LNI Média

23 décembre 2008

Sur Les 7 du Québec: La venue des grandes révoltes et du nouvel ordre mondial

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,États-Unis,Canada,Terrorisme — François M. @ 6:35


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 23 décembre 2008

La venue des grandes révoltes et du nouvel ordre mondial


Voilà enfin le chat qui sort du sac: le gouvernement Harper a finalement admis publiquement qu’il va encourir de forts déficits budgétaires pendant au moins les quatre prochaines années, à commencer avec des prédictions de déficits de $30 milliards dès le budget 2009-10. Ça ne prenait pas une tête à Papineau pour prévoir cela. Avec ces $75 milliards octroyés aux banquiers canadiens par Harper, il est évident qu’un trou noir abyssal serait créé dans les finances publiques. C’est entre autres ce que je vous rapportais lors de mes deux derniers billets et c’est aussi la réalité que mes confrères collaborant à ce site ont essayés de vous convier (Voir 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Ne comptez pas sur les Libéraux et leur nouveau chef Michael Ignatieff pour vous aider parce qu’il vient de proposer de remonter la TPS pour aider à financer tout ce gâchis.

À ce massif $75 000 000 000 que Harper a accordé aux banques à charte canadienne – sans nous consulter avant de donner notre argent à ces banquiers – se rajoutera maintenant autour de $4 milliards pour les constructeurs automobiles… jusqu’au mois de mars après quoi ils auront besoin d’un autre $4 milliards. Et ensuite d’un autre. Et un autre. Et un autre…

Les constructeurs automobiles

Il reste que nous tenons pour acquis que de prendre de l’argent d’une partie de la population pour la donner à une autre soit louable. Certains diront que nous ne pouvons pas laisser les trois géants Chrysler, Ford et GM faire faillite dans le but de protéger les emplois, mais si nous avons cessé de consommer leurs produits, c’est qu’il y a bien une raison. Même si nous leur lançons tout notre argent alors que personne n’achète leur produit, ne sont-ils pas condamnés de toute façon? Combien d’argent leur avons-nous donné ces dernières décennies? Si nous sommes pour décider de les «sauver», ne devrions-nous pas leur imposer certaines conditions, comme de prendre part aux futurs profits ainsi que les forcer à produire des véhicules qui fonctionnent avec d’autres sources d’énergie que du pétrole, chose que nous savons parfaitement faire depuis assez longtemps?


Source. (Thanks, Richard Metzger) http://buffalobeast.com/133/bigthree.jpg

Les fonds de pension capitalisés

Parce que vous savez, cet argent, c’est vous qui le payez en fin de compte. Ces multichiffres dans la stratosphère des milliards seront payés à même vos fonds de pension, qui eux, sont carrément menacés de disparaitre. Le reste sera siphonné par les fonds de couverture (hedges funds) dans lesquels notre système spécial de fonds de pension capitalisés est investi en grande partie. 92% des avoirs de la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec sont investis à l’extérieur du Québec dont plus de 40% dans ces fonds de couvertures qui sont littéralement en train de s’écrouler. C’est la prochaine bulle financière qui va éclater. Mais attention, si vous pensiez que la bulle des hypothèques à risques était maligne, attendez de voir celle des dérivatifs. Nous parlons d’une bulle de 1,5 quadrillion de dollars ($1 500 000 000 000 000).

Nous faisons partie des quelques pays qui risquent de souffrir le plus de l’effondrement des fonds de pension capitalisés avec les États-Unis, le Japon l’Angleterre, la Hollande et le Danemark. Seulement qu’en 2008, ces fonds de pension ont perdu de $1500 à 4000 milliards et il est estimé qu’ils perdront au moins un autre $3000 milliards au courant de 2009. Ces gouvernements devront éventuellement nationaliser ces fonds de pension comme l’a fait l’Argentine dernièrement.

Ceci s’accompagnera de coupures importantes dans les services sociaux et autres dépenses publiques, de mises à pied massive qui mènera à l’effondrement des finances publiques tant au niveau fédéral que provincial, entrainant une accentuation et accélération de la privatisation de l’état laissant une plus grande emprise des créanciers sur l’appareil politique et un appauvrissement général de la population.

Terrorisme économique

Nous assistons ainsi à une forme pernicieuse de terrorisme économique. Henry Paulson, le Secrétaire du Trésor américain, a menacé plusieurs congressistes américains lors des débats sur le plan de sauvetage en septembre au Congrès: s’ils ne votaient pas pour le passage du plan de sauvetage de $700 milliards (qui se chiffre maintenant plutôt autour des $8500 milliards), alors ils verraient l’économie américaine s’effondrer la semaine suivante et la loi martiale serait imposée sur le territoire américain en suspendant la Constitution. Voilà ce que j’appelle du terrorisme économique. Ils ont d’ailleurs instauré une procédure spéciale qui accélère le passage de lois urgentes au Congrès qui est nommée «loi martiale», qui, celle-là, n’a rien à voir avec le déploiement de troupes dans les rues. À titre de comparaison, le programme lunaire Apollo des États-Unis pour aller sur la lune aurait couté 267 milliards en dollars ajustés d’aujourd’hui.

Bien sûr, un coup que l’argent fut approuvé, l’urgence disparue et l’argent fut distribué secrètement par la FED à divers amis banquiers et financiers de Wall Street qui en profitèrent pour se payer de gras bonus et salaire de l’ordre de $1.6 milliards en gage de récompense pour avoir si mal géré ces institutions financières en jouant au grand casino mondial, entrainant ainsi la crise que nous vivons présentement. D’ailleurs, une grande partie de cet argent servira au rachat d’autres institutions financières et autres compagnies et infrastructures publiques alors que le reste demeurera entre les mains des banques privées qui ont décidé de s’asseoir dessus en attendant de nous prêter plus tard cet argent qui nous appartient, en prenant soin d’y rajouter les intérêts.

La FED refuse de dévoiler comment et à qui elle a distribué plus de 2 trilliards de dollars provenant de… la poche des contribuables américains. Mais il semble que ce soit «business as usual» aux États-Unis, car même Donald Rumsfled avait annoncé la journée précédente des attaques du 11 septembre 2001 que le Pentagone avait écarté $2.3 trilliards de ses livres comptables. Heureusement, tous les documents relatifs à cette histoire seront détruits par les attaques dès le lendemain. Ah, c’est fou ce qu’on peut accomplir quand ces terroristes se décident de donner un coup de main…

Ce que 2009 nous réserve

Déjà plusieurs experts s’entendent pour dire que les États-Unis approchent l’insolvabilité et risquent de voir les finances du pays complètement s’effondrer d’ici l’été 2009 et commencer à faire défaut sur sa dette extérieure qui dépasse de loin 100% de son PIB.

Il est à prévoir que le déroulement de la crise systémique globale va atteindre un nouveau sommet vers mars 2009. À cette période de l’année, le public en général va devenir conscient de trois forces majeures déstabilisatrices qui sont à l’oeuvre dans l’économie globale:

– La durée de la crise qui ne se stabilisera pas avant la fin de 2010 et pas de croissance réelle avant 2018 selon le rapport LEAP/E2020 produit par GEAB;

– L’explosion du chômage à travers la planète;

– Le risque d’un soudain effondrement de tout le système des fonds de pension capitalisés.

Cela aura des conséquences. Dans le domaine de la prédiction des tendances du monde futur et des évènements économiques, Gerald Celente, le directeur du Trends Research Institute, est l’homme le plus respecté pour son exactitude. C’est celui qui a prédit le crash des marchés boursiers en 1987, l’éclatement de la bulle des hypothèques à risques (subprime) et la chute de l’Union Soviétique; et qui prédit maintenant qu’il y aura révolution aux États-Unis, des émeutes pour la nourriture et une rébellion contre les impôts et taxes d’ici les quatre prochaines années. Vers la fin de l’an 2012, il annonce que les États-Unis seront devenus un pays sous-développé. C’est que les gens seront furieux lorsqu’ils prendront conscience que les mauvaises décisions prises par leur gouvernement, industries et par la communauté financière les ont complètement ruinés. Ceci est corroboré par un mémo interne de la Citibank (autre responsable de la débâcle économique) qui prévoit que la création massive de nouvel argent par la FED et les autres banques centrales du monde mènera à un ou plusieurs de ces scénarios: une résurgence catastrophique de l’inflation et/ou à une profonde dépression suivit de troubles d’ordre civil et possiblement de guerres.

Mais il y a fort à parier que ces manifestations légitimes de la part du public seront attendues de pied ferme par les autorités. Il y a plus de 20 000 troupes de combat qui se trouvaient en Irak qui seront déployées graduellement sur le territoire américain pour maintenir l’ordre en cas de troubles civils. Le U.S. Army War College parle dans son dernier rapport d’utiliser des ressources et troupes du Pentagone dans le cas où la crise économique mènerait à des troubles civils, comme des protestations contre des corporations et le gouvernement ou contre des banques assiégées. Donc, on ne va pas protéger la population, mais bien les riches possédants de corporations et les banquiers.

Ce type de révolte a déjà commencé en Grèce et dans plusieurs autres pays en Europe et on s’attend à ce que cette révolte de la population se manifeste un peu partout dans le monde. (23/12/08 12h00 – Note: Les incidents en Grèce témoignent d’un malaise beaucoup plus profond que la simple mort d’un adolescent. Ce que les médias refusent de vous laisser comprendre, c’est que cette mort ne fut que l’élément déclencheur. Mais les Grecques en ont eu assez de ce système financier et le résultat est que plusieurs banques et institutions financières ont été attaquées par les manifestants. Ces derniers pourraient laisser à penser que ce n’est qu’une bande d’anarchistes qui se défoulent, mais la vérité est qu’une large majorité de la population les soutient et est d’accords avec leurs actions, comme révélé par un sondage mené là-bas. C’est sur la base de la manifestation contre la globalisation qui fait en sorte que ces révoltes s’étendent à plusieurs autres pays européens ainsi que possiblement aux États-Unis.)

Le nouvel ordre mondial annoncé

De ce grand chaos dont l’élite est volontairement responsable viendra la possibilité de faire émerger leur grand rêve d’une gouvernance mondiale. La venue de ce gouvernement global, aussi connu sous l’appellation du nouvel ordre mondial, est maintenant admise et annoncée par le prestigieux journal de Londres, The Financial Times, dans cet article nommé «And now for a world government». L’élite ne se cache plus et leur but est annoncé publiquement. À vous d’en prendre note. Ils ont déterminé que ce nouvel ordre mondial sera imposé par la force, ou encore mieux, sera demandé et accepté par la population mondiale qui, trop terrorisée par le chaos engendré par la crise financière, se rendra à cette élite pour être sauvée.

Note: Je vous invite à laisser vos commentaires sur Les 7 du Québec.

19 décembre 2008

Cheney admet avoir autorisé la torture, passible de peine de mort

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,États-Unis,Torture — François M. @ 11:54


Cheney admet avoir autorisé la torture, passible de peine de mort

Nous avons condamné à mort plusieurs personnes à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, lors des jugements de Nuremberg, pour avoir commis, autorisé et ordonné l’usage de la torture comme le waterboarding. Dick Cheney a admis pour la 2e fois en pleine télévision nationale aux États-Unis qu’il avait autorisé l’usage de la torture dans les prisons américaines un peu partout dans le monde dont les célèbres en Afghanistan, Irak et Guantanamo pour ne nommer que celles-là. Un rapport du Sénat américain a aussi confirmé la responsabilité de la torture à plusieurs hauts échelons du gouvernement Bush, dont Bush et Cheney, sans oublier Rumsfeld.

Donc, tous les éléments sont disponibles pour faire appliquer la loi à tous les responsables. Il ne s’agit plus que de savoir ce que la population voudra et fera. Si nous laissons Obama passer le dossier de la torture sous silence, cela nous rendra complices et responsables de facto en donnant tacitement notre consentement. Mais attention: si nous sommes d’accord avec ces nouvelles valeurs, c’est que nous acceptons aussi que ces méthodes puissent être appliquées contre nous et nos soldats lorsqu’ils seront capturés par des adversaires.

Pensez-y. Mais ne soyez pas silencieux.

Nos descendants vont regarder ce que nous aurons choisi face à ce choix de société. Nous serons considérés soit comme des gens qui acceptaient ou refusaient la torture. Et n’oubliez pas qu’historiquement, la torture n’a jamais réussi à faire obtenir des informations valides. Elle ne sert qu’à faire admettre ce que le bourreau ou l’état veut faire admettre dans le but de satisfaire son agenda particulier. La victime va admettre n’importe quoi pour faire cesser la douleur. Elle cherchera à savoir et dire ce que le bourreau veut entendre.

Je vous laisse aussi un lien pour jouer à lancer vos souliers à Bush, un autre sur l’économie et un dernier sur le Coca Cola qui est tellement remplit de pesticide en Inde que les fermiers s’en servent comme insecticide efficace et peu dispendieux!




We Used To Execute People For Waterboarding War Crimes!

U.S. Economy : The Philosopher’s Stone

Sponsor an Executive

Indian farmers find a use for Corporate Cola

Things go better with Coke

Why buy poison retail when you can get it at wholesale prices?

Unintended consequences of pesticide contamination in Coke and Pepsi sold in India.

17 décembre 2008

Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 18 décembre 2008: Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 18 décembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde:

– Le NIST admet que le WTC7 s’est écroulé à la vitesse de la chute libre.

– Le journal The Financial Times annonce le projet d’un nouvel ordre mondial.

– Économie: Émeutes en Grèce qui se répandent à d’autres pays, banques nationalisées et fonds de pension qui vont disparaitre et l’écroulement des finances publiques.

– Nous complèterons avec un survol du Moyen-Orient, état policier, changements climatiques et autres.

Dernière émission de la saison automne; soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

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Pétition contre l’utilisation d’armes radioactives – Petition against the use of radioactive weapons

Attaque au soulier:

« Iraqi reporter al-Zaidi’s arm, ribs broken »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The Secret Service is denying they beat the crap out of him for embarrassing them.

Iraq cheers reporter for Bush shoe attack

Citizens in Baghdad have ennobled a frogmarched Iraqi reporter for throwing his shoes at lame duck US President George W. Bush.

Iraqi reporter Muntadhar al-Zaidi shocked the world on Sunday by hurling his shoes at the visiting US president, who had come to the war-torn country to say farewell.

Sitting in the third row at a press conference attended by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the reporter ‘jumped up’ and shouted « It is the farewell kiss, you dog. »

Showing the sole of your shoe to someone in the Arab world is a sign of extreme disrespect, and throwing your shoes is even worse.

A study conducted by ORB — a well-known British polling agency which has been tracking public opinion in Iraq since 2005 — estimated in September 2007 that 1.2 million Iraqis had been killed in violence-related incidents following the March 2003 invasion of the country.

This is while Human Rights Watch estimates put the number of those killed during a period of twenty years of the reign of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein at 250,000 to 290,000.

Across Mideast, Arabs hail shoe-hurling journalist

Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets Monday to demand the release of a reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush, as Arabs across many parts of the Middle East hailed the journalist as a hero and praised his insult as a proper send-off to the unpopular U.S. president.

Bush Comparison Seen As Unfair to Dogs

This is the question now raised in Iraq: If they throw shoes at your face are you a combat troop or a noncombat troop? The answer may be important in helping to guide President Elect Obama’s strategy of reducing but continuing the genocidal occupation that has made a shoeless journalist one of the most beloved, if little known, people in the world overnight.

Send Shoes To Bush The Genocidal Maniac

Play the game

Join the protest: (I don’t know who began this, but I think it is a great idea)

Please forward to all your lists and join the campaign.

Demand the release of the Iraqi journalist Muntazer Al-Zeidi and flood the White House with old shoes. Speaking Shoes to Power Campaign!

Nouvel Ordre Mondial:

And now for a world government

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Here comes the call for a global government. It sounds benign and wonderful until you remember two important points.

1. Global government is what Alexander the Great and Hitler (among others) wanted.

2. Globalism is what turned a US economic melt-down into a world-wide disaster.

Financial Times Editorial Admits Agenda For Dictatorial World Government

The Financial Times, one of the most respected and widely read newspapers on the planet, features an editorial today that openly admits the agenda to create a world government based on anti-democratic principles and concedes that the term “global governance” is merely a euphemism for the move towards a centralized global government.

Sur Les 7 du Québec:

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Coup d’état monarchique et bancaire au Canada


Greek-inspired protests spread across Europe

The unrest that has gripped Greece is spilling over into the rest of Europe, raising concerns the clashes could be a trigger for opponents of globalization, disaffected youth and others outraged by the continent’s economic turmoil and soaring unemployment.

Protesters in Spain, Denmark and Italy smashed shop windows, pelted police with bottles and attacked banks this week, while in France, cars were set ablaze Thursday outside the Greek consulate in Bordeaux, where protesters scrawled graffiti warning about a looming « insurrection. »

At least some of the protests were organized over the Internet, showing how quickly the message of discontent can be spread, particularly among tech-savvy youth. One Web site Greek protesters used to update each other on the locations of clashes asserted there have been sympathy protests in nearly 20 countries.

More demonstrations were set for Friday in Italy, France and Germany.

Banks gas-bombed in Athens

Five banks were attacked overnight in Athens, police said Saturday as youths prepared to assemble at the scene of a teen’s killing by police one week ago.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The fact that the banks were attacked confirms that the real issue in all these riots is opposition to the financial system which is impoverishing the world’s people.

Fears of unrest spreading across Europe

THE unrest that has gripped Greece this week is spilling into the rest of Europe, raising concerns that it could be a trigger for opponents of globalisation, disaffected youth and others outraged by economic turmoil.

Protesters in Spain, Denmark and Italy smashed shop windows, pelted police with bottles and attacked banks this week, while in France cars were set ablaze on Thursday outside the Greek consulate in Bordeaux, where protesters warned about a looming « insurrection ».

Greece-Style Riots Coming To U.S.

Frighteningly accurate trends forecaster Gerald Celente says that America will see riots similar to those currently ongoing in Greece and that the cause will be a hyper-inflationary depression, leading to the inevitable use of troops and mercenaries to deal with the crisis as Americans are incarcerated in internment camps.

Who are the protesters in Greece?

The fatal police shooting of a teenager in Athens on Saturday and its violent aftermath are in many ways a spill over of a decades-long conflict that has simmered between police and far-left anarchist groups.

The violence has also laid bare a deeper anger that has been gaining ground in Greece over the government’s policies in slashing budget deficits and pushing on with unpopular reforms such as privatisations.

This anger has been exacerbated by a series of financial and political scandals among prominent members of the government of Costas Karamanlis, Greece’s prime minister.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I knew there was more going on than just that shooting.

Inside The Greek Student Protesters’ HQ – Exclusive Photos

The Polytechnic, the HQ of the uprising, is where students are organizing their protest and mixing cocktails. Not the drinking kind, but the throwing kind. The press in general has not been allowed inside. We were lucky enough to have a con

9 more banks nationalized

Nine more banks said their applications to sell preferred stock to the Treasury Department were approved. They will receive a total of $133.4 million in taxpayer capital.

This makes nearly 200 banks the Bush regime has nationalized so far.

Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion in Lending

The Federal Reserve refused a request by Bloomberg News to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from U.S. taxpayers and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

What is happening here is the new « taxation without representation », which caused a bit of a stir here some 200 plus years ago.

This is the Fed saying, « we can take your money, which you worked hard to earn, and give it our cronies, and you…little people… don’t deserve to know at all what’s going on with it. Go back to your puny little jobs… nothing to see here, move along! »

But, you argue, we have elected legislators who are supposed to represent us!


No; we have representatives who have become the acquisitions of those large corporations which support them, covertly and overtly.

As long as that tax money keeps flowing, our alleged representatives don’t give a damn about the people it’s coming from.

The concept of representative government in this country has become one sick, stupid joke, played on the taxpayers at their expense.

Ron Paul on the Auto Bailout

Congressman: Fed « Bamboozling » Americans

The Fed is refusing to disclose the recipients of $2 trillion dollars in loans, even after Bloomberg sued under the Freedom of Information Act to get the information.

Ex-Nasdaq chair arrested on fraud charge in NYC

A former Nasdaq stock market chairman was arrested on a securities fraud charge Thursday, accused of running a fraudulent investment business that lost at least $50 billion before he confessed to senior employees it was a « giant Ponzi scheme, » authorities said.

How low can the Fed go?

The inflating balance sheet is making life hard for the Fed. In the early phases of the present mayhem, Fed officials funded their programs as they drew down holdings of Treasury bonds. They used the proceeds to finance new programs. But officials don’t want the backroom pile to get too low — like your savings account, credit rating, Social Security, or my bond portfolio. The Fed nut is now at $476 billion, with a chunk of it committed to other programs. The Fed has actually asked the Treasury Department for cash. Bernanke offered to go out in the street with his hat in hand.

Madoff warnings ‘ignored for 10 years’

Pressure has been growing on the SEC over the last week to explain how the Wall Street regulator could have missed a colossal scam.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

As reported at:


« At a business roundtable meeting last year, Madoff boasted of his « very close » relationship with a SEC regulator, chuckling as he said, « in fact, my niece even married one. »

The very rich, and well connected, rarely eat their own.


A new Citigroup scandal is engulfing Robert Rubin and his former disciple Chuck Prince for their roles in an alleged Ponzi-style scheme that’s now choking world banking.

Director Rubin and ousted CEO Prince – and their lieutenants over the past five years – are named in a federal lawsuit for an alleged complex cover-up of toxic securities that spread across the globe, wiping out trillions of dollars in their destructive paths.

Ecuador Defaults!

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa officially announced that he will not be making the interest payments on his foreign bonds. The country has officially defaulted on its debt obligations. This is the 2nd time in 10 years that Ecuador has defaulted.

“I have given the order that interest payments not be made,” Correa said. “The country is in default.”

Collapse of Pension Funds?

Five western countries will affected by the collapse of the capital-based pension system

Shell’s Dutch pension fund tumbles by 40pc

Plunging equity markets have seen the total assets of Royal Dutch Shell’s Dutch Pension Fund fall below the level required by Holland’s central bank, although the company’s UK pension scheme remains fully funded.

Collapse of Pension Funds: The End of Retirement?

Unless things change fast, human history will show that the phenomenon of “retirement” was limited to one generation. After World War II, when European and Japanese economies stood in tatters, American capitalism could fulfill “the American dream,” since there was little foreign competition to speak of. For the first time ever, workers were promised that — after working thirty or so years — they would be able to securely retire. That was largely the case…for one generation.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Our new policy is ‘work til you drop!' » — Official White Horse Souse


Une compagnie pharmaceutique force les familles pauvres à tester ses vaccins : 12 bébés morts

GlaxoSmithKline, la grande compagnie pharmaceutique, a été accusée de faire pression sur des parents pauvres du Tiers Monde pour qu’ils engagent leurs enfants dans des essais expérimentaux de médicaments qui ont entraîné la mort d’au moins 12 enfants.

Cette compagnie teste actuellement un vaccin expérimental contre la pneumonie sur les enfants de moins d’un an en Argentine, en Colombie et au Panama. Selon la Fédération argentine des Professionnels de la Santé (Feprosa), des parents pauvres argentins ont été « obligés et contraints de signer les formulaires d’acceptation. »

Juan Carlos Fesprosa de Palomares a dit : « Dans la plupart des cas, ces gens, forcés d’engager leurs enfants, sont défavorisées, beaucoup d’entre eux ne sachant ni lire ni écrire. »

« Cela se déroule sans aucune sorte de contrôle étatique [et] ne satisfait pas aux exigences éthiques minimums, » a observé la fédération.

Au moins 12 bébés argentin incorporés dans l’étude sont morts au cours de l’année écoulée.

Répondant aux reproches, GlaxoSmithKline a rétorqué que ses stricts protocoles de sécurité sont contrôlés par un comité indépendant, et que personne n’est forcé de participer au programme.

« L’inscription aux tests est sur la base du volontariat et ceux qui participent aux essais sont libres de se retirer à tout moment, » a fait savoir la compagnie.

Mais, selon Julieta Ovejero, la grand-tante de l’un des enfants décédés, « Beaucoup de gens voulant arrêter le protocole n’en sont pas autorisés ; ils sont forcés de continuer, menacés de ne recevoir aucun autre vaccin en cas d’abandon. »

Le test du vaccin a aussi suscité des accusations de corruption : Dans la province argentine de Santiago del Estero, les essais ont été autorisés par le Ministre de la Santé de la province, Juan Carlos Smith, le frère du principal chercheur de l’étude.

Des critiques, comme Ana Maria Marchese, pédiatre à l’hôpital pour enfants de Santiago del Estero, où l’étude est en cours, accusent GlaxoSmithKline d’utiliser les enfants du Tiers Monde comme des cobayes.

« Parce qu’ils ne peuvent pas expérimenter en Europe ou aux États-Unis, ils viennent le faire dans les pays du Tiers Monde, » dit-elle.

Article original en anglais : http://www.naturalnews.com/025032.html

It’s official: Men really are the weaker sex

December 7, 2008, The Independent (One of the U.K.’s leading newspapers)

The male [sex] is in danger, with incalculable consequences for both humans and wildlife, startling scientific research from around the world reveals. The research … shows that a host of common chemicals is feminising males of every class of vertebrate animals, from fish to mammals, including people. Backed by some of the world’s leading scientists, who say that it « waves a red flag » for humanity and shows that evolution itself is being disrupted, the report comes out at a particularly sensitive time for ministers. It also follows hard on the heels of new American research which shows that baby boys born to women exposed to widespread chemicals in pregnancy are born with smaller penises and feminised genitals. « This research shows that the basic male tool kit is under threat, » says Gwynne Lyons, a former government adviser on the health effects of chemicals, who wrote the report. Wildlife and people have been exposed to more than 100,000 new chemicals in recent years, and the European Commission has admitted that 99 per cent of them are not adequately regulated. There is not even proper safety information on 85 per cent of them. Many have been identified as « endocrine disrupters » – or gender-benders – because they interfere with hormones. These include phthalates, used in food wrapping, cosmetics and baby powders among other applications; flame retardants in furniture and electrical goods; PCBs, a now banned group of substances still widespread in food and the environment; and many pesticides.

Note: For many key reports on health issues from reliable sources, click here.


WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall

In its draft report, released in August 2008, NIST attempted to cover up evidence that WTC7 fell at freefall, but the coverup was transparent. In its final report, released in November 2008, NIST finally acknowledged freefall


9/11 families condemn tribunals

Thirty-three relatives of people killed in the 9/11 attacks on the US have denounced the Guantanamo war crimes trials as illegitimate and unfair.

Story from BBC NEWS:


Cheney admits authorizing detainee’s torture

When asked by ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl whether he approved of interrogation tactics used against a so-called « high value prisoner » at the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison, Mr. Cheney, in a break from his history of being press-shy, admitted to giving official sanctioning of torture.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

OK, Cheney just admitted he authorized torture on national television.

And what happens now?!? Will there be a trial, a prosecution, and a conviction of Cheney and his enabling minions who normalized torture as an accepted US interrogation technique?

Not on your life. The people who put conspired to drag the moral standing, and international reputation, of this nation down to the level of Uzbekistan ‘s, will get off scott free.

And that is the real crime.

Senate torture report confirms Bush, top officials guilty of war crimes

A report issued Thursday by the Senate Armed Services Committee has provided official and bipartisan confirmation that the infamous acts of torture carried out by US personnel at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo were planned, ordered and orchestrated by the highest-ranking officials in the US government. Based on the Senate’s own conclusions, those named in the document, including President George W. Bush, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, are guilty of war crimes.

Iraqi group files 200 lawsuits against Rumsfeld, US security firms for torture

A Jordan-based Iraqi rights group said on Monday it has filed 200 lawsuits against US former defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld and American security firms for their alleged role in torturing Iraqis.

Ali Qeisi, head of the group the « Society of Victims of the US Occupation in Iraq, » said the cases, relating to torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners, have been recently filed in federal courts in Virginia, Michigan and Maryland.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Unless and until all who condoned, ordered, and signed off on the use of torture against detainees are prosecuted to the fullest extent of US law, this country’s moral fiber will have been ripped to shreds in an irrecoverable way.

US: Detainee dies in US custody in Iraq

The U.S. military says a detainee has died of an apparent heart attack while in custody at a U.S. detention facility in Baghdad.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

How many 25 year old men do you know who have had a « heart attack »?!?

This one stinks mightily.

Rep. Reyes: Since Torture Might Be Necessary, Obama Should Keep Torture Apologists Hayden, McConnell

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told Congress Daily that President-elect Obama should keep Mike McConnell on as Director of National Intelligence and Michael Hayden as head of the CIA. He said Obama should keep “continuity” in the intelligence sector because we live in “a world that is very dangerous.”

Reyes dismissed concerns over Hayden and McConnell’s records as apologists for torture. He insisted that that “there are some options that need to be available” to interrogators — presumably beyond the Army Field Manuel — to get the best information:

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Representative Reyes; the United States of America should not torture, ever.

Apparently, Representative Reyes, you’ve never George Washington’s orders to his troops about never using torture on captured British soldiers.

And as we know from the time of the Inquisition, torture doesn’t get you the hard information you’re looking for; it only gets the tortured person to say what their torturers want them to say in order to get the torture to stop.

By torturing (even subcontracting or off-shoring it), we have de-facto withdrawn from any human rights treaty to which the US has been a signatory.

And if you want to elevate torture right up there with mom and apple pie, chew on this one for a moment; if torture is perfectly legitimate for us to practice on foreign nationals, then why is it not perfectly legitimate for foreign governments to torture US troops?

America used to be known as the land of the free, and the home of the brave. But there is nothing brave about torturing. It’s like never having to take responsibility for indulging your inner sadist, while the guys in the suits in some distant capital applaud you for what you have done to a fellow human being.

Ultimately, torturing puts us on the moral par with Uzbekistan, and that’s not the United States any country or person can look up to.

And Representative Reyes, one final, friendly word of advise; if you travel abroad, and feel compelled to bloviate about the American values of human rights, human decency, humanitarianism, and democracy, just please shut up until the urge passes.

You no longer represent a country which holds those values dear, and the world knows that.

État policier:

Police Have Murdered 400 With Tasers Since 2001

They are marketed as non-lethal weapons that allow police to capture suspects or criminals without causing any permanent harm.

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and businessman Bernard Kerik made millions selling the idea to police departments across the country.

The study includes a medical analysis that concluded someone shot with a Taser could face as high as a 50 percent chance of cardiac arrest.

Microsoft wants to get under your skin

Not that the future of VeriMed is in any way certain, despite the Microsoft link. The company’s parent, VeriChip, has already tried to sell off the human-implanting part of the business as punters prove remarkably reluctant to be serial-numbered. Should the business fail entirely, a connection to HealthVault could be the best hope for the poor souls who’ve already succumbed to having chips embedded in their arms.

U.S. troops’ new mission: America’s ‘special events’

Proposal would allow civilians to activate Army to prevent ‘environmental damage’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Posse Comitatus? WHAT Posse Comitatus!

Attorneys: Fort Dix Terror Plot Was “Planted And Nurtured” By FBI Informants

Lawyers in a case relating to a much vaunted 2007 terror plot have concluded that FBI informants were the key figures behind the operation and that the accused, six foreign-born Muslims, were merely bungling patsies.

Defense attorneys have denied there was any plot, arguing two FBI informants concocted and encouraged the conspiracy because they were being paid and promised legal immigration status, reports the New Jersey Star-Ledger.

Traffic de drogue par les services secrets et Israël:

CIA Drug Trafficking and remembering Gary Webb

Check out this new story by Robert Parry reflecting on journalist Garry Webb’s suicide, after being totally blacklisted by the mainstream media because he had the guts to speak the truth about the CIA and other parts of the US government that helped the Contras and their allies import cocaine into the US, during the period that President Reagan was talking about « fighting drugs » and locking up all those drug users in a cage, beefing up the police state and the prison industrial complex.

Israeli drug smugglers hit Australia

ISRAELI drug lords are increasingly targeting Australia for ecstasy smuggling, according to confidential Israel Police intelligence that shows crime syndicates view it as a booming market for the party drug.

Israeli crime syndicates control a significant share of the global ecstasy trade and have a long history of supplying the Australian market.

CIA helped shoot down 15 planes in ‘drug war,’ often without warning

With the help of CIA spotters, the Peruvian air force shot down 15 small civilian aircraft between 1995 and 2001, ostensibly as part of the US-abetted war on drugs, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee revealed Thursday. Many of the shoot-downs were made without warning within two to three minutes of the planes being detected.

Changements climatiques:

Violent storms damage dozens of homes across South

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It is snowing in Houston; the earliest snow has fallen in the year since 1944!

On Global Warming

–Is it possible (just possible) that our « dear leaders » have once again diverted our energy and good intentions away from REAL threats (like genetically modified food, neurotoxins in our vaccines, carcinogenic pesticides all over our food, etc) into something that serves them (expands their power and their profits) while doing NOTHING to « make us safe? »

UK wins battle over carbon capture billions-sources

European leaders agreed on Friday to put billions of euros of funds behind cutting-edge technology to trap and bury global warming gases underground, a key demand of Britain in climate talks, diplomats said.

The words « grand scale » and « waste of money » spring to mind.

‘Brutal’ Prairie cold snap to continue until Christmas

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta as well as U.S. neighbour North Dakota are in a mid-December deep freeze, with temperatures as much as 15 to 20 degrees below normal for this time of year.

No respite as wintery storms spread over nation

Some of the sharpest cold Tuesday was in northern Minnesota, where Hibbing bottomed out at 32 below zero and International Falls dropped to 28 below. In the middle of the state, St. Cloud fell to 24 below, breaking its old record of 21 below set in 1963.

Millionaire behind Stansted climate change protest owns shops at AIRPORTS around the world

The tycoon bankrolling the anti-aviation activists who stormed Stansted owns shops in airports around the world.

Mark Constantine, the owner of Lush Cosmetics, was today accused of profiting from airline passengers while funding groups whose actions can severely disrupt their journeys.

DEMING: Global warming freeze?

Dispute on carbon tax mars climate talks

A U.N. climate conference closed Saturday in contention over a proposal to raise what could amount to billions of dollars for poor countries by levying a tax on carbon trading among the world’s wealthy nations.

Desperate Double Speak: Global Cooling Is Part Of Global Warming

An Associated Press article has stunned some readers by suggesting that an ongoing global cooling trend is actually indicative of how quickly the planet is succumbing to man-made global warming.

The bizarre statement appeared in a panic-inducing article that emphasizes man-made warming fears and highlights how president elect Obama must tackle them with new laws including a carbon tax “cap-and-trade” system.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I think we can establish that the Global Warning cult is a perfect textbook example of politicians taking something that occurs naturally, and turning into a crisis to justify a new tax.

Al Gore and his associates have invested $300 million into selling you that global warming is YOUR fault and to guilt you into accepting a new carbon tax and further control over your life. and they are not about to let as little thing like Earth actually getting colder stand in their way!

Hence, expect to see a lot of these « Human-caused Global Warming MAKES the world cooler! » articles. But like the ice scene Al Gore « borrowed » from « The Day After Tomorrow », this idea that heat makes cold is just a sci-fi movie plot; not real science.

Environmental « Chicken Littles » have come home to roost at the AP

Amazing thing, that Global Warming. When the Earth warms, it’s Global Warming. When the Earth cools, it’s Global Warming. Place your bets on Global Warming, and you’ll come out a winner every time.

Whale songs drowned out by human noise pollution

December 3, 2008, Seattle Post-Intelligencer/Associated Press

The songs that whales and dolphins use to communicate, orient themselves and find mates are being drowned out by human-made noises in the world’s oceans. That sound pollution — everything from increasing commercial shipping and seismic surveys to a new generation of military sonar — is not only confounding the mammals, it also is further threatening the survival of these endangered animals. Studies show that these cetaceans, which once communicated over thousands of miles to forage and mate, are losing touch with each other, … experts said at a U.N. wildlife conference in Rome. « Call it a cocktail-party effect, » said Mark Simmonds, director of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, a Britain-based NGO. « You have to speak louder and louder until no one can hear each other anymore. » Environmental groups also are increasingly finding cases of beached whales and dolphins that can be linked to sound pollution, Simmonds said. Marine mammals are turning up on the world’s beaches with tissue damage similar to that found in divers suffering from decompression sickness. Scientists say the use of military sonar or seismic testing may have scared the animals into diving and surfacing beyond their physical limits. Several species of cetaceans are already listed as endangered or critically endangered from other causes, including hunting, chemical pollution, collisions with boats and entanglements with fishing equipment. Though it is not yet known precisely how many animals are affected, sound pollution is increasingly being recognized as a serious factor, the experts said.

Note: For many reports on threats to marine mammals from reliable, verifiable sources, click here.

New technology to show dreams on screen

A Japanese research team has invented a technology that if completed could display people’s thoughts and dreams on a computer screen.

Bush Excluded by Latin Summit as China, Russia Loom

Latin American and Caribbean leaders gathering in Brazil tomorrow will mark a historic occasion: a region-wide summit that excludes the United States.

U.S. troops’ new mission: America’s ‘special events’

Proposal would allow civilians to activate Army to prevent ‘environmental damage’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Posse Comitatus? WHAT Posse Comitatus!

CIA Embedded in Every State Government

Jesse Ventura Speaks about his personal experiences and knowledge of such facts!

Prisons Earn $878 Million Annually by Poisoning Inmates and Guards, Lawsuit Alleges

Freda Cobb alleges that she and more than 300 other people were poisoned by a Florida prison. Cobb and 25 other plaintiffs are suing the Federal Corrections Institute in Marianna for exposing them to dangerous lead levels while prison laborers burst computers with hammers to extract gold from within. Prisons reportedly earned $878 million each year while under contract to Dell and Hewlett Packard by exposing inmates and employees like Cobb to high levels of lead and toxic chemicals.

Économie: La fraude de Madoff, FED, Dépression, Plans de sauvetage

Filed under: Économie/ Finances — François M. @ 12:22

Économie: La fraude de Madoff, FED, Dépression, Plans de sauvetage

Madoff Arrest Sends Shockwaves Through Jewish Philanthropy

The arrest of Wall Street trader Bernard L. Madoff, who federal agents say defrauded investors of an estimated $50 billion, has had immediate consequences in the Jewish philanthropic world. One charity already closed and insiders are worried that the ramifications of Madoff’s financial demise may extend to the many organizations he supported and the wealthy Jews he advised.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Additional links:

Huffington Post: Madoff and the Palm Beach Jewish Club

NY Times: Madoff was called the Jewish T-Bill

Madoff the National Treasurer of Jews:

Who is Bernard Madoff?

The latest massive financial scandal is the giant $50 billion pyramid or « Ponzi » scheme run by a New York Zionist Jew, Bernard Lawrence Madoff. How can anyone lose $50 thousand million? Where did the $50 billion disappear to? Israel?

Madoff told two « senior employees, » i.e. his sons, Mark and Andrew, at his apartment the night before his arrest that the Madoff hedge fund and his investment advisory business was « basically, a giant Ponzi scheme, » according to court documents. His investment fund business was insolvent, and had been for years.

Rich investors ‘wiped out’ by Wall Street fraud

Some victims of Wall Street’s biggest fraud – planned and carried out over decades by one of its most respected figures – are as yet unaware that their entire savings have been wiped out, financial experts in New York said yesterday. Such is the extent of Bernard Madoff’s alleged $50bn (£34bn) swindle, and so convoluted its paper trail of derivatives, that this weekend there will be Americans under the impression they are rich who are oblivious that their wealth had been placed in Mr Madoff’s apparently criminal hands, and is therefore now lost.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Here is the important point. Most white-collar fraud goes unreported. Corporations often see simply concealing the losses with creative accounting as preferable to the public admission of having been duped. As a result, only a small percentage of frauds ever become publicly know, fewer still result in prosecutions and convictions.

So, for every Bernard Madoff caught and jailed, it is safe to assume there are others just like him still operating and playing their games. White Collar crime costs Americans ten times as much as street crime (but street crime gets the press coverage).

And the comment about Bernard Madoff’s scam being the largest may also be untrue.

There are currently allegations against Citi, involving former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, of a ponzi scheme where the losses have reached into the trillions of dollars and may have been a major factor in the take down of the American economy!

The future of the US economy

Long term prognosis – not good

I don’t know.

What do you think?

This film was made before the current credit crisis and accompanying end-of-term looting…I mean bailouts…by the Bush administration.


Sometimes the news is so astonishing, there’s little
more to say that repeat it verbatim.

For example…

Dec. 12 (Bloomberg) — The Federal Reserve refused a request
by Bloomberg News to disclose the recipients of more than
$2 trillion of emergency loans from U.S. taxpayers and the
assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Bloomberg filed suit Nov. 7 under the U.S. Freedom of
Information Act requesting details about the terms of
11 Fed lending programs, most created during the deepest
financial crisis since the Great Depression.

The Fed responded Dec. 8, saying it’s allowed to withhold
internal memos as well as information about trade secrets
and commercial information. The institution confirmed that
a records search found 231 pages of documents pertaining to
some of the requests.

« If they told us what they held, we would know the potential
losses that the government may take and that’s what they don’t
want us to know, » said Carlos Mendez, a senior managing director
at New York-based ICP Capital LLC, which oversees $22 billion
in assets.


And here’s the truly scary thing…

This obvious, massive, out-of-control scam is the
LEAST of the country’s financial worries.



Fed Ponders Issuing Debt to Finance Its Mushrooming Balance Sheet

The Wall Street Journal, in a typically anodyne bit of reporting, tells us that the Fed is considering selling its own debt to finance its balance sheet, Its good old buddy, the Treasury Department, which heretofore has been selling bills in part on behalf of the Fed, now has a big enough financing calendar in the offing that it no longer can lend a helping hand.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is how they plan to get around that pesky Congressional debt ceiling!

A Nightmare Before Christmas

Once the government runs out of foreign and private sector bidders for new treasuries, the Federal Reserve will be the only buyer, and the hyper-inflation cat will be completely out of the bag. Sensing this, the Fed has recently indicated a desire to begin issuing its own bonds. However, since dollars are already recorded as liabilities on the Fed’s balance sheet (dollars are in actuality Federal Reserve Notes) the Fed already issues debt. The difference now is that they are proposing to issue interest bearing debt. Perhaps the Fed feels this will make holding its notes more appealing.

Bernanke ‘War Powers’ Undermine Fed Bank Presidents

The district chiefs’ authority over borrowing costs has been marginalized in the past two months as Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and the Fed Board of Governors in Washington made their own decisions on emergency measures to flood the economy with cash.

“The Board has usurped authority,” said William Poole, former president of the St. Louis Fed and now a senior fellow at the Cato Institute in Washington. “This dramatic change in policy direction has not been announced or even acknowledged.”

Britain worse credit risk than McDonald’s

Britain has become a worse credit risk than McDonald’s and a host of other large companies, figures produced for The Independent reveal.

The collapse in Britain’s credit rating has taken place over the past two and a half months, since the Government underwrote the banking system and decided to spend its way out of recession. Investing in UK government debt is now almost twice as risky as buying McDonald’s corporate bonds, according to the market in credit default swaps (CDS), which provides insurance for the buyers of such debt.

Is an International Financial Conspiracy Driving World Events?

by Richard C. Cook

Global Research, March 27, 2008


This doesn’t make any sense. The U.S. Government authorizes the Fed to create money out of thin air, which it will then use to buy up the debt of the U.S. Government that nobody else wants?

Is anyone who is currently holding U.S. Treasuries even reading the news? The auctions are going to fail, so the debtor is just going to snap his fingers and create the money to buy the debt that nobody else wanted to buy?

How does the dollar not collapse on this?

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Is the Federal Reserve buying the United States with money created out of thin air?

The global economy is at the point of maximum danger

It feels like the summer of 1931. The world’s two biggest financial institutions have had a heart attack. The global currency system is breaking down. The policy doctrines that got us into this mess are bankrupt. No world leader seems able to discern the problem, let alone forge a solution.

Fed Covers Up Financial Crisis

The China connection to Goldman Sachs figures prominently in the current crisis. Because China owned $376 billion of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae paper, it played a big role in the financial crisis, and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, with his own personal and financial ties to China, admittedly tried to reassure the Chinese through this process that their investments would be protected. They are being “protected” in the sense that the American taxpayers are now on the hook for these government mortgage companies, which have been nationalized.

Record number of Americans using food stamps: report

Food stamps, the main U.S. antihunger program which helps the needy buy food, set a record in September as more than 31.5 million Americans used the program — up 17 percent from a year ago, according to government data.

America’s Second Great Depression Has Started

America‘s Second Great Depression is not a typical 20th century recession that happens to strike a bit harder or linger somewhat longer. Nor is it merely a fictional scenario conjured up by economists with a murky crystal ball.

America‘s Second Great Depression is the probable consequence of a great housing bust, a massive mortgage meltdown and the biggest financial crisis in history.

It promises to bring the worst wave of bankruptcies, job losses and wealth destruction any citizen under 90 has ever experienced.

Wall Street Winners Get Billion-Dollar Paydays

Hedge fund managers, those masters of a secretive, sometimes volatile financial universe, are making money on a scale that once seemed unimaginable, even in Wall Street’s rarefied realms.

How to stop the Great Crash of ’08

The oil price has doubled in the past year because the US Federal Reserve panicked over risks to the over-leveraged financial system and flooded markets with excess liquidity. The world is willing to pay arbitrarily high prices to hedge against inflation, but the cost of inflation hedges drags down the world economy. Last week’s spike in commodity prices and swoon in global stock markets points the way to a deep and prolonged fall in economic activity.

The Purpose Behind The Financial Crisis

The purpose of the current financial catastrophe was to infect the entire world financial system with toxic waste and other unregulated derivatives, also known as financial weapons of mass destruction, to bring it crashing down so that a single world financial system with a single medium of exchange could be set forth as the suggested solution and then crammed down our throats in yet another nauseating and tiresome iteration of the Hegelian Dialectic.

Collapsing the Economy in the Buildup to World War III: 11 of the Most Important Economic Events of the Last 11 Years

Since 1999, the following events have either caused or been the symptom of the present economic crises:

AIG May Double Some Salaries With Retention Payments

American International Group Inc., whose bonuses and perks drew fire from lawmakers after the insurer accepted a federal bailout, will make special retention payments that more than double the salaries of some senior managers, according to a person familiar with the matter.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Are you [REDACTED] kidding me????????


The next time you hear a politician use the word « billion » in a casual manner, think about whether you want the « politicians » spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.


UK Government’s $100 BILLION bank bailout whilst taxing the poor $14 BILLION – Robin Hood in Reverse whilst using Enron style accounting loopholes

Another Look at the Bull Market in Commodities

The above chart is important. There have been dozens of reports the past couple of weeks that the bull market in commodities has ended. Those reports conflict with the message of the above chart. One can only reasonably conclude from any objective view of this chart that the bull market in commodities in still going strong.

i.e. prices are still going up.

Stunned Icelanders Struggle After Economy’s Fall

The collapse came so fast it seemed unreal, impossible. One woman here compared it to being hit by a train. Another said she felt as if she were watching it through a window. Another said, “It feels like you’ve been put in a prison, and you don’t know what you did wrong.”

Colossal Financial Collapse: The Truth behind the Citigroup Bank « Nationalization »

by F. William Engdahl


Banking analyst Meredith Whitney blasted Citigroup’s turnaround plan yesterday, saying the financial giant is so deep in a black hole that even renown physicist Stephen Hawking could not help the ailing company.

« Tell us again how hackers made you limit withdrawals on your ATM machines … we just LOVE that one! »

Chinese wealth fund turns back on western banks

China Investment Corporation is to put the brakes on making investments in western banks until governments come up with coherent policies to cope with the global economic downturn.

Lou Jiwei, the chairman of the sovereign wealth fund, said today: « Right now, we do not have the courage to invest in financial institutions. We have to wait for the time when there won’t be massive collapses of financial institutions. »

China had lost confidence in many financial institutions, Lou said, because foreign governments seemed to be changing their policies « every week ».

Meltdown of U.S. Dollar Underway as China Dumps the Currency

Comments by China that it intends to move away from its reliance on the dollar triggered a sharp drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and heightened worldwide fears about the U.S. currency’s stability. Chinese Central Bank Vice Director Xiu Jian said that his country is planning to shift much of its $1.4 trillion national currency reserve from dollars to more stable currencies, such as the euro or Canadian dollar. After these comments, the dollar fell to record lows relative to other currencies — the lowest ever against the euro, the lowest in a generation against the British pound, and the lowest in 57 years against the Canadian dollar.

GM Posts Biggest Annual US Auto Loss

General Motors Corp. reported a $38.7 billion loss for 2007 on Tuesday, the largest annual loss ever for an automotive company, and said it is making a new round of buyout offers to U.S. hourly workers in hopes of replacing some of them with lower-paid help.

Fin de que el coche no vaya en este motor, senor?

UBS closes Swiss accounts of US clients

UBS caved in to mounting pressure from the US Government yesterday and announced plans to close the Swiss bank accounts of all its American customers and prepared to lift the veil of secrecy that has protected its clients for centuries.

From the bad to the really sinister

The first half of the year is over, and now all those brokerage accounts and retirement accounts will be sending out statements to hapless account holders, and it is bad news in spades. This is why (I assume) the Plunge Protection Team (composed of the US Federal Reserve, the Treasury and bank insiders) tried to drive the stock markets up on Monday, June 30 – to make those account statements look not quite as bad, and, hopefully, prevent people from dumping all of their stock and bond holdings in a desperate attempt to save something before the whole idiotic, fiat-currency, unlimited-fractional-banking thing just collapses.

Ben Bernanke’s Hush Money


Lehman Brothers – $7.2B/$6B

Goldman Sachs – $5.4B

Wells Fargo – $2.9B

National City – $200M

Royal Bank of Scotland – $3.6B/$24B

Barclays PLC – $6.4B?

Societe Generale SA- $13.7 /$8.5B

BNP Paribas SA-$2.5B/ $0 cash

Morgan Stanley – $16.1B

Merrill Lynch – $32.2B

Wachovia – $6.8B/$10.5B

Washington Mutual – $1.6B

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce(CIBC) – $5.7B

Royal Bank of Canada – $1.4B

Bank of Montreal (BMO) – $611M

Bank of America – $4.4B

JP Morgan Chase – $9.9B

Citigroup – $69.1B/$36B

Mizuho MFG – $5.4B

UBS – $45.0B/$41.5B

16 décembre 2008

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Coup d’état monarchique et bancaire au Canada

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,Canada,Québec,Système bancaire — François M. @ 5:55


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 16décembre 2008

Coup d’état monarchique et bancaire au Canada

Si je vous demande qui est le chef d’État du Canada, plusieurs répondront que c’est le Premier ministre du Canada. En réalité, c’est la reine Élisabeth II qui est notre chef d’État. Vous, vous êtes ses sujets. C’est à travers le gouverneur général du Canada que son pouvoir est représenté et ce pouvoir est plus important que celui du Premier ministre lui-même. Présentement, c’est son Excellence la très honorable Michaëlle Jean, gouverneure générale et commandante en chef du Canada qui assume le pouvoir le plus élevé au pays et qui maintient un lien direct avec la monarque. On vous dira que ce n’est que cérémonial et figuratif. Mais si vous lisez les chartes du Commonwealth, vous constaterez que c’est les parlements des pays membres du Commonwealth qui sont cérémonials.

Gilles Duceppe et les autres ministres ainsi que ceux à la Chambre des communes du Québec, sans oublier les membres des forces armées, doivent porter allégeance et loyauté à la reine avant d’entrer en fonction.

Nous ne sommes pas réellement propriétaires de ce pays en tant que Canadiens. Environ 89% du territoire canadien (8,886,356 km²) constitue ce qu’on appelle les Terres de la Couronne du Canada, ce qui signifie que personne ne possède les terres (à part le 11% restant qui sont entre des mains privées). De ce fait, elles appartiennent à la reine du Canada. Dans les monarchies constitutionnelles, la sanction royale est un acte par lequel le monarque ou son représentant approuve une législation adoptée par le Parlement. Ensuite, nous avons la Gendarmerie royale du Canada. La face royale de la reine est partout sur notre argent. Toutes ces appellations et faits ne sont pas là pour des raisons sentimentales. Vous êtes la propriété, ainsi que tout ce pays, de Élisabeth II, par la grâce de Dieu, reine du Royaume-Uni, du Canada et de ses autres royaumes et territoires, chef du Commonwealth, défenseur de la foi.

Nous pouvons trouver la preuve de cela avec le «coup d’état monarchique» récent au Canada où le Parlement a été prorogé, c’est-à-dire fermé, ce qui met un terme à la session parlementaire et donc à tous les travaux en cours. Tout ceci pour permettre au gouvernement Harper d’éviter un vote de confiance qu’il aurait vraisemblablement perdu.

La conséquence d’une prorogation:

«Toutes les affaires non complétées sont abandonnées ou expirent au Feuilleton et tous les comités perdent leur mandat, permettant ainsi un nouveau départ à la session suivante.» – Source: La procédure et les usages de la Chambre des communes, des auteurs Robert Marleau et de Camille Montpetit.

Un autre exemple éloquent remonte au temps de Brian Mulroney alors qu’il faisait face à un Sénat dominé par les Libéraux qui refusaient de faire passer la loi sur la TPS et qui s’opposaient à l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALÉNA). Mulroney utilisa une provision constitutionnelle peu connue pour augmenter temporairement le nombre sénateurs de huit ainsi donnant la majorité au Conservateurs dans la haute chambre. C’est Élisabeth II qui les nommera. Démocratie de façade. La reine du Canada a décidé qu’elle voulait garder Harper car il soutient et implémente l’Union nord-américain et l’expansion de l’ALÉNA appelé à devenir la Zone de libre-échange des Amériques (ZLÉA).

Lorsque cela compte réellement et que les gens qui se tiennent derrière la reine d’Angleterre et du Canada n’aiment pas ce qui se passe au Canada, ils peuvent suspendre le Parlement et apposer leur véto contre n’importe quelle loi par simple décret de son représentant, le gouverneur général. La reine représente beaucoup plus que la simple royauté. Elle est la représentante de la Cité de Londres – que l’on nomme aussi la City – et ses intérêts financiers. La Cité est principalement composée de plus de 500 banques comme le Crédit Suisse, Barclays Bank, Bank of America, Citigroup et HSBC, de la Bourse de Londres, de compagnies d’assurance tel que la Lloyd’s of London, de grandes entreprises et de journaux. Nous pouvons donc dire que la reine est en quelque sorte la porte-parole et représentante de cette oligarchie.


Ceci étant dit, ce système de gouverneurs dans cette monarchie constitutionnelle canadienne et québécoise coûte excessivement cher aux contribuables canadiens. Selon les estimations du gouvernement fantoche, c’est plus de $30 millions que nous devons dépenser chaque année, soit environ le même montant que Harper voulait couper dans le financement des partis politiques dernièrement. Nous pouvons constater les priorités.

Donc, ce à quoi nous assistons est en quelque sorte un coup d’état monarchique et bancaire. N’oubliez pas que dans tout ce tourbillon politique, Harper a octroyé $75 milliards aux banques privées, dont une grande quantité de cet argent finira dans les mains de quelques banquiers à Londres. Un coup d’état silencieux et sans effusion de sang. Par contre, c’est notre économie et nos finances personnelles qui vont saigner. En effet, avec ce montant qui se rajoutera à la dette nationale et qui devra être remboursé avec les intérêts, nous pouvons nous attendre à subir un sérieux coup très bientôt.

Cela prendra forme de:

À suivre sur Les 7 du Québec

Note: Je vous invite à laisser vos commentaires sur Les 7 du Québec.

13 décembre 2008

Vidéo: Les enjeux de la crise financière – Par Michel Chossudovsky

Filed under: Économie/ Finances — François M. @ 3:24


Conférence publique

1 décembre 2008

Sur les 7 du Québec: Du Québec à Bombay en passant par les banquiers

Filed under: Asie,Économie/ Finances,Canada,Québec,Terrorisme — François M. @ 11:27


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 2 décembre 2008


John James Charest a déclenché les élections avant que le rapport officiel de la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec soit publié en février 2009. Les politiciens et les médias vous répètent que tout va bien, que le Québec et le Canada n’ont pas tant souffert de la débâcle économique, qu’on peut respirer et se détendre.

La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec est notre bas de laine de 150 milliards de dollars. Elle a investi 37% de notre argent dans des fonds de couverture dit (hedge funds) comme le Blackstone Group et autres. Ces fonds de couverture servent à écumer l’argent des fonds de pension et d’investissement. Ils servent à traire le lait de la population; une sorte d’aspirateur à argent. Nous avons été touchés et on ne veut pas nous laisser savoir si la Caisse a effectivement perdu autour de $30 milliards de notre argent dans ce racket financier. Notre régime de retraite du Canada a perdu 10 milliards, selon les chiffres qu’on nous donne.

Nous sommes lourdement endettés et réellement en récession. C’est ce qu’on va admettre au lendemain des élections. Allez voter en masse le 8 décembre, car Charest compte sur le fait que les gens n’iront pas pour avoir sa majorité. Il faut sortir les truands du gouvernement.

L’autre facette de cette histoire que personne n’ose toucher, mais qui est réellement l’éléphant dans le salon que personne ne veut voir, c’est les $75 milliards donnés par le Fédéral aux banques canadiennes qui ne sont pas nécessairement en trouble. 75 000 000 000 de dollars qu’on va rajouter à la dette d’environ 600 milliards sur laquelle il faudra payer les intérêts aux mêmes banquiers qui ont créé cette crise financière. Cela aura pour effet de changer toute la structure financière des gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux. Il faudra aussi couper dans les services sociaux pour arriver à absorber le choc que ce montant va engendrer.

Tout ça pour quelle raison? On se trouve à financer notre propre dette!
J’ai eu la chance d’avoir le professeur en économie à l’Université d’Ottawa, Michel Chossudovsky sur mon émission. Il est aussi le directeur de Mondialisation.ca et Global Research, deux sites qui reçoivent plus de 40 000 visiteurs par jour en provenance de partout dans le monde. Écoutez ce qu’il avait à dire à propos de cette sordide affaire.

Tout s’est déroulé sans que personne ne soit consulté tant au Parlement qu’au niveau de la population. Pas un mot n’est soufflé dans les élections ni dans les médias. Hallucinant. Comme si de rien n’était. Du terrorisme économique silencieux.

La bonne nouvelle? Nous assistons à une mort et une renaissance. Une bonne partie de la masse se réveille. L’information circule comme jamais auparavant. Plus qu’on est bien informé, moins que l’on peut être manipulé. Lorsque les gens commencent à réaliser ce qui se passe réellement, cela signifie que la partie est finie pour l’élite. Leur dernier ressort est d’utiliser la technique qui consiste à vous faire peur et de partir des guerres. La stratégie de la tension. Pensez-vous réellement que cette histoire à Mumbai (Bombay) est vraiment l’affaire de musulmans relié à l’Al Qaïda? Pourquoi ne pas se poser les trois questions élémentaires pour résoudre un crime: Qui a les moyens, la technique/méthodes et la motivation de perpétrer un tel carnage? Qui profite réellement en terme de pouvoir et financièrement?

Alors voilà, la balle est dans notre camp. Bien sûr qu’il y a une élite hors de contrôle. Mais en tout et partout, ils sont environ 10 000 et nous sommes autour de 7 milliards. C’est la fin d’un empire et son système, mais aussi la naissance de ce que nous voudrons vivre. C’est un moment de vérité. J’ai comme un goût de liberté, de paix et de fraternité. J’ai l’impression que ça va commencer avec une transparence totale du système bancaire et financier ainsi qu’en retournant la responsabilité de la création de la monnaie entre les mains des banques centrales contrôlées exclusivement par le peuple à travers leur serviteur, le gouvernement. Nous devons redistribuer tout l’argent qui nous a été volé et entassé dans les paradis fiscaux et les couloirs dissimulés de la haute finance qui profite de la misère humaine et des guerres. Cette dette de $600 milliards et le $75 de plus qui va s’y rajouter sont de la pure fraude, une trahison, un racket mafieux et nous ne sommes pas obligés de rembourser. Nous aurions pu nous servir de notre banque centrale pour créer cet argent au lieu de l’emprunter des banquiers privés avec intérêts. Nous avons déjà remboursé plus d’argent que ce que nous devons, seulement qu’en intérêts. Ces dettes nationales sont impossibles à rembourser. Annulons-les. Rayons ces dettes de nos livres. Zap, on repart à zéro. L’Argentine l’a fait et d’autres s’apprêtent à suivre cette voie.

Lorsque la population a peur de leur gouvernement, il y a tyrannie, mais lorsque le gouvernement a peur de la population, il y a liberté.

À nous de saisir l’opportunité.

François Marginean

Pour voir ou laisser un commentaire, rendez-vous sur Les 7 du Québec

26 novembre 2008

Entrevue avec Michel Chossudovsky: les vrais artisans de la pire crise économique

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 27 novembre 2008: Entrevue avec Michel Chossudovsky: les vrais artisans de la pire crise économique

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 27 novembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde, nous vous présentons une entrevue exclusive avec Michel Chossudovsky, professeur en économie et directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation. Nous allons discuter des vrais artisans de la crise financière et vous donner les bonnes informations que les médias refusent de vous donner pour comprendre ce qui se trame réellement sur fond de crise. Consolidation et concentration des richesses et du pouvoir…

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Les deux sites Internet du professeur Michel Chossudovsky qu’on a cette semaine sur l’émission L’Autre Monde:

· ~Mondialisation.ca

· ~Global Research

Ses articles à lire :

Qui sont les artisans de la débâcle économique ?

Le gouvernement Obama inversera-t-il la tendance ?

par Michel Chossudovsky

Mondialisation.ca, Le 16 novembre 2008

The Great Depression of the 21st Century: Collapse of the Real Economy

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, November 15, 2008

Un «deuxième 11 septembre» fait partie intégrante de la doctrine militaire étasunienne

par Michel Chossudovsky

Mondialisation.ca, Le 2 novembre 2008


Angry Americans protest against U.S. monetary policy

Today is National End The Fed day, and a number of U.S. citizens concerned with the country’s fiscal policy have gathered in 39 cities nationwide at each Federal Reserve building saying that they are sick and tired of being robbed.

End The Fed Rally Draws Thousands Around the Country, Few Seem to Notice

You would think that a 39 city protest involving thousands of people might warrant a national wire story, maybe a mention on cable news, but no. Reporters don’t understand the issue and therefore they ignore it. Of course this can be said for most of the important issues that affect people’s lives. Hence we get wall-to-wall coverage of the Obama daughter’s educational preferences. Fiddling while Rome burns seems almost understated.

The G-20’s Secret Debt Solution

Behind the scenes, a far more fundamental fix is being discussed — the possible revaluation of gold and the birth of an entirely new monetary system.

Is it Possible All Mortgage Contracts Are Void and Foreclosures are Invalid?

Jerome Daly was a homeowner living in Minnesota who stopped paying his mortgage. The lender, First National Bank of Montgomery, of course, sued the man for foreclosure. Daly presented his argument before a jury as to why he did not owe the bank anything.

G-20 Meets, Dines in DC, Does Nothing to Save the World Economy

President Bush hosted the G-20 summit –the official menu included fruitwood-smoked quail, thyme-roasted rack of lamb and baked Vermont brie with walnut crostini, along with three wines . . .

More than a quarter million U.S. households received a foreclosure filing in October. A total of 279,561 properties got a default notice, were warned of a pending auction or were foreclosed.

World leaders washed down their quail and lamb with three expensive wines – one Shafer Cabernet “ Hillside Select” 2003 sells at $499 a bottle.

The G-20 Washout

As expected, the G-20 Economic Summit in Washington turned out to be a total bust. None of the problems which have pushed the global economy to the brink of disaster were resolved and none of the main players who gamed the system with their toxic securities were held accountable. Instead, the visiting dignitaries gorged themselves on stuffed quail and roast rack of lamb before settling on a toothless « Statement on Financial Markets » which accomplished absolutely nothing.

Banker Manipulation Of Gold And Silver Prices Further Exposed

Commodities experts are in agreement that the price of gold and silver is being manipulated by bankers and government officials in order to halt a mass abandonment of paper currencies and the debt based economy.

Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions

Given the speed at which the federal government is throwing money at the financial crisis, the average taxpayer, never mind member of Congress, might not be faulted for losing track.

CNBC, however, has been paying very close attention and keeping a running tally of actual spending as well as the commitments involved.

Try $4.28 trillion dollars. That’s $4,284,500,000,000 and more than what was spent on WW II, if adjusted for inflation, based on our computations from a variety of estimates and sources*.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

That comes out to $14,000 for every living American, including children too young and retirees too old to pay taxes.

So, another way to look at it is that every household in America gets soaked for about $50,000 in additional taxes, for which they get no new services, and the inflation caused by an additional $4.2 trillion in cash chasing too few goods and services.

Such a deal!

General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations — Money to Come from U.S. Rescue Program

General Motors plans to invest $1 billion in Brazil to avoid the kind of problems the U.S. automaker is facing in its home market, said the beleaguered car maker.

According to the president of GM Brazil-Mercosur, Jaime Ardila, the funding will come from the package of financial aid that the manufacturer will receive from the U.S. government and will be used to « complete the renovation of the line of products up to 2012. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So let me get this straight; our taxpayer dollars are expected to pay for an expansion of the GM plant in Brazil, if the auto maker bailout happens??

Forgive me; I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around this.

“Shaping a New World Order” During “Vigilant Shield”

Here’s the CNN headline: G-20: Shaping a New World Order.

But look what’s going to be happening at the same time: Vigilant Shield.

World leaders at economic summit vow to cooperate

President George W. Bush underscored how dire the economic crisis has become when he told world leaders that he had agreed to a $700 billion rescue plan for financial institutions only after he’d learned the U.S. was at risk of sinking into a « depression greater than the Great Depression. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Bush either got played by a bunch of people wanting to loot the nation, or Bush himself is playing the rest of the G-20 for some as yet unknown agenda.

But we know that the reasons given for the bailout are totally fictitious, because the money went somewhere other than promised, there is no transparency, and the number 700 billion was picked out of thin air.

Security focused on protesters more than terror

U.S. intelligence officials say they have no credible information about potential terrorist or criminal attacks against a weekend summit in Washington of world leaders to deal with the global financial crisis.

In fact, law enforcement officials said they were more concerned about angry protesters, such as people left jobless by the financial meltdown, than they were about terrorists.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Actually, it has been that way all along.

Rothschild sees a New World Order

Gradually the firm has started expanding throughout the world, including the Gulf. “There is no debate that Rothschild is a Jewish family, but we are proud to be in this region. However, it takes time to develop a global footprint,” he says.

Baron Rothschild shares most people’s view that there is a New World Order. In his opinion, banks will deleverage and there will be a new form of global governance.

So how did the Rothschilds manage to emerge relatively unscathed from the financial meltdown? “You could say that we may have more insights than others… »

Economic collapse: important upcoming dates

The engineers of the economic collapse aren’t finished with you yet. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done to scare you into agreeing to more outright theft of your sovereignty, freedom and wealth.

Now for what is coming next:

  • It was predicted at the end of October that the U.S. Dollar would collapse within 30 days.
  • The dollar collapse will be accelerated by a COMEX default beginning on November 28th. More on what this will look like here.
  • Colin Powell has warned of a “crisis” that will happen on January 21st or 22nd, 2009. It remains to be seen whether this staged event will be financial in nature.
  • The U.S. government is expected to go bankrupt/default in February 2009.

Zionist Extortion

The « Internal Revenue Service » is a collection agency for the private, profit-making corporation that calls itself the Federal Reserve System. The fools who still send money to this private company can prove this by examining the backs of their cancelled checks to the IRS. It will say « Pay to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. » It doesn’t say, « Pay to the US Treasury Department. » Why do you suppose that is? Your hard-earned money goes to a private company that has never been audited, that was created by foreigners for their own gain.

Washington’s $5 Trillion Tab

According to CreditSights, a research firm in New York and London, the U.S. government has put itself on the hook for some $5 trillion, so far, in an attempt to arrest a collapse of the financial system.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is a mis-statement. The government has not put itself on the hook; it has put YOU on the hook, to the tune of about $50,000 per household.

Plus accruing compound interest.

See The United States Is In Deep Doodoo!

Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions
November 18, 2008, CNBC

Given the speed at which the federal government is throwing money at the financial crisis, the average taxpayer, never mind member of Congress, might not be faulted for losing track. CNBC, however, has been paying very close attention and keeping a running tally of actual spending as well as the commitments involved. Try $4.28 trillion dollars. That’s $4,284,500,000,000 and more than what was spent on WW II, if adjusted for inflation, based on our computations from a variety of estimates and sources. Not only is it an astronomical amount of money, it’s a complicated cocktail of budgeted dollars, actual spending, guarantees, loans, swaps and other market mechanisms by the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and other offices of government taken over roughly the last year, based on government data and news releases. Strictly speaking, not every cent is a direct result of what’s called the financial crisis, but it is arguably related to it. Some 68-percent of the sum falls under the Federal Reserve’s umbrella, while another 16 percent is the under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, TARP, as defined under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, signed into law in early October. The TARP alone is bigger than virtually any other US government endeavor dating back to the Louisiana Purchase.

Note: That’s over $10,000 per man, woman, and child in the U.S. Click on the link above to view a highly informative slideshow, the « Biggest Budget Items in US History, » comparing the Wall Street bailout to famous historic government expenditures, and a chart, the « Financial Crisis Balance Sheet, » detailing the many components of the bailout. For many key articles revealing the hidden realities of the bailout, click here.

Paulson backs off asset plan; crisis deals at risk

Secretary Henry Paulson, in the most explicit sign yet that Treasury was abandoning its initial plan for the rescue funds, said on Wednesday he preferred a second round of capital injections into financial companies to help them weather the worst market crisis in 80 years.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Remember back when that Bailout was illegally shoved through Congress? Paulson joined a chorus of others that told Congress and the taxpayers that unless the government used taxpayer dollars to purchase those toxic assets, that ultimate doom was upon us all.

Now that they HAVE their loot, that « crisis » seems to have gone away.

Paulson resists Democrats’ call to rescue homeowners

Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson told unhappy congressional Democrats on Tuesday that, barring a new catastrophe, the Bush administration intended to stand pat on its existing effort to stabilize financial markets — and leave the next stage of economic recovery to the new administration.

Having committed about half of the existing $700-billion rescue fund to ease Wall Street’s credit crunch, Paulson said he had no plans to spend the rest, even on the root cause of the crisis — soaring mortgage foreclosures.

Retail sales suffer record drop

U.S. retail sales in October suffered the worst monthly drop on record as more Americans shunned discretionary purchases amid accelerating job losses in a worsening economy.

As factories close, Chinese workers suffer

Wang Denggui, father of three, arrived more than a year ago in the palm-lined streets of this southern Chinese town with a single goal: toil in a factory to save for his children’s school tuition.

But the plans of Wang and thousands of co-workers unraveled at noon on Nov. 1, when the Taiwan chairman of their ailing shoe factory climbed over a factory wall to flee the country and his debts. That left several U.S. shoe companies with unfilled orders and 2,000 workers without jobs.

« He just ran without telling anyone, » Wang said.

Barack Obama:

Barack Obama : Une victoire programmée par le Nouvel Ordre Mondial ?

Obama vows Iraq exit, to rebuild U.S. ‘moral stature’

Obama Says He Will Do `Whatever It Takes’ on Economy

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Apparently that does NOT include shutting down the Federal Reserve and giving the power to issue money back to the Treasury Department as the Constitution intended.
From Obama’s quotes, he plans to simply continue the policy of hyper-inflation, printing up cash and handing it out to corporations in vast quantities until it is so worthless the bankers will feel comfortable letting us have a tiny bit of it again.

Obama Pushes Carbon Tax Proposal That Would Inflict New Great Depression

The Environmental Protection Agency’s economic analysis of the bill forecast that a whopping $2.9 trillion would be shaved off the economy by the year 2050 if the legislation was enacted. It would also reduce GDP by 6.9 percent – a figure comparable with the economic meltdown of 1929 and 1930, and millions of jobs would have been lost within the first 10 years of its passage.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

See also Arctic Blast Set To Freeze Britain

Blizzards are predicted for Scotland and most of the eastern coast of England, where temperatures could drop as low as -5C.

The Met Office is warning of heavy snow showers and biting winds of up to 70mph in exposed coastal and hilly areas.

UK to auction carbon permits

The UK government is to auction carbon emissions permits to power firms in a sale projected to raise between 1.5 and 2bn euros (£1.2-1.6bn) by 2014.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I keep telling you, folks; this whole global warming scam is just another excuse to impose a new tax, which in this case will be passed onto the consumers via higher rates.

Obama Will Overturn Unconstitutional Bush Laws In First 100 Days

‘I would call my attorney general in and review every single executive order issued by George Bush and overturn those laws or executive decisions that I feel violate the constitution,’ said Obama Other goals for his first 100 days: work out a plan to withdraw troops from Iraq; make progress on alternative energy plans and launch legislation to reform the health care system.

Obama advisers: Harsh interrogators will walk

Even as President-elect Obama vowed « to regain America’s moral stature in the world » during Sunday’s 60 Minutes appearance, two of his senior advisers confessed there is no intent to pursue those in the Bush administration who engaged in torture.

Speaking on condition of anonymity to the Associated Press, the advisers said that the plan is to put a stop to current interrogation methods and to « look forward » as opposed to focusing on prior transgressions.

The Obama transition team did not offer a response before the report was published.

On Saturday it was also revealed that senior intelligence officials are lobbying President Bush to preemptively pardon intelligence agents who committed war crimes: an unprecedented act.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The whole point of the Nuremberg trials was that « I am only following orders » was not a sufficient excuse for tortures and other war criminals to evade punishment for their actions.

Obama’s credibility as the harbinger of change will crumble if he fails to hold the people responsible for this travesty to account.

L’équipe d’Obama du CFR

par Steve Watson

Mondialisation.ca, Le 9 novembre 2008


Rencontrez quelques conseilleurs du Président-élu, Obama pour la politique étrangère et intérieure, ainsi que les membres probables de son cabinet, chacun d’eux est un membre imminent du Council on Foreign Relations.

Obama Warned of ‘Spectacular’ al-Qaeda Attack During Transition

There may be no concrete evidence of a specific plot in the offing, but political leaders and intelligence officials in both the US and Britain are warning President-elect Barack Obama that his fledgling administration may be an appealing target for a ’spectacular’ attack by al-Qaeda, as it struggles to handle a wartime transition of power.

Webmaster’s Commentary:


The only people who would want to stage a « terror » attack during the inauguration are the people who do not want Obama to alter the current pro-war policy of the US.

You know, THESE « Al Qaeda ».

Obama Warned Of Huge al Qeada Threat

Barack Obama is being given ominous advice from leaders on both sides of the Atlantic to brace himself for an early assault from terrorists.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

You know, THESE « Al Qaeda » (nudge nudge wink wink)

Al Qaeda still threatening US: CIA

The head of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) says Al Qaeda remains the single greatest threat to the United States.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« No. Really. They are! So, ummm, you gotta cut the budget somewhere else. I mean, if you cut MY budget, Al Qaeda will GITCHA!!!! »

Barack Obama is warned to beware of a ‘huge threat’ from al-Qaeda

An Hour with Bolivian President Evo Morales: “Neoliberalism Is No Solution for Humankind”

JUAN GONZALEZ: Meanwhile, Morales spoke out about this earlier this month and gave the Drug Enforcement Administration three months to leave Bolivia. He accused DEA agents of violating Bolivian sovereignty and encouraging the drug trade.


Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Threaten Human Fertility and Health Safety

A long-term feeding study commissioned by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, managed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, and carried out by Veterinary University Vienna, confirms genetically modified (GM) corn seriously affects reproductive health in mice. Non-GMO advocates, who have warned about this infertility link along with other health risks, now seek an immediate ban of all GM foods and GM crops to protect the health of humankind and the fertility of women around the world.

Surprise! Organic Beekeepers Reporting Zero Losses

New Plan to Grow Genetically-Modified Crops in Secret Military Locations

UK Officials Plan To Grow Genetically-Modified Crops In Top Secret Military Locations In Order To Thwart Angry Anti-GM Extremists.


3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana’s Bakken Formation

North Dakota and Montana have an estimated 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in an area known as the Bakken Formation.

A U.S. Geological Survey assessment, released April 10, shows a 25-fold increase in the amount of oil that can be recovered compared to the agency’s 1995 estimate of 151 million barrels of oil.

Changements climatiques:

IPCC Scientists Caught Producing False Data To Push Global Warming

Climate scientists allied with the IPCC have been caught citing fake data to make the case that global warming is accelerating, a shocking example of mass public deception that could spell the beginning of the end for the acceptance of man-made climate change theories.

On Monday, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Al Gore’s chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.

“This was startling,” reports the London Telegraph. “Across the world there were reports of unseasonal snow and plummeting temperatures last month, from the American Great Plains to China, and from the Alps to New Zealand. China’s official news agency reported that Tibet had suffered its “worst snowstorm ever”. In the US, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration registered 63 local snowfall records and 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month, and ranked it as only the 70th-warmest October in 114 years.”

It soon came to light that the data produced by NASA to make the claim, and in particular temperature records covering large areas of Russia, was merely carried over from the previous month. NASA had used temperature records from the naturally hotter month of September and claimed they represented temperature figures in October.

When NASA was confronted with this glaring error, they then attempted to compensate for the lower temperatures in Russia by claiming they had discovered a new “hotspot” in the Arctic, despite satellite imagery clearly showing that Arctic sea ice had massively expanded its coverage by 30 per cent, an area the size of Germany, since summer 2007.

The figures published by Dr Hansen’s institute are one of the primary sets of data used by the IPCC to promote its case for man-made global warming and they are widely quoted because they consistently show higher temperatures than other figures.

“Yet last week’s latest episode is far from the first time Dr Hansen’s methodology has been called in question,” reports the Telegraph. “In 2007 he was forced by Mr Watts and Mr McIntyre to revise his published figures for US surface temperatures, to show that the hottest decade of the 20th century was not the 1990s, as he had claimed, but the 1930s.”

The world has never seen such freezing heat

A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming. On Monday, Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore’s chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.

Sunspots spell end of climate myth

The evidence is unequivocal. Measurable, let alone dangerous, manmade global warming is not happening, and is not likely to happen in the future. The major cause for concern is the possibility of severe cooling.

Global climate has always changed and recent climate changes are not unusual. The world was warmer in the mediaeval warm period, in the Roman warm period and on many occasions before then. During these periods agriculture and civilisations flourished. During cold periods like the little ice age there was famine, plague and war.

Global warning: We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists

It has plagued scientists and politicians for decades, but scientists now say global warming is not the problem.

We are actually heading for the next Ice Age, they claim.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Okay, okay, so the global warming and carbon tax credit thing didn’t work out. But here’s the new plan. We drop the global warming part, because we started looking silly when they figured out we put our temperature sensors right where the air conditioners were blowing heat anyway, and we focus on renewable energy, then we lobby to pass a renewable energy tax which will have renewable energy tax credits, which we can then buy and sell through the same brokerage we were going to use for the carbon tax credits! We still make out like bandits! » — Al Bore

Sea Ice Growing at Fastest Pace on Record

An abnormally cool Arctic is seeing dramatic changes to ice levels. In sharp contrast to the rapid melting seen last year, the amount of global sea ice has rebounded sharply and is now growing rapidly. The total amount of ice, which set a record low value last year, grew in October at the fastest pace since record-keeping began in 1979.

26 octobre 2008

Vidéo: Lou Dobbs sur la loi martiale aux USA et où est passé l’argent?

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,État policier - Dictature,États-Unis — François M. @ 10:04


Lou Dobbs: Major Public Concerns Of Martial Law In The U.S. & Army Denies Claims


The money went where?

Fox in the hen house

I hate to give TheStreet.com any exposure or credence.

It’s the home of Jim Cramer, the pyromaniac TV stock picker who led thousands of people to financial catastrophe with his BS shoot-from-the-hip « investment » advice.

That being said this clip of theirs is unusually informative (in spite of the moronically chipper interviewer.)

US Treasury Secretary Paulson is, in fact, one of the small handful of people who is personally responsible for the mess we’re currently in. He pushed hard for the conditions that created the sub-prime disaster while CEO of Goldman Sachs.

It’s bizarre, to say the least, that he’s the person who’s been given the job of cleaning up the mess.

That his « solution » to the problem was to give his former employer access to billions of dollars in taxpayer money with no strings attached is troubling.

Also, troubling is where the money went and where it’s going.

As predicted by many, the bank bailout did nothing to change the tone of the financial markets. They’re still in free fall and there literally is not enough money in the world to bail them out.

The final insult:

Minutes of the meetings in which the bail out billions (trillions?) are being distributed are issued to the news media with key figures blacked out.

27 Mai 2008

Le culte du réchauffement climatique et les 31 000 scientifiques qui s’y opposent

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,Global warming,Pétrole et énergie — François M. @ 9:18


www.caglecartoons.com, By Mike Lester

Le culte du réchauffement climatique et les 31 000 scientifiques qui s’y opposent

Ce texte d’analyse se veut une analyse critique des crises simultanées du réchauffement climatique, de la nourriture, du pétrole et financière à travers le monde. Il s’y trouve un peu plus de 10 pages en plus de nombreuses références à explorer pour approfondir les informations discutées. Le lecteur devrait avoir une meilleure vue d’ensemble après avoir terminé la lecture. Les pièces du casse-tête devraient tomber en place, ce qui est essentiel pour se protèger mentalement contre la désinformation qui règne dans les médias traditionnels.

La crise alimentaire mondiale que nous vivons demande d’être mieux comprise pour qu’on puisse réellement éviter le pire : des famines et de violentes révoltes. La crise actuelle semble naturelle et le simple fruit du hasard, alors qu’il en est tout autrement. Les médias ont induit en erreur l’opinion publique sur les causes de ces hausses de prix. On nous parle de coûts de production et de climat par exemple, mais en réalité, bien que ces derniers facteurs puissent affecter la situation, leur portée réelle en tant cause de cette crise sont plutôt minimes.

Cette hausse soudaine du prix de la nourriture est en grande partie le résultat d’une manipulation des marchés à travers la spéculation boursière sur les matières premières et sont ainsi donc artificiellement gonflés par ces opérations spécialement sur les marchés boursiers de New-York et de Chicago. Nul besoin pour eux d’avoir de réelles transactions de blé, maïs, soja ou de maïs pour spéculer sur leur prix.

C’est donc qu’à quelque part entre les gens qui produisent réellement de la nourriture et les gens qui la mangent, se trouve un autre groupe de gens qui ne font pas pousser la nourriture, ne la transportent pas, ne l’emballent pas, ni le la place sur les tablettes, mais qui d’une façon ou d’une autre se sont insérés dans la ligne d’approvisionnement pour le seul but la traiter comme un géant casino légal pour être capables d’en retirer des profits énormes (Voir cet article).

Voici deux extraits éclairants tirés de cet excellent texte à lire intégralement :

La famine mondiale

par Michel Chossudovsky, Mondialisation.ca, Le 4 mai 2008

Ces augmentations contribuent d’une manière très réelle à « éliminer les pauvres » à travers « la mort par la famine. » Dit dans les mots de Henry Kissinger: « Contrôlez le pétrole et vous contrôlerez les nations, contrôlez la nourriture et vous contrôlerez la population. »

À cet égard, Kissinger a fait savoir à travers le « Mémorandum d’études sur la sécurité nationale de 1974: Les implications de la croissance de la population mondiale sur la sécurité et les intérêts étrangers des États-Unis, » que des famines récurrentes pourraient constituer de facto un instrument de contrôle de la population.

Une crise d’une telle ampleur a des racines qui remontent à plusieurs décennies. Les politiques de réforme macro-économique et de restructuration économique mondiale imposées par le FMI et la Banque Mondiale, en dévaluant les monnaies nationales et en enfermant la paysannerie du monde dans un cycle d’endettement infernal ont contribué à baisser le niveau de vie mondialement. Le tout s’est dégradé davantage lorsque la crise actuelle a commencé à sévir, moment où il y avait déjà un tiers de l’humanité qui ne mangeait pas à sa faim. Pourtant, la seule solution que le FMI et la Banque Mondiale nous suggèrent est de prêter plus d’argent aux fermiers pauvres, comme ceux de l’Afrique, les enfonçant encore plus dans l’endettement, situation qui est une cause importante de cette crise sur le plan historique, depuis le début des années 1980.

– Le traitement choc du FMI

« Historiquement, les escalades de prix des produits alimentaires au niveau du commerce en détail ont été déclenchées par la dévaluation des monnaies, qui ont toujours été le résultat invariable d’une situation hyper inflationniste.

Dans le cadre du contrat de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), les géants de l’agroalimentaire ont une entière liberté d’entrer dans les marchés céréaliers des pays en développement. L’acquisition de « droits de propriété intellectuelle » exclusifs sur les variétés végétales par des intérêts agroindustriels favorise aussi la destruction de la biodiversité.

Agissant au nom d’une poignée de conglomérats de biotechnologie, des semences OGM ont été imposées aux agriculteurs, souvent dans le cadre de « programmes d’aide alimentaire. » Par exemple, en Éthiopie des trousses de semences OGM ont été remis aux agriculteurs pauvres afin de rétablir la production agricole à la suite d’une grande sécheresse. Les semences OGM ont été plantées, donnant une seule récolte. Mais après, les agriculteurs ont réalisé que les semences OGM ne pourraient pas être replantées sans payer de redevances à Monsanto, Arch Daniel Midland et al. Ensuite, les agriculteurs ont découvert que les graines ne pousseraient que s’ils utilisaient les intrants agricoles soit, les engrais, les insecticides et les herbicides qui sont produits et distribués par les entreprises agroalimentaires de biotechnologie. Toute l’économie paysanne est dorénavant enfermée entre les mains des conglomérats de l’agro-industrie. »

La famine mondiale, par Michel Chossudovsky

Avec la pression que cette crise engendre sur les gouvernements pour arriver à nourrir leur population, les résistances qu’on avait contre les OGM tombent. Des pays comme le Japon acceptent maintenant ce qu’ils refusaient farouchement jusqu’à maintenant : importer des organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM).

Quelle coïncidence heureuse pour ces compagnies. Sur l’émission spéciale de L’Autre Monde sur la réserve de grains de Svalbard, on avait discuté de la deuxième révolution « verte » que le secteur de l’agroalimentaire-pharmaceutique-ingénierie génétique veut opérer en Afrique. Heureux hasard encore une fois pour eux, car l’Afrique risque de perdre la majorité de son blé cette année à cause d’une infestation fongueuse nommée Ug99. L’ONU a averti que cette infestation hautement pathogène est en train de se propager aux cultures de l’Iran et que 25% des cultures de blé pourraient en être affectées.

Ceci va ouvrir la porte aux compagnies de semences OGM comme Monsanto pour vendre des produits qui sont censés régler tous les maux de la Terre et qui sont vendus avec la prétention de produire plus que les semences conventionnelles. Pourtant, selon la plus importante étude du genre à être menée, conduite par le International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, rapporté originalement dans le journal Better Crops et ensuite par le journal The Independent UK, ils ont étudié de telles cultures OGM durant les trois dernières années à l’Université du Kansas et ils ont trouvé que les cultures de soya produisaient 10% de moins que les cultures conventionnelles. C’est clair que cela ne fera pas plaisir aux producteurs d’OGM de ce monde parce qu’une de leur assertion principale est que les OGM sont la solution à la faim dans le monde.

Jean Ziegler, Rapporteur spécial de l’ONU pour le droit à l’alimentation, a condamné la conversion de la nourriture en carburant comme étant « un crime contre l’humanité » et il a déclaré que cette histoire est « une recette pour un désastre ».

Il demande l’imposition d’un moratoire de trois ans pour réévaluer la politique de convertir la nourriture en carburant alors que la planète fait face à des pénuries de nourriture. Les critiques du moratoire ne voient pas de lien entre les biocarburants et la faim dans le monde.

Bien sûr que la principale raison de convertir la nourriture en carburant « vert » a été poussé par le culte du réchauffement climatique causé par le CO2 de l’activité humaine. Ils sont grandement responsables de cette catastrophe humanitaire et feront tout pour le nier pour refuser toute responsabilité et pour continuer d’encaisser leur argent. Le reste de la population a été submergé dans la désinformation.

Le culte d’Al Gore et les « on va tous mourir à cause du CO2 » pédalent beaucoup de ces temps-ci à parce que les données empiriques des 10 dernières années ne montrent aucun réchauffement depuis 1998, année où on a connu les effets de El Niño et une activité solaire intense. En réalité, la température globale s’est légèrement refroidit, même chose pour les océans. Pourtant, les taux de CO2 ont augmenté de 5.5% durant cette même période de temps, ce qui brise le lien entre le CO2 et le réchauffement climatique. On sait avec les carottes glacières extraites aux pôles que les taux de CO2 augmentent environ 800 ans APRÈS un réchauffement climatique, et non AVANT. Et pour ceux qui pensent qu’on est responsables des changements climatiques, pourquoi est-ce que l’ensemble des autres planètes du système solaire suivent les mêmes changements à la baisse et à la hausse en même temps, en parfaite corrélation avec les cycles de l’activité solaire?

En réalité, les plantes et arbres produisent plus si les taux de CO2 sont plus élevés et en retour ils produisent plus de CO2, ce qui est meilleur pour notre santé.

Nous vivons à une période où les taux de CO2 sont très bas comparé à d’autres périodes du passé.

Au sommet de Bali sur les changements climatiques de l’an dernier, Dr Roy Spencer a présenté au Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) un rapport qui expliquait qu’au lieu d’avoir le CO2 causant la formation de vapeur d’eau qui à son tour cause le réchauffement de la température en tant que gaz à effet de serre comme ils le pensaient au début, on s’est aperçu grâce aux satellites météorologiques que les vapeurs d’eau dans l’atmosphère jouent un rôle qu’on ignorait : elles enlèvent les excès de CO2 de l’atmosphère dans un processus d’auto-balancement de ses effets en tant que gaz à effet de serre.

Vous pouvez lire le rapport complet du Dr Roy Spencer en cliquant ici.

Vous pouvez aussi lire le dernier rapport du GIEC, Climate Change 2007 en .pdf ici.

À ce sommet de Bali en décembre dernier, Viscount Monckton, Dr David Evans et Dr Vincent Gray ont présenté un document qui démontrait qu’en dépit des prédictions des modèles du GIEC qui prévoyaient que les gaz à effet de serre produiraient des points chauds dans la haute troposphère, rien de tel ne s’est produit en réalité. Les données des satellites nous montrent aucun réchauffement rapide de la troposphère comme prédit dans les modèles informatiques du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC).

Monckton et Evans ont trouvé que ces larges différences sont le résultat d’erreurs de base dans leur évaluation de la loi de Stefan-Boltzmann.

Le rôle des pluies, du processus de la formation des nuages, des mouvements d’air et des courants d’eau sont encore très mal compris et très complexes et ne sont même pas inclus dans les calculs et modèles informatiques du GIEC !

On vient de vivre l’hiver le plus froid et neigeux depuis 15 à 100 ans selon les régions du monde, avec une baisse moyenne de 0.7 degré Celcius, ce qui annule le réchauffement qu’on a connu depuis un siècle.

La population des ours polaires a quintuplé depuis les 25 dernières années.

Les satellites de la NASA ont mesuré que les glaces de la mer Arctique ont couvert 2 millions de kilomètres carrés de plus que la moyenne des trois dernières années et étaient en moyenne 10 à 20 centimètres plus épaisses qu’en 2007. « La neige est retournée sur le Mont Kilimanjaro » déclarait l’International Herald Tribune du 21 janvier dernier, défiant le narratif du « réchauffement ».

Pour avoir un vrai débat scientifique sur la question du réchauffement climatique, il faudrait être assez honnête pour admettre la position et les évidences de tous les partis, chose qui n’est pas le cas.

Depuis, l’hystérie causée autour de cette question s’apparente plus à un type d’endoctrinement où les faits contrariant le point de vue qu’on veut faire accepter sont rejetés avec indignation sans même engager la conversation. On a même comparé les opposants à l’idée que le réchauffement soit causé par le CO2 de l’activité humaine aux négationnistes (Négation de la Shoah). Tout est dans l’utilisation de l’intimidation pour clore le débat. Comme si tout d’un coup les politiciens et les médias commençaient à nous raconter la vérité, la main sur le coeur, pour sauver la planète! Beaucoup blâment les compagnies pétrolières pour avoir dépensé 40 millions pour acheter des scientifiques pour jeter le doute sur la thèse du réchauffement climatique, mais ce que peu de gens savent, c’est que ces mêmes compagnies, en plus de banquiers internationaux privés ont payé d’un autre côté des milliards pour nous faire accepter que nous sommes le problème, la menace qui risque de détruire la planète.

Al Gore est en sérieux conflit d’intérêts car il se positionne pour profiter des taxes sur le carbone et des « solutions vertes » qu’on va tous nous imposer, comme ces bulbes incandescents qu’on va bannir au Canada, remplacés par d’autres qui contiennent du mercure et des isotopes radioactifs. Le nouveau pouvoir que les gouvernements et les institutions internationales vont gagner sous le prétexte de lutter contre le réchauffement global va servir par ricochet à enrichir des compagnies qui se donnent et donnent bonne conscience en vendant des fausses solutions vertes.

Al Gore s’est joint à un groupe de capital-risque nommé Klein Perkins Caufield & Byers en septembre dernier. Le 1er mai, la firme a annoncé des investissements de 500 millions dans la firme de technologies vertes Green Growth Fund et le groupe a annoncé un autre 700 millions qui sera investi sur les trois prochaines années dans ce même domaine. Alors si le climat se refroidit, il n’y aura pas de retour sur ces volumineux investissements. Il n’y aurait pas besoin de ces investissements si le réchauffement climatique ne serait pas une menace. Conséquemment, Gore a lancé une massive campagne de publicité de 300 millions de dollars pour nous convaincre qu’IL Y A MENACE. Ce n’est plus une question de science, mais seulement de CONVAINCRE.

Or, ces opposants aux Accords de Kyoto et du CO2 comme cause du réchauffement climatique ne sont pas des parvenus. 100 prestigieux géologues, physiciens, météorologistes et autres scientifiques ont écrit en décembre 2007 au Secrétaire général des Nations-Unies, Ban Ki-Moon. La lettre soulignait qu’il n’y avait aucun consensus et que la science n’est pas complète, en plus de nombreuses recherches ayant passées le processus d’évaluation par les pairs qui soulèvent de sérieux doutes quant à l’hypothèse du dangereux réchauffement causé par les humains. Ils ont aussi noté que les modèles informatiques d’aujourd’hui ne peuvent pas prédire le climat tel que l’expérience nous le montre : a contrario des projections à la hausse des températures, il n’y a pas eu de réchauffement net depuis 1998.

En décembre 2007, 400 scientifiques d’institutions respectées comme celles de Princeton, National Academy of Sciences, l’Université de Londres et l’Institut Pasteur de Paris ont déclaré leur indépendance de la « sagesse conventionnelle » pro-réchauffement devant le Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

« Non pas le CO2, mais les vapeurs d’eau constituent le plus important gaz à effet de serre » a déclaré le climatologue Luc Debontridder du Belgium’s Royal Meteorological Institute. « Elles sont responsables d’au moins 75% des gaz à effets de serre. Ceci est un simple fait scientifique, mais le film d’Al Gore a fait un tel battage médiatique à propos du CO2 que personne ne semble prendre note de cela. »

Alors, combien de scientifiques cela prend t-il pour établir que le consensus sur le réchauffement climatique n’existe pas? Cette quête a débuté avant même que la plupart des gens commencent à entendre parler de changements climatiques. En 1992, les Nations Unies étaient sur le point de tenir le Sommet de la Terre à Rio. Ce sommet fut nommé la plus grande assemblée environnementale et politique de l’histoire de l’humanité. Des délégations sont venues de 178 nations, incluant 118 chefs d’état ou de gouvernement ainsi que 7 000 bureaucrates diplomates. Les groupes environnementaux de la planète se sont aussi joint, envoyant 30 000 représentants en plus des 7 000 journalistes pour couvrir l’événement.

En février de cette année, 47 scientifiques ont signé le « Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming » dénonçant l’assomption sans fondement selon laquelle un réchauffement planétaire catastrophique prenait place suite à l’utilisation des combustibles fossiles, situation qui demandait des actions immédiates. Ils ont ri d’eux, ridiculisant le nombre minuscule comparé aux milliers qui étaient d’avis contraire. Sachant cela, la pétition Heidelberg Appeal fut élargie et à la fin du sommet, 425 autres scientifiques l’avaient signé. Avec le temps et les années qui ont suivi, la pétition a atteint 4 000 signataires dont 72 gagnants du prix Nobel.

Ensuite, il y a eu la Leipzig Declaration on Global Climate Change avec 150 signataires, la Cornwall Declaration on Environmental Stewardship en 2000, signée par 1 500 personnes de tout acabit, finalement il y a eu la Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine’s Petition Project de 2001 qui a ramassé 17 800 noms de scientifiques qui ont déclaré non pas seulement qu’ils n’étaient pas d’accord avec les évidences décrivant les émissions de gaz carbonique comme étant dommageables, mais en ajoutant que Kyoto lui-même endommagerait l’environnement.

Face à la corruption de la science de Kyoto, un nouvel effort fut déployé à la demande de ces scientifiques pour repartir la pétition de l’Oregon Institute et la réponse a été extraordinaire : 31 000 signataires ont répondu avec près de 10 000 d’entre eux qui sont des titulaires de doctorat. Ce nombre de scientifiques est plus élevé que tous les environnementalistes qui sont descendus sur Rio en 1992. Est-ce suffisant pour établir que la science n’est pas définitive et consensuelle à propos du réchauffement climatique ?

En dépit de toute cette contradiction, le culte du réchauffement et toute la cohorte d’arrivistes qui en profitent ne manquent pas d’imagination pour se sortir de cette situation. Au lieu d’avouer qu’ils avaient tort, qu’ils n’auraient pas dû culpabiliser les humains et les enfants pour rien en plus de causer une crise mondiale de la nourriture et d’imposer de fausses solutions comme les OGM et les bio-carburants éthanol qui n’est plus ni moins la transformation de notre nourriture en carburant -probablement une idée des plus stupides qu’on ait vu depuis un siècle- ils en sont venus à une nouvelle stratégie : le réchauffement climatique sera en pause jusqu’en 2015, dû à l’absence de réchauffement depuis 1998 et du refroidissement des océans depuis quelques années et amplifié par El Niña de cet hiver. Alors tenez-vous bien et avalez ceci : le réchauffement climatique causé par l’activité humaine continue quand même, mais se passe en même temps que le refroidissement qui lui est NATUREL et prévalent pour le moment! Selon eux, le réchauffement n’a pas cessé et n’est pas part des cycles naturels; mais le refroidissement, pour sa part, est naturel. Désolé pour la prédiction d’une hausse de 0.3 degrés d’ici la prochaine décennie du GIEC, ils ont dû l’annuler. Mais voilà, ne vous inquiétez pas : le réchauffement catastrophique va reprendre en 2015 qu’ils nous disent. Nous avons une hausse des taux de CO2 de 5.5% depuis 1998 sans hausse des températures, mais cela ne les gêne pas pour vous prédire le futur climatique, alors qu’ils admettent du même souffle qu’ils ont dû révisé leurs modèles informatiques et qu’ils ne sont pas encore certains qu’ils représentent la réalité. En fait, ils n’incluent même pas les phénomènes comme le El Niño qui fut l’un des principaux facteur de la soudaine hausse des températures en 1998. Dire qu’on a de la misère à avoir une prédiction météorologique juste pour les 48 prochaines heures!

Parlant de fausses solutions vertes, n’oublions pas que le processus de production de l’éthanol consomme plus d’énergie et produit plus de gaz à effets de serre que ce que peut produire l’équivalent de pétrole régulier. Un litre de gaz éthanol contient moins d’énergie chimique qu’un litre de gaz normal en plus d’être plus dur sur les joints d’étanchéité et boyaux des voitures. Il faut 200kg de maïs pour produire entre 90 et 100 litres d’éthanol, ce qui représente un ou deux pleins de réservoir d’auto. La même quantité de maïs serait suffisante pour nourrir une personne pendant un an.

En conclusion, si vous pensez comme Henry Kissinger, Bill & Melinda Gates, Dr Pianka, les Rockefeller et autres partisans de la dépopulation de la planète comme Ted Turner et des groupes environnementalistes extrémistes comme le groupe Voluntary Human Extinction, vous pouvez suivre leur conseil et commencer à dépeupler volontairement la planète en commençant par vous-mêmes et cessez d’avoir des enfants. Ted Turner a donné une entrevue à Charlie Rose de PBS et a déclaré que le réchauffement climatique était directement lié au fait qu’il y avait trop d’humains sur la planète, expliquant que pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique on doit réduire dramatiquement la population mondiale. Si cela n’est pas fait, il pense que nous devoir avoir recours au cannibalisme.

Nous devons être taxés pour le CO2 que nous produisons, ce qui revient effectivement à taxer l’air qu’on respire comme dans la bonne vieille blague d’antan, étant donné qu’inspirations et expirations sont deux parties du même cycle respiratoire. Le résultat est clair : nous sommes le problème et nous devons disparaître.

Nous pouvons encore décider de nous éduquer nous-mêmes et comprendre que ces crises financières, alimentaires, pétrolières (L’Allemagne va proposer de bannir mondialement la spéculation sur le pétrole en accusant les Hedge Funds d’être responsables de la folle hausse des prix du pétrole qui doublé l’an dernier) sont de criminelles manipulations pour consolider le pouvoir de quelques puissants de ce monde tel que démontré dans le documents officiel de 1974 écrit par Henry Kissinger, ceux de l’ ONU et du Club de Rome qui ont considéré ouvertement de créer des famines de toute pièce pour protéger leurs intérêts particuliers tout en maintenant la population dans un climat de tension et de peur constante, court-circuitant leur habilité de penser rationnellement et de façon critique et indépendante.

« Comme détaillé dans un article antérieur, un calcul prudent montre que, dans le prix du baril de pétrole brut d’aujourd’hui, au moins 60% des 128 dollars sont dus à la spéculation à terme non réglementée, des hedge funds, des banques et des groupes financiers. Ils utilisent les échanges à terme du ICE Futures de Londres et du NYMEX de New York, et les échanges inter-bancaires incontrôlés ou négociés hors cote pour échapper à tout examen minutieux. Les règlements de la Commodity Futures Trading Commission du gouvernement étasunien permettent aux spéculateurs d’acheter du pétrole brut grâce à des contrats à terme sur le Nymex, en avançant seulement 6% de la valeur du contrat. Le prix en ce moment étant de 128 dollars par baril, cela signifie que le spéculateur à terme n’a qu’à donner environ 8 dollars pour chaque baril et emprunter les autres 120 dollars. Cette « force » exceptionnelle de 16 pour 1 permet d’amener le prix à un niveau follement irréaliste et de compenser les pertes bancaires du subprime et des autres catastrophes au détriment de l’ensemble de la population [mondiale]. »

« La mystification du pic pétrolier, c’est-à-dire l’argument selon lequel la production pétrolière aurait épuisé plus de la moitié des réserves, ce qui rend le pétrole bon marché et abondant sur le déclin dans le monde, a permis à cette fraude coûteuse de perdurer depuis l’invasion de l’Iraq en 2003 avec l’aide des principales banques, des négociants et des opérateurs pétroliers majeurs. Comme toujours, Washington tente d’en faire porter le chapeau aux producteurs arabes de l’OPEP. Le problème n’est pas la pénurie de l’approvisionnement en pétrole brut. En fait, l’offre est actuellement excédentaire dans le monde. Pourtant, le prix grimpe toujours plus haut. Pourquoi ? La réponse se trouve dans la politique manifestement délibérée du gouvernement étasunien, qui permet la manipulation effrénée du prix du pétrole. »

– par F. William Engdahl – 2008-05-25, Précisions sur l’origine du prix élevé du pétrole

La hausse du prix de pétrole n’est qu’une taxe déguisée imposée à tous les habitants de la planète.

Ce dont nous avons besoin c’est de cesser d’avoir peur, de se créer une vision du futur que nous voulons vivre et de reprendre les choses en mains. Il y a assez de nourriture pour tous et de génie humain, de coeur pour réinventer nos façons de faire. Nous avons laissé 7000 producteurs de semence contrôlant moins de 1% du marché mondial chacun il y a 25 ans être rachetés et consolidés sous le pouvoir de 10 multinationales incluant Monsanto, DuPont-Pioneer, Syngenta, Bayer Cropsciencie, BASF, and Dow Agrosciences qui contrôlant ensemble 50% de ce marché des semences. Nous sommes aussi responsables de toutes ces dérives par notre indifférence, naïveté ou simplement par vanité. Pendant ce temps, ne manquez pas de commencer un grand jardin et d’acheter des produits biologiques des fermiers locaux. Cessons d’être dépendants des produits dénaturés et chimiques des gros de l’industrie agroalimentaire. Cessons la pollution inutile et adaptons nous aux changements climatiques naturels sans oublier qu’un réchauffement du climat a toujours été plus favorable qu’un refroidissement!

Texte et recherche de F. Marginean, LNI.

Sources d’informations à consulter:

Germany in call for ban on oil speculation

Privatisation Making Seeds Themselves Infertile

Seeds were once for ever. After harvest, a few from the crop would be planted for the following year, and so it went on. Now, biochemical industry giants are making seeds themselves infertile. You sow them this year, and that’s it. For next year’s crop, you need brand new seeds — you would have to buy them, of course. Twenty-five years ago, there were at least 7,000 seed growers worldwide, and none of them controlled more than one percent of the global market. Today, after a takeover spree, 10 major biochemical multinationals, including Monsanto, DuPont-Pioneer, Syngenta, Bayer Cropsciencie, BASF, and Dow Agrosciences, control more than 50 percent of the seeds market.

And all it will take is a single genetics mistake (and we know they are already happening) to trigger an ecological catastrophe.

Eco Group Calls For « Voluntary Human Extinction »

There is a lot of self-hate in the radical environmentalist movement.

Setting that aside, there is a fundamental problem with this approach. The people most willing to make such a sacrifice for the good of the whole world are the very ones you would WANT to encourage to have (and teach) offspring. It’s the ones least likely to voluntarily curb their instincts that are the problem.

Speculation wreaking havoc on food prices

Speculation is exerting pressure on agriculture-based commodities – now facing competition with regard to their use as food and a source of energy – and sending prices to unprecedented levels. This is in turn fuelling the current global food crisis, according to economists.

Let me see if I understand this.

Somewhere between the people who actually grow the food, and the people who eat it, is a bunch of other people who neither grow the food, transport it, package it, or stock the grocery shelves, who somehow have inserted themselves into the supply line for the sole purpose of treating it all like a giant legal casino they are able to make huge fortunes off of.

That about sum it up?

***** Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age

Lorne Gunter, National Post Published: Monday, February 25, 2008

Has global warming stopped?

Nouvelles données sur le soleil qui signifie la fin d’une période chaude et le retour vers une ère plus froide.

***Changes in the Sun’s Surface to Bring Next Climate Change

Global Warming or Global Governance

Interviews of climate scientists and biologists from numerous sources who explain, step by step, why Al Gore and the global warming … all alarmists are incorrect. In some cases, blatantly so. It also provides evidence that the global warming agenda is being funded with tens of billions of dollars as a mechanism to create global governance. Hear from congressmen, experts and even well-known news broadcasters how global governance puts global institutions that are not accountable to the American people in control of every aspect of our economy. The U.S. government is very close to making this a reality. Very close. Every American, every citizen of the world, needs to hear the other side of the global warming story.


Ocean Cooling to Briefly Halt Global Warming, Researchers Say

By Jim Efstathiou Jr.

April 30 (Bloomberg) — Parts of North America and Europe may cool naturally over the next decade, as shifting ocean currents temporarily blunt the global-warming effect caused by mankind, Germany’s Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences said.

Average temperatures in areas such as California and France may drop over the next 10 years, influenced by colder flows in the North Atlantic, said a report today by the institution based in Kiel, Germany. Temperatures worldwide may stabilize in the period.

The study was based on sea-surface temperatures of currents that move heat around the world, and vary from decade to decade. This regional cooling effect may temporarily neutralize the long- term warming phenomenon caused by heat-trapping greenhouse gases building up around the earth, said Richard Wood, a research scientist at the Met Office Hadley Centre, a U.K. provider of environmental and weather-related services.

AccuWeather’s Expert Senior Forecaster Joe Bastardi has stated: « People are concerned that 50 years from now, it will be warm beyond a point of no return. My concern is almost opposite, that it’s cold and getting colder. »

And on Wednesday, the respected journal, Nature, indicated that Earth’s climactic cycles have stopped global warming through 2015.

Global warming may ‘stop’, scientists predict

Global warming will stop until at least 2015 because of natural variations in the climate, scientists have said.

Researchers studying long-term changes in sea temperatures said they now expect a « lull » for up to a decade while natural variations in climate cancel out the increases caused by man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

The average temperature of the sea around Europe and North America is expected to cool slightly over the decade while the tropical Pacific remains unchanged.

This would mean that the 0.3°C global average temperature rise which has been predicted for the next decade by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change may not happen, according to the paper published in the scientific journal Nature.

However, the effect of rising fossil fuel emissions will mean that warming will accelerate again after 2015 when natural trends in the oceans veer back towards warming, according to the computer model.

Noel Keenlyside of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, Kiel, Germany, said: « The IPCC would predict a 0.3°C warming over the next decade. Our prediction is that there will be no warming until 2015 but it will pick up after that. »

He stressed that the results were just the initial findings from a new computer model of how the oceans behave over decades and it would be wholly misleading to infer that global warming, in the sense of the enhanced greenhouse effect from increased carbon emissions, had gone away.

The IPCC currently does not include in its models actual records of such events as the strength of the Gulf Stream and the El Nino cyclical warming event in the Pacific, which are known to have been behind the warmest year ever recorded in 1998.

Global Cooling Slows Global Warming

This appears to be a cover to me. Scientists are now predicting a cooling period over the next ten years. This natural cooling period will counter the man-made warming. Do you see the covering of all the bases that is going on here? Because the earth is beginning to go into a cooling period, scientists hoping to hold onto their global warming grants are now beginning to cover their asses.

Parts of North America and Europe may cool naturally over the next decade, as
shifting ocean currents temporarily blunt the global-warming effect caused by

Not only this but we are supposed to believe that the earth is still warming even as it cools.

Those natural climate variations could be stronger than the global-warming trend
over the next 10-year period,” Wood said in an interview. “Without knowing that,
you might erroneously think there’s no global warming going on.”

If we don’t experience warming over the next 10 years, it doesn’t mean that
greenhouse-gas warming is not with us,” Keenlyside said in an interview. “There
can be natural fluctuations that may mask climate change in the short term

Let me get this right, the earth is still warming, it is just cooling faster than it is warming. We are also just supposed to believe that the cooling is natural while the warming isn’t. How stupid do these people think we are? The earth goes through natural cooling and heating periods. PERIOD!

Let us just pretend for one moment that man-made global warming exists. If the earth is going to start naturally cooling, while man is causing the earth to heat, then don’t we owe it to the planet to keep on warming the earth. Without man-made global warming during this cooling period wouldn’t we be headed to another ice age?

Just one more question. If the earth is warming how is it possible for the oceans to be cooling in the first place? Shouldn’t the oceans be warming also? Okay, so that was two more questions. I can’t help it. The more that we hear about this subject, the more absurd it becomes. Scientists will do and say anything to protect their grant money. Politicians will also do or say anything to guilt people into paying more “green” taxes.

We are now told to believe that if the earth cools over the next decade that it doesn’t mean the warming has ended. It sounds like a cover to me.


Global Warming Petition

We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

Research Review of Global Warming Evidence

Enclosed is a twelve-page review of information on the subject of « global warming, » a petition in the form of a reply card, and a return envelope. Please consider these materials carefully.

The United States is very close to adopting an international agreement that would ration the use of energy and of technologies that depend upon coal, oil, and natural gas and some other organic compounds.

This treaty is, in our opinion, based upon flawed ideas. Research data on climate change do not show that human use of hydrocarbons is harmful. To the contrary, there is good evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful.

Click here to see the rest of this letter from the past president of the National Academy of Sciences.

Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

A review of the research literature concerning the environmental consequences of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that increases during the 20th Century have produced no deleterious effects upon global weather, climate, or temperature. Increased carbon dioxide has, however, markedly increased plant growth rates. Predictions of harmful climatic effects due to future increases in minor greenhouse gases like CO2 are in error and do not conform to current experimental knowledge.

Click here to see this peer reviewed research paper.

Note: The Petition Project has no funding from energy industries or other parties with special financial interests in the « global warming » debate. Funding for the project comes entirely from private non-tax deductible donations by interested individuals.

Al Gore And Climate Ka-Ching

So why the hype? Well, global warming is a growth industry designed to keep Earth and some bank accounts green.

Gore himself joined the venture capital group groupe de capital-risque, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers just last September. On May 1, the firm announced a $500 million investment in maturing green technology firms called the Green Growth Fund.

The group announced another $700 million to be invested over the next three years in green-tech startup firms. But if the green technology business, uh, cools down, there will be no return on that investment. There would be no need for such investments if global warming wasn’t a threat. So Gore just launched, among other things, a $300 million on an ad campaign to convince us it is so.

Next – « Kill-Yourself-For-The-Earth Day »

Organized by the elite World Wildlife Fund, « Earth Hour » was a psy-op designed to remind us we are a burden on the ecosystem. The event was organized by an elite who represent one percent of the world’s population yet own over 40% of the resources.

From the elite perspective, we’re superfluous- the real message of ‘Earth Hour. »

Have they ever done anything to celebrate human life?

If we are energy challenged, it is because the Illuminati banking cartel has been suppressing non-polluting free-energy technology for almost a century. At the same time, this cartel has been fomenting wasteful and tragic wars.


If people feel they are such a burden, why not kill themselves? Is there a more effective way to say you care about the planet? Erase your « carbon footprint » altogether.

We will need some time to get our affairs in order, and say our goodbyes, but perhaps next Spring, the World Wildlife Fund could sponsor a « Kill-Yourself-for-the-Earth Day. » Families, companies, cities and countries could offer sacrifices to the Environmental God. With proper promotion, millions might volunteer.

Why dither with symbolic gestures when we can make a real difference?

As former US vice-president Al Gore said last year in accepting the Nobel Peace Prize: « We are what is wrong and we must make it right! »

No, Al Gore. You and your Illuminati henchmen are the problem. Please consider my modest proposal.

19,000 Scientists Say Global Warming is Bunk

Gore Connection to Occidental Petroleum

Ted Turner Wants You Dead To Save The Planet

Ted Turner the largest U.S. land owner and wealthy media mogul has stated yet again during a PBS interview with Charlie Rose that the world’s population needs to be reduced. Turner also used the interview as an opportunity to continue the non stop irrational fear mongering of global warming. He stated that if something isn’t done about global warming that people would soon be forced to resort to cannibalism. Turner also stated that he believes that global warming is directly related to the fact that there are too many people on the planet using too much stuff. Therefore, to fight global warming you’d need to have a dramatic reduction in population.

Eco Group Calls For « Voluntary Human Extinction »

There is a lot of self-hate in the radical environmentalist movement.

Setting that aside, there is a fundamental problem with this approach. The people most willing to make such a sacrifice for the good of the whole world are the very ones you would WANT to encourage to have (and teach) offspring. It’s the ones least likely to voluntarily curb their instincts that are the problem.

Climate change confirmed but global warming is cancelled

In December last year, at the UN conference in Bali, I heard Viscount Monckton present a paper prepared by himself, the Australian Dr David Evans and our own Dr Vincent Gray (who were at Bali, too) that showed while the IPCC models predict that greenhouse gases would produce an extensive « hot spot » in the upper troposphere over the tropics, the satellite measurements show no such hotspots have appeared.

Monckton and Evans found a large part of this discrepancy is the result of some basic errors in the IPCC’s assessment of the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. When they applied their revised factor to the effect of greenhouse gases, the temperature rise was about a third of that predicted by the IPCC.



UN chief calls for review of biofuels policy

The UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, has called for a comprehensive review of the policy on biofuels as a crisis in global food prices – partly caused by the increasing use of crops for energy generation – threatens to trigger global instability.

Ethanol fuel is not so green

It is not green, it is not economically viable, and any move to mandate its inclusion in fuel would have enormous repercussions for other sectors of Australian industry. It is something of a relief, therefore, to read a just-released parliamentary research paper on the economic effects of an ethanol mandate.

The paper concludes that « no prima facie economic case for a mandate has been established ».

And making ethanol is a hungry process. It requires some 200kg of corn to produce between 90 and 100 litres of ethanol, enough to fill the fuel tank of a typical four-wheel-drive vehicle. That same amount of corn could supply enough calories to feed a person for a year.

Corn has doubled in price in the past two years, while stockpiles have shrunk alarmingly. As ABN Amro Morgans chief economist Michael Knox put it so well recently: « Part of this increased (grain) consumption comes from turning corn into fodder for automobiles. This is the dumbest idea that politicians have produced this century. »

Climate facts to warm to

Duffy asked Marohasy: « Is the Earth still warming? »

She replied: « No, actually, there has been cooling, if you take 1998 as your point of reference. If you take 2002 as your point of reference, then temperatures have plateaued. This is certainly not what you’d expect if carbon dioxide is driving temperature because carbon dioxide levels have been increasing but temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years. »

Perhaps The Climate Change Models Are Wrong

When they were first deployed in 2003, the Argos were hailed for their ability to collect information on ocean conditions more precisely, at more places and greater depths and in more conditions than ever before. No longer would scientists have to rely on measurements mostly at the surface from older scientific buoys or inconsistent shipboard monitors.

So why are some scientists now beginning to question the buoys’ findings? Because in five years, the little blighters have failed to detect any global warming. They are not reinforcing the scientific orthodoxy of the day, namely that man is causing the planet to warm dangerously. They are not proving the predetermined conclusions of their human masters. Therefore they, and not their masters’ hypotheses, must be wrong.

OFFICIAL: Global warming mistakes have been made

The IPCC’s computer models, used to predict the effects of global warming, it appears, failed to accurately predict the influence that water vapour has on the temperature of the earth. At the global climate change summit in Bali late last year, Dr Roy Spencer presented a paper to the IPCC, saying that rather than CO2 driving the formation of water vapour, which then drives up temperatures as a greenhouse gas, water vapour actually washes excess CO2 out of the atmosphere, dampening and balancing its affect as a greenhouse gas. This discovery was made thanks to weather satellites that showed water vapour forms a lot lower in the atmosphere than was initially suggested. Shock horror, the finely balanced system that is the global ecosystem is able to keep itself in balance… who’d have thought it?!


Is the earth getting warmer, or cooler?

One clue we can see is that NASA has been reworking recent temperatures upwards and older temperatures downwards – which creates a greater slope and the appearance of warming. Canadian statistician Steve McIntyre has been tracking the changes closely on his Climate Audit site, and reports that NASA is Rewriting History, Time and Time Again.

Particularly troubling are the years from 1986-1998. In the 2007 version of the graph, the 1986 data was adjusted upwards by 0.4 degrees relative to the 1999 graph. In fact, every year except one from 1986-1998 was adjusted upwards, by an average of 0.2 degrees. If someone wanted to present a case for a lot of recent warming, adjusting data upwards would be an excellent way to do it.

Looking at the NASA website, we can see that the person in charge of the temperature data is the eminent Dr. James Hansen – Al Gore’s science advisor and the world’s leading long-term advocate of global warming.

Globe may be cooling on Global Warming

« Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously. » Dr. Phil Chapman wrote in The Australian on April 23. « All those urging action to curb global warming need to take off the blinkers and give some thought to what we should do if we are facing global cooling instead. »

What should we do? Stop listening to politicians who take what nature does NATURALLY and turn it into a crisis requiring our money and obedience to « solve. »

The link between solar cycle length and decadal global temperature

The alleged link between cosmic ray flux and cloudiness remains to be proved or disproved.

The link between solar cycle length and decadal global temperature changes is obvious throughout all the weather records. It’s not strictly a sunspot issue, it just happens that the longer the solar cycle is the less intense is the sunspot activity and presumably the overall heat output ( not necessarily the same as what we artificially term Total Solar Irradiance) during the cycle.

Short fast cycles with many sunspots result in warming. Long slow cycles with fewer sunspots result in cooling.

Astrophysicist Links Temperature Change with Sun’s Energy Output

Global temperature change can be attributed to slight variations in the sun’s energy output, not man-made carbon dioxide emissions. That’s according to astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon, who was in Salt Lake City today to present his research to a crowd at The Sutherland Institute.

World cooling – but scientists insist that warming is real

CLIMATOLOGISTS may insist the world is getting warmer and that climate change is here to stay.

But the meteorological phenomenon called La Niña, in which the central and eastern Pacific Ocean is getting cooler, means global temperatures will drop slightly this year.

« Look, dammit, they paid me to investigate global warming and dammit, THAT’S what I am going to investigate! »

Global Warming Censored: How the Major Networks Silence the Debate on Climate Change

Skeptical voices were suppressed by the networks, outnumbered by nearly a 7-to-1 ratio by those promoting fear of climate change or being used by the network for the same purpose. CBS had an even worse record: nearly 38 proponents to one skeptic.

Global Warming: First Do No Harm

Well, initially, liberal pundit Noam Chomsky has said that he would submit to fascism if it would help combat global warming:

I don’t care if Godzilla is about to attack . . . submitting to fascism is always a bad idea.

Hurricane expert reconsiders global warming’s impact

One of the most influential scientists behind the theory that global warming has intensified recent hurricane activity says he will reconsider his stand.

The hurricane expert, Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, unveiled a novel technique for predicting future hurricane activity this week. The new work suggests that, even in a dramatically warming world, hurricane frequency and intensity may not substantially rise during the next two centuries.

The Birds Are Not Being Wiped Out

Another pillar of global warming alarmism is proven to be totally wrong by fresh scientific studies

Study: Global warming not to blame for rise in hurricanes

The paper, which simulated Atlantic hurricane activity during warming 21st century conditions, found 27 percent fewer tropical storms, and 18 percent fewer hurricanes. The strongest hurricanes, the researchers found, had slightly higher wind speeds.

« This does not support the idea that we’ve already seen a large positive trend in hurricane activity emerging from greenhouse gases, » said lead author Tom Knutson, a Princeton, N.J.-based research meteorologist for NOAA. « In fact, it points in the other direction. »



Here is the bottom line. WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT DRIVES THE CLIMATE WITH ANY EXACTITUDE. Certainly not enough to pin the blame solely on humans as a pretext for new taxes and further erosion of our freedoms.

Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age

Temperatures on Earth have stabilized in the past decade, and the planet should brace itself for a new Ice Age rather than global warming, a Russian scientist said in an interview with RIA Novosti Tuesday.

« Russian and foreign research data confirm that global temperatures in 2007 were practically similar to those in 2006, and, in general, identical to 1998-2006 temperatures, which, basically, means that the Earth passed the peak of global warming in 1998-2005, » said Khabibullo Abdusamatov, head of a space research lab at the Pulkovo observatory in St. Petersburg.

« Okay, so we drop the idea of a carbon-tax and we hit ’em with an ice-tax instead! Hey, it’s all the same money, and who cares how it ends up in our pockets as long as it ends up in our pockets, right? »

Lord Lawson claims climate change hysteria heralds a ‘new age of unreason’

On one hand, we are just starting to appreciate the colossal cost of the measures being taken to meet the European Union’s target of a 60 per cent cut in our CO2 emissions in the next four decades, ranging from plans to spend hundreds of billions of pounds on wind turbines to the EU’s emissions trading scheme, already costing us billions through our electricity bills.

On the other hand, global temperatures, after flattening out, have in recent months shown a sharp fall, wholly unpredicted by those computer models on which the proponents of warming orthodoxy rely. This raises rather large question marks over whether the theory has actually got it right.

Surface Stations

A volunteer survey of the stations used to collect temperature data to « study » global warming, and why that data is compromised.

Glass Particles in the Sky Studied As ‘Global Warming’ Fix

Government scientists are studying the feasibility of sending nearly microscopic particles of specially made glass into the Earth’s upper atmosphere to try to dampen the effects of « global warming. » The idea, while « interesting, » said one leading global warming skeptic, is « not practical » and, if done on a large scale, could depress the ozone layer and cause other problems.

... such as drifting down to the lower atmosphere and being inhaled.

Radical climate action would change sky’s colour: Flannery

Professor Flannery says climate change is happening so quickly that mankind may need to pump sulphur into the atmosphere to survive.

We have a volcano here in Hawaii pouring out shiploads of sulphur into the sky.

It is not pleasant.

A typical day in the Stevenson Screen Paint Test

Given that the global warming cult is concerned about temperature increases in the tenths of a single degree it is worth noting that changing the kind of paint used on the sensor enclosures can alter the temperature reading by more than a degree.

Lawyers Embrace U.S. Climate Practice at $700 an Hour

Twenty of the 100 highest-grossing U.S. law firms have started practices advising companies on climate change, according to a Bloomberg survey of the firms’ Web sites. The attorneys help clients finance clean-energy projects and lobby Congress, typically billing $500 to $700 an hour.

Yep, it’s all about the money, not the science.

BC’s Carbon Tax Is About to Raise Our Gas Prices

I keep telling you folks, all this « Human-caused-global-warming » crap is just finding out a way to take more of your money.

Washington may charge $40-240 yearly ‘greenhouse gas’ global warming tax

I keep telling you people, the global warming « cult » is not about saving the Earth, but about selling you policies, products, and surrendering more of your money, tricking you into making do with less so that the government can have that much more.

The World Bank’s Carbon Deals

Opposition to The World Bank’s Proposed Climate Funds

The Carbon Corps

Al has acquired $300m., to further his ambitions. This vast sum is to be used in a three year marketing programme, which will ensure the imposition of swathes of carbon taxes, and a most satisfactory return on investment (assuming, as we do, that this $300 came from quasi-governmental/corporation sources, who would expect to benefit, directly or indirectly, from this new taxation revenue stream, and the trading of carbon credits).

Professor: Big Money Behind Global Warming Propaganda

A retired physics professor became the latest public figure to debunk the myth of a « consensus » behind man-made global warming when he slammed big money interests for pushing climate change propaganda that was at odds with real science in a speech yesterday.

See post below about the creation of a whole new « Carbon Credit » brokerage industry out of thin air.

Banks Urging U.S. to Adopt the Trading of Emissions

A group representing some of the world’s leading banks will urge the United States and other industrial nations this week to move quickly to introduce a lightly regulated system for trading carbon emissions permits.

Permit-trading systems offer banks a potentially vast new business. For it to grow, leading economies — particularly the United States — will need to set limits on the quantities of greenhouse gases that can be released and to allow companies in other parts of the world to buy emissions permits.

« Where politicians opt to implement carbon constraints, then it should be cap-and-trade, » said Imtiaz Ahmad, head of emissions trading at Morgan Stanley in London and vice president of a lobbying group called International Carbon Investors and Services, which is being created to represent the banks.

The banking companies, which include Citigroup, Lehman Brothers Holdings and Morgan Stanley, are giving strong signs that Wall Street wants Washington to open the way to reduced emissions using a trading system based on the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement the United States did not ratify, rather than by enacting carbon taxes.

The group also includes European institutions like BNP Paribas, Barclays Capital and Deutsche Bank, as well as niche investment banks like Climate Change Capital and the law firms of Baker & McKenzie and DLA Piper.

Here is the payoff behind the global warming scam. Out of thin air (and a lot of speechifying) a new product is created; the « Emission Credit » or « Carbon Credit. » Once legislated into existence, these credits will be sold by companies that have too many, to companies that do not have enough … with the brokers and brokerages making huge commissions on the trade. Since these « Carbon Credits » are in effect a commodity needed to conduct business, the prices will float, there will be « futures » contracts on them, and the whole mess will get « Enronized ». The insiders will get rich, the price you pay for everything will go up even more, and you will be told to accept the impoverishment and tolerate the newly rich traders in this legal fiction because after all, it’s good for the planet!

Prince Charles: Eighteen months to stop climate change disaster

The Prince of Wales has warned that the world faces a series of natural disasters within 18 months unless urgent action is taken to save the rainforests.

Anyone want to bet Charles is part of that investment group that plans to make money trading carbon-tax credits?

Gore Used CG Video To Hype Climate Crisis

Al Gore’s widely discredited film « An Inconvenient Truth » that falsely hypes the threat of global warming has now been further discredited. ABC News has discovered that Gore used computer generated footage in his documentary that was taken from the 2004 natural disaster film « The Day After Tomorrow » to fraudulently emphasize the global warming threat.

Gee, I thought some of that footage looked really familiar! 🙂

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