LNI Média

4 novembre 2008

Sur Les 7 du Québec: L’uranium appauvri: arme de destruction massive

Filed under: Canada,Nucléaire,Québec,Santé,Uranium Appauvri — François M. @ 7:06


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte ci-dessous a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 4 novembre 2008

L’uranium appauvri: arme de destruction massive

Répondez au sondage


Chers lectrices et lecteurs, j’apporte à votre attention un des sujet les plus préoccupant qui soit, celui de l’utilisation de l’uranium appauvri. J’ai déjà écrit un article à ce sujet au début de l’année et je vous invite à le lire pour vous mettre au courant de cette situation si vous l’êtes pas déjà.

Il ne sert à rien de vouloir réécrire ce qui a déjà été dit de façon claire et éloquente. Alors le but de cet article est de mettre à jour les informations et de compléter ce qui a déjà été révélé. Votre responsabilité est d’aller consulter ces sources diverses d’information et de vous faire votre propre idée. Jetez un coup d’oeil aux vidéo et photos. Garre aux coeurs sensibles, ce que vous allez voir est horrifiant; mais pourtant, nous devons faire face à la réalité, à ce qui est fait en nos noms à l’étranger. Nous devons comprendre ce que font nos gouvernements avec nos impôts, notre argent.

Évidemment que l’étape suivante serait de forcer le débat sur la scène publique car les médias et les autorités ont comme mot d’ordre de ne pas en parler et de d’éviter toute discussion de ce dossier. Seuls les hauts échelons militaires et gouvernementaux en France, Angleterre, au Canada et États-Unis étaient au courant durant les guerres en Irak en 1991 et celle de 2003 jusqu’à présent, en Bosnie en 1994/95, au Kosovo en 1999 et en Afghanistan en 2001. On n’a pas voulu inquiéter les soldats ni alerter les médias et surtout pas déranger l’opinion publique mondiale.

À suivre sur Les 7 du Québec


19 janvier 2008

Les mensonges du Canada sur la centrale de Chalk River

Filed under: Canada,Nucléaire — François M. @ 1:33


Les mensonges du Canada sur la centrale de Chalk River

le 14 janvier 2008, paru sur CentPapiers

Auteur: Pierre R.

Reproduction autorisée par l’auteur- LNI

Que gère, croyez-vous, le ministre des Ressources naturelles du Canada, Garry Lunn ? Les Ressources du pays ? Non. Loin de là. Garry Lunn gère les crises qu’il crée et les conflits qu’il génère. S’il trouve de la place pour les ressources naturelles, cela n’aura été qu’accidentel.

Les conservateurs de Stephen Harper ont pour vilaine habitude d’allumer ainsi des incendies au sein de la Fonction publique et de se plaindre, par la suite, du peu de loyauté de ses fonctionnaires. Le cynisme, l’arrogance, un manque flagrant de discernement caractérisent d’emblée les conservateurs de Stephen Harper au pouvoir, certes, mais au sein d’un gouvernement minoritaire. Pour reprendre l’analyse de Bernard Descôteaux, du Devoir : « Minoritaire, le gouvernement Harper a plutôt décidé d’affronter ses fonctionnaires en leur disant clairement qu’à la première occasion, ils seront écartés, limogés ou démis. C’est le message nullement équivoque qui se trouve dans la lettre du ministre des Ressources naturelles, Garry Lunn, à la présidente de la Commission canadienne de sécurité nucléaire (CCSN), Linda Keen ».

Dans le dossier du réacteur de Chalk River, le gouvernement Harper a dissimulé à la population, et au Parlement, la vérité. Il n’a présenté que sa vérité. Si ce n’est pas un mensonge, c’est quoi ? « Pendant 17 mois, Énergie atomique du Canada (EAC) a exploité le réacteur nucléaire de Chalk River en totale contravention avec son permis d’exploitation, qui exigeait des améliorations à la sécurité. EAC a négligé d’effectuer d’importants travaux de rénovation, dont le branchement sur des systèmes d’alimentation d’urgence de deux pompes servant au refroidissement du réacteur. Toute une négligence ! » (Le Soleil). Le gouvernement Harper avait été prévenu bien longtemps, d’avance, par la vérificatrice générale du Canada. Ce qu’il a caché à la population canadienne et au Parlement. Malgré les demandes de congédiement qui fusent de toutes parts, M. Harper se dit satisfait du travail accompli par M. Lunn et l’ensemble de son gouvernement.

Aujourd’hui, le ministre Lunn reproche à Mme Keen de ne pas avoir permis la remise en activité du réacteur nucléaire de Chalk River, dont nous avons parlé sur centpapiers, nécessaire à la santé des Canadiens. « Ces événements font planer un doute sur la question de savoir si vous possédez le bon jugement fondamental requis pour occuper le poste de présidente de la Commission et si vous vous acquittez diligemment de vos obligations, écrit-il. On peut se poser de sérieuses questions quant à savoir si la Commission, sous votre gouverne, n’aurait pas pu gérer de manière plus appropriée les risques associés à cette situation » (Le Devoir).

Dans une lettre adressée à la mi-décembre aux ministres Clement et Lunn, madame Linda Keen précisait que : « le cas de non-conformité vise les deux pompes d’eau lourde qui ne sont pas connectées à une alimentation d’urgence afin d’éviter une défaillance du combustible, ce qui pourrait entraîner des rejets radioactifs dans l’environnement ». La présidente de l’organisme avertissait que : « les deux pompes de secours, incluses dans le dossier de sûreté original, sont essentielles et nécessaires, conformément aux normes actuelles de l’industrie et aux évaluations de tolérance des risques. […] Ces pompes ne sont pas seulement en place pour parer aux secousses sismiques, mais pour contrer toutes les menaces de référence externes ».

En réponse, le ministre lance des accusations qui se révèleront sans fondement : « la Commission n’a pas su « prévenir des risques déraisonnables à la santé des Canadiens [privés d’isotopes] », ce qui « mine potentiellement la confiance publique envers le processus réglementaire de l’industrie nucléaire ». Madame Keen réagit vivement à ces attaques perfides du ministre dans une lettre de huit pages : « J’étais et suis encore profondément troublée par le ton et le contenu de votre lettre. La nature des allégations faites, combinée avec la menace de me déloger en tant que présidente, menace sérieusement l’indépendance de la CCSN. La manière avec laquelle vous abordez ces questions […] met en lumière votre incompréhension profonde de la relation devant exister entre vous, en tant que ministre des Ressources naturelles, et la CCSN ». Mme Keen a été nommée à son poste en 2001, et elle en est à son deuxième mandat de cinq ans.

Il convient de rappeler qu’en décembre, le gouvernement Harper, avec l’appui des trois partis d’opposition, a fait adopter une loi pour ordonner la réouverture du réacteur nucléaire de Chalk River, vieux de 50 ans, contournant ainsi la Commission de sûreté nucléaire, qui estimait qu’un système auxiliaire de sécurité devait être installé d’abord pour éliminer le mince risque de fusion du cœur du réacteur en cas de tremblement de terre ou d’autre désastre. Les politiciens jugeaient plutôt qu’il fallait absolument reprendre la production de radio-isotopes utilisés en médecine.

La presse canadienne réagit vivement à ces attaques. Pour le Toronto Star, Mme Keen n’a fait que son travail : « Ce que Lunn a démontré, c’est qu’il est prêt à exercer une ingérence politique inappropriée sur un organisme réglementaire et à punir sa dirigeante pour lui avoir tenu tête ». On pouvait craindre, note le Globe & Mail, que les conservateurs tentent de faire porter le blâme à Mme Keen et la lettre du ministre Lunn est venue confirmer ces doutes. Au Soleil, les mots sont durs pour qualifier le comportement du ministre Lunn : « S’il ­était honnête et lucide, il conclurait que c’est lui qui devrait démissionner — si ­tant est que quelqu’un ­doit encore ­payer ­pour la fermeture temporaire du réacteur nucléaire de ­Chalk Ri­ver, survenue l’automne dernier ». Jean-Marc Salvet écrit : « Gary Lunn s’est lancé ­dans une indigne chasse aux sorcières contre la présidente de la Commission canadienne de la sûreté nucléaire, Linda Keen. […]Dans cette histoire, Linda Keen a parfaitement assumé ses fonctions ».

Pour arriver à ses fins, le gouvernement conservateur de Stephen Harper recourt maintenant aux méthodes de Georges W. Bush : le mensonge par abstention. Ni monsieur Harper ni le ministre Lunn n’ont dévoilé à la population canadienne qu’ils avaient été informés par la vérificatrice générale, madame Sheila Fraser, dans cette lettre, datée du 20 décembre dernier. Mme Fraser faisait savoir au porte-parole libéral pour les ressources naturelles, Omar Alghabra, qu’elle avait déjà effectué un examen, et qu’elle en avait remis les conclusions à la société d’État au début du mois de septembre. Mme Fraser laissait également entendre que, sans y être obligée, Énergie Atomique Canada Limitée (EACL) aurait dû rendre le rapport public. « La majorité des sociétés d’État affichent ces rapports sur leur site Internet », écrivait-elle.

Donc, en résumé, la vérificatrice générale du Canada, Sheila Fraser, avait informé le ministre conservateur des Ressources naturelles, dès la fin de l’été, que le réacteur nucléaire de Chalk River était mal géré et que cela pouvait compromettre l’approvisionnement en isotopes médicaux, pénurie survenue en décembre dernier. C’est cette pénurie que le gouvernement Harper tente d’en faire porter l’odieux à un tiers. « Nous avons relevé une lacune importante liée au risque qu’EACL ne soit pas en mesure de résoudre trois questions stratégiques, [notamment] l’achèvement de l’installation de production d’isotopes et l’obtention des permis nécessaires », est-il écrit dans ce rapport de la vérificatrice générale consulté par Le Devoir.

Pourquoi le gouvernement Harper, qui a sciemment dissimulé la teneur de ce rapport, s’acharne-t-il avec autant d’insistance sur la présidente de la Commission canadienne de sécurité nucléaire (CCSN), Linda Keen ? Pour éviter d’examiner de plus près le travail bâclé d’Énergie Atomique Canada Limitée. Le dirigeant d’EACL, Michael Burns, a été un militant allianciste puis conservateur, les familles politiques de Stephen Harper. Il a notamment dirigé le Fonds de l’Alliance canadienne, a été le trésorier national de ce parti et a été un bailleur de fonds du Parti conservateur en Colombie-Britannique. Sa démission avait discrètement été annoncée le vendredi 14 décembre, en soirée, quelques jours après l’adoption d’une loi d’urgence par le Parlement pour faire redémarrer le réacteur nucléaire malgré sa non-conformité aux normes de sécurité (Le Devoir).

« M. Lunn aurait dû savoir en septembre dernier que les problèmes au réacteur nucléaire de Chalk River étaient suffisamment sérieux pour que des précautions soient prises afin d’atténuer la crise des isotopes médicaux », a déclaré le porte-parole du Parti libéral dans le dossier, Omar Alghabra. Il n’a rien fait avant que les médias ne s’emparent de la nouvelle. La présidente de la Commission canadienne de sûreté nucléaire, Linda Keen, avertit le gouvernement Harper qu’elle ne se laissera pas congédier facilement et qu’elle ira même devant les tribunaux s’il le faut pour réitérer l’indépendance de son organisme et de son poste. Elle est parfaitement dans son droit puisqu’elle a fort bien exécuté les responsabilités que lui a confiées le gouvernement du Canada. Et la vérité triomphera sur les mensonges du gouvernement Harper.

(Sources : Le Devoir, Cyberpresse, Presse canadienne)

22 septembre 2007

Le Nucléaire: Quelques faits troublants à connaître…

Filed under: Israël,Moyen-Orient,Nucléaire — François M. @ 8:56

***The man who saved millions of lives

A computer error almost started WW3. A man who refused to act like a computer stopped it.

Iran demands UN inspectors visit Israel to investigate its nuclear capability

I second the motion. All in favor?

Islamic nations push through IAEA vote against Israel

Islamic nations, targeting Israel’s undeclared nuclear arsenal, pushed through a U.N. atomic watchdog resolution on Thursday urging all Middle East nations to renounce atomic weapons.

The vote was 53-2 but with 47 abstentions by Western and developing states, highlighting reservations that the resolution politicized the International Atomic Energy Agency’s work.

The decision was non-binding but symbolized international tensions over Israel’s presumed nuclear might and shunning of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and it frayed the traditional consensus culture of the Vienna-based IAEA.

Russia wants Israel to join NPT – FM Sergei Lavrov

« We believe that the practical implementation of a nuclear-free zone will become possible only when all countries in the region, including Israel, join the NPT and subject their activities to the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), » Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Syrian Arab News Agency, published Friday by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Foreign Minister Lavrov, the sane, thinking people of the world wish you every possible success with this very logical and reasonable endeavor.

Iran and Israel face off over nuclear weapons

Iran called for UN inspectors to be dispatched to verify whether Israel has nuclear weapons, in a heated showdown with the Jewish state at a meeting of the UN atomic agency Friday.

Reported on the 12 December 2006 edition of Der Spiegel on-line, English edition: « Deliberately or unwittingly, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has broken with Israel’s decades-old tradition of keeping quiet about whether it has nuclear weapons. His comments in an interview with a German TV station at the start of his three-day visit to Europe have prompted resignation calls from opposition politicians in Israel. »

So, in fact, last December, Olmert let the proverbial cat out of the bag.

And if Israel really doesn’t have nuclear weapons (nudge nudge, wink, wink), why did the Israeli government imprision Mordechai Vanunu for telling the world about what was going on at Dimona?

And if Israel truly has no nuclear capability, why not open up the Dimona facility for an IAEA inspection?

Investigate Israeli Nuclear Capacity Now

We are extremely concerned about the possibility that Israel, a country which refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NTP), possesses the capacities to develop and export nuclear weapons and technologies.

‘Stop Dimona’ says Blix

WMD Commission head says Israel and Iran ‘should both end fuel-cycles’

LUXEMBOURG – Israel should comply with the same demand being made of Iran, to cease its nuclear fuel-cycle and stop enriching uranium, Hans Blix, Chairman of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission (WMDC), told Ynetnews Thursday.

Blix had earlier delivered a speech at the International Conference on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe being held in Luxembourg, where he warned that the « world is sleep-walking into nuclear rearmament. »

Israeli Nuclear Threats and Blackmail

Which gets us back to the question of why there is a radiation « hot spot » at the Israeli consulate in New York City.

If Israel can ignore the IAEA, why should anyone else listen?

Media reports on Monday suggested that this week’s annual conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will include a serious discussion of Israel’s presumed nuclear capabilities. One can only hope that this takes place, that the long-running grievances of Arab and other countries are finally given their just due. With accusations relating to weapons of mass destruction having been a large part of the US pretext for invading Iraq and Iran now facing heavy pressure over similar claims, the double standard involving the Jewish state ­ which has steadfastly refused to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) ­ has become too obvious to ignore any longer.

Humans In Secret Radioactive Tests

DOZENS OF people drank, inhaled or were injected with radioactivity as part of a series of secret experiments carried out by the nuclear industry in the 1960s, according to official documents passed to the Sunday Herald.

Britain was not alone in these kinds of activities: they also happened in the US as well.

It happened in the US most generally with people experiencing extreme developmental disabilities who were considered « expendable ».

Humans in secret radioactive tests

Tests exposing humans to radioactive caesium, iodine, strontium and uranium were conducted despite doubts about their legal and ethical implications. One proposal even envisaged injecting plutonium into elderly people to help assess contamination risks.



Hiroshima To Iraq – 61 Years Of Uranium Wars A Suicidal, Genocidal, Omnicidal Course

The conduct of secret nuclear wars since 1991, through the use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States and Great Britain with their allies, has taken place in the Middle East, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan2 and Lebanon.3 It has been carried out for the express purpose of destroying the public health and mutilating the genetic future of vast populations in oil rich and/or pipeline regions.

Carpet and grid bombing with depleted uranium weaponry in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan has guaranteed permanent radioactive terrain contamination. The recent discovery that U.S. depleted uranium bombs dropped by Israel on Lebanon in 2006 contained enriched uranium4,5 suggests covert testing of fourth generation nuclear weapons.

The United States and its allies are fully aware that this weaponry violates the Geneva and Hague Conventions and the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol.6 It meets the definition of WMD in the U.S. Code7 in two out of three categories. And its use violates U.S. military law.8 since the U.S. is a signatory to The Hague and Geneva Conventions.

The blueprint for depleted uranium radioactive poison gas weaponry ­ dirty bombs, dirty missiles and dirty bullets ­ was contained in a declassified memorandum9 dated Oct. 30, 1943. It was addressed to Gen. Leslie Groves, who was head of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. effort to build atomic bombs in World War II.

The recommendation for development of depleted uranium as kinetic energy penetrators was never mentioned in the Groves memo. It was specifically for depopulation.

The Groves memo makes it clear that in 1943, U.S. scientists recommended using radioactive poison gas weapons in order to contaminate the air, water, soil, food, environment and the blood of exposed populations. The long-term contamination is permanent, since uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, making contaminated areas uninhabitable for eternity.

For populations that must continue to live in contaminated areas, the long-term effects are lingering illnesses and mutilation of their DNA. Widespread depleted uranium contamination of DNA in populations results in the potential mutilation of future generations. Mutations induced in the DNA of a single egg or sperm which form a fertilized egg are expressed and repeated in every cell of the developing organism, and defects are passed on to all future generations11.

Not only are U.S. and allied soldiers exposed and civilian populations genocidally targeted, but the depleted uranium pollution is now global.12,13 In reality, we are all Gulf War veterans.

Depleted uranium poison gas weaponry, used on a regional scale, meets U.S. National Security Council goals as stated in the « Global 2000 Report: Vision of a Gloomy World » (1980).14 This report recommended that depopulation in third world countries was imperative to the U.S. government purpose of securing mineral and other strategic resources.

Global atmospheric pollution from depleted uranium particulates will result in massive depopulation on a global scale. By increasing death rates and decreasing birth rates globally, more than 2 billion people will be eliminated.

Depleted uranium is the ideal weapon to bring about the New World Order, which is global depopulation. In just a few years it has turned Planet Earth into a Death Star

Nuclear Dump

Canada okays plan for nuclear waste depot

OTTAWA (AFP) – The Canadian government has approved a plan for a below-ground nuclear waste depot that is backed by the nuclear power industry but branded by environmentalists as dangerous.

Tenn. Nuclear Fuel Problems Kept Secret

A three-year veil of secrecy in the name of national security was used to keep the public in the dark about the handling of highly enriched uranium at a nuclear fuel processing plant – including a leak that could have caused a deadly, uncontrolled nuclear reaction.

The leak turned out to be one of nine violations or test failures since 2005 at privately owned Nuclear Fuel Services Inc., a longtime supplier of fuel to the U.S. Navy’s nuclear fleet.

Chernobyl Fungus Feeds On Radiation

Casadevall and his co-researchers then set about performing a variety of tests using several different fungi. Two types – one that was induced to make melanin (Crytococcus neoformans) and another that naturally contains it (Wangiella dermatitidis) – were exposed to levels of ionizing radiation approximately 500 times higher than background levels. Both of these melanin-containing species grew significantly faster than when exposed to standard background radiation.

Living in Chernobyl Less Risky Than Passive Smoking—Study

Le Nucléaire: Quelques faits troublants à connaître…

Filed under: Israël,Moyen-Orient,Nucléaire — François M. @ 8:56

***The man who saved millions of lives

A computer error almost started WW3. A man who refused to act like a computer stopped it.

Iran demands UN inspectors visit Israel to investigate its nuclear capability

I second the motion. All in favor?

Islamic nations push through IAEA vote against Israel

Islamic nations, targeting Israel’s undeclared nuclear arsenal, pushed through a U.N. atomic watchdog resolution on Thursday urging all Middle East nations to renounce atomic weapons.

The vote was 53-2 but with 47 abstentions by Western and developing states, highlighting reservations that the resolution politicized the International Atomic Energy Agency’s work.

The decision was non-binding but symbolized international tensions over Israel’s presumed nuclear might and shunning of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and it frayed the traditional consensus culture of the Vienna-based IAEA.

Russia wants Israel to join NPT – FM Sergei Lavrov

« We believe that the practical implementation of a nuclear-free zone will become possible only when all countries in the region, including Israel, join the NPT and subject their activities to the control of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), » Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with Syrian Arab News Agency, published Friday by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Foreign Minister Lavrov, the sane, thinking people of the world wish you every possible success with this very logical and reasonable endeavor.

Iran and Israel face off over nuclear weapons

Iran called for UN inspectors to be dispatched to verify whether Israel has nuclear weapons, in a heated showdown with the Jewish state at a meeting of the UN atomic agency Friday.

Reported on the 12 December 2006 edition of Der Spiegel on-line, English edition: « Deliberately or unwittingly, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has broken with Israel’s decades-old tradition of keeping quiet about whether it has nuclear weapons. His comments in an interview with a German TV station at the start of his three-day visit to Europe have prompted resignation calls from opposition politicians in Israel. »

So, in fact, last December, Olmert let the proverbial cat out of the bag.

And if Israel really doesn’t have nuclear weapons (nudge nudge, wink, wink), why did the Israeli government imprision Mordechai Vanunu for telling the world about what was going on at Dimona?

And if Israel truly has no nuclear capability, why not open up the Dimona facility for an IAEA inspection?

Investigate Israeli Nuclear Capacity Now

We are extremely concerned about the possibility that Israel, a country which refuses to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NTP), possesses the capacities to develop and export nuclear weapons and technologies.

‘Stop Dimona’ says Blix

WMD Commission head says Israel and Iran ‘should both end fuel-cycles’

LUXEMBOURG – Israel should comply with the same demand being made of Iran, to cease its nuclear fuel-cycle and stop enriching uranium, Hans Blix, Chairman of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission (WMDC), told Ynetnews Thursday.

Blix had earlier delivered a speech at the International Conference on Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe being held in Luxembourg, where he warned that the « world is sleep-walking into nuclear rearmament. »

Israeli Nuclear Threats and Blackmail

Which gets us back to the question of why there is a radiation « hot spot » at the Israeli consulate in New York City.

If Israel can ignore the IAEA, why should anyone else listen?

Media reports on Monday suggested that this week’s annual conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will include a serious discussion of Israel’s presumed nuclear capabilities. One can only hope that this takes place, that the long-running grievances of Arab and other countries are finally given their just due. With accusations relating to weapons of mass destruction having been a large part of the US pretext for invading Iraq and Iran now facing heavy pressure over similar claims, the double standard involving the Jewish state ­ which has steadfastly refused to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) ­ has become too obvious to ignore any longer.

Humans In Secret Radioactive Tests

DOZENS OF people drank, inhaled or were injected with radioactivity as part of a series of secret experiments carried out by the nuclear industry in the 1960s, according to official documents passed to the Sunday Herald.

Britain was not alone in these kinds of activities: they also happened in the US as well.

It happened in the US most generally with people experiencing extreme developmental disabilities who were considered « expendable ».

Humans in secret radioactive tests

Tests exposing humans to radioactive caesium, iodine, strontium and uranium were conducted despite doubts about their legal and ethical implications. One proposal even envisaged injecting plutonium into elderly people to help assess contamination risks.



Hiroshima To Iraq – 61 Years Of Uranium Wars A Suicidal, Genocidal, Omnicidal Course

The conduct of secret nuclear wars since 1991, through the use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States and Great Britain with their allies, has taken place in the Middle East, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan2 and Lebanon.3 It has been carried out for the express purpose of destroying the public health and mutilating the genetic future of vast populations in oil rich and/or pipeline regions.

Carpet and grid bombing with depleted uranium weaponry in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan has guaranteed permanent radioactive terrain contamination. The recent discovery that U.S. depleted uranium bombs dropped by Israel on Lebanon in 2006 contained enriched uranium4,5 suggests covert testing of fourth generation nuclear weapons.

The United States and its allies are fully aware that this weaponry violates the Geneva and Hague Conventions and the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol.6 It meets the definition of WMD in the U.S. Code7 in two out of three categories. And its use violates U.S. military law.8 since the U.S. is a signatory to The Hague and Geneva Conventions.

The blueprint for depleted uranium radioactive poison gas weaponry ­ dirty bombs, dirty missiles and dirty bullets ­ was contained in a declassified memorandum9 dated Oct. 30, 1943. It was addressed to Gen. Leslie Groves, who was head of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. effort to build atomic bombs in World War II.

The recommendation for development of depleted uranium as kinetic energy penetrators was never mentioned in the Groves memo. It was specifically for depopulation.

The Groves memo makes it clear that in 1943, U.S. scientists recommended using radioactive poison gas weapons in order to contaminate the air, water, soil, food, environment and the blood of exposed populations. The long-term contamination is permanent, since uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, making contaminated areas uninhabitable for eternity.

For populations that must continue to live in contaminated areas, the long-term effects are lingering illnesses and mutilation of their DNA. Widespread depleted uranium contamination of DNA in populations results in the potential mutilation of future generations. Mutations induced in the DNA of a single egg or sperm which form a fertilized egg are expressed and repeated in every cell of the developing organism, and defects are passed on to all future generations11.

Not only are U.S. and allied soldiers exposed and civilian populations genocidally targeted, but the depleted uranium pollution is now global.12,13 In reality, we are all Gulf War veterans.

Depleted uranium poison gas weaponry, used on a regional scale, meets U.S. National Security Council goals as stated in the « Global 2000 Report: Vision of a Gloomy World » (1980).14 This report recommended that depopulation in third world countries was imperative to the U.S. government purpose of securing mineral and other strategic resources.

Global atmospheric pollution from depleted uranium particulates will result in massive depopulation on a global scale. By increasing death rates and decreasing birth rates globally, more than 2 billion people will be eliminated.

Depleted uranium is the ideal weapon to bring about the New World Order, which is global depopulation. In just a few years it has turned Planet Earth into a Death Star

Nuclear Dump

Canada okays plan for nuclear waste depot

OTTAWA (AFP) – The Canadian government has approved a plan for a below-ground nuclear waste depot that is backed by the nuclear power industry but branded by environmentalists as dangerous.

Tenn. Nuclear Fuel Problems Kept Secret

A three-year veil of secrecy in the name of national security was used to keep the public in the dark about the handling of highly enriched uranium at a nuclear fuel processing plant – including a leak that could have caused a deadly, uncontrolled nuclear reaction.

The leak turned out to be one of nine violations or test failures since 2005 at privately owned Nuclear Fuel Services Inc., a longtime supplier of fuel to the U.S. Navy’s nuclear fleet.

Chernobyl Fungus Feeds On Radiation

Casadevall and his co-researchers then set about performing a variety of tests using several different fungi. Two types – one that was induced to make melanin (Crytococcus neoformans) and another that naturally contains it (Wangiella dermatitidis) – were exposed to levels of ionizing radiation approximately 500 times higher than background levels. Both of these melanin-containing species grew significantly faster than when exposed to standard background radiation.

Living in Chernobyl Less Risky Than Passive Smoking—Study

1 avril 2007

*** Attaque (nucléaire) imminente de l`Iran -Partie 3/3

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet,Moyen-Orient,Nucléaire — François M. @ 6:26

*** Attaque (nucléaire) imminente de l`Iran -Partie 3/3


Easter Surprise: Attack on Iran, New 9/11… or Worse

Olmert has his corruption scandals and needs a distraction. The President of Israel has been charged with sex crimes and needs a distraction. Blair has the cash for honors scandal and needs a distraction. Bush has attorney-gate and pedophilia-gate.

Yep. good time to kick off WW3 any way possible!

****« Theater Iran Near Term » (TIRANNT)

By Michel Chossudovsky

02/23/07 « Global Research » – DUBAI, UAE, 21 February 2007. (revised 23 Feb 2007). Code named by US military planners as TIRANNT, « Theater Iran Near Term » has identified several thousand targets inside Iran as part of a « Shock and Awe » Blitzkrieg, which is now in its final planning stages.

According to the Kuwait-based Arab Times, an attack on Iran under TIRANNT could occur any time between late February and the end of April. This assessment, however, does not take into account the disarray of US ground forces in Iraq as well as the untimely withdrawal of several thousand British troops from the Iraq war theater, many of whom were stationed in Southern Iraq on the immediate border with Iran.

U.S. launches show of force in Persian Gulf

U.S. plans envision broad attack on Iran: analyst

30-day Countdown to War

Russian intelligence sees U.S. military buildup on Iran border

Bush est sur le point d’attaquer l’Iran

Pourquoi les Étasuniens ne peuvent-ils pas le voir ?

– par Paul Craig Roberts – 2007-01-29

Iran : plans de guerre de Georges Bush pour mettre en déroute l’«ennemi»

– par Lucio Manisco – 2007-01-23

Washington accentue ses préparatifs de frappes sur l’Iran

– par Bruno Odent – 2007-02-02

Les USA s’apprêtent à attaquer les sites nucléaires iraniens à partir de bases en Bulgarie et en Roumanie

– par Gabriel Ronay – 2007-01-30

L’étincelle de la guerre est allumée

US strike group transits Suez Canal

A US Navy strike group led by the assault ship USS Bataan steamed through the Suez Canal on Tuesday on its way to join the buildup of American forces in the Middle East.

The US Fifth Fleet, which is based in Bahrain, will be overseeing around 50 warships in the Mideast after the arrival of the Bataan and an American aircraft carrier group in February, said US Navy Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown.

UK doubles naval presence in Persian Gulf

Britain’s senior naval officer in the Persian Gulf has revealed that Royal Navy deployments in the region have doubled since October in a build-up that matches the rapid escalation of American maritime firepower.

So, the UK’s taxpayer money have been used to place these military assets in the Persian Gulf « just for show », in light of Blair’s recent statement about not supporting a military action against Iran?

We have two possibilities: either « Phony Tony » was lying through his teeth yet again (which would be consistent for a guy so crooked he has to screw his socks on in the morning), or we are in fact looking at an impending coordinated US/Israel/UK strike against Iran.

White House: Can’t rule out attack on Iran

Translation: It’s a ‘go’! We’re just looking for an excuse.

Russian Admiral Says U.S. Navy Prepares Missile Strike on Iran

Where are Israel’s Dolphin subs, with their nuclear-tipped missiles, I wonder?

Iran target of US Gulf military moves, Gates says

Increased US military activity in the Gulf is aimed at Iran’s « very negative » behaviour, the Bush administration said today.

« They’re building a power station! Yeah, yeah, I know the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty says they can do that, but we never really expected them to hold us to that! » — Official White Horse Souse

Bush administration provokes open war on Iran

As reported by the January 12 New York Times, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice admitted that George W. Bush authorized the raid of the Iranian liaison office in Irbil, Iraq, and that the raid was part of a broad military offensive against Iran ordered by Bush several months ago.

Next target Tehran

All the signs are that Bush is planning for a neocon-inspired military assault on Iran

If you do not choose to fight against these war-mongers now, you will soon have no choice but to fight for them from now on.

On the Mideast Escalator

We need to return to reality when it comes to our Middle East policy. We need to reject the increasingly shrill rhetoric coming from the same voices who urged the president to invade Iraq.

The truth is that Iran, like Iraq, is a third-world nation without a significant military. Nothing in history hints that she is likely to invade a neighboring country, let alone America or Israel. I am concerned, however, that a contrived Gulf of Tonkin-type incident may occur to gain popular support for an attack on Iran.

U.S. Says Iran Meddles in Iraq but Is Delaying Release of Data

President Bush’s national security advisers have ordered a delay in publication of evidence intended to support Washington’s contention that Iran supplies lethal technology and other aid to militias in Iraq, senior administration officials said Thursday.

The decision was described by officials who were struggling to explain why American officials in Baghdad have twice canceled plans to present the evidence, delays that have raised questions about the quality of the intelligence.

Category: LEBANON

Without another « dodgy dossier », the administration cannot produce hard evidence against Iran, because there is none.

Brzezinski: Bush Seeking Pretext to Bomb Iran

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Thursday, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the national security adviser in the Carter administration, delivered a scathing critique of the war in Iraq and warned that the Bush administration’s policy was leading inevitably to a war with Iran, with incalculable consequences for US imperialism in the Middle East and internationally.

« They dress funny! And they smell bad. And they are to blame for global warming. Yeah, that’s right, GLOBAL WARMING!  » — Official White Horse Souse

Iran Clock Is Ticking

Another source with a pipeline into Israeli thinking said the Iran war plan has expanded over the past several weeks. Earlier thinking had been that Israeli warplanes would hit Iranian nuclear targets with U.S. forces in reserve in case of Iranian retaliation, but now the strategy anticipates a major U.S. military follow-up to an Israeli attack, the source said.

Okay folks, we are not kidding here. Israel is about to start WW3 with the hot and eager help of our government and stick YOU with the aftermath!

Are you just going to sit there like sheep waiting for the broiler?

Iran: Here We Go Again, Mainstream Media and All

In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re being manipulated toward another war. The run-up to an attack on Iran is in full swing, and the justification for it is shifting as fast as the justification for invading Iraq did. And it appears that the media is being as compliant in echoing the Bush administration’s message on Iran as it was in supporting their Iraq propaganda.

The only question at this point is, when will the full-on military confrontation begin, and whether it will be an American/Israeli joint strike.

And right now, don’t expect congress to do anything more than they have done to bring our troops back from Iraq.

Bush’s tough tactics are a ‘declaration of war’ on Iran

American forces stormed Iranian government offices in northern Iraq, hours after President George Bush issued a warning to Tehran that was described as a « declaration of war ».

The soldiers detained six people, including diplomats, according to the Iranians, and seized documents and computers in the pre-dawn raid which was condemned by Iran. A leading UK-based Iran specialist, Ali Ansari, said the incident was an « extreme provocation ». Dr Ansari said that Mr Bush’s speech on future Iraq strategy amounted to « a declaration of war » on Iran.

In light of the solid « thumbs down » Bush got on his speech in American opinion polls, the US and Israel are going to have to move quickly to push the military confrontation with Iran.

Look for some « false flag » operation in the not to distant future to kick things up mightily.

‘Newly revealed orders’ issued by Bush show US opened front against Iran in Iraq

« Administration officials say the goal is limited to preventing Iranians from aiding in attacks on American and Iraqi forces inside Iraq, » David E. Sanger writes. « But in recent interviews and public statements, senior members of the Bush administration have made it clear that their agenda goes significantly further, toward foiling Iran’s dream of emerging as the greatest power in the Middle East. »

It’s just a matter of time before this « Iran containment » policy breaks out into open warfare, and it’s our troops in Iraq who will wind up getting caught in the crossfire.

02/01/07 – « The Thom Hartman Show » 1480 AM Phx AZ

Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran

Moreover, the planned attack on Iran should also be understood in relation … The Israeli Air Force would attack Iran’s nuclear facility at Bushehr using …

CNN.com – Journalist: U.S. planning for possible attack on Iran …

The Bush administration has been carrying out secret reconnaissance missions to learn about nuclear, chemical and missile sites in Iran in preparation for …

Turkish army gathered on the Kurdistan’s boarder ready for attack

The Turkish army have gathered and intensified its forces on the Kurdistan’s boarder ready for attack, reported local sources on Tuesday.

You have to wonder if Turkey might be ready to carve off a little hunk of Iraq in exchange for allowing overflights for any potential attack on Iran.


The Words None Dare Say: Nuclear War

Iran Must Get Ready to Repel a Nuclear Attack

Today, the probability of a US aggression against Iran is extremely high. It does remain unclear, though, whether the US Congress is going to authorize the war. It may take a provocation to eliminate this obstacle (an attack on Israel or the US targets including military bases). The scale of the provocation may be comparable to the 9-11 attack in NY. Then the Congress will certainly say “Yes” to the US President.

Translation: there will be a « triggering event » that will cause the American people and congress not to think, but blindly move forward toward war with Iran.

« Babylon-2 » comme Armageddon. Sur les plans US-israéliens d’une guerre nucléaire

– par Dmitriy Baklin – 2007-01-29

Etats-Unis, Israël, Iran : vous avez dit « prolifération » ?

par Bernard Ravenel – 2007-01-29

Israel’s plans to Wage Nuclear War on Iran: History of Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal

In addition to the nuclear devices themselves, Israel has a formidable arsenal of delivery systems. Israel’s Shavit rocket has been used to launch satellites into orbit, and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reported that the Shavit could be converted to an ICBM with a range of 7,000 miles allowing an Israeli nuclear strike anywhere in the Middle East as well as eastern and western Europe and Central Asia. Additionally, Israel now has a fleet of Dolphin class submarines armed with cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reported that Israel may have developed nuclear artillery shells as well as nuclear land-mines that could be deployed in the Golan Heights to discourage Syrian designs on the region.

The Sunday Times: Israel planning to fly over Turkey to attack Iran

Category: ISRAEL

… to bomb power stations, which under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran is legally allowed to build and operate.

Israel is not obliged to conform to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty because they have never signed it, Indeed they are the only nuclear armed nation not to have signed it, but that is a matter for another post.

At issue is that the United States HAS signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which acknowledges Iran’s right to build and operate nuclear power stations. Therefore, for the US to invade Iran over their nuclear power stations violates the treaty. This sends a clear message to the rest of the world that treaties with the United States are not worth the paper they are written on. In addition, given the obligation to live up to treaties set forth in the Constitution, Article VI, paragraph 2, for Bush to declare war in Iran is unconstitutional based on the US having signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Bush is impeachable on that basis.

Even though the existence of Israel’s nuclear arsenal is now a well-established fact, the state of Israel has consistently refused to confirm its nuclear status. Furthermore, Israel refuses to become a party to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Israel’s adamant nuclear insularity and denials have created tensions – not only in the Middle East – but globally.


Iran Launches Large-Scale War Games

Russian missiles delivered to Iran: Ivanov

Russia has delivered new anti-aircraft missile systems to Iran and will consider further requests by Tehran for defensive weapons, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Tuesday.

To those who gave us the « victory cakewalk in Iraq » theory before we invaded, please think clearly (if that is humanly possible for you) about what we will be facing if we attack Iran.

Israel Warns, Threatens Russia On Iran Arms Sale

Senior officials in Jerusalem said they « were not pleased » with the sale of the anti-aircraft missiles, but that Russia was a sovereign country and they could not intervene. They did, however, issue a warning: « We hope they understand that this is a threat that could come back to them as well. »

Posted Jan 18, 2007 09:01 AM PST
Category: RUSSIA

One wonders if some terrorist « false flag: » operation is being planned for Russia, to be blamed on some alleged Moslem terrorist/seperatist group no one has ever heard of before.

Iran masses troops along borders with Iraq

An Iraqi Kurdish source said Friday that Iran is massing troops along its borders with north Iraq.

Iran Threatens U.S. if Attacked


Iran invites IAEA envoys to nuke sites

« See? It’s a power station. Reactor makes steam, steam turns turbine, turbine turns generator, switch goes up light goes on, switch goes down, light turns off, also microwave oven for popcorn, TV set, playstation. You want to find bombs, go to Israel; they have plenty! »

U.N. calls U.S. data on Iran’s nuclear aims unreliable

« Unreliable »; the latest euphemism for « outright lie. »

Ahmadinejad to West: We’ll halt uranium enrichment, if you do

Open house at Iranian nuclear site

Iran has opened one of its nuclear sites to local and international reporters and ambassadors to show the transparency of its program before a UN Security Council deadline this month.

Tehran has kept up efforts to give the site at Isfahan more publicity. A tourism official said late last year that Iran planned to open it and other nuclear plants to foreign tourists.

12 janvier 2007

Dossier nucléaire

Filed under: Nucléaire — François M. @ 12:09

Dossier nucléaire

Malheureusement, le sujet du nucléaire militaire est de plus en plus présent sur la scène médiatique pour plusieurs raisons, comme par exemple le redéveloppement des armes nucléaires tactiques aux USA, l`admission qu`Israël possède l`arme nucléaire et menace de s`en servir pour attaquer l`Iran prochainement, avec la Korée du Nord et l`Inde qui ont aquis l`arme totale par la bande sans être signataire des accords internationaux de non-prolifération nucléaire avec l`aide des pays occidentaux dont particulièrement les États-Unis. C`est sans parler de toute la radioactivité qui est relâché dans l`atmosphère à cause de l`utilisation des armes à uranium appauvri par les USA en Iraq, Afghanistan et Yougoslavie.

Aux USA, des rapports ont montré que 765 kg de plutonium manque au Los Alamos National Laboratory, lieu où sont développé des bombes atomiques, quantité suffisante pour faire 150 bombes nucléaires!!!


Je vous laisse avec des sources qui documentent où sont stocké les têtes nucléaires dans le monde et en quelle quantité. Assez instructif.

Where the Bombs Are


Ever wondered where all those nukes are stored?
A new review published in the November/December issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shows that the United States stores its nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads at 18 locations in 12 states and six European countries.

Stocks Nucléaires Mondiaux

Le secret excessif qui entoure le nucléaire militaire empêche le public de connaître le nombre exact d’armes nucléaires dans le monde. Chaque nation protège les détails de son propre arsenal nucléaire, et ne connaît généralement qu’un minimum de détails précis sur la taille et la composition des stocks nucléaires des autres pays.

Classé par l’ONU à la 4ème place au plan mondial, le nucléaire israelien inquiète les arabes

Les pays arabes ont insisté sur l’examen de la question du potentiel nucléaire israélien lors de la conférence de l’Aiea prévue à Vienne. Un récent communiqué de l’ONU se demandait, face au problème posé par le nucléaire iranien, si, pour résoudre ce problème, il ne faut pas choisir ce cadre-là pour résoudre tous les problèmes, y compris le programme nucléaire israélien.

En avril 2004, Ariel Sharon, alors Premier ministre israélien, reconnaissait que son pays possédait un programme d’armement nucléaire. C’était la première fois qu’un officiel de l’Etat hébreu confirmait ce que la communauté internationale sait depuis quarante ans. Depuis que la France lui a fourni, durant les années 1960, un réacteur nucléaire, tous les experts militaires étrangers s’accordent à dire qu’il dispose de 100 à 200 ogives nucléaires.

Egypt want Isreal’s nuke acknowledged & inspected.

End double standards on nukes: Egypt

CAIRO: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit called yesterday for an end to nuclear double standards, after the UN imposed sanctions on Iran for refusing to halt uranium enrichment.
« The negligence of certain Western countries over questions of non-proliferation, and the fact that they permit some states to acquire a nuclear capacity while preventing others from doing so, is nothing but double standards, » the foreign minister said in a statement.
« That must stop, » he added. « It is known that Israel has a nuclear capability that is not subject to any control by the International Atomic Energy Agency, » the UN’s nuclear watchdog in Vienna.

Iran Seeks Condemnation of Israeli Nukes

Associated Press Writer
UNITED NATIONS (AP) – Iran demanded Tuesday that the U.N. Security Council condemn what it said was Israel’s clandestine development of nuclear weapons and « compel » it to place all its nuclear facilities under U.N. inspection. If Israel refuses to comply, Iran said the council must take « resolute action » under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter which authorizes a range of measures from diplomatic and economic sanctions to military action.

PM puts Israel on nuclear list for first time


This is not news to anyone who has been following Israel’s history for any length of time, but it is a major problem for the Israel-firsters in the US, who justify the billions sent to Israel on the need for poor little Israel to defend itself against those mean ol’ Arabs.
But now it is confirmed, Israel isn’t defenseless. It has nuclear weapons, not subject to any controls at all, with which to threaten their neighbors.
Remember the invasion of Iraq? Remember the REASON we were told we had to invade Iraq, because Iraq had NOOKULAR BOMBS! Of course, as it turned out, they didn’t. The nukes are down in Israel, where the Arab nations, Mordecai Vanunu, and assorted bloggers have been telling you they were all along.

So, Olmert has just exposed the total hypocrisy behind the invasion of Iraq.
Needless to say, this also pounds a huge dent in Bush’s rush to attack Iran because they MIGHT have a nuclear weapon in ten years, versus Israel’s now officially admitted nuclear arsenal and a history of attacks against neighbor nations.

In finally admitting that Israel has had nuclear weapons all along, Olmert has made every US Politician who ever stood up and portrayed Israel as a weak and helpless nation deserving of our billions in tax dollars look like a total blithering idiot at best, at worst complicit in a defrauding of the American taxpayer for the benefit of a foreign nation.

Every politician who ever stood up in Congress supporting yet another appropriations bill for Israel with the claim, « Israel must be defended », must be categorized as a liar. Israel didn’t need defending. They just wanted more of our money any way they could get it. And with a few contributions from Israel’s spies, they got it.

You, the taxpayer, have been SWINDLED! Israel has had a nuclear deterrent to protect itself all along, but still tricked you into paying for its « defense ». And your Congresscritters helped them do it.
UPDATE: Already this story has been « orwellized » to try to pull back from Olmert’s comment about Israel’s nuclear weapons. The current spin is that even though Olmert openly talked about Israel’s nuclear weapons, that this is not an « official » admission that Israel has them.

Los Alamos Missing Plutonium for 150 Nuclear Bombs

The beleaguered Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is unable to account for 765 kilograms of plutonium — enough to make 150 nuclear weapons — according to a letter from nuclear watchdog groups to LANL Director G. Peter Nanos.

Gee, I wonder what nation (which does not allow nuclear inspections of their weapons plant) got that stuff!

Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear

THE SPECTRE of a nuclear race in the Middle East was raised yesterday when six Arab states announced that they were embarking on programmes to master atomic technology.
The countries involved were named by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia. Tunisia and the UAE have also shown interest.

These governments have seen very clearly what happens to nations which don’t have nuclear technology as a bargaining chip in dealing with the West, and they have decided that this is the only option left.
This is another in a huge series of unintended consequences, courtesy of this administration, from the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

U.S. Selecting Hybrid Design for Warheads

The Bush administration is expected to announce next week a major step forward in the building of the country’s first new nuclear warhead in nearly two decades. It will propose combining elements of competing designs from two weapons laboratories in an approach that some experts argue is untested and risky.

Holocauste Planétaire ou Interdiction de Fission Nucléaire ? Les USA engagés dans la ‘solution finale’

Tenus dans l’ignorance de ces plans internationaux visant à l’élimination du danger nucléaire militaire, le peuple américain et les autres peuples, endormis par une information divertissement soporifique, semblent ne pas voir l’Holocauste planétaire qui se prépare, concocté par les bushistes.

Dossier nucléaire

Filed under: Nucléaire — François M. @ 12:09

Dossier nucléaire

Malheureusement, le sujet du nucléaire militaire est de plus en plus présent sur la scène médiatique pour plusieurs raisons, comme par exemple le redéveloppement des armes nucléaires tactiques aux USA, l`admission qu`Israël possède l`arme nucléaire et menace de s`en servir pour attaquer l`Iran prochainement, avec la Korée du Nord et l`Inde qui ont aquis l`arme totale par la bande sans être signataire des accords internationaux de non-prolifération nucléaire avec l`aide des pays occidentaux dont particulièrement les États-Unis. C`est sans parler de toute la radioactivité qui est relâché dans l`atmosphère à cause de l`utilisation des armes à uranium appauvri par les USA en Iraq, Afghanistan et Yougoslavie.

Aux USA, des rapports ont montré que 765 kg de plutonium manque au Los Alamos National Laboratory, lieu où sont développé des bombes atomiques, quantité suffisante pour faire 150 bombes nucléaires!!!


Je vous laisse avec des sources qui documentent où sont stocké les têtes nucléaires dans le monde et en quelle quantité. Assez instructif.

Where the Bombs Are


Ever wondered where all those nukes are stored?
A new review published in the November/December issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shows that the United States stores its nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads at 18 locations in 12 states and six European countries.

Stocks Nucléaires Mondiaux

Le secret excessif qui entoure le nucléaire militaire empêche le public de connaître le nombre exact d’armes nucléaires dans le monde. Chaque nation protège les détails de son propre arsenal nucléaire, et ne connaît généralement qu’un minimum de détails précis sur la taille et la composition des stocks nucléaires des autres pays.

Classé par l’ONU à la 4ème place au plan mondial, le nucléaire israelien inquiète les arabes

Les pays arabes ont insisté sur l’examen de la question du potentiel nucléaire israélien lors de la conférence de l’Aiea prévue à Vienne. Un récent communiqué de l’ONU se demandait, face au problème posé par le nucléaire iranien, si, pour résoudre ce problème, il ne faut pas choisir ce cadre-là pour résoudre tous les problèmes, y compris le programme nucléaire israélien.

En avril 2004, Ariel Sharon, alors Premier ministre israélien, reconnaissait que son pays possédait un programme d’armement nucléaire. C’était la première fois qu’un officiel de l’Etat hébreu confirmait ce que la communauté internationale sait depuis quarante ans. Depuis que la France lui a fourni, durant les années 1960, un réacteur nucléaire, tous les experts militaires étrangers s’accordent à dire qu’il dispose de 100 à 200 ogives nucléaires.

Egypt want Isreal’s nuke acknowledged & inspected.

End double standards on nukes: Egypt

CAIRO: Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit called yesterday for an end to nuclear double standards, after the UN imposed sanctions on Iran for refusing to halt uranium enrichment.
« The negligence of certain Western countries over questions of non-proliferation, and the fact that they permit some states to acquire a nuclear capacity while preventing others from doing so, is nothing but double standards, » the foreign minister said in a statement.
« That must stop, » he added. « It is known that Israel has a nuclear capability that is not subject to any control by the International Atomic Energy Agency, » the UN’s nuclear watchdog in Vienna.

Iran Seeks Condemnation of Israeli Nukes

Associated Press Writer
UNITED NATIONS (AP) – Iran demanded Tuesday that the U.N. Security Council condemn what it said was Israel’s clandestine development of nuclear weapons and « compel » it to place all its nuclear facilities under U.N. inspection. If Israel refuses to comply, Iran said the council must take « resolute action » under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter which authorizes a range of measures from diplomatic and economic sanctions to military action.

PM puts Israel on nuclear list for first time


This is not news to anyone who has been following Israel’s history for any length of time, but it is a major problem for the Israel-firsters in the US, who justify the billions sent to Israel on the need for poor little Israel to defend itself against those mean ol’ Arabs.
But now it is confirmed, Israel isn’t defenseless. It has nuclear weapons, not subject to any controls at all, with which to threaten their neighbors.
Remember the invasion of Iraq? Remember the REASON we were told we had to invade Iraq, because Iraq had NOOKULAR BOMBS! Of course, as it turned out, they didn’t. The nukes are down in Israel, where the Arab nations, Mordecai Vanunu, and assorted bloggers have been telling you they were all along.

So, Olmert has just exposed the total hypocrisy behind the invasion of Iraq.
Needless to say, this also pounds a huge dent in Bush’s rush to attack Iran because they MIGHT have a nuclear weapon in ten years, versus Israel’s now officially admitted nuclear arsenal and a history of attacks against neighbor nations.

In finally admitting that Israel has had nuclear weapons all along, Olmert has made every US Politician who ever stood up and portrayed Israel as a weak and helpless nation deserving of our billions in tax dollars look like a total blithering idiot at best, at worst complicit in a defrauding of the American taxpayer for the benefit of a foreign nation.

Every politician who ever stood up in Congress supporting yet another appropriations bill for Israel with the claim, « Israel must be defended », must be categorized as a liar. Israel didn’t need defending. They just wanted more of our money any way they could get it. And with a few contributions from Israel’s spies, they got it.

You, the taxpayer, have been SWINDLED! Israel has had a nuclear deterrent to protect itself all along, but still tricked you into paying for its « defense ». And your Congresscritters helped them do it.
UPDATE: Already this story has been « orwellized » to try to pull back from Olmert’s comment about Israel’s nuclear weapons. The current spin is that even though Olmert openly talked about Israel’s nuclear weapons, that this is not an « official » admission that Israel has them.

Los Alamos Missing Plutonium for 150 Nuclear Bombs

The beleaguered Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is unable to account for 765 kilograms of plutonium — enough to make 150 nuclear weapons — according to a letter from nuclear watchdog groups to LANL Director G. Peter Nanos.

Gee, I wonder what nation (which does not allow nuclear inspections of their weapons plant) got that stuff!

Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear

THE SPECTRE of a nuclear race in the Middle East was raised yesterday when six Arab states announced that they were embarking on programmes to master atomic technology.
The countries involved were named by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as Algeria, Egypt, Morocco and Saudi Arabia. Tunisia and the UAE have also shown interest.

These governments have seen very clearly what happens to nations which don’t have nuclear technology as a bargaining chip in dealing with the West, and they have decided that this is the only option left.
This is another in a huge series of unintended consequences, courtesy of this administration, from the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

U.S. Selecting Hybrid Design for Warheads

The Bush administration is expected to announce next week a major step forward in the building of the country’s first new nuclear warhead in nearly two decades. It will propose combining elements of competing designs from two weapons laboratories in an approach that some experts argue is untested and risky.

Holocauste Planétaire ou Interdiction de Fission Nucléaire ? Les USA engagés dans la ‘solution finale’

Tenus dans l’ignorance de ces plans internationaux visant à l’élimination du danger nucléaire militaire, le peuple américain et les autres peuples, endormis par une information divertissement soporifique, semblent ne pas voir l’Holocauste planétaire qui se prépare, concocté par les bushistes.

26 décembre 2006

Israël possède la bombe nucléaire

Filed under: Israël,Nucléaire — François M. @ 12:47

Admission: Israël possède la bombe nucléaire

À deux reprises, par deux personnes différentes mais totalement impliquées et au courant du dossier nucléaire israélien, on ouvertement déclaré avec un court détour qu`Israël possède des bombes nucléaires. Il s`agit de Gates qui remplace Rumsfeld comme Secrétaire à la Défense, et d`Olmert, premier ministre d`Israël.

Bien sûr, tout le monde savait qu`Israël possédait l`arme nucléaire, mais la politique nébuleuse israélienne d`ambigüité à propos du nucléaire l`avait jusque là immunisé des accords internationaux de non-prolifération nucléaire, ainsi que des inspections internationales des sites nucléaires, tout en recevant de l`aide financière des US qui sert principalement à acheter de l`équipement militaire.

Ceci est super important dans la perspective actuelle de l`axe maléfique de l`élite qui controle Washington, Israël et Londres qui cherche à démoniser les arabes et particulièrement l`Iran avec son programme nucléaire pour produire de l`électricité. Alors voilà qu’ on a l`Iran qui est en totale légalité avec son programme et qui laisse les inspecteurs internationaux de l`ONU venir en Iran et visiter tout ce qu`ils veulent, un pays qui n`a pas d`histoire d`attaquer ses voisins, et en même temps, Ô sainte hypocrisie, on a Israël qui possède secrètement près de 400 têtes nucléaires avec les moyens de les envoyer et qui a une sale histoire d`envahir et attaquer ses voisins, d`utiliser des armes de destruction massives et du terrorisme contre des populations civiles entières.

Et imaginez-vous donc qu`en notre nom, notre
super beau pays le Canada, supporte Israël en déclarant que nous partageons les mêmes valeurs en plus d`appuyer une résolution de l`ONU condamnant l`Iran qui n`est dans aucune illégalité et ne menace personne, alors qu`Israël a réellement développé clandestinement 400 têtes nucléaires, mène régulièrement des guerres d`agression contre ses voisins, défie plus de 65 résolutions de l`ONU dont la plupart sont liées avec l`occupation illégale de territoires palestiniens et de leur nettoyage ethnique. Mais ils trouvent toujours le moyen de jouer les victimes, ces Sionistes; ils jouent la carte de antisémitisme, alors qu`ils le sont eux-mêmes, en fait extrêmement racistes et dangereux.

Alors voilà, pendant qu`ils crient au loup, avec les médias-p`tit-chien-chien, le pays qui développait vraiment des armes nucléaires, armes de destruction massive, était Israël.

Qui nous a menti? Israël.

Quelle est donc la vraie menace au Moyen-Orient qui déstabilise toute la région?

Qui va se scandaliser de ceci maintenant?

Qui va réclamer des sanctions de l`ONU contre Israël?

Qu`allez-vous faire?

Allez-vous en parler?

Canada backs UN sanctions slapped on Iran

Iran: What about Zionists’ nukes?
Posted Dec 24, 2006
Iran: What about Zionists’ nukes?Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini says sanctions imposed by UN on Islamic Republic ‘cannot affect or limit Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities but will discredit the decisions of the Security Council, whose power is deteriorating’; adds: Council doing nothing in response to Olmert’s comments on Zionists’ nuclear capabilities

Olmert Acknowledges Israel´s Nuclear Arsenal

Israel, Alone ++++

December 13, 2006 Israel, Alone The nuclear cat is out of the bag – and Olmert issues a warning… by Justin Raimondo
Israel’s long-standing policy of nuclear
ambiguity came to an end the other day when Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in answer to a question about his country’s rumored WMD arsenal, replied,
« Iran openly, explicitly, and publicly threatens to wipe Israel off the map. Can you say that this is the same level, when they [the Iranians] are aspiring to have nuclear weapons, as America, France, Israel, Russia? »
avers, « It is not clear whether this was a slip of the tongue on the part of Olmert or an intended statement » – and his aides and supporters are certainly scrambling to explain his comments away as a linguistic mix-up. Yet, taken in context – not only the context of the interview, but the context of Israel’s present position – I would argue the Israeli Prime Minister was sending a message not only to Iran, but also to the U.S.
As a rebuke to President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad‘s rants about wiping Israel off the map, Olmert’s is the perfect retort. Everyone knows that Israel has at least 400 nukes, and it isn’t hard to guess in which direction they’re aimed. Olmert is pointedly reminding the Iranians of what everyone has known for quite some time. All the Israeli prime minister has to do is give the order, and Tehran would be reduced to a pool of molten glass. The message sent to Washington – and, indeed, to the entire world – is that Israel is making a clean break with the policies of the past

Israelis piqued by Gates nuclear « confirmation »

JERUSALEM, Dec 7 (Reuters) – Robert Gates, the incoming U.S. secretary of defense, won plaudits in Washington this week for his candour on the Iraq war.
Some Israelis were less pleased, however, to hear Gates mention with equal frankness what U.S. administrations have long avoided saying in public — that the Jewish state has the Middle East’s only nuclear arsenal.
To be fair, it was pretty oblique.
During his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Gates mentioned why Iran might be seeking the means to build an atomic bomb: « They are surrounded by powers with nuclear weapons: Pakistan to their east, the Russians to the north, the Israelis to the west and us in the Persian Gulf, » he said.

U.S. Air Force: Israel has 400 nukes, building naval force

A United States Air Force report asserts that Israel is building a nuclear naval force meant to respond to any nuclear strike by such countries as Iran or Iraq.
It is the first time a U.S. military institution has stated that Israel has produced a hydrogen bomb. The number of purported Israeli nuclear weapons cited in the report is double that of previous assessments. The report, sponsored by the air force’s Counterproliferation Center, asserts that the navy can deploy any of what it asserts is Israel’s 400 atomic and hydrogen weapons, Middle East Newsline reported. The center is located in the Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama.

Israel’s Nuclear Opacity:a Political Genealogy


Warner D. Farr, LTC, U.S. Army
The Counterproliferation Papers
Future Warfare Series No. 2
USAF Counterproliferation Center
Air War College
Air University
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama September 1999

The Untold Story of Israel’s Bomb

On Sept. 9, 1969, a big brown envelope was delivered to the Oval Office on behalf of CIA Director Richard M. Helms. On it he had written, « For and to be opened only by: The President, The White House. » The precise contents of the envelope are still unknown, but it was the latest intelligence on one of Washington’s most secretive foreign policy matters: Israel’s nuclear program. The material was so sensitive that the nation’s spymaster was unwilling to share it with anybody but President Richard M. Nixon himself.The now-empty envelope is inside a two-folder set labeled « NSSM 40, » held by the Nixon Presidential Materials Project at the National Archives.
With the aid of With the aid ofrecently declassified documents , we now know that NSSM 40 was the Nixon administration’s effort to grapple with the policy implications of a nuclear-armed Israel.

Israel Crosses the Threshold

Senior Nixon Administration Officials Considered Confronting Israel over Nuclear Weapons in 1969 but President Nixon Declined, Deciding that Washington Could Live with an Undeclared Israeli Bomb, According to Newly Declassified Documents and a Study in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Posted Today
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 189

Olmert’s nuclear blunder leads to Gulf states’ call for sanctions

The United States and the international community should impose sanctions on Israel for its nuclear program, the chief of the organization grouping Arab countries in the Persian Gulf told reporters Tuesday.

And we need inspections. Under US law, Israel should not be getting any US foreign aid while their nuclear program remains outside AIEA inspection. Indeed the case can be made that all the US foreign aid money Israel received since their first bombs were built was taken under false pretenses and should be returned. -Rivero WRH

Arabs want action on Israel nukes

IRAN and Arab states today seized on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s statement implying that Israel has nuclear weapons, calling it proof of a regional threat and demanding UN action.

Worse Than Apartheid

Israel has spent the last five months unleashing missiles, attack helicopters and jet fighters over the densely packed concrete hovels in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army has made numerous deadly incursions, and some 500 people, nearly all civilians, have been killed and 1,600 more wounded. Israel has rounded up hundreds of Palestinians, destroyed Gaza’s infrastructure, including its electrical power system and key roads and bridges, carried out huge land confiscations, demolished homes and plunged families into a crisis that has caused widespread poverty and malnutrition.

Israelis accused of vandalising airport

In pictures: Gaza airport
The Israeli army has been accused of mindlessly destroying the terminal building at Gaza International Airport. A once pristine modern structure, which had come to symbolise Palestinian statehood, has been wrecked.Before Israeli troops occupied the terminal this summer, its luggage carousel, restaurants, bank, duty free shops and other amenities were all maintained perfectly, ready for the day when the airport, which has been closed for five years, reopens.

UN suggests israel PAY for its crimes

A United Nations human rights inquiry said on Friday that Israel should be made to pay compensation for damage caused by its month-long war in Lebanon, especially losses incurred by civilians.
It suggested setting up an international compensation programme similar to the one which has paid out billions of dollars to cover losses due to Iraq’s 1990-91 invasion and occupation of Kuwait.
Dec 2, 2006 10:47 AM PSTCategory: ISRAEL
« Oooh, Veto. VETO! VEEEEEETOH! Veto, veto, veto,vetovetovetovetovetovetovetovetovetoveto! VETO! » — Official White Horse Souse (Rivero WRH)

Study: “Wall forced 17% of Jerusalem families out of the city”�

North and south
There will be a war next summer. Only the sector has not been chosen yet.

Israel creates new ministry to deal with Iran threat

JERUSALEM (AFP) – The Israeli government has approved the creation of a new ministry for strategic affairs, to be headed by a controversial ultra-nationalist and deal mainly with
Iran‘s nuclear ambitions.
During the weekly cabinet meeting, « all the ministers approved the decision to form the ministry for strategic affairs » under Avigdor Lieberman, whose Yisrael Beitenu party joined Prime Minister’s Ehud Olmert’s government in October, a official said on condition of anonymity on Sunday.

Norwegian novelist excoriates ‘God’s chosen’

A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ « Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000. » The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled « A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, » is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.

Clean Break or Dirty War? Israel’s Foreign Policy Directive to the United States

Lieberman: The unfaithful cannot be citizens

Jews and Arabs can never live together, says Israel’s vice PM

Which is funny, because prior to the creation of Israel, Jews and Arabs DID live in peace together. In fact, when the Christians started persecuting the Jews in the middle ages, it was the Arabs who took them in and gave them safe haven.
How sharper than a serpent’s tooth to have a thankless child! -Rivero WRH

Israel court backs targeted kills

« Targeted kill » is the new term for political assassination. -Rivero WRH

Khiam bomb crater tests positive for uranium

Israel – the ‘state’ of perpetual denial

For a nation of people in a constant fit over other peoples’ ‘denials’, they sure get in a fair share of their own.
In the latest mind-boggling episode of what is clearly a perpetual state of denial, after admitting before the world that israel has what everyone knows it has,
Olmert has the gall to DENY that he admitted it, while continuing to neither confirm nor deny that they actually have nuclear weapons.
Can it get any more twisted than that?
Let’s see – they
DENIED firing the shells that killed beach-goers in Gaza, DENIED deliberately hitting the UN post, DENIED deliberately bombing civilians in Qana, DENIED using cluster bombs in Lebanon, after firing more than a million, DENIED deliberately targeting ambulances, and DENIED being on Lebanese soil when, clearly, they were.
They continue to DENY intentionally killing 19 people as they slept in Beit Hanun, and continue to DENY any aggressive intent during fly-by incidents with German and French peacekeepers in Lebanon.

All this is in real-time, right before our eyes.

Let’s not forget the USS Liberty, when they DENIED seeing the five-by-eight foot flag waving from the masthead before they bombed it – not once, but twice – even after a second, larger flag was raised, killing 34 American servicemen and wounding 171.
I could go on – forever – but, why bother?

How many times will israelis DENY the obvious before the world realizes that israelis are habitual liars?

There is a REASON why no one in the world can stand a LIAR – LIARS CAN’T BE TRUSTED.

And there is a reason why LIARS LIE – because they consider themselves BETTER than everyone else and THAT is at the heart of all this darkness – not racism, but SUPREMACISM.

Amnesty – ‘israel should be disarmed’


Israël possède la bombe nucléaire

Filed under: Israël,Nucléaire — François M. @ 12:47

Admission: Israël possède la bombe nucléaire

À deux reprises, par deux personnes différentes mais totalement impliquées et au courant du dossier nucléaire israélien, on ouvertement déclaré avec un court détour qu`Israël possède des bombes nucléaires. Il s`agit de Gates qui remplace Rumsfeld comme Secrétaire à la Défense, et d`Olmert, premier ministre d`Israël.

Bien sûr, tout le monde savait qu`Israël possédait l`arme nucléaire, mais la politique nébuleuse israélienne d`ambigüité à propos du nucléaire l`avait jusque là immunisé des accords internationaux de non-prolifération nucléaire, ainsi que des inspections internationales des sites nucléaires, tout en recevant de l`aide financière des US qui sert principalement à acheter de l`équipement militaire.

Ceci est super important dans la perspective actuelle de l`axe maléfique de l`élite qui controle Washington, Israël et Londres qui cherche à démoniser les arabes et particulièrement l`Iran avec son programme nucléaire pour produire de l`électricité. Alors voilà qu’ on a l`Iran qui est en totale légalité avec son programme et qui laisse les inspecteurs internationaux de l`ONU venir en Iran et visiter tout ce qu`ils veulent, un pays qui n`a pas d`histoire d`attaquer ses voisins, et en même temps, Ô sainte hypocrisie, on a Israël qui possède secrètement près de 400 têtes nucléaires avec les moyens de les envoyer et qui a une sale histoire d`envahir et attaquer ses voisins, d`utiliser des armes de destruction massives et du terrorisme contre des populations civiles entières.

Et imaginez-vous donc qu`en notre nom, notre
super beau pays le Canada, supporte Israël en déclarant que nous partageons les mêmes valeurs en plus d`appuyer une résolution de l`ONU condamnant l`Iran qui n`est dans aucune illégalité et ne menace personne, alors qu`Israël a réellement développé clandestinement 400 têtes nucléaires, mène régulièrement des guerres d`agression contre ses voisins, défie plus de 65 résolutions de l`ONU dont la plupart sont liées avec l`occupation illégale de territoires palestiniens et de leur nettoyage ethnique. Mais ils trouvent toujours le moyen de jouer les victimes, ces Sionistes; ils jouent la carte de antisémitisme, alors qu`ils le sont eux-mêmes, en fait extrêmement racistes et dangereux.

Alors voilà, pendant qu`ils crient au loup, avec les médias-p`tit-chien-chien, le pays qui développait vraiment des armes nucléaires, armes de destruction massive, était Israël.

Qui nous a menti? Israël.

Quelle est donc la vraie menace au Moyen-Orient qui déstabilise toute la région?

Qui va se scandaliser de ceci maintenant?

Qui va réclamer des sanctions de l`ONU contre Israël?

Qu`allez-vous faire?

Allez-vous en parler?

Canada backs UN sanctions slapped on Iran

Iran: What about Zionists’ nukes?
Posted Dec 24, 2006
Iran: What about Zionists’ nukes?Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini says sanctions imposed by UN on Islamic Republic ‘cannot affect or limit Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities but will discredit the decisions of the Security Council, whose power is deteriorating’; adds: Council doing nothing in response to Olmert’s comments on Zionists’ nuclear capabilities

Olmert Acknowledges Israel´s Nuclear Arsenal

Israel, Alone ++++

December 13, 2006 Israel, Alone The nuclear cat is out of the bag – and Olmert issues a warning… by Justin Raimondo
Israel’s long-standing policy of nuclear
ambiguity came to an end the other day when Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in answer to a question about his country’s rumored WMD arsenal, replied,
« Iran openly, explicitly, and publicly threatens to wipe Israel off the map. Can you say that this is the same level, when they [the Iranians] are aspiring to have nuclear weapons, as America, France, Israel, Russia? »
avers, « It is not clear whether this was a slip of the tongue on the part of Olmert or an intended statement » – and his aides and supporters are certainly scrambling to explain his comments away as a linguistic mix-up. Yet, taken in context – not only the context of the interview, but the context of Israel’s present position – I would argue the Israeli Prime Minister was sending a message not only to Iran, but also to the U.S.
As a rebuke to President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad‘s rants about wiping Israel off the map, Olmert’s is the perfect retort. Everyone knows that Israel has at least 400 nukes, and it isn’t hard to guess in which direction they’re aimed. Olmert is pointedly reminding the Iranians of what everyone has known for quite some time. All the Israeli prime minister has to do is give the order, and Tehran would be reduced to a pool of molten glass. The message sent to Washington – and, indeed, to the entire world – is that Israel is making a clean break with the policies of the past

Israelis piqued by Gates nuclear « confirmation »

JERUSALEM, Dec 7 (Reuters) – Robert Gates, the incoming U.S. secretary of defense, won plaudits in Washington this week for his candour on the Iraq war.
Some Israelis were less pleased, however, to hear Gates mention with equal frankness what U.S. administrations have long avoided saying in public — that the Jewish state has the Middle East’s only nuclear arsenal.
To be fair, it was pretty oblique.
During his Senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Gates mentioned why Iran might be seeking the means to build an atomic bomb: « They are surrounded by powers with nuclear weapons: Pakistan to their east, the Russians to the north, the Israelis to the west and us in the Persian Gulf, » he said.

U.S. Air Force: Israel has 400 nukes, building naval force

A United States Air Force report asserts that Israel is building a nuclear naval force meant to respond to any nuclear strike by such countries as Iran or Iraq.
It is the first time a U.S. military institution has stated that Israel has produced a hydrogen bomb. The number of purported Israeli nuclear weapons cited in the report is double that of previous assessments. The report, sponsored by the air force’s Counterproliferation Center, asserts that the navy can deploy any of what it asserts is Israel’s 400 atomic and hydrogen weapons, Middle East Newsline reported. The center is located in the Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama.

Israel’s Nuclear Opacity:a Political Genealogy


Warner D. Farr, LTC, U.S. Army
The Counterproliferation Papers
Future Warfare Series No. 2
USAF Counterproliferation Center
Air War College
Air University
Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama September 1999

The Untold Story of Israel’s Bomb

On Sept. 9, 1969, a big brown envelope was delivered to the Oval Office on behalf of CIA Director Richard M. Helms. On it he had written, « For and to be opened only by: The President, The White House. » The precise contents of the envelope are still unknown, but it was the latest intelligence on one of Washington’s most secretive foreign policy matters: Israel’s nuclear program. The material was so sensitive that the nation’s spymaster was unwilling to share it with anybody but President Richard M. Nixon himself.The now-empty envelope is inside a two-folder set labeled « NSSM 40, » held by the Nixon Presidential Materials Project at the National Archives.
With the aid of With the aid ofrecently declassified documents , we now know that NSSM 40 was the Nixon administration’s effort to grapple with the policy implications of a nuclear-armed Israel.

Israel Crosses the Threshold

Senior Nixon Administration Officials Considered Confronting Israel over Nuclear Weapons in 1969 but President Nixon Declined, Deciding that Washington Could Live with an Undeclared Israeli Bomb, According to Newly Declassified Documents and a Study in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Posted Today
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 189

Olmert’s nuclear blunder leads to Gulf states’ call for sanctions

The United States and the international community should impose sanctions on Israel for its nuclear program, the chief of the organization grouping Arab countries in the Persian Gulf told reporters Tuesday.

And we need inspections. Under US law, Israel should not be getting any US foreign aid while their nuclear program remains outside AIEA inspection. Indeed the case can be made that all the US foreign aid money Israel received since their first bombs were built was taken under false pretenses and should be returned. -Rivero WRH

Arabs want action on Israel nukes

IRAN and Arab states today seized on Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s statement implying that Israel has nuclear weapons, calling it proof of a regional threat and demanding UN action.

Worse Than Apartheid

Israel has spent the last five months unleashing missiles, attack helicopters and jet fighters over the densely packed concrete hovels in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army has made numerous deadly incursions, and some 500 people, nearly all civilians, have been killed and 1,600 more wounded. Israel has rounded up hundreds of Palestinians, destroyed Gaza’s infrastructure, including its electrical power system and key roads and bridges, carried out huge land confiscations, demolished homes and plunged families into a crisis that has caused widespread poverty and malnutrition.

Israelis accused of vandalising airport

In pictures: Gaza airport
The Israeli army has been accused of mindlessly destroying the terminal building at Gaza International Airport. A once pristine modern structure, which had come to symbolise Palestinian statehood, has been wrecked.Before Israeli troops occupied the terminal this summer, its luggage carousel, restaurants, bank, duty free shops and other amenities were all maintained perfectly, ready for the day when the airport, which has been closed for five years, reopens.

UN suggests israel PAY for its crimes

A United Nations human rights inquiry said on Friday that Israel should be made to pay compensation for damage caused by its month-long war in Lebanon, especially losses incurred by civilians.
It suggested setting up an international compensation programme similar to the one which has paid out billions of dollars to cover losses due to Iraq’s 1990-91 invasion and occupation of Kuwait.
Dec 2, 2006 10:47 AM PSTCategory: ISRAEL
« Oooh, Veto. VETO! VEEEEEETOH! Veto, veto, veto,vetovetovetovetovetovetovetovetovetoveto! VETO! » — Official White Horse Souse (Rivero WRH)

Study: “Wall forced 17% of Jerusalem families out of the city”�

North and south
There will be a war next summer. Only the sector has not been chosen yet.

Israel creates new ministry to deal with Iran threat

JERUSALEM (AFP) – The Israeli government has approved the creation of a new ministry for strategic affairs, to be headed by a controversial ultra-nationalist and deal mainly with
Iran‘s nuclear ambitions.
During the weekly cabinet meeting, « all the ministers approved the decision to form the ministry for strategic affairs » under Avigdor Lieberman, whose Yisrael Beitenu party joined Prime Minister’s Ehud Olmert’s government in October, a official said on condition of anonymity on Sunday.

Norwegian novelist excoriates ‘God’s chosen’

A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

Following is a report prepared by The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies’ « Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000. » The main substantive ideas in this paper emerge from a discussion in which prominent opinion makers, including Richard Perle, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Douglas Feith, Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser participated. The report, entitled « A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm, » is the framework for a series of follow-up reports on strategy.

Clean Break or Dirty War? Israel’s Foreign Policy Directive to the United States

Lieberman: The unfaithful cannot be citizens

Jews and Arabs can never live together, says Israel’s vice PM

Which is funny, because prior to the creation of Israel, Jews and Arabs DID live in peace together. In fact, when the Christians started persecuting the Jews in the middle ages, it was the Arabs who took them in and gave them safe haven.
How sharper than a serpent’s tooth to have a thankless child! -Rivero WRH

Israel court backs targeted kills

« Targeted kill » is the new term for political assassination. -Rivero WRH

Khiam bomb crater tests positive for uranium

Israel – the ‘state’ of perpetual denial

For a nation of people in a constant fit over other peoples’ ‘denials’, they sure get in a fair share of their own.
In the latest mind-boggling episode of what is clearly a perpetual state of denial, after admitting before the world that israel has what everyone knows it has,
Olmert has the gall to DENY that he admitted it, while continuing to neither confirm nor deny that they actually have nuclear weapons.
Can it get any more twisted than that?
Let’s see – they
DENIED firing the shells that killed beach-goers in Gaza, DENIED deliberately hitting the UN post, DENIED deliberately bombing civilians in Qana, DENIED using cluster bombs in Lebanon, after firing more than a million, DENIED deliberately targeting ambulances, and DENIED being on Lebanese soil when, clearly, they were.
They continue to DENY intentionally killing 19 people as they slept in Beit Hanun, and continue to DENY any aggressive intent during fly-by incidents with German and French peacekeepers in Lebanon.

All this is in real-time, right before our eyes.

Let’s not forget the USS Liberty, when they DENIED seeing the five-by-eight foot flag waving from the masthead before they bombed it – not once, but twice – even after a second, larger flag was raised, killing 34 American servicemen and wounding 171.
I could go on – forever – but, why bother?

How many times will israelis DENY the obvious before the world realizes that israelis are habitual liars?

There is a REASON why no one in the world can stand a LIAR – LIARS CAN’T BE TRUSTED.

And there is a reason why LIARS LIE – because they consider themselves BETTER than everyone else and THAT is at the heart of all this darkness – not racism, but SUPREMACISM.

Amnesty – ‘israel should be disarmed’


5 novembre 2005

Petrole, Nucleaire, Aspartame et plus

Filed under: Nucléaire,Pétrole et énergie,Santé — François M. @ 10:11

Petrole, Nucleaire, Aspartame et plus

SeeSawing Prices, Obscene Profits Prove Fuel Cost Manipulation
Halliburton, BP and Russian Black Gold

Le prix de petrole est manipule par les petrolieres, et toutes les excuses sont bonnes: tempetes, mauvaises nouvelles en Iraq, le president a attrape le rhume, un chien s’est fait ecraser dans la rue, toutes les raisons sont bonnes.

Et d’un autre cote, ils ont l’arrogance de declarer des profits records dans le dernier trimestre qui va jusqu’a 10 milliards de dollards… en 4 mois! C’est une premiere historique. Jamais avant une compagnie n’avait empoche autant aux USA.

Le 2e texte retrace une partie d’histoire des petrolieres comme BP, Standard Oil, Halliburton, etc.

Moving towards a petroeuro system? Russia, Venezuela and some OPEC

Attaquer l’Iran est le plan d’Israel, qui considere ce pays comme ennemi (tout comme le reste du monde!). L’Iran n’est pas une menace ni pour le monde ni pour les USA.
Tout le battage mediatique a propos du suppose programme nucleaire dans le but de faire des armes n’est que pure fantaisie bushiste.
Ce qui fait peur aux interets speciaux et au gouvernement c’est que l’Iran est sur le point d’ouvrir son propre marche de vente de petrole, faisant competition a la domination mondiale des americains.
Tout le petrole vendu dans le monde se fait en $US, et surpporte enormement l’economie US qui autrement ressemblerait plus a celle des pays du tier monde.
Saddam avait commence a vendre son petrole en $Euro depuis l’an 2000 (et rendait les dirigeants a Washington furieux), et il a eu un grand succes! Il faisait plus d’argent a le vendre en $Euro, en plus de boycotter les criminels americains!!!
Et ca a donne l’idee au Venezuela, a l’OPEC, la Russie et autres producteurs de petrole dans le monde de faire de meme, menacant gravement la valeur du dollard US et le pouvoir dominateur des USA.
Cela n’explique t-il pas la ferveur de Corporate-USA inc. d’attaquer l’Iran????

US steps up planning for a Cuba without Castro

Ingerence grossiere des affaires des autres.

Danger of US sponsored Nuclear War
More Than 470 Physicists Sign Petition To Oppose U.S. Policy On Nuclear Attack
Atoll still scarred by tests

Les USA menace tout pays qui veut se munir d’armes nucleaires, mais eux on le droit.
Parlez moi d’hypocrisie nucleaire!

B’nai B’rith-ADL Doesn’t Represent Jews

Cette organisation est suppose veiller a ce que les juifs soit protege de diffamation ou de haine raciale. Tres beau couvert.
Cette organisation est en fait un Ordre Franc Maconnique qui a un tout autre agenda que de proteger les juifs! Meme les juifs en sont finalement victimes! Lisez cet article fort interessant sur ceux la memes qui essaient de salir Michel Chossudovsky dans une campagne d’anti-semitisme debile.

« While claiming to represent « the interests of the worldwide Jewish Community » the B’nai B’rith is in fact a Masonic Order that represents British Freemasonry, and shifts blame for its Luciferian « world government » agenda onto Jews in general. Thus while pretending to fight anti- Semitism, it actually puts Jews in jeopardy.
The B’nai B’rith has no mandate to represent the Jewish people. But by equating opposition to the globalist agenda with anti-Semitism, it ensures that Jews are blamed for the emerging New World Order.
For example, recently an Internet forum posted an item about B’nai B’rith advocacy of « Hate Laws » and Internet censorship. A member of the forum responded, « Those Jews are setting themselves up for extermination again. »
Thus « Jews » become the scapegoat for the Freemason agenda despite the fact that
about half of American Jews have nothing to do with Jewish organizations or religion, and in fact intermarry.
Yes, many other Jews who are ignorant of the Masonic plan naively subscribe to Zionism and the phony « War on Terror. » They might be surprised to learn that the Star of David featured on the Israeli flag is an occult symbol and was never a Jewish symbol in the Old Testament; that most Israeli leaders, like American Presidents, are Freemasons; and that the new Israeli Supreme Court is loaded with Masonic symbolism, and is located
along Satanic « ley » lines. Financed and designed by the Rothschilds, it is the court of the New World Order.
The B’nai B’rith-ADL is probably active in your city. It approaches local schools, private companies, and professional associations offering indoctrination in « diversity » and « hate crimes. » It trains the local police in political crimes. « Hate » is anything or anyone that interferes with the world government agenda, partly listed on the
ADL website (appropriately in the left column).
The B’nai B’rith is part of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order established in 1843. It’s militant arm, the « Anti Defamation League » (ADL) was formed in 1913, the same year as the US Federal Reserve.
According to « 
The Ugly Truth About the ADL » (1992) by the Executive Intelligence Review, the B’nai B’rith has always played a leading role in returning the US to the Masonic control of the British « Crown » (a.k.a The New World Order.)
« Not only is the ADL emphatically not a Jewish civil rights lobby; the ADL and its parent agency B’nai B’rith have been from their inception, arms of the British secret intelligence services and secret societies that are sworn enemies of the United States. The B’nai B’rith and the ADL have used their nominal Jewishness to conceal their actual allegiance and agenda. » (Ugly Truth,p.3)
The B’nai B’rith/ Scottish Rite was instrumental in starting the Ku Klux Klan and causing the US Civil War, which destroyed the flower of American manhood. A B’nai B’rith leader, Simon Wolf, was a Confederate spy and was implicated in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the first of many such coup d’etats (i.e. the assassinations of Presidents Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy.) The book goes on to detail ADL links to organized crime, drugs and prostitution, domestic spying, the purchase of the US Congress and the removal of Christianity from public institutions. It says the ADL fought Texas legislation to prosecute satanic ritual crimes and lost numerous libel suits for
defaming critics as « anti-Semites. »

Alternative Media Censorship

Les medias alternatifs c’est bien beaux, mais il faut savoir etre critique partout. Plusieurs sont finance par la CIA par exemple, a travers differentes fondations qui servent de couvertures. Et ici je pense a Democracy Now entre autre.
Il y a un effort enorme pour financer une fausse gauche pour semer la confusion et discriditer la gauche et les vrais activistes.
Soyez prudent!

Belgian revisionist to be extradited from Holland to Germany

Ca fait trois historiens qui se sont font arreter recemment et mis en extradition vers l’Allemagne pour avoir questionne certains aspects de l’holocauste. Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolf et maintenant Siegfried Verbeke.

La verite n’a pas besoin de loi pour la supporter. A travers l’histoire, seuls les mensonges et les menteurs ont eu recourt aux courts pour forcer l’adherence aux dogmes.

Il y a un tas de trucs illogique dans la version officielle de l’holocauste. Et je ne pense pas qu’il n’y a qui que ce soit qui conteste l’holocauste, mais plutot qui conteste ce qui s’y ait vraiment passe. Les recits des gens qui ont ete prisonniers des camps de concentration ne sont pas d’accord avec la version officielle des evenements sur plusieurs comptes.

History is Warped (L’histoire est manipule)
Who writes our history books?

Qui ecrit les manuels d’histoire?
Qui decide qui sont les mechants et les bons?
Qui decide qui sont les terroristes et les « freedom fighters »?
En tous cas, moi je me suis rendu compte avec le temps que ce que j’ai appris en histoire a l’ecole etait de la pure bullshit, de la propagande officielle.


« Our history books and encyclopedias tell us that Oswald killed Kennedy by himself, that lots of men walked on the moon, and that 19 Arabs attacked us on September 11. After investigating such events, my conclusion is:

· American schools do not « teach history » to their students. Rather, they « deceive » students with « government propaganda ».

· An American with a Ph.D. in history does not have an « advanced degree in history ». Rather, he has « extensive exposure to propaganda ».

· Americans with PhDs in history are often given the title of Doctor. A more appropriate title would be Victim or Fool. »

ICRC seeks access to all terror suspects held by U.S.

Ca va paraitre mal en maudit si les americains refusent le Comite de la Croix-Rouge d’avoir acces aux prisonniers que les USA detiennent dans leur reseau de prisons secretes dans le monde car meme les Nazis n’avaient jamais refuse l’acces a leurs prisonniers durant la 2e guerre mondiale!

« By Stephanie Nebehay
GENEVA (Reuters) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) called on Thursday for access to all foreign terrorism suspects held by the United States after a report of a covert CIA prison system for al Qaeda captives.
The Washington Post said on Wednesday that the CIA was hiding and interrogating inmates at a secret facility in Eastern Europe, among so-called « black sites » in eight countries under a global network set up after the September 11, 2001 attacks. »

Aspartame Gate: When Donald Rumsfeld was CEO of Searle
Aspartame Makers In A Tizzy

Non seulement Rumsfeld va profiter de ses actions dans la compagnies qui produit le vaccin du Tamiflu contre la grippe aviaire, vaccins qui sont inefficaces en plus d’etre toxiques et cancerigenes, c’est le meme pourri qui a pousse un autre produit toxique a etre integre dans la chaine alimentaire: l’ASPARTAME. L’aspartame est un produit de Searle, dont Rumsfeld etait CEO.

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