LNI Média

22 novembre 2008

La résistance s’organise et passe à l’action

Filed under: États-Unis,Résistance — François M. @ 2:27

La résistance s’organise et passe à l’action

Voici quelques vidéo qui témoignent d’une résistance qui s’organise. Il ne peut y avoir de loi si elle ne s’applique pas à tous, de façon égale.
La première étape est de nous ré-énergiser en nous centrant sur les vrais valeurs de la vie, ce qui va fortifier notre courage moral. Nous devons savoir que nous avons passé la masse critique et que les changements enclenchés par notre changement de paradigme de pensée est irréversible.

Il suffit maintenant de consolider notre volonté collective vers un état où les motifs d’action seront soumis au principe de l’amour et de la lucidité sur les promesses de satisfaction découlant de la réalisation de nos désirs.
Alors la première vidéo est un bon speech comme on ne les entend plus de nos jours. Ensuite, observez bien dans la 2e vidéo comment Bush, le criminel de guerre et responsable d’un génocide au Moyen-Orient, est snubbé par les autres chefs d’états lors du meeting spécial du G-20: PERSONNE NE LUI SERT LA MAIN!

La troisième concerne une poursuite en justice très sérieuse contre Dick Cheney et Alberto Gonzales qui vient d’être déposé pour gestion criminelle de prisons privées aux États-Unis et dans lesquelles ces deux sombres personnages sont impliqués. À suivre!

Pour terminer, vous avez une autre preuve que l’IRS aux États-Unis (l’équivalent de notre Revenu Canada, mais qui est en fait une corporation privée qui envoie l’argent perçue à la FED, elle-même possédée par des banquiers privés), n’a pas aucun droit de collecter des impôts aux Américains puisqu’il n’existe aucune loi le permettant. Même lorsque confronté à la télévision, personne du gouvernement et de l’IRS ne peut montrer et produire la preuve que les Américains ont à payer des impôts. Un scandale de proportion gigantesque.

Et n’allez pas penser que notre situation au Canada est différente. Nous ne sommes pas supposés être taxés sur le fruit de notre labeur par le Fédéral. Seules les profits, les dividendes des corporations sont imposables. C’est par une passe-passe légale qu’on nous a fait tomber dans une catégorie légale où nous pouvons être taxés d’impôts. Dans une époque où nos gouvernements on cessé de nous représenter pour n’être que les représentants des milieux financiers et bancaire, des multinationales et corporations et du secteur militaro-industriel, il serait peut-être temps de recommencer à étudier ce que la Constitution du Canada et la Chartes des Droits et Libertés reconnaissent comme étant nos droits inaliénables et la façon dont les choses sont censé fonctionner dans ce pays. Il serait peut-être temps de dissoudre ces gouvernements anti-démocratiques et les institutions qui nuisent au Peuple. Un gouvernement qui ne représente par la volonté du peuple cesse d’être légitime et nul n’est tenu de payer ses impôts.

Vous voulez faire tomber Goliath?

Visez la jugulaire.

Amazing Speech to Pass Around!




Cheney and Gonzales indicted

I’m not sure anyone can fix the trashed
world financial system…but I’ll personally
feel a whole lot better when Dick Cheney
and George Bush are in jail.

Half of that ideal may be on the verge of being

A Texas prosecutor has just filed a formal indictment
against Cheney for being part of a criminal conspiracy.

Interesting case…

Privately owned prisons abused prisoners…
Cheney was an investor in these prisoners…
he and former crooked Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales actively interfered with
the investigation of abuses, including
murder, in these prisons.

It’s a RICO charge – the operation of
an organized criminal enterprise.

And the indictments are real.

A murdered inmate in a private prison..leads to an audit… leads to the discovery of corruption…leads to an indictment of Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

The indictment, based on a seven year investigation, finds a direct connection between Cheney and Gonzales and the corruption that led to this murder.

It’s being called an organized criminal enterprise.

The indictments are real.

Will Mr. Cheney soon be a guest at the
Graybar Hotel?

I certainly hope so. It would be good for
America’s soul.



Irwin Schiff vs. IRS on Fox TV News

www.GiveMeLiberty.org — Fox TV News interviews tax protester Irwin Schiff. Watch as famous NY tax attorney is unable to cite any law requiring average Americans for file or pay. Schiff’s website is www.paynoincometax.com.

Irwin Schiff vs. IRS on Fox TV News


IRS Commissioner Evades THE Question

www.GiveMeLiberty.org — What U.S. law requires Americans to pay income taxes? Watch IRS Commissioner Everson evade a direct question from the New York Times tax reporter. Why won’t he answer ???

IRS Commissioner Evades THE Question


4 septembre 2008

Des gardes de sécurité se font tabasser par la foule après avoir abusé de leur "pouvoir"

Filed under: Résistance — François M. @ 11:00

Des gardes de sécurité se font tabasser par la foule après avoir abusé de leur « pouvoir »

Voilà des gens solidaires qui ne resterons pas silencieux quand ils voient un abus flagrant de force par des gardes de sécurité sur un homme immobilisé et non-violent. Ils se rappelleront peut-être de la leçon.


18 juillet 2008

Quand il vient le temps de dire ça suffit

Filed under: Résistance — François M. @ 11:23

Quand il vient le temps de dire ça suffit

Voilà des informations qui circulent en ce moment à propos d’événements que nous pouvons grandement influencer si nous sommes assez informés et avons le coeur de nous en préoccuper.

Stop the attack on Iran


Terrorism against women working in Iraq


This is the third and last in our series
of videos documenting contractor mayhem
in Iraq.

The Iraq War was the first contractors

More than half of the operatives in
Iraq are private contractors. This
is unprecedented in American history.

The war in Iraq has enabled the Bush
Republicans to fund the development
of their own private army, Blackwater,
which as already been deployed on US

Halliburton routinely provides wildly
overpriced and substandard services
including contaminated water to troops.

The last in the series: utter lawlessness,
if you’re a private contractor in Iraq.


What the main stream media would have said if…

Imagine what the main stream media would have said if these were Palestinian children. It will be shown all over the world to depict barbarian Palestinian training innocent kids to become terrorist or born terrorist kids training to kill innocent & peaceful Israeli kids and so on! why don’t you see this in the media ……

Arrest Karl Rove now!

Karl Rove refuses to testify under oath about charges that he was involved in a five year long conspiracy to smear, falsely charge and have the Governor of Alabama imprisoned.

He’s claiming « executive privilege. » Just one problem, the President claims that this matter was never a subject of discussion in his administration.

Contempt of Congress is an arrest-able offense.

Karl Rove coordinated the lie campaign that
sold the war on Iraq.

He engineered two election frauds (three if
you count how he’s already wired the 2008 vote.)

He was « Bush’s Brain. »

You can help put the pressure on to put him
in a court of law as a defendant.



15 juillet 2008

VIDÉO: Verint Systems Inc et le métro de Montréal

Filed under: Canada,Militarisme et complexe militaro-industriel,Résistance — François M. @ 11:18


VIDÉO: Verint Systems Inc et le métro de Montréal

Voilà qui est intéressant! Ceci s’est déroulé à Montréal et franchement, j’applaudis l’aplomb de ce cher concitoyen qui ose parler de la vérité aux élus municipaux. Ces derniers ont donné à contrat en 2004 la surveillance du métro de Montréal à la compagnie israélienne Verint Systems Inc. qui a des liens avec le Mossad et la CIA et qui était aussi responsable des caméras dans le métro de Londres en 2005 qui comme par magie n’avaient pas fonctionnées seulement que ce jour-là. C’est une autre compagnie israélienne qui était responsable de la sécurité dans les aéroports d’où sont partie les avions lors du 9/11. Voir les informations en bas de page à cet effet. Alors dans cette vidéo que je vous présente, vous avez ce citoyen bien informé qui avertit les élus municipaux que si une attaque terroriste surviendrait dans le métro de Montréal, qu’on ne va pas les croire, surtout pas s’ils blâment cela sur le dos des islamiques ou Iranniens.

La deuxième vidéo vous donne dans nez ce que représente Blackwater, la compagnie de services de mercenaires privée. Si on ne paie pas attention à cette incroyablement dangereuse situation, on risque de se trouver au centre d’un cauchemar bien assez vite.

VIDEO – If You Try To Pull A False Flag Operation, We’re Not Going to Believe You


Starting with Ronald Reagan, the US has been
« outsourcing » military operations to private

The trend has greatly accelerated under George
Bush Jr. during the war in a Iraq.

Details and their significance:


Blackwater: A Primer


International Consultants on Targeted Security, ICTS – serious failures on July 7th AND 9/11?

All 9/11 Airports Serviced by One Israeli Owned Company

In the article at http://afrocubaweb.com/news/israelispying.htm there is the following paragraph:
‘To make the situation worse, a private security company called ICTS, owned by an Israeli, Ezra Harel, and registered in the Netherlands, was employed at Charles de Gaulle airport to screen passengers boarding US planes. Most of its personnel are ex-Shin Bet officers. The company covers security at Boston’s Logan airport, where the American Airlines plane came down after flight attendants and passengers overpowered Reid.’

The point of the article was that ICTS knew shoe bomber Richard Reid was dangerous, but allowed him on board a flight from Tel Aviv to Paris. Maybe they did and maybe they didn’t. But the idea that an Israeli owned company had inside access to the airport used to launch an abortive terror attack brought to mind the strange message Odigo Systems, another Israeli owned company with offices near the World Trade Towers, received that warned of the impending attacks before the hijacked planes had even left the ground.

… ICTS handled security at Logan International Airport, from which two of the 9-11 hijacked planes had departed. .. a visit to ICTS’ own web site at http://www.icts-int.com/ confirms that ICTS is in fact an Israeli owned company, and that it sells services to every airport from which the hijacked planes operated, including security, sometimes through wholly owned subsidiaries like Huntleigh USA Corporation.

7 juillet 2008

Criminaliser la paix et la résistance/dissidence

Filed under: Résistance — François M. @ 8:17

Criminaliser la paix et la résistance/dissidence

Voici quelques articles qui démontrent bien l’esprit de la résistance, de la dissidence politique légitime et d’une autre part la criminalisation de la paix par l’état. Ça prouve qu’on a un effet j’imagine!

Criminalizing peace

« Homeland Security » has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Everyone has their hand in the till from friends of the White House to « law enforcement » professionals who clearly have too much time on their hands. Welcome to the Snitch State: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/353.html – Brasscheck P.S. Has your lawful dissent group been infiltrated by police officers getting double overtime for keeping an eye on you? Don’t be too sure it hasn’t. Tell tale sign…look at their shoes. Cops have a thing about keeping their shoes nicely shined at all times even when they’re « dressing down. » Seriously.

George Carlin VS the « Owners »

George Carlin was an original – a great American comic and much, much more. The man dared speak real truth to real power. Carlin’s own words on our snake oil trap of a system will bear this out. He shall be missed…
“I’m talking about the real owners now… The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. They’re irrelevant. They are there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice.
You have OWNERS. They OWN YOU.

They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses; the city halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the information you get to hear. They’ve got you by the BALLS.”

They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying to get what they want. Well we know what they want: they want more for themselves and less for everybody else.”

We can continue to believe our politicians as they echo messages of stability and order around our planet, and we can continue to feed off the BBC or the New York Times to get an insight into the normality of the global situation, but sooner or later, the collapse of our economies is going to affect us directly by hitting our pockets, and then perhaps we will be ready to act. Hopefully, against those politicians and global capitalists who are infecting our daily life by bringing a painful and miserable reality to the majority of humanity.

Yesterday, as I drove on the motorway towards Barcelona, I was overcome with tears. Lining the roads were truckers, slowing the traffic, waving banners and making noise to be heard in order to be understood, while the rest of the drivers in their cars were feeling annoyed at the inconvenience of a minority obstructing their daily routine. The radio was repeating negative messages about the truckers; the politicians were repeating over and over again that these people were a minority and that the rest of us should not worry, because they would not achieve the goal of disrupting the flow of petrol or the arrival of goods from one point to another.

As this was happening in Spain, discontented truckers in different points of the planet were also complaining. Their complaint was a simple on e, “We can no longer afford to feed our families.” Yet, solidarity is running so short these days, that isolated groups get affected by the global economic situation, while the rest of us continue our routine without paying much attention to their pleas. What people are failing to see, is the connection between the truckers today, the fishermen a few weeks ago, the homeowners losing their homes, and the global revolts because of rising food prices. The people being affected directly are giving us a warning of things to come, and the only way this can be reversed, is if we group together and begin to show support to those who are feeling the pain right now.

The Beginning of Global Order

We can continue to believe our politicians as they echo messages of stability and order around our planet, and we can continue to feed off the BBC or the New York Times to get an insight into the normality of the global situation, but sooner or later, the collapse of our economies is going to affect us directly by hitting our pockets, and then perhaps we will be ready to act. Hopefully, against those politicians and global capitalists who are infecting our daily life by bringing a painful and miserable reality to the majority of humanity.

Yesterday, as I drove on the motorway towards Barcelona, I was overcome with tears. Lining the roads were truckers, slowing the traffic, waving banners and making noise to be heard in order to be understood, while the rest of the drivers in their cars were feeling annoyed at the inconvenience of a minority obstructing their daily routine. The radio was repeating negative messages about the truckers; the politicians were repeating over and over again that these people were a minority and that the rest of us should not worry, because they would not achieve the goal of disrupting the flow of petrol or the arrival of goods from one point to another.

As this was happening in Spain, discontented truckers in different points of the planet were also complaining. Their complaint was a simple one, “We can no longer afford to feed our families.” Yet, solidarity is running so short these days, that isolated groups get affected by the global economic situation, while the rest of us continue our routine without paying much attention to their pleas. What people are failing to see, is the connection between the truckers today, the fishermen a few weeks ago, the homeowners losing their homes, and the global revolts because of rising food prices. The people being affected directly are giving us a warning of things to come, and the only way this can be reversed, is if we group together and begin to show support to those who are feeling the pain right now.

Pick up Your Magic Wand and Let’s Do some Magic.

They have to get inside your head. It is at this point that you can do something about it. You can turn it off or you can consciously react. I would like everyone here to start practicing a conscious reaction to the lies of the day. Begin to say, « This is bullshit. » « This is a lie. » Say it out loud. Say it in your head. Say it to your fellows and explain to them that this is guerilla action.

I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any longer!

Leaders With No Conscience

As Osama bin Laden lay dying, December of 2001…might he have imagined that seven years later he would be on bogeyman life-support, still officially issuing messages as ruling poster boy for America’s mindless, force-fed terror obsession? The hammerlock on thoughts of Americans by psychopathic leadership still depends on fairytale power of Osama to help fuel the pathological War On Terror–could he have foreseen this, Americans being so propagandized as to let the lifeblood of their nation drip through their fingers, for lies? Whatever Osama knew he’d accomplished surely pales in light of what he has done since dying; if he had any inkling of this he must have died smiling.

More about the dead Osama HERE


The message of anti apartheid hit the streets of London yesterday. Groups banded together to show their opposition to the first Israel parade that was taking place at the same time.

The zionists were not too pleased with the fact that permission was granted to hold a vigil outside of South Africa House, the very scene of former anti apartheid demonstrations…. in South Africa. They were celebrating 60 years of occupation and apartheid, quite a different message than the one displayed opposite them. They seemed distressed that the message against apartheid literally ‘rained on their parade’.

16 juin 2008

Ne faites aucune déclaration à la police, peu importe les circonstances

Filed under: Divers,Résistance — François M. @ 12:41

Ne faites aucune déclaration à la police, peu importe les circonstances

On est très mal renseignés sur les mécanismes judiciaires et de la loi en général. Ces deux vidéo proviennent des États-Unis, mais la même situation prévaut au Canada. Nous avons des droits inaliénables et nous devons savoir nous protéger et s’en servir. Pour ce faire, il faut s’éduquer soi-même.

Je vous invite à voir ces deux vidéo pour comprendre pourquoi tout ce que vous déclarez à la police ne peut JAMAIS vous aider, sous aucune circonstance, mais ne peut que vous nuire. Même si vous êtes de bonne foi, que vous dites la vérité et que vous vous pensiez complètement innocent. Ne parlez jamais sans la présence de votre avocat. Pas d’interviews et d’interrogations sans votre avocat.

The Fifth Amendment is designed to defend
*innocent* people.

Even the Supreme Court agrees.

There is never any reason to talk to submit
to police interrogation or interview.

Rule #1: Say Nothing.

«  »Make no statement to the police under
any circumstances. »

* Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson

Here’s why this is so:


Why you should never talk to cops

Part One – The Attorney


Part Two – The cop


Rule #1 when dealing with police

Question: « The police are here. They want to talk to me. What should I do? »

Answer: « Make no statement to the police under any circumstances. »

– Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson

Got it?

15 Mai 2008

Dose de lucidité avec Michael Parenti et Keith Olbermann

Filed under: États-Unis,Histoire,Résistance — François M. @ 12:38

Dose de lucidité avec Michael Parenti et Keith Olbermann

Countdown: Special Comment « Bush Shut The Hell Up »

Thursday, May 15, 2008



The Myth of « Underdevelopment »

Michael Parenti


How George Bush Supports our Troops


19 avril 2008

La résistance se manifeste!

Filed under: Résistance — François M. @ 9:57


La résistance se manifeste!

Il n’y a pas que des mauvaises nouvelles. À toute action il y a une réaction. Ces queqlues exemples le démontrent bien. L’espoir est une question de volonté. Tout dépend de nous, chacun de nous.

Des citoyens poussent fort pour enlever Bush et Cheney du pouvoir, des vétérans parlent, les dénonciateurs d’abus par le gouvernement se multiplient, des Italiens ont empêché la construction d’une base militaire américaine sur leur sol, des Indiens ont tué un politicien qui leur a fait beaucoup de tort (pas que j’encourage la violence, mais ça montre que la populace a des limites aussi à se faire cyniquement manipuler), quelques pays et états on rejeté les projet de carte d’identité (Real I.D.).

Vous aussi avez deux courts clips qui montrent d’une part un intelligent et instruit prêtre qui répond à un cave de FOX News et un autre que je trouve personnellement très inspirant pour ceux qui veulent faire passer d’importants messages à la population sans passer à la TV ou la radio et quand même être vu par des centaines de milliers de personnes!

VIDEO – Fox News Gets Owned by Pro-Wright Priest

Rat Says: Wow… this priest is sharp! The little Fox reporter wasn’t expecting someone this studied. “Was Bill O’Reilly a Marine?” ……………….I’m speechless, this guy is good!


Post a sign, end the war

The Highway Blogger


« No one knows there is a war going on »

It’s amazing how powerful the combining of simple technology with common sense can be.

In business, we used to call it « guerrilla marketing. » Using low cost, high impact methods to get the message out.

In the land of freeways, what could be a more cost effective method?

The Highway Blogger makes a good point.

Hundreds of people all over the country could be doing this.

At which point, we transform our nation from a place of silent consent to one of endless activism.

John Adams used to call it « setting bonfire in the mind. »

We need to get back to that.

Vermont town seeks Bush, Cheney arrests

Vt. town hammered over petition to arrest, prosecute Bush and Cheney

Move to Impeach Cheney Gains Support in Congress

A House Resolution to impeach U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney, Dennis Kucinich’s H.R. 333, is gathering more support. The national impeachment continues to grow and generate increasing interest since being referred to the House Judiciary Committee last month, a Kucinich spokesperson said.

Investigate – Impeach – Indict – Imprison.

Support our troops – Get them out of there – Bring them home – They’ve done their job.

Investigate – Impeach – Indict – Imprison.

« In my lifetime we’ve gone from Eisenhower to George W. Bush. If this is evolution, I believe within twelve years we’ll be voting for plants.« 
– Lewis Black


The disdain and uncooperative nature that this administration has shown toward Congress, including Republican Members, is so egregious that I can no longer assume that it is simply bureaucratic incompetence or isolated mistakes. Rather, I have come to the sad conclusion that this administration has intentionally obstructed Congress’ rightful and constitutional duties.

Dreaming of a Better World, I Raise my Glass to You.

I don’t know Ron Paul and I’ve had my reservations since day one. That hasn’t changed. It was never about Ron Paul anyway. It was about people waking up. Since Ron Paul has come on the scene I have finally been able to see just what a massive army of the disaffected we have. Ron Paul could be the devil. He could be a shill. He could be this and he could be that but whatever he is he has been a catalyst for us finding each other. I have met and corresponded with more good people since I started talking about Ron Paul than I have ever experienced before. Often they tell me the same thing I am telling you right now. He… or his candidacy… has made it possible for us to find each other. That’s all I care about.

Iraq Veterans Against the War

From March 13-16th, U.S. veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan will testify to what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground in these occupations. To provide a preview, we’ve created this short film. The film features three members who will be testifying at Winter Soldier and includes videos and photographs of Iraq from their deployments. This video contains graphic content. We need your support to help make Winter Soldier a success.

100 Items to Disappear First

When the economy crashes, these will be the first things to vanish from the store shelves.

Angry Populace Burning British Surveillance Cameras

Motorists Against Detection, the vigilante anti-speed camera group have announced a summer of MADness which will see them target for destruction all speed cameras in the UK. It’s now going to be a period of zero tolerance against all speed cameras

Italians Block Construction of U.S. Base

Saturday, December 15th, 2007, was predicted to be the coldest day Vicenza had seen. It snowed lightly in the morning. And even without the weather factor, organizers had hopes of only about 20,000 people turning out for a long march through the city and yet another rally against the construction of a base at a location called Dal Molin. But as the march proceeded for hours through the streets of Vicenza, the sun melted the snow, and word came that the back end of the march had not yet left the starting place, it became clear that, without any advertising, and with negative or nonexistent media coverage, over 80,000 people had turned out in this conservative city with no university and no protest tradition. And there was no counter-protest whatsoever.

Israel: Time To Boycott, Divest and Sanction

« I am a black South African, and if I were to change the names, a description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank could describe events in South Africa. » ~Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Vanunu Speaks!

Today, March17th, 2008 at 12 9m Central Time Mordechai Vanunu, (www.vanunu.com) imprisoned 18 years by Israel for revealing her nuclear weapons capability speaks on the Republic Broadcasting Network

Turn… Turn that Wheel Little Hamster

This is why I keep coming back to the idea of a universal sit-down strike. Bring the empire to its knees and you can get up off of yours. Don’t strike and remain on yours until you can no longer even stay up on your knees. It is as simple as that.

In the Land of Personal Darkness

I don’t believe this ruling elite has it all locked down. They may wish it were so but it is not. I believe there is darkness and devilry afoot in nearly every government on the globe but I do not believe it is triumphant. What I do believe is that evil tends to cancel itself out. These conditions have been with us as long as history has recorded it and before that too. There are always going to be those who want to prosper at the expense of their fellows.

New World Disorder: Patterns Of Psychopathy And Other Fractal Anomalies

by Peter Zaza

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” – Lao Tzu

Patterns are all around us, in us, and part of every dynamic process that defines our behaviour and the world in which we live. They can be beautiful to look at, such as the microscopic view of a crystal, or they can be disturbing, like the image of prisoners lined up in orthogonal rows at a death camp. In this essay I’d like to talk about some patterns that exist both as the highest and lowest examples of man’s creativity and ingenuity. On the one hand we can explore some fascinating iterations of our intellectual capacity through mathematical algorithms that bring forth intricately beautiful graphic images. As well, we can look at a darker side to human artfulness in our ability to arrange patterns of behaviour for power and greed. If we are to survive the current changes being wrought upon our world, we must first identify and understand those systems of control set to manipulate us, only then can we realize our own potential in charting a course that is truly and freely our own.

« Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line. » – Benoit Mandelbrot, 1983

« All active tyrants and oppressors holding the reins of administration feel their existence endangered if men develop their faculty of thinking. There is a possibility of revolution in all successful quests after Truth. The so-called organized societies, religions, and kingdoms have their edifices founded on untruths. Hence?. A collective effort is made the moment a baby is born to fetter him in bondage and make him dependent on beliefs. All types of educational systems so far have been doing only this. The avowed aim of education is to liberate man. But actually what is achieved is this. In the mind of the individual, restraints of subtle mental slavery are shrewdly infused. The system does not impart thinking but it inculcates beliefs. Since it does not encourage doubts and revolts, the products of such a system of education are usually incompetent to think independently. » – osho

« Advertise, go on repeating to the public, and don’t be bothered whether they believe or not — that’s not the point. Hitler says there is only one difference between a truth and a lie: the truth is a lie that has been repeated very often. And man can believe any lies. Man’s gullibility is infinite. Man can believe in hell, man can believe in heaven, man can believe in angels, man can believe in devils, man can believe in anything! You just go on repeating. » – osho

“See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda. » – George W. Bush

Mob Kills Politician in Western India

A local politician was stripped, stoned and beaten to death by a mob during a rally of nearly 500 people in western India, police and party workers said Saturday.

One down.

Montana Governor Tells Feds What They Can Do With Their Real ID

I think it’s safe to say that Governor Brian Schweitzer of Montana doesn’t like Real ID, a backdoor way for the government to impose and create a national ID card (with RFID chip which an unauthorized, knowledgeable techie can read) by requiring extensive documentation before you can get a drivers license. Here’s an interesting site devoted to the anti-side of the issue. And here’s what security expert Bruce Schneier thinks of the idea.

Australia dumps national ID card

Australians got a wonderful xmas surprise this month — the new Labour government has scrapped the plan for a universal surveillance identity card.

Great Britain should do the same. After all, they already lost all their subjects’ data!

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