sources said she “pushed the Pakistani leaders to take care of perpetrators, otherwise the US will act”.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

What the hell doe it mean that Secretary Rice states that there is « …‘irrefutable evidence’ of involvement of elements in the country in the Mumbai attacks »?

and if such rock-solid ‘irrefutable evidence’ exists, why isn’t it being screamed from the rooftops so that the world knows precisely what Secretary Rice believes she has seen?

Memo to the Pakistani government: if you think you have been struggling to deal with the drone attacks on your borders to date, the US government and military may well be planning an even worse world of hurt for you and your people, with the Mumbai massacres used as the justification for even more attacks.

Pakistan link to Mumbai attacks evident: Obama’s adviser

A prominent adviser to US president-elect Barack Obama said the Mumbai attack was an act by global jihad, and targeted what Osama bin Laden called the « Crusader-Zionist-Hindu » alliance.

Police: Man arrested in Mumbai probe is cop

One of the two men arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by gunmen in the Mumbai attacks is a counter-insurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission, security officials said Saturday.

McCain warns Pakistan of Indian air strikes

United States Senator John McCain has said there is enough evidence of the involvement of former Inter-Services Intelligence officers in the planning and execution of the Mumbai attacks.

If Pakistan did not act swiftly to arrest the people involved, the Senator said, India would be left with no option but to conduct aerial operations against select targets in Pakistan.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

OK, look at the timing here. These two landed right on the heels of Secretary Rice’s visit, and their visit does not appear to be coordinated with her visit at all.

Yes, Lieberman is the Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, and McCain is the ranking member and Former Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce; but why go to India and Pakistan now?!?!?

It’s almost as though these two, de facto, have told Pakistan that the excrement is about to hit the fan in terms of Indian strikes against Pakistan, unless they catch and arrest the perpetrators of the Mumbai massacre. and the US is impotent to do anything to stop it.

The chance of these guys being found in Pakistan is just about as reasonable as that of pigs flying.

So, India has stepped up the timetable, indicating that Pakistan has only « ….a matter of days… » before some strikes will happen.

This is not going to help calm tensions down in any way here.

India uncovers Hindu terror group that carried out bombings blamed on Islamists

India is in something of a state of shock after learning from official sources that its first Hindu terror cell may have carried out a series of deadly bombings that were initially blamed on militant Muslims. The revelation is forcing the country to consider some difficult questions.


Perino: We’re not occupiers in Iraq; we’re guests

« QUESTION: But he wasn’t a guest. We’re occupiers. »

« PERINO: No, we’re not. We are absolutely a guest. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Only a severely deluded fool, or a pathological, serial liar, would open their mouths and say such a thing, considering the current situation on the ground in Iraq.

I would encourage Ms. Perino to take a trip around Baghdad, completely unescorted, to see just how « welcomed » she would be, particularly in areas like Sadr city.

The US military may well be the guests of a US-appointed puppet regime, but it is not the guest of the Iraqi people, after what we have done to their country.

Top Analyst: Iraqi Political Outlook Grim

There is growing concern in the Iraqi political community that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is consolidating power and positioning himself as a future dictator, a leading Iraq analyst has told the Council on Foreign Relations.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If in fact this is the case, then all the US has succeeded in doing in Iraq is exchanging one Sunni dictator for a Shiite dictator.

Of course, a truly democratic republic of Iraq was never in the cards from the beginning.

And the ultimate winner here, after all the blood and money spent?!?



Families, country mourn deaths of three Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan

Taleban tax: allied supply convoys pay their enemies for safe passage

The West is indirectly funding the insurgency in Afghanistan thanks to a system of payoffs to Taleban commanders who charge protection money to allow convoys of military supplies to reach Nato bases in the south of the country.

The controversial payments were confirmed by several fuel importers, trucking and security company owners. None wanted to be identified because of the risk to their business and their lives. “We estimate that approximately 25 per cent of the money we pay for security to get the fuel in goes into the pockets of the Taleban,” said one fuel importer.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

25% of the money for security….goes into the pockets of the Taliban?!?!?

I’m sitting here, reading, and re-reading this statement, trying desperately to get my head around it before, as Lewis Black would say, « it EXPLODES!!« 

Would some adults in the room in Washington and at the NATO HQ in Brussels please stick a fork in the occupation of
Afghanistan? It’s DONE!!

U.S. keeps silent as Afghan ally removes war crime evidence

Seven years ago, a convoy of container trucks rumbled across northern Afghanistan loaded with a human cargo of suspected Taliban and al Qaida members who’d surrendered to Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum, an Afghan warlord and a key U.S. ally in ousting the Taliban regime.

When the trucks arrived at a prison in the town of Sheberghan, near Dostum’s headquarters, they were filled with corpses. Most of the prisoners had suffocated, and others had been killed by bullets that Dostum’s militiamen had fired into the metal containers.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It has often been said that people can be judged by the company they keep; the same is true for the company nations keep.

Yes, General Abdul Dostum was a thug: but he was our thug!

I was still holding my grandson’s hand – the rest was gone’

« We were walking, I was holding my grandson’s hand, then there was a loud noise and everything went white. When I opened my eyes, everybody was screaming. I was lying metres from where I had been, I was still holding my grandson’s hand but the rest of him was gone. I looked around and saw pieces of bodies everywhere. I couldn’t make out which part was which. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The Afghanis do not hate us « …because we are free. »

They hate us because we are murdering their children, their brothers, their sisters, mothers, and friends in the name of Western oil pipelines.

And this continued aerial bombardment guarantees two things, and two things only.

First, there will be one hell of a lot of « collateral damage », i.e., killing infants, kids, women, the elderly, and the medically fragile who just want to live their lives.

Secondly, it will radicalize those left standing even further against the installed puppet government which the US is desperately attempting to prop up through the use of these airstrikes.

Someone in the Pentagon, the white house, or congress really should have remembered, when (allegedly) « planning » the Afghanistan campaign, that no country, in spite of its fire power, has ever been able to win what is essentially a ground war from the air.

That is precisely the situation in which the US and NATO find themselves Afghanistan.

It should remind you of a military conflict from which the US and NATO should have taken note, but didn’t. That conflict was the Viet Nam War.

Ignorance and stupidity, coupled with magical thinking, should be painful. It’s a damned shame it isn’t.


Target Pakistan?

Faced with a dangerous situation the Americans are now intensifying their attacks inside Pakistan which tantamount to a declaration of war and which is also prompting the threat of reprisals. A fact that is already evident from the increase in attacks on supply convoys that pass through Pakistan to keep the American led campaign in the so-called war on terror.

With all that in mind one has to question why India is now beatings its drums of war after what was clearly a massive Indian Maritime and security failure to prevent a bunch of young men armed with AK 47 Assault rifles.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Whatever Pakistani military and civilian leadership may be, these people are not stupid enough to orchestrate an attack inside India at the time of transition to a new President in the US.

If the Khyber Pass gets captured by Afghani and/Pakistani militants, this war will come to a grinding pause, because that pass is the only way to get many supplies to the US and NATO troops in Afghanistan.

‘Pakistan mulls downing US drones’

Pakistani officials are urging the incoming Obama administration to stop air attacks on Pakistani territory and are even hinting that they might shoot down US drones in its airspace, according to a report published in the Washington Times (WT).

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The moment the Pakistani military actually shoots down a US drone, Pakistan is potentially on the verge of being at war with the US.

But perhaps, if there is no tacit agreement between the US and Pakistan about the continuation of these attacks, that is precisely the outcome the US wants to see in order to justify going directly into Pakistan militarily.

Militants torch over 20 supplies trucks for Afghanistan-based coalition forces in NW Pakistan

It is the fifth attack on a Pakistani freight terminal near Peshawar within ten days, police and terminal authorities said, adding that the fresh attack raised the number of destroyed containers and oil tankers to around 325.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

You have to wonder just how long after the inauguration that our loyal « friend in the war on terror » Pakistan winds up as a member of the « axis of evil » as the justification to go in and really bomb the crap out of this country.

Unfortunately in the current geopolitical climate, with « friends » like the US, who needs enemies?!?!?!?

Bush Warns Pakistan as He Defends Military Strategy

President Bush on Tuesday defended his doctrine of military intervention to shut down potential national security threats before they mature, and he issued a pointed message to Pakistan that “we will do what is necessary to protect American troops and the American people.”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to the Lame Duck in Chief: protecting American troops means not putting them in harm’s way in wars for oil and pipelines based on a solid pack of lies!!

Pakistani Prime Minister Says US Strikes Will Stop Once Obama Takes Office

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Thursday denied Islamabad has a secret deal with America allowing the attacks, as some analysts have speculated, and said he expected them to stop when President-elect Barack Obama takes over in January.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Pakistani Prime Minister Galani; were I you, I wouldn’t necessarily bet that these strikes will stop once Obama is in office.

President-elect Obama appears to have surrounded himself with a lot of people one could characterize as « very hawkish » on both Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and who feel that going to war in Iraq (on a pack of lies fed to the American people) was perfectly legitimate.

Jundullah reveals plan to attack US centre in Karachi

Pakistan on Tuesday stepped up security in Karachi following disclosure by a group of detained militants of a plot to attack the US Consulate and American military interests and other vital installations in this port city.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Yeah, « somebody » really wants a war in Pakistan!

Rice tells Pakistan to act ‘or US will’

The US Secretary of State, Dr Condoleezza Rice, is reported to have told Pakistan that there is ‘irrefutable evidence’ of involvement of elements in the country in the Mumbai attacks and that it needs to act urgently and effectively to avert a strong international response.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Rice is not acting like she will be out of a job in another month, is she?


John McCain on a visit to Pakistan together with Joe Lieberman seems determined to talk India into attacking targets in Pakistan if Pakistan continues to refuse to hand over the ‘terrorists’ that India demands.

McCain and Lieberman both know very well that the Pakistan government is no position to do any such thing since to do so would be an admission that their own intelligence service, the ISI, was complicit in the Mumbai attacks.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

In other words, all McCain and Lieberman are there to do is help sell the next war to the suckers back home.

India keeps up pressure, puts peace process with Pak on hold

India on Tuesday kept up the pressure on Pakistan with foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee stating that the composite dialogue process had been paused in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks even as Pakistani President Asif Zardari again ruled out handing over any terror suspects.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is a tinderbox situation, which could inflame the entire region, and spiral out of control, very quickly.

Let us hope that there are some real adults in the halls of power in both Islamabad and New Delhi, so that this peace dialogue can begin again in earnest.

Pakistan, China agree to boost military ties

Pakistan and China on Monday signed an agreement for military co-operation with a view to taking their bilateral military ties to new heights.

Majid said Pakistan cherished the traditional friendship and co-operation with China and was ready to make concerted efforts with the PLA to strengthen military ties

Webmaster’s Commentary:

War with China, anyone?!?

Thought not.


NOBODY IS WATCHING’; America’s hidden war in Somalia

It is a policy time bomb that will be inherited by the incoming Obama administration: a little-known front in the global war on terrorism that Washington appears to be losing, if it hasn’t already been lost.

« Somalia is one of the great unrecognized U.S. policy failures since 9/11, » said Ken Menkhaus, a leading Somalia scholar at Davidson College in North Carolina. « By any rational metric, what we’ve ended up with there today is the opposite of what we wanted. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is yet another one of Bush’s foreign policy « victories » which is about to explode in our faces like the proverbial bad trick cigar.

Somalia’s fractured government slides into chaos

Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf named a new prime minister on Tuesday, snubbing a vote by parliament to reinstate sacked premier Nur Hassan Hussein and further deepening rifts in the fractured government.

The split at the top of the Western-backed government is blamed for stalling a U.N.-hosted peace process and threatens to tear the weak administration apart at a time Islamist insurgents are camped on the outskirts of the capital Mogadishu.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Somalia‘s current government is about to fall apart at the seams, and US intervention (through backing an Ethiopian occupation of Somalia) is very deeply at the heart of its current chaos.

This was never about « protecting » the Somali people; it was, and continues to be, about installing a government favorable to Western countries developing the vast, yet untapped, wealth of this country.

Allies seek power to pursue Somali pirates on land and sea

The United States is seeking international authorisation allowing foreign navies to pursue Somali pirates on land as well as at sea in an effort to curb the growing threat to international shipping lines.

A draft proposal granting nations that are combating piracy permission to “take all necessary measures ashore in Somalia” is being circulated among UN Security Council members before a key meeting on the crisis next week.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Are you kidding me?!?!

This is not about pirates.



« Natural resources: uranium and largely unexploited reserves of iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt, natural gas, likely oil reserves »

This is, ultimately, about who controls the disposition of the vast resource wealth of Somalia, and which foreign powers will get first dibs on carving that wealth up.

US to Propose UN Authorize Ground Raids into Somalia

A Bush administration proposal to allow foreign forces to go ashore into Somalia to hunt the country’s notorious pirates is getting a cool reception from U.S. military leaders, regional analysts and some Somali officials.

The proposal — which Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is expected to put forward Tuesday at the United Nations Security Council — is the boldest yet aimed at stopping the pirates, who’ve hijacked 55 ships this year, secured tens of millions of dollars in ransoms and kneecapped maritime trade between Europe and Asia.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Considering just how brilliantly the UN mandate in Iraq went, the UN would be collectively mad to approve of such a proposal.

Let us hope the « cool reception » extends to a permanent deep-freeze on this kind of cowboy, knee-jerk proposal on the part of the US government.

This is not about the piracy, or « protecting » the Somalis from an impending Islamic government (which hasn’t gone very well for the US-backed Ethiopian occupation, or the Somali people, thank you very much).

This is about getting a Somali government in place which is sympathetic to western development of the country’s vast untapped resources.

U.S. Will Push U.N. for Somalia Mission

Meanwhile, the commander of the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, Vice Adm. Bill Gortney, cast doubt on the wisdom of a separate U.S. plan to seek U.N. approval for commando raids against pirates on Somali soil, saying the possibility of inflicting civilian casualties « cannot be overestimated, » according to the Associated Press.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

In the next flipping administration, can we PLEASE HAVE SOME ADULTS IN THE ROOM REGARDING US FOREIGN POLICY?!?!?!?

Remember 3 weeks week ago when Somali pirates attacked that tanker, and US warships refused to intervene?!? Was that because the US needed the pirates to justify an invasion of Somalia??

I cannot begin to tell you what a refreshing change that would be from the last 8 years, although the jury is still very much out as to whether this will be the case.

But for the US government, at this late date, with a lame duck administration, to have the gall, the hubris, of trying to get a UN mandate about the US conducting « ….commando raids against pirates on Somali soil…. », it is very clear what is going on here.

The US backed Ethiopian forces have absolutely made a complete, abysmal mess of their attempt to occupy Somalia.

As reported in the Telegraph:


«  »The testimony we received strongly suggests that war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity have been committed by all parties and no one is being held accountable, » said Michelle Kagari, Amnesty’s deputy director for Africa. »

These same troops are supposed to be exiting the country, and the Islamists are resurgent.

But this US request has nothing to do with the fact that Somalia is close to becoming an Islamist state, and that the US is concerned that it will be an « incubator for terror »; it has everything to do with having a governmental structure in place which will favor the West when it comes to divvying up the largely unexploited resources of this country.

I would far rather see this country invest in the vision, technical savvy, and drive of American entrepreneurs to come up with workable, affordable energy alternatives than invest in wars of conquest.

We are the first country which, with will, determination and imagination, put men on the moon. One would think that in the 21st century, we’d have better answers to getting resources than wars of conquest.

Situation in Somalia Seems About to Get Worse

The United States failed disastrously in its peacekeeping mission in the early 1990s. (Remember “Black Hawk Down”?) In 2005 and 2006, the C.I.A. paid some of Somalia’s most reviled warlords to fight the Islamists. That backfired. In the winter of 2006, the United States took a third approach, encouraging Ethiopia to invade and backing them with American airstrikes and intelligence.

“The Bush administration made a major miscalculation,” said Dan Connell, who teaches African politics at Simmons College in Boston.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Hey, it wouldn’t be Bush foreign policy without a « major miscalculation ».

Every foreign policy decision made by this administration has featured one – or more – « major miscalculation », ultimately exploding in its face like a really bad trick cigar.

Bush wants history to see him as a liberator of millions

George W. Bush hopes history will see him as a president who liberated millions of Iraqis and Afghans, who worked towards peace and who never sold his soul for political ends.

« I’d like to be a president (known) as somebody who liberated 50 million people and helped achieve peace, » Bush said in excerpts of a recent interview released by the White House Friday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If by “liberation”, the man means by enduring bombs, bullets, starvation, ethnic cleansing (as happened in Iraq), illness (from depleted uranium, water-borne diseases and other poisons), displacement leading to death, then, in that case, Bush’s statement is chillingly correct.

But a thinking person needs to look at that statement, shake their heads, and ask: is this man so far out of touch with reality that he has not a clue what he and his henchmen have done in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia??

History will render the final judgment on this man’s presidency, and that is apt to be justifiably condemnatory, if the whole truth is written about what he and his team have done.


Outgoing US Intel Official: Iran Has Not Restarted Nuke Program

Iran ceased any efforts to design a nuclear warhead or covertly enrich uranium to weapons-grade levels in 2003 and has no current nuclear weapons program. Those were the conclusions of last year’s National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran.

ElBaradei says Iran’s nuclear program is legal: report

IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei in a telephone interview with Al Hayat newspaper has reaffirmed that Iran’s nuclear activities are “legal”.

Ahmadinejad blasts West

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday called for developing an alternative economy in the face of the “total failure” of socialism and capitalism.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

We no longer have a capitalist society. We are a Fascist economy, where profits are private and losses socialized, but are rapidly devolving into modern feudalism, where the state owns everything including the people.

Russia to boost staff at Iran’s nuclear power plant

The Russian state company building Iran’s first atomic power station said on Friday it would increase personnel at the plant by at least 25 percent as it readies to start up the nuclear reactor.

This new phase of the project — which involves readying the nuclear reactor for start up — requires that staff be increased to more than 2000 workers from the current 1600, it said.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

A small note to Israel and the US: create one Russian martyr by bombing the reactor site, and you are risking war with Russia.

Finishing this reactor, getting it started up, and expanding the Russian technical staff is sending a message: don’t mess with this.

Let us hope that some adults in the corridors of power in Tel Aviv and Washington are actually listening to what Russia is saying by this action.

Israël, hostilities envers l’Iran et la bande de Gaza:

‘Israeli Air Force is ready to attack Iran’

Israeli Air Force Commander General Ido Nehushtan claims his forces are ready to follow any order to thwart Iran’s nuclear programs.

He added, however, a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities “is a political decision” and has nothing to do with Israel’s military capabilities.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Israeli Air Force Commander General Ido Nehushtan; there is one factor neither you, nor the politicians in Israel want to discuss, and that’s the 6,0000 lb gorilla in the living room, sitting on the Steinway.

What will Russia do if one of its major trading partners gets attacked?

War with Russia, anyone?

Thought not.

Israel ‘prepared to attack’ Iran nuclear plants

“We could not risk an operation which would only partially succeed, » one defence official told The Times.

« That would leave us open to a nuclear attack from Iran’s remaining weapons stock. Israel would likely need the support, the backing, of forces from a Western ally to successfully carry out the operation,” he said.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Okay, let us back up here a moment and take a closer look.

Iran does not have any nuclear weapons. Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which allows Iran to develop nuclear power stations and to make fuel for them. The United States is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which obligates it to assist Iran in building nuclear power stations. In exchange for this assistance, Iran agrees not to build nuclear weapons and allows inspectors to look over their shoulders to make sure they are playing by the rules. So far, the IAEA has not found any indications that Iran is doing anything other than building a power station.

The brouhaha over enrichment is simple. Uranium must be enriched to make it useful for either power stations or bombs.
Uranium has to be enriched to about 3% for power stations, but has to go up to 95% enrichment for weapons. The difference between the two levels of enrichment is not quite as trivial as the media likes to pretend it is.

Iran is enriching uranium to 3% for the power station Russia is helping them build. Again, the IAEA has found no indications of attempts to enrich to the 95% level required for weapons.

The claim that Iran’s enrichment for a power station represents a weapons program comes from Israel, which is known to actually be doing what it accuses other nations of; running a clandestine nuclear weapons factory underneath a supposedly peaceful nuclear power plant. Israel, it should be noted, is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and does not allow inspections of their nuclear facilities.

And, it must be noted, Israel has made this accusation before, accusing Iraq of hiding a weapons factory underneath a power station, and acting on this accusation, bombed Iraq’s Osirik power station. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, IAEA experts examined the ruins of the Osirik power station and found nothing to support the claims of covert weapons programs. So we have been down this path before with Israel.

Fool me once …

Report: US Asked Israel Not to Start Any Major Wars Until Obama Takes Office

Amid several bellicose comments about the possibility of an impending Israeli strike against Iran Israeli Defense Ministry officials say they have been contacted by US officials who have asked them to refrain from launching any attacks against Iran until after President-elect Barack Obama takes office in January. Likewise, the officials reportedly have cautioned Israel not to launch its long-reported ground invasion of the Gaza Strip until after the inauguration.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: make any new wars you start Obama’s problems, not our problems!!

Report: Obama to Offer Israel ‘Nuclear Umbrella’ Against Iran

U.S. president-elect will offer Israel a strategic pact designed to fend off any nuclear attack on the Jewish state by Iran, an Israeli newspaper reports.


Prospect of Israel war on Iran ’stronger’

Israeli sources told the Times on Friday that in the past few weeks Tel Aviv has witnessed an increase in the chances of launching an airborne attack on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The bluster and bombast here is all over the place.

Israel knows that the window is limited for a strike against Iran before Obama becomes the president, as Obama is no where near as carnage-prone as Bush has been in the name of neutralizing Israel’s perceived enemies (and that includes almost all of its neighbors in the Middle East).

Olmert, in his meetings with Bush, is going to appeal for/demand that Bush agree to a strike against Iran, using Iraqi airspace to make it happen.

And Bush just might do it, but not because he sincerely believes that Iran is really a threat.

Putting the US at war against Iran right before the inauguration will thrust Obama into a truly nightmare scenario he won’t be able to back out of easily or gracefully.

Such a move would be insane, childish, and morally reprehensible in the extreme. Of course, that’s never stopped Bush or his minions before.

‘Kill Ahmadinejad, halt Iran’s N-drive’

A former Israeli commander says the West must consider assassinating Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to halt Tehran’s nuclear program.

Former Israeli Army Chief of Staff Moshe « Boogie » Ya’alon told the Australian daily The Sydney Morning Herald that the West should consider all options to stop the Islamic Republic’s nuclear drive, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Sunday.

« We have to confront the Iranian revolution immediately, » Ya’alon said. « There is no way to stabilize the Middle East today without defeating the Iranian regime. The Iranian nuclear program must be stopped. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Yo « Boogie! »

Iran is building a nuclear power station. The IAEA is watching everything they do (something Israel will not allow at Dimona I might add) and so far there is zero evidence that Iran is doing anything other than building a nuclear power station. Or to put it another way, there is no evidence of a clandestine weapons lab underneath Iran’s power station (again, unlike Dimona).

Might I point out that Israel was making the same claims about Iraq just prior to bombing the Osirik reactor. Following the invasion of Iraq in 2003 inspectors visited the ruins of the Iraqi power station and found … ruins of a power station. There was no clandestine weapons lab.

So you will forgive us if we view your statements in the context of yet one more effort by Israel to trick the US into killing people that Israel does not like whose land they covet.

Neo-cons still preparing for Iran attack

A familiar coalition of hawks, hardliners and neo-cons expects Obama’s proposed talks with Iran to fail – and they’re already proposing an escalating set of measures instead. Some are meant to occur alongside any future talks. These include steps to enhance coordination with Israel, tougher sanctions against Iran, and a region-wide military buildup of US strike forces, including the prepositioning of military supplies within striking distance of that country.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Attention War Hawks:

Kindly stop jerking off to « Soldier of Fortune » magazine and take a good look at the United States economy and industrial base.

Our nation is not in a position to engage in any more wars of choice. We hover at the edge of ruin form the existing wars of choice.

Our industrial base is a thin shadow of the mighty factories that powered America through WWI and WWII. We cannot sustain the high rate of output of material required for a new war of choice. The two existing wars have drawn down existing stockpiles and years of use in hostile environmental conditions have worn out the current inventory of vehicles, ships, and aircraft.

PS Netflix called. They demand you return your copy of « Patton » as you have kept it was past the usual return-by date.

‘Halt Israeli Nuclear program’

A US research center on nuclear weapons has urged President-elect Barack Obama to press Israel to halt production of its nuclear weapons.

Revoking Israel’s UN Membership

The Gaza Strip is now the largest concentration camp in the world. The situation grows steadily more insufferable for the 1.5 million Palestinians who live there. Deliveries of food, medicine and fuel are made difficult or stopped altogether. Child malnutrition is increasing. Water supplies and drainage have ceased to function. Children die for lack of healthcare. Tunnels to Egypt, dug by hand, are the only breathing space. Journalists and diplomats are denied entry. Israel is planning more military efforts.

Barak: Israel will act in Gaza when time and place are right

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Wednesday to discuss the future of Israel’s policy on the Gaza Strip, after the ongoing cease-fire with Hamas comes to end next week.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It’s just a matter of time before Israel mounts a full assault on Gaza; they’ve already « softened up » Gazan Palestinians with malnutrition and disease to the point where the IDF can go in for the « kill » anytime Israel pleases.

But I would again caution members of the current Israeli government to be careful what they wish for. Sometimes, immoral actions, and the creation of even more « collateral damage » (read: the killing of women, children, the old and the medically fragile) in Gaza may have rampant unexpected consequences.

And this time, there will be cameras running to film the carnage, so the world can see precisely what Israel considers to be « self defense ».

Israeli army awaiting order for ground offensive in Gaza

As the fragile Egyptian-brokered ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, is ending in eight days, Israeli military leaders stated on Wednesday that the Army is ready to carry out any military offensive the political leaders order, Israeli Ynet News reported.

Military sources said that the army already submitted to the political leadership in Israel several scenarios of action that were in turn handed to the cabinet.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This must be Olmert’s parting shot – literally – to Gazan Palestinians.

One has to wonder how many innocent lives will be snuffed out in this next Israeli military offensive.

Livni calls of a large-scaled military offensive in Gaza

sraeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni, stated on Wednesday that the Israeli army should carry a large-scaled military offensive in the Gaza Strip in retaliation for what she described as « the violation of the truce ».

On the ground, Israel already violated the truce, carried offensives, killed, wounded and kidnapped Palestinians, and kept the border crossings sealed in spite that the truce states that Israel should open the border terminals.

Yet, Livni said that Israel must make it clear to Hamas that it is responsible for the deterioration of the situation.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Foreign Minister Livni:

You and your colleagues in the Israeli must be damned proud of yourselves. Gaza has been starved, medical attention has been denied to desperately ill Gazan Palestinians, and you folks have collectively done a grand job of « softening Gazan Palestinians up » for the Israeli military « kill ».

But understand this: you’re not going to be able to get away with this without full-blown reports of the carnage, mayhem, and destruction you will create getting out for a watching – and stunned – world to see.

Be careful what you wish for, Minister Livni: immoral actions have a way of not delivering quite the result you had anticipated. In fact, many times those actions have a way of producing the absolutely diametric opposite outcome to what you hoped to accomplish.

Vilnai: Israel nearing wide-scale Gaza op

Israel is nearing a wide-scale operation in the Gaza Strip, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai said Saturday, several hours after eight Israel Defense Forces soldiers were injured in a mortar shell attack on the Nahal Oz base in southern Israel.

« We must know that the only solution is reaching an understanding with the Palestinians. We must work with every element on the Palestinian side we can talk to, but in Gaza there’s no one to talk to and the only language there is military power. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: this will be an annihilation of every man, woman, and kid still breathing in Gaza during this military assault.

This is what the siege of Gaza has been all about; literally « softening up » Palestinian Gazans with disease and malnutrition, for the Israeli « kill » of this on-coming assault.

Likud MK calls for using Palestinian prisoners as human shield against Qassam rockets

Following a barrage of mortar shells and Qassam rockets that wounded 8 Israel Defense Forces soldiers near the border with the Gaza Strip on Friday, a Likud MK proposed using Hamas and Islamic Jihad prisoners as human shields to deter future rocket attacks.

MK Gilad Erdan suggested Israel build an open-air, unprotected detention facility in the Western Negev, where the majority of rockets and mortars from Gaza land, and fill it with militants currently held in Israeli jails.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Ignoring the fact that it was Israel’s attack on November 5th that stirred things up.


Tzipi Livni, Israel’s Foreign Minister and leader of the Kadima Party, has told students at a Tel Aviv high school that, once a Palestinian state has been created, Israeli Arabs should leave Israel to go and live in the new Palestinian state.

Confirming her racist credentials, she also told the students that: “The idea is to maintain two states for two peoples…”


Basic human rights, such as health, a life of dignity, education, housing, equality, freedom from racism, freedom of expression, privacy and democracy are increasingly being violated in Israel, a human rights watchdog group warned Sunday.

UNHRC calls for more Israeli concessions

UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday called on Israel to lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.

After two days of discussions, the council, which consists of 47 member states, passed a list of 99 ‘recommendations’ of gestures for Israel to make to ease Palestinian suffering, including freeing all prisoners.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This will happen….when pigs fly.

The only thing that will get the government of Israel’s attention is a concerted, united, and immediate withdrawal of all financial, military aid, and economic cooperation from the rest of the world to show Israel that the world will not stand by, and allow the catastrophe Israel has created in Gaza to continue.

Of course, that won’t happen, because world leaders have been completely brainwashed that everything Israel does « in self defense » (like preventing infants from getting desperately needed medical attention to save their lives, or causing malnutrition in kids by preventing food supplies in) is perfectly justifiable

UN agency warns of food shortage in Gaza due to Israeli blockade

Adnan Abu Hasna, spokesman of the United Nations for Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza told reporters that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is mounting and food aids would run out within two days.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Adnan Abu Hasna and UNRWA: starvation of the Gazan people is precisely the outcome Israel wants.

Israel has been talking about a major military incursion into Gaza for some time now, and this is simply, and literally, « softening up » Gazan Palestinians for the kill.

What has to happen is two-fold: The UN must demand that emergency supplies be allowed through. If not, Israel must lose its member status in the UN.

Secondly, all foreign support of Israel, monetary and military, must come to a screeching halt until the above is accomplished.

That, the government of Israel will understand.

Unfortunately, the latter is about as likely to happen as pigs flying, because governmental leaders have been brainwashed to accept everything Israel does to Palestinians as « self-defense » (such as preventing sick infants from getting the medical care they need to live, and creating malnutrition in Palestinian kids).

That’s why we need many (and very brave)honest reporters up to the task alerting the world about the true conditions on the ground in Gaza.

Iran to send relief ship to Gaza

Iran‘s Red Crescent announced on Wednesday that it is sending a relief ship to the Gaza Strip, in the face of an Israeli blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory.

The official did not disclose the nationality of the ship, but said the cargo will include 500 tonnes of wheat, 200 tonnes of sugar, 200 tonnes of rice, 50 tonnes of cooking oil and 50 tonnes of medical supplies.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This could get ugly very quickly.

Let us hope that whatever happens to the ship and its cargo, that there are adults in the room in both Tehran and Tel Aviv as it approaches Gaza.

UN attacks Israeli rights ‘crimes’

Israel‘s policies against the Palestinians are tantamount to a « crime against humanity », the United Nations’ human rights rapporteur has said.

Richard Falk said in a statement on Tuesday that the UN must « implement the agreed norm of a responsibility to protect a civilian population being collectively punished by policies that amount to a crime against humanity ».

How Israel kills Palestinians with Remote Control Guns – shooting fish in a Barrel IDF style

This is no game and several of these systems have recently been installed and are in use , live, along the Israel-Gaza border. The video of the female operator is chilling – her unhurried , yet lethal operation, poise and perfect make up – ensures and maintains the disatnce from the blood and guts of actually blasting people to bits.

Israel blocks bid by Arab MPS to break Gaza Blockade

Israeli security forces boarded a boat in the port of Jaffa on Sunday to prevent a bid by Arab members of parliament to deliver aid to Gaza in defiance of a crippling blockade.

« We were preparing to set sail for the Gaza Strip to deliver hundreds of kilogrammes (pounds) of medicines and basic goods and the maritime police stopped us weighing anchor, » said Israeli Arab MP Ahmed Tibi.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: Israel continues to « soften up » Palestinian Gazans with a combination of malnutrition, illness, and death for the military onslaught to come.

And I’m sure that the siege’s outcome of malnutrition in children and infants (as documented by the UN human rights commission) must give Israeli politicians a truly strong sense of accomplishment!

Tel Aviv police seize Israeli-Arab boat set to deliver aid to Gaza

Israeli police on Sunday foiled an attempt by Israeli Arabs to set off in a boat from Israel to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip with a cargo of food and medical supplies.

Israel‘s blockade of the Gaza Strip has been stepped up in recent weeks amid a surge of violence along its frontier with the Palestinian territory.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel initiated renewed hostilities with their attack on November 5th, then starves the Palestinians, then claims they are to blame for it.

Israel prevents 15 medicine-laden trucks into Gaza

Israel on Sunday prevented 15 trucks loaded with different kinds of medicines from passing through one of Gaza Strip crossings, a Palestinian health ministry official said.

Mo’aweya Hassanein, chief of emergency and ambulance services in the Palestinian health ministry, said in a statement that the Gaza Strip has been under a strict Israeli blockade for 13 days.

« The medical situation is worsening and we are living in a severe humanitarian crisis as Israel prevented the entrance of 15 trucks loaded with medicine from the West Bank into Gaza, » said Hassanein.

Dark days in Gaza: Residents worried about winter

The sound of generators on the sidewalks of Gaza on the weekend made it hard for pedestrians to hear one another. Even though only a few of the well-kept stores on Omar el-Mukhtar Street, one bank and two carpentries, used generators, the noise was still great. The power outage meant most stores were dark, but it did not matter much anyway: There were no shoppers on the street.

Traffic was also sparse, much less than what one might expect on a Saturday that is followed by a national holiday: 20 years since Yasser Arafat’s declaration of Palestinian independence.

Israel Bans International Media from Gaza, Arrests Human Rights Activists

Israel has banned foreign journalists from entering Gaza to cover the deteriorating humanitarian situation there as the country ‘s complete closure of the territory enters a third week.

Foreign Reporters’ Group Fights Israeli Prohibition on Entering Gaza

An association representing international news organizations is campaigning for an end to an unusual Israeli policy barring foreign reporters from entering Gaza that has lasted for almost two weeks.

Israeli forces destroy Palestinian greenhouses and farms in Gaza

Local sources report that a group of Israeli-armored bulldozers and tanks invaded the al-Fukhari neighborhood east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza on Tuesday morning, and bulldozed a number of farms.

According to eyewitnesses, the bulldozers crushed a number of Palestinian greenhouses and razed potato fields belonging to Palestinian farmers.

Feiglin’s missing manifesto: Israel should quit UN, cut off water to Palestinians

An extreme right-wing text by Likud member Moshe Feiglin disappeared on Tuesday from the Web site of his Jewish Leadership movement. In the piece written five years ago, Feiglin says Israel should cut off water and electricity service to the Palestinian territories, withdraw from the United Nations and boycott the Olympics.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It’s pretty obvious: when it comes to the issues of Palestinian rights and statehood, this guy is unabashedly to the right of Attila the Hun!

But what is even more disturbing is the strong resonance so many Israelis have with his perspectives, as demonstrated by Tuesday’s elections.

Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

AS a convoy of blue-and-white United Nations trucks loaded with food waited last night for Israeli permission to enter Gaza, Jindiya Abu Amra and her 12-year-old daughter went scrounging for the wild grass their family now lives on.

“We had one meal today – khobbeizeh,” said Abu Amra, 43, showing the leaves of a plant that grows along the streets of Gaza. “Every day, I wake up and start looking for wood and plastic to burn for fuel and I beg. When I find nothing, we eat this grass.”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This starvation in Gaza is precisely one of the outcomes the Israeli government wants to have happen in this siege.

Between malnutrition and disease, Israel is « softening up » Palestinian Gazans for the « kill » of an IDF onslaught.

It may well not happen at the end of Olmert’s watch, but if Netanyahu is elected in February, I wouldn’t bet against it.

Kristallnacht in Hebron

Unconcerned about arrest by the police or prosecution by the Israeli justice system, fanatical Jewish settlers in the Palestinian town of Hebron (Al-Khalil) have been attacking Palestinians, damaging and ransacking their property, exactly like Nazi thugs did to Jewish-owned property in Germany 80 years ago.

The settlers, who claim to be acting in the name of true Judaism, espouse a messianic doctrine advocating violence and terror against non- Jews in Israel-Palestine for the purpose of creating a pure Jewish kingdom that would be ruled by Halacha, or Jewish religious law.

House torched in the Old City of Hebron

A Palestinian family of the Old City of Hebron had the top floor of their home torched by a mob of settlers early Saturday morning.

In addition to the fire the violent settlers also attacked the lower floors of the home, completely ransacking and ruining the Al-’Uweiwi family’s kitchen. During the attack Nidal Al-’Uweiwi, his wife and his nine children were all forced to barricade themselves inside a small room of the house so as to not be attacked by the settlers.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So this is how the (illegal) settlers operate to claim more Palestinian territory: one torched Palestinian home at a time.

Memo to the Israeli government: You’ve got a PR catastrophe on your hands.

You cannot possibly talk with a straight face about « being the only true democracy in the Middle East » when you allow acts like this to continue to happen, and to continue to go unpunished.

World Bank warns Gaza banks may collapse

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund warned Saturday that Gaza’s severe cash shortage may cause local banks to collapse.

It was the most serious warning yet regarding the consequences of Israel’s continued refusal to allow new money infusions into banks in the Palestinian territory.

Israel has not allowed money to enter Gaza since October, barring Palestinian banks from transferring cash to their Gaza branches. It is part of a larger blockade imposed on Gaza in response to Palestinian rocket attacks from the territory controlled by the Islamic militant group Hamas.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

… or an unreasonable facsimile thereof.

Nobel laureate Maguire: UN should suspend Israel membership

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire said Thursday the United Nations should suspend or revoke Israel’s membership.

Maguire said Israel should be punished for ignoring a series of United Nations resolutions over the years.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

UN Resolutions Against Israel, 1955-1992

1. Resolution 106: « …‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid »

2. Resolution 111: « …‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people »

3. Resolution 127: « …‘recommends’ Israel suspend its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem »

4. Resolution 162: « …‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions »

5. Resolution 171: « …determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria »

6. Resolution 228: « …‘censures’ Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control »

7. Resolution 237: « …‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees »

8. Resolution 248: « …‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan »

9. Resolution 250: « …‘calls’ on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem »

10. Resolution 251: « …‘deeply deplores’ Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250 »

11. Resolution 252: « …‘declares invalid’ Israel’s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital »

12. Resolution 256: « …‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation »

13. Resolution 259: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation »

14. Resolution 262: « …‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport »

15. Resolution 265: « …‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan »

16. Resolution 267: « …‘censures’ Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem »

17. Resolution 270: « …‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon »

18. Resolution 271: « …‘condemns’ Israel’s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem »

19. Resolution 279: « …‘demands’ withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon »

20. Resolution 280: « ….‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon »

21. Resolution 285: « …‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon »

22. Resolution 298: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem »

23. Resolution 313: « …‘demands’ that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon »

24. Resolution 316: « …‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon »

25. Resolution 317: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon »

26. Resolution 332: « …‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon »

27. Resolution 337: « …‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty »

28. Resolution 347: « …‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon »

29. Resolution 425: « …‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon »

30. Resolution 427: « …‘calls’ on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon’

31. Resolution 444: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces »

32. Resolution 446: « …‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention »

33. Resolution 450: « …‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon »

34. Resolution 452: « …‘calls’ on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories »

35. Resolution 465: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program »

36. Resolution 467: « …‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon »

37. Resolution 468: « …‘calls’ on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return »

38. Resolution 469: « …‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians »

39. Resolution 471: « …‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention »

40. Resolution 476: « …‘reiterates’ that Israel’s claims to Jerusalem are ‘null and void’

41. Resolution 478: « …‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’

42. Resolution 484: « …‘declares it imperative’ that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors »

43. Resolution 487: « …‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility »

44. Resolution 497: « …‘decides’ that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith »

45. Resolution 498: « …‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon »

46. Resolution 501: « …‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops »

47. Resolution 509: « …‘demands’ that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon »

48. Resolution 515: « …‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in »

49. Resolution 517: « …‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon »

50. Resolution 518: « …‘demands’ that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon »

51. Resolution 520: « …‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut »

52. Resolution 573: « …‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters

53. Resolution 587: « …‘takes note’ of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw »

54. Resolution 592: « …‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops »

55. Resolution 605: « …‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians

56. Resolution 607: « …‘calls’ on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention

57. Resolution 608: « …‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians »

58. Resolution 636: « …‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians

59. Resolution 641: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians

60. Resolution 672: « …‘condemns’ Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount

61. Resolution 673: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations

62. Resolution 681: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians

63. Resolution 694: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return

64. Resolution 726: « …‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians

65. Resolution 799: « …‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

Video: Torture Speaks – Israel / Palestine

Remember: every one of your tax dollars which supports Israel supports precisely this kind of Israeli behavior, for which no one is ever held accountable.

Notice that these men mention detention, but never trial and conviction.

These stories are chilling, and terribly disturbing, but need to be heard and shown to the world so that the world understand precisely how their support of Israel manifests in the torture of its prisoners.

U.S. spies on Israel nukes, govt–official history

The United States routinely spies on Israel to try to gather information on its assumed atomic arsenal and secret government deliberations, a new official history of Israel’s intelligence services says.

While espionage by allies on their friends is not uncommon, it is rare that state-sponsored publications acknowledge it. Israeli-U.S. ties have been especially touchy in this regard since a U.S. Navy analyst, Jonathan Pollard, was jailed for life for treason in 1987 for passing classified documents to Israel.

Report: Israeli mineral water company closes site due to Scottish boycott

A Gush Shalom report claims that European anger at Israeli companies producing goods beyond the Green Line is causing real harm to some companies, one of which is reportedly mineral water producer Mayanot Eden.

The report claims Mayanot Eden (coloquially known as « Mei Eden ») had to close its warehouse in the town of Loanhead, south of Edinburgh.

Hebron settlers desecrate mosque

Jewish settlers protesting against an official Israeli eviction order have desecrated Muslim buildings in the flashpoint West Bank town of Hebron.

They sprayed « Death to Arabs » and an insult to the Prophet Muhammad on a mosque wall and vandalised a cemetery.


Ever hear the wails and screams of anti Semitism when a Jewish grave is vandalised in Eastern Europe? Did you hear ONE WORD ABOUT THIS INCIDENT?????


Parents in south Tel Aviv who are seeking to prevent two Arab girls from attending their children’s school are denying accusations of racism, saying they’re worried about academic standings.

Court frees settler seen shooting at Palestinians

A Jerusalem court on Wednesday freed a Jewish settler suspected of firing on Palestinians at point blank range in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron.

The judge ordered the immediate release of Braudeh and criticised Israeli police for failing to arrest any of the stone-throwing Palestinians.

« Police are treating the Palestinian behaviour in this incident extremely light-handedly, » the ruling said. « We can not take part in this blatant discrimination

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One has to wonder if this judge does not appreciate the heavy irony in his use of the term « blatant discrimination », considering how settlers routinely harass, beat up, and kill Palestinians, and destroy their houses and their olive groves.

Settler who shot a Palestinian in al-Khalil released

Israeli radio reported on Wednesday that an Israeli settler who shot a Palestinian in al-Khalil was set free by a magistrate who rebuked the IOF for not arresting the Palestinians who were throwing stones.

Malka Aviv, a judge at the magistrates court in Jerusalem, ordered the release of Ze’ev Brauda from « house arrest » after his lawyer claimed that Brauda acted in self defence and even claimed that the Palestinian who was shot got up again and started throwing stones.

Mossad role in Turkey coup plot revealed

Israel‘s national intelligence agency Mossad has been behind a failed coup in Turkey, the Turkish daily newspaper, Milliyet reports.

A secret investigation into detained Ergenekon group members and other studies outside Turkey indicate that Mossad orche

strated the coup plot against the Turkish government, the report says.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Something for the people in Mumbai to keep in mind.

Piracy in the Red Sea: Saudi points towards Israel

Not only do columnists and analysts openly accuse Israel of sponsoring acts of piracy that multiply off Somali waters, but they also do not hide their fears of an internationalization of security in the Red Sea, where Israel plays a decisive role.

“What is happening in the Horn of Africa is not a simple case of piracy. These acts of piracy raise various questions about the capabilities and equipment of simple outlaws who are seeking ransoms,” wrote Tuesday (November 25) Nawaf Al-Meshal Sabhan in the Saudi daily Al-Iqtissadia.

L’Union européenne capitule devant Israël

par Alain Gresh

Les ministres des affaires étrangères de l’Union européenne ont adopté, les 8 et 9 décembre, un texte intitulé « Council Conclusions Strengthening of the EU bilateral relations with its Mediterranean partners – upgrade with Israel ». Sous l’impulsion de la présidence française, le principe de rehausser les relations entre Israël et l’Union européenne a été accepté. Déjà, avant la tenue du sommet méditerranéen, Paris avait essayé de faire adopter cette mesure, mais avait dû reculer devant la levée de boucliers de certains régimes arabes, notamment l’Egypte (lire « Enquête sur le virage de la diplomatie française », Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2008).

Ce texte a été adopté après de nombreuses discussions. La première version présentée par la France faisait la part belle à Israël et a suscité des réserves chez certains des partenaires – notamment le Royaume-Uni et la Belgique – qui ont demandé un « rééquilibrage » du texte. Un comble, quand on pense qu’il y a quelques années encore, la France était accusée d’être pro-arabe.

Notons aussi que ce texte a été entériné le jour même où l’expert de l’ONU sur les droits humains dans les territoires palestiniens, Richard Falk, demandait la mise en oeuvre de « la norme reconnue de la « responsabilité de protéger » une population civile punie collectivement par des politiques qui s’assimilent à un crime contre l’humanité ». Dans le même sens, ajoutait-il, « il semble que c’est le mandat de la Cour pénale internationale d’enquêter sur la situation, et de déterminer si les dirigeants politiques israéliens et les chefs militaires responsables du siège de Gaza doivent être inculpés et poursuivis pour violations du droit pénal international ».

Finalement, le texte adopté par l’Union européenne intègre des références à la politique de voisinage européenne, au Maroc, à la Tunisie, et à presque tous les Etats arabes, références purement formelles qui permettent de faire passer l’essentiel : le point 9, qui affirme la détermination du Conseil à rehausser les relations avec Israël. Il est toutefois souligné que ce rehaussement doit avoir lieu dans le contexte de « nos intérêts communs », qui incluent la résolution du conflit israélo-palestinien sur la base de la coexistence de deux Etats.

Une longue annexe comprend les lignes directrices pour renforcer les structures du dialogue politique avec Israël.

D’abord, la tenue régulière de réunions des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de l’Union européenne et d’Israël, un privilège qui n’était accordé jusque-là qu’à quelques grands Etats, Chine, Russie, Inde, etc. La première réunion devrait avoir lieu sous la présidence de la République tchèque, pays qui, selon la formule d’un haut fonctionnaire à Bruxelles, « ne défend pas la politique du gouvernement israélien, mais celle du Likoud »(…)

Lire la suite de cet article d’Alain Gresh.

Europeans Seek to Revive Nuclear Weapons Ban

The European Union is trying to revive a movement to reduce the number of nuclear weapons, proposing a global ban on nuclear testing and a moratorium on the production of all fissile material, according to a letter from the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, made public on Monday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Now, about Dimona…

15 décembre 2008

Un reporter irakien lance ses souliers à Bush!

Filed under: États-Unis,Moyen-Orient — François M. @ 12:33

Un reporter irakien lance ses souliers à Bush!

Après avoir tuer plus de 1.2 millions d’Irakiens, détruit le pays au complet et l’avoir pollué à l’uranium appauvri, je pense que le niveau de haine envers Bush et son régime de criminels de guerre atteint des sommets historiques. Voilà que le démoniaque Bush se pointe en Irak pour une dernière visite surprise et un des journaliste présent à la conférence de presse n’a pas pu résister de lui lancer ses deux souliers – insulte totale dans la culture arabe – et lui a crié dans sa langue « Ceci est un baiser d’adieu, chien. Ceci est de la part des veuves, orphelins et ceux qui ont été tués en Irak« . (« This is a farewell kiss for you, you dog. This is from the widows, the orphans, and those killed in Iraq. »)
Ceci va faire le tour du monde plusieurs fois et pendant longtemps! Plusieurs en retireront un sentiment de plaisir et de soulagement, peut-être de regret que les souliers se s’écrasent pas dans la face de Bush.

Shoes thrown at Bush – The ULTIMATE insult!

Journalist Muntadar al-Zeidi throws his shoes at George W Bush during a Press Conference. Bush shows good reflexes dodging BOTH shoes at close range!

MSNBC BREAKING: Iraqi reporter throws shoes at Bush

Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) — President George W. Bush ducked two shoes thrown at him by an unidentified man during a press conference in the Iraqi prime minister’s office….

In Arab culture, throwing shoes is a grave show of disrespect. The man shouted an Arabic phrase, which an Iraqi present translated as “this is a farewell kiss, dog.”

Here’s the video:

Baghdad: Iraqi reporter throws shoes at Bush’s Head!

Reporter of Baghdadiya television jumped and threw his two shoes one by one at the president, who ducked and thus narrowly missed the attack, raising chaos in the hall in Baghdad’s heavily-fortified Green Zone.

22 octobre 2008

Fraude hors de contrôle en Afghanistan


Out of Control Fraud


Voici un autre exemple de la façon dont la guerre en Afghanistan est menée. Des centaines de millions de dollars donnés à des fraudeurs pour équiper les troupes de munitions qui ne fonctionnent plus parce que trop vieilles. Incroyable. Cette guerre est une monumentale entreprise criminelle. Ramenons nos troupes au plus vite. Exigeons-le.

28 juillet 2008

Nouvelles du Moyen-Orient

Filed under: Israël,Moyen-Orient,Palestine — François M. @ 10:00


Nouvelles du Moyen-Orient

UN says ‘network’ killed Hariri

A UN commission investigating the death of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri says the evidence suggests a network of people was responsible for the attack.

No individuals were named, but the investigators said what it called the « Hariri Network » might also be behind other deadly attacks in Lebanon.

What is really revealing are the reader comments for this article.

Arab leaders warn Israel over belligerency

Arab leaders said that Israel is sabotaging the Middle East peace process and warned they could withdraw their landmark offer of peace with Israel in exchange for a return of Arab lands, unless Israel explicitly accepts the initiative.

Hezbollah Warns US Not to Set Up Base

Hezbollah has argued that Washington’s attempts to boost military ties with Lebanon are a ploy for domination and could turn the country into another Iraq. Some in Lebanon have expressed fears that a foreign military presence in the country could attract al-Qaida and other militants.

Lebanon‘s top Shiite Muslim cleric accused the Bush administration of trying to force the Lebanese to choose between turning their country into an American military base or face new strife.

High noon in Egypt?

The parallels between President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and the deposed shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi of Iran, are attention-getting.

Mr. Mubarak uses his « Central Security Force, » that now consists of more than half of his entire military, to impose a measure of censorship on the mass media and ban most forms of political organization, activities and literary expression.

And remember, folks, this is another one of « our thugs », who we keep propping up with American tax dollars in order to assure « stability » in the region.

Unfortunately, when you have masses of a country’s population suppressed, that can only go on just so long.

And when some kind of overthrow happens, just watch the pals in Washington roll their eyes, and say « Darn! We never saw this coming! » (As with the fall of the Shaw, Batista, etc., etc.,)


Lebanon blast kills army general

Looks like « someone » is trying to kick off a war despite the NIE.

Spectre of civil war returns as al-Qaeda suicide bombings kill 67

Who benefits from a meltdown in Algeria?

Certainly not the Algerian people.And keep in mind: Algeria has huge natural gas reserves (some estimates put it at about 3,200 billion cubic meters of proven recoverable gas).

Controlling the money from those reserves could nicely line lthe pockets of whatever group declared that they needed to go in and « stabilize » Algeria’s geopolitical situation.


Pakistan : le plus dur reste à faire

US/NATO crisis in Afghanistan generates greater pressure on Pakistan

US general Dan McNeill, the outgoing commander of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), told journalists in early June that at least 400,000 troops would be needed to control a country as large and populous as Afghanistan.

The ISAF, however, consists of just 53,000 troops, of whom about 20,000 are deployed in the ethnic Pashtun southern provinces where the vast bulk of insurgent activity is taking place.

What is happening here is the US and NATO essentially blaming Pakistan for their horrendously poor planning in terms of never, ever having had enough boots on the ground to do the job in the first place.

Look for more demonization of Pakistan (read: potential US/NATO seizing the Pakistani side of this border) in the weeks ahead.

Missile strike kills 12 in Pakistan

« We could see a small, white plane flying over the village for the past several days, » villager Dildar Khan said.

Pakistan, Iran finalize gas pipeline deal

Pakistan and Iran on Monday resolved all issues regarding the $7.5 billion gas pipeline project, paving way for inking an agreement soon at a mutually agreed date in Tehran.

The US is making threats; meanwhile, Iran is making deals in the region, and there’s nothing the US can actually do to stop them., short of a massive military intervention.

Pakistan’s Sharif to join Bhutto party in coalition

In an ominous sign for Musharraf, Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari, Bhutto’s widower and new leader of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), agreed to restore judges who Musharraf dismissed when he imposed emergency rule in early November.

It will be interesting to see how this coalition will view Pakistan’s ties with the US, and how these new developments will influence what kind of military presence the US will be able to have in Pakistan henceforward.

U.S. CIA Says Pervez Musharraf Killed Benazir Bhutto

Pakistanis Deal Severe Defeat to Musharraf in Election

Pakistanis dealt a crushing defeat to President Pervez Musharraf in parliamentary elections Monday, in what government and opposition politicians said was a firm rejection of his policies since 2001 and those of his close ally, the United States.

Pakistani Coalition nears collapse

Pakistan‘s month-old coalition government is on the brink of collapse because of a standoff between the Pakistan People’s Party and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz over reinstating the judges who were summarily dismissed last fall by President Pervez Musharraf.

In a bid to avert the collapse of the country’s first popularly elected government in nearly a decade, leaders of the two parties spent seven hours in emergency meetings yesterday in Dubai, but were unable to reach agreement.

Pakistan coalition averts collapse with deal to restore ousted judges

Pakistan’s fledgling civilian government appeared last night to have found a way out of the crisis threatening to pull it apart when it announced that the nation’s ousted judges would be restored this month.

The former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, whose Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) is the junior coalition party, said 12 May had been set as the date for the reinstatement of the 60 judges – including the ousted chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry – who were kicked out by President Pervez Musharraf last year.

Pakistan fails to pressure Taliban on Afghan border: Gates

US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said Pakistan’s failure to put pressure on Taliban forces on the country’s border with Afghanistan had fueled a rise in violence, but said Islamabad appeared to recognize the problem.

At the point where Musharraf is out of the government, watch Pakistan morph from « brave collaborator in the war on terror » to a new component in the « axis of evil » fast enough to make your head spin!

Even though the Pakistani government has pledged to stop attacks on Afghanistan from its soil, the first time they don’t prevent this from happening, the US is going to be agitating for more of a US/NATO presence inside the Pakistani portion of that border.

And if the US doesn’t get what it wants……….all bets are off in terms of what Washington might do.

You could almost hear the drumbeat of the demonization of Pakistan getting louder and faster in the last couple of weeks.

Ex-Taliban fighter tells of training from Pakistani military

Zaher insists he was neither forced to go public with his story nor coached by Afghan officials, whose routine response to terrorism on their soil is to blame neighbouring Pakistan.

Pakistan officially sides with the West against the insurgents and vigorously denies mounting accusations that it is a two-faced participant in the war on terror.

Anyone hear that rapid crescendo of drumbeats toward a total demonization of Pakistan, because the US and NATO are not getting what they want from its government??

Look for this to increase in the weeks ahead, even though the Pakistan military is beginning to crack down on militants on its side of the border.

Pakistan could be flipped by this administration from « partner in the war on terror » to part of the « axis of evil » in a heartbeat, if it serves their purposes.

This little « dog and pony show » in Afghanistan may well be part of a propaganda headed precisely in this direction.

Admiral: Pakistan OKs bigger U.S. role

Pakistan is taking a more welcoming view of U.S. suggestions for using American troops to train and advise its own forces in the fight against anti-government extremists, the commander of U.S. forces in that region said Wednesday.

Navy Adm. William J. Fallon, commander of U.S. Central Command, said he believes increased violence inside Pakistan in recent months has led Pakistani leaders to conclude that they must focus more intensively on extremist al-Qaida hideouts near the border with Afghanistan.

A presence inside Pakistan opens up another front for a possible military confrontation with Iran.

24 Killed in Suicide Attacks in Pakistan; More Than 200 Others Wounded

Massive suicide bombs ripped through a seven-story police headquarters and a house on Tuesday, killing at least 24 people and wounding more than 200 others in attacks that deepened Pakistan’s security crisis.

One wonders just how long before Musharraf caves, and American « advisors » wind up going in to assist the government in preventing violence.

Unfortunately, any enhanced US presence is very much apt to ratchet the violence up, rather than prevent it.

Tape caught Pakistani official saying vote will be rigged

A prominent U.S.-based human rights group Friday released what it said was a recording of Pakistan’s attorney general acknowledging that next week’s national elections would be « massively » rigged.

Major General who rigged Pakistan 2002 polls, spills the beans

A retired Pakistan Major General, who was part of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) has spilled the beans on how the 2002 general elections in the country were rigged.

Taliban commander in Pakistan orders halt to attacks

The top Taliban commander in Pakistan called a cease-fire Thursday and ordered followers to halt attacks, while the government said it was pursuing peace talks with tribal elders in the volatile border region.

This appears to be a real step forward in the direction of peace from the new Pakistani government.

It was, of course, the absolute opposite of what the US administration wanted to happen.

Pakistan drafts peace deal with militants: officials

Pakistan’s new government has drafted a peace agreement with Taliban militants in its troubled tribal belt bordering Afghanistan, officials and a rebel spokesman said Wednesday.

« Work is in progress swiftly on a new peace agreement with the Taliban Movement of Pakistan, » a senior Pakistani security official told AFP, adding that « indirect negotiations » through tribal elders were ongoing.

That collective and consistent « thud » you’re hearing is created by US state department officials, banging their heads against a wall in the white house.

This agreement was absolutely logical, and critical, for peace to come to Pakistan.

This, of course is why the Bush administration fought it tooth and nail.

It appears that Pakistan will be making its own way in domestic and foreign policy these days, and the US administration had better sit up, take notice, and behave much more tactfully to the newly elected Pakistani Parliament.

U.S. angry as Pakistan seeks peace deal with Islamists

« We are concerned about it, and what we encourage them to do is to continue to fight against the terrorists and to not disrupt any security or military operations that are ongoing in order to help prevent a safe haven for terrorists there, » said White House spokeswoman Dana Perino. « We have been concerned about these types of approaches because we don’t think that they work. »

So now, for attempting to create a peaceful settlement with the militants, is Pakistan about to make Bush’s « axis of evil » list?!?

I think my head just spun around backward on that one. And a small note to policy makers regarding the newly elected Parliament in Pakistan: tread very, very lightly here.

Looking at the legacy of misery and devastation the US has created in Afghanistan and Iraq, (and the propping up of Musharraf in their own country) the Pakistanis are not very happy at this point with any great degree of US « involvement » in their political and military life

Pakistani Taliban chief pulls out of peace talks

A Pakistani Taliban commander pulled out of a peace deal with the government after it refused to withdraw the army from tribal lands on the Afghan border, the militant’s spokesman said on Monday.

Unless there is a meaningful cease-fire agreement, and the Pakistani Taliban are thoroughly included in the political process, as is true for their neighbor Afghanistan, there can be no peace in the region.


50 Turkish Warplanes Bomb Kurdish Rebel Targets In Northern Iraqt

Turkish warplanes hit Kurdish rebel targets in northern Iraq early Sunday, Turkey’s military said, the first such attack since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. An Iraqi official said the planes attacked several villages, killing one woman.

….. With the tacit permission of the US military (which can barely hold on to Baghdad these days).

TURKEY: Relations with Iraq Become Explosive t

Clashes between Turkish army units and Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) guerrillas intensified during the weekend along Turkey’s borders with northern Iraq and in the country’s eastern province of Tunceli. Twenty suspected Kurdish rebels were killed, according to Turkish NTV network.

Fighting in the district of Pulumur began Sunday morning, involving 8,000 Turkish security troops, backed by helicopter gunships, who surrounded rural Dokuzkaya, Sariyayla, Kizilmescit and Zagge areas located in the Pulumur and Nazimiye districts of Tunceli. The highway that gives access to the rest of the province was cut off.

This is nothing compared to the military activity we will see from Turkey in Iraq if Edrogan goes back home empty-handed after his meeting with Bush in Washington next week.

We truly have a « never saw it coming » cronyocracy running this government, and unfortunately, they still have way too much time in which to create a world of hurt internationally.

Turkish army sends soldiers into Iraq

Korée du Nord

NKorea to delay nuclear disablement

Economic compensation pledged by the United States, South Korea, Japan, China and Russia in return for disabling its nuclear facilities by the end of 2007 « is being delayed, » said Hyon Hak Pong, vice director-general of North Korea’s Foreign Ministry, according to footage from broadcaster APTN.

« To cope with this, we have no option but to adjust the speed of the disablement process, » Hyon said.

It looks as though what was widely touted as a foreign policy coup for this administration may turn out to be a major embarrassment.

And then, after hearing the rhetoric against Iran in recent days, North Korea may have decided not to abandon their nuclear capabilities quite so quickly after all.

White House to Detail N. Korean-Syrian Nuke Connection

In an oddly timed move, the White House has decided to brief Congress this week about a nuclear facility the North Koreans allegedly helped Syria build more than a year ago.

I don’t see any cooling towers in that photo.

UN censures US and Israel over Syria nuclear row

The director general deplores the fact that this information was not provided to the agency in a timely manner, in accordance with the agency’s responsibilities under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, to enable it to verify its veracity and establish the facts, » ElBaradei said in a statement today.

If the US really believed that what they had was credible proof, why didn’t they share this with El Baradei and his group months ago?

This incident happened last September.

Blackmailing Bush; how the « Dear Leader » duped « The Decider »

The agreement will remove the North from the State Department’s list of terrorist states and provide 50,000 tons of fuel oil just for shutting down its Yongbyon reactor. But that won’t address the north’s clandestine nuclear program or Kim’s nuclear weapons stockpile. In fact, these are not even on the table!

George Bush, and his administration: acheving the absolute diometric opposite of what they claimed they sought to acheive: way to go, folks, heck of a job on North Korea!


Israel kidnaps 30 Palestinian civilians

Israeli army has resumed its kidnapping campaign against Palestinians in the West Bank, abducting dozens of civilians including a lawmaker.

Report: Israel committed more than 51 violations since the truce started

Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, stated Thursday that the IOF troops had committed more than 51 violations and 400 military assaults, and kidnapped 300 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank since the truce took effect. In a report monitoring the Israeli violations of the calm, the Brigades said that in the fifth week of the truce, Israel committed eight violations during which a Palestinian citizen was wounded north of Gaza and two others were kidnapped in Khan Younis.

Israeli settlers spray chemicals on Palestinian farmers during attack

Israeli settlers sprayed chemicals on a group of Palestinian farmers while attacking them in the Qalqilia area of the northern West Bank on Monday, human rights fieldworkers reported.


« Rats have become an Israeli weapon to displace and expel Arab residents of the occupied Old City of Jerusalem, » it said in a report. « Over the past two months, dozens of (Jewish) settlers come to the alleyways and streets of the Old City carrying iron cages full of rats. They release the rats, which find shelter in open sewage systems, » the report said.

In the first book of Samuel, the story is told of how the Philistines conquered the Israelites and captured the Ark of the Covenant. Shortly thereafter, the Philistines are struck down by a plague which Israel attributes to God. The Philistines have another idea and seek to end the plague by returning the Ark of the Covenant to Israel, and the plague went away. But along with the Ark, the Philistines sent 5 golden spheres, or « Buboes » representing the swollen glands of the plague, together with five gold statues of mice, a clear signal that the Philistines knew exactly what had been done to them and how.

This may be the oldest recorded instance of biological warfare in history, and the precedent for the rats being released in Old Jerusalem.

Jewish settlers smash village

Palestinian security says more than 20 Jewish settlers have attacked a Palestinian village in the West Bank, smashing cars and windows and cutting electricity wires.

Israeli rockets target Palestinian villages

Two homemade Israel rockets have landed in two villages in the Palestinian territories south of the West Bank city of Nablus.

Residents of the villages of Odala and Awarta say the neighboring Israeli settlers have launched the rockets into the Palestinian territories on Monday.

Palestinians: Settlers fire mortar shells at West Bank village

The Palestinian news agency Ma’an reported Tuesday that the makeshift bombs had the words « Sharon-1 » and « Sharon-2 » inscribed on them. One of the Palestinian policemen in the village said that the bombs were locally manufactured, and that they struck near the school.

Apparently mortar shelling here is not a one-way incident.

Gaza reporter: Israeli security officials broke my ribs

A Palestinian journalist said from his hospital bed on Monday that Israeli security personnel abused him and broke his ribs on his way home to the Gaza Strip after receiving a journalism award in Britain.

Mohammed Omer, who writes for the pro-Palestinian Washington Report, said he was strip-searched and detained for nearly four hours at the Israeli-controlled Allenby Bridge when he crossed from Jordan into the West Bank, en route to the Gaza Strip, on June 26.


« All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts. » This was the religious opinion issued one week ago by Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, director of the Tsomet Institute, a long-established religious institute attended by students and soldiers in the Israeli settlements of the West Bank.

Official PA paper: Israel poisoning prisoners

In a series of reports published in the ‘al-Hayat al-Jadida’ newspaper Israel is accused of poisoning Palestinian prisoners in its custody and conducting « medical experiments’ on them.

Israel’s ambassador says Britain has become a hotbed of radical anti-Israeli feeling

Look how Israel behaves! Not even a mother could love THAT spoiled a child!

Italy: Mosques must recognize Israel

Many Muslims around the world do not recognize Israel, saying the United Nations had no right to allow the establishment of a state in a land that has long belonged to the Palestinians.

In point of fact, the UN did not do any such thing. The UN Resolution calling for both a Jewish state and Palestinian state was never ratified. David Ben Gurion simply declared Israel to be in existence and the United States immediately recognized the new nation. In so doing, the US and Israel did to Palestine what Hitler tried (but failed) to do to France.


Provoking Iran into war

Sy Hersh report


Olbermann accuses U.S of trying to FAKE new Gulf of Tonkin

Les conséquences des bombardements sur les installations nucléaires de l’Iran

par Floyd Rudmin

Mondialisation.ca, Le 30 avril 2008

Regardez attentivement les conséquences qu’auraient des bombardements sur les installations nucléaires de l’Iran et ensuite, priez

Rapport du Directeur Général de l’AIEA sur le Programme Nucléaire de l’Iran

Rapport du Directeur Général de l’AIEA sur le Programme Nucléaire de l’Iran

par Directeur général de l’AEIA Mohamed ElBaradei

Mondialisation.ca, Le 25 fevrier 2008

Teheran Times

Ci-dessous la traduction du texte intégral du rapport du Directeur Général de l’AIEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, sur le programme nucléaire de l’Iran, remis au Conseil des Gouverneurs de l’AIEA le vendredi 22 février 2008 et publié en anglais sur le site iranien Tehran Times

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown wants Iranian blockade because of « anti-semitism »

England‘s economy is in malaise and PM Gordon Brown wants war with Iran, because it is « anti-semitic. » This proves that England (and Canada) are kosher, not liberal. Would real liberals start a war with a country that is peaceful to it?

West to flex military muscles against Iran

The United States is set to lead a joint military exercise in the Atlantic Ocean to show off its combat capability as a warning to Iran.

The Joint Task Force Exercise (JTFEX) 08-4 ‘Operation Brimstone’ will take place on July 21-31 in North Carolina and off the eastern US coast from Virginia to Florida, involving France, Britain and Brazil.

It would be wonderful if the reasonably cool heads, and sane, grown-up individuals in Tel Aviv and Washington could prevail to prevent a military attack against Iran.

Unfortunately, given these countries’ mutual histories of geopolitical belligerence, it is very difficult to see this kind of outcome happening.

The EU has just come out and said that they will not support a military attack against Iran.

Now the question remains: will they actually be able to convince the US and Israel that a military attack, far from resolving anything, will only make matters worse?

European Union says it won’t support military action against Iran

European Union foreign ministers say they will not support a military strike on Iran but want more talks to try to resolve worries Tehran might be developing nuclear weapons.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband says it is now up to Iran to respond to global powers and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana after talks in Geneva on Saturday.

He says Britain and others involved in the negotiations with Iran are « 100 per cent focused on a diplomatic resolution » to the Iranian issue.

Memo to the writer of this article: Iran’s nuclear program is simply that of creating a power station, and for that, they are enriching uranium at 3%, not the 98% necessary for a weapons program.

The IAEA has seen absolutely nothing indicating that Iran is engaged in a weapons development program.

It’s very nice that the EU has made this statement, but what are they going to do to convince Israel and the US that military intervention would be a really, really bad idea?Mp>And what is Russia going to do to protect its geopolitical and financial interests in Iran, which are considerable, if such an attack does take place?

Iran given two-week deadline to end the nuclear impasse

The failure to reach agreement appeared likely to trigger new European and UN sanctions and to raise tensions in the Gulf. An Iranian rejection would also represent a rebuff to conciliatory moves from Washington, including the dispatch of a senior diplomat to Geneva to attend high-level talks with the Iranians for the first time in nearly three decades. The diplomat, William Burns, left Geneva without making any public comments.

Threats are NOT ‘Conciliatory gestures.’ What looked like a possibility to avoid yet another disastrous war for the US is apparently only a repeat of the cheap theatrics the US engaged in just prior to the invasion of Iraq, where the US tried to look like it was searching for a peaceful solution even as the bombs were being loaded onto the airplanes.

The tip off is Condi’s statement that Iran would have to suspend enrichment prior to any negotiations. This is a classic tactic intended to wreck the possability of a solution by giving the other side the choice of total capitulation to US demands before any negotiations (with the guaratnee that any subsequent negotiations would not produce anything in return) or being portrayed as the bad guy for « sabotaging » the « negotiations ».

Under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has a legal right, recognized by the US Government, to build nuclear power plants and to make fuel rods for them, and NOBODY has produced an iota of evidence that Iran is doing anything else.

Iran Nuke Laptop Data Came from Terror Group

The George W. Bush administration has long pushed the « laptop documents » — 1,000 pages of technical documents supposedly from a stolen Iranian laptop — as hard evidence of Iranian intentions to build a nuclear weapon. Now charges based on those documents pose the only remaining obstacles to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) declaring that Iran has resolved all unanswered questions about its nuclear programme.

But those documents have long been regarded with great suspicion by U.S. and foreign analysts. German officials have identified the source of the laptop documents in November 2004 as the Mujahideen e Khalq (MEK), which along with its political arm, the National Council of Resistance in Iran (NCRI), is listed by the U.S. State Department as a terrorist organisation.

There are some indications, moreover, that the MEK obtained the documents not from an Iranian source but from Israel’s Mossad.

Iranian Jews say republic safe for them

A top Jewish community leader in Iran on Wednesday described the recent immigration of 40 Iranian Jews to Israel as a « misinformation campaign » and insisted that Jews living in the Islamic Republic were not endangered by the hard-line policies of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

« This is a misinformation campaign, a campaign of lies against Iran and its Jewish community. We can’t confirm that 40 Iranian Jews landed in Israel, » Morsathegh told The Associated Press.

AFP: Bush says US would defend Israel if Iran attacks

US President George W. Bush said Washington would defend its close ally Israel in the event of an Iranian attack, in remarks broadcast on Israeli army radio on Sunday.

« Whether there’s an imminent attack coming, I don’t think so, » Bush said in excerpts of an interview with an Israeli television station to be aired in its entirety later in the day.

« If Iran did strike Israel… We will defend our ally, no ands, ifs or buts, » he said.

Translation: look for some kind of false flag attack against Israel to get some kind of war against Iran going before Bush leaves office.

And the venue here is fascinating: Israeli Army radio?!?

Israel to brief George Bush on options for Iran strike

Israeli security officials are to brief President George W Bush on their latest intelligence about Iran’s nuclear programme – and how it could be destroyed – when he begins a tour of the Middle East in Jerusalem this week.

Now, keep in mind that what Israel is talking about is not a weapons facility (like the one Israel has underneath the Dimona reactor). Israel wants to destroy Iran’s power station, just as they did Iraq’s power station, because Israel, itself guilty of clandestine weapons manufacturing, cannot accept that its neighbors are building nuclear power plants merely to generate electricity. Israel never does anything wrong (according to Israel) and therefore must assuage its guilt over its clandestine nuclear facility by believing that everyone else is doing it too.

As for Bush, he is in violation of international law merely by agreeing to Israel’s plans, because both the United States and Iran (but not Israel) signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which gives Iran the legal right to build nuclear power stations and to manufacture the fuel rods for them. George Bush is breaking that treaty by bowing to Israel desire to continue its monopoly on nuclear power in the Mideast.

There is no other way to spin this; Israel and George Bush are the criminals in this issue.


History is repeating itself, and because history does repeat, no doubt Bush and his advisers are thinking that if they can start a major war, they will be off the hook. Once more the American people will silently endure their hardships for the war effort, silence their complaints, and accept with dignity yet another enforced decline in their standard of living.

For this, to save themselves, Bush and his advisers are willing to risk turning a regional war with Israel’s enemies into a wider war, possibly a global war with Russia, possibly with China, possibly with the rest of the entire world as the globe realizes that the United States has become this century’s embodiment of the Nazi empire.

It is for this reason that President Bush scarcely missed a step when the National Intelligence Estimate proved Iran innocent of Bush ‘a accusations, before trying to stage a new « Gulf of Tonkin » provocation in the Straight of Hormuz. Bush doesn’t want this war. Bush NEEDS this war. The entire US Government needs it. Indeed, having already depleted the nation’s resources to fund the current invasions, the US Government probably will not be able to survive without a new world war.

Which is why they will do anything, and I stress ANYTHING, to start one.

Stop threats then we’ll talk, Iran tells West

Iran on Sunday told the West it would only hold talks over its disputed nuclear programme if world powers stopped threatening further punitive measures against Tehran.

Israel « would not dare attack Iran »: Ahmadinejad

Of course not. Israel just ordered Bush to have the Americans attack Iran FOR Israel.

Gulf allies turn their backs on Bush

All eyes are now on the report of ElBaradei at the IAEA meeting in March. Tehran, naturally, is pinning high hopes that the Iran nuclear file may become a routine affair involving a nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty member country. But the most important outcome of the ElBaradei visit is perhaps its impact in molding regional opinion in the Middle East and in the Persian Gulf region.

Saudi cannot be launchpad for Iran attack: report

A leading Saudi newspaper on Saturday ruled out any attempt by the United States to use the oil-rich Gulf kingdom as a launchpad for a possible war on Iran over Tehran’s disputed nuclear programme.

Two days before a visit to Saudi Arabia by US President George W. Bush, the pro-government daily Al-Riyadh said: « We refuse to be used to launch wars or tensions with Iran.


Let us hope that the governments of all the other Middle Eastern countries Bush is visiting are unanimous in this.

Just like Israel did to Iraq.

Olmert renews threat on Iran

Israel renewed a veiled threat to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities pre-emptively.

Seems like Israel is the threat to world peace, doesn’t it?

Toward Militarism, War, Empire, Caskets, and Bankruptcy

The incident in the Gulf of Tonkin – excuse me, Gulf of Hormuz – this past week confirms how easy it is for an American ruler to send the entire nation into war, especially given that he is now permitted to ignore the constitutional provision requiring a congressional declaration of war. If the captains of those U.S. battleships and destroyers had blown those Iranian speedboats out of the water, one can already hear Bush and Cheney proclaiming, « We’ve been attacked! We’ve been attacked! The Department of Defense is responding by defending our nation from this attack by bombing Iran. Support the troops. God bless America! »

Question: If China, Iran, and Venezuela sent a fleet of destroyers and battleships into the Gulf of Mexico for joint war games, how would U.S. officials respond? Wouldn’t they go ape?

Bush assured Israel over Gaza violence: Olmert

US President George W. Bush has assured Israel that no peace deal with the Palestinians will be implemented until violence from Hamas-run Gaza stops, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Sunday.

Translation; even if it’s the Mossad hurling Kassams in Israel’s direction, this « understanding » guarantees that there will never be a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine.

Israel rules out peace with Iran

Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told a parliamentary committee that peace with Iran is impossible and that military actions against the Islamic state was legitimate.

From Palestine’s point of view, peace with Israel is impossible. Therefore, following Olmert’s own logic, military actions against Israel are legitimate!

Basically, Olmert has just declared that military action by Israel is « legitimate » against any nation that doesn’t do what Israel tells it to do. That could even mean the US itself (and maybe that’s the reason the US gives Israel everything they want!)

Bush Tells Israelis He Doesn’t Believe Iran NIE Report

In private conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert last week, the president all but disowned the document, said a senior administration official who accompanied Bush on his six-nation trip to the Mideast. « He told the Israelis that he can’t control what the intelligence community says, but that [the NIE’s] conclusions don’t reflect his own views » about Iran’s nuclear-weapons program, said the official, who would discuss intelligence matters only on the condition of anonymity.

Bush’s behind-the-scenes assurances may help to quiet a rising chorus of voices inside Israel’s defense community that are calling for unilateral military action against Iran.

« What Bush has done, in essence, is to have characterized every single individual in those 16 agencies who collectively came to the conclusions they did regarding Iran’s nuclear program as complete morons

And who is supposed to start this so-called « unilateral action »?

Not Israel on its own, that’s a sure bet.

Bush Disowns U.S. Intel, Tells Israelis Iran NIE ‘Doesn’t Reflect My Own Views’

« I don’t see it and I don’t hear it, and you can’t make me, nyah, nyah, nyah!!! » — Official White Horse Souse


So, here we have a President who totally abandons the work product of all 16 (taxpayer funded) intelligence agencies and has his own « opinion » which just happens to exactly match that of the foreign government that spies on America, buys and blackmails the Congress, repeatedly and stages false-flag attacks on us to trick us into destroying their enemies.

You have a problem with that?

Bush takes distance from key Iran findings

US President George W. Bush on Tuesday appeared to distance himself from what he called an « independent » US intelligence finding widely seen as dousing the likelihood of armed confrontation with Iran.

« I defended our intelligence services, but made it clear that they’re an independent agency; that they come to conclusions separate from what I may or may not want, » said the president.

Bush characterized this as an »Independent » US intelligence finding?!?

On what planet does he live, and is he absolutely unaware that the NIE is generated by US governmental agencies?

When you have a president of a major power who appears to be pathologically allergic to the truth, be afraid: be very afraid.

Israel won’t accept nuke weapons in Iran

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told a powerful parliamentary panel on Monday that Israel rejects « no options » to block Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, a meeting participant said.

The statement was the Israeli leader’s clearest indication yet that he is willing to use military force against Iran.


First, there is absolutely no evidence that Iran has nuclear weapons or that they are trying to make them. On the other had Israel has over 300 nuclear warheads and the whole world knows it. The refuse to join the Nuclear Non-proliferation treat or allow anyone to inspect their facilities.

Also, notice how the media says Iran has quit their nuclear weapons program


Here is the real problem. When Olmert talks about military action against Iran he is not talking about Israeli kids invading Iran, he is talking about sending AMERICAN kids to die in Iran, and the fact that he is talking this tough AFTER Bush’s visit proves that Bush has already agreed to this!

George Bush calls Iran ‘leading terror sponsor’

President George W Bush has condemned Iran as the foremost threat to global security as he attempted to rally Gulf states behind a tougher line against the Islamic Republic during a tour of the region.

« They smell funny! » — Official White Horse Souse

Bush: Iran threatens world security

« They have ski-boats of mass destruction! » — Official White Horse Souse

Bush says US, allies must confront Iran

« We must confront Iran because
They have nookular bombs.
They sent bombs to Iraq.
They threatened our warships.
They said Israel must be wiped off of the map.
They dress funny. » — Official White Horse Souse

US, Israel on ‘same page’ on Iran

Ummm, just what language is that page written in?

‘All options on table’ to stop nuclear Iran: Israel

« In assessing the threat from Iran we see in sync and think similarly. Both America and Israel understand the severity of the threat, the implication of the threat if it grows, » Israel’s US Ambassador Sallai Meridor said.

You can be that Israel is furiously doing everything they can to insure that Bush will order an attack on Iran before the end of his term, as it cannot count on just how carnage-prone the next president will be on this issue.

And perhaps that little Strait of Hormuz « incident » last weekend might well have been a part of their strategy in creating some kind of boil-up.

There are just a few, minor problems with this, however.

First and foremost, Russia has stated in no uncertain terms that an attack against Iran will be considered an attack against Russia.

And seriously, is anyone in the US military or administration quite mad enough to believe that a war with Russia over Iran’s nuclear just to appease Israel on this is a good thing?

I would certainly hope not.

Iran still a threat, Bush tells Israeli TV

« God told me so! » — Official White Horse Souse

« Ummm, tell me Dubya, does God look and sound like Dick Cheney? »

« YOU TOO???? »

We’ll nuke Iran – Bush promises Israel

US President George W. Bush promised Israel’s opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu that the United States will join the Jewish state in a nuclear strike against Iran, Israel Radio reported today.

Bush Says US, Allies Must Confront Iran

Chiding U.S. allies who have withheld civil liberties, Bush said governments will never build trust by harassing or imprisoning candidates and protesters. But his rebuke was general, and he did not single out any U.S. partner in the region for oppressive practices.

« You cannot expect people to believe in the promise of a better future when they are jailed for peacefully petitioning their government, » Bush said. « And you cannot stand up a modern, confident nation when you do not allow people to voice their legitimate criticisms. »

This from the man who has condoned torture as part of American policy?

? The heavy irony of these statements was surely lost on Bush, who probably has no clue what the word means.

I am absolutely certain, however, that it was not lost on his host countries during this tour.

And the charge that « Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terror, » is laughable.

How many times in last 8 years has Iran started pre-emptive wars of aggression for other countries’ resources, based on a pack of lies?

Not once.

But the US has.

We’ll nuke Iran – Bush promises Israel

Iran reportedly says no confrontation with U.S. in Gulf

Iran on Friday denied there had been any confrontation between its forces and a U.S. ship in the Gulf, Iranian media reported, after a U.S. official said a ship contracted by the U.S Military Sealift Command fired on an Iranian vessel.

So, is someone out there PRETENDING to be Iranian boats in the hopes of kicking off a war?

Saudi king rejects Cheney’s belligerency

Saudi Arabia‘s King Abdullah in a meeting with visiting US Vice President Dick Cheney has rejected any US military strike against Iran.

Rep. McDermott: The Folly of Attacking Iran

As we know from history, controlling the oil wealth of Iran mattered more to the West than anything else. Given the choice between watching Iran construct pillars of Democracy or finding a way for the West to construct – and control – oil drilling platforms, there was no hesitation.

In 1953, the United States and United Kingdom launched Operation Ajax. It was a covert CIA operation to destabilize and remove the democratically elected government of Iran, including Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh.

President: World has not witnessed crimes bigger than Zionists

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in the whole history nobody has witnessed crimes like the ones committed by the Zionist regime against the Palestinian.

I am not sure about « whole history ». History is full of assholes. But there is no question that in the present day, nobody has witnessed crimes like the ones committed by the Zionist regime against the Palestinian.

And today is what we have to deal with.

Israel gives UN watchdog secret briefing on Iran

Abramovich presented Israel’s concerns about a continued nuclear program in Tehran.

« Now then, our first slides show some of you in compromising situations involving the extremely young ladies we had escorting you on your last visit to Israel… »


I have for some time been warning of the impending final confrontation between the US-Israeli alliance and Iran. The pointers indicating that the moment of that final confrontation may have almost arrived are now too irresistible to ignore. I hope I’m wrong.

Iran vows to retaliate against U.S. bases in Gulf if it attacks first

Iran‘s top military commander said Saturday that his forces would retaliate against American military bases in the Persian Gulf if they are involved in any possible future attack on Iran.

So, if Israel attacks Iran, YOUR kids get the return fire.

Iran unveils first major space centre, launches research rocket

Iran reportedly launched a research rocket Monday and unveiled its first major space centre, which it says will be used to launch research satellites.

Iran receives nuke fuel

Iran received a third shipment of nuclear fuel from Russia on Friday for a power plant being constructed in the southern port of Bushehr, state radio reported.

So, if Israel (or the US) bombs the power station now, it will unleash a nuclear disaster in the region and downwind.

Iran to Get Russian Anti-Missile Defense

Russia is preparing to equip Iran with a powerful new air defense system that would dramatically increase its ability to repel an attack, Iran’s defense minister said Wednesday.

Iran receives last nuclear fuel shipment

Iran received the final shipment of uranium fuel from Russia on Monday for its first nuclear plant, state media reported, a key step toward the launch of the reactor’s operations expected later this year.

If Israel or the US bombs the power station now, it will unleash a major radiological disaster in the region.

Livni: Inconceivable that Russia is supplying Iran with nuclear fuel

Foreign affairs minister meets with Russia’s Lavrov in Moscow, slams shipments of fuel to Bushehr nuclear plant despite Tehran’s refusal to stop enriching uranium.

A reminder: Iran is enriching uranium to the 3% needed for a power station, which they are legally allowed to do under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Weapons require better than 90% encirchment, and there is no evidence that Iran is doing that.

What Israel wants is to maintain their monopoly on nuclear power and weapons in the Mideast. Like the classic paranoid, Israel will not feel safe until everyone else is totally helpless before them, but like the true paranoid, Israel will never feel safe no matter how helpless the rest of the world are. Sooner or later, as Israel is doing in Gaza, extermination becomes the final solution.

IAEA makes 1st visit to Iran centrifuge site

Iran has allowed top U.N. nuclear monitors to visit an advanced centrifuge development site for the first time in a gesture of transparency about its disputed atomic programme, diplomats familiar with the matter said.

Now then, about Dimona…

US pushes EU to shut down Iranian banks

This proves that the real issue is not nuclear weapons, but Iran’s Oil Bourse, which threatens the dollar.

The US, over the last 30 years, lost its manufacturing leadership, and no longer able to keep the dollar high with commerce, Bush is attempting to make the dollar strong by making every other competitor weak; by shutting down their banks, by freezing their funds, by bombing their infrastructure.

France backs sanctions on Iran

So now France will violate the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Iran pulls assets out of Europe banks

Iran has withdrawn a huge sum of its foreign exchange reserves from European banks and has deposited some of it into Asian banks.

« Based on a decision made by a government working group, Iran has switched to ‘genuine’ assets like gold and shares… We have decreased our foreign currency holdings in international banks, » said Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs, Mohsen Talaei.

Sending a message?

US and EU issue new Iran warning

The EU and the US have threatened Iran with further sanctions unless it verifiably suspends nuclear enrichment.

The « additional measures » would include « steps to ensure Iranian banks cannot… support proliferation and terrorism », said a joint statement.

Oh, yes, this is really going to make a huge difference, considering, as reported on the 8th of this month in the on-line version of the « Telegraph » from the UK, that « The president of Iran has ordered the country’s leading banks to transfer billions of dollars of assets from Europe to the Central Bank to prevent them being frozen by international sanctions, according to Western diplomats. »

In the immortal words of my wife’s late grandmother « the horse is already out of the barn » on this one.

Gazprom to develop two or three South Pars blocks in Iran

Russia’s gas giant Gazprom has agreed the terms on which it will be developing “two or three” blocks of the South Pars field in Iran, and also on the participation of its daughter company, Gazpromneft, in an oil project in Iran, Gazprom press office said on Tuesday upon the end of Tuesday’s visit to Teheran by the company’s delegation under Gazprom CEO, Alexei Miller.

Russia is not going to want any interruption of its business dealings (particularly regarding oil) with Iran.

Any Israeli and/or US tactician might want to consider; if there is a pre-emptive attack on Iran, just what will Russia do?

Does any sane person in Washington or Tel Aviv really want to go to war with Russia?

Spy photos reveal ‘secret launch site’ for Iran’s long-range missiles

A close examination of the photographs has indicated that the Iranians are following the same path as North Korea

Folks, remember all those photos the mainstream media showed us that were claimed to be Iraqi WMD sites? Then after the invasion they turned out to be rather benign? (In one case, a building marked as a biological weapons lab on a US photo turned out to be a bakery.)

Then there was the photo of an Iraqi nuclear facility that a sharp-eyed Google Earth user recognized as actually being in another country entirely?

With that sordid history in mind, let us take a real look at the photo from this article, which purports to show where Iran is « developing long-range ballistic missiles capable of reaching targets in Europe ».

AFP: Israel stressed to Bush that Iran is a nuclear ‘threat’: general

« We tried hard to present him the situation as we see it, » Amos Gilad, reserve general and political adviser to Defence Minister Ehud Barak, told Israel’s public radio.

« From a professional point of view the situation is clear: there is an Iranian nuclear threat, » Gilad said.

Translation: Israel wants the US to strike Iran militarily before Bush leaves office, putting our sons and daughters in harm’s way (again) to neutralize what it believes is an existential threat to its existence.

Perhaps this is about time to let Israel go after all those countries it believes threaten its existence… on their own.

Mischievous ‘Filipino Monkey’ could have triggered latest US-Iran row

A heckling radio ham known as the Filipino Monkey, who has spent years pestering ships in the Persian Gulf, is being blamed today for sparking a major diplomatic row after American warships almost attacked Iranian patrol boats.

« Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, it was a radio ham. That’s it. A radio ham. Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. » — Official White Horse Souse



Bush Promises to Nuke Iran


Whether or not Bush manages to plunge the world into a new dark age may depend upon which version of the recent US/Iran confrontation is believed. So far, Bush’s utter lack of credibility may be working to our advantage. One dares not think of the consequences to world peace if Bush had embarked upon this tour of the middle east with a shred of credibility, a modicum of political capital among every Middle Eastern capital but Jerusalem.

*****Unemployment Spreads As Foreclosure Storm Hits Major Cities

Folks, here is the « sitch ».

The US econ-tanic is down by the bow and taking on water fast. Desperate measures are being taken to keep the ships of state afloat but the ultimate outcome is inevitable (and has been known to be so for some time).

Bush knows that the economy is about to unravel, and he also knows that the people will blame the government for the melt-down and rightly so, seeing all the money that the government borrows without ever really thinking about how it will be repaid. The Social Security Trust Fund has been looted (along with many others such as the Native American Trust Fund and various Federal Employee Pensions). The Federal Reserve is just printing up new money as fast as it can to keep the liquidity up, but the problem has never been liquidity but solvency.

So, the big kaboinga is right around the corner and this is a major reason WHY Bush is pushing so hard to start a new war, because throughout the history of the United States, the government has ALWAYS distracted from domestic economic blunders by distracting the people with a major war. Most of us recall the connection between the Great Depression and WW2, but few recall that the US was in economic trouble just prior to WW1. In both cases, the fever of war masked the symptoms of hard economic times, and tricked people into lowering their living standards thinking it was for the war when in reality it was to salvage the economy. Capitalism only works when the vast majority of people are intentionally kept poor, and war is a great way to impoverish the people without getting them pissed off.

So, this is why that lame stunt with the speed boats and US warships was pulled. It was supposed to be another « Gulf of Tonkin » hoax to kick off a new war.

and as the economy deteriorates, expect Bush to do something, ANYTHING, to get the war back on track.

Because without a war to mask the economic hardships, the people will turn on the government.

Doubts grow over Iranian boat threats

Mystery remains over where voice came from.

Not over here. What nation has a prior history of fake radio messages to trick the US into killing its enemies?

Official Version of Naval Incident Starts to Unravel

Despite the official and media portrayal of the incident in the Strait of Hormuz early Monday morning as a serious threat to U.S. ships from Iranian speedboats that nearly resulted in a « battle at sea », new information over the past three days suggests that the incident did not involve such a threat and that no U.S. commander was on the verge of firing at the Iranian boats.

Was Bush trying to pull a « Gulf of Tonkin » to start his war?

US backs down over Gulf claims

Once again we catch the US Government red-handed lying to justify a war of conquest.

You remain silent at risk of being judged complicit in the crime.

US Complaints of Harassment by Iran “Blown out of the Water” by Video

« The U.S. has a long history of sailing into Iranian waters and otherwise provoking Iran, » according Journalist Reese Erlich, the author the book The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Middle East Crisis. He also recalls the incident where the USS Vincennes shot down an unarmed Iranian passenger plane and the US tried to cover up the incident. He further states, “In that context, the US version of events must be carefully examined. »

ABC News: U.S. Concedes Voices on Recording May Not Have Been From Iranian Speedboats

Olmert to lay down Israel’s red lines – Israel News, Ynetnews

Translation: Bush gets his marching orders from Tel Aviv as to precisely what he will do geopolitically in the Middle East during his last year in office.

The Israelis Prepare for Bush Visit

As President Bush prepares to visit Israel for the start of an eight-day tour of the Mideast, Israel has two chief issues on its mind: the Palestinians and Iran. But which one does the country want the American president to act on first? Iran.

The Israelis are openly lobbying for the United States to attack Iran. They’re not even trying to keep it low key. If they’re so worried about Iran why don’t the Israelis do the attacking? Because their own children are too precious, while American children, well, heck, dying in Israel’s wars is what they are FOR!

Iran denies threat to blow up US ships

Just stop and think; why would Iran do something so provocative right after the NIE proved to the world that Iran was telling the truth (as had Iraq) and the US was again lying to create a war? Iran has just dodged a bullet. Why would they do something that cranks the war back up?

Isn’t it far more likely that USreal, which HAS been lying all along, is simply lying again to try to restart the war they want?

Israel to brief Bush on options for Iran strike during visit

Israel still doesn’t have ‘smoking gun’

« NIE? What NIE?!? Iran has nookular bombs! God told me so! » — Official White Horse Souse

IAEA chief warns against military action to solve Iranian nuclear issue

In an interview with Egyptian TV, ElBaradei, Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said a military strike to settle the Iranian nuclear issue would complicate the situation and send the Middle East region into a vicious cycle of violence.

What El Baradei is saying is logical, intelligent, and sane.

This is why the White House will ignore it completely.

Bush Admits He Plans to Attack Iran

Bush needs that war in Iran to distract from the plunging economy.

So, if tomorrow really does bring a huge crash on Wall Street, it would be a great time for « someone » to nuke the New York financial district (freezing the losses and justifying the declaration of a national emergency) and blame Iran for it.

Kristol: Bush Might Bomb Iran If He ‘Thinks Senator Obama’s Going To Win’

On Fox News Sunday this morning, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol said that President Bush is more likely to attack Iran if he believes Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is going to be elected.

However, « if the president thought John McCain was going to be the next president, he would think it more appropriate to let the next president make that decision than do it on his way out, » Kristol said, reinforcing the fact that McCain is offering a third Bush term on Iran.

Okay folks, since it does look like Obama will win the election (as long as he stays out of small airplanes), and since Obama will probably not support starting a whole new war with Iran, then the Neocons and Israel-firsters not only have to start a war with Iran while Bush is still in office, but have to have long enough to get the US so stuck in Iran that Obama can’t pull us out without it looking like a new military defeat for the United States. That will take a good three months to do, so to get a good war with Iran going the Israel-firsters have to get it kicked off by end of summer at the latest.

Which is why I an a touch nervous about the Fourth of July as a potential false flag date.

The Raw Story | Bogus Iran story was product of Pentagon spokesman

No reference was made to a US ship nearly firing on an Iranian vessel, or suggestions that the US ships would « explode, » or white boxes dropped into the water in the path of the US fleet.

Porter identifies Bryan Whitman, the Pentagon’s top spokesman, as the culprit for the spurious account. Most of Whitman’s remarks that formed the basis for Starr’s and other stories were drawn from an off the record press briefing that was held on the condition he not be identified as a source.

How desperate is this administration to start a shooting war with Iran?

Apparently, very desperate.

Unfortunately, even having got caught red-handed on this doesnot guarantee that they won’t try something else to get it started.

Policy Shift Seen in U.S. Decision on Iran Talks

The presence of William J. Burns, the under secretary of state for political affairs, at the meeting with Saeed Jalili, Iran’s nuclear negotiator, in Geneva on Saturday, will send « a strong signal to the Iranian government that the United States is committed to diplomacy, » the State Department spokesman, Sean McCormack, told reporters on Wednesday. Mr. McCormack insisted that there had been no change in policy

« …No change in policy » , my astrolabe!

This appears to be a significant change in US policy, a real attempt at engagement rather than saber-rattling.

We’ll have to wait and see what the results of Saturday’s meetings may be, but based on the wailing, moaning, and gnashing of teeth one is getting from the Israeli press on-line this morning, it looks as though the world may have just dodged the bullet of another horrendous world war.

Report: U.S. to station diplomats in Iran for first time since 1979

The United States intends to station diplomats in Iran for the first time since the 1979 Islamic Revolution which saw a severence of ties between the two countries, The Guardian reported on Thursday.

Looks like the war with Iran may be called off, which is why the Pentagon boys are being told to go play nice in Pakistan, to keep them happy. But with the Russian/Iran gas deal, an attack on Iran is an attack on Russia’s strategic interests. Plus that reactor, until it is paid for, is Russian property and currently staffed with Russian nationals.

Of course, the neocon Israeli-firsters are not going to be happy about peace breaking out, and they may still try a false-flag attack of some kind, but for the moment it looks like the wheels have come off of the war wagon.

13 juillet 2008

Afghanistan: les choses s’empirent

Filed under: Moyen-Orient — François M. @ 11:40


Afghanistan: les choses s’empirent

Pour ceux qui se demandent ce qui se passe réellement en Afghanistan, voici plusieurs articles qui vont vous montrer l’autre côté de la médaille que les médias de masse ont oublié de vous présenter. C’est que la guerre est une bonne opportunité d’enrichissement pour certains et il ne faudrait quand même pas leur nuire… tss tss tss La paix, ça ne rapporte pas gros…

Afghanistan and Iraq: it’s the same war

Four years ago the U.S. and Britain unleashed war on Iraq, a nearly defenseless Third World country barely half the size of Saskatchewan.

For twelve years prior to the invasion and occupation Iraq had endured almost weekly U.S. and British bombing raids and the toughest sanctions in history, the “primary victims” of which, according to the UN Secretary General, were “women and children, the poor and the infirm.” According to UNICEF, half a million children died from sanctions related starvation and disease.

Then, in March 2003, the U.S. and Britain — possessors of more weapons of mass destruction than the rest of the world combined — attacked Iraq on a host of fraudulent pretexts, with cruise missiles, napalm, white phosphorous, cluster and bunker buster bombs and depleted uranium (DU) munitions.

The British Medical Journal The Lancet published a study last year estimating Iraqi war deaths since 2003 at 655,000, a mind-boggling figure dismissed all-too readily by the British and American governments despite widespread scientific approval for its methodology (including the British government’s own chief scientific adviser).

True US Bush Iraq-Afghan Wars Deaths At 21,000

« In the last four years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq, the unreported death toll of American military personnel is in excess of 20,000 (20, 871) and the wounded who had to be evacuated from the combat areas for out-of-theater hospitals are in excess of 56,000. This is from a highly classified report sent by the Pentagon to the White House and is of a severely restricted circulation. »

Libre opinion: Rebâtir l’Afghanistan et protéger notre société ?

Les intérêts des États-Unis en Afghanistan


Oxfam warns of humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan

« There has been undoubted social and economic progress in Afghanistan, but it has been slow and is being undermined by increasing insecurity, » wrote Oxfam International’s director Barbara Stocking.

« Afghans turn to narcotics, criminality, or even militancy, if they cannot feed their families. Military action addresses symptoms, not the underlying causes or conditions, » she wrote.

Again, the booby prize for geopolitical unintended consequences goes to……..(drum roll please) The current administration!

Take a bow, folks, for unfathomable ignorance of this country and its culture, and for imposing a guy so crooked as its president, that he makes that Taliban look good to the Afghani people!

Way to go!

U.N.: Violence in Afghanistan up almost 25 percent in ’07

Afghanistan is currently suffering its most violent year since the 2001 U.S.-led intervention, according to an internal United Nations report that sharply contrasts with recent upbeat appraisals by President Bush and his Afghan counterpart, Hamid Karzai.

In pockets of Afghanistan, U.S. losing ground

The warnings have been coming for months to the craggy mountains of northeastern Afghanistan: Taliban militants are eager to step up the war here in the province of Nuristan, with its guerrilla-friendly terrain of thick pine forests.

Afghanistan has slipped backward into a political « danger zone, » the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies warned in March. In the broadest published evaluation of Afghans’ attitudes, the center said Afghans are facing worsened physical security, greater threats from warlords, criminal gangs and corrupt officials, and more difficulty in supporting their families. Such alarms are ringing from every side: UN agencies, non-government aid organizations, scholars, some U.S. officials and ordinary Afghans.

Defeat a « real possibility » in Afghanistan:

NATO is in disarray and the West faces defeat in Afghanistan unless it overhauls its counter-insurgency and reconstruction strategy, Britain’s Paddy Ashdown wrote in an article published on Wednesday.

« With fighting in Afghanistan now entering its seventh year, no agreed international strategy, public support on both sides of the Atlantic crumbling, NATO in disarray and widening insecurity in Afghanistan, defeat is now a real possibility… »

NATO never, ever began to have enough boots on the ground to cause this military campaign to be successful.

What we are seeing now in Afghanistan is the beginning of a complete meltdown

The US, bogged down both here and in Iraq, doesn’t have more troops to send.

Meanwhile, other NATO countries have governments which do, occasionally, listen to their people when they say that they don’t want their countrymen and women fighting, getting maimed and dying in what is essentially the US’s war.

US steps up efforts to rescue ‘war on terror’ in Afghanistan

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will visit Britain next week for high-stakes talks on Afghanistan amid US fears its NATO allies could abandon a strategic cornerstone of its « war on terror. »

Memo to Secretary Rice; as an expert on the now-defunct Soviet Union, somewhere, in your educational process, there must have been some reading about the Viet Nam War.

It was there that the US should have learned (we had hoped) that it is futile to attempt to win a land war from the air.

We have never had enough boots on the ground to make a military victory happen here, and the Taliban retreat, early in the process of the US led invasion and occupation, was merely tactical.

So short of bombing the country into complete collapse and declaring « victory », what do we do?

Here’s a novel concept: start a dialogue with the Taliban, rather than excluding and killing them.

Remember, they were our friends when we were trying to get the old Soviet Union out of Afghanistan, right?

Under the Taliban’s watch, Afghanistan got nearly rid of its opium production.

So, Secretary Rice, here are your three options at this point: force NATO member countries to send thousands upon thousands more troops (a highly unlikely bet at this moment), bomb the crap out of the entire country, walk away and declare victory, or talk with the people you’re currently bombing.

There’s really nothing else left.

« There is No Way for NATO to Win This War »

When the U.S. or NATO finally go on the offensive, the coalition’s lack of troops means they must rely on artillery and air power, which translates into a greater number of civilian casualties. Louise Arbour, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, says that civilian casualties caused by military activity has reached « alarming levels » this past year.  » These not only breach international law but are eroding support among the Afghan community for the government and the international presence, as well as public support in contributing states for continued engagement in Afghanistan. »

It appears that those who « planned » this war and occupation seemed to have collectively developed « Military History Alzheimer’s ».

You cannot, absolutely, win what is essentially a ground war from the air.

You can, however, enrage the civilian population with multitudes of non-combatant deaths, causing them to side with the Taliban. And if, « According to the U.S.’s counterinsurgency doctrine, Afghanistan would require 400,000 troops to pacify, although the country’s history suggests that even that number is probably wildly optimistic, » what the hell are we doing here?

Afghanistan ‘putting Nato’s future in peril’

The commander of Nato forces in Afghanistan has given warning that the survival of the alliance is at risk amid signs that several key members are re-evaluating their roles against the insurgency.

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, American General Dan McNeill said that Nato troops were « gaining the upper hand » against the Taliban, but progress was limited by not having a « force big enough to clear and hold every part of this country ».

His comments come as political pressure grows in Canada and Holland to downgrade the combat status of their soldiers in southern Afghanistan, where British troops are based.

The governments of Germany and Italy are also under huge pressure over their deployments in the north.

Attacks Spark Fears of Taliban Defeating NATO

Afghanistan Fight Will Only Get Tougher

Afghan war may be lost: experts

Afghanistan is lost, says Lord Ashdown

Nato has « lost in Afghanistan » and its failure to bring stability there could provoke a regional sectarian war « on a grand scale », according to Lord Ashdown.

The last military commander to conquer and keep Afghanistan was Alexander the Great.

What the U.S. doesn’t want you to know about “War on terror”: Taliban retuning to Afghanistan, NATO, U.S. forces losing ground!

NATO Looks to Exit Afghanistan Whether U.S. Approves or Not

Much to the dismay of Washington war planners, there has been a growing weariness in Europe with the Afghan conflict and reluctance by NATO members to expand troop commitments.

Once again, it appears that the « Coalition of the Willing » is turning into the « Coalition of the Non-Existent »

Force ‘cannot solve Afghanistan’

Does NATO Want Out of Afghanistan?

In public, NATO is demanding that all allies contribute their fair share to the ongoing effort in Afghanistan. But behind closed doors, a paper has been circulated that may provide the beginnings of an exit strategy. Germany is pushing the plan.

Berlin slaps down US demand to send troops to fight the Taleban

Could NATO lose in Afghanistan?

The military « planners » who allegedly planned this campaign never, ever had enough boots on the ground to begin to win this kind of conflict.

You cannot win what is essentially a ground war from the air.

Other NATO countries refuse to allow their fighters to go into the southern part of Afghanistan.

So, what are the options?

Declare « victory » and go home?

Bomb the entire country to smithereens, declare « victory » and go home?

Include the people you’re fighting against into the political dialogue and create some kind of fabric of agreement about what the future government will really look like?

Send in mercenaries, courtesy of DYNCORP and BLACKWATER, because there are no more actual troops available and ready?

The most logical option would be a political dialogue, which is why it will be completely ignored by NATO (and particularly US) leaders.

Unfortunately, the most likely outcome will be either bombing the country into oblivion, declaring victory, and leaving, or the introduction of mercenaries, who answer to no one, to hold off the Taliban.

Those who presented us with with the war scenario, and told the world how « easy » this campaign, and subsequent victory would be here, had absolutely no grasp of either this area’s history, nor the people with whom they would be dealing.

And that is hubris of the highest order.

Rice pushes for more troops in Afghanistan

These « frequent flier miles », being racked up by Secretary Rice And Foreign Secretary Miliband, will come to no avail.

The other NATO countries will not provide more troops than they already have (except for a small symbolic number) because they can’t.

Unfortunately for the US and the UK, other NATO members are part of governments which still believe that listening to the will of the people is critical, because not doing it will mean a major opposition win in the next election.

So, Secretaries Rice and Miliband, here are your options.

You can involve the Taliban into the political process.

You can bomb the smithereens out of the country, declare victory, and go home.

Or, you can count on private mercenary providers (like DYNCORP and BLACKWATER) to supply the troop strength you need.

After all, as has been clearly demonstrated, they are accountable to no one except their corporate masters.

Not a pretty group of scenarios, is it?

But the fact the NATO planners didn’t see this coming kind of makes you wonder about the degree of hubris which prevented NATO and US military to understand that they never, ever had enough boots on the ground to begin with to accomplish their mission.

Deep flaws in Afghan peace drive

Regional powers show no interest in taking note of the enormous groundswell of Pakistani public opinion desperately desiring a « regime change » in their hapless country. The regional powers are inclined to accept that democracy should take a back seat in the current circumstances in the overall interest of « regional stability ». They are disinclined to react to the highly intrusive role being played by the United States, with potentially catastrophic consequences.

Meanwhile, the sense of urgency is palpable in Washington somehow to seek a political settlement of the war in Afghanistan. Battle fatigue is setting in among the coalition forces in Afghanistan. It has been crystal-clear that the operations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are going nowhere. There is growing frustration that peace is nowhere on the horizon.

The Taliban have Kabul in their sights

Asia Times Online investigations show that the Taliban’s three-pronged plan for their spring offensive comprises cutting off NATO’s supply lines running from Pakistan to Afghanistan, recruiting fresh volunteers and, most importantly, the creation of a strategic corridor running from Pakistan all the way to the capital Kabul.

A logical choice, from a standpoint of the flailing governments in Islamabad and Kabul, would be to find a way to bring the Taliban into political negotiations.

Of course, because this is logical, it will be ignored completely.

NATO is refusing to send more troops into the very dangerous regions of South Afghanistan, Pakistani troops are barely holding their own against the Taliban in their western region, and the US is bogged down in Afghanistan and Iraq..

If the Taliban are successful, you could see a complete rout of the respective governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan

Ans, as we are all aware: Pakistan has nukes.

Oh, and just a thought: no power on earth can possibly win a land war with an air campaign.

You would think that the military strategists in both the US and NATO just might have taken a clue from the Vietnam War.

Apparently, the chapter on that spectacular failure, and why it happened, was not in their military history books. – M. R.

Civilians suffer as fighting spreads in Afghanistan: ICRC

Combat spreading across Afghanistan has made life more precarious for civilians and put many areas on the verge of becoming too dangerous for aid workers, the international Red Cross said Thursday.

The Taliban’s clashes with the U.S.-led coalition and the Afghan army have spread from southern Afghanistan into the southeast and northward, leaving many civilians without shelter and aid, said Reto Stocker, the Kabul delegation head of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The Real Cost Of Defeat In Forgettistan

It was supposed to be « the good war »; a war against terror; a war of liberation. It was intended to fix the eyes of the world on America’s state of the art weaponry, its crack troops and its overwhelming firepower. It was supposed to demonstrate—once and for all– that the world’s only superpower could no longer be beaten or resisted; that Washington could deploy its troops anywhere in the world and crush its adversaries at will.

Then everything went sideways.

Afghan violence at highest level since US invasion

The United Nations Secretary-General says the war in Afghanistan is now at its most violent since the US/British overthrow of the Taliban regime in late 2001.

In a report to the UN Security Council, Ban Ki-moon says at least 8,000 people were killed in conflict-related deaths last year, more than 1,500 of them civilians.

Heroin is « Good for Your Health »: Occupation Forces support Afghan Narcotics Trade

The occupation forces in Afghanistan are supporting the drug trade, which brings between 120 and 194 billion dollars of revenues to organized crime, intelligence agencies and Western financial institutions.

The proceeds of this lucrative multibllion dollar contraband are deposited in Western banks. Almost the totality of revenues accrue to corporate interests and criminal syndicates outside Afghanistan.

Interesting how the alleged (and miserably failed) « war on drugs » appears to be the « war for drugs », in an economic context.

Afghan poppy set for another big year, UN report warns

And you have to wonder: for precisely whom are we making Afghanistan « safe »?

Who is really profiting from the sale of these poppy plants?

U.S. Militarism & the Drug Trade: the Afghan Dossier

The UN’s Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) believes this year’s crop will be similar to, or slightly lower than, last year’s record harvest. … In 2007 Afghanistan had more land growing drugs than Colombia, Bolivia and Peru combined.

This is the sad face of the « new » Afghanistan, « liberated » from the ISI-linked Taliban and hailed by the toxic Bush regime as the first « success » of its ballyhooed (and malign) « war on terror. »

Welcome to the « new Afghanistan », courtesy of George Bush and his minions!

Marines ignore Afghan opium so as not to upset locals

The Marines of Bravo Company’s 1st Platoon sleep beside a grove of poppies. Troops in the 2nd Platoon playfully swat at the heavy opium bulbs while walking through the fields. Afghan laborers scraping the plant’s gooey resin smile and wave.

the Marines are not destroying the plants. In fact, they are reassuring villagers the poppies won’t be touched.

Translation: What we have here is US and NATO soldiers in the uncomfortable position of literally guarding the poppies and the routes to the poppy fields for those who will profit the most from the sale of heroin.

Either this is yet another one of this administration’s insane unintended consequences, or -with never, ever enough boots on the ground to finish the job – perhaps it was just as intended as was the « control » of the « Golden Triangle » in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War.

Is the CIA helping itself to the Afghan heroin harvest?

Since the fall of the Taliban regime, which had seriously honoured an agreement to close down the trade, heroin production in Afghanistan has surged. In 2006 there was a 50 per cent increase in the poppy harvest and it created a new record for world production, my contact in the UN Office on Drugs and Crime told me. Afghanistan now accounts for 92 per cent of the world’s illicit production. She expected it would take another leap upwards this year.

So where is the stuff ending up? So far, not in Australia, but that’s only a matter of time. Once again, the streets of Western Europe and Russia are awash with the stuff and that fact got me thinking about the CIA

Shock toll of British injured in Afghan war

In a graphic illustration of the intensity of the conflict in Helmand province, more than 700 battlefield soldiers have needed treatment since April – nearly half of the 1,500 on the front line. The figures, obtained from senior military sources, have never been released by the government, which has faced criticism that it has covered up the true extent of injuries sustained during the conflict.

Notice a very interesting aspect of this story.

In the photo above the text, you see a picture of a British soldier who « patrols in poppy fields. »

One has to wonder, in the days of the the alleged global « war on drugs », just for whom that poppy field is being guarded.

In other words, who’s going to be making money off the opium produced when these poppies are harvested which the British soldier is guarding?

U.K. Says Three Soldiers Killed in U.S. Air Strike

South Korea denies paying Taliban ransom

At the face-to-face negotiations with the Taliban, Seoul reiterated its pledge to withdraw its contingent of around 200 medics and engineers from Afghanistan, and agreed to ban all Korean Christian mission work in the Muslim country.

Taliban was paid $2.46m for hostages

Citing unidentified sources in Afghanistan, a Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun said Afghan mediators persuaded South Korea’s ambassador in Kabul that there was no other way to end the six-week kidnap ordeal.

Suicide Bomber Kills 80 in Afghanistan

U.S. mistakenly kills 7 Afghan police

US prepares to increase occupation forces in Afghanistan

The problem is, perhaps even with a draft/ excuse me/ « National Service Act », there may never be enough boots on the ground to quell the anger of Afghanis who have been saddled with a corrupt a government as humanly possible, under the thumb of the American Shill, Karzai.

Given the added instability with Pakistan erupting after the assassination of Bhutto, the entire region could explode in an uprising that would be literally uncontainable.

Yes, we can continue to bomb from the air.

But you can’t win a land war from the air, as one might hope that the US learned from Viet Nam.

Unfortunately, it appears that policy makers in Washington seem to suffer from « selective memory repression » when it comes to actually learning the lessons of history.

Afghanistan war is just beginning: report

THE Taliban has seriously rejoined the fight in Afghanistan, an NGO security group said in a report that concluded the country was at the beginning of a war, not the end of one.

The US-lead NATO forces have no where near enough boots on the ground to combat this.

So what now?

CIA death squads killing with « impunity » in Afghanistan

A United Nations investigator released a preliminary report last week citing widespread civilian deaths in Afghanistan, often at the hands of unaccountable units led by the CIA or other foreign intelligence agencies.

The Afghanis do not hate us because we are free: they hate us for what they have done to their families, their friends, and their country.

Killing Civilians, Carefully

The Washington Post reports that as the President was walking, troops under his command were bombing Iraq and Afghanistan with increasing intensity.

It’s part of the return to the post-Vietnam tactics that worked so well for Washington, substituting US bombs for US troop deaths: lessening the political damage in the US by increasing the physical damage in the place you’re bombing.

Walking in the alleged footsteps of Jesus, while the US military is bombing the heck out of unarmed men, women, and children at the same time.

Painfully ironic.

Afghan officials say coalition strikes killed road workers

140 Afghans killed in 2 days of bombings

A suicide car bomber killed 38 Afghans at a crowded market Monday, pushing the death toll from two days of militant bombings to about 140.

The back-to-back blasts in the southern province of Kandahar could be a sign insurgents are now willing to risk high civilian casualties while attacking security forces.

Make no mistake about this; the UN-lead NATO force has not « defeated » the Taliban.

The Taliban simply made a tactical retreat in 2001.

Now, they are back, stronger than ever.

Foreign air strikes kill 65 Afghan civilians: mayor

Probes find 50 Afghan civilians killed in US-led action

Investigations into a US-led offensive in western Afghanistan at the weekend found around 50 civilians were killed, officials said Wednesday, as President Hamid Karzai summoned the top US general over the casualties.

The Afghanis do not hate us « because we are free »: they hate us because we seem to be doing a very good job of killing their wives, their husbands, sons, daughters, and loved ones.

There will be a « tipping point » in this war where the Afghani people start believing that throwing their lot in with the Taliban is an infinitely better choice than backing Hamid Karzai’s government.

Some 1,600 displaced after US air raidss

US-led raid kills 40 civilians in Afghanistan: witnesses

US Casualties in Afghanistan Hit Record

U.S. military deaths, suicide bombings and opium production hit record highs in 2007. Taliban militants killed more than 925 Afghan police, and large swaths of the country remain outside government control.

‘Press TV’ reporter in Afghanistan beaten by US forces

A reporter of Iranian English TV network ‘Press TV’ was arrested by the US security forces Sunday night in Kabul when he was returning home from office.

Faez Khurshid was freed after 18 hours while having bruises on the face showing he was beaten by the American soldiers.

This is the face of the occupation: brutal, venal, and so terrified of what that report might have seen that US forces beat him up, nice and proper, as a warning.

If truth or justice were on our side, it wouldn’t matter what this man saw, or reported.

Insurgencies spread in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Afghans hold secret trials for men that U.S. detained

The prisoners are being convicted and sentenced to as much as 20 years’ confinement in trials that typically run between half an hour and an hour, said human rights investigators who have observed them. One early trial was reported to have lasted barely 10 minutes, an investigator said.

US justifies Afghan wedding bombing

A US airstrike that killed dozens of guests at a wedding party in Afghanistan in July was justified, a US military investigation has concluded.

« They MADE us do it, mommie! »

Bring back Taliban to end police corruption, say Afghan truckers

When the Taliban first rose to power in the mid-1990s, it was in part a response to the rampant lawlessness on Afghanistan’s roads, which had been dominated by the illegal checkpoints of warlords. Travelling anywhere was a gamble, and leading figures in the transport industry supported Mullah Mohammed Omar’s fundamentalists because they longed for security. According to today’s truck drivers, history is in danger of repeating itself.

One can see, from this article, just how magnificently well the NATO « occupation » of Afghanistan is going in terms of ridding the country of crippling corruption.

Six Years Later, U.S. Expands Afghan Base

Six years after the first U.S. bombs began falling on Afghanistan’s Taliban government and its al-Qaida guests, America is planning for a long stay.

Originally envisioned as a temporary home for invading U.S. forces, the sprawling American base at Bagram, a former Soviet outpost in the shadow of the towering Hindu Kush mountains, is growing in size by nearly a third.

Translation: the US government has absolutely no plans to leave Afghanistan.

Rumsfeld Calls Afghanistan ‘Big Success’

In an interview billed as his first since leaving the top Pentagon post, Donald Rumsfeld calls Afghanistan « a big success, » but says U.S. efforts in Iraq are hampered by the failure of Iraq’s government to establish a foundation for democracy.

Unflipping believable.

And this begs the question: is the man absolutely delusional, or completely out of touch with reality?

Polish Troops Face War Crimes Charges

Karzai calls Iran a ‘very close friend’

President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan gave Iran his full embrace yesterday, saying it has been his country’s « very close friend, » even as US officials meeting with him here repeated their accusation that Iranian-made weapons were flowing to Taliban fighters.

Robert M. Gates, who was in Afghanistan for nearly 24 hours to meet with US commanders and Afghan officials. Gates said he raised the issue of the Iranian munitions in his meeting with Karzai, but acknowledged that there was no evidence the Iranian government was behind the alleged shipments.

Absolutely nothing this admnistration is saying can get traction in terms of anyreal, tangible reason to « strike » Iran militarily because of their nuclear program.

So, what’s next?

Well, let’s see :Olmert is due to meet with Bush in Washington on the 19th of this month.

Cheney has been doing everything possible to push some kind of military ‘solution’ on Iran. I would almost bet real money that one of the big things on Olmert’s to-do list is to get Bush to see any US lead strike (which Israeli officials have wanted, so their kids don’t do the fighting, dying, and getting maimed) Israel’s way.

Of course, there’s also that little issue of Bush having pledged US military support for Israel no matter what, and no matter who starts a confrontation.

If Israel strikes Iran, the US military is pledged by Bush to support it, and we’re off and running.

10 juillet 2008

Les vaccins H5N1; Monsanto et l’Irak; provocations de l’Iran

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet,Moyen-Orient — François M. @ 10:48


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 10 juillet 2008: Les vaccins H5N1; Monsanto et l’Irak; provocations de l’Iran

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 10 juillet 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine: Alerte aux vaccins H5N1, Moyen-Orient, économie mondiale, dossier spécial sur l’Irak, propagande à propos de l’Iran, Big Brother et plus avec le tour du monde LNI. L’Autre Monde, pour la plus importante information de la semaine et ce, sans détour. Cette émission est documentée. Nous menons la guerre à la désinformation! Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Turkish newspaper reveals Maliki’s wait-game

Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyat [via alriyadh] revealed why Maliki is playing a time game and why the Kurds want to sign the agreement as soon as possible:

Iraqi government asked both Turkey and Iran to provide written guarantees on security cooperation with Iraq, in exchange for abandoning the security agreement the U.S.

The newspaper uncovered, that Baghdad is waiting for answers from Tehran and Ankara, and will cancel the whole idea of the agreement in case Iran and Turkey provide such guarantees.

WHAT a chess move on the part of Al-Maliki!

If he gets the written assurances from Turkey and Iran on security, the US presence becomes…..irrelevant, and our troops could, theoretically, come home.The big question here is, what is the Bush administration prepared to do to prevent this from happening??

Iraq raises prospect of US withdrawal timetable

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki raised the prospect on Monday of setting a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops as part of negotiations over a new security agreement with Washington.

So we just might not be in Iraq forever after all!

‘US builds 4 bases on Iraq-Iran border’

According to the official, the bases are only precautionary measures in case of a military strike against Israel by Iran.

« Precautionary », my astrolabe!

Labour MP Admits US/UK Stealing the Oil and Fomenting Civil War in Iraq ………

Patrick Cockburn, The Independent’s well-respected, non-embedded, journalist in Iraq, pointed out that elections are due in about six months time and the Shias of Prime Minister Maliki’s faction are trying to gain advantage over the popular Shia faction of al Sadr. They are using force to do this and want to draw in the British in Basra. The US are also spoiling for a fight. They are in the middle of their ‘surge’ in troop numbers. Very sensibly, al Sadr calculated he could wait them out and called a cease-fire. He then extended it.

The US would like to goad him into a fight and are using the Maliki forces to do it. US troops have moved into the Basra area and have goaded UK forces into taking part too. The weak British government has caved into this pressure, but even if for a short while they back up one faction over another, they will remain largely ineffective.

Iraq Retrospective: Read The Quotes That Sent Us To War

As the war in Iraq enters its sixth year, Christopher Cerf and Victor Navasky have published a « definitive, footnoted, hilarious but depressing compilation of experts who were in error » about the war from the beginning.

White House admits fault on ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner

No shit.

Iraq Conflict Has Killed A Million Iraqis: Survey

Published on Thursday, January 31, 2008 by Reuters

More than one million Iraqis have died as a result of the conflict in their country since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, according to research conducted by one of Britain’s leading polling groups, Opinion Research Business (ORB).

« Well, that’s what they GET for having nooku … HEY; quit kicking me! »– Official White Horse Souse

Silent Victims of the Iraq War

Five years after the U.S. invaded Iraq, more than 800,000 children have been forced to flee their homes to escape the violence. According to a report released Tuesday, most are unable to go to school and 60% do not have access to clean drinking water. More than half of the displaced children suffer from malnutrition. The mortality rate of children under 5 years old is three times higher in Iraq than in Syria or Jordan.

More of Bush’s true « legacy » in Iraq.

Condoleezza Rice Says She’s `Proud’ of Decision to Invade Iraq

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she’s « proud » of the U.S. decision to wage the Iraq war and insisted that the world is not more dangerous than it was when George W. Bush took office.

If Secretary Rice claims that she is « proud » of the US decision to invade Iraq, she must, logically be « proud » of the following:

1. Over a million Iraqis dead, and millions displaced.

2. The use of depleted uranium which has sickened and killed thousands of Iraqis, our own troops, and their families.

3. The legitimization of torture as a standard technique of American interrogation at home and abroad.

4. The complete destruction of the Iraqi infrastructure, including hospitals and schools.

5. The subjugation of Iraq as a US vassal from which large American companies will profit greatly from upcoming contracts.

6. The fact that this country was whipped into a war frenzy on an absolute pack of lies that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Yes, Secretary Rice, as one of Bush’s sociopathic inner circle who feels no shame or blame for the consequences of their actions, has much to feel « proud » about this 4th of July holiday.

Monsanto à Babylone

L’agriculture millénaire irakienne détruite par les transnationales agro-alimentaires étatsuniennes

par Joëlle Pénochet

Mondialisation.ca, Le 13 fevrier 2008

Contrôlez le pétrole, et vous contrôler des nations entières ; contrôlez le système alimentaire, et vous contrôlez les populations. »

Henry Kissinger

C’est au cœur de la Mésopotamie qu’a été inventée l’agriculture – avec un système d’irrigation sophistiqué -, voici plus de dix mille ans. La plaine alluviale exceptionnellement fertile située entre le Tigre et l’Euphrate offre des conditions idéales pour la culture des céréales. C’est là qu’est apparu le blé sauvage dans l’Antiquité. On y faisait pousser presque toutes les variétés connues aujourd’hui dans le monde (plus de 200 000). Les palmiers dattiers, qui fournissaient l’autre ressource vitale du pays, abritaient des plantes potagères très variées.

Les « semences de la démocratie » *

Depuis son invasion en 2003, l’Iraq n’a pas été seulement spoliée par ses agresseurs de sa souveraineté politique, de son patrimoine archéologique, de ses ressources pétrolières, mais aussi de sa souveraineté alimentaire.

( Ancient City of Babylon Destroyed by US Occupation Base

The city, born on the banks of the Euphrates River 5,000 years ago and full of priceless archaeological treasures, was transformed into a U.S. military camp after the 2003 invasion with a heliport built among the ruins.

Iraqi archaeologist Hadi Mussa Qataa, who guided an AFP reporter through the fragile ruins, said helicopter take-offs and landings, along with the tremors from the heavy rumble of armored vehicles had damaged the city’s historic monuments.)

( Half of Baghdad without water

Power failures and maintenance have disrupted running water supplies to almost half of the capital, Baghdad, home to nearly 6 million people.)

En violation de la Constitution irakienne, et des conventions de la Haye et de Genève qui stipulent que l’occupant doit respecter la juridiction du pays occupé, l’administrateur provisoire Paul Bremer (un ancien collaborateur de Kissinger) a édicté, avant l’installation d’un gouvernement fantoche par Washington, cent ordonnances scélérates qui ont force de loi et qui ne peuvent être abolies ni modifiées par aucun gouvernement irakien (article 26 de la nouvelle constitution). Le pays tombait ainsi sous le joug économique total de l’Occupant, qui avait décidé de réformer drastiquement son économie sur le modèle économique néo-libéral américain.

L’ordonnance 81 du 26 avril 2004 a livré le pays en pâture aux nécro-entreprises géantes qui contrôlent le commerce mondial des graines, comme Monsanto (le fabriquant de l’agent Orange), Syngenta et Dow Chemicals. Elle conduit à la destruction irréversible de l’agriculture Iraqienne. L’Afghanistan avait subi le même sort en 2002.

4 million Iraqis struggling for food – UN

Four million Iraqis are struggling to feed themselves, and 40 per cent of the country’s 27 million people have no safe water, the UN said today.

Apparently, this situation is what this administration characterizes as « progress » and « improvement » in the lives of everyday Iraqis.

And as for the « no safe water » issue, look fordevastating water-borne diseases, like cholera, to escalate like crazy.

What A Nice Way Of Saying « Genocide »

13 129 malformed children have been born in Iraq in the last five years. Their deformities have been caused by American Depleted Uranium munitions used in the American led 1991 « Desert Storm » war with Irak launched after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. The war saw heavy use of depleted uranium rounds by American and British forces and was followed by a punitive sanctions regime enforced by the United Nations primarily at America’s behest. The sanctions included preventing Irak from importing drugs for the treatment of cancers and birth defects.

Warning: horrifically graphic pictures.

But please don’t let them stop you from reading about your tax dollars at work, folks.

This is what we have done in Viet Nam, and in Iraq, funded by every person who pays their taxes..

Please just imagine for one second that one of these kids was your kid.

People around the world do not « hate us because we are free »; they hate us for our military having created the situations, through chemical exposure, which leads to the birth of severely malformed infants.

And by the way; the deformities hitting kids in Iraq are also hitting the kids of US vets who have been exposed to depleted uranium.

This should be on our nightly news, because this is the result of the US’s military campaigns, past and present.

War-related birth defects in Fallujah

Families in Fallujah are calling for an investigation into the rise of birth defects after the US used phosphorus over the Iraqi city in 2004.

They have raised concerns about the weapons used by American forces in 2004, including constant bombardment with uranium depleted artillery shells and other depleted uranium ammunition- when Fallujah suffered the heaviest blitze following the overthrow of the Saddam regime of the entire war in Iraq.

Let anyone in the military or government who still have the gall to deny the negative effects of these chemicals, and then volunteer to be exposed to precisely the level of exposure the people of Fallujah experienced and see what happens.

Children in US Custody Held Without Due Process

US military authorities, operating as the Multinational Forces in Iraq, were as of May 12, 2008 holding 513 Iraqi children as « imperative threats to security, » and have transferred an unknown number of other children to Iraqi custody. According to a recent report by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), children in Iraqi custody are at risk of physical abuse.

All kids need safe, loving environments to nurture their growth and potential.

What the hell are we doing imprisoning children as young as 10, and would someone please explain just how it comes about that 10 year olds are labeled as « imperative threats to security, » by the US military?!?

Ticking bomb of Iraq’s forgotten refugee children

Qawala camp, two miles outside the city of Sulaymaniyah in the north of the country, is home to 3,000 men, women and children, a tiny percentage of up to 2.5m Iraqis believed to be homeless in their own country.

These people rarely feature in news from Iraq that focuses on calibrating the gains or losses of the American military « surge », or the record of the deadlocked parliament under Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister. Yet it is crucial to the country’s future that they should be able to return home and rebuild their lives, or they will be a ticking bomb that threatens any possibility of a peaceful future for Iraq.

Take a good, hard look at that kid clutching a doll.

Imagine, just for one second, that this was your kid.

How would you be feeling about the US attack and subsequent occupation of your country right about now, 5 years on?

US/IRAQ: Rules of Engagement « Thrown Out the Window »

Garret Reppenhagen received integral training about the Geneva Conventions and the Rules of Engagement during his deployment in Kosovo. But in Iraq, « Much of this was thrown out the window, » he says.

US uses cluster bombs in Sadr City

An Iraqi member of parliament has revealed that the US forces have used forbidden weapons against Iraqi civilians in Baghdad’s Sadr City.

US quietly demands Iraq give defense contractors, US military immunity from prosecution

« Hey, our boys can;t do their jobs if they are constantly worried about rape charges!!! » — Official White Horse Souse

Bush’s Dirty Secret: Bribing Iraq Insurgents Not to Fight

The real purpose of the « surge » was to hide another deception. The Bush regime is paying Sunni insurgents $800,000 a day not to attack US forces. That’s right, 80,000 members of an « Awakening group, » the « Sons of Iraq, » a newly formed « US-allied security force » consisting of Sunni insurgents, are being paid $10 a day each not to attack US troops.

Studies: Iraq Costs US $12B Per Month

The flow of blood may be ebbing, but the flood of money into the Iraq war is steadily rising.

CHALLENGES 2007-2008: Iraq Progresses To Some Of Its Worst

by Dahr Jamail

By the end of 2007, attacks against occupation forces decreased substantially, but still number more than 2,000 monthly. Iraqi infrastructure, like supply of potable water and electricity are improving, but remain below pre-invasion levels. Similarly with jobs and oil exports. Unemployment, according to the Iraqi government, ranges between 60-70 percent.

An Oxfam International report released in July says 70 percent of Iraqis lack access to safe drinking water, and 43 percent live on less than a dollar a day. The report also states that eight million Iraqis are in need of emergency assistance.

Baghdad ‘drowning in sewage’

BAGHDAD is drowning in sewage, thirsty for water and largely powerless, an Iraqi official said today in a grim assessment of services in the capital five years after the US-led invasion.

Watch for huge outbreaks of water-borne diseases, such as cholera, to become rempant in this country.

Showman al-Zawahiri rants on global warming too!

Al-Qaeda’s deputy chief Ayman al-Zawahiri yesterday claimed global warming was helping militant Islamic extremism.

Showman al-Zawahiri rants on global warming too!

Wed, 23 Apr 2008

Al-Qaeda’s deputy chief Ayman al-Zawahiri yesterday claimed global warming was helping militant Islamic extremism.

Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden’s deputy also launched an astonishing attack on Iran in a two-hour audiotape posted on an Islamic militant website.

He said global warming reflected « how criminal, brutal and greedy the Western Crusader world is, with America at the top ».

The Egyptian surgeon accused Shiite Iran of trying to discredit the Sunni al-Qaeda terror network by spreading a conspiracy theory that Israel was behind the September 11 attacks.

Al-Zawahiri said: « Iran’s aim is clear – to cover up its involvement with the US in invading Muslim homes in Afghanistan and Iraq. »

Admiral: Al Qaeda in Iraq ‘killing off’ former allies

This al qaeda in Iraq article mentions al qaeda in Iraq 10 times. I think al qaeda in Iraq they are trying al qaeda in Iraq to convey al qaeda in Iraq some sort of al qaeda in Iraq subliminal al qaeda in Iraq message.

See also Fake Al Qaeda

Iraq says no hard evidence of Iran support for militia

Iraq said on Sunday it has no evidence that Iran was supplying militias engaged in fierce street fighting with security forces in Baghdad.

This issue of « …no evidence » presented by Iraqi Spokesperson Ali Al Dabbagh, will not deter the US or Israel from attacking Iran, unfortunately.

They can’t make anything else stick, so they are going to run with that, no matter what.

Iran: No point in talking to US about Iraq

Since March 25, US air and ground raids on civilians in Baghdad’s Sadr City have left thousands of Iraqis, most of them women and children, dead and wounded.

Heavy bombardment on Sadr city despite ceasefire

Three large parts of Sadr city were subjected to heavy bombardment that was continuously carried out by U.S. helicopters, starting from Saturday 3:30 p.m. until now, despite the Iraqi government and representatives of the Sadr movement having signed an agreement to stop confrontations in the city.

By this military action, the US has demonstrated very clearly that they do not want this ceasefire to hold.

And heavy air bombardment of densely packed urban areas absolutely guarantees two things:

1. Heavy civilian casualties

2. Radicalizing those left standing even more strongly against the Al-Maliki government and US troops.

US army bombs home of Judge kill most of Judges family (caution re grisly pics)

Sunday: 108 Iraqis Killed, 60 Wounded

Early reports from Sadr City and Baghdad suggest that fighting between the Mahdi army and security forces has increased. Meanwhile, two mass graves were found in Diyala province. At least 108 Iraqis were killed and another 60 were wounded in violence across Iraq. No Coalition deaths were reported.

Forgive me, but this does not look as though there have been « gains in security »; it looks as though we are seeing an horrendous worsening of security, definitely in Baghdad and Sadr City.

And if we can’t hold Baghdad, how in the world can we hold the rest of the country?

Sadr City bloodshed kills 925 Iraqis

Clashes between Shiite militiamen and security forces have killed more than 900 people in Baghdad’s Sadr City, Iraqi officials said Wednesday, as Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki vowed to press the offensive to its conclusion.

The latest death toll from the Sadr City fighting that began late last month is set to make April the deadliest month this year, denting US and Iraqi government claims of improved security.

Baghdad militia clashes kill 19

Another 19 people were killed in fighting between militiamen and security forces in Shiite areas of Baghdad, officials said on Wednesday, as the death toll from weeks of street battles passed 360.

« ..The death toll from weeks of street battles passed 360. »

More « security progress » in Iraq, I see.

The Results Are In … Oh, By the Way, the Iraqis Don’t Really Want Us

January 14, 2008

Did you miss this? It should have been the lead story in every newspaper and radio and TV program in America. In the Washington Post it was on page 14. In virtually all of the rest of the media it was on page zero, channel zero, 0000 AM or 00.0 FM.

The US military in Iraq hired firms to conduct focus groups amongst a cross section of the population. A summary report of the findings was obtained by the Post. Here are some of the highlights of the report as disclosed by the newspaper:

* Until the March 2003 US occupation Sunnis and Shiites coexisted peacefully.

* Iraqis of all sectarian and ethnic groups believe that the US military invasion is the primary root of the violent differences among them.

* After the United States leaves Iraq, national reconciliation will happen « naturally. »

* A sense of « optimistic possibility permeated all focus groups … and far more commonalities than differences are found among these seemingly diverse groups of Iraqis. »

* Dividing Iraq into three states would hinder national reconciliation. (Only the Kurds did not reject this option.)

* Most would describe the negative elements of life in Iraq as beginning with the US occupation.

* Few mentioned Saddam Hussein as a cause of their problems, which the report described as an important finding, implying that « the current strife in Iraq seems to have totally eclipsed any agonies or grievances many Iraqis would have incurred from the past regime, which lasted for nearly four decades — as opposed to the current conflict, which has lasted for five years. »

Iraq: the Bloody Disaster is Working. A round-up of the good news that the media refuses to report.

Would someone please remind me again of just how much better life is for the Iraqi people than before the invasion and occupation?

Middle East »>Opium fields spread across Iraq as farmers try to make ends meet

The cultivation of opium poppies whose product is turned into heroin is spreading rapidly across Iraq as farmers find they can no longer make a living through growing traditional crops.

So, together with Afghanistan, we now have two nations, both of which had succeeded in ending the drug trade within their borders, now conquered by the United States, and watched over by the US military are now transformed into opium farms under the watch of a government repeatedly linked to the drug trade.

See also The Crimes of Mena.

Iraq to reinstate ex-Saddam supporters

Well then what was the point of the damned invasion?!?

Rice says Iraq war was right thing to do

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defended on Thursday the Bush administration’s record in Iraq after sharp criticism of the war in a new book by a former White House spokesman.

« We did some things well, some things not so well, » said Rice, who was national security adviser when the Iraq war began in 2003. « The one thing that I am certain was not a mistake was to liberate the Iraqi people from Saddam Hussein. »

I am certain that from the point of view of the war-mongers, all wars are « the right thing to do. » That is not the question. The question is whether those who thought the war was the right thing to do lied to the rest of us to trick us into their little war.

As for Rice’s comments on the upside of the war, let us take a closer look.

Iraqi Dead May Total 600,000, Study Says

The US tortured a bunch of Iraqis.

The US wrecked Iraq’s health-care system

… and their electrical system

So, Ms. Secretary, outside of your personal stock portfolio, tell us exactly WHY this war was such a good idea?

… and why we should not tar and feather anyone and everyone in government who dares lie to the people for any reason whatsoever?

VIDEO – Cheney On Two-Thirds Of The American Public Opposing The Iraq War: ‘So?’

Bush: Iraq violence is a ‘very positive moment’

In an interview with The Times, he backed the Iraqi Government’s decision to « respond forcefully » to the spiralling violence by « criminal elements » and Shia extremists in Basra. « It was a very positive moment in the development of a sovereign nation that is willing to take on elements that believe they are beyond the law, » the President said.

Chief rabbi thanks Bush for ‘war against Iraq’

« I want to thank you for your support of Israel and in particular for waging a war against Iraq, » Metzger told Bush, according to the chief rabbi’s spokesman.

Bush reportedly answered that the chief rabbi’s words « warmed his heart. »

If you ever wondered who Bush was really working for in his push for war in Iraq: now, you know.

Comforting, isn’t it?

Iraq war shows limits of US power

More importantly, the war has shown the limits of American power. It is clear the United States can only manage to fight two small wars at a time.

Iraq and Afghanistan have stretched the US armed forces almost to breaking point. America after the invasion of Iraq is no longer the superpower it was before.

Daily we see TV shows that propagandize us all about America’s high-tech « Wonder Weapons », promising to make killing the other guys a safe open air video game, costly to develop, always « just around the corner », and when finally deployed usually unable to perform as advertised. (If you have not read the book « The Pentagon Wars » about the development of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle, make a point of doing so. There is also a very funny movie based on the book.)

But the fact is that America’s war machine, like America’s President, is all hat and no cattle. Our expensive high-tech military toys are easily spoofed by some very low-tech tricks. This is a repeat of Vietnam, in which the US taxpayer paid to turn 4000 Bell Helicopters into rusted monuments to the 60,000 kids who died in that mistake. Despite the aforesaid helicopters, laser-guided bombs, aircraft carriers, E6 and B-52 bombers, and the very best technology DARPA could come up with, we lost that war, just as we are losing this one.

The reason is simple. The might of a nation is not in its hardware but in the spirit of the people. The United States will always win a war when the people know that war is just and necessary. But all the modern weapons in the world cannot win a war when the people know that the war is false, based on lies; a war not for defense but to invade and conquer another nation in order to plunder its wealth. That is not what America is, despite the best efforts of those who stole the elections in 2000 and 2004.

La propagande de guerre: Disneyland va s’installer en Irak, un pays dévasté par la guerre

par Michel Chossudovsky

Mondialisation.ca, Le 4 juin 2008

Second Largest City In Iraq About To Get The Fallujah Treatment

It seems that the US occupation is about to embark on a new spate of war crimes in northern Iraq against ‘AlQaeda’, a translation of which would be any sunni, shiia or kurd who opposes the occupation in the first place. Mass murder in Iraq is following a novel template – pre announced genocide, with commanders promising widespread death, destruction and mass displacement. Mosul will thus join the list of cities with Najaf, Haditha and Fallujah to be flattened while the residents flee the carnage if they’re lucky or be instantly branded ‘Al Qaeda’ if they find themselves dead in the streets.

« Al Qaeda » is simply the name with which the US smears anyone who wants their country back in Iraq.

Because we have not been able to win this ground war from the air. (the precise, same war we seem to have not been winning for almost the last 5 years), what does the military do?

Pour on more air power, of course.

We will again (just as we did in Viet Nam) destroy the city in order to save it.

At the end of the day, those few Mosul residents who are left will pick the body parts of their loved ones and friends, look with horror on a city which has been blown to smithereens, and the US military will claim « victory ».

Pentagon says new Iraq fighting arises from surge’s success

« Freedom is Slavery. »

« Ignorance is Strength. »

« War is Peace. »

« Failure is Success. »

Fresh clashes grip southern Iraq

Heavy fighting has continued for a third day between Shia militias and the Iraqi security forces in southern Iraq.

More than 70 people have died and hundreds have been injured in days of violence sparked by an Iraqi crackdown on Shia militias in Basra.

Iraq implodes as Shia fights Shia

A new civil war is threatening to explode in Iraq as American-backed Iraqi government forces fight Shia militiamen for control of Basra and parts of Baghdad.

Note that Cheney and Mc Cain are conspicuously silent about the « progress in security » regarding the current situation in Iraq.

That this administration never saw this coming is a testament to their complete detachment from the realities on the ground.

Government forces in Basra not fighting: Kuwaiti paper

Several notables in the governate have told AlQabas that the government forces, having entered into what amounts to street-fighting for Basra neighborhoods, will lose this fight unless these local forces are reinforced by large additional forces from elsewhere, because their opponents in the Mahdi Army and other organizations have appropriate weapons in sufficient quantity, and have experience in urban fighting. The lack of fighting spirit on the government side is owing to a lot of causes, among them the existence of tribal links between the army and police on the one side, and the armed militias on the other.

This mess brought to you courtesy of the current US administration, which never, for one moment – in their hubris and complete lack of understanding of the history of this region – ever saw this coming.

Areas of Baghdad fall to militias as Iraqi Army falters in Basra

Iraq‘s Prime Minister was staring into the abyss today after his operation to crush militia strongholds in Basra stalled, members of his own security forces defected and district after district of his own capital fell to Shia militia gunmen.

Rockets from Sadr City slammed into the governmental Green Zone compound in the city centre, killing one person and wounding several more.

Baghdad under curfew amid clashes

A curfew has been imposed on Baghdad amid continuing clashes between Shia militias and Iraqi security forces.

US embassy staff in Baghdad have been told not to leave reinforced structures, following the attacks.

The Top Eleven Myths about Iraq, 2007

In fact, the reduction in violence we are witnessing is really a result of the U.S. discontinuing its vicious raids into insurgent territory, which have been – from the beginning of the war – the largest source of violence and civilian casualties in Iraq.

Telling sign of a failed Iraq strategy

How interesting that Ahmadinejad, unlike a U.S. president who has to be airlifted unannounced into ultra-secure bases, was able to convoy in from the airport in broad daylight on a road that U.S. dignitaries fear to travel. His love fest with Iraq President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd who fought on Iran’s side against Iraq and who speaks Farsi, even took place outside of the safety of the Green Zone, adding emphasis to Ahmadinejad’s claim that while he is welcome in Iraq, the Americans are not.

But for Bush, his signature issue, the battle against terrorism, is a shambles. The terrorists are very much on the rise in Afghanistan and Pakistan, which Bush neglected for an Iraq sideshow that has cost over a trillion dollars and tens of thousands of lives. But the long-run price will be far higher, with the blowback from the massive instability that he has engendered in the region.

Iraq American Death Count: Public Largely Unaware

Public awareness of the number of American military fatalities in Iraq has declined sharply since last August. Today, just 28% of adults are able to say that approximately 4,000 Americans have died in the Iraq war. As of March 10, the Department of Defense had confirmed the deaths of 3,974 U.S. military personnel in Iraq.

Areas of Baghdad fall to militias as Iraqi Army falters in Basra

Iraq‘s Prime Minister was staring into the abyss today after his operation to crush militia strongholds in Basra stalled, members of his own security forces defected and district after district of his own capital fell to Shia militia gunmen.

Is the US looking at another Saigon moment?

New Report From Abu Ghraib: ‘Oh Jesus, That Does Look Pretty Bad’

Davis, from the Roselle, N.J., area, said while stationed at the prison he also saw an incinerator with « bones in it » that he believed to be a crematorium and said some prisoners were starved prior to their interrogation.

Another soldier that had been stationed at Abu Ghraib, M.P. Sabrina Harman—who gained dubious fame for making a thumbs-up sign posing over the body of a prisoner she believed tortured to death—said the U.S. had imprisoned « women and children » on Tier 1B, including one child was as young as ten.

25 juin 2008

Les vrais objectifs de la mission canadienne; les lampes fluorescentes compactes toxiques; le jeu des pétrolières au Moyen-Orient

Filed under: États-Unis,Canada,L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet,Moyen-Orient — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 26 juin 2008: Les vrais objectifs de la mission canadienne; les lampes fluorescentes compactes toxiques; le jeu des pétrolières au Moyen-Orient

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 26 juin 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine vous comprendrez quelle est la réelle mission canadienne en Afghanistan; elle n’a rien à voir avec la démocratie ou le terrorisme. Nous discutons de la situation en Iraq, de son pétrole convoité, des exercises militaires à Denver, traffic de drogue par la police au Canada et d’un tas d’autres nouvelles importantes à ne pas manquer pour comprendre ce qui se passe dans notre monde sur la scène de l’actualité.

L’Autre Monde, pour la plus importante information de la semaine et ce, sans détour. Cette émission est documentée. Nous menons la guerre à la désinformation!

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Nouvelles importantes et bonne nouvelles de la semaine:

Sondage LNI :

Pensez-vous que le régime Bush est responsable de crimes de guerre?

260 répondants :

2 Pas certain

2 Non

256 Oui – 98.5%

EU to lift sanctions against Cuba

EU nations agreed Thursday to definitively lift their sanctions against Cuba, in the hope of encouraging democracy on the island, European diplomats said.

De la glace sur Mars !

La surface de la planète rouge regorge de secrets. D’après les premiers résultats de la sonde Phoenix, il s’agirait d’eau gelée évaporée

Les scientifiques de la mission Phoenix en sont désormais certains : il y a de la glace près de la surface du sol arctique de Mars. Grâce aux images prises par la sonde Phoenix envoyée par la NASA, les chercheurs disposent désormais de preuves suffisamment probantes.

Peter Smith, le responsable scientifique de la mission exulte : « Nous avons trouvé la preuve que nous cherchions, à savoir que ce matériau brillant est bien de la glace d’eau et non pas une autre substance« .

Les preuves ? Elles ne sont pas plus grandes qu’un dé. Huit morceaux de matériau blanc brillant ont été photographiés par le Rover il y a six jours dans une tranchée que venait de creuser le robot. Selon la communauté scientifique, il s’agit bien d’eau gelée et non de sel qui s’est évaporée après avoir été exposée au soleil. Il s’agit là de la première observation de glace extraterrestre par des scientifiques avec la possibilité future d’en analyser des échantillons.

La présence de glace n’est pas une nouvelle mais c’est la première fois qu’il est possible de l’observer. Après quelques déboires, la NASA en arrive à cette conclusion : l’eau aurait donc coulé, par déduction, à la surface de la planète rouge.

Selon les scientifiques, il est donc possible que dans un passé lointain les régions polaires aient connu des températures plus clémentes capables d’abriter une forme de vie. Reste à savoir si des éléments organiques y sont encore présents.

Mars Phoenix Tweets: « We Have ICE! »

Il y a suffisamment de pétrole sur le marché pour l’OPEP

ECONOMIE | Les dirigeants de l’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole ont à nouveau rejeté la demande des pays consommateurs réclamant une hausse de la production. Quant aux prix de l’or noir, ils n’ont pas fini de flamber.

ATS/AFP | 24 juin 2008

Mardi, lors d’une rencontre annuelle avec l’Union européenne, la demande d’augmenter la production de pétrole a une nouvelle fois été rejetée par les dirigeants de l’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole. Ces derniers ont par ailleurs estimé que les prix de l’or noir n’allaient « pas baisser ».

«L’Opep a déjà fait ce qu’elle peut faire et les prix ne vont pas baisser», a dit le président de l’Organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole et ministre algérien de l’Energie, Chakib Khelil. Il a souligné que les prix du pétrole dans les mois à«dépendraient de l’évolution du dollar», au cours d’un point de presse après la fin de la réunion.

«Je pense que le marché attend probablement de voir comment le dollar va évoluer en juillet, comment la situation géopolitique va évoluer, avec les menaces faites sur l’Iran», a-t-il dit.

Une offre suffisante

«Nous ne voulons pas accroître la production», a pour sa part confirmé le secrétaire général de l’organisation, le Libyen Abdallah el-Badri. «Il n’y a pas de pénurie», a-t-il jugé.

Assez de pétrole sur le marché

A Bruxelles, les pays producteurs ont persisté à juger que l’offre était suffisante, malgré des prix du brut qui ont doublé en un an, et dépassaient les 137 dollars mardi. «Il y a plein de pétrole sur le marché», a insisté el-Badri, pointant du doigt «d’autres facteurs» explicatifs, comme la spéculation.

Pour Chakib Khelil, l’origine des prix élevés du pétrole est à chercher tout d’abord dans «la crise des crédits hypothécaires à risque aux Etats-Unis».

India Minister Blames Oil Surge on Speculators, Urges Price Cap

The near doubling of oil prices in the past year was driven by speculators, not an increase in demand, India’s Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram said.

I have been trying to find out what purpose speculators serve in the role of getting products form the place of manufacture to the place where the products are used, and the closest I can come up with is that speculators are like ticket scalpers. They just show up early, buy all the tickets (oil) then re-sell it at a profit.

Market Full Of Oil, Price Trend « Fake »: Ahmadinejad

Ahmadinejad is correct. Seen any lines? Any signs at gas stations saying they have run out? Seen any signs saying odd or even license plates only to buy gas today?

There is plenty of gas. The price is going up for two reasons. The first is the plummeting dollar. The second is that with only 6 months left in power, Bush’s oil corporation buddies are out to loot as much cash from Americans as they can, with Bush’s enthusiastic help.

Kellogg’s, LEGO team up to train kids to choke

There’s really not a much gentler way to phrase it: The biggest name in breakfast foods and among the most iconic names in toys have put their ingenuity and marketing genius together to create a fruit-flavored treat — LEGO Fun Snacks — that is so mind-numbingly irresponsible that at first I presumed it was a joke.

We’re talking about a children’s snack shaped like the tiny plastic building blocks that every kid fortunate enough to have toys has put in his or her mouth at one time or another — or a hundred.

Newspapers’ Worst Year Ever For Ad Revenue

C’est la pire année pour les journaux pour les revenues publicitaires.

Les revenues ont chute de 8 pourcent l’année dernière. Cette année, ils ont chute de 12 pourcent sous cette drnière terrible performance, et les compagnies qui ont remis leur rapports la semaine passée suggèrent que le déclin s’est accentué jusquà 14 ou 15%, menaçant la survie de certains journaux et de la solvabilité d’autres sociétés mères.

Le San Francisco Chronicle, perd $1 million par semaine! –LNI


US N-weapons parts missing, Pentagon says

Taiwan en a reçu! –LNI

The US military cannot locate hundreds of sensitive nuclear missile components, according to several government officials familiar with a Pentagon report on nuclear safeguards.

Gee. I wonder who got them!

NY Times

Le Commité de Surveillance aux États-Unis, suite à son enquête dans l’affaire du contrat de 300 millions de dollars octroyé par le Pentagone à un jeune de 22 ans de la Floride qui vient d’être arrêté et formellement accusé cette semaine, un contrat qui s’est terminé en une livraison de munitions inutilisables vieilles de 40 ans aux soldats américains en Afghanistan, a déclaré que l’ambassade américaine en Albanie (qui situé entre le Kosovo et l’Afghanistan) a approuvé un effort pour cacher l’origine illégale des munitions : La Chine!

Histoire de corruption, fraude, crimes : ce sont les produits les guerres douteuses de Bush. –LNI

Unflipping believable. Is this what this government means when it says that it « supports our troops »?!?!?!?!?

Bush administration wants to give Federal Reserve more power

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson says the government must move quickly to give the Federal Reserve more powers to regulate the financial system.

Aren’t they the ones who got us INTO this mess?

Law School to Plan Bush War Crimes Prosecution

La Faculté de Droit du Massachusetts à Andover lance une conférence le 13 et 14 septembre prochain pour planifier la poursuite en justice du président Bush et autres hauts fonctionnaires de l’administration pour crimes de guerre.

Ils prennent le soin d’insister sur le fait que ce ne sera pas qu’une conference, mais bien d’un plan d’action concret qui doit absolument être mis en route.

Il n’est pas question d’envoyer le message que ces crimes seront impunis et que les futurs présidents pourront en faire autant sans être inquiété par la loi et la Constitution des É-U. -LNI

Denver Woman: Military Exercise Causes Yard Damage

From ABC News 7 in Denver:

Des exercices militaires dans le cadre de la guerre contre le terrorisme se poursuivent aux États-Unis, et c’est à Denver que les citoyens ont été pris dans un festival d’hélicoptères volant à basse altitude et se posant sur le toit des édifices tel que des écoles et dans les rues et parcs, avec des agents des SWAT Teams et des Navy Seals tout vêtus d’uniformes noirs et armés jusqu’aux dents, jetant la ville dans une ambiance de siège et de confusion. Les autorités n’ont pas jugé important d’avertir proprement tous les habitants de la ville et ont dénié toute relation avec la prochaine convention nationale des Démocrates à Denver en août.

Se préparent t-ils pour de quoi de gros à venir? On pourrait se demander si certains éléments sont en train de planifier de violentes protestations durant la convention et les mettre en scène comme justification pour verrouiller la ville ou plusieurs villes si la violence se propage et déclarer la loi martiale, comme le prévoit le NSPD-51 / HSPD-20 passé par Bush qui règle ces mécanismes. –LNI

Vidéo à voir :


Martial Law Exercises Continue in Denver

« The federal agencies sponsoring the ongoing multi-agency training in Denver agreed to make the proper notifications regarding the exercises to prevent surprise and inconvenience to Denver residents, » Hickenlooper said. « There seems to have been a misunderstanding about the reach and scope of these notifications, and they did not occur in the manner expected by the City. »

Mr. Hickenlooper, the feds don’t need no stinkin’ notifications. Mr. Hickenlooper also declares the « exercises » have nothing to do with the DNC. It’s all a coincidence, Mr. Mayor — sure, and I’m expecting a visit by the tooth fairy tonight, that is after Santa makes an early appearance and brings me a Lamborghini.

One has to wonder if certain elements planning non-peaceful, violent protests at the DNC convention in August may, perhaps, be « put in play » as a reason to lock down the city (or cities, should the violence spread) and declare martial law.


Is Your Government Going to Protect You?

Scott Loper, a U.S. citizen living in Canada, was a good cop, highly trained in surveillance and criminal investigation.

On the verge of exposing a police-run narcotics ring in Durham, Ontario, Loper was discovered by the ring and imprisoned for four years on extorted charges.

Denied his rights to U.S. Consulate protection under the Vienna Convention, Loper was tortured to the point where he often questioned his ability to make it out alive.

Those he had been about to expose were after the evidence – audio and video recordings Loper had made of their illegal operations. They also wanted him to keep quiet.

The Canadian government originally said the whole thing, including Loper’s arrest, never happened, denying that Loper had ever lived in Canada, let alone been incarcerated there.

Had Loper been unable to produce evidence of his imprisonment, the denial would have succeeded. Loper had that evidence, which he had stuffed into his jeans as he was being released.

Caught in their lie, the Canadians want the whole ordeal swept under the rug. The U.S. government, rather than protecting its citizen, is complying with the cover-up.

Now free, and living in the United States, Scott Loper’s main goals are involved with putting his life back in order and more importantly, to find his son Eddy, now 11 years old. Scott has not seen or heard from his wife and son since his arrest.

Cranking up the « BOOGA BOOGA! »

ABC News

Intelligence agencies in the United States and Canada are warning of mounting signs that Hezbollah, backed by Iran, is poised to mount a terror attack against « Jewish targets » somewhere outside the Middle East.

Intelligence officials tell ABC News the group has activated suspected « sleeper cells » in Canada and key operatives have been tracked moving outside the group’s Lebanon base to Canada, Europe and Africa.

These clowns are getting way too predictable.

Reports of Hezbollah in Canada unsubstantiated: expert

A terror expert says reports about Hezbollah’s presence in North America are unsubstantiated, and the organization has no reason to attack on Canadian soil.

Alan Bell, an international terror expert and president of the security firm Globe

‘If CSIS picked up these guys coming from the Middle East, and they’re under Risk Holdings, told CTV’s Canada AM the ABC News report raises questions. surveillance, why would a reporter in the U.S. be given that information? »

Court quashes dad’s grounding of 12-year-old daughter

I thin this sets a very dangerous precedent to have the courts intrude on a family matter like this.

Changements climatiques:

The Sunspot Enigma: The Sun is « Dead »–What Does it Mean for Earth?

Geophysicist Phil Chapman, the first Australian to become an astronaut with NASA, said pictures from the US Solar and Heliospheric Observatory also show that there are currently no spots on the sun. He also noted that the world cooled quickly between January last year and January this year, by about 0.7C.

« This is the fastest temperature change in the instrumental record, and it puts us back to where we were in 1930, » Dr Chapman noted in The Australian recently.

If the world does face another mini Ice Age, it could come without warning.

‘No concrete global warming proof in polar region’

Upon their arrival at Svalbard in Norway, however, the royals are likely to be informed by Swedish polar researchers that there is in fact very little concrete proof tying global warming to climate changes in the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. Some indeed argue that there is more change in today’s political rhetoric than there is in the environment.


Australian and American scientists have discovered a chain of, rather large, volcano’s Northeast of Fiji. It’s amazing that these have gone undetected during undersea mapping? Unless, of course, these are ‘new’ and they just aren’t mentioning that fact.

I think they just found the source of the El Nino warming … and it ain’t your SUV!

Floods wipe out US crops

The Midwest flooding and storms are expected to push US and world food prices higher. Up to five million acres of newly planted crops have been lost at the heart of the world’s top grain and food exporter. Prices for corn, cattle and pigs all set records this week owing to the floods, as a world economy already hit by inflation from rising energy prices absorbed the blow.

George? Would you remind us all again how God wanted you to invade all these other countries? Because it looks to us like He is really pissed at the United States.


Martial Law: A License to Loot, a Permit to Plunder (Updated)

In the wake of the floodwaters in Iowa came all of the impedimentia of military occupation — armed guards, checkpoints, detention areas. These strictures were imposed on communities already reeling from a deadly caprice of nature. Rather than permitting people to inspect their own property, « strike teams » that included armed police broke into locked homes, including the occasional occupied dwelling.

One Cedar Rapids homeowner, understandably outraged that a « strike team » had broken into his otherwise undamaged home, confronted them and made his feelings known in forceful but measured terms. This prompted police officer Josh Bell to threaten the homeowner with arrest for « harassing » the « strike team.

That aggravated homeowner was relatively fortunate.

Breaking and entering: Where does this fit under the heading « To protect and serve »? A paramilitary « strike team » commits a felonious break-in of a home in the flood-ravaged Midwest.

The Carbon Tax Comes To Canada

We are in the 7th year of a cooling trend, and still they push for their carbon tax. Meanwhile, Al Gore’s house uses enough electricity to power 20 normal American homes.

Poll: most Britons doubt cause of climate change

The majority of the British public is still not convinced that climate change is caused by humans – and many others believe scientists are exaggerating the problem, according to an exclusive poll for The Observer.

The results have shocked campaigners who hoped that doubts would have been silenced by a report last year by more than 2,500 scientists for the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which found a 90 per cent chance that humans were the main cause of climate change and warned that drastic action was needed to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

« Dang, we thought we had them suckers fooled for sure with this one! »

Les lampes fluorescentes compactes ( LFC ), également appelées ampoules fluocompactes consomment environ 67 à 75 pour cent moins d’énergie que les ampoules à incandescence qu’on veut bannir et durent jusqu’à dix fois plus longtemps. Le problème c’est qu’elles sont fabriqué en Chine et sont aussi très toxiques : elles contiennent du mercure et des isotopes radioactifs. –LNI


Mercury in « Green » light bulbs

Use full spectrum bulbs instead


Even a broken clock is right twice a day

This normally loathsome Republican from Texas makes a lot of sense on the subject of « energy saver » light bulbs from China.

This is the perfect 21st century scam…

Government mandated and only one country in the world manufactures them: China.

One problem: They are so toxic that you are advised to leave your home if they break!

They are filled with mercury and need to be double-bagged and hand delivered to a specialized recycling enter after they burn out.

Use full spectrum light bulbs instead.

État policier et de surveillance:

Passengers virtually stripped naked by 3-D airport scanner

But in a separate private room, another officer sees the detailed full-body scan that is essentially an image of the person’s naked body.

Out of work? No skills? Can’t afford a night at the titty bar? CONSIDER A CAREER IN AIRPORT SECURITY!

On a separate note, this is NOT going to help our tourism industry at all.

Secret Pentagon Funding Near All-Time High

Which is why the usual propaganda TV channels like Discovery and History and even National Geographic are running so many shows about UFOs these days, as aliens and flying saucers are the traditional cover story for black project aircraft development, to discourage people who see several billion tax dollars whiz by from speaking out, or if they do speak out, to discourage anyone from listening too closely to what they are saying.

Photographer Documents Secret Satellites — All 189 of Them

Moyen-Orient, mission canadienne et pétrole :

Pipeline opens new front in Afghan war

Canadian role in Kandahar may heat up as allies agree on U.S.-backed energy route through land-mine zones and Taliban hot spots

Just so you know what it is your kids are dying for…

Operation Enduring Pipeline

Operation Enduring Freedom? With John McCain and Barack Obama now arguing about widening the Afghanistan war and invading Pakistan, the TAPI natural gas pipeline has a better chance than freedom ever had. It would be an American-controlled cash cow that would hurt Iran. All the US needs to do is pacify Afghanistan with more troops (to safeguard TAPI) and balkanize Pakistan (to stymie IPI) while widening the war and antagonizing India. Freedom be damned. Freedom was never an option anyhow, especially when there’s money to be made by endless war.

At Last, Some Truth About Iraq and Afghanistan

After a sea of lies and a tsunami of propaganda, the ugly truth behind the Iraq and Afghanistan wars finally emerged into full view this week.

Four major western oil companies, Exxon, Mobil, Shell, BP and Total, are about to sign US-brokered no-bid contracts with the US-installed Baghdad regime to begin exploiting Iraq’s oil fields. Saddam Hussein had kicked these firms out three decades ago when he nationalized Iraq’s foreign-owned oil industry for the benefit of Iraq’s national development. The Baghdad regime is turning back the clock.

So this is the reason for so many dead and wounded US vets, not to mention the dead, maimed, and sickened Afghanis and Iraqis: a three-letter word called oil.

Oil giants return to Iraq

Nearly four decades after the four biggest Western oil companies were expelled from Iraq by Saddam Hussein, they are negotiating their return. By the end of the month, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Exxon Mobil and Total will sign agreements with the Baghdad government, Iraq’s first with big Western oil firms since the US-led invasion in 2003.

The return of « Big Oil » will add to the suspicions of those in the Middle East who claimed that the overthrow of Saddam was secretly driven by the West’s desire to gain control of Iraq’s oil. It will also be greeted with dismay by many Iraqis who fear losing control of their vast oil reserves.

Many of soldiers have died, so that oil company profits may live.

Let that sink in for a while.

Dollars, Oil and the Big Wipe Out

Why did the US invade Iraq?

Why is it making noises about invading

Is it about oil…or something else?

Food for thought:



– Brasscheck

P.S. More news and analysis censored
in the US.

The only way your friends and colleagues
will hear about it is if you tell them.

6,000 troops urgently needed in Afghanistan: NATO

Up to 6,000 additional troops are urgently needed in Afghanistan and a failure to deploy them will only prolong the presence of Western forces in the country, a German NATO general said on Sunday.

Ramms declined to say how many additional German troops he thought were necessary, but said Germany should increase the number of troops it can send to Afghanistan from a fixed ceiling of 3,500

Every single NATO and US General who has spoken has agreed that there is a definite, urgent need for more troops in Afghanistan; but no country either has, or wants, to send more troops to Afghanistan. By US military standards, it will take 400,000 troops to actually get the job done.

The European NATO members understand that their voting population is opposed to this war, and are actually paying attention to the will of the people.

In the US, where the desire of the voting public means nothing, we have literally no more soldiers to send.

So what will the outcome be here?

Will the US and NATO continue bombing, declare victory, and go home?

Or perhaps will they find a way of engaging the Taliban so that they can truly believe that they have a stake in the future of their country, declare victory, and go home?

The latter is logical, reasonable, and the future of this country cannot hold without it.

Unfortunately, it appears that the US and NATO are ignoring this possibility completely.

Army ‘vacuum’ missile hits Taliban


June 22, 2008

British forces in Afghanistan have used one of the world’s most deadly and controversial missiles to fight the Taliban.

Apache attack helicopters have fired the thermobaric weapons against fighters in buildings and caves, to create a pressure wave which sucks the air out of victims, shreds their internal organs and crushes their bodies.

The weapons are so controversial that MoD weapons and legal experts spent 18 months debating whether British troops could use them without breaking international law.

Eventually, they decided to get round the ethical problems by redefining the weapons.

You absolutely can’t win a ground war from the air.

Deploying this kind of weapon makes one wonder if we’re going to be hearing about « body counts » on the evening corporate news shortly, just as we did in Viet Nam.

And any alleged decision by the UK MoD « …to get round the ethical problems by redefining the weapons » does not one whit alter how these weapons work and what they do.

Iran War Resolution May Be Passed Next Week

The bill’s key section « demands that the president initiate an international effort to immediately and dramatically increase the economic, political, and diplomatic pressure on Iran to verifiably suspend its nuclear enrichment activities by, inter alia, prohibiting the export to Iran of all refined petroleum products; imposing stringent inspection requirements on all persons, vehicles, ships, planes, trains, and cargo entering or departing Iran; and prohibiting the international movement of all Iranian officials not involved in negotiating the suspension of Iran’s nuclear program. »

Translation: these bills call for nothing less than a blockade, preventing vital materials to get to Iran, and products from getting out of Iran.

Such a blockade is literally an act of war.

Just because a war against Iran would be the most calamitously stupid thing to create right now doesn’t mean that the knuckleheads in Washington and Tel Aviv won’t do it.

But there’s also another reason why this may happen sooner rather than later.

The neocons smell a complete route this November, and are hoping to plunge Obama’s presidency (assuming Obama does get the nomination) into the worst world of hurt they can conceive of well before he takes the oath of office.

Bolton: Israel Will Attack Iran After U.S. Election But Before Inauguration, Arab States Will Be ‘Delighted’

« I think if they [Israel] are to do anything, the most likely period is after our elections and before the inauguration of the next President. I don’t think they will do anything before our election because they don’t want to affect it. And they’d have to make a judgment whether to go during the remainder of President Bush’s term in office or wait for his successor. »

Just when I think Bolton could not possibly bow down any further to his Israeli masters without creating a sharp and critical dislocation of something in his spine, the man surprises me yet again!

And believe me, anything Israel thinks it can get away with in terms of affecting the US election for their betterment, they will do.

Should it appear that Obama will be victorious in the November elections, he and his team had better figure NOW just how they will respond to this scenario, because Bush, the neocons, and the Israeli politicians will want to throw Obama into the worst possible situation they can conjure up before he takes the oath of office.

Israel exercising for nuclear disaster with Iran

The kicker is that since much of the facility is buried deeply underground in extremely fortified facilities, there’s no guaranty that a surface attack would cripple the facility. Ergo, if Iran is, indeed, at the weapons grade uranium enrichment point, one could plan for a counterstrike and an aggregate response from other Middle and Far Eastern Muslim and Asian nuclear powers.

Just because such an attack would be the most colossally stupid thing that could be done at this time, don’t bet on the knuckleheads in Tel Aviv and Washington aren’t poised to do it.

An attack on Iran could literally trigger a global war of unparalleled proportions.

And has anyone asked Dimitri Medvedev, Russia’s President, precisely what Russia will be prepared to do to protect its geopolitical and financial interests in Iran?

Thought not.

Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran

Joint Chiefs Chairman Admiral Mike Mullen leaves Tuesday night on an overseas trip that will take him to Israel, reports CBS News national security correspondent David Martin. The trip has been scheduled for some time but U.S. officials say it comes just as the Israelis are mounting a full court press to get the Bush administration to strike Iran’s nuclear complex.

CBS consultant Michael Oren says Israel doesn’t want to wait for a new administration.

Here is what I wish Joint Chief Chairman Mullen would say to Israeli governmental and military officials:

« Ladies and gentlemen, the US is caught up in two very complicated occupations in the Middle East right now.

Our capabilities are stretched very thin, and any other military operation in the region, other than defensive, will drain our resources to the bone.

The region is seething with Anti-American sentiment as it is, and our government believes that negotiation is that track we must stick to if we are going to have a successful outcome in both Iran, and the entire region.

Not only are we looking at a potential complete halt of oil from the Gulf to the world, which might well really crash the world’s economy, but we are looking at a potential for not just a third war in the region, but a 3rd World War, with Russia protecting its geopolitical and financial investments in Iran.

And ladies and gentlemen, the Russians do have nuclear weapons: this is not just a guess, nor a supposition, but the reality. « 

But what will really get discussed in these meetings is anyone’s guess.

And what Israel will be willing to do to kick off the war they’re so desperate to start, is also anyone’s guess.

But I do know one thing; if the US gets suckered into this confrontation, it will be our young men and women who will, in the main, be doing the fighting, getting maimed, and dying to support a military confrontation with Iran to make Israel happy.

ElBaradei: If you attack Iran, I quit

IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei says he will step down if major powers launch a military strike against Iran over its nuclear program.

According to Al Ahram, in an interview with Al Arabiya television, the International Atomic Energy Agency Director General, said, « A military invasion against Iran would pose great danger to the Middle East and the world. »

Russia’s Lavrov warns against attack on Iran

Russia‘s foreign minister on Friday warned against the use of force on Iran, saying there is no proof it is trying to build nuclear weapons.

So …

1. Israel bombs Iran.

2. Iran counter-attacks Israel, and runs smack into the American kids in Iraq.

3. Bush attacks Iran.

4. Russia attacks the United States.

5. Israel laughs itself silly that it has tricked the US and Russia into destroying each other, leaving Israel and its nuclear arsenal to rule what is left of the world.

Say, what’s that really bright light out the wind._*C%&4c##[CARRIER DROPPED]

French Diplomat held at Gaza checkpoint for 17 hours.

Israel is Deporting Jerusalem Christians

Imagine a headline, « America is deporting New York Jews ». What would the reaction be?

Israeli settlers launch Qassam projectile at Palestinian village

Palestinians are not the only ones producing homemade projectiles, Israeli settlers now also have Qassam rockets, according to the Hebrew daily newspaper Ma’ariv.

On Friday the newspaper published details of Israeli settlers from the Yatsahar settlement near the West Bank city of Nablus launching projectiles at a nearby Palestinian village.

Which raises the possibility that the Qassams perpetually blamed on the Palestinians, especially the ones that hit empty lots, may not have been made the Palestinians at all.

Rockets hit Israel, which says truce broken


Police say two Palestinian rockets hit southern Israel and Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s office says the cease-fire that took effect last week has been broken.

No matter who actually fired the rockets (and no matter who allegedly « claims responsibility » for this act) it may well be Israel’s justification for a full-scale attack on Gaza.

Cameras help Palestinians ‘Shoot Back’ at violent settlers

As a deterrent against armed Jewish settlers it does not look much. But the video camera has become a frontline defence for ordinary Palestinians living between Hebron and the Jewish settlement of Kyriat Arba in the West Bank.

« I always keep the camera at my side; it’s the only thing which prevents the settlers from hurling stones at us or coming into my shop, » says Bassam al-Jaabari as he stitches a pair of shoes in his dusty and poorly stocked grocer’s shop.

The Israeli human rights organizations B’Tselem, deserves a great deal of credit for having begun this program.

Internet addiction is a ‘clinical disorder’

« Oh yes, reading websites like whatreallyhappened.com is a symptom of a sick mond, and to be healthy, you need to go back to watching ABCNNBBCBS. Honest. Really. »

8 juin 2008

Le mensonge du siècle – WRH

Filed under: États-Unis,Moyen-Orient — François M. @ 9:41



For the readers coming from What Really Happened, welcome here on this blog from Montreal, Canada. My goal is to expose the lies and propaganda of our governments and mass media. I invite you to see the video section and good links about serious topics such as the lies that got us into wars of aggression, about 9/11 inside job, health, the banking system, history and more.

The truth shall prevail! -LNI (Added on Sunday, June 8th)

Voici un article important à consulter à la lumière des révélations du nouveau livre de Scott McClellan accusant l’administration Bush d’avoir menti pour partir une guerre criminelle d’agression contre l’Irak en 2003. Sachez que ce sont les bloggers qui vous ont apporté la vérité depuis le début. Les médias sont aussi complicites et font tout en ce moment pour mettre un « spin » à cette histoire et éviter d’être perçus comme des menteurs aussi. Cet article a été écrit par le très excellent Michael Rivero du site d’agrégation de nouvelles de la scène internationale que je vous invite fortement à consulter pour avoir vos nouvelles. -LNI

Cliquez sur cette image ci-bas pour avoir accès à l’article orginal:

Yes, I know, you have already seen this. But this story (or one just like it) needs to get seen around the world right now. As of this writing, ABCNNBBCBS is trying to pretend that Scott McClellan and his book do not exist.

The mainstream media and the blogosphere are in another fight. The MSM wants Scott’s admission that the President and his Neocons lied us into a war because the MSM realizes they cannot escape sharing that guilt. So, they are out to bury the story.

But, all of us here in the blogosphere (that means YOU, right there, reading this) are the reason the MSM is already in serious trouble, losing both credibility and audience over the last several years.

We already know, because of the success with the Downing Street Minutes, that we CAN force the mainstream media to report on a story even when they wish to avoid it. In the case of the DS Memo, it took a month. It will probably take a month now.

Get started. Send this article, or the original, and email it to everyone you know., post it to every blog, send it to every media outlet you can! FLOOD them with it! The media is in denial and this is an intervention! When they understand that this is not going away they will have to deal with it.


The Downing Street Memo is only the beginning of the proof we were all lied to.

Michael Rivero

« All war is based on deception. »
— Sun Tzu, The Art of War

As long as you remain inactive, the liars have no reason to stop.


It is time to fire the liars.

« The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is
for good men to do nothing »
–Edmund Burke

21 Mai 2008

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 22 mai 2008: Le grand mensonge de la guerre contre le terrorisme – InfraGard et FBI, licence pour tuer au secteur privé


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 22 mai 2008: Le grand mensonge de la guerre contre le terrorisme – InfraGard et FBI, licence pour tuer au secteur privé

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 22 mai 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…”

– Tour du monde avec Les Nouvelles Internationales:

Révélations importantes à propos des guerres au Moyen-Orient. Nous parlons aussi de l’Asie.

– Dossier spécial: État policier, loi martiale et son infrastructure de contrôle. Comment on a donné une licence pour tuer à un nouveau groupe créé par le FBI qui se nomme InfraGard. De plus, nous abordons le sujet des escadrons de la mort américains et israéliens de part le monde et en sol américain.

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Democracy now – Matt Rothschild – civil liberties.


FBI Deputizes Private Contractors With Extraordinary Powers, Including ‘Shoot to Kill’

By Matthew Rothschild, The Progressive. Posted February 8, 2008.

The FBI has a new set of eyes and ears, and they’re being told to protect their infrastructure at any cost. They can even kill without repercussion.

Today, more than 23,000 representatives of private industry are working quietly with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The members of this rapidly growing group, called InfraGard, receive secret warnings of terrorist threats before the public does — and, at least on one occasion, before elected officials. In return, they provide information to the government, which alarms the ACLU. But there may be more to it than that. One business executive, who showed me his InfraGard card, told me they have permission to « shoot to kill » in the event of martial law. InfraGard is « a child of the FBI, » says Michael Hershman, the chairman of the advisory board of the InfraGard National Members Alliance and CEO of the Fairfax Group, an international consulting firm.

InfraGard started in Cleveland back in 1996, when the private sector there cooperated with the FBI to investigate cyber threats.

« Then the FBI cloned it, » says Phyllis Schneck, chairman of the board of directors of the InfraGard National Members Alliance, and the prime mover behind the growth of InfraGard over the last several years.

InfraGard itself is still an FBI operation, with FBI agents in each state overseeing the local InfraGard chapters. (There are now eighty-six of them.) The alliance is a nonprofit organization of private sector InfraGard members.

« We are the owners, operators, and experts of our critical infrastructure, from the CEO of a large company in agriculture or high finance to the guy who turns the valve at the water utility, » says Schneck, who by day is the vice president of research integration at Secure Computing.

Israeli and US death squads infesting the world

Stuart Littlewood considers the increasing use of assassination by the US and Israel, and reports that Israeli murder squads have been authorized to enter « friendly » countries, including Britain, and kill enemies of the racist Jews-only state of Israel.

Burma raises cyclone death toll to 78,000

Hunger, despair take hold in Myanmar

Apparently the Myanmar government has made a very cold and calculated decision that a sick, hungry, and weakened populace is much less likely to strike out against it than one which is healthy and robust, and at least – to some degree – taken care of by its government after some kind of national disaster.

House passes bill to sue OPEC over oil prices

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Department to sue OPEC members for limiting oil supplies and working together to set crude prices, but the White House threatened to veto the measure.

Have members of the House gone completely insane, or is this simply some calculated posturing ahead of the election?

The problem here is the decline of the dollar; something the folks in Washington haven’t been able to remedy.

Canadian police have been brainwashed, Taser inquiry told Module body

Clueless in America

Ignorance in the United States is not just bliss, it’s widespread. A recent survey of teenagers by the education advocacy group Common Core found that a quarter could not identify Adolf Hitler, a third did not know that the Bill of Rights guaranteed freedom of speech and religion, and fewer than half knew that the Civil War took place between 1850 and 1900.

Anyone who thinks knowledge is a dangerous thing needs to take another look at ignorance.

Judge rules schools’ purpose is to train loyalty to the state

From the March 2008 Idaho Observer:

« A primary purpose of the educational system is to train school children in good citizenship, patriotism and loyalty to the state and the nation as a means of protecting the public welfare, » the judge wrote, quoting from a 1961 case on a similar issue.


10 guerres, 10 médiamensonges.

Neocons Admit that « War On Terror » Is a Hoax

Key war on terror architect Douglas Feith has now confirmed Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and Wesley Clark in admitting that the so-called War on Terror is a hoax.

In fact, starting right after 9/11 — at the latest — the goal has always been to create « regime change » and instability in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Lebanon so as to protect Israel. And the goal was never really to destroy Al Qaeda.

As reported in a new article in Asia Times:

Three weeks after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, former US defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld established an official military objective of not only removing the Saddam Hussein regime by force but overturning the regime in Iran, as well as in Syria and four other countries in the Middle East, according to a document quoted extensively in then-under secretary of defense for policy Douglas Feith’s recently published account of the Iraq war decisions. Feith’s account further indicates that this aggressive aim of remaking the map of the Middle East by military force and the threat of force was supported explicitly by the country’s top military leaders.

Feith’s book, War and Decision, released last month, provides excerpts of the paper Rumsfeld sent to President George W Bush on September 30, 2001, calling for the administration to focus not on taking down Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda network but on the aim of establishing « new regimes » in a series of states


General Wesley Clark, who commanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization bombing campaign in the Kosovo war, recalls in his 2003 book Winning Modern Wars being told by a friend in the Pentagon in November 2001 that the list of states that Rumsfeld and deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz wanted to take down included Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan and Somalia [and Lebanon].

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Rumsfeld On Tape: Terror Attack Could Restore Neo-Con Agenda

Shocking excerpts of confidential recordings recently released under the Freedom of Information Act feature former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld talking with top military analysts about how a flagging Neo-Con political agenda could be successfully restored with the aid of another terrorist attack on America.

The tape also includes a conversation where Rumsfeld and the military analysts agree on the possible necessity of installing a brutal dictator in Iraq to oversee U.S. interests.

OK: This is how these people think, and how absolutely contemptuous they are of their fellow Americans.

Pentagon Releases Propaganda Documents — Will the Media Pay Attention?

Eight thousand pages of documents related to the Pentagon’s illegal propaganda campaign, known as the Pentagon military analyst program, are now online for the world to see, although in a format that makes it impossible to easily search them and therefore difficult to read and dissect. This trove includes the documents pried out of the Pentagon by David Barstow and used as the basis for his stunning investigation that appeared in the New York Times on April 20, 2008.




‘Deafening’ silence on analyst story

New NSA Whistleblower Tells of Faulty WMD Evidence

Even with countless media outlets available these days, a Sunday New York Times cover story could always be counted on to send a jolt through the television news cycle.

But apparently that’s no longer the case. Indeed, reporter David Barstow’s 7,600-word investigation of the Pentagon’s military analyst program — whereby ex-military talking heads, often with direct ties to contractors, parroted Defense Department talking points on the air — has been noticeably absent from television airwaves since the story broke on April 20.

David Murfee Faulk was a translator in the Navy, working in Arabic and Iraqi dialect. In April 2004 he began working for the National Security Agency (NSA) at Fort Gordon outside Augusta, Georgia. (He now writes, under the name Murfee Faulk, for the Metro Spirit newspaper in Augusta, but he has never written about what he did for the NSA.)

Faulk says that in May 2004 he found an extremely large text file containing grid coordinates for alleged chemical weapons sites in Iraq. Faulk showed it to his supervisor, who was surprised. But he was not surprised that the file existed, only that it had not been deleted. The supervisor said he had believed all such files had been deleted, and that there had been a great many of them. In fact, according to this supervisor, U.S. Special Forces had gone to the locations and found nothing.

That’s what usually happens, Faulk’s supervisor told him, when you get something from the Israelis. « Four out of five times it’s complete and total bullshit. »

US confession: Weapons were not made in Iran after all

In a sharp reversal of its longstanding accusations against Iran arming militants in Iraq , the US military has made an unprecedented albeit quiet confession: the weapons they had recently found in Iraq were not made in Iran at all.

Talabani: Iran sends no weapon to Iraq

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has dismissed claims that Iran is sending weapons into his country and called for strong Iran ties.

« Those who make such claims against Iran only express their personal views which don’t reflect those of the Iraqi government, » he said in interview with the Al-Arabiya TV on Friday.

« I, as the president of Iraq, do not agree with such views, » he added.

Well, so much for the US charge that Iran is passing weapons into Iraq.

In fact, they had to cancel a news conference a couple of days ago which was supposed to present « clear evidence » of such a claim, because they couldn’t find any Iranian made weapons to be used as evidence.

ElBaradei: Iran not after bomb

Unfortunately, anything ElBaradei says will be discarded or belittled by the US and Israel.

They may even try the same slimy tactics they used on his predecessor Hans Blix, where they attempted to smear him to discredit what he had to say professionally about Iraq not having WMDS.

Hans Blix was absolutely telling the truth; ElBaradei is doing the same with Iran.

But for the US and Israel, it is a very inconvenient truth.

Nabbed!!! Iranian intelligence catch CIA network of saboteur thugs

The Intelligence Ministry on Saturday released details of the detection and dismantling of a terrorist network affiliated to the United States.



Nelson Mandela et son parti figurent encore sur les listes noires américaines

Aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître, Nelson Mandela, le leader historique du Congrès national africain (ANC), et son parti figurent encore sur les listes noires américaines. Quatorze ans après la fin de l’Apartheid, le prix Nobel de la paix est encore considéré, à 90 ans, comme un terroriste aux États-Unis.

Ce n’est que la semaine dernière que la commission des Affaires étrangères du Sénat a présenté un projet de loi pour lever ces restrictions. L’Histoire, aux États-Unis, est souvent occultée. Il est vrai que, en janvier 2003, lors d’un discours au International Women’s Forum, Mandela s’était opposé fermement à l’attaque des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni contre l’Irak sans l’aval des Nations unies. Il avait accusé le président George W. Bush de vouloir « plonger le monde dans l’holocauste ».

Hero Mandela On US Terrorist Watch List »- Could it Affect AIPAC and Mideast?

Somalia: Deadly battle rages between Ethiopia soldiers, insurgents

Local villagers reported that the battle lasted for nearly two hours, as Ethiopian soldiers exchanged a barrage of gunfire and artillery with Islamist insurgents.

There were heavy casualties on both sides of the conflict, according to villagers, but casualty figures were difficult to obtain because of the fierce fighting.

The US is essentially backing the Ethiopian Christians against the Muslim Somalians, and the resulting slaughter on both sides in this administration’s so-called « war on terror ». has been horrendous..

What we have here is absolutely not a war on terror; this is a war against people sitting over the resources this government seems to think we have the right to have, to the point of killing for it.

Cheney/Bandar/Elliot Abrams Funded Terrorist Group Now At War in Lebanon

In an interview with CNN on Tuesday, May 22, New Yorker magazine investigative journalist Seymour Hersh repeated charges he published in that magazine in March, that the Bush Administration has been working with Saudi Arabia to arm Sunni fundamentalist cells, to fight Hezbollah. The recent explosion of violence in northern Lebanon between the Lebanese Army and the previously little-known group Fatah al-Islam, is but the latest example of this rotten collusion, Hersh charged.

This might backfire. Hezbollah might actually win.

US plan for Lebanon attack revealed

Pundits say Israel failed to go ahead with the plan because of the military deterrence of Hezbollah.

White House denies Army Radio report on plan to attack Iran

The White House on Tuesday flatly denied an Army Radio report that claimed US President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran before the end of his term. It said that while the military option had not been taken off the table, the Administration preferred to resolve concerns about Iran’s push for a nuclear weapon « through peaceful diplomatic means. »

… while ignoring the fact that nobody has any proof Iran is doing any such thing (unlike Israel, which cranks those puppies out of that factory hidden under Dimona).

US Marines train with IDF to fight battles in Gaza, Lebanon, the West Bank and Syria


Israel eyes dangers, opportunities in Hizbullah takeover of Lebanon

Vice Premier Haim Ramon told the ministers that « Lebanon must be treated as a Hizbullah state. Everything that happens there is the responsibility of Hizbullah. The country is controlled by this terrorist organization, and its government has become irrelevant. »

Translation: Israel is itching for an opportunity to fight Hezbullah in Lebanon again.

This PR campaign is to prepare Israel – and the world – for a coming military strike inside Lebanon.

Heavy fighting breaks out in north Lebanon

Heavy fighting broke out Monday between government supporters and opponents in Lebanon’s second-largest city, where the two sides battled with rocket-propelled grenades, heavy machine guns and mortars, security officials and residents said.

The question here is, how long before Israel declares the UN-decreed moratorium « null and void », and decides it has to go in for a « pre-emptive » strike in the name of « self defense.

Hezbollah imposes control on Beirut

The Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah took control of the Muslim half of Beirut on Friday, tightening its grip on the city in a major blow to the U.S.-backed government.

« Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed Iranian-backed… » — Official White Horse Souse

Hezbollah overruns west Beirut as Lebanon on brink

If Hezbollah takes control of Lebanon, expect Israel to attack .. and drag the US into another war.

Hezbollah fighters sweep over much of Beirut’s Muslim sector

Unchallenged by Lebanon’s army, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah routed Sunnis loyal to the U.S.-allied government and seized control of large swaths of Beirut’s Muslim sector Friday in a telling demonstration of its military prowess.

This may turn out to be a major foreign policy blunder. As part of the ongoing « Let’s you and him fight » strategy of pitting the Sunni and Shia against each other in order to have them kill each other off, the US supported the Sunnis and manuevered them into an attack on Hezbollah. But as the Israelis already found out two summers ago, Hezbollah is a lot tougher than expected, and Lebanon could easily fall under Hezbollah control. This will make Israel VERY UNHAPPY. You kids be expected to deal with the mess.

US: Hezbollah must be ‘accountable’ for Lebanon unrest

The United States has blamed Hezbollah as well as its patrons Iran and Syria for deadly unrest that has pushed Lebanon to the edge of civil war, and warned they must be held « accountable. »

« Did I mention Iran? Good. I gotta mention Iran. We may have charlie foxtrotted Lebanon by pushing the Sunni to attack Hezbollah, but we still have a shot at getting into Iran before I get kicked out of leave office. » — Official White Horse Souse

Sy Hersh confirms: Syrian facility bombed by Israel was not nuclear

In a follow-up report, Alexandrovna added that Vice President Dick Cheney was suspected of being behind leaks to the press of misleading claims of a nuclear basis for the incident.

Are these Syrian nuclear pictures faked?

Bloggers supportive of the CIA acknowledge that the first picture was digitally enhanced but say that the CIA never claimed last week that it was untouched.

So now, we can expect that everything that the CIA offers as « evidence » to sell the American people another war has been in some way compromised, unless they have specifically stated that it is not?!?

Unflipping believable.

Assad says facility Israel bombed not nuclear: paper

« Is it logical? A nuclear site did not have protection with surface to air defenses? A nuclear site within the footprint of satellites in the middle of Syria in an open area in the desert? » Assad asked Qatar’s al-Watan newspaper in an interview conducted before the U.S. accusations were made.

Note that web resources have stopped running the pictures they originally ran, of the facilitiy, because the photos showed that there was no cooling tower, which is an absolutely critical component of a nuclear reactor.

Pictures From the CIA « Syrian Reactor » Show

Looking at the photo of the two men in front of the car. Look at the license plate on the car. Doesn’t look like it quite lines up correctly, does it.

More from http://www.juancole.com

« The alleged reactor is described, because of its dimensions and shape, as a duplicate of the North Korean reactor at Yongbyon. The reactor at Yongbyon is a rough copy of an old British design. It is graphite-moderated and cooled with gaseous carbon dioxide. Its core is composed of a large number of highly-purified graphite blocks. For example, each of the first two Magnox reactors at Windscale in the UK used 2,000 tons of graphite. Even if this purported Syrian reactor vessel were half the size of one of the original UK reactors, it would require roughly 1,000 tons of graphite. That’s 14,400 cubic feet of highly-purified graphite. Would all official entities fail to notice the production and transfer of that amount of highly-refined graphite to Syria?

« The voice-over on the CIA videotape asserts that the reactor in Syria was « nearly completed. » If the plant were « nearly completed, » those graphite blocks would have been substantially in place. Bombing and fire would have spread bits of carbon all over the site, or scattered whole blocks of graphite around the site. The « after » photos didn’t seem to indicate that this happened.

« If the reactor were substantially complete, neutron-absorbing boron-10 carbide (or possibly cadmium alloy) control rods would have been installed. Had those been burned or exploded in the bombing, those, too, would have left a chemical signature on the hills surrounding the site and in the prevailing winds. As far as I know, this hasn’t been discussed.

« Then, too, there is the matter of fuel rods. Syria is reported not to have uranium yellowcake stocks in appreciable quantities. (One particularly large phosphorite field, the Charkiet formation, is known to contain uranium, but the phosphate fertilizer plant built to process that ore was done by a Swedish company which would certainly alert the IAEA if there were non-compliant diversion. Moreover, Syria has cooperated with the IAEA in the past to develop its commercial uranium extraction processes, but those have not progressed, according to SIPRI.) There’s no evidence presented that Syria has built fuel processing and fuel rod assembly facilities. That would suggest production elsewhere, and such production can be tracked. So, if it was almost complete, where are the fuel rods?

« The primary weapons benefit of such a reactor is its ability to be refueled on the fly, so to speak (it’s necessary to get the fuel rods out of the reactor before the optimum quantity of plutonium-239 is degraded by neutron capture to less suitable isotopes), so, why does U.S. intelligence say they have « low confidence » that the plutonium that might be produced is for nuclear weapons? It must be that Syria does not have the necessary fuel processing, fuel rod assembly and spent fuel reprocessing plants, and there’s no evidence of bomb-manufacturing facilities (all this infrastructure should ideally go forward concurrent with fuel production to produce a bomb in the shortest period of time); does this suggest that the purpose of the facility might not be nuclear in nature, or that it was nuclear, but would have had a non-weapons purpose? If there’s no evidence for the existence of the rest of a weapons-making complex, how credible is the claim of « near completion » of a reactor which is well-suited for producing plutonium?

« So far, the government’s primary evidence seems to be a photo of a North Korean who is reputed to be NK nuclear scientist Chon Chibu, standing next to someone « believed to be his Syrian counterpart » (quote from the London Times). That photo, as well as others, likely was provided by the Mossad, so its provenance is in question. Given that the Israelis bombed the site, one can’t evade the reality that they’re an interested party in the matter.

Assad says facility Israel bombed not nuclear

« Is it logical? A nuclear site did not have protection with surface to air defenses? A nuclear site within the footprint of satellites in the middle of Syria in an open area in the desert? » Assad asked Qatar’s al-Watan newspaper in an interview conducted before the U.S. accusations were made.

At that stage, he was commenting on media reports that said the target was a nuclear site. « The truth is that the raid was at a military site under construction, » Assad said in the interview. « We are against mass destruction weapons for Israel, Iran or others. »

Assad said it was illogical for Syria to seek a nuclear bomb. « Where would we use it? On Israel it would kill the Palestinians. I do not see this as logical. »

A reminder that when Israel bombed the Osiric reactor it was with the claim that Iraq was secretly building nuclear weapons underneath the reactor complex (as Israel does under Dimona). Following the invasion of Iraq, UN inspectors visited the ruins of the Osiric reactor (it is being used as a mushroom farm now) and failed to find any evidence to support Israel’s claims.

UN inspectors are still forbidden to inspect the reactor at Dimona.

The Media Falls for Fake News Once Again Syrian Nukes: the Phantom Menace

Are the wonderful mainstream media, who gave us Saddam’s mythical Weapons of Mass Destruction, lying to us again? The answer is yes.

If at first you don’t succeed, lie, lie again!

Israel’s Syrian Air Strike Was Aimed at Iran

Until late October, the accepted explanation about the Sept. 6 Israeli air strike in Syria, constructed in a series of press leaks from U.S. officials, was that it was prompted by dramatic satellite intelligence that Syria was building a nuclear facility with help from North Korea.

But new satellite evidence has discredited that narrative, suggesting a more plausible explanation for the strike: that it was a calculated effort by Israel and the United States to convince Iran that its nuclear facilities could be attacked as well.

White House: Syria reactor not for ‘peaceful’ purposes

« This will be a ridiculous and pathetic charade, » Imad Moustafa told CNN, saying Syria has never had any nuclear project. « This is exactly the same story as Iraq and its weapons of mass destruction, » he said. « There is a proven record of this administration to fabricate lies. »

It is getting bad when Syria has more credibility than our own government.

more backpedalling on the [Syria nuclear facility] video

A US official, requesting anonymity, told AFP: « There are still photographs of the facility as part of the video, but it’s a video presentation, like, a PowerPoint presentation. It’s not a video of the facility. »

US Blames Syria And Iran For Battles

The White House has accused Iran and Syria of fuelling violence in Lebanon by inciting Hezbollah to take up arms against the country’s pro-western government.

No, what has happened is that the US had their puppet in Lebanon start to attack Hezbollah’s infrastructure to make way for a new Israeli invasion. And now that it looks like Hezbollah might actually prove tougher than expected, the US (as usual) looks for someone else to blame.

The US is trying to put the blame for the Lebanon melt-down onto designated patsies Iran and Syria, but the reality is that the US has been playing their usual covert games, and it just blew up on their faces.

US says Syria, Iran behind Lebanon violence

The Bush administration accused Iran and Syria on Friday of fueling ongoing violence in Lebanon by inciting members of the radical Shiite Hezbollah movement to take up arms against the country’s western-backed government.

We saw that one coming a mile away.

Iran accuses US, Israel of provoking Lebanon violence

Iran on Friday accused the United States and Israel of fueling the deadly sectarian fighting in Lebanon between its Shiite militant Hezbollah ally and the Western-backed ruling majority. ADVERTISEMENT « Adventurous efforts and interventions by the United States and the Zionist regime are the main cause of the continuous chaotic situation in Lebanon, » foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said.

Suddenly, an Iranian plane landing at Beirut airport and America threaten penalties

United States threatened by a representative of the Security Council « Zalmay Khalilzad » impose sanctions against Hezbollah and the countries supporting him in a reference to Syria and Iran, at a time when an Iranian aircraft landed at dawn yesterday in Beirut airport, abruptly.

Zalmay Khalilzad (along with Hamid Karzai) is one of the Unocal consultants who went before Congress and demanded regime change in Afghanistan because the Taliban would not sell them the right of way for a petroleum pipeline at the price the consortium wanted to pay.

Funny how these oil company guys wound up as ambassadors and heads of state.

U.S. declines to help present nuclear deal to Iran

World powers will in the coming days offer a revised package of incentives to Iran but Washington has refused to send its own envoy to help present the deal, diplomats and a U.S. official said on Thursday.

« Dammit, we wanna INVADE, not pussyfoot around with this ‘negotiatins’ crap!!! » — Official White Horse Souse

War With Iran Might Be Closer Than You Think

The US demanded that Iran admit that it has been interfering in Iraq and also commit itself to taking steps to end the support of various militant groups. There was also a warning about interfering in Lebanon. The Iranian government reportedly responded quickly, restating its position that it would not discuss the matter until the US ceases its own meddling employing Iranian dissident groups. The perceived Iranian intransigence coupled with the Lebanese situation convinced the White House that some sort of unambiguous signal has to be sent to the Iranian leadership, presumably in the form of cruise missiles.

It is to be presumed that the attack will be as « pinpoint » and limited as possible, intended to target only al-Qods and avoid civilian casualties.

Do policy makers in this country think that Iran will not retaliate?

This potential attack can plunge the region into a wider war (if not a world war), and will put our military in Iraq far more deeply in harm’s way than they are already.

And let’s talk about the five thousand pound elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about: Russia.

Russian diplomats have said, and continue to say, that an attack against Iran will be perceived as an attack against Russia.

Is the leadership of this country so insane as to think that war with Russia (which does have nukes) is a really good idea??

For the sake of the survival of this country, one would hope not.

Former UN weapons inspector says attack on Iran ‘virtual guarantee’

Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who was among the original experts to question Bush Administration claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, now says he believes an attack on Iran is a « virtual guarantee. »

The problem is a simple one. The US (the Neocons) embarked on this program to conquer the Middle East’s oil and to shatter any and all threats to Israel. They bet the entire country on this project, and they are in too far to simply quit. If they walk away, the US will collapse not only from the economic strain but from the political strain of having lost yet another war, this one of our own making. The only option available to our so-called leadership is to keep throwing money and other peoples’ children into the desert and hope for the best. In another 7 months, it will be someone else’s war to lose. As for Israel, they have no problem at all with destroying the US in service to their wars. Better our kids than their own. Even better if the two remaining threats to Israel’s domination of the Middle East, the US and Russia, should blow each other up in a mutually destructive nuclear war. And if the US economy collapses, Israel, grown fat on US tax dollars, will simply come back in and buy up the country at fire-sale prices. Such a deal!

United States is drawing up plans to strike on Iranian insurgency camp

he US military is drawing up plans for a « surgical strike » against an insurgent training camp inside Iran if Republican Guards continue with attempts to destabilise Iraq, western intelligence sources said last week. One source said the Americans were growing increasingly angry at the involvement of the Guards’ special-operations Quds force inside Iraq, training Shi’ite militias and smuggling weapons into the country.

To paraphrase Gertrude Stein « An attack on Iran is an attack on Iran is an attack on Iran »>

And let me break down precisely what will happen if the US does yield to the urge of this madness

1. The Persian Gulf will shut down completely, cutting us off from much of our oil.

2. This attack will leave our soldiers ever more in harm’s way in Iraq, because all the various factions will unite against us.

3. As much as most Iranians don’t like Ahmedinejad, they will rally around him in the face of a foreign attack.

4. Russia (which does have nukes – lots of them) may well defend Iran, as their diplomats have stated in no uncertain terms that an attack against Iran will be perceived as an attack against Russia..

5. This could well erupt into a much larger regional war.

Anyone in the state department, or executive of the US would even begin consider this a rational move should be collectively be removed from office, per the 25th amendment to the Constitution.

U.S. Planning Big New Prison in Afghanistan

The Pentagon is moving forward with plans to build a new, 40-acre detention complex on the main American military base in Afghanistan, officials said, in a stark acknowledgment that the United States is likely to continue to hold prisoners overseas for years to come.

Translation: this administration is planning for US forces to be in Afghanistan for a very, very, very long time.

Palestinian mother and 4 children killed in Gaza carnage

Psychopaths always blame their victims

I’m sure you haven’t heard on TV news that the IDF killed a Palestinian family of four small children and their mother, among others, as they were getting ready to eat breakfast. I mean, if an Israeli family was killed we’d be hearing about it non-stop; but this was just a Palestinian mother and her four little children. Just some collateral damage...

Israel is suppressing a secret it must face

Standing near one of these long, stinking brown-and-yellow rivers of waste recently, the local chief medical officer, Dr Bassam Said Nadi, explained to me: « Recently there were very heavy rains, and the shit started to flow into the reservoir that provides water for this whole area. I knew that if we didn’t act, people would die. We had to alert everyone not to drink the water for over a week, and distribute bottles. We were lucky it was spotted. Next time… » He shook his head in fear. This is no freak: a 2004 report by Friends of the Earth found that only six per cent of Israeli settlements adequately treat their sewage.

Meanwhile, in order to punish the population of Gaza for voting « the wrong way », the Israeli army are not allowing past the checkpoints any replacements for the pipes and cement needed to keep the sewage system working. The result? Vast stagnant pools of waste are being held within fragile dykes across the strip, and rotting. Last March, one of them burst, drowning a nine-month-old baby and his elderly grandmother in a tsunami of human waste. The Centre on Housing Rights warns that one heavy rainfall could send 1.5m cubic metres of faeces flowing all over Gaza, causing « a humanitarian and environmental disaster of epic proportions ».

So how did it come to this? How did a Jewish state founded 60 years ago with a promise to be « a light unto the nations » end up flinging its filth at a cowering Palestinian population?

One of the biggest problems with the Israelis is that they can no longer confront what has been done in their names. They have to resort to denial, bolstered with alcohol, and scream abut how everything is just the way God wants it to be.


IAF Attacks Lebanese Targets

Arab media have reported that IDF jets attacked several targets in southern Lebanon Wednesday, including the cities of Nebatiyeh, Tyre and the western Bekaa Valley. Lebanese anti-aircraft positions fired Israeli aircraft, but all IDF servicemen are believed to have returned safely to Israel.

Here we go again.

Israeli jets violate Lebanon airspace

Lebanese army: 12 Israeli jets flew over Beirut

Tensions in the north? Lebanon says ‘enemy’ airplanes violated its airspace Monday, flew over Lebanese cities; Meanwhile, Israel complains that UNIFIL forces fail to report illegal Hizbullah activities.

Unfortunately for the Lebanese people, it looks as though Israel, right on cue, is about to create a situation where there will blame UNFIL and Hezbollah about not sticking to the terms of the cease-fire, and go in again with guns and bombs blazing.

Israeli military vehicles enter Lebanon

In defiance of the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution 1701, three Israeli armored vehicles have entered Lebanese territory.

Lebanese army opens fire on Israeli jets

The Lebanese army has opened fire on Israeli jets as they flew over the south of the country in violation of Lebanon’s airspace.

Why was Israel violating Lebanon’s airspace?

Is this a rehearsal for another completely unprovoked Israeli attack on Lebanon?


Canadian university had banned the term « Israeli Apartheid » as « hate speech »

One of the most shocking indications of this repressive atmosphere is a campaign by Zionist organizations to convince university administrations to ban the phrase « Israeli Apartheid ». At McMaster University in Hamilton, for example, students organizing IAW events on their campuses were issued with a letter from the Provost office informing them that the university had banned the term « Israeli Apartheid » from use by student clubs. This effectively ended their participation in the week as they were then barred from attaining the necessary approval to advertise, book rooms, etc. A massive mobilization by students and community allies forced the university to backtrack from this position. Nevertheless, letters and articles by Zionist organizations and supporters continue to appear in local Hamilton newspapers calling for further repression.

Carter may have used the term « Israeli Apartheid », but I believe that it may have been Bishop Desmond Tutu to characterize it this way.

Bishop Tutu, was one of the great champions of freedom for all South Africans, right along with Nelson Mandela.

And if Bishop Tutu describes what he sees happening with the Palestinian people as « Israeli Apartheid », trust me; this guy is in a really solid position to know.

Beshear signs Holocaust education into law

You WILL believe what you are told to believe!

Criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, Harper says

Some of the criticism brewing in Canada against the state of Israel, including from some members of Parliament, is similar to the attitude of Nazi Germany in the Second World War, Prime Minister Stephen Harper warned yesterday.

Translation: « Yeah, well, okay, maybe Israel IS an apartheid state, but you can’t SAY that! »

Canada’s Ignorant Prime Minister

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently made outrageously ignorant comments on the plight of the Palestinian people.

Unbelieveable! « al-Qaeda » Dismisses Conspiracy Theories, Defends Israel, Attacks Iran and Hizbollah!

Every time a member of the US or Israeli government expounded on the « Muslim terror threat to freedom and democracy everywhere », soon afterwards « al-Qaeda » obligingly popped up with a new video or statement in which they threatened freedom and democracy.

As the massive holes in the US government’s official story of the 9/11 attacks continue to widen, and sites like Sott.net continue to point to the real culprits in Tel Aviv and Washington DC, disembodied internet voices that US government officials « believe to be that of Osama bin laden », set the record straight and claim responsibility. In spite of such strenuous efforts to fool the entire world, fewer and fewer people are buying the terror hysteria, and recently the desperation on the part of the Ziocons has begun to show.

On April 22, the CIA/Mossad chose to have Mr. Magoo stand-in and « al-Qaeda number 2 » « al-Zawahiri », do something which, until now, was almost unthinkable.

Unbelieveable! « al-Qaeda » Dismisses Conspiracy Theories, Defends Israel, Attacks Iran and Hizbollah!

U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons’ Role in 9/11

A new U.N. Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Obliteration Obscenity

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned Tehran that if she were president, the United States could « totally obliterate » Iran in retaliation for a nuclear strike against Israel.’

Not up close and personal obliteration, that would spatter one’s coiffure with bloodspots and gore, but remotely, dispassionately…all seventy million Iranians, mostly young, and mostly progressive, just like ourselves; men, women and children; human, all too human.

Unlike you, Madam, one of the fabled six percent of the population, the psychopaths. Your body count is already impressive, if one can believe reports. Though you may not be forbad to wade through slaughter to a throne, you are forbad to wade beyond it. To threaten obliteration of peaceful civilian populations, is terrorism. To act it, is a war-crime under the Nurenberg Principles.

Petraeus Promotion Frees Cheney to Threaten Iran

Petraeus has proved himself willing to cooperate closely with the White House policy lines on Iraq and Iran, arguing against any post-surge reduction in troop strength policy and blaming Iran for challenges to the U.S. military presence. Along with the deference to Petraeus in Congress and the media, his pliability on those issues made him the obvious choice to replace Fallon.

The big question, here, is that of timing.

One has to wonder just how close to the November election date Cheney would be willing to « bomb, bomb, bomb….bomb, bomb Iran. » once Petraeus is in place.

And what happens if the attack goes horrendously wrong, or Russia decides to join forces with the Iranian military to protect its investments and assets there?

Cheney’s old firm, KBR, accused of stealing artwork, gold, and weapons in Baghdad.

KBR employees working in Iraq stole weapons, artwork and even gold to make spurs for cowboy boots, two former company workers told Senate Democrats on Monday.

Appearing before a Democrats-only panel looking into allegations of contracting abuses in Iraq, the witnesses accused their former co-workers of widespread improper activity.

KBR spokeswoman Heather Browne said the company would not comment at length because the claims are part of ongoing lawsuits.

« The witnesses who testified today raised claims that KBR has previously addressed. The government has reviewed the claims and refused to join lawsuits asserting them, » Browne said.

Cheney: Bagdad’s Disneyland-Style Amusement Park Is Evidence That Things Are Going ‘Swimmingly’ In Iraq

IDF choppers in service of drug cartel

American officials demand Israel provide explanations for how U.S.-made choppers sold to Israel ended up in service of Columbian drug cartel. Incident may cloud relations between countries

The dubious affair, which was already investigated by the Israeli Defense Ministry, and later turned over to the hands of the police, was uncovered about two years ago.

The Bushes and Hitler’s Appeasement

The irony of George W. Bush going before the Knesset and mocking the late Sen. William Borah for expressing surprise at Adolf Hitler’s 1939 invasion of Poland is that Bush’s own family played a much bigger role assisting the Nazis.

Bush Compares Obama To Nazi Appeasers

President Bush has said repeatedly that he would not insert himself into the presidential race, but that stance changed dramatically today during his trip to Israel. After likening Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Osama bin Laden, Bush compared Barack Obama to Nazi appeasers:


How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power

Rumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today’s president

Day After « Appeasement » Remark, Ghost of Prescott Bush Hovers Over WH

One day after President Bush likened presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama to those who appeased Adolph Hitler, the ghost of the president’s grandfather, Prescott Bush – in an SS uniform, muttering German and gesticulating angrily – has been hovering high above the White House since dawn.

Chris Matthews Tears Up Kevin James on Hardball


Paul Craig Roberts: Lies of Aggression

Bellicosity and Hypocrisy in Tel Aviv

Lies of Aggression


Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review.

On May 15, the White House Moron, in a war-planning visit to Israel, justified the naked aggression he and Olmert are planning against Iran as the only alternative to “the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.”

But the White House Moron has the roles reversed. It is not Iran that is threatening war. It is Bush. It is not Bush who is appeasing. It is Iran.

Iran has not responded in kind to any of Bush’s warlike moves and provocations. Iran has not sunk a single one of our sitting duck ships and has not given the Iraqi insurgents any weapons that would easily turn the tide of war against the US.

It is Bush, not Iran, who sounds like Adolf Hitler blustering and threatening. It is Bush’s American Brownshirts, the neocons, who express the view: “what’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them.”

It is the US that is funding assassination teams inside Iran and using taxpayer dollars to fund dissident and violent organizations opposed to the Iranian government. Iran is doing no such thing here.

It is members of the Bush Regime and US generals who continue to lie through their teeth about Iranian support for insurgents, for which they can supply no evidence, and about Iranian nuclear weapons programs, for which the IAEA inspectors can find no sign.


Compared to Stonehenge, Britain’s most famous prehistoric site, they are humble affairs. None of the circles excavated (four out of an estimated 20) are more than 30 meters across. What makes the discovery remarkable are the carvings of boars, foxes, lions, birds, snakes and scorpions, and their age. Dated at around 9,500 BC, these stones are 5,500 years older than the first cities of Mesopotamia, and 7,000 years older than Stonehenge.


What are the aircraft career battle groups for?

Three U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups are patrolling waters off southeast Taiwan. The task forces with the Kitty Hawk, Nimitz and Lincoln in the lead are believed to continue the patrol until May 20. Of course, it’s rather unusual. But what for?

Chinese build secret nuclear submarine base

China has secretly built a major underground nuclear submarine base that could threaten Asian countries and challenge American power in the region, it can be disclosed.

« This is a challenge to any hegemonic power, particularly the US which still remains dominant in the region. »

It amazes me that the US and UK can embark on a program of belligerence across the globe, invading innocent country after innocent country, then when other nations start making what are prudent preparations to counter the obvious militarism of the US/UK/Israel, everyone acts like it’s a huge surprise and a provocation.

What is China SUPPOSED to do? Open the gates and roll out the red carpet for our invading hordes?

Malaysia PM Wants Bush, Blair, Howard Tried For War Crimes

In a speech at Imperial College, London, Mahathir called for a tribunal to try US President George W. Bush plus former prime ministers Tony Blair of Britain and John Howard of Australia for their part in the conflict

US missile umbrella ‘won’t work’

A former top US official has told a Congressional hearing in Washington billions of dollars have been wasted on developing a US missile defence system.

Lawmakers Have Nearly $200M Invested In Companies Doing Defense-Related Work

Members of Congress have as much as $196 million collectively invested in companies doing business with the Defense Department, earning millions since the onset of the Iraq war, according to a study by a nonpartisan research group.

In other words, they are voting themselves rich on your tax dollars.

Congress members have, in the main, simply become « acquisitions » of the defense industry.

They not only own stock in these companies: they also gladly accept any money and perks, covert or overt, (covert being favored) which these companies want to give them for « favors » down the road.

151 Congressmen Profit From War

More than a quarter of senators and congressmen have invested at least $196 million of their own money in companies doing business with the Department of Defense (DoD) that profit from the death and destruction in Iraq.

Every drop of blood shed is another piece of silver in their pockets.

État policier

Boy seized by child welfare to make sure he gets chemotherapy

How social services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for adoption

Some of these may have been willingly given up for adoption, but critics of the Government’s policy are convinced that the vast majority are taken by force.

Time and again, the mothers say they are innocent of any wrongdoing.

Ex-cop: Officers routinely lied to obtain search warrants

A former Atlanta police officer testified Thursday that narcotics officers routinely lied under oath when seeking search warrants; a practice that led to police killing a 92-year-old woman.

Cell Phone Spying: Is Your Life Being Monitored?

Eavesdropping is easy. All it takes is a two-minute software install and someone can record your calls and monitor your text messages. They can even set up systems to be automatically alerted when you dial a certain number, then instantly patched into your conversation. Anyone who can perform a basic internet search can find the tools and figure out how to do it in no time.

But the scarier stuff is what your phone can do when you aren’t even using it.

Corporate Spies Killing The CIA

The CIA is having a growing problem with their analysts and spies being recruited away by corporations. One unpleasant, for government intelligence agencies, development of the last few decades has been the growing popularity of « competitive intelligence » (corporate espionage.) It’s a really big business, with most large (over a billion dollars of annual sales) corporations having separate intelligence operations. Spending on corporate intel work is over $5 billion a year, and is expected to more than double in the next four years.


WHILE the Patriot Act has raised fears about government spying on ordinary citizens, the growing threat to civil liberties posed by corporate spying has received much less attention. During the late 1990s, a private security firm spied on Greenpeace and other environmental groups, examining activists’ phone records and even sending undercover agents to infiltrate the groups, according to an article in Mother Jones. In 2006 Hewlett-Packard was caught spying on journalists. Last year Wal-Mart apologized for improperly recording conversations with a New York Times reporter.

And now it turns out that the Burger King Corporation, home of the Whopper, hired a private security firm to spy on the Student/Farmworker Alliance, a group of idealistic college students trying to improve the lives of migrants in Florida.

Student gets $628 ticket for sitting on park ledge

Billions spent on CCTV have failed to cut crime and led to an ‘utter fiasco’, says Scotland Yard surveillance chief

Conflict follows device that drives away teen loiterers

« And if that doesn’t get rid of those pesky kids, send them to us and we will ship them to Iraq! » — Official White Horse Souse

NEW YORK (AP) — A wall-mounted gadget designed to drive away loiterers with a shrill, piercing noise audible only to teens and young adults is infuriating civil liberties groups and tormenting young people after being introduced into the United States.

Eye Spy USA Shop: Spyhone II 8210

Simply enter the secret access menu and program any mobile/landline number. Now dial the 3310 from that stored secret number and you can listen into the immediate surrounding sounds and conversations. The phone shows NO indication you are listening in thus can be given to your children for example and used as an everyday mobile phone without arousing suspicion.

This product is a symptom of a very sick society.

Advanced Listening Bugs

National « DNA warehouse » bill passes

Passing the House of Representatives on a voice vote, S. 1858 has been sent to President Bush for signature. The Newborn Genetic Screening bill was passed by the Senate last December. The bill violates the U.S. Constitution and the Nuremberg Code, writes Twila Brase, president of the Citizen’s Council on Health Care (CCHC). « The DNA taken at birth from every citizen is essentially owned by the government, and every citizen becomes a potential subject of government-sponsored genetic research, » she states.

Bush seeks to limit military lawyers’ independence

The Bush administration is escalating a conflict over the independence of military lawyers who have repeatedly raised objections to White House policies over prisoners held as enemy combatants.

The administration has proposed a regulation requiring « coordination » with politically appointed Pentagon lawyers before the promotion of any member of the Judge Advocate General Corps, the military’s 4,000-member uniformed legal force.

(La dernière fois que j’ai vu cette expression utilisée, c’était par le régime fachiste de Hitler. L’idée est de faire en sorte que tout le monde suive la ligne du gouvernement sous peine d’être purgé. C’est typique d’un système totalitaire. -LNI)

Programs Which the Government Claims Are Aimed At Foreign Enemies are being Used Against American Citizens within the United States

The U.S. government has repeatedly claimed that it was launching aggressive programs solely at foreign enemies, and then launched them at American citizens. For example:

Can anyone see a pattern here?

Given the above, should we believe that the following programs will just be limited to foreigners?

  • The Air Force is seeking to dominate all computers and the Internet, to be able to take over control of every computer, and to turn computers into « zombies » that can be forced to execute Air Force commands. This is supposed to be aimed at enemy states and « rogue individuals ». See this summary.
  • The Pentagon is running an artificial intelligence program to see how people will react to propaganda and to government-inflicted terror. The program is called Sentient World Simulation:

‘Big Brother’ database for phones and e-mails

A massive government database holding details of every phone call, e-mail and time spent on the internet by the public is being planned as part of the fight against crime and terrorism. Internet service providers (ISPs) and telecoms companies would hand over the records to the Home Office under plans put forward by officials.

U.S. to Insist That Travel Industry Get Fingerprints

The U.S. government today will order commercial airlines and cruise lines to prepare to collect digital fingerprints of all foreigners before they depart the country under a security initiative that the industry has condemned as costly and burdensome.

Chertoff Says Fingerprints Aren’t ‘Personal Data’

In a recent briefing with Canadian press (which has yet to be picked up in the U.S.), Chertoff made the startling statement that fingerprints are « not particularly private »:

Apparently, according to Chertoff, nothing you have, say, or do, is private anymore, and there are no boundaries against « unreasonable search and seizure », as guaranteed by the 4th Amendment to the Constitution.

DHS Wants to Spy on Americans, Dems Charge

In a letter to three colleagues obtained by ABC News, House Homeland Security Chairman Bennie Thompson, Miss., and Rep. Jane Harman, Calif., voiced objections to a new office DHS wants to create that would share the detailed surveillance capabilities of military intelligence satellites and other monitoring technology with state and local law enforcement.

The two urged their colleagues to bar funding for the program, which they said would likely violate long-standing laws prohibiting military involvement in peacetime law enforcement. Current law bars money for the program until Congress’ auditors review and approve a legal argument from DHS justifying the office, which is expected later this year.

We the People do not need more surveillance, thank you very much.

We need to be out from under a tax burden that is squeezing most of us to the breaking point, and for which we receive very darn little.

Cheney lawyer claims Congress has no authority over vice-president

The lawyer for US vice-president Dick Cheney claimed today that the Congress lacks any authority to examine his behaviour on the job.

The exception claimed by Cheney’s counsel came in response to requests from congressional Democrats that David Addington, the vice-president’s chief of staff, testify about his involvement in the approval of interrogation tactics used at Guantanamo Bay.

Christie Todd Whitman Not Liable For Telling Residents That World Trade Center Air Was Safe To Breathe, Judge Rules

The appeals court said legal remedies are not always available for every instance of arguably deficient governmental performance.

So, for lying to people who ultimately got sick, lost their jobs, and cannot get much medical help because medical insurance is almost strictly tied to employment in the U.S., this woman skates.

And what this ruling is going to do, the next time there’s some sort of natural or man-made disaster, is cause the public not to believe a word they are being told by any governmental official

Blair caught on train without ticket

FORMER British prime minister Tony Blair has been caught travelling on a train without a ticket or any cash to pay the fare.

Did they tase him for that?

TransLink Cops Will Continue To Taser Fare Dodgers

When we lived in Washington state, we used to love going to Vancouver; it was a lovely place at that time.

However,I don’t think I would ever want to go there again.

If their transit system cops have been granted permission to taser « non-compliant » passengers, imagine under what conditions regular officers might be permitted to tase people!

DHS Wants to Install Permanent Checkpoint in Vermont

Source: WCAX CBS

Homeland Security wants to build a permanent immigration checkpoint in central Vermont.

An exact location has not been revealed, but officials say it would be similar to this one that used to be on Interstate 91 in Hartford. Agents use the check points to search for illegal immigrants, drugs smugglers and terrorists.

Senator Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, is blasting the idea, saying the checkpoints are useless and an inconvenience to Vermonters.


Nearly one million special government license plates have been issued in the state of California giving law enforcement, judges, district attorneys, politicians and their friends immunity from photo ticketing and tolls. According to an expose published yesterday in the Orange County Register newspaper, the Confidential Records Program has handed out a total of 996,716 protected plates to 1800 state and local agencies. These plates keep the identity of the vehicle owner out of the computerized databases that track ordinary motorists. This protection ensures that private red light camera companies and collection agencies for parking tickets toll road violations have no idea where to mail a ticket for nonpayment.

Sort of a newer high-tech version of the color-coded license plates they issue in Israel.

WRH: The Rise Of The Fourth Reich

Tyrants become obvious only when looking back, after what they have done becomes known. The German people did not stand up to Hitler because their media betrayed them, just as the American media is betraying the American people by willingly, voluntarily, even proudly, abandoning its traditional role as watchdog against government abuse.

Chicago Citizens Reject Terror Drill Fearmongering

Authorities practiced processing citizens through the de facto internment camp and giving them mandatory pharmaceutical products.

Perhaps the people of Chicago’s lack of enthusiasm for the drill can be explained by them waking up to the fact that these exercises are nothing more than an excuse for fat enforcers to practice shoving people around in internment camps while the local TV news shows images of people being rounded up and processed by men with big guns – all part of the conditioning for an attack we are constantly assured is « inevitable ».

It heartens me to see that Chicagoans are wise to what’s really going on here.

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