LNI Média

19 septembre 2008

La Russie donne un ultimatum de 21 jours à l`OTAN pour quitter la Mer Noire

Filed under: Nouvelles du monde — François M. @ 9:11

La Russie donne un ultimatum de 21 jours à l`OTAN pour quitter la Mer Noire

On September 3, 2008, George Norey the host of Coast to Coast which is heard in the US on over 500 Stations and through out the world, interviewed Steve Qualye.

The bottom line is that Russia has given NATO 21 DAYS to Exit the Black Sea.

Could this be the start of something big?

Could this postpone the USA Election?

There is so much more I could write but I will let the video stand for itself.

This is a serious warning and could create all kinds of problems world wide.

The US Government will be « technically » Bankrupt as of September 30th, so we will see.

Please feel free to down load this video, post it on your own channel, rate it and send it on.

Blessings to all of you who have subscribed and believe in individual from.

Cheers for now,
From the Southern Hemisphere.
You know, the God zone, in New Zealand.

Here is what the news said today about what is happening…..(no this is not a US report, they only have entertainment in the US, no real news).

A US Navy flagship carrying humanitarian aid yesterday steamed into a Georgian port where Russian troops are still stationed, stoking tensions once again in the tinderbox Caucasus region.

A previous trip by US warships was cancelled at the last minute a week ago amid fears that an armed stand-off could intensify in the Black Sea port of Poti.

The arrival of the USS Mount Whitney, flagship of the 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean, came as Moscow accused Dick Cheney, the hawkish US Vice-President, of stoking tensions during a visit to Tbilisi this week. After meeting President Saakashvili, Mr Cheney vowed to bring Georgia into the Nato alliance. Russia sees such moves as Western encroachment on its traditional sphere of influence.

Russia’s leaders have accused previous US warships that docked at the port of Batumi, to the south, of delivering weapons to re-arm the smashed Georgian military — charges that Washington denied.
Related Links * Cheney delivers warning to Moscow * Britain values unity in Nato over Georgia * Georgia linked to Nato early warning system

While Russia again questioned the deployment of what it described as « the number one ship of its type in the US Navy » in the Black Sea, it said that it planned no military action in response. The Russian Army has kept a small component of soldiers in Poti, where Georgian officials accuse them of looting port authority buildings.

« Naval ships of that class can hardly deliver a large amount of aid, » said Andrei Nesterenko, a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman. « Such ships have a hold for keeping provisions for the crew and items needed for sailing. How many tonnes of aid can a ship of that type deliver? »

He said that the presence of US warships could contravene international conventions governing shipping in the Black Sea, and in particular restrictions on the entry of naval ships from countries that do not share a Black Sea coastline. The small Russian garrison in Poti would pose no military threat to a vessel like the Mount Whitney, but the proximity of two hostile forces in such a fraught environment set the political temperature rising again in the Caucasus a month after Russia’s five-day war with Georgia.

Moscow, which followed up its crushing military defeat of Georgia by unilaterally recognising two of its breakaway provinces, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, was angry that Mr Cheney still insisted on Georgia’s entrance into the Atlantic alliance — something several key Nato members oppose. « The new promises to Tbilisi relating to the speedy membership of Nato strengthen the Saakashvili regime’s dangerous feeling of impunity and encourages its dangerous ambitions, » said Mr Nesterenko.

Visiting Kiev, the Ukrainian capital yesterday, Mr Cheney kept up his tough anti-Russian rhetoric when he urged Ukraine’s squabbling pro-Western leaders to unite in the face of threats to the country’s security. He met President Yushchenko and Yuliya Tymoshenko, the Prime Minister, and told them that Ukraine’s best hope was to be « united with other democracies ».

Mr Yushchenko has accused his former Orange Revolution ally of siding with Russia in the war with Georgia, an allegation she denies. The split led to the collapse of Ukraine’s coalition Government on Tuesday.

After endorsing Georgia’s application, Mr Cheney said that the US was also committed to Ukraine’s membership of Nato. Konstantin Kosachyov, head of the foreign affairs committee in Russia’s lower house, accused Mr Cheney of forging an « anti-Russian axis ».

11 mars 2008

Nouvelles du monde et diverses – partie II

Filed under: Divers,Nouvelles du monde — François M. @ 1:50

Nouvelles du monde et diverses – partie II

Voici le reste de la compilation d’importantes nouvelles parues en 2007-2008. Il y a plusieurs articles sur l’espace, technologies, l’histoire, découvertes ainsi que sur d’autres événements importants qui ont eu lieu.

Mars in the Morning: Red Planet Grows Brighter

Report suggests Mars microbes overlooked

Two NASA space probes that visited Mars 30 years ago may have stumbled upon alien microbes on the Red Planet and inadvertently killed them, a scientist theorizes in a paper released Sunday.

I have some personal insight on this one. The Viking life sciences experiments found biochemical reactions in the tests, but they eventually stopped. NASA’s official conclusion (not agreed with my many) was that the experiment had detected either a precursor to life or a remnant of life. However, others took the same view expressed in this article; that we had found life, but that the life found could not survive in the particular environment created in the testing setup.

Unearthed Silica Deposits Imply Watery Past for Mars

No Big Bang? Endless Universe Made Possible by New Model

A new cosmological model demonstrates the universe can endlessly expand and contract, providing a rival to Big Bang theories and solving a thorny modern physics problem, according to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill physicists.


No More Black Holes?

If new calculations are correct, the universe just got even stranger. Scientists at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, have constructed mathematical formulas that conclude black holes cannot exist. The findings–if correct–could revolutionize astrophysics and resolve a paradox that has perplexed physicists for 4 decades.

Potentially Habitable Planet Found

Space agency wants ‘Mars’ volunteers

The European Space Agency (ESA), whose operational centre is in Noordwijk, is looking for volunteers to take part in a simulated 500-day journey to Mars. Two of the six volunteers will be Europeans and the experiment will take place in Moscow starting next year.

Water Found in Extrasolar Planet’s Atmosphere

Spacecraft return 3D Sun pictures

The Day the Solar Wind Disappeared

For two days in May, 1999, the solar wind that blows constantly from the Sun virtually disappeared — the most drastic and longest-lasting decrease ever observed.

The marketers have your ear

Advertisers have a new way to get into your head.

Marketers around the world are using innovative audio technology that sends sound in a narrow beam, just like light, making it possible to direct messages right into consumers’ ears while they shop or sit in waiting rooms.

The audio spotlight device, created by Watertown firm Holosonic Research Labs Inc., has been used to hawk everything from cereals in supermarket aisles to glasses at doctor’s offices. The messages are often quick and targeted — and a little creepy to the uninitiated.

Court TV recently installed the audio spotlight in ceilings of bookstores to promote the network’s new murder-mystery show. A voice, whispering, « Hey, you, can you hear me? Do you ever think about murder? » was beamed toward customers as they browsed the mystery section in several independent bookstores in New York.

What If Cold Fusion Is Real?

It was the most notorious scientific experiment in recent memory – in 1989, the two men who claimed to have discovered the energy of the future were condemned as imposters and exiled by their peers. Can it possibly make sense to reopen the cold fusion investigation? A surprising number of researchers already have.

Son of Concorde: New hypersonic airliner will fly to Australia in just over four hours

L’implication de l’ONU dans des crimes de guerre

Pour l’ancien secrétaire général adjoint de l’ONU, Hans Christof von Sponeck, les Nations unies, loin de veiller au respect du droit international et à la consolidation de la paix, sont devenues un facteur d’injustice. Ainsi, les sanctions mises en place contre l’Irak de Saddam Hussein ont provoqué un désastre humanitaire. Tandis que des Traités comme celui de non-prolifération nucléaire sont utilisés pour assurer la domination des uns et menacer les autres. Il est temps de changer complètement de système.

Israelis blast past others in bid to own moon

Italian judge indicts 26 Americans, 5 Italians in alleged CIA kidnapping

Italy’s high court rules that file downloading not a crime if not for profit

Japan says lunar orbiter launch a success

Japan’s probe satellite put into orbit around moon

I wonder if it can spot the Apollo landing sites?

Is Cheney Trying To Break Up Ukraine?

Hezbollah reaches out, says ready for Lebanon settlement

Koreas Agree To End War, Cooperate On Economics

Jesus: Tales from the Crypt

In a new documentary, Producer Cameron and his director, Simcha Jacobovici, make the starting claim that Jesus wasn’t resurrected –the cornerstone of Christian faith– and that his burial cave was discovered near Jerusalem. And, get this, Jesus sired a son with Mary Magdelene.

The religiously deranged are going to have the vapors over this one, but I wish to point out that it was not too long ago that a priest and some nuns crucified another nun in an effort to cure her schizophrenia, and inadvertently validated that it takes several days for a healthy human to die on a cross. Hence, the story of Jesus expiring on the cross in just a few hours is suspect, and in the Bible, even Pontius Pilate (who we presume was an expert on the subject of crucifixion) was suspicious about that!

I greatly enjoyed Cameron’s « Ghosts of the Abyss ». I look forward to seeing what Cameron has done here.

I’ve found the coffin of Jesus, says film director

Global Warming

High-tech tools link T. rex to chickens

One of the very first scientist to describe dinosaurs, Sir Richard Owen, noted the similarity of the pelvis in his fossils to that of birds, and the dissimilarity of the dinosaurs vertical legs to the sprawled legs of other reptiles, yet erroneously insisted they had to be a form of reptile. That early reptilian association persisted for many years until the 1990s when paleontologists built a strong case showing that the nearest living relative to the dinosaurs are the birds. This latest analysis confirms this view of the dino family tree.

Scientology is a government mind control program cleverly masquerading as a “religion” or “church.” It’s the ultimate capitalist religion: pay for self-improvement and spiritual advancement.

ALL Religion is mind control.

Hippity Hoppity…He Has Risen

Another holiday is quickly hopping down the bunny trail. Do you have your eggs ready for a dye job? Jelly beans come in all flavors including the gourmet variety for those whose connection to status fills their Easter baskets. Little sugar chicken peeps beg for teeth to rot. Yes, friends, Easter is coming, the holiday that talks about Jesus’ death and resurrection, Easter bunnies and Easter eggs.

The Hiroshima Myth

Every year during the first two weeks of August the mass news media and many politicians at the national level trot out the « patriotic » political myth that the dropping of the two atomic bombs on Japan in August of 1945 caused them to surrender, and thereby saved the lives of anywhere from five hundred thousand to one million American soldiers.

For all the propaganda about North Korea and Saddam, the fact remains that only one nation has ever actually used nuclear weapons against the civilians of another nation, and that is the United States.

Hiroshima: the pictures they didn’t want us to see

The American occupation forces imposed strict censorship on Japan, prohibiting anything « that might, directly or by inference, disturb public tranquility » and used it to prohibit all pictures of the bombed cities. The pictures remained classified ‘top secret’ for many years. Some of the images have been published later by different means, but it’s not usual to see them all together. This is the horror they didn’t want us to see, and that we must NEVER forget:


When you hear someone prattling on about how great it would be to « nuke » any country which doesn’t agree with us, please make sure they see this.

Also, in the 21st century, the US has exercized very tight censorship about what Americans see on the main stream media regarding the effects of depleted uranium on both the people of Iraq, and our own vets.

One excellent resource, in terms of both articles and pictures, is http://www.uruknet.com.

I must warn you that these images are also very disturbing, and very graphic.

How elephants keep tabs on family

Elephants keep track on up to 30 absent relatives by sniffing out their scent and building up a mental map of where they are, research suggests.

Scientists find over 50 new species of animals in Borneo

Towers point to ancient Sun cult

The Thirteen Towers constitute an ancient solar observatory

The oldest solar observatory in the Americas has been found, suggesting the existence of early, sophisticated Sun cults, scientists report.

It comprises a group of 2,300-year-old structures, known as the Thirteen Towers, which are found in the Chankillo archaeological site, Peru.

Actuel // jetman, jet-man, yves rossy,rossy,yves-rossy,flying man,flyingman,flying-man,skyflyers,pilote,suisse »>Rocket-man … FOR REAL!

Obsédés par le mythe d’Icare les hommes ont tenté de voler comme les oiseaux ; à défaut d’y parvenir, des pionniers ont construit des machines volantes dans lesquelles ils s’enfermaient pour les piloter.

Rise of man theory ‘out by 400,000 years’

Report: U.S. Hits Militants’ Somali Base

« Here a war, there a war, everywhere a war, war. I am the decider! (thump thump) I am the President! »

Pyramid’s Secret Doors to Be Opened

Prosecutors drop charges in Duke case

During the height of the feminist revolution in the 90s, rape became the most falsely reported crime in America, according to the FBI’s Supplementary Crime Statistics.

Push for Blair as new EU president

Tony Blair, the British prime minister, could end up swapping Downing Street for a job as the first full-time European Union president, under a plan being actively touted by Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president.

This tells us all a very great deal about Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president.

Prominent Jews call for open debate on Israel

Martial Law Imposed In China’s Yongzhou, Hunan Province

Mysterious disappearance of US bees creating a buzz

Nicolas Sarkozy, new President of France: Past and Future

In an interview Nicolas Sarkozy gave in 2004, he expressed an extraordinary understanding of the plight of the Jewish people for a home: “Should I remind you the visceral attachment of every Jew to Israel, as a second mother homeland? There is nothing outrageous about it. Every Jew carries within him a fear passed down through generations, and he knows that if one day he will not feel safe in his country, there will always be a place that would welcome him. And this is Israel.” (From the book “La République, les religions, l’espérance”, interviews with Thibaud Collin and Philippe Verdin.)

Ovation for fiery Mahathir’s claim West worse than al-Qaeda

Pope abolishes limbo

Limbo was never in the Bible. It was an invention of the church in the Middle Ages during a time of high infant mortality to make sure new parents rushed down to the church to pay for for a baptism. So now Limbo is gone (except for the dance in the Caribbean), and all of this illustrates that religion is a man-made concoction, not a divinely revealed reality.

Women Who Rape

Zambia loses ‘vulture fund’ case

Vulture funds – as defined by the International Monetary Fund and UK Chancellor Gordon Brown among others – are companies which buy up the debt of poor nations cheaply when it is about to be written off, then sue for the full value of the debt plus interest.

There are concerns that such funds are wiping out the benefits which international debt relief was supposed to bring to poor countries.

There is another story about this further down. In short, President Bush set aside US taxpayer dollars for Zambia (and other African nations). But then Bush’s campaign donors, who bought Zambia’s debt for pennies on the dollar, sue to grab the money before Zambia ever gets to spend even part of it on medicines and infrastructure to end help end poverty.

Vulture funds stealing from the debt relief of 3rd world country

US to sell Taiwan 421 million US dollars worth of missiles

Thousands of birds fall from sky over town

Mayor: Mystery gas-like smell ‘is not dangerous’

Mayor Bloomberg said the city does not know what the puzzling odor wafting over Manhattan and N.J. is, but « it does not appear to be dangerous. »‘

A test run for the  » Al Qaeda Terror Attack » (nudge nudge wink wink) that will launch the invasion of Iran?

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

It is everywhere in the air, the smell of revolution—a world revolution. It has been brewing for a few hundred years, but is now beginning to stink, rank and rotten as those who are at the core of the decay of this nation and many nations around the world.

The cycle of our existence dictates that a new era unfold, ushering us into a new world, not of the order we so often despise and hear about only in the dark corners, in whispers. This order stands watching and waiting at the brink of our earth, her natural selection of our destiny standing close behind her. There is a natural cycle that cannot be avoided. There is this inevitable, long awaited revolution that will usher in the rebirth of our world, a dawning of a new age.

The Voice of the White House for September 29th 2006

Washington, D.C., September 29th 2006: “Some very unhappy people here but not about the mid term elections. It seems that after the Second World War, the Soviets captures all of the records of the Nazi concentration camps…from 1935 to 1945….and put them in their archives in Moscow. Because they pretty much knock a hole in the legend of six millions gassed, Jewish groups pressured Russia not to ever allow any researcher to see or copy any of these and for certain, never to release the contents of these files to anyone, ever. Russians are easy to bribe and apparently someone in the States got the whole file (on microfilm) and there is fury and panic over this. Jewish groups have asked the DoJ to declare these “improperly released” classified documents and grab them. Unfortunately, there is no legal basis for doing this. The original documents were German and the microfilms are Russian, not American. Some of these groups have built up a thriving business on the subject and anything concrete that could sink their boat is something not to put up with. This is a subject that most people don’t care about but to those who do, it is a real bell-ringer. All of this hinges on whether or not the present owner got these legally. If our people can’t prove he didn’t, it looks like fun and games in the History department!”

Then there are the records of the Red Cross which (unlike the US prison camps) were given full access to the German camps, even to the point of having observers permanently stationed at some of the camps, and while their records showed large numbers of deaths from typhoid towards the end of the war, plus executions for criminal actions, the records fail to show any indications of a large-scale organized genocide in the camps.

The Political Economy of Diamonds

A few years before 9/11, the world’s curiously selective conscience was shocked by images from the little West African country of Sierra Leone. There, an insurgent group fond of hacking off hands and feet with machetes funded its war by exploiting slave labor in diamond fields, smuggling gemstones via complicit dealers (Lebanese, naturally) to Liberia, then onto world markets. To horror stories from Sierra Leone (and Liberia) were soon added those from Angola, where the government was locked in a protracted battle with the UNITA guerrilla movement (created and long sustained by the CIA), and from the Congo (AKA Zaire), on which neighboring countries descended in a multisided scramble for spoils after the death of its US-sponsored president-for-life. What to do about African « conflict diamonds » became one of the hottest topics discussed by the New York cognoscenti as they puffed contraband Cuban cigars and sampled poached Russian caviar while seated at tables made from illegally cut Brazilian big-leaf mahogany in dining rooms embellished with looted Egyptian, Greek, and, more recently, Iraqi antiquities. Thus, conflict diamonds (later reincarnated as « blood diamonds, » when the original images started to lose their shock value) were already high on the international agenda before the conveniently timed discovery that behind the trade could be found the evil hand of al-Qaeda.

Thanksgiving What Really Happened?

It was this Mystic River massacre along with 2 other large massacres that had Richard Bellingham the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared it a Thanksgiving. It was George Washington who finally suggested that only one day of Thanksgiving per year be set aside instead of celebrating each and every massacre. Of course they didn’t label them as massacres, they saw them as god assisted triumphs.


The CIA and the Lockerbie Bomb


The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt

He was the ultimate keeper of secrets, lurking in the shadows of American history. He toppled banana republics, planned the Bay of Pigs invasion and led the Watergate break-in. Now he would reveal what he’d always kept hidden: who killed JFK

10 mars 2008

Nouvelles du monde et diverses – partie I

Filed under: Divers,Nouvelles du monde — François M. @ 1:29

Nouvelles du monde et diverses – partie I

Voici une compilation d’importantes nouvelles parues en 2007. Il y a plusieurs articles sur la science, technologies, l’espace et aussi sur des événements importants qui ont eu lieu.

Nothing In This World Is What You Are Being Told

I asked him, he being a retired CIA agent whose path and mine crossed briefly in this life, « If you can’t tell me what you did, can you at least tell me what you learned? » His reply woke me up to what I already knew and suspect most humans know in their hearts who live on this planet, but don’t want to know. He said, « Oh yes, I can surely tell you what I learned…Nothing in this world is as you are being told. »

Nothing in this world is what you are being told. That’s one of life’s bottom line statements if there ever was one. NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS AS YOU ARE BEING TOLD. Let that sink in. If that is so, and I suspect it is, how can this help us go inside for a personal spirituality that works for us and does not need to be based on the illusions that others wish for us to believe.

Technology Runs Amok -Exploring The ‘Singularity’

The point in time when current trends may go wildly off the charts–known as the « Singularity »–is now getting serious attention. What it suggests is that technological change will soon become so rapid that we cannot possibly envision its results.

Technological change isn’t just happening fast. It’s happening at an exponential rate. Contrary to the commonsense, intuitive, linear view, we won’t just experience 100 years of progress in the twenty-first century-it will be more like 20,000 years of progress.

‘We have broken speed of light’

A pair of German physicists claim to have broken the speed of light – an achievement that would undermine our entire understanding of space and time.

According to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, it would require an infinite amount of energy to propel an object at more than 186,000 miles per second.

However, Dr Gunter Nimtz and Dr Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of Koblenz, say they may have breached a key tenet of that theory.

Einstein was right, probe shows

Salt Water Fuel

A Challenge to Gene Theory, a Tougher Look at Biotech

THE $73.5 billion global biotech business may soon have to grapple with a discovery that calls into question the scientific principles on which it was founded.

Last month, a consortium of scientists published findings that challenge the traditional view of how genes function. The exhaustive four-year effort was organized by the United States National Human Genome Research Institute and carried out by 35 groups from 80 organizations around the world. To their surprise, researchers found that the human genome might not be a “tidy collection of independent genes” after all, with each sequence of DNA linked to a single function, such as a predisposition to diabetes or heart disease.

570 km/h train breaks record

AARON RUSSO 1943-2007

We The People Radio Network is sad to announce the passing of our dear friend Aaron Russo. He was a true leader and his gentle approach to film making made his classic « America, From Freedom To Fascism » one of the best films ever to bring awareness to the American public.

Les crimes de Nestlé aux Philippines

McDonald’s serves up ‘Diplomas’

You gotta be kidding me. A degree in Happy Meals?

Redacted Air-Traffic Safety Survey Released

NASA Downplays Pilots’ Complaints About Fatigue, Security

NASA won’t disclose air safety survey

Anxious to avoid upsetting air travelers, NASA is withholding results from an unprecedented national survey of pilots that found safety problems like near collisions and runway interference occur far more frequently than the government previously recognized.

Just last week, NASA ordered the contractor that conducted the survey to purge all related data from its computers.

This is the sort of crap we used to see in the former Soviet Union. They could never fix the problems, so they destroyed the reports.

Fired engineer calls 787’s plastic fuselage unsafe

Forty-six-year veteran Vince Weldon contends that in a crash landing that would be survivable in a metal airplane, the new jet’s innovative composite plastic materials will shatter too easily and burn with toxic fumes. He backs up his views with e-mails from engineering colleagues at Boeing and claims the company isn’t doing enough to test the plane’s crashworthiness.

What Makes Finnish Kids So Smart?

High-school students here rarely get more than a half-hour of homework a night. They have no school uniforms, no honor societies, no valedictorians, no tardy bells and no classes for the gifted. There is little standardized testing, few parents agonize over college and kids don’t start school until age 7.

One aspect of difference is that in Finland, teaching is a profession – not a trade.

In the US, teachers can be horrendous, but because of union regulations, they get passed along from school to school, so that the misery of their inabilities gets passed around, but not eradicated.

Pologne parano

Loi de « lustration », ils l’appellent. C’est-à-dire, selon le dictionnaire : de « purification rituelle ». Ce qui ne manque pas d’avoir, dans ce pays au catholicisme chevillé à l’histoire, une signification forte de repentir et de pénitence. Sept cent mille Polonais devront donc, en vertu de cette loi votée en octobre 2006 et entrée en vigueur le 15 mars dernier, confesser s’ils ont collaboré avec les communistes entre 1945 et 1989. Tous les hauts fonctionnaires, les professeurs, les avocats, les directeurs d’école et les journalistes nés avant août 1972 ont désormais jusqu’au 15 mai pour avouer leur « faute ».

US Army ‘jammed’ Swiss and French satellites

Starwars is a reality – US Army attacked European satellite

The major Swiss newspaper Tagesanzeiger reported Saturday, between the 23rd and 24th of January the Eutelsat Hot Bird 8 satellite was disrupted by the US Army using very powerful radio interference signals from the ground to block all transmissions. The Swiss news organisation SDA and also the French AFP that send their news wire to media outlets over the satellite, plus a number of TV and radio stations where dead for 24 hours. They could not supply their news service to newspapers anymore. The aim of the US Army was to stop the Iraqi al-Zawraa TV channel from broadcasting insurgency videos showing attacks against US forces. But it was a mistaken identity and they targeted the wrong satellite. The US Army got the wrong channel and actually hit the similar sounding Iraqi al-Zahra TV channel. The one they wanted to get, al-Zawraa, never stopped broadcasting because it uses the Arabsat satellite. This action shows, the US military has the means to shutdown every satellite they want.

UK pilots asked to consider “kamikaze” scenario

Royal Air Force pilots were asked by a senior RAF official to consider flying so-called “kamikaze” flights as part of the war on terror, the British defence ministry confirmed on Tuesday.


Iran: U.S. missile defense plan ‘joke’

Rebel deal: Nepal to abolish monarchy

Birth of an island

Did our Solar System once have another planet?

The fiery demise of a fifth rocky planet in our Solar System might have led to a flurry of asteroid impacts that pockmarked the Moon and Earth billions of years ago.

The Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB) is a relatively brief period, about 3.9 billion years ago, when wayward space projectiles heavily pelted the Moon and inner planets. Craters from that chaotic time are still visible on the Moon, but have been erased from Earth, where the crust is continually recycled.

Okay, here is the What Really Happened grand unified theory of the spacey stuff.

4 billion years ago, our sun was 1/2 of a binary star system, which are common in the universe. That is, along with the planets, there was a second star orbiting our sun, or to be more accurate, since this other star was much larger, our sun orbited it. This partner star was about 50 times further away from our sun than Pluto.

3.9 billion years ago, that second star went nova, and blew off a shell of debris which when it raced through our solar system, pockmarked all the planets and moons, and totally destroyed the planet that used to lie between Mars and Jupiter. The expanding shell of gas raced past and today, 3.9 billion years later, forms a very thin planetary nebula which we see as the Cosmic Background Radiation. It must be remembered that what the theory of the Big Bang predicted was a smooth uniform featureless glow in all directions, but what COBE and other instruments actually found is a bubble with obvious structure to it surrounding us on all sides; a planetary nebula as seen from our unique vantage point near its very center.

Somewhere out there in space is the dark and cool remnant of that former partner star, still perturbing the orbits of the planets enough to trigger searches for « hidden planets » from time to time.

Surfer dude stuns physicists with theory of everything

Although the work of 39 year old Garrett Lisi still has a way to go to convince the establishment, let alone match the achievements of Albert Einstein, the two do have one thing in common: Einstein also began his great adventure in theoretical physics while outside the mainstream scientific establishment, working as a patent officer, though failed to achieve the Holy Grail, an overarching explanation to unite all the particles and forces of the cosmos.

The science establishment tends to preserve, protect, indeed even fossilize last year’s concensus opinion (like the Big Bang) while real breakthroughs often come from outside, from people not even considered « real » scientists (just as bloggers were not considered « real » reporters.

Who knows, maybe someday Rivero’s grand unified theory of the solar system (did anyone keep a copy of that?) will be validated!

Voyager 2 probe leaves the neighbourhood

On 30 August, NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft — which has been sailing through space since 1977 — crossed the ‘termination shock’, the boundary between the bubble in space dominated by the solar wind coming from the Sun and the transition region beyond that lies between Earth and interstellar space.

Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes a Record

The Sept. 4 burst, named GRB 050904 for the date it was detected, had a redshift of 6.29, which translates to a distance of about 13 billion light years from Earth. (The universe is thought to be 13.7 billion years old.)

Okay, so we have a game ray burst detected originating from a source 13 billion light years from Earth.

But that is not where it is now, that is where the burst WAS … 13 billion years ago, or 700 million years after the supposed Big Bang.

So, in order for the Big Bang theory to be true, the object that emitted the burst identified as GRB 050904 needed to travel 11 billion light years in only 700 million years, which would require a velocity 18.5 times the speed of light … which is impossible.

QED, there is a major problem wih the theory of he Big Bang.


Frozen sea may harbour Mars life

Astronomers Find a Hole in the Universe

Evidence mounts for sun’s companion star

Here is a theory. The sun once had a companion star, which was much larger, burned through its fuel more quickly, and went nova. Somewhere out there is the dark cooled core of that former nova, still perturbing the orbits of the planets, including the recently discovered Sedna.

Now, one of the pieces of evidence held up in support of the Big Bang (aka God made it happen) theory is the cosmic background radiation.

But the theory of the Big Bang predicted a smooth featureless glow and the Cosmic Background Radiation is not smooth, indeed it has quite a bit of obvious detail to it.

Therefore, what is being detected and misinterpreted as the echo of the Big Bang is actually the remnants of an ancient planetary nebula seen from our unique vantage point near the center.

Dazzling new images reveal the ‘impossible’ on the Sun

Found – The Footprints Of Adam And Eve

New museum says dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark

The Dark Ages have returned.

First Temple seal found in Jerusalem

Given the past record of artifacts either faked or altered to support Israel’s claims regarding the first Temple, caution is warranted. The only two other artifacts purporting to « prove » the existence of Solomon’s Temple, an Ivory pomegranate and a stone tablet recording repairs to the Temple, both have been exposed as fakes. So this seal shows up just in the nick of time. Scholars were starting to ask embarrassing questions such as how there could be no remains of the Temple of Solomon at all, when one can hardly take a step in Egypt without tripping over remains of Egypt’s history of the same time period.

Just looking at the photo,. it appears that the inscription is a different set of tools (and less finished) than the cultic depiction above. This follows the form of the previously known fakes; a genuine artifact with a faked inscription to increase its value. Such fakes are big business in Israel. Only last night the TV program « The Naked archaeologist »: was showing how a Herodian clay oil lamp that sells for $400 will have a menorah added to it by a forger, which will then raise the price to $10,000.

People see what they want to see, and as the pomegranate and Temple tablet (and the James Ossuary) demonstrated, experts WANTED them to be genuine and missed the signs that they were fakes.

Former Catholic Sister Says Even Mother Teresa Is a Fraud

Harry Truman’s Forgotten Diary

After landslide, pro-China Taiwanese eye presidency

Cluster bomb opponents push for ban at Oslo conference

Some countries continue to love cluster bomb weapons, particularly because of what they do to small children.

US rejects ban on cluster bombs

‘Kill Anyone Still Alive’: American Special Ops in Somalia

US gives stark warning to Eritrea

The US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Jendayi Frazer, said the presence of Hassan Dahir Aweys at a meeting in Asmara was further evidence that Eritrea provided sanctuary for terrorists.


« Eritrea’s natural resources include significant reserves of copper. Smaller deposits of gold exist in the highlands near Asmara. More importantly, however, large reserves of petroleum and natural gas are thought to exist off the coast beneath the Red Sea. Eritrea has not been able to secure funds for exploration and without development of those potential resources, the country will be forced to continue importing all of its energy needs. »

Have you ever noticed how many countries accused by the US of « terrorism » seem to be sitting over deposits of something this country needs to keep the wheels of its industry going?

Deadly dirty work in the Philippines


Where the Dead Rot in the Streets: Bush’s Terror War in Somalia Rages On.

113 Somalis killed in 3 days of heavy fighting

Are the Israeli’s Thinking About Capturing David Irving in Budapest?

Budapest under Israeli Occupation?

New French president sails into storm over luxury holiday

Blair believes he does what ‘God’ wants him to do, says diplomat’s wife

Bush Nominates General Who Oversaw Guantanamo Prison To Be Top NATO Commander

Revealed: Poisoned ex-Russian spy Litvinenko WAS a paid-up MI6 agent

The former Russian spy poisoned in a London hotel was an MI6 agent, the Daily Mail can reveal.

Alexander Litvinenko was receiving a retainer of around £2,000 a month from the British security services at the time he was murdered.

The biggest poll debacle in the history of British democracy sees up to one in ten votes thrown out

CIA trying to wreck Malaysia?

Scientology faces criminal charges

A Belgian prosecutor on Tuesday recommended that the U.S.-based Church of Scientology stand trial for fraud and extortion, following a 10-year investigation that concluded the group should be labeled a criminal organization.

One down.

U.N. court finds Srebrenica deaths were genocide

U.S.: Only independent Kosovo can stabilize Balkans

Only independence for Kosovo can bring stability in the Balkans, Condoleezza Rice said Monday.

From:http://www.globalissues.org/Geopolitics/Kosovo/Political.asp »

«  »The determination by the U.S and NATO, at all costs, to occupy Kosovo and virtually all of Yugoslavia, is spurred on by the enticement of abundant natural resources. Kosovo alone has the richest mineral resources in all of Europe west of Russia. The New York Times observed that « the sprawling state-owned Trepca mining complex, the most valuable piece of real estate in the Balkans, is worth at least $5 billion. » producing gold, silver, pure lead, zinc, cadmium, as well as tens of millions of dollars in profits annually. « Kosovo also possesses 17 billion tons of coal reserves and Kosovo (like Serbia and Albania) also has oil reserves. »

So folks, just as with Iraq (and possibly soon, Iran) it all boils down to who controls Kosovo’s resources, period, end of discussion.

Ebola-like virus killing fish in Great Lakes

4 mars 2008

Le Premier ministre du Kosovo, Hashim Thaci appartient à une organisation criminelle

Filed under: Nouvelles du monde — François M. @ 11:43

Kosovo : Les États-Unis et l’Union européenne appuient un processus politique en lien avec le crime organisé

Le Premier ministre du Kosovo, Hashim Thaci appartient à une organisation criminelle

par Michel Chossudovsky

Mondialisation.ca, Le 20 fevrier 2008

Nos orientations sont claires. L’édification de l’État du Kosovo, de son développement économique, la prise de mesures économiques et de bien-être social ainsi que des mesures rigoureuses contre la corruption, le crime organisé et les comportements négatifs. Ainsi, nous pourrons accroître la sécurité et l’intégration du Kosovo à l’intérieur des structures de l’Union européenne.

(Hashim Thaci est président du Parti démocratique du Kosovo (PDK), Premier Ministre du Gouvernement provisoire du Kosovo, ancien leader de l’Armée de Libération du Kosovo et criminel reconnu)

Le PDK, dirigé par Hashim Thaci, ancien Chef de l’Armée de Libération du Kosovo, a pris le contrôle de plusieurs municipalités après la guerre. Le Parti entretient des liens étroits avec le crime organisé dans la province (The Observer, le 29 octobre 2000).

Mr Thaci dont le surnom est «Le Serpent» durant cette période vécue dans l’ALK, est un commandant rebelle âgé de 32 ans, bien vêtu et doté de faibles facultés oratoires; il est en lien avec le crime organisé et est déterminé à préserver les relations entre le Parti et les États-Unis (Le Scotsman, le 20 octobre 2000).

Je reconnais un terroriste et je vois que l’un ou l’autre de ces hommes sont des terroristes (L’envoyé spécial américain et ambassadeur Gelbard).

Hashim Thaci a fondé le «Groupe Drenica», une organisation clandestine que l’on considère avoir contrôlé entre 10 et 15% des activités criminelles du Kosovo (armes de contrebande, vols de voitures, de carburants et de cigarettes et activités liées à la prostitution). L’Encyclopédie libre Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hashim_Thaçi).

Les États-Unis et l’Union européenne donnent leur appui au gouvernement du Kosovo dirigé par un criminel reconnu, le Premier Ministre Hashim Thaci.

Le poste de Premier ministre a été créé dans le cadre des institutions pour la mise en place d’un gouvernement autonome (IPGA) établi par l’administration intérimaire de la Mission des Nations Unies au Kosovo (UNMIK).

Sous le mandat des Nations Unies, les objectifs d’un gouvernement provisoire étaient de «disposer d’un gouvernement démocratique autonome» en attendant une décision concernant le statut politique du Kosovo.

Ce que cela signifie c’est que les Nations Unies ont non seulement établi les bases pour un gouvernement kosovar «indépendant» en violation avec le droit international, mais elles ont mis en place un gouvernement du Kosovo formé par des membres d’une organisation criminelle. Tous ces présidents qui se sont succédés, Ramush Haradinaj, Agim Ceku et Hashim Thaci, sont des criminels de guerre.

Hashim Thaci et le Secrétaire général de l’Union européenne Javier Solana

La Parti démocratique du Kosovo, dirigé par l’ancien commandant de L’Armée de libération du Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, est essentiellement le produit de l’ancienne armée de libération du Kosovo.

Les États-Unis et l’OTAN ont supporté l’Armée de Libération du Kosovo à partir du milieu des années 1990. Dans les années précédant le bombardement de la Yougoslavie en 1999, l’ALK fut appuyée ouvertement par l’Administration Clinton.

Le leader Hashim Thaci fut un protégé de Madeleine Albright. Il fut choisi par Albright pour jouer un rôle clé, au nom de Washington, aux négociations de Rambouillet en 1998.

Madeleine et Hashim

Les liens de l’ALK avec le crime organisé ont été documentés par Interpol et le Congrès américain. Dans un article publié en mai 1999, le Washington Times, décrit l’ALK et ses liens avec l’Administration Clinton de la manière suivante :

Quelques membres de l’Armée de libération du Kosovo (sous la direction du Président actuel du Kosovo, le Premier Ministre Hashim Thaci), dont les efforts de guerre ont été financés par la vente d’héroïne, furent entraînés dans des camps terroristes gérés par le fugitif international Ossama ben Laden – qui était recherché pour les attentats à la bombe perpétrés en 1998 sur deux ambassades américaines en Afrique ayant tué 224 personnes, y compris 12 Étatsuniens.

Appuyés par l’administration Clinton au cours de la campagne de bombardement de 41 jours par l’OTAN afin d’amener le Président yougoslave Slobodan Milosevic à la table des négociations, les membres de l’ALK furent entraînés en secret dans des camps en Afghanistan, en Bosnie-Herzégovine et ailleurs, selon les rapports de renseignements récemment rendus publics.

Ces rapports démontrent également que l’ALK a enrôlé des terroristes islamistes – des membres des Mujahideen en tant que soldats dans les conflits contre la Serbie et plusieurs d’entre eux se sont déjà infiltrés au Kosovo pour se joindre aux combats.

Le document des rapports de renseignements établit un « lien entre Ben Laden, le fugitif saoudien millionnaire et l’ALK – y compris une aire commune d’entraînement à Tropoje, Albanie. Il décrit ce lieu comme étant un centre pour les terroristes islamistes. Les rapports indiquaient que l’organisation de Ben Laden, connue sous le nom de Al-Qaeda, a à la fois entraîné et supporté financièrement l’ALK (Le Washington Times, le 4 mai 1999, voir l’article au complet plus bas).

Le rapport du Christian Science Monitor, le 14 août 2000, décrit ainsi le réseau criminel contrôlé par Thaci :

«La police des Nations Unies soupçonne qu’une bonne part de la violence et de l’intimidation est venue des anciens membres de l’ALK et, surtout, de ceux qui sont les alliés de Hashim Thaci, l’ancien leader de l’ALK le Chef du Parti Démocratique du Kosovo, l’une des ramifications politiques de l’ALK».

Lors d’un incident récent le magasin d’un activiste du LDK dans le village natal de Mr Thaci fut pulvérisé par une mitraillette automatique (après novembre 2007, il y a eu une deuxième attaque).

Le Parti de Thaci avait potentiellement beaucoup à perdre dans les élections pour les postes de magistrat à l’échelon municipal. Après le retrait des forces serbes au cours de l’année dernière, l’ALK occupa les Hôtels de ville et les institutions publiques à travers le Kosovo et établit son propre gouvernement provincial.

Bien que les Nations Unies aient peu à peu affirmé leur autorité et placé des représentants des autres formations politiques dans les gouvernements locaux, d’anciens membres de l’ALK liés aux parti de Thaci continuaient d’exercer, comme à Srbica, un contrôle virtuel complet.

«Ces individus ne vont pas céder le pouvoir aussi facilement», selon Dardan Cashi, un analyste politique du International Crisis Group, une organisation de recherche américaine installée à Pristina.

La police des Nations Unies soupçonne aussi que le crime organisé est impliqué dans certaines actes de violence. Elle affirme que les groupes criminels travaillant dans le racket, la contrebande et la prostitution entretenaient des liens étroits avec quelques membres du pouvoir. La perspective de perdre ces connections et les revenus qu’elles pourraient générer pouvait les rendre moins enclins à collaborer avec le LDK.

Les officiels indiquent que le problème est pire dans la région de Drenica au Kosovo, le foyer des opérations de l’ALK et le bastion du parti de Thaci. Srbica, là où Koci est le président local du LDK, est l’une des principales villes de la région de Drenica (on insiste ici sur ce point).

La Fondation du Patrimoine : Un support à l’ALK et au PDK, sans égards à leurs connections criminelles.

La Fondation du Patrimoine, dans un rapport rendu public en mai 1999, reconnaît que l’ALK est une organisation criminelle. Elle demande quand même à l’Administration Clinton d’appuyer l’ALK.

Est-ce que les États-Unis devaient consolider le potentiel militaire face au régime brutal de Milosevic, en dépit de ses racines et de ses liens apparents avec le crime organisé?… L’ALK ne représente aucun groupe qui cherche à mettre un terme à la campagne brutale de Milosevic et cette armée est connue comme ayant commis elle-même des atrocités; elle est la force de résistance la plus significative aux actes d’agression perpétrés au Kosovo par la Yougoslavie. De plus, l’ampleur et la portée de ses crimes ont été minimisées par une campagne systématique de terreur lancée par les militaires, les forces paramilitaires et la police yougoslaves à l’intérieur du Kosovo. Ce que Washington n’a pas cessé de faire depuis la guerre de 1999 (Rapport de la Fondation du Patrimoine, le 13 mai 1999).

En mettant à l’écart l’ALK, les États-Unis pourraient être privés des bénéfices tirés des forces de la résistance. Celles-ci pourraient augmenter les pressions sur Milosevic afin qu’il négocie un règlement (Ibid).

La Fondation du Patrimoine appuie le Parti Démocratique du Kosovo (PDK) qui est formé par d’anciens membres de l’ALK.

Le PDK a maintenu ses liens avec le crime organisé. Cette position donne une bonne idée de l’attitude de la «communauté internationale» dans ses relations avec le Kosovo. Plus récemment, la Fondation du Patrimoine, qui joue un rôle d’arrière-scène dans la formulation de la politique étrangère américaine, a exercé des pressions pour l’«indépendance» du Kosovo.

Hashim Thaci en compagnie d’un autre criminel de guerre, Tony Blair

La preuve est claire, le Premier ministre du Kosovo n’a jamais coupé ses liens avec le crime organisé.

Un criminel connu est protégé par les Nations Unies. Il fut arrêté à Budapest en juillet 2003 sous un mandat d’Interpol et il fut immédiatement relâché à la suite d’une demande formulée par la Mission des Nations Unies au Kosovo (UNMIK). Cela n’est pas un incident isolé. Il y a des preuves que la Mission des Nations Unies et sa force de police internationale ont protégé l’ancienne ALK, qui, dans le cadre des bombardements menés par l’OTAN en 1999, fut rebaptisée le Corps de Protection du Kosovo (CPK) avec un mandat formel des Nations Unies.

Selon le Ministre serbe de la Justice Vladan Batic, « la poursuite devant le tribunal des crimes de guerre de La Haye contient plus de 40 000 pages de preuves contre l’ancien leader de l’Armée de Libération du Kosovo, Hashim Thaci. » (cité par Raido B92, Belgrade, le 3 juillet 2003).

En avril 2000, la Secrétaire d’État Madeleine Albright «donne l’ordre à la Procureure en chef Carla Del Ponte de retirer de la liste des suspects de crimes de guerre Hashim Thaci» (Tanjug, le 6 mai 2000). Carla Del Ponte, par la suite, déclara qu’il n’y avait pas assez de preuves pour accuser Thaci de crimes de guerre.

On peut dire qu’en général la Mission des Nations Unies a agi comme un accessoire dans la protection d’une organisation criminelle.

En novembre 2003, des poursuites au criminel contre d’anciens commandants de l’ALK furent enclenchées à Belgrade. Ces poursuites incluaient Hashim Thaci, Agim Ceku et Ramush Haradinaj. Les noms de ces deux derniers apparaissent sur les listes d’Interpol.

Agim Ceku

Agim Ceku est connu pour avoir commis des crimes de guerre de grande ampleur dans la région de Krajina en Croatie au milieu des années 1990 tels que le massacre et le nettoyage ethnique de la population serbe. Il fut brigadier général dans l’Armée de Croatie et un acteur clé de l’Opération Storm, qui a conduit à l’expulsion de quelques centaines de milliers de Serbes de la région de Krajina en Croatie. En 1999, il fut nommé Commandant de l’ALK avec la bénédiction des États-Unis et de l’OTAN. Il fut ensuite désigné Commandant du Corps de Protection du Kosovo (KPC) commandité par les Nations Unies (sur la liste de paye) et devint Premier Ministre du Kosovo en 2006, étant remplacé ensuite par Hashim Traci, l’actuel Premier ministre du Kosovo et il a continué d’entretenir des liens avec le crime organisé. Selon l’Observer de Londres, le Corps de Protection du Kosovo, dirigé par Ceku, a été impliqué autant dans des actes de torture que dans la protection de la prostitution au Kosovo (Le 14 mars 2000, Atlanta Journal-Constitution).

De gauche à droite : Hashim Thaci, Bernard Kouchner, le Général Michael Jackson, Agim Ceku et le Général Westlay Clarke

Condoleeza Rica rencontre le Président du Kosovo Fatmir Sejdiu et le Premier Ministre Agim Ceku (à gauche)

Les médias occidentaux : Désinformation concernant la nature du gouvernement du Kososo

Le gouvernement du Kosovo est lié au crime organisé impliqué dans le trafic des stupéfiants et le trafic humain.

Le fait que les trois Premiers ministres du Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, Agim Ceku et Hashim Thaci soient des criminels de guerre n’a pas été reconnu dans les rapports de presse récents diffusés en marge de l’indépendance du Kosovo.

L’Union européenne et les États-Unis appuient ainsi la criminalisation des politiques du Kosovo..

Nous portons à l’attention de nos lecteurs deux articles publiés dans le Washington Times.

Le premier qui fut publié en mai 1999 décrit l’ALK comme une organisation criminelle. Le second paru en février 2008 souligne le rôle du Premier ministre Hashim Thaci, «un ancien criminel» dans le processus de l’obtention par le Kosovo de son indépendance.

Les rebelles de l’ALK s’entraînent dans des camps terroristes

Par Jerry Seper


Le 4 mai 1999

Quelques membres de l’Armée de libération du Kosovo (dirigés par l’actuel Premier ministre du Kosovo Hashim Thaci et qui a financé sa guerre avec la vente d’héroïne), furent entraînés dans des camps terroristes dirigés par le fugitif Oussama ben Laden – qui est recherché pour le bombardement en 1998 des deux ambassades étatsuniennes en Afrique causant la mort de 224 personnes y compris 12 américains.

Les membres de l’ALK, appuyés par l’administration Clinton au cours de la campagne de bombardement de 41 jours pour amener le Président yougoslave, Slobodan Milosevic, à la table des négociations furent entraînés dans des camps clandestins en Afghanistan, en Bosnie-Herzégovine et ailleurs selon les rapports de renseignements récemment rendus publics.

Les rapports démontrent aussi que l’ALK a enrôlé des terroristes islamistes, des membres des Mujahideen – en tant que soldats dans les divers conflits contre la Servie-, et que plusieurs d’entre eux été mobilisés pour se joindre aux combats au Kosovo.

Connue par ses concitoyens comme le Ushtria Clirimatare et Kosovoes, l’ALK compte plus de 30 000 membres, des effectifs en augmentation constante résultant de la campagne continuelle de bombardements de l’OTAN. Le leader du groupe, y compris Agim Ceku, un ancien brigadier général de l’armée, est rapidement devenu une force politique et militaire dans les Balkans.

Le document des rapports de renseignements établit un «lien entre Ben Laden, le fugitif saoudien millionnaire et l’ALK – y compris une aire commune d’entraînement à Tropoje, Albanie, un centre pour les terroristes islamistes. Les rapports indiquaient que l’organisation de Ben Laden, connue sous le nom de Al-Qaeda, a à la fois entraîné et supporté financièrement l’ALK.

Plusieurs mouvements migratoires ont passé la frontière vers le Kosovo par l’entremise de «combattants étrangers». Selon des faits documentés, ces «combattants étrangers» comprennent des vétérans du groupe militant du Jihad islamique de Bosnie, de Tchéchénie et de l’Afghanistan. Plusieurs mouvements transfrontaliers se firent à partir de l’Albanie voisine et, selon les rapports, correspondaient à des groupes d’une cinquantaine d’hommes.

La Jane’s International Defense Review, un magazine britannique très respecté, rapporta en février des documents retrouvés l’année dernière sur le corps d’un membre de l’Armée de libération du Kosovo. Ces documents démontraient que l’individu avait escorté différents volontaires à l’intérieur du Kosovo, y compris plus d’une douzaine de ressortissants de l’Arabie saoudite. Chaque volontaire avait un passeport l’identifiant comme un Albanais macédonien.

Ben Laden et ses commandant militaire, Mohammed Atef, furent inscrits dans un acte d’accusation fédéral émis en novembre à New York en rapport avec les explosions simultanées du 7 août dans les ambassades des États-Unis à Nairobi, au Kenya et à Dar es Salaam en Tanzanie. L’acte accusait les deux hommes d’avoir dirigé les attaques ayant blessé plus de 5000 personnes.

L’acte d’accusation précisait que Ben Laden, travaillant pour al-Qaeda, formait des alliances avec des officiels du gouvernement en Iran, le Front national islamique au Soudan et avec une organisation terroriste iranienne connue comme le Hezbollah. Il fut accusé au début de 1990 pour ses présumées activités terroristes par un grand jury fédéral .

On croit qu’Al-Qaeda a ciblé les ambassades des États-Unis et les soldats étatsuniens cantonnés en Arabie saoudite et en Somalie. L’organisation est aussi accusée d’accueillir et d’entraîner des terroristes, et de faire des levées de fonds pour supporter leurs causes.

Le Département d’État, tout comme d’autres agences fédérales, offrit l’an dernier une récompense de cinq millions de dollars pour toute information pouvant conduire à l’arrestation et la condammation des deux hommes. Après les attentats, M. Clinton ordonna en représaille une attaque sur les bases d’entraînement contrôlées par Ben Laden en Afghanistan et sur une usine chimique près de Khartoum, au Soudan.

L’année dernière (1998), des porte-parole officiels du département d’États qualifièrent l’ALK comme étant une organisation terroriste affirmant que celle-ci était financée par le commerce de l’héroïne et par des prêts provenant des groupes terroristes connus (icluant celui de Ben Laden). Le département d’État a listé ces groupes parmi les organisations d’«insurrection» dans ses rapports officiels. Les porte-parole officiels accusèrent l’ALK d’utiliser des tactiques terroristes pour prendre d’assault les Serbes et les populations civiles albanaises dans le cadre d’une campagne pour accéder à l’indépendance.

L¹implication de l’ALK dans la contrebande de stupéfiants en tant qu¹élément générateur de fonds pour l’achat d’armes remontent à plusieurs années. Les documents de renseignements montrent que l’ALK s’est liée avec un réseau important du crime organisé en Albanie. Ce réseau vendait de l’héroïne de contrebande à des acheteurs en Europe de l’Ouest et aux États-Unis. Des agences antidrogue de cinq pays croient croient que ce cartel est l’une des plus puissantes organisations de contrebande d’héroïne dans le monde.

Les documents montrant que l’héroïne et la cocaïne sont transportées par terre et par mer à partir de la Turquie, à travers l’Albanie, la Grèce et la Yougoslavie vers l’Europe de l’Ouest et vers d’autres destinations. Ce parcours est connu sous le nom de « la Route des Balkans ».

Le U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration indiquait dans un rapport paru récemment que les organisations de contrebande de stupéfiants composées d’Albanais du Kossovo étaient considérées « les deuxièmes plus importants contrebandiers d’héroïne, après les organisations turcques, sur la Route des Balkans ».

Les représentants d’Interpol en Grèce ont décrit les Albanais du Kosovo comme «les principales sources d’approvisionnement de la cocaìne et de l’héroìne dans ce pays».

L’Observatoire géopolitique des Drogues de la France rapportait que l’ALK fut le joueur clé dans l’expansion rapide des entreprises stupéfiants pour armements et qu’elle a contribué au transport de drogues pour une valeur de deux milliards de dollars à chaque année vers l’Europe de l’Ouest.

Des agents des drogues allemands ont rapporté que des profits de l’ordre de 1.5 milliard de dollars sont réalisés à chaque année par les contrebandiers kosovars par le truchement de plus de 200 banques ou de bureaux de change privés.

E mars 1999, la Revue de renseignements Jane a estimé que les ventes de stupéfiants ont pu permettre à l’ALK d’engranger des profits estimés à des niveaux correspondant à des « dizaines de millions de dollar s». Elle ajoutait que l’ALK s’est réarmée dans le but d’une offensive devant avoir lieu au printemps et ceci avec l’aide de l’argent de la drogue, et des dons en provenance des Albanais de l’Europe de l’Ouest et des Etats-Unis.

L’ALK a été identifiée comme une organisation terroriste par l’envoyé spécial étatsunien Robert Gelbard.

Publié à Washington, D.c., 5am – 4 mai 1999


L’indépendance du Kosovo telle que perçue le 17 février par Dusan Stojanovic

9 février 2008


Slobodan Samardzic, le ministre de Serbie pour le Kosovo, déclara hier que le gouvernement a reçu des informations indiquant que les dirigeants de la province albanaise du Kosovo allaient bientôt proclamer «illégalement» l’indépendance

BELGRADE, Serbie (AP) — Le ministre serbe pour le Kosovo déclara hier que son gouvernement a appris que les dirigeants de la province ethnique d’Albanie proclameront l’indépendance le 17 février. Les diplomates occidentaux s’attendaient à que cela se fasse un jour plus tard.

Slobodan Samrdzic déclara que le gouvernement de la Serbie a reçu des informations pertinentes selon lesquelles «le gouvernement du Kosovo proclamera «illégalement» l’indépendance unilatérale du Kosovo dimanche le 17 février. Il ne donna pas la source de ces informations et Belgrade est demeurée violemment opposée à la perte de la province.

Les leaders de l’Albanie ethnique du Kosovo ont dit que la proclamation de l’indépendance de la Serbie n’était qu’«une question de jours», mais ils n’ont jamais donné la date précise. La Serbie voit la province comme le berceau de la nation et l’expression d’une colère nationaliste qui a augmenté avec l’approche de la déclaration de l’indépendance.

Le Premier Ministre du Kosovo Hashim Thaci (ancien leader de l’ALK) ne ferait pas de commentaires le 17 février, mais insisterait sur le fait que la séparation du Kosovo de la Serbie constitue une «bonne affaire».

« Je peux seulement confirmer que nous avons la confirmation de quelques 100 états qui ont dit qu’ils sont prêts à reconnaître l’indépendance du Kosovo» déclara Monsieur Thaci dans la capitale kosovare, Pristina.

À Munich, le Président Serbe Boris Tadic, considéré comme un pro occidental relativement modéré, déclara qu’une conférence sur la sécurité ne serait pas gagnante pour personne si les leaders du Kosovo mettaient de la pression sans vouloir négocier une entente.

«Si de telles négociations ne se produisent pas, j’ai peur que les trois partis finissent par en payer le gros prix» s’est exprimé Mr Tadic en se référant aux Albanais du Kosovo, la Serbie et la communauté internationale. «C’est qu’aucun d’entre nous n’en a les moyens».

L ‘évêque Artemije, leader spirituel la minorité orthodoxe serbe du Kosovo, déclara que sa communauté ne reconnaîtrait pas une déclaration d’indépendance de Pristina et resterait loyale à Belgrade.

«L’indépendance n’est pas seulement la seule option» dit-il dans une interview accordée au Washington Times lors d’une visite au U.S. cette semaine. L’Occident nous demande des compromis, mais le seul choix que nous avons est la capitulation».

Le porte-parole du Département d’État Tom Casey déclara hier que l’Administration Bush voulait voir le statut final du Kosovo « réglé et réglé dans un avenir pas trop éloigné ».

Mais, il dit qu’il ne pouvait pas discuter des « intentions de la classe dirigeante en Serbie ou au Kosovo ».

Le principal allié de la Serbie, la Russie, s’oppose à l’indépendance en alléguant que cela serait un précédent à l’échelle mondiale. D’autre États de l’Union européenne, y compris la Roumanie et Chypre, ont aussi des réserves, craignant que cela pourrait provoquer de nouvelles violences ethniques dans les Balkans et encouragerait d’autres mouvements séparatistes.

Cependant, on s’attend à ce que les État-Unis et une nette majorité des nations de l’Union européenne apportent leur soutien à la création de la nation du Kosovo en disant que cette province du sud placée sous la gouverne des Nations Unies comporte une population de deux millions d’Albanais, représentant la grande majorité et méritant ainsi d’être indépendant de Belgrade.

Alors que les tensions nationalistes s’intensifiaient, une explosion se produisit dans un centre commercial hier en Serbie. Il n’y eut aucun blessé et les dommages sont considérées mineurs.

La déclaration de Monsieur Samardzic fut rendue publique après la réunion tenue avec un officiel senior de l’Union européenne, Stefan Lehne, qui s’est rendu à Belgrade pour clarifier un plan d’ensemble à transmettre à une mission politique et administrative de l’Union européenne devant se rendre au Kosovo.

La Serbie a rejeté la mission en disant qu’elle serait le prélude de l’indépendance de la province.

• Le membre du personnel David R. Sands a apporté sa contribution à ce reportage en provenance de Washington.

Article original en anglais, Global Research/Mondialisation, le 12 février 2008 :

Traduction: Jules Dufour pour Mondialisation.

Michel Chossudovsky est l’auteur du best-seller international The Globalization of Poverty (titre français: « La mondialisation de la pauvreté», éd. Écosociété) qui a été publié en 11 langues. Il est professeur d’économie à l’Université d’Ottawa, Canada, et directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation. Il collabore également à l’Encyclopaedia Britannica. Son dernier ouvrage est intitulé America`s War on terrorism, 2005. Il est l’auteur de Guerre et mondialisation, La vérité derrière le 11 septembre (http://www.ecosociete.org/t065.php) et de la Mondialisation de la pauvreté et nouvel ordre mondial (http://www.ecosociete.org/t041.php).

Articles de Michel Chossudovsky publiés par Mondialisation.ca

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Centre for Research on Globalization. To become a Member of Global Research The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG) at http://www.globalresearch.ca grants permission to cross-post original Global Research articles in their entirety, or any portions thereof, on community internet sites, as long as the text & title are not modified. The source must be acknowledged and an active URL hyperlink address to the original CRG article must be indicated. The author’s copyright note must be displayed. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: crgeditor@yahoo.com www.globalresearch.ca contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of « fair use » in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than « fair use » you must request permission from the copyright owner. To express your opinion on this article, join the discussion at Global Research’s News and Discussion Forum For media inquiries: crgeditor@yahoo.com © Copyright Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, 2008 The url address of this article is: www.mondialisation.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8138

L’impact économique des bouleversements politiques au Kosovo

Entrevue radio avec Michel Chossudovsky

par Graveline Caroline

Mondialisation.ca, Le 19 fevrier 2008

L’heure des comptes, Radio-Canada.ca

Pour écouter l’entrevue de Caroline Graveline avec Michel Chossudovsky, cliquez sur le lien ici et allez à 2:48 minutes.

23 février 2008

Sarkozy décore Desmarais, son riche et discret ami canadien

Filed under: Nouvelles du monde,Québec — François M. @ 10:53

Sarkozy décore Desmarais, son riche et discret ami canadien

Par Florent Daudens (Journaliste)

(De Montréal) La Légion d’honneur compte un nouveau grand’croix, sa plus haute distinction: Nicolas Sarkozy a décoré vendredi le Canadien Paul Desmarais. Selon les chiffres de 2000, seules 61 personnes possèdent cette médaille. Méconnu des Français, c’est pourtant « en partie grâce à Desmarais » que Nicolas Sarkozy est aujourd’hui à l’Elysée, de l’aveu même du Président.

L’homme d’affaires de 81 ans incarne le rêve américain, version canadienne: après avoir racheté une compagnie d’autobus en faillite pour un dollar à 24 ans, il a bâti un empire industriel et financier pour devenir la cinquième fortune du pays.

Une « ascension prodigieuse », selon les termes du président de la République, pour celui qui s’est aujourd’hui retiré des affaires après avoir passé les rênes de Power Corporation, sa société, à ses deux fils.

C’est aussi l’homme qui s’était dit, en parlant de Nicolas Sarkozy: « c’est quelqu’un qui serait bien pour la France », comme le rapporte le quotidien La Presse. Le principal intéressé a évoqué ce soutien lors de la cérémonie de vendredi:

« Si je suis aujourd’hui président, je le dois en partie aux conseils, à l’amitié et à la fidélité de Paul Desmarais. »

Les deux hommes se connaissent depuis 1995. A l’époque, Sarkozy était au fond du trou, écarté de la Chiraquie après l’échec de la candidature d’Edouard Balladur aux présidentielles.

« Un homme m’a invité au Québec dans sa famille. Nous marchions de longues heures en forêt, et il me disait: il faut que tu t’accroches, tu vas y arriver, il faut que nous bâtissions une stratégie pour toi. »

Il a depuis séjourné plusieurs fois au domaine de Sagard, 75 km2 au coeur du Québec, propriété de la famille Desmarais. Le terrain, qui compte 32 lacs, doit son nom à un missionnaire français du XVIIème. Desmarais comptait aussi parmi les invités de la soirée au Fouquet’s sur les Champs-Elysées au soir de l’élection du président, le 6 mai 2007.

Au Canada, les Desmarais ont soutenu plusieurs premiers ministres : Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Brian Mulroney, puis Jean Chrétien (dont la fille, France, est mariée avec le cadet, André Desmarais) et Paul Martin. Ce dernier a d’ailleurs été vice-président de Power Corporation avant de se lancer en politique.

La famille ne s’en cache pas, elle défend l’unité canadienne et s’oppose au mouvement souverainiste du Québec. L’actuel Premier ministre, Stephen Harper, n’entretient pas de liens avec eux.

La famille Desmarais au coeur de la fusion GDF-Suez

Mais la famille s’intéresse de plus en plus à l’Hexagone. Avec son partenaire de toujours, Albert Frère, elle se retrouvera au coeur de la fusion -en attente- de GDF et Suez.

Les Desmarais et Frère possèdent 9,5% du capital de Suez et 13,2% des droits de vote, par l’intermédiaire du Groupe Bruxelles Lambert (GBL), ce qui en fait son principal actionnaire.

GBL s’intègre dans une lignée de holdings contrôlés par les deux familles: Parjointco constitue la clé de voûte de leurs investissements, qui chapeaute lui-même un nom plus connu dans les milieux financiers, Pargesa.

Dans la nouvelle entité GDF-Suez, la participation de GBL pourrait augmenter, comme Albert Frère le laissait entendre dans une interview à L’Expansion. Le duo canado-belge a les moyens de ses ambitions, après avoir regarni les coffres au mois de mai avec le rachat, par Bertelsmann des parts que GBL détenait dans le groupe de médias allemand. Montant de la transaction: 4,5 milliards d’euros, dont 2,4 milliards de plus-values.

La fusion apportera un autre fruit à GBL: le département environnement de Suez (gestion de l’eau, traitement des déchets…). Albert frère et son partenaire canadiens comptent parmi les grands gagnants de l’opération.

La famille Desmarais étant plutôt discrète, Frère s’est prononcé pour deux sur la place publique, en faveur de la fusion Suez-GDF. Un avis que ne partageait pas Nicolas Sarkozy avant son élection, essentiellement pour des raisons politiques.

Autour de la table du Fouquet’s

D’accord ou pas, Albert Frère et Paul Desmarais étaient sur la liste des convives au Fouquet’s, le soir du 6 mai. Desmarais aurait ramassé l’addition, évoque Paul Wells, de Maclean’s. Faut-il voir l’explication du changement de cap de Nicolas Sarkozy dans le dossier GDF-Suez dans ces relations? Le journaliste canadien reste prudent:

« Impossible de faire un lien direct entre le penchant démontré de Desmarais pour Sarkozy et n’importe quelle politique du Président. Le carnet d’adresse de Sarkozy est simplement trop épais pour ça. »

Quant au carnet d’adresses des Desmarais, il n’a rien à envier à celui du Président. La Presse donnait plusieurs noms connus parmi les invités de la cérémonie de remise de la grand’croix, vendredi: Bernard Arnault, Martin Bouygues, Serge Dassault. Les deux fils Desmarais, André et Paul Jr participaient aussi à la cérémonie privée organisée au grand salon de l’Elysée, aux côtés du Premier ministre du Québec, Jean Charest – « en voyage privé »-, sans oublier Albert Frère.

De quoi illustrer les nombreux liens qu’ont tissés les Desmarais avec le capital français. L’Express dressait récemment le portrait de l’un des deux fils Desmarais, Paul Jr, coiffé du titre: « Comment il a conquis Paris ».

On y apprend que l’héritier fréquente les Peugeot, Rothschild, Dassault, Wendel, mais aussi Philippe Labro, Christine Ockrent, Maurice Druon et autres. Les relations d’affaires sont nombreuses au sein des dirigeants du CAC 40, comme l’atteste la présence du président de Suez, Gérard Mestrallet au conseil d’administration de Pargesa.

Des actions dans Total, Lafarge, Pernod-Ricard…

Le groupe GBL, dont Frère et Desmarais possèdent 50,1% des droits de vote, détient également 3,9% de Total, ce qui vaut un siège au conseil d’administration à Paul Jr.

Celui qui s’occupe des affaires de la famille en Europe peut y croiser le président de BNP Paribas, Michel Pébereau, qui siège aussi sur celui de Pargesa. La banque détient 14,6% des actions de Pargesa et 21,3% des droits de vote.

Les deux familles sont aussi majoritaires dans la minière française Imerys par une participation croisée entre Pargesa et GBL. A cela s’ajoute une participation de 17,3% dans l’entreprise de matériaux de construction Lafarge, 6,2% dans Pernod Ricard et 3% dans Iberdrola, producteur espagnol d’énergie éolienne.

Du côté canadien, la société Power Corporation gère 250 milliards d’euros d’actifs et détient plusieurs compagnies d’assurances. Elle vient d’avaler Putnam Investments Trust, une société de gestion de placements américaine qui gère 160 milliards d’actifs. Le holding détient aussi Gesca, un groupe de médias qui imprime neuf quotidiens au Québec, dont La Presse.

Et pour qui doute encore de l’intérêt de la famille Desmarais pour la France, Paul Jr a aussi créé les fonds de capital-investissement Sagard I et II, baptisés du nom de leur domaine familial. Le portefeuille, vieux de quatre ans, représente 1,6 milliard d’euros, et investit principalement dans l’Hexagone. La France pourrait donc voir plus souvent l’ours polaire, symbole du fonds. Le site Internet donne d’ailleurs le ton:

« On lui reconnaît une grande habilité à la chasse et un vrai talent dans l’éducation de sa descendance. »

Les Desmarais et le
capitalisme français

1979 Paul Desmarais investit dans Paribas. Albert Frère siège à l’époque sur le conseil d’administration de la banque et celui de sa filiale belge, Copebas.

1981 Frère et Desmarais embarquent dans l’opération « Arche de Noé » pour contrer la nationalisation de la banque par François Mitterrand.
Ils injectent 440 milions dans la suisse Pargesa. L’opération échoue (non sans profit), mais le duo a acquis un puissant levier financier avec Pargesa.

1990 Le duo créé Parjointco, partagé moitié-moitié par l’intermédiaire des groupes Frère-Bourgeois et Power Corporation du Canada. Enregistré aux Pays-Bas, il détient aujourd’hui 54,1% de Pargesa (et 67% des droits de vote) qui possède lui-même 48,3% du capital de GBL (et 50,1% des droits de vote).

Sarkozy a bel et bien changé

Sarkozy a bel et bien changé
by jeanphilippeflechard

De Paul DESMARAIS à Nicolas SARKOZY : « Lâche pas mon NIC, tu vas les AVOIR! » (Conseil d’un AMI Fidèle qui te veut du BIEN)

Par valy1974 , le 21/02/2008

De Paul DESMARAIS à nicolas-sarkozy Nicolas SARKOZY : « Lâche pas mon NIC, tu vas les AVOIR! »

– Conseil d’un AMI fidèle qui te veut du BIEN!-


Au FOUQUET’S, Mr DESMARAIS était de la Fête!

« Un cousin québécois » narre l’histoire de ce puissant HOMME d’AFFAIRES, Paul DESMARAIS qui s’est vu recevoir la « GRAND’ CROIX de la LEGION d’HONNEUR de FRANCE »!

Pourquoi? Il a encouragé N. SARKOZY et faisait évidemment partie des « AMIS » du FOUQUET’S!

La GRATITUDE est une « vertu morale » mais?

Mr Paul DESMARAIS possède un modeste domaine , » Le SAGARD » , dans cette région idyllique du QUEBEC, le CHARLEVOIX!

SOURCE : « BLOG de Pascal HENRARD ».

Une nouvelle passée inaperçue :

« Grand’Croix  » de la LEGION d’HONNEUR pour Paul DESMARAIS.

Croix de vermeil portée en écharpe et plaque en vermeil portée sur le côté gauche de la poitrine.

 » On va encore parler de Sarkozy. Mais cette fois, il y a une bonne raison. Le mari de Carla Bruni vient en effet de décorer son ami québécois Paul Desmarais. Ça devrait vous réjouir qu’un discret millionnaire bien de chez nous reçoive une jolie médaille du président français. Ça devrait aussi titiller votre curiosité. On en a pourtant peu parlé.
Paul Desmarais obtient donc la très rare et très convoitée Grand’Croix, la plus haute distinction française. Avant lui, quelques personnalités comme Alexandre de Russie, Gustave Eiffel, Lech Walesa ou l’abbé Pierre ont également pu s’afficher avec l’écharpe suspendue à un large ruban rouge qui passe sur l’épaule droite et se porte bien dans les soirées mondaines.
D’après nos informations, il y auraient actuellement seulement 61 «élus» qui auraient cette médaille et chaque année, le président français ne l’accorde qu’à deux étrangers qui ont rendu des services exceptionnels aux Français.
Alors, pourquoi un homme d’affaires québécois parmi les plus riches au pays mériterait-il la plus jolie médaille de l’hexagone?
C’est Nicolas Sarkozy lui-même qui dévoile les raisons de cette faveur présidentielle. Le chef de l’État français a en effet reconnu que s’il était président, c’était dû aux conseils, à l’amitié et à la fidélité de Paul Desmarais. Qu’a donc fait celui qui possède une grande partie de Charlevoix pour que le petit Nicolas devienne le grand guignol de l’info que nous connaissons aujourd’hui?
Desmarais aurait dit à Sarkozy: «Lâche pas mon Nic, tu vas les avoir.» Il n’en a pas fallu plus pour que l’ancien ministre abandonné par Chirac reprenne du poil de la bête et se lance dans une bataille qui s’est terminée, comme vous le savez les fesses sur le trône de l’Élysée et le reste dans le lit de Carla Bruni.
l faut savoir que Sarko est un habitué du domaine de Sagard, la modeste propriété que possède la famille Desmarais dans Charlevoix. La petite terre qui a coûté la somme mirobolante de 1 $ à Desmarais et qui fait à peine 75 km carrés compte pas moins de 32 lacs, une faisanderie et un parcours de golf de neuf trous. Elle reçoit ses invités venus de Washington, de Paris, de Londres ou plus humblement d’Ottawa à l’aéroport de Saint Irénée retapé grâce aux subventions fédérales. Selon nos sources, des avions arroseraient abondamment la région afin d’en éliminer les « BIBITTES » qui dérangent tant les touristes en été.
Il faut rappeler que la famille Desmarais au Canada est très liée au pouvoir. Elle a appuyée Pierre Elliott Trudeau, soutenu Brian Mulroney, épousé la fille de Jean Chrétien et donné une job à Paul Martin. Il n’est pas étonnant qu’elle ait appuyé le président de la France où elle a pas de plus en plus de bidoux investis dans des affaires comme Total, Gaz de France (partenaire du fumeux projet Rabaska) ou Suez.
C’est fou comme l’argent attire l’or et le cash attire les récompenses. Reste maintenant à savoir ce qu’il y a au revers de cette médaille.
Les millionnaires reçoivent des distinctions et les producteurs de lait vont en prison. Elle est pas belle la vie? »

Publié par Pascal HENRARD.

Charest reçu par Sarkozy, la Légion d’honneur pour Paul Desmarais

30 janvier 2008

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 31 janvier 2008: Sibel Edmonds, économie, Moyen-Orient

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet,Nouvelles du monde — François M. @ 9:00

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 31 janvier 2008: Sibel Edmonds, économie, Moyen-Orient

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 31 janvier 2008

60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…”

– Tour du monde avec Les Nouvelles Internationales: Nouvel alignement des pays arabes, siège israélien de la bande de Gaza, les 935 mensonges du régime Bush, corporatisme et militarisme, fascisme, et plus…

– Économie américaine en banqueroute: on vous impose une taxe cachée à travers l’essence

– Dossiers spéciaux: Sibel Edmonds – On a vendu des secrets nucléaires au plus offrant à travers un réseau clandestin impliquant États-Unis, Israël, Pakistan et Turquie, entre autres.


Il serait plus approprié d’appeler le fascisme Corporatisme parce qu’il est en fait la jonction du pouvoir d’état avec celui du corporatisme.

« Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power. »

– Attributed to Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Fascist Dictator of Italy

La première vérité est que la liberté d’une démocratie n’est pas en sécurité si le peuple tolère la croissance du pouvoir du secteur privé jusqu’à un point où il devient plus puissant que les états démocratiques eux-mêmes. Ceci, dans son essence, est le fascisme – le gouvernement qui est la propriété d’un individu, un groupe, ou n’importe quel autre pouvoir contrôlant du secteur privé.

« The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism–ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. »

– Franklin D. Roosevelt in an April 29, 1938 message to Congress

L’essence du fascisme… c’est que le gouvernement devrait être le maître, et non le serviteur du peuple.

“The essence of fascism… is that government should be the master, not the servant, of the people.”
– Thomas DiLorenzo in his piece « Economic Fascism »

Montrealers Against the North American Union: Protest February 16!

Looking Ahead to 2008 by Mike St-Onge, January 1, 2008

Date: Feb 16, 2008
Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Place: details to follow
Host: Concerned Citizens of Montreal et environs

stay tuned for more

contact: Fred Cusinato derf-man@hotmail.com

More Information: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7348342122&ref=share

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sibel Edmonds – Traffic clandestin de secrets nucléaires:

A Vendre : Secrets Nucléaires Mortels de l’Occident

Une dénonciatrice a fait toute une série d’affirmations extraordinaires concernant le fait que des responsables gouvernementaux corrompus ont autorisé le Pakistan et d’autres pays à voler des secrets sur des armes nucléaires.

Sibel Edmonds, l’ancienne traductrice de 37 ans en langue turque ayant travaillé pour le FBI, a écouté des centaines de conversations sensibles interceptées alors qu’elle travaillait au bureau des opérations de l’agence à Washington.

Elle a pris contact le mois dernier avec le Sunday Times après avoir lu un article sur un terroriste d’Al Qaeda qui avait révélé son rôle dans la formation de certains de ceux ayant détournés les avions lors du 11 septembre tandis qu’il était en Turquie.

Edmonds a décrit comment des agents étrangers avaient obtenu le soutien de fonctionnaires US pour placer un réseau de taupes dans des institutions sensibles militaires et nucléaires.

Parmi les heures d’enregistrements audio, elle dit qu’elle a entendu des preuves qu’un haut fonctionnaire bien connu au sein du Département d’Etat US était payé par des agents Turcs pour vendre des informations à des acheteurs sur le marché noir, inclus le Pakistan.

Vol de secrets nucléaires : Le london Times confirme les déclarations de Sibel Edmonds

Sibel Edmonds: ‘Buckle up, there’s much more coming.’

Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds stumbled into a world of espionage, nuclear black market, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and corruption at the highest levels of the US government.

None Dare Call It Treason

The whole ball of wax is a pretty tall order, but surely a major part of it is this nuclear black market business that Edmonds has clear evidence of. Edmonds has been subjected to an unprecedented gag order, imposed by a judge in the name of preserving « state secrets » – yet what is being preserved, apparently, aren’t state secrets at all but the knowledge that our nuclear secrets are being stolen and sold to the highest bidder with the active collaboration of high U.S. government officials. A whole gallery of top figures has been fingered by Edmonds, who hasn’t mentioned any names yet has managed to identify the guilty parties by posting their photos on a Web site associated with her case.

Tip-off thwarted nuclear spy ring probe

AN investigation into the illicit sale of American nuclear secrets was compromised by a senior official in the State Department, a former FBI employee has claimed.

The official is said to have tipped off a foreign contact about a bogus CIA company used to investigate the sale of nuclear secrets.

Now what foreign spies are consistently protected by the US Government?

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

FBI Burying Doc Showing US Officials Stole Nuclear Secrets?

BoingBoing is reporting that the FBI may be burying the existence of a document that proves US officials stole nuclear secrets for eventual sale to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

… and Israel. Funny how that got left off on this report.

British media confirms FBI whistleblower Edmonds’ account of secret file

The Sunday Times has obtained a document that confirms that a file, which the FBI denied existed, could contain information about American officials stealing nuclear secrets for Turkish and Israeli spies, who would then sell the secrets to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Earlier, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, 37, approached the Times about « explosive » communications she discovered between high-up American officials and Turkish and Israeli spies. A FOIA request to the FBI, for case number 203A-WF-210023, was answered with a claim that the case number did not exist.

Apparently successive US administrations had been doing this with impunity, all the while preaching for a « nuclear free » Middle East.

Sibel speaks

The list of perps is absolutely crammed with neocons, PNAC, (Project for a New American Century), and WINEP (the Washington Institute on Near East Policy) people.

Sibel Edmonds, Turkey and the Bomb – A Real 9/11 Cover-Up?

If a new article just published Saturday in the Times of London based upon information provided by US government whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator for the FBI, we have not only solid evidence of prior knowledge of 9-11 by high up US government officials, but evidence of treasonous activity by many of those same officials involving efforts to provide US nuclear secrets to America’s enemies, even including Al Qaeda.

Sibel Speaks Part II: Naming Names…

I have decided that after years of not getting anyone to publish what I have found out about the Edmonds case, I am simply going to give you folks some names. I won’t explain what the allegations are, or how these people might fit together or even if they fit together. I also don’t claim to have all the names or know the full story by any means. But I am certain, that brilliant bloggers, researchers, and journalists will finally figure it out:

UPDATE: I have made some changes to the list. I have removed Lantos, despite what I have heard being confirmed by Sibel’s gallery of people. I have added Kissinger too.

I have also added some extra points of information for some of the players some of the players (I will fill out the rest as time permits). And, I have added some names to the « phrases group. »

Richard Perle: Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, under Bush. Member of JINSA, WINEP, PNAC, Co-Chair and Director of Hollinger (think Conrad Black). See also Hutchison Whampoa. See also Trireme Partners LLP.

Doug Feith: Defense Undersecretary of Defense for Policy during the Bush administration’s first term. Lost his security clearances in 1982 for allegations of passing classified NSC documents to the Israeli embassy. Headed the Office of Special Plans (OSP) to cook up intel for the Iraq war. Founded Feith & Zell law firm, major client Northrup Grumman. Also started a lobbying company, International Advisors, Inc., major client, Turkey. Perle joined him in this venture.

Eric Edelman
Marc Grossman
Larry Franklin
Dennis Hastert
Roy Blunt
Dan Burton
Bob Livingston
Stephen Solarz
Graham Fuller
David Makovsky
Alan Markovsky
Enver Yusuf
Sabri Sayari
Mehmet Eymur
Henry Kissinger (He is not shown in Sibel’s gallery, but I believe him to be on of the MIA photos)

And a few phrases for you folks to play around with (in no particular order):

Gray Wolves
Shanghai Cooperation Organization
RAND Corporation
East Turkmenistan
Foreign Policy
King Faisal
Northrup Grumman
American Turkish Council

Now start digging kids!!

Nukes, Spooks, and the Specter of 9/11

We’re in big trouble if even half of what Sibel Edmonds says is true…

For sale: West’s deadly nuclear secrets

The Turks and Israelis had planted “moles” in military and academic institutions which handled nuclear technology. Edmonds says there were several transactions of nuclear material every month, with the Pakistanis being among the eventual buyers. “The network appeared to be obtaining information from every nuclear agency in the United States,” she said.

They were helped, she says, by the high-ranking State Department official who provided some of their moles – mainly PhD students – with security clearance to work in sensitive nuclear research facilities. These included the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory in New Mexico, which is responsible for the security of the US nuclear deterrent.

In one conversation Edmonds heard the official arranging to pick up a $15,000 cash bribe. The package was to be dropped off at an agreed location by someone in the Turkish diplomatic community who was working for the network.

The Turks, she says, often acted as a conduit for the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan’s spy agency, because they were less likely to attract suspicion. Venues such as the American Turkish Council in Washington were used to drop off the cash, which was picked up by the official.

This story confirms the documents released by the Nixon Presidential Library that reported Israel had nuclear weapons in the 60s, and more over that Israel had acquired fissionable materials from the United States to build their first weapons.

Setting that aside and moving onto the Pakistan connection, it appears that the US Government is repeating the mistakes they made in Iraq (and so many other nations) of arming a favored world leader, then later on having to send young Americans in to be killed and crippled cleaning up the resulting mess

Sibel ‘names names’ (in pictures!)

Over at Sibel’s website, she has published « Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery » – twenty one photos of people.

Sibel doesn’t say anything about the photos – or the people in the photos – but we can reasonably presume that they are the 21 guilty people in her case.

Sibel Edmonds case: Front page of the (UK) papers (finally)

The article doesn’t name the official, but he is Marc Grossman, former #3 at the State Department, former ambassador to Turkey, and current Vice President at The Cohen Group, the lobbying company run by former Secretary of Defense William Cohen. (Sibel) claims that the FBI was also gathering evidence against senior Pentagon officials – including household names – who were aiding foreign agents.

Those household names include Richard Perle and Douglas Feith and possibly Paul Wolfowitz. Less familiar names include Eric Edelman, Feith’s replacement at the Pentagon, and former Democratic Congressman Stephen Solarz.

Report: FBI translator says Israel planted nuclear ‘moles’ in U.S.

Edmonds also claims, according to The Sunday Times, that the « moles, » mainly PhD students, received assistance from a « high-ranking State Department official » who gave them security clearance to work in « sensitive nuclear research facilities. »

The paper says that among these institutions was the Los Alamos nuclear laboratory in New Mexico, which is « responsible for the security of the U.S. nuclear deterrent. »

*****George W. Bush dénoncé pour ses 935 mensonges sur l’Irak

23 janvier 2008

Avant la guerre en Irak, et pour convaincre la population américaine du bien-fondé de sa démarche, George W. Bush s’est livré – sans aucun scrupule – à 935 mensonges tant auprès des parlementaires qu’auprès du monde entier. Rien de moins.

C’est ce que révèle Huffington Post qui s’inspire d’une étude produite par un groupe de journalistes indépendants et le Center for Public Integrity qui ont passé en revue l’ensemble des déclarations présidentielles américaines. Scott Stanzel, porte-parole de la Maison Blanche s’est refusé à commenter les résultats de l’étude et a rappelé que Saddam Hussein était d’abord un traitre. Selon Stanzel, les déclarations du président se fondaient sur des analyses et des rapports provenant d’agences de sécurité du monde entier.

Les personnalités épinglées par le rapport, outre le président lui-même, sont le Vice-président, Dick Cheney, la conseillère Condoleezza Rice, le secrétaire à la défense Donald H. Rumsfeld, le secrétaire d’État Colin Powell, le conseiller Paul Wolfowitz et les secrétaires de presse à la Maison Blanche, Ari Fleischer et Scott McClellan.

Comme l’indique l’étude révélée par Huffington Post : « Bush led with 259 false statements, 231 about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and 28 about Iraq’s links to al-Qaida, the study found. That was second only to Powell’s 244 false statements about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and 10 about Iraq and al-Qaida ». Rien de moins.

In speeches, briefings and interviews, President Bush and other officials stated “unequivocally” on at least 532 occasions that Iraq had links to al-Qaeda, or had weapons of mass destruction or was trying to get them.

*****Perino Dismisses CPI Study: Truth On How We Sold The Iraq War Is Not ‘Worth Spending Time On’

Memo to Dana Perino; for you and the people who allegedly craft US foreign policy, your hubris is showing.

You apparently have forgotten that it is We the People who pay your salaries and expect honesty from our government, no matter which side of the isle they come from.

It is We the People who have had sons and daughters, fathers and mothers and sisters and brothers killed and maimed in these dirty wars, based on a huge pack of lies.

And it is We the People who must take this country back from the precipice upon which the neo-cons and their democratic enablers have placed it.

Ms. Perino, it is We the People who determine what is worth spending time on, and there is no greater crime a government can commit against its own people than to lie them into a war of conquest.

Bush Administration’s 935 Lies to Iraq War Part 1 of 3

The Bush administration led the nation to war on the basis of erroneous information that it methodically propagated and that culminated in military action against Iraq on March 19, 2003. Not surprisingly, the officials with the most opportunities to make speeches, grant media interviews, and otherwise frame the public debate also made the most false statements, according to this first-ever analysis of the entire body of prewar rhetoric.

Bush Administration’s 935 Lies to Iraq War Part 2 of 3

Bush Administration’s 935 Lies to Iraq War Part 3 of 3




****Making the World Safe for Despots

« In the last six years, Washington has stepped up its sales and transfers of high-technology weapons, military training, and other military assistance to governments regardless of their respect for human rights, democratic principles, or nonproliferation, » according to a report in the current(Jan.-Feb.) « Arms Control Today, » published online by the Arms Control Association (ACA). « All that matters is that they have pledged their assistance in the global war on terrorism. »

Haliburton Enjoys $15.3 Billion in Revenue for 2007

US insists cluster bombs not bad if used right

Cluster bombs, which nearly 100 countries are seeking to ban, should not be considered bad as long as states involved in conflicts use them responsibly, a senior United States official said on Wednesday.

China’s weapons exceed self-defense needs: US military

The United States said Monday it was « troubling » that China’s weapons systems capability exceeded the level Beijing defined as necessary for self-defense.

And ours don’t??

Snow slams China; half million stranded at train station

« We’ve never seen such a cold weather lasting for such long a time, » said Tang Shan, a man in his 70s in Changsha, the capital of Hunan province. « The last time we had one here was over 50 years ago, and not this bad. »

U.S. stiffens border ID requirements starting Feb. 1

Canadians only have a few days left to prepare for travel to the United States as the Department of Homeland Security says Americans and Canadians will have to start presenting proof of identity and citizenship to enter the U.S.

Memo to thinking Canadians: please do not travel for any reason to the US until our border policies have some semblance of common sense.

Homeland Security and TSA have become the operation thugs of American foreign policy, and the travel experience, even for Americans traveling from one American city to another, has become an absolute, complete nightmare.

Just please don’t come and spend your money: spend your money elsewhere.

Also, notice that the attention is on the Canadian border: not the Mexican.

Memo to thinking Canadians: just please don’t come to the US until the border-crossing rules appear to be constructed with a little bit of horse-sense.

The TSA « goon squad » is salivating to find a reason to make your crossing into the US one of the most singularly unpleasant experiences of your life.

Even traveling within the US has become an absolute nightmare for everyday American citizens.

I just returned from a trip to Orange County, and reported that the TSA person there shouted commands belligerently, as I was accidentally walking too closely behind the person in front of me.

And displayed proudly on his belt, he had not one pair of rubber gloves, but about a half-dozen.

The message appeared to be: »Just give me one reason to get annoyed with you, and you’ll get the real treatment! ».

So, do yourselves a favor, and teleconference, or buy things on line: just don’t fly the unfriendly American skies for a while.


*****Ahmadinejad to make landmark visit to Iraq: ministry

resident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accepted an invitation to visit Baghdad, Iraq’s Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday, a landmark trip that would make him the first leader of Iran to visit its former foe.

Logical question: if Iraqi officials have extended this invitation and it has been accepted by Ahmadinejad, how can Iran possibly be considered an enemy of Iraq?

All of that collective thumping of heads against the wall and the screams of « no, no, no, NO, NO! » in unison from members of the US state department cannot change the reality that the Iraqi government apparently views Iran as a potential ally.

This is one of the US’s worst foreign policy nightmares: a true alignment between Iran and Iraq.

And, it appears, there is absolutely nothing the US could to to stop it, short of a massive attack against Iran right before this was supposed to happen.

Egypt and Iran hold first high-level meeting in decades

First, high level meetings between Iranian and Egyptian dignitaries, and very soon, a meeting with Amedinejad himself, at the invitation of the Iraqi government in Baghdad.

Could it be that the world is looking at the beginning of a united Arab geopolitical perspective, with Iran at its center?

Oh, and by the way; that dull, collective thumping sound you hear is is the sound of US foreign policy makers banging their collective heads against the wall.

This may well be the real legacy of the US’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the irony cannot be lost on those who have been following these events closely.

Iran and Egypt ‘to restore ties’

In their first direct talks, the leaders are reported to have discussed the Palestinian issue and other regional concerns.

US, Britain stung by an Afghan temper

In a series of statements over the weekend, President Hamid Karzai’s government rubbished a major decision taken by Washington and London on the appointment of Lord Paddy Ashdown as the United Nations’ super envoy in Kabul.

Kabul knew for months about the impending appointment of Ashdown as a key step in a new NATO strategy spearheaded by the US and Britain, aimed at stabilizing the Afghan situation. Karzai knew detailed planning had gone into the move involving NATO, the EU and the United Nations Security Council. But Karzai waited patiently until the eleventh hour before shooting it down publicly on Saturday in a interview with the BBC while attending the World Economic Forum meet in the Swiss resort town of Davos. The move was pre-planned and carried out in a typical Afghan way with maximum effect.

The ham-handedness of US foreign policy in the Middle East and Near East is having the effect of exploding like a bad cigar in the faces of those policy makers in Washington who created them.

The consequences of these policies are about to come home to roost, and definitely not in the ways those policy makers thought they would.

TIran & Bush’s Crisis of Truth

“Iran is a threat to world peace.” Iran is “the world’s leading sponsor of terror.” So declared President Bush in his recent trip to the Middle East. Iran, he said, is seeking to “intimidate its neighbors with ballistic missiles and bellicose rhetoric.”

By now most of us are familiar with the President’s feelings and rhetoric concerning Iran. They have a familiar ring. They sound a lot like the buildup to the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Thinking Americans have a very clear understanding of those moments when Bush lies to this country and the world: it is whenever he opens his mouth and speaks.

Économie et taxe cachée sous le pétrole:

*****Better Kiss Your Abe ‘Goodbye’

Since taking office, Bush has doubled the federal debt to more than $5 trillion. And, according to US Treasury figures, on net, foreign investors have purchased close to 100% of that debt. That’s $3 trillion borrowed from the Saudis, the Chinese, the Japanese and others.

Now, Bush, our Debt Junkie-in-Chief, needs another fix. The US Treasury, Citibank, Merrill-Lynch and other financial desperados need another hand-out from Abdullah’s stash. Abdullah, in turn, gets this financial juice by pumping it out of our pockets at nearly $100 a barrel for his crude.

Bush needs the Saudis to charge us big bucks for oil. The Saudis can’t lend the US Treasury and Citibank hundreds of billions of US dollars unless they first get these US dollars from the US. The high price of oil is, in effect, a tax levied by Bush but collected by the oil industry and the Gulf kingdoms to fund our multi-trillion dollar governmental and private debt-load.

So, the reason we are paying such high prices at the gas pump is that Bush NEEDS the oil producing nations to loot the American citizens so that they can then LEND that cash back to Bush.

Bush Becomes Supplicant for Saudi’s Aid to Help Avoid Recession

The Saudi monarchy once depended on the U.S. to protect its reign and its oil from foes like Saddam Hussein. These days, President George W. Bush needs the world’s biggest exporter of crude more than it needs him.

Arabian Oil Tsar to President Bush: ‘Get Lost’

After pleading with King Abdullah to pump more oil and ease gas prices, « get lost » was the answer President Bush received on his historic visit to Saudi Arabia.

This is pure spin. Bush went to the Saudis to ask them to buy up more of the United States’ debt, and in order to do that they must keep gas prices HIGH in order to have the cash to buy up that debt. Bush tried to use the Saudis as a cut-out to loot the American people for more money to deal with the government’s fiscal recklessness, and the Saudis are not having any of it.

We are seeing the start of the Saudi bashing propaganda which telegraphs that, following Iran, the Saudis are next up on the « shopping list. »

Banks ‘face a further $300bn sub-prime hit’

The world’s financial institutions will have to write down a further $300bn (£152bn) of US sub-prime losses before the crisis is over, according to a study by consulting firm Oliver Wyman.

Banks are already coming off one of the worst trading periods in memory, with shares across the industry plummeting 40pc in the past six months.

It estimates that $1,300bn worth of sub-prime mortgages were written in total.

Chavez Urges Withdrawals From U.S. Banks

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez urged his Latin American allies on Saturday to begin withdrawing billions of dollars in international reserves from U.S. banks, warning of a looming U.S. economic crisis.

« Bomb him! Bomb him! Bomb him NOW! He’s aiding the terrorists! Bomb him bomb him bomb him!!! » — Official White Horse Souse

Le Canada et la liste des pays qui torture:

edmontonsun.com – Canada- Israel slams ‘torture’ label

Israel‘s ambassador to Canada says it’s shocking his country was labelled a practitioner of torture in a training manual prepared for Canadian diplomats.

« We do not torture and we’ll maim anyone who says we do! »

Canada To Remove U.S. From Torture List, Training Manual Had Warned Diplomats That Prisoners In U.S., Guantanamo Risked Torture, Abuses

A top Canadian official apologized for a government training manual which listed the United States and Israel, two strong allies, among countries where prisoners face torture and abuse.

Wow, that reversal came fast: apparently, the fertilizer hit the fan on this one in Ottawa from what I would bet would be a couple of « highly placed » phone calls from individuals in the US and Israeli governments, warning Canada what the outcome would be if there was no reversal on this.

And the Canadian government just caved, even when it understood that what had been stated in those manuals was the clear, unvarnished truth.

Israel and America stop torture thanks to Canadian pressure

This is amazing. Only two days ago Reuters reported that Canada had placed Israel and the USA on its list of countries that use torture. Well now Canada has taken both countries off the list. Israel and America must have stopped the torture. They must have done. Otherwise they’d be on the list of countries that use torture. I can’t think of any other explanation.


Amnesty International has criticised a decision by Canada to rewrite a training manual that put the US and Israel on a list of nations where prisoners risk being tortured.

Soldiers accused of abusing detainees

Sources in the IDF said Tuesday night that the disturbing allegations of soldiers’ abuse of Palestinian detainees that were first reported Tuesday on Israel Radio were already under investigation by the Military Police, and that the IDF viewed the incident as « extremely serious » and « extremely unusual. »

The IDF indulges in behavior like this all the time: they just hate like hell getting caught at it, and that was precisely what happened in this incident.

Ex-Israeli army officer arrested in Brazil charged with illegal organ trafficking

A retired Israeli army officer under arrest in Brazil on suspicion of belonging to an international human kidney trafficking ring has told a court the Israeli government financed organ transplants, press reports here said.

Geldaya Tauber Gady told a court that Israel financed organ transplants in other countries, primarily South Africa, through national health services.

Organ transplants are not illegal in Israel. But due to religious objections mainly by ultra-orthodox Jews, there is a critical lack of organ donors in Israel, and patients in need of a transplant are usually obliged to travel abroad.

See also Israel Kills Palestinian Boys, Steals Organs For Transplants.

The Zionist state has tacitly admitted that doctors at the Israeli forensic institute at Abu Kabir had extracted the vital organs of three Palestinian teenage children killed by the Israeli Army nearly ten days ago.

Zionist Minister of Health Nessim Dahhan said in response to a question by Arab member of the Zionist Parliament ‘Knesset’, Ahmed Teibi, on Tuesday that he couldn’t deny that organs of Palestinian youths and children killed by the Israeli forces were taken out for transplants or scientific research.

Congress dismisses NIE, declares Iran a nuclear threat

Iran poses a nuclear weapons threat to the United States and its allies, according to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 H R 4986 passed 369-46 by the US House of Representative yesterday, even though the National Intelligence Estimate concluded that that Tehran abandoned its atomic weaponry ambitions in 2003.

« Because I SAID so, dammit! » — Official White Horse Souse

Musharraf’s Woes Multiply on Record Wheat Prices, Power Outages

Musharraf, battling civil unrest and a surge in terrorist attacks, is facing growing discontent caused by record wheat prices and power cuts in Pakistan.

U.S. commander orders plans on Pakistan

Adm. William J. Fallon, commander of U.S. Central Command, issued a planning order, an internal instruction to lower-level commanders, to propose ideas for a long-term approach to helping Pakistan combat what has become an expanding, homegrown insurgency that threatens the stability of the government.

It’s just a question now of when, and what the US troop strength will be.

This has been coming for a very long time.

Egyptian troops pull back,Gazans pour over border

Egyptian troops pulled back overnight from the breached Gaza border after a security guard was shot in the foot, allowing thousands of Palestinians to stream across unhindered.


It is with much difficulty that reports such as the following leak out of Gaza at the present time. The lack of electricity makes it virtually impossible to get the word out… but where there is determination, one finds a way.

Half of Gazans killed by IDF not involved in terror

Israeli security forces killed 810 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in 2006 and 2007, Shin Bet security service chief Yuval Diskin reported yesterday at the weekly cabinet briefing in Jerusalem. He estimated that some 200 of those killed were not clearly linked to terrorist organizations.

Haaretz probe: Half of Gazans killed by IDF not involved in terror

However, an examination by Haaretz reveals that the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces was 816 during those two years, and that of them, 360 were civilians who were not affiliated with any armed organizations. Data from B’Tselem, the Israeli human rights organization, show that 152 of the casualties were under age 18, and 48 were under the age of 14.

According to Diskin, 356 Palestinian Gazans were killed in 2006, and an additional 454 in 2007.

Gaza holds key to Mid-East conflict

Mr Abbas no longer controls the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. Hamas has the will and the weapons to sabotage any progress. Gaza is now the centre of hostilities and must be part of any solution.

And, as this article neglects to mention, HAMAS won the Palestinian elections. Mr. Abbas has no standing with the Palestinian people. He is a US-supported puppet, no different that Pinochet, Batista, or the Shah of Iran.

Army ordered to destroy Hamas buildings in Gaza

The Israeli army has been ordered to destroy Hamas structures in Gaza as part of a three-pronged strategy aimed at toppling the Islamists, a senior Israeli official said yesterday.

Gazans are going to be very surprised to see just how many « Hamas structures » exist in Gaza, once this operation really gets into full swing.

UN says Gaza facing food shortage

The EU says Israel is « collectively punishing » the Hamas-run territory.

And collective punishment is a war crime.

Israeli fuel blockade may halt food handouts, UN warns

Food aid to residents in Gaza could be suspended unless Israel reopens the border, a UN agency said today.

« Because of a shortage of nylon for plastic bags and fuel for vehicles and generators, on Wednesday or Thursday we are going to have to suspend our food distribution programme to 860,000 people in Gaza if the present situation continues, » said Christopher Gunness, a spokesman for the UN Relief Works Agency, which distributes food aid to 860,000 Palestinians in Gaza.

Expect the siege to continue, followed by a major Israeli military incursion into Gaza in the not too distant future.

‘Gaza power plant to shut down’

The UN organization in charge of Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, warned the move would drastically affect hospitals, sewage treatment plants and water facilities.

« The logic of this defies basic humanitarian standards, » said Christopher Gunness, spokesman for the UN Relief and Works Agency.

In the 21st century, the word « Israel » is becoming indistinguishable to the words « collective punishment ».

Olmert says fuel-starved Gazans can walk

One has to question precisely who is launching those kassams which have generally landed harmlessly.

With Olmert characterizing the government of Gaza as a « murderous terrorist regime », one has to wonder if he does not appreciate the irony of that statement, from the perspective of most Palestinians.

And there’s also another type of vehicle which won’t be able to function anymore in Gaza: ambulances.


The Israeli government decided earlier this month to permit the Gaza Strip to import industrial diesel — in similar quantities to those permitted prior to the fuel import restrictions imposed in October 2007 — but the impoverished enclave continues to suffer from power cuts.

The cuts are affecting daily life, particularly now as the region has been experiencing an uncommonly cold winter.

“We went four days without having electricity during the daytime,” said Wajihe, an elderly woman from a refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. “We had power only from midnight until 6am.”

Midnight to 6AM? How is that useful?

Global warming cult, take note of the comment about « uncommonly cold winter. »

15 janvier 2008

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 13 janvier 2008: Nouvelles du monde et réchauffement ou refroidissement du climat?

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 13 janvier 2008: Nouvelles du monde et réchauffement ou refroidissement du climat?

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 13 janvier 2008: Télécharger cette émission (60 min)

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici: L’Autre Monde 13 janvier 2008

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…”

8 janvier 2008:Tour du monde avec LNI/ Réchauffement climatique ou refroidissement?

Tour du Monde LNI

** Nouvel horaire pour L’Autre Monde

Nous avons un début un peu irrégulier pour L’Autre Monde. Nous sommes passé du dimanche 20h30 au jeudi à 11h00. On va revenir à l’horaire régulier cet été. Cette émission a été produite à partir du 13 janvier 2008 et remplace l’émission qui est archivé sous la date du 8 janvier 2008 sur le site de CHOQ FM.

Alors ne manquez pas d’écouter cette émission, et celle de demain, jeudi 17 janvier, car on a une excellente entrevue téléphonique avec le professeur Michel Chossudovsky sur la situation explosive au Pakistan et au Moyen-Orient.

Débute notre deuxième année! Merci d’être là!

8 janvier : -Tour du monde avec LNI

– Réchauffement climatique ou refroidissement?

17 janvier : – Émission spéciale avec un invité de marque: on va avoir le Professeur Michel Chossudovsky en entrevue téléphonique au sujet de la situation explosive au Pakistan et sur l’affaire de l’assassinat de Benazir Bhutto. On va chercher à comprendre à qui profite la déstabilisation du Pakistan.

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CentPapiers est un média libre, participatif et ouvert, à travers lequel le citoyen peut partager l’information comme bon lui semble. Entre mai 2006 et janvier 2008, CentPapiers.com a couvert toute une panoplie du sujets d’actualité, soulevant les débats, grâce aux plus de 2000 articles publiés par nos 250 rédacteurs inscrits, et lus par plus d’un demi millions de lecteurs !

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Avec l’avènement de la société de l’information, chacun d’entre nous a le moyen de partager l’information, de la faire circuler. Les téléphones portables, les ordinateurs, la télévision ont amené le citoyen dans une quête de la nouvelle toujours plus vorace. Seulement, les médias traditionnels n’ont pas la capacité d’aller chercher tout ce que l’on voudrait entendre, et encore moins tout ce que l’on voudrait dire.

Le média citoyen se situe à la croisée des chemins. Autant il est nécessaire de pouvoir accéder à une source d’information fiable, autant il est important de pouvoir la communiquer. Centpapiers a été créé dans cet objectif : permettre au citoyen de retrouver de l’information fiable et de pouvoir la partager quand bon lui semble.

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** « If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. » — Joseph Goebbels, NAZI Propaganda Minister

1- Référendum sur la CANO

Comme vous le savez peut-être déjà, la question du référendum sur la CANO plane sur CHOQ.FM depuis près de 3 ans. Les associations étudiantes et la partie institutionnnelle (l’UQAM) en sont venue à un accord au Comité à la vie étudiante (CVE) avant le congé des Fêtes et nous entrerons bientôt en campagne référendaire sur notre mode de financement.

Depuis l’annonce de la tenue du référendum, nous n’avons malheureusement pas eu beaucoup de détails. Toutefois, lorsque ceux-ci seront connus, nous aurons besoin de l’aide de TOUT LE MONDE afin de former le comité du OUI et en parler aux étudiants et étudiantes de l’UQAM. La CANO, c’est 90% du budget de fonctionnement de CHOQ.FM, le résultat de ce référendum déterminera donc la survie et la poursuite du développement de VOTRE radio.

Préparez-vous à sortir votre voix et votre énergie afin que votre radio étudiante continue d’exister!

2- Freecycle(tm) Montreal là où « Les déchets des uns font le trésor des autres ».

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1- Tout doit être gratuit, légal et approprié pour tous les âges.
2- Un membre n’ayant pas préalablement offert quelque chose sur la liste ne peut faire de demande.

3- Le peuple Lakotah, qui vit sur un territoire au États-Unis, dans l’état du Dakota du Sud, s’est officiellement retiré de tout traité et accords avec les États-Unis. Ils ont reinstitué leur souveraineté en tant que nation et sur ses terres ancestrales. Le processus est totalement légal sous la Constitution des États-Unis d’Amérique et selon la Loi des Traités de la Convention de Vienne.

La raison qui motive cette déclaration d’indépendance est la mauvaise foi du gouvernement américain à honorer ses termes et responsabilités sous les traités signés avec les Lakotahs. À force de se faire mentir, manipuler et d’être les seuls à appliquer leur parts des traités, les Lakotahs sont redevenus indépendants comme nation. Un pays souverain. Un nouveau pays indépendant. À l’intérieur des États-Unis. Pensez à ça…

Republic of Lakotah


Notice to All Foreign Governments and Private Owners of Real Estate within the Republic of


TO: The United States of America;

The States of: Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska;

The County and Municipal Governments Operating within the Republic of Lakotah; and

All Private Owners of Real Estate within the Republic of Lakotah

Lakotah, through its government, have appointed representatives to withdraw from all the treaties

with the United States of America.

Lakotah, through such representatives, have formally withdrawn from all agreements and treaties

with the United States of America. The reinstitution of our freedom and independence is found in


Lakotah has reclaimed sovereignty as a nation and over its traditional lands.

Despite many years of repeated bad faith on the part of the United States government towards the

Lakotah People, the Lakotah hold no animosity toward the American people, most of whom have

had no part in the actions of their government. We wish to deal with the American people in good

faith and in a win-win manner.

While we have the right to impose liens on all of the real estate in our country, we prefer to come to

resolutions with you all with out resorting to such measures. Accordingly, at this time, we are only

declaring liens on real estate held by governments foreign to the Republic of Lakotah, but not on

real estate held by private parties.

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Vienna

Convention on the Law of Treaties substantiate this freedom.

Lakotah welcomes the opportunity to meet and discuss this matter. We are in the process of scheduling

meetings and will issue public invitations. Should you desire input with regard to scheduling these

meetings, please contact us at the above.

Russell Means, Chief Facilitator

Provisional Government

Republic of Lakotah

4- Country’s most polite residents

Moncton, N.B., earns reputation of being most polite cityModule body

Sun Dec 30, 2008

NEW.BRUNSWICK (CBC) – Moncton, N.B., is the most polite city, according to a courtesy test of Canada’s 15 largest cities conducted by Reader’s Digest.

The magazine sent two undercover reporters across the country to carry out an informal survey that marked each city on whether people held the doors open for its journalists, whether salesclerks thanked them for purchases and whether people would pick up a dropped folder in busy locations.

#1 Moncton earned 80 per cent with Calgary and

#2 Vancouver tying for second place with 77 per cent.

#3 Edmonton ranked third with 73 per cent.

#4 Victoria, Charlottetown and St. John’s, N.L., ranked fourth with 70 per cent

#5 Montreal, ranked fifth with 68 per cent.

#6 Halifax Winnipeg 67 per cent

#7 Regina 63%

#8 Quebec 62 per cent

#9 Toronto 60 per cent

#10 Saskatoon 57%

#11 Ottawa scored the worst with 50 per cent

5- France best, US worst in preventable death ranking

(Reuters) – France, Japan and Australia rated best and the United States worst in new rankings focusing on preventable deaths due to treatable conditions in 19 leading industrialized nations, researchers said on Tuesday.

If the U.S. health care system performed as well as those of those top three countries, there would be 101,000 fewer deaths in the United States per year, according to researchers writing in the journal Health Affairs.

After the top three, Spain was fourth best, followed in order by Italy, Canada, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Greece, Austria, Germany, Finland, New Zealand, Denmark, Britain, Ireland and Portugal, with the United States last.

6- Ron Paul: Congress should be ALLOWED to read bills

Allowed? Hell, they should not be allowed to vote on any bills they DON’T read!

One Christmas tradition Congress could do without is the broken process of passing the annual Omnibus Spending Bill, which we recently did right before the holiday recess.

Every December Congress fights and argues over spending and never seems to be able to pass the necessary appropriations until the very last minute. There is panic and threats of government shut downs and reduction in essential services. And they always threaten the essential services, as if there is no waste they could possibly eliminate instead. This past December, right on cue the administration warned about dire civilian defense department layoffs if the money didn’t come soon.

And so at the very last minute the Omnibus was rushed through in a whirlwind, just in time to save the day. Members of Congress had less than 24 hours to read the nearly 3,500 page bill before a vote was taken. The bill was supposedly much too important to waste time reading it.

I feel differently. I feel the important bills are the ones we should take especial care to closely examine.

7- Download Uproar: Record Industry Goes After Personal Use

In legal documents in its federal case against Jeffrey Howell, a Scottsdale, Ariz., man who kept a collection of about 2,000 music recordings on his personal computer, the industry maintains that it is illegal for someone who has legally purchased a CD to transfer that music into his computer.

The industry’s lawyer in the case, Ira Schwartz, argues in a brief filed earlier this month that the MP3 files Howell made on his computer from legally bought CDs are « unauthorized copies » of copyrighted recordings.

The RIAA just destroyed what little public sympathy they had.

Love, otthers may follow Radiohead’s no-label lead


Ho-ho-horrible: album sales plunge 20 percent this Christmas

To some music lovers, the fact that Josh Groban’s Noel was the highest-selling album of 2007 is all the proof they need that major-label music is dying. To shareholders and label execs, though, the numbers are more important, and the numbers are grim: music sales are down 21 percent this Christmas season.

Canada‘s labels slam proposed digital ‘tax’


Module body

By Robert Thompson

TORONTO (Billboard) – A revolutionary plan that would effectively legitimize file-sharing here has been slammed as « a pipe dream » by Canadian labels.

The Songwriters Assn. of Canada proposes to allow domestic consumers access to all recorded music available online in return for adding a $5 Canadian ($4.96) monthly fee to every wireless and Internet account in the country.

The SAC claims that the proposal, which has been presented to labels’ bodies the Canadian Record Industry Assn. (CRIA) and Canadian Independent Record Production Assn. as well as publishers’ groups, would raise approximately $1 billion Canadian ($993 million) annually. Although the SAC does not detail how revenue would be collected and distributed, it says it would go to artists, labels and publishers.

8- Tony Blair to join JPMorgan

Former British prime minister Tony Blair is expected on Thursday to join U.S. bank JPMorgan Chase & Co Inc (JPM.N) as a senior adviser, according to a person familiar with the situation.

Blair accused of taking blood money over £1m job with US bank profiting from Iraq war

Tony Blair has taken a lucrative job with a U.S. bank which is profiting from the Iraq war.

JPMorgan is expected to pay him £1million a year as a part-time adviser.

It is the first of a series of posts that could see the former prime minister rake in a staggering £40million.

The move brought fierce criticism last night. Reg Keys, whose soldier son Tom was killed in Iraq in 2003, said it was « almost akin to taking blood money ».

He added: « If he had a conscience or any sensitivity, he would not have taken this job ».

Tory defence spokesman Gerald Howarth said: « It will be viewed with some contempt by the armed forces that he picks up this large cheque when he was happy to send British troops into battle ill-equipped and in insufficient numbers. »

JPMorgan is heading a consortium set to make billions as Iraq’s economy recovers from the war spearheaded by Mr Blair and U.S. President George Bush.

It was chosen to run the new Trade Bank of Iraq, which has raised billions in trade guarantees by mortgaging future oil production and will make huge profits from the deals.

French president Nicolas Sarkozy is spearheading a campaign to have him installed as the first president of the EU – a post expected to be worth at least £200,000 a year.

9- Processed Meats Declared Too Dangerous for Human Consumption

A 2005 University of Hawaii study found that processed meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by 67 percent. Another study revealed that every 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 50 percent. These are alarming numbers. Note that these cancer risks do not come from eating fresh, non-processed meats. They only appear in people who regularly consume processed meat products containing sodium nitrite.

10- Drug companies spend nearly double on marketing compared with research: study


De plus en plus, les gérants des grosses compagnies pharmaceutiques, se trouve à être non pas des professionnels de la santé, mais des experts en marketing. Ce n’est pu tant une industrie de produit pour la santé, qu’une industrie de drogue et de produits chimiques qui n’est orienté que dans le but de faire plus de profit. Les produits de Big Pharma sont inefficaces dans 70% des cas, sans compter les effets néfastes secondaires qu’ils causent et les dizaines de milliers de mort juste en amérique.

OTTAWA – Drug companies spend almost twice as much on marketing and promoting their products than on research and development, says a new study.

In their analysis of data from two market research companies, Marc-Andre Gagnon and Joel Lexchin of Toronto’s York University found that American drug companies spent US$57.5 billion on promotional activities in 2004.

By comparison, spending on industrial pharmaceutical research and development in the United States was $31.5 billion in the same year, according to a report by the National Science Foundation, which included public funding for industrial research.

The senator accused the industry of predatory pricing, extravagant cost increases brought on by excessive marketing and selling new products that were no more effective than drugs already widely established on the market.

11- De Beers To Pay $295M In Price-Fixing Lawsuit

If you bought any diamonds from 1994 through March 2006, you can get cash back. The amount of cash you could get depends on how much you paid and the quality of the diamonds. The deadline to file a claim is May 19, 2008.

12- Egypt to copyright pyramids

In a potential blow to themed resorts from Vegas to Tokyo, Egypt is to pass a law requiring payment of royalties whenever its ancient monuments, from the pyramids to the sphinx, are reproduced.


13- FDA to Back Food From Cloned Animals

Having completed a years-long scientific review, the Food and Drug Administration is set to announce as early as next week that meat and milk from cloned farm animals and their offspring can start making their way toward supermarket shelves, sources in contact with the agency said yesterday.

New Zealand and Australia have released reports concluding that meat and milk from clones are safe. Canada and Argentina are reportedly close to doing the same.

And although European consumers are generally uncomfortable with agricultural biotechnology, the European Union‘s food safety agency is expected to endorse the safety of meat and milk from clones in a draft statement that could be released within the next week.

14- Organs to be taken without consent

Gordon Brown has thrown his weight behind a move to allow hospitals to take organs from dead patients without explicit consent.

Writing in The Sunday Telegraph, the Prime Minister says that such a facility would save thousands of lives and that he hopes such a system can start this year.

The proposals would mean consent for organ donation after death would be automatically presumed, unless individuals had opted out of the national register or family members objected.

15- « What are you doing here? »: man asks wife at brothel

WARSAW (Reuters) – A Polish man got the shock of his life when he visited a brothel and spotted his wife among the establishment’s employees.

Polish tabloid Super Express said the woman had been making some extra money on the side while telling her husband she worked at a store in a nearby town.

« I was dumfounded. I thought I was dreaming, » the husband told the newspaper on Wednesday.

The couple, married for 14 years, are now divorcing, the newspaper reported.

(Writing by Chris Borowski, Editing by Matthew Jones)

16- FDA says food from cloned animals safe to eat

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has ruled that food from cloned cattle, pigs and goats and their offspring is as safe as any other food.

Yeah, well, the FDA thought VIOXX was safe, too.

Here is the problem. Clones are NOT exact copies. Cloned animals like Dolly the sheep have demonstrated that current cloning techniques are far less than 100% accurate. In other words, there are genetic transcription errors taking place, such that the genes are artificially mutated from source animal to the clone. The effects of these transcription errors are usually visible only at the biochemistry level. But the fact is that short of killing the clone and running a full assay, one cannot rule out the production of altered enzymes and proteins which may be harmless to the clone, but harmful to consumers who consume the products from that animal.

17- Beating Anew

Scientists bring hearts back to life

PARIS (AFP) – In experiments that would make Dr. Frankenstein jealous, US scientists have coaxed recycled hearts taken from animal cadavers into beating in the laboratory after reseeding them with live cells, according to a study released Sunday.

If extended to humans, the procedure could provide an almost limitless supply of hearts, and possibly other organs, to millions of terminally ill people waiting helplessly for a new lease on life.

Approximately 50,000 patients in the United States alone die every year for lack of a donor heart, and some 22 million people worldwide are living with the threat of heart failure.

9 janvier 2008

La France – Sarkosy et les influences d’Israël

Filed under: Nouvelles du monde — François M. @ 1:07

La France – Sarkosy et les influences d’Israël

Quelques articles sur la France, Sarkozy qui semble avoir eu des liens avec le Mossad israélien, les influences et lobby israélien en France, il est aussi question d’une guerre inconnue que la France mène en Afrique.

Bon jeudi!


Le Monde Diplomatique

Charmées par sa verve et son brio, comme des enfants le furent jadis par l’habile flûtiste de Hamelin, maintes personnalités de tous bords avaient succombé à la magie de M. Nicolas Sarkozy. D’autant que les grands médias n’ont cessé de le glorifier en se livrant à une opération d’intoxication de masse. Il s’est ainsi produit en France une sorte d’hypnose collective devant un président possédé par une hyperactivité déconcertante et un bouillonnement d’initiatives souvent fumeuses.

Sarkozy was ex-Mossad secret agent

Le Figaro claimed that French police officials managed to keep secret a letter, which exposed Sarkozy’s past participation in espionage activities for Mossad.

A report reveals that French President Nicolas Sarkozy worked for Israeli intelligence for a long time before he was elected president.

French daily Le Figaro has revealed the French leader once worked for the Zionist regime as a sayan, Hebrew for ‘collaborator’.

Ex-Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky says sayans, who perform many roles, are Jewish citizens of other nationalities assisting Mossad.

Le Figaro claimed that French police officials managed to keep secret a letter, which exposed Sarkozy’s past participation in espionage activities for Mossad.

The letter fixed Sarkozy’s alleged spying activities as far back as 1983.

In the immediate aftermath of Le Figaro’s exposé, the Zionist regime’s Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was on a state visit to France to discuss Iran’s nuclear program, which raised more questions about the report.

How many Israeli spies are buried inside OUR government?

Sarkozy affirms alliance to Israel

Algerian minister says « Jewish lobby » elected Sarkozy

Less than a week before the visit of French President Nicolas Sarkozy to Algeria, an Algerian minister said that Sarkozy owed his electoral victory to Israel and « the Jewish lobby, » the French daily Le Figaro reported Wednesday.

Posted in light if the recent allegations that Sarkozy is a Mossad asset.

How many of our candidates, supported by the Israeli Lobby, are actually Mossad assets?

Sarkozy, kissing Olmert’s Ass

Sarkozy has Israel’s stamp of approval

This dovetails with the report that Sarkozy may be linked to the Mossad.

BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy’s background as Mossad agent

The PJ (Police Judiciere) investigates an electronic mail that was sent during the presidential election to one hundred top responsible of the police force. The email affirms that Sarkozy, like Balkany, Lellouche, Devedjian and Aeschlimann were connected to Mossad. Did a dispensary want to destabilize Nicolas Sarkozy during the presidential campaign? An inquiry entrusted to the Police Judiciere (Judiciary Police) must establish this. At the end of March, 2007, in the ‘last right’ of the election, all departmental managers of the Public Security, around one hundred senior civil servants, were sent a strange electronic mail. The future president was bluntly accused of having been recruited in 1980s by Mossad, the Israeli secret service.

Furl the flag

As if his marital challenges were not enough cause for concern, « Sarco the Sayan » has suddenly emerged as the most infamous accolade of French President Nicolas Sarkozy. The influential French daily Le Figaro last week revealed that the French leader once worked for — and perhaps still does, it hinted — Israeli intelligence as a sayan (Hebrew for helper), one of the thousands of Jewish citizens of countries other than Israel who cooperate with the katsas (Mossad case-officers).

Inside France’s secret war

« France sees the CAR as a colony, » Maka says. « The presidents are selected by France, not elected by the people. The presidents do not serve the interests of this country; they serve the interests of France. » He lists the French corporations who use the CAR as a base to grab Central African resources. This French behaviour is, he reasons, at the root of the wars currently ripping apart the north of the country. Whoever becomes president knows his power flows down from Paris, not up from the people – so he has no incentive to build support by developing the country. Rebellions become inevitable, and the president crushes them with the house-burnings and French bombs I learned about in Birao.

« The country will only be able to develop when France stops putting in place these dictators and the people choose, » Maka adds, stubbing out his cigarette into an overflowing ashtray. « The CAR will only progress when the president is scared of his people, not the French. »

4 décembre 2007

Coup d’état par Prescott Bush aux USA en 1930/ Nixon-Israël et bombes nucléaires + VIDÉO

(Une image vaut mille mots? Ceci est une image des crèches qu’on vend à Jérusalem… La comprenez-vous?)

Coup d’état par Prescott Bush aux USA en 1930/ Nixon-Israël et bombes nucléaires + VIDÉO

J’ai remis en lien ces deux articles cruciaux qui ont été publié cette semaine. Le grand-père de Bush, Prescott Bush, a participé à un plan, qui avait 500 000 personnes derrière, pour faire un coup d’état aux États-Unis dans les années trente. Il trouvait l’idée des régimes fascistes en Italie et Allemagne du temps « une bonne idée »!!!!!

Le deuxième est la déclassification de papiers personnels de Richard Nixon en 1965 qui révèlent que l’Administration de Nixon savait déjà qu’Israël avait développé et possaidait des bombes nucléaires de façon clandestine et Nixon soupçonnait qu’Israël avait volé du matériel nucléaire des États-Unis. Dire qu’ils accusent l’Iran de vouloir développer la bombe nucléaire!!!

Le reste sont de très intéressants vidéo à voir!

America’s Fascist Coup Owes Legacy To Bush’s Nazi Grandfather

Author Naomi Wolf, who made headlines earlier this year after she identified the ten steps to fascism that were being followed to a tee by the Bush administration, spoke publicly for the first time yesterday about the origins of what we see unfolding today, Prescott Bush’s attempt to launch a Nazi coup in 1930’s America.


Naomi Wolf: America’s Fascist Coup Owes Legacy To Bush’s Nazi Grandfather
Author of « 10 steps » speaks publicly for the first time about origins of modern-day tyranny

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Author Naomi Wolf, who made headlines earlier this year after she identified the ten steps to fascism that were being followed to a tee by the Bush administration, spoke publicly for the first time yesterday about the origins of what we see unfolding today, Prescott Bush’s attempt to launch a Nazi coup in 1930’s America.

Speaking on the Alex Jones Show, Wolf said that she was first alerted to begin researching America’s slide into fascism when her friend, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, warned her that the same events that laid the foundations for the rise of the Third Reich in early 1930’s Germany, when it was still a Parliamentary democracy, were being mirrored in modern-day America.

« A small group of people began very systematically to use the law and dismantle the Constitution and put pressure on citizens to subvert the law – and that opened the door for everything that followed, » said Wolf.

« When I started reading, not only are tactics and strategy being reproduced exactly right now by the Bush administration – but actual sound bytes and language and images and scenarios are being reproduced, » she added.

Wolf’s essay, Fascist America, In 10 Easy Steps, has received plaudits for how it succinctly describes the ways in which dictatorships the world over throughout the 20th century have evolved by following the exact same blueprint for tyranny that we see unfolding in America today.

« Everybody that wants to close down a Democracy does the exact same ten things, the same classic steps and unfortunately we’re starting to see these ten steps being put in place in the United States, » said Wolf.

For the first time publicly, Wolf traced the origins of contemporary developments back to President Bush’s Nazi grandfather, Prescott Bush, and his plan to launch a fascist coup in the 1930’s.

« There was a scheme in the 30’s and Prescott Bush was one of the leaders of this scheme, an industrialist who admired fascism and thought that was a good idea – to have a coup in the United States along the lines of the coup they saw taking place in Italy and Germany, » said Wolf, referring to the testimony of Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler, who was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists and bankers, including Prescott Bush – the current President’s grandfather, who asked him to command a 500,000 strong rogue army of veterans that would help stage a coup to topple then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

A recent BBC radio report confirmed that there was an attempted coup led by Prescott Bush.

« Smedley Butler had been involved with violent regime change throughout his career, but he was approached by these conspirators, including Prescott Bush, and he outed them and he testified to Congress that they were planning a coup in the United States – it’s in the Congressional record, » said Wolf, adding that the coup was being bankrolled by German industrialist and one of Hitler’s chief financiers Fritz Thyssen.

« What is amazing to me and resonant to me is that when the Nuremberg trials were finally put in place, these Nazi industrialists, some of whom had colluded with Americans including IBM, were about to be brought to trial and sent to prison – there was a moment at which they were going to look into turning the spotlight on their American partners, » said Wolf.

The author added that laws such as the Military Commissions Act of 2006 were consciously designed to protect current President Bush and his co-conspirators from being indicted for war crimes, harking back to Prescott Bush’s history.

« The family history is that you can make so much money uniting corporate interests with a fascist state that violently represses people, that’s why when I saw the recycling of so much Nazi language, Nazi tactics, Nazi strategies, Nazi imagery in the Bush White House and then finally belatedly people brought to me this history of Prescott Bush’s attempted coup and Smedley Butler’s revelations – it gives me absolute chills, » said Wolf.

The fact that Bush’s grandfather was a Nazi cannot be presented alone as proof that President Bush is carrying on the legacy, but his policies and rhetoric, which in her essay Wolf clearly documents are borrowed from the Nazi playbook, and in particular the recent move to smear administration critics as potential terrorists, are evidence that George W. Bush is the figurehead for a modern-day fascist coup in America led by the Neo-Cons.

Wolf concluded that history shows the only safe course for preserving freedom in such a climate is to prosecute and jail the protagonists of the coup as early as possible, a process many would argue should have been enacted several years ago.


Alex Jones’ Endgame features rare archive footage of Smedley Butler exposing the fascist coup. Martial Law features an interview with researcher John Buchanan, who was the first to discover documents pertaining to Prescott Bush’s activities in the national archives. Watch for free at Google Video here.

Click here to listen to the MP3 interview with Naomi Wolf.

Nixon papers suggest israel stole nuclear material from US in 1965

“There is circumstantial evidence that some fissionable material available for Israel’s weapons development was illegally obtained from the United States about 1965,” Mr. Kissinger noted in his long memorandum.

Maybe that’s why the Israeli consulate in New York is a radioactive « hot spot » according to NEST surveys.

I remember when there was a huge MUF (Material Unaccounted For) scandal at the Savannah River plant, and how the media swept it under the rug by saying that « experts » concluded the missing bomb material was « probably » coated along the inside of the pipes in the refinement system.

Giuliani Gets Exposed As Fraud by Firefighters

Oil company business as usual

Shell Oil – corporate criminals


, shockwave-flash@http://current.com/e/87156551″ class= »__noscriptPlaceholder__ » href= »http://current.com/e/87156551″ id= » »>

Behind the scenes MEDIA CENSORING RON PAUL (FOX???)

« New World Order »

Different faces, the same game

The Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton Administration


>A 9 minute video to see...V



Those long-lasting lines in the sky aren’t clouds because you can watch them being created by planes. They aren’t normal contrails, because they don’t eventually disappear, they spread out into a milky haze.

Governments everywhere deny that anything is going on but the evidence presented in this video suggests that a toxic hi-tech « fix » for global warming IS being carried out right over our heads!

Veteran alternative journalist William Thomas and artist/videographer Paul Grignon present a compelling argument that, rather than confront our addiction to fossil fuels, the powers of the world are staking our lives on a strange white powder.


Guliani : « You’re all a bunch of morons »

You want this attitude in the White House?

2 décembre 2007

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 2 décembre 2007: l’empoisonnement par radiation et le système fractionnaire bancaire

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 2 décembre 2007: l’empoisonnement par radiation et le système fractionnaire bancaire

Vous pouvez écouter ou télécharger l’émission directement du site de CHOC FM en cliquant sur le lien ci-haut, ou encore:

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici: L’Autre Monde 2 décembre 2007

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…

– Nous décorticons le système fractionnaire bancaire et monnaitaire, la création de la monnaie de papier.

– Il est aussi question cette semaine des dangeureuses tours pour les téléphones cellulaires et de l’empoisement conséquent par radiation.

– Sans oublier la fameuse cyber revue de presse de la semaine et la bonne musique!

Soyez au rendez-vous!

Voici les liens et sources des sujets de l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Nixon papers suggest israel stole nuclear material from US in 1965

“There is circumstantial evidence that some fissionable material available for Israel’s weapons development was illegally obtained from the United States about 1965,” Mr. Kissinger noted in his long memorandum.

Maybe that’s why the Israeli consulate in New York is a radioactive « hot spot » according to NEST surveys.

I remember when there was a huge MUF (Material Unaccounted For) scandal at the Savannah River plant, and how the media swept it under the rug by saying that « experts » concluded the missing bomb material was « probably » coated along the inside of the pipes in the refinement system.

America’s Fascist Coup Owes Legacy To Bush’s Nazi Grandfather

Author Naomi Wolf, who made headlines earlier this year after she identified the ten steps to fascism that were being followed to a tee by the Bush administration, spoke publicly for the first time yesterday about the origins of what we see unfolding today, Prescott Bush’s attempt to launch a Nazi coup in 1930’s America.

Speaking on the Alex Jones Show, Wolf said that she was first alerted to begin researching America’s slide into fascism when her friend, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, warned her that the same events that laid the foundations for the rise of the Third Reich in early 1930’s Germany, when it was still a Parliamentary democracy, were being mirrored in modern-day America.

« A small group of people began very systematically to use the law and dismantle the Constitution and put pressure on citizens to subvert the law – and that opened the door for everything that followed, » said Wolf.

« When I started reading, not only are tactics and strategy being reproduced exactly right now by the Bush administration – but actual sound bytes and language and images and scenarios are being reproduced, » she added.

Wolf’s essay, Fascist America, In 10 Easy Steps, has received plaudits for how it succinctly describes the ways in which dictatorships the world over throughout the 20th century have evolved by following the exact same blueprint for tyranny that we see unfolding in America today.

« Everybody that wants to close down a Democracy does the exact same ten things, the same classic steps and unfortunately we’re starting to see these ten steps being put in place in the United States, » said Wolf.

For the first time publicly, Wolf traced the origins of contemporary developments back to President Bush’s Nazi grandfather, Prescott Bush, and his plan to launch a fascist coup in the 1930’s.

« There was a scheme in the 30’s and Prescott Bush was one of the leaders of this scheme, an industrialist who admired fascism and thought that was a good idea – to have a coup in the United States along the lines of the coup they saw taking place in Italy and Germany, » said Wolf, referring to the testimony of Marine Corps Maj.-Gen. Smedley Butler, who was approached by a wealthy and secretive group of industrialists and bankers, including Prescott Bush – the current President’s grandfather, who asked him to command a 500,000 strong rogue army of veterans that would help stage a coup to topple then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Prescott Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush.

A recent BBC radio report confirmed that there was an attempted coup led by Prescott Bush.

« Smedley Butler had been involved with violent regime change throughout his career, but he was approached by these conspirators, including Prescott Bush, and he outed them and he testified to Congress that they were planning a coup in the United States – it’s in the Congressional record, » said Wolf, adding that the coup was being bankrolled by German industrialist and one of Hitler’s chief financiers Fritz Thyssen.

Facebook Retreats on Online Tracking

Within the last 10 days, more than 50,000 Facebook members have signed a petition objecting to the new program, which sends messages to users’ friends about what they are buying on Web sites like Travelocity.com, TheKnot.com and Fandango

Fatal exploding phone?

Mobile phone may have killed quarry worker

Reuters Photo: A burnt mobile phone is seen in this undated picture released by the Cheongju Heungdeok..

SEOUL (Reuters) – A 33-year-old South Korean quarry worker was found dead with a burning mobile phone stuck to his chest, police and the doctor who examined the man said on Thursday.

The man, who was pronounced dead on arrival at a hospital, had burns on his chest, fractured ribs and internal bleeding, the doctor said.

U.S. Warships Pass Through Taiwan Strait After China Rejects Port Call

The United States has cautiously avoided traveling through the Taiwan Strait since 1996, when Taiwan’s first presidential vote created turmoil. However, sources say that following China’s rejection on November 21, six aircraft carriers, including the USS Kitty Hawk, moved in the South China Sea, crossing the Taiwan Strait.

Russia pulls out of Nato arms pact

Folks, sooner or later the Neocon agenda will result in war between the United States and Russia, and that is EXACTLY what Israel wants. Russia has kicked out the oligarchs, and Israel’s control over the US is on the wane, so their plan appears to be to trick the US and Russia into a mutually destructive war which will leave Israel and their nuclear arsenal in control of the world’s remaining easily reachable oil.

The only thing that will stop WWIII is YOU.

Blowback From Moscow

The nationalism and anti-Americanism rife in Putin’s Russia is blowback for our contemptuous disregard of Russian sensibilities and our arrogant intrusions into Russia’s space. How did we lose a Russia that Ronald Reagan and Bush I had virtually converted into an ally?

We financed a pipeline from Baku through Georgia to the Black Sea to cut Russia out of the Caspian oil trade. After getting Moscow’s permission to use old Soviet bases in Central Asia to invade Afghanistan, we set about making the bases permanent. We pulled out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty over Moscow’s objection, then announced plans to plant ABM radars in the Czech Republic and anti-missile missiles in Poland.

Putin has now responded in kind, and who can blame him?

This administration has to be comprised of the true « Keystone Cops » of foreign policy, to have turned a potential ally into an adversary so completely.

Serbia pins blame of any Balkan flare-up on US

« It is obvious that full responsibility rests on the United States and its choice, on one hand, for law and order and, on the other, long-term instability, » Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica told the news agency Beta.

This has very much to do with the vast, rich mineral resources in Kosovo, and who – at the end of the day – can profit from them.

Kosovo President: Kosovo to declare independence in coordination with U.S., EU

So we’re not only going head to head about Kosovar « independence » (read: vast mineral resources) with Serbia: we’ll also be going head to head – potentially militarily – with Russia, which rejects Kosovo splitting off from Serbia.

Russia is dealing with various regions of its own right now which, given their preferences, would probably pull out of the Russian orbit and declare their independence (like Chechnya). Russia fears a « domino effect » if Kosovo becomes independent from Serbia.

NATO troops deployed to Kosovo

SERBIAN President Boris Tadic warned of ethnic unrest if Kosovo unilaterally declares independence, as a NATO commander said extra forces were being deployed to the Serbian province.

UK troops ready for Kosovo crisis

Britain yesterday offered to be the first Nato country to send extra troops to Kosovo within weeks, as the Conservatives and Balkan experts warned of a potentially violent crisis brewing.

While David Cameron accused the Kremlin of stirring up trouble in the Balkans and warned of a new crisis by Christmas, Gordon Brown’s government also risked Russian wrath by issuing a robust statement of support for quick Kosovan independence.


Venezuela Threatens to Expel US Official

Venezuela threatened Wednesday to expel a U.S. Embassy official for allegedly conspiring to defeat a referendum championed by President Hugo Chavez, accusing the diplomat of plotting to sway public opinion.

Here we go again.

They Live Taser Saucer To Become A Reality

One of the biggest Taser representatives outside the US base has declared the company’s intention to produce and sell internationally a small airborne drone version of the weapon that can administer electrical jolts of 50,000 volts.

If it is flying, then it has to be lightweight, which means after the weight of the engine, fuel, remote control system, and the taser itself, there will be no room for armor.

So, a 12 gauge (or a fire hose) should be able to take it down.

Hillary: I’ll Send Colin Powell Abroad As My Emissary

« I won’t even wait until I’m inaugurated, but as soon as I’m elected I’m going to be asking distinguished Americans of both parties — people like Colin Powell, for example, and others — who can represent our country well, » Hillary said.

Colin « Mai Lei » Powell? The man who lied to the United Nations about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction?

A candidate is known by the company she keeps.


LIVE VIDEO: Clinton Office Hostage Situation

Bomb-wielding man believed to be holding hostages at Clinton campaign office

« A young woman with a 6-month or 8-month-old infant came rushing into the store just in tears, and she said, ‘You need to call 911. A man has just walked into the Clinton office, opened his coat and showed us a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape. »

Hostages Taken At Clinton Campaign Office

An armed man took at least two workers hostage Friday at a Hillary Clinton presidential campaign office in New Hampshire, police said.

The timing is just too cute. I am starting to suspect a « Poor Hillary » pre-election publicity stunt.

US firefighters being trained to spot terrorists

Unlike police, firemen and paramedics do not need warrants to get into homes and other buildings during technical inspections of emergency facilities, making them particularly useful for spotting signs of terrorist planning.


The following was sent to me via email by a reader of this Blog. Sounds to me like a good start to ending the war…

A People’s Campaign to Defund the War


‘Pentagon is preparing for nuclear Iran’

The Pentagon is updating the US’s policy of deterrence to take into account a nuclear-armed Iran, The Sunday Telegraph reported.

Pentagon adviser Dan Goure told the paper that while « military strikes [against Iran’s nuclear facilities] might set the program back a couple of years… current thinking is that it is just not worth the risks. »

If in fact this story is true, it appears that US and Israeli policy makers stared at Russia…..and blinked.

US general says Iran helping stop Iraq bloodshed

A US general on Wednesday acknowledged Iran’s role in helping quell the bloodshed in Iraq, saying Tehran had contributed to stopping the flow of arms across the border into the country.

US Navy steps up fuel deliveries to Gulf forces

A Gulf oil industry source said the charters suggested there would be high naval activity, possibly including a demonstration to Iran that the US Navy will protect the Strait of Hormuz oil shipping route during tensions over Teheran’s nuclear programme.

It usually tenders for one or two tankers a month to supply Gulf operations, which include missions in Iraq.

That kind of acceleration of fuel delivery isn’t done without a good reason for it happening: it’s too expensive to do it « just for show », particularly with the price of oil hovering at just $100.00 per barrel.

U.S. Navy steps up fuel deliveries to Gulf forces

The government’s commitment to control CO2 and global warming appears limited to simply convincing you to use less gas … so that they can have more to invade another country, which by the way really heats up the planet and pours out tons of CO2.

Bush could send troops into Pakistan to strike Bin Laden

The US would send troops into Pakistan if intelligence was received enabling a strike at Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden, AFP quoted US President George W Bush as saying on Wednesday.

Pakistan angrily reacted to the US president’s remarks he made in an interview to CNN, by saying, “such concerns have been expressed on a number of occasions. We have made it clear that any such action would be unacceptable.”

This has nothing to do with the dead guy (Bin Laden), and everything to do with opening up another potential front for an attack against Iran.

Take a good look at a map, and look at the south-west border of Pakistan.

And at the end of the day, if Musharraf and his government really think they will have any choice as to whether or not this happens, they are completely mistaken.

Urgent action needed to avoid humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan, says Oxfam

Urgent action is needed to avert humanitarian disaster in Aghanistan where millions face « severe hardship comparable with sub-Saharan Africa, » the international aid agency Oxfam said.

A report by the Britain-based agency said U.S. spending on aid in the country was only a fraction of its military expenditure there, and too much of the aid money goes on high salaries.

What the Afghani people need is food and a credible government infrastructure, not bullets killing their families and friends.

Resurgent Taliban closing in on Kabul: report

The conflict in Afghanistan has reached « crisis proportions, » with the resurgent Taliban present in more than half the country and closing in on Kabul, a report said on Wednesday.

Bolstering NATO’s presence in Afghanistan, and getting member countries to contribute more, is expected to be a major issue on the agenda at a NATO summit in Romania in April.

By the time of the NATO conference in April, it will be far too late to turn things around.

Nato defends Afghanistan tactics

Gen Scheffer appealed for understanding on this issue and said there was no moral equivalent between the civilians killed by the Taleban and those killed by Nato.

Memo to General Scheffer: for an Afghani mother and father retrieving scattered body parts of their child who was just killed in a raid, there is no difference between a Taliban bomb or bullet and a NATO bomb or bullet: that child is just as dead, regardless.

Taliban recaptures district in W Afghanistan

The Taliban insurgents recaptured Gulistan district of western Afghan Farah province Friday, provincial governor Mohaidin Baloch said.

While confirming the news with Xinhua, the governor said the government forces have moved out of the district to prevent war with the militants and the ensuing civilian casualties and property damage.

Would someone please remind me again of just how well NATO’S occupation of Afghanistan is going?

The Taliban’s northern front: Taliban insurgents are building their network in the province of Badghis, in an attempt to open a gateway to Afghanistan’s north

While the attention of the Afghan government and the media is focused on major battles in the south of the country, the Taliban are making major headway in a northern region.

Badghis, a north-western province wedged between Herat and Faryab, has been the scene of heavy fighting for the past two months, and the insurgents have occupied three of the province’s seven districts. They have also established intelligence and operational networks in most district centers.

Asia »>More than half of Afghanistan ‘under Taliban’

More than half of Afghanistan is back under Taliban control and the Nato force in the country needs to be doubled in size to cope with the resurgent group, a report by the Senlis Council think-tank says. A study by the group found that the Taliban, enriched by illicit profits from the country’s record poppy harvest, had formed de-facto governments in swathes of the southern Pashtun belt.

La farce du faux Sommet de la paix d’Annapolis


The Radiation Poisoning Of America

by Amy Worthington

Global Research, October 9, 2007

Idaho Observer – 2007-10-07

Prior to 1996, the wireless age was not coming online fast enough, primarily because communities had the authority to block the siting of cell towers. But the Federal Communications Act of 1996 made it nearly impossible for communities to stop construction of cell towers « even if they pose threats to public health and the environment. Since the decision to enter the age of wireless convenience was politically determined for us, we have forgotten well-documented safety and environmental concerns and, with a devil-may-care zeal that is lethally short-sighted, we have incorporated into our lives every wireless toy that comes on the market. We behave as if we are addicted to radiation. Our addiction to cell phones has led to harder « drugs » like wireless Internet. And now we are bathing in the radiation that our wireless enthusiasm has unleashed. Those who are addicted, uninformed, corporately biased and politically-influenced may dismiss our scientifically-sound concerns about the apocalyptic hazards of wireless radiation. But we must not. Instead, we must sound the alarm.

Motorola company manuals for management of communications sites confirm that high frequency radiation from these antennas is nasty stuff. Safety regulations mandate warning signs, EMF awareness training, protective gear, even transmitter deactivation for personnel working that close to antennas.

By the end of fire season, Garcia and Jasso were so ill they were forced to retire and the lookout was closed to state personnel. Garcia, 52, is now severely disabled with fibromyalgia, auto-immune thyroiditis and acute nerve degeneration. Medical tests confirmed broken DNA strands in her blood and abnormal tissue death in her brain.

Dr. Gunner Heuser, a medical specialist in neurotoxicity, states that Garcia’s disorders are a result of chronic electromagnetic field exposure in the microwave range and that « she has become totally disabled as a result. » Dr. Heuser wrote, « In my experience patients develop multisystem complaints after EMF exposure just as they do after toxic chemical exposure. »

Jasso, who worked the lookout for 11 seasons, is also disabled with brain and lung damage, partial left side paralysis, muscle tremors, bone pain and DNA damage.

The identical damage resulting from both radioactive gamma waves and high frequency microwaves involves a pathological condition in which the nuclei of irradiated human cells splinter into fragments called micronuclei. Micronuclei are a definitive pre-cursor of cancer. During the 1986 nuclear reactor disaster at Chernobyl in Russia, the ionizing radiation released was equivalent to 400 atomic bombs, with an estimated ultimate human toll of 10,000 deaths. Exposed Russians quickly developed blood cell micronuclei, leaving them at high risk for cancer.

What they wouldn’t tell us

RF/microwaves from cell phones and cell tower transmitters also cause micronuclei damage in blood cells. This was reported a decade ago by Drs. Henry Lai and Narendrah Singh, biomedical researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle. Dr. Singh is famous for refining comet assay techniques used to identify DNA damage. Lai and Singh demonstrated in numerous animal studies that mobile phone radiation quickly causes DNA single and double strand breaks at levels well below the current federal « safe » exposure standards.2

The telecommunications industry knows this thanks to its own six-year, wireless technology research (WTR) study program mandated by Congress and completed in 1999. Gathering a team of over 200 doctors, scientists and experts in the field, WTR research showed that human blood exposed to cell phone radiation had a 300-percent increase in genetic damage in the form of micronuclei.3 Dr. George Carlo, a public health expert who coordinated the WTR studies, confirms that exposure to communications radiation from wireless technology is « potentially the biggest health insult » this nation has ever seen. Dr. Carlo believes RF/microwave radiation is a greater threat than cigarette smoking and asbestos.

In 2000, European communications giant T-Mobile commissioned the German ECOLOG Institute to review all available scientific evidence in regard to health risks for wireless telecommunications. ECOLOG found over 220 peer-reviewed, published papers documenting the cancer-initiating and cancer-promoting effects of the high frequency radiation employed by wireless technology.4 Many corroborating studies have been published since.

By 2004, 12 research groups from seven European countries cooperating in the REFLEX study project confirmed that microwaves from wireless communications devices cause significant single and double strand DNA breaks in both human and animal cells under laboratory conditions.5 In 2005, a Chinese medical study confirmed statistically significant DNA damage from pulsed microwaves at cell phone levels.6 That same year, University of Chicago researchers described how pulsed communications microwaves alter gene expression in human cells at non-thermal exposure levels.7

Because gamma waves and RF/microwave radiation are identically carcinogenic and genotoxic to the cellular roots of life, the safe dose of either kind of radiation is zero. No study has proven that any level of exposure from cell-damaging radiation is safe for humans. Dr. Carlo confirms that cell damage is not dose dependant because any exposure level, no matter how small, can trigger damage response by cell mechanisms.8

Slow-burn radiation mechanisms are cumulative, progressive, ongoing and continual. Thousands of Japanese nuke bomb victims died painfully years after exposure. The slow burn process of RF/microwave exposure is manifested by cancer clusters commonly found in communities irradiated by cell tower transmitters. Recent Swedish epidemiological studies confirm that, after 2,000 hours of cellular phone exposure, or a latency period of about 10 years, brain cancer risk rises by 240 percent.11

Lethal exposure guidelines

Even if there were reliable compliance monitoring, many experts say that FCC public exposure guidelines for RF/microwave radiation are deadly because they are based on the obsolete and unfounded theory that only power density hot enough to flash-cook tissues is harmful. This puts FCC at odds with current scientific knowledge regarding the minimum exposure level at which harm to living cells begins.

Myriad symptoms of radiation poisoning can be induced at exposure levels hundreds, even thousands of times lower than current standards permit. Russia’s public exposure standards are 100 times more stringent than ours because Russian scientists have consistently shown that, at U.S. exposure levels, humans develop pathological changes in heart, kidney, liver and brain tissues, plus cancers of all types.16

We can only guess how many Americans are in their graves today from microwave assault. Arthur Firstenberg, who founded the Cellular Phone Task Force, wrote that, on November 14, 1996, New York City’s first digital cellular provider activated thousands of PCS antennae newly erected on the rooftops of apartment buildings. Health authorities reported that a severe and lingering flu hit the city that same week. In response to its classified newspaper ad advising that radiation sickness is similar to flu, the Task Force heard back from hundreds of people who reported sudden onset symptoms synchronous to microwave startup »symptoms similar to stroke, heart attack and nervous breakdown.

Firstenberg then gathered statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and analyzed weekly mortality statistics published for 122 U.S. cities. Each of dozens of cities recorded a 10-25 percent increase in mortality, lasting two to three months, beginning in the week during which that city’s first digital cell phone network began commercial service. Cities with no cellular system start up in the same time period showed no abnormal increases in mortality. 23

Studies abroad

Recent health surveys in other nations confirm that people living close to wireless transmitters are in big trouble:

In 2002, French medical specialists found that people living close to cell towers suffered extreme sleep disruption, chronic fatigue, nausea, skin problems, irritability, brain disturbances and cardiovascular problems.24

German researchers found that people living within 1,200 feet of a transmitter site in the German city of Naila had a high rate of cancer and developed their tumors on average eight years earlier than the national average. Breast cancer topped the list.25

Spanish researchers found that people living within 1,000 feet of cellular antennas had statistically significant illness at an average power density of 0.11 to 0.19 microwatts /cm2, which is thousands of times less than allowed by international exposure standards.26

An Egyptian medical study found that people living near mobile phone base stations were at high risk for developing nerve and psychiatric problems, plus debilitating changes in neurobehavioral function. Exposed persons had significantly lower performance on tests for attention, short term auditory memory and problem solving.27

Researchers in Israel studied people in the town of Netanya who had lived near a cell tower for 3-7 years. They had a cancer rate four times higher than the control population. Breast cancer was most prevalent. 28

Europe in an uproar

A new European Union poll of more than 27,000 people across the continent reveals that 76 percent of respondents feel that they are being made ill by wireless transmitters.29 Seventy-one percent in the UK believe they suffer health effects from mast (cell tower) radiation. In April 2007, The London Times reported a startling number of cancer clusters in mast neighborhoods. One study in Warwickshire, found 31 cancers around a single street. 30 Some sick Brits send their blood to a lab in Germany, which uses state of the art methodology to confirm wireless radiation damage.

Radiation sickness is now so prevalent in Germany that 175 doctors have signed the Bramberger Appeal, a document calling the situation a « medical disaster. » It asks the German government to initiate a national public health investigation. This appeal closely follows the Freiburger Appeal, signed by thousands of German doctors who say they are dealing with an epidemic of severe and chronic diseases among both old and young patients exposed to wireless microwave radiation. The head of the cancer registry in Berlin found that one urban area with cellular antennas had a breast cancer rate seven times the national average.31

Sweden was one of the first nations to go wireless. Swedish neuroscientist, Dr. Olle Johansson, with hundreds of published papers to his credit, says that a national epidemic of illness and disability was unleashed by the wireless revolution. Long periods of sick leave, attempted suicides and industrial accidents all increased simultaneously with introduction of mobile phone radiation. Ninety-nine percent of the Swedish population is now under duress of powerful third generation masts. Johansson reports that people are plagued with sleep disorders, chronic fatigue that does not respond to rest, difficulties with cognitive function and serious blood problems. Recurrent headaches and migraines are a « substantial public health problem, » he says.32

Rooftop transmitters, which readily pass microwave radiation into structures, can be a death sentence. Across the world there are reports of cancer clusters and extreme illness in office buildings and multi-tenant dwellings where antennas are placed on rooftops directly over workers and tenants. In 2006, the top floors of a Melbourne University office building were closed after a brain tumor cluster drew media attention to the risks of communications transmitters on top of the building.33 Likewise, ABC’s Brisbane television complex, topped with satellite dishes and radio antennas, was the site of a well-publicized breast cancer cluster among workers.34

Some networks are being buried under sidewalks. These access points or « nodes » blast carcinogenic energy at 2.4 to 5 gigahertz with virtually no warning signs about radiation exposure. WiFi radiation is unregulated by the FCC.

Sprint-Nextel and Clearwire are now rolling out in U.S. cities tower-mounted WiMAX transmitters providing wireless internet access « to die for. » WiMAX is WiFi on steroids. Upon startup of WiMAX transmitters near the Swedish village of Gotene, the emergency room at the local hospital was flooded by calls from people overcome with pulmonary and cardiovascular symptoms.35

WiMAX radiation could one day be cranked up to a bone-incinerating 66 gigahertz.36 A single WiMAX tower could provide internet coverage for an area of 3,000 square miles, although coverage for 6-25 square miles is the norm now. Promoters say WiMAX may some day replace all cable and DSL broadband services and irradiate virtually all rural areas

Any environmental stressor that jackhammers human cells at millions to billions of cycles per second is a cancer factor. Any wave-pollution that breaks the DNA and causes pre-cancerous micronuclei in human blood is a cancer factor. Logic tells us that there will be no « answer to cancer » until we eliminate the cancer factors.

Wireless communications radiation is to America today what DDT, thalidomide, dioxin, benzene, Agent Orange and asbestos were yesterday. Historically, the truth about the public health menace of extreme toxins is never told until thousands sicken and die.

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