LNI Média

17 décembre 2008

Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 18 décembre 2008: Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres

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L’Autre Monde 18 décembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde:

– Le NIST admet que le WTC7 s’est écroulé à la vitesse de la chute libre.

– Le journal The Financial Times annonce le projet d’un nouvel ordre mondial.

– Économie: Émeutes en Grèce qui se répandent à d’autres pays, banques nationalisées et fonds de pension qui vont disparaitre et l’écroulement des finances publiques.

– Nous complèterons avec un survol du Moyen-Orient, état policier, changements climatiques et autres.

Dernière émission de la saison automne; soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

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Attaque au soulier:

« Iraqi reporter al-Zaidi’s arm, ribs broken »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The Secret Service is denying they beat the crap out of him for embarrassing them.

Iraq cheers reporter for Bush shoe attack

Citizens in Baghdad have ennobled a frogmarched Iraqi reporter for throwing his shoes at lame duck US President George W. Bush.

Iraqi reporter Muntadhar al-Zaidi shocked the world on Sunday by hurling his shoes at the visiting US president, who had come to the war-torn country to say farewell.

Sitting in the third row at a press conference attended by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the reporter ‘jumped up’ and shouted « It is the farewell kiss, you dog. »

Showing the sole of your shoe to someone in the Arab world is a sign of extreme disrespect, and throwing your shoes is even worse.

A study conducted by ORB — a well-known British polling agency which has been tracking public opinion in Iraq since 2005 — estimated in September 2007 that 1.2 million Iraqis had been killed in violence-related incidents following the March 2003 invasion of the country.

This is while Human Rights Watch estimates put the number of those killed during a period of twenty years of the reign of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein at 250,000 to 290,000.

Across Mideast, Arabs hail shoe-hurling journalist

Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets Monday to demand the release of a reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush, as Arabs across many parts of the Middle East hailed the journalist as a hero and praised his insult as a proper send-off to the unpopular U.S. president.

Bush Comparison Seen As Unfair to Dogs

This is the question now raised in Iraq: If they throw shoes at your face are you a combat troop or a noncombat troop? The answer may be important in helping to guide President Elect Obama’s strategy of reducing but continuing the genocidal occupation that has made a shoeless journalist one of the most beloved, if little known, people in the world overnight.

Send Shoes To Bush The Genocidal Maniac

Play the game

Join the protest: (I don’t know who began this, but I think it is a great idea)

Please forward to all your lists and join the campaign.

Demand the release of the Iraqi journalist Muntazer Al-Zeidi and flood the White House with old shoes. Speaking Shoes to Power Campaign!

Nouvel Ordre Mondial:

And now for a world government

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Here comes the call for a global government. It sounds benign and wonderful until you remember two important points.

1. Global government is what Alexander the Great and Hitler (among others) wanted.

2. Globalism is what turned a US economic melt-down into a world-wide disaster.

Financial Times Editorial Admits Agenda For Dictatorial World Government

The Financial Times, one of the most respected and widely read newspapers on the planet, features an editorial today that openly admits the agenda to create a world government based on anti-democratic principles and concedes that the term “global governance” is merely a euphemism for the move towards a centralized global government.

Sur Les 7 du Québec:

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Coup d’état monarchique et bancaire au Canada


Greek-inspired protests spread across Europe

The unrest that has gripped Greece is spilling over into the rest of Europe, raising concerns the clashes could be a trigger for opponents of globalization, disaffected youth and others outraged by the continent’s economic turmoil and soaring unemployment.

Protesters in Spain, Denmark and Italy smashed shop windows, pelted police with bottles and attacked banks this week, while in France, cars were set ablaze Thursday outside the Greek consulate in Bordeaux, where protesters scrawled graffiti warning about a looming « insurrection. »

At least some of the protests were organized over the Internet, showing how quickly the message of discontent can be spread, particularly among tech-savvy youth. One Web site Greek protesters used to update each other on the locations of clashes asserted there have been sympathy protests in nearly 20 countries.

More demonstrations were set for Friday in Italy, France and Germany.

Banks gas-bombed in Athens

Five banks were attacked overnight in Athens, police said Saturday as youths prepared to assemble at the scene of a teen’s killing by police one week ago.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The fact that the banks were attacked confirms that the real issue in all these riots is opposition to the financial system which is impoverishing the world’s people.

Fears of unrest spreading across Europe

THE unrest that has gripped Greece this week is spilling into the rest of Europe, raising concerns that it could be a trigger for opponents of globalisation, disaffected youth and others outraged by economic turmoil.

Protesters in Spain, Denmark and Italy smashed shop windows, pelted police with bottles and attacked banks this week, while in France cars were set ablaze on Thursday outside the Greek consulate in Bordeaux, where protesters warned about a looming « insurrection ».

Greece-Style Riots Coming To U.S.

Frighteningly accurate trends forecaster Gerald Celente says that America will see riots similar to those currently ongoing in Greece and that the cause will be a hyper-inflationary depression, leading to the inevitable use of troops and mercenaries to deal with the crisis as Americans are incarcerated in internment camps.

Who are the protesters in Greece?

The fatal police shooting of a teenager in Athens on Saturday and its violent aftermath are in many ways a spill over of a decades-long conflict that has simmered between police and far-left anarchist groups.

The violence has also laid bare a deeper anger that has been gaining ground in Greece over the government’s policies in slashing budget deficits and pushing on with unpopular reforms such as privatisations.

This anger has been exacerbated by a series of financial and political scandals among prominent members of the government of Costas Karamanlis, Greece’s prime minister.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I knew there was more going on than just that shooting.

Inside The Greek Student Protesters’ HQ – Exclusive Photos

The Polytechnic, the HQ of the uprising, is where students are organizing their protest and mixing cocktails. Not the drinking kind, but the throwing kind. The press in general has not been allowed inside. We were lucky enough to have a con

9 more banks nationalized

Nine more banks said their applications to sell preferred stock to the Treasury Department were approved. They will receive a total of $133.4 million in taxpayer capital.

This makes nearly 200 banks the Bush regime has nationalized so far.

Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion in Lending

The Federal Reserve refused a request by Bloomberg News to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from U.S. taxpayers and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

What is happening here is the new « taxation without representation », which caused a bit of a stir here some 200 plus years ago.

This is the Fed saying, « we can take your money, which you worked hard to earn, and give it our cronies, and you…little people… don’t deserve to know at all what’s going on with it. Go back to your puny little jobs… nothing to see here, move along! »

But, you argue, we have elected legislators who are supposed to represent us!


No; we have representatives who have become the acquisitions of those large corporations which support them, covertly and overtly.

As long as that tax money keeps flowing, our alleged representatives don’t give a damn about the people it’s coming from.

The concept of representative government in this country has become one sick, stupid joke, played on the taxpayers at their expense.

Ron Paul on the Auto Bailout

Congressman: Fed « Bamboozling » Americans

The Fed is refusing to disclose the recipients of $2 trillion dollars in loans, even after Bloomberg sued under the Freedom of Information Act to get the information.

Ex-Nasdaq chair arrested on fraud charge in NYC

A former Nasdaq stock market chairman was arrested on a securities fraud charge Thursday, accused of running a fraudulent investment business that lost at least $50 billion before he confessed to senior employees it was a « giant Ponzi scheme, » authorities said.

How low can the Fed go?

The inflating balance sheet is making life hard for the Fed. In the early phases of the present mayhem, Fed officials funded their programs as they drew down holdings of Treasury bonds. They used the proceeds to finance new programs. But officials don’t want the backroom pile to get too low — like your savings account, credit rating, Social Security, or my bond portfolio. The Fed nut is now at $476 billion, with a chunk of it committed to other programs. The Fed has actually asked the Treasury Department for cash. Bernanke offered to go out in the street with his hat in hand.

Madoff warnings ‘ignored for 10 years’

Pressure has been growing on the SEC over the last week to explain how the Wall Street regulator could have missed a colossal scam.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

As reported at:


« At a business roundtable meeting last year, Madoff boasted of his « very close » relationship with a SEC regulator, chuckling as he said, « in fact, my niece even married one. »

The very rich, and well connected, rarely eat their own.


A new Citigroup scandal is engulfing Robert Rubin and his former disciple Chuck Prince for their roles in an alleged Ponzi-style scheme that’s now choking world banking.

Director Rubin and ousted CEO Prince – and their lieutenants over the past five years – are named in a federal lawsuit for an alleged complex cover-up of toxic securities that spread across the globe, wiping out trillions of dollars in their destructive paths.

Ecuador Defaults!

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa officially announced that he will not be making the interest payments on his foreign bonds. The country has officially defaulted on its debt obligations. This is the 2nd time in 10 years that Ecuador has defaulted.

“I have given the order that interest payments not be made,” Correa said. “The country is in default.”

Collapse of Pension Funds?

Five western countries will affected by the collapse of the capital-based pension system

Shell’s Dutch pension fund tumbles by 40pc

Plunging equity markets have seen the total assets of Royal Dutch Shell’s Dutch Pension Fund fall below the level required by Holland’s central bank, although the company’s UK pension scheme remains fully funded.

Collapse of Pension Funds: The End of Retirement?

Unless things change fast, human history will show that the phenomenon of “retirement” was limited to one generation. After World War II, when European and Japanese economies stood in tatters, American capitalism could fulfill “the American dream,” since there was little foreign competition to speak of. For the first time ever, workers were promised that — after working thirty or so years — they would be able to securely retire. That was largely the case…for one generation.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Our new policy is ‘work til you drop!' » — Official White Horse Souse


Une compagnie pharmaceutique force les familles pauvres à tester ses vaccins : 12 bébés morts

GlaxoSmithKline, la grande compagnie pharmaceutique, a été accusée de faire pression sur des parents pauvres du Tiers Monde pour qu’ils engagent leurs enfants dans des essais expérimentaux de médicaments qui ont entraîné la mort d’au moins 12 enfants.

Cette compagnie teste actuellement un vaccin expérimental contre la pneumonie sur les enfants de moins d’un an en Argentine, en Colombie et au Panama. Selon la Fédération argentine des Professionnels de la Santé (Feprosa), des parents pauvres argentins ont été « obligés et contraints de signer les formulaires d’acceptation. »

Juan Carlos Fesprosa de Palomares a dit : « Dans la plupart des cas, ces gens, forcés d’engager leurs enfants, sont défavorisées, beaucoup d’entre eux ne sachant ni lire ni écrire. »

« Cela se déroule sans aucune sorte de contrôle étatique [et] ne satisfait pas aux exigences éthiques minimums, » a observé la fédération.

Au moins 12 bébés argentin incorporés dans l’étude sont morts au cours de l’année écoulée.

Répondant aux reproches, GlaxoSmithKline a rétorqué que ses stricts protocoles de sécurité sont contrôlés par un comité indépendant, et que personne n’est forcé de participer au programme.

« L’inscription aux tests est sur la base du volontariat et ceux qui participent aux essais sont libres de se retirer à tout moment, » a fait savoir la compagnie.

Mais, selon Julieta Ovejero, la grand-tante de l’un des enfants décédés, « Beaucoup de gens voulant arrêter le protocole n’en sont pas autorisés ; ils sont forcés de continuer, menacés de ne recevoir aucun autre vaccin en cas d’abandon. »

Le test du vaccin a aussi suscité des accusations de corruption : Dans la province argentine de Santiago del Estero, les essais ont été autorisés par le Ministre de la Santé de la province, Juan Carlos Smith, le frère du principal chercheur de l’étude.

Des critiques, comme Ana Maria Marchese, pédiatre à l’hôpital pour enfants de Santiago del Estero, où l’étude est en cours, accusent GlaxoSmithKline d’utiliser les enfants du Tiers Monde comme des cobayes.

« Parce qu’ils ne peuvent pas expérimenter en Europe ou aux États-Unis, ils viennent le faire dans les pays du Tiers Monde, » dit-elle.

Article original en anglais : http://www.naturalnews.com/025032.html

It’s official: Men really are the weaker sex

December 7, 2008, The Independent (One of the U.K.’s leading newspapers)

The male [sex] is in danger, with incalculable consequences for both humans and wildlife, startling scientific research from around the world reveals. The research … shows that a host of common chemicals is feminising males of every class of vertebrate animals, from fish to mammals, including people. Backed by some of the world’s leading scientists, who say that it « waves a red flag » for humanity and shows that evolution itself is being disrupted, the report comes out at a particularly sensitive time for ministers. It also follows hard on the heels of new American research which shows that baby boys born to women exposed to widespread chemicals in pregnancy are born with smaller penises and feminised genitals. « This research shows that the basic male tool kit is under threat, » says Gwynne Lyons, a former government adviser on the health effects of chemicals, who wrote the report. Wildlife and people have been exposed to more than 100,000 new chemicals in recent years, and the European Commission has admitted that 99 per cent of them are not adequately regulated. There is not even proper safety information on 85 per cent of them. Many have been identified as « endocrine disrupters » – or gender-benders – because they interfere with hormones. These include phthalates, used in food wrapping, cosmetics and baby powders among other applications; flame retardants in furniture and electrical goods; PCBs, a now banned group of substances still widespread in food and the environment; and many pesticides.

Note: For many key reports on health issues from reliable sources, click here.


WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall

In its draft report, released in August 2008, NIST attempted to cover up evidence that WTC7 fell at freefall, but the coverup was transparent. In its final report, released in November 2008, NIST finally acknowledged freefall


9/11 families condemn tribunals

Thirty-three relatives of people killed in the 9/11 attacks on the US have denounced the Guantanamo war crimes trials as illegitimate and unfair.

Story from BBC NEWS:


Cheney admits authorizing detainee’s torture

When asked by ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl whether he approved of interrogation tactics used against a so-called « high value prisoner » at the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison, Mr. Cheney, in a break from his history of being press-shy, admitted to giving official sanctioning of torture.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

OK, Cheney just admitted he authorized torture on national television.

And what happens now?!? Will there be a trial, a prosecution, and a conviction of Cheney and his enabling minions who normalized torture as an accepted US interrogation technique?

Not on your life. The people who put conspired to drag the moral standing, and international reputation, of this nation down to the level of Uzbekistan ‘s, will get off scott free.

And that is the real crime.

Senate torture report confirms Bush, top officials guilty of war crimes

A report issued Thursday by the Senate Armed Services Committee has provided official and bipartisan confirmation that the infamous acts of torture carried out by US personnel at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo were planned, ordered and orchestrated by the highest-ranking officials in the US government. Based on the Senate’s own conclusions, those named in the document, including President George W. Bush, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, are guilty of war crimes.

Iraqi group files 200 lawsuits against Rumsfeld, US security firms for torture

A Jordan-based Iraqi rights group said on Monday it has filed 200 lawsuits against US former defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld and American security firms for their alleged role in torturing Iraqis.

Ali Qeisi, head of the group the « Society of Victims of the US Occupation in Iraq, » said the cases, relating to torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners, have been recently filed in federal courts in Virginia, Michigan and Maryland.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Unless and until all who condoned, ordered, and signed off on the use of torture against detainees are prosecuted to the fullest extent of US law, this country’s moral fiber will have been ripped to shreds in an irrecoverable way.

US: Detainee dies in US custody in Iraq

The U.S. military says a detainee has died of an apparent heart attack while in custody at a U.S. detention facility in Baghdad.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

How many 25 year old men do you know who have had a « heart attack »?!?

This one stinks mightily.

Rep. Reyes: Since Torture Might Be Necessary, Obama Should Keep Torture Apologists Hayden, McConnell

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told Congress Daily that President-elect Obama should keep Mike McConnell on as Director of National Intelligence and Michael Hayden as head of the CIA. He said Obama should keep “continuity” in the intelligence sector because we live in “a world that is very dangerous.”

Reyes dismissed concerns over Hayden and McConnell’s records as apologists for torture. He insisted that that “there are some options that need to be available” to interrogators — presumably beyond the Army Field Manuel — to get the best information:

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Representative Reyes; the United States of America should not torture, ever.

Apparently, Representative Reyes, you’ve never George Washington’s orders to his troops about never using torture on captured British soldiers.

And as we know from the time of the Inquisition, torture doesn’t get you the hard information you’re looking for; it only gets the tortured person to say what their torturers want them to say in order to get the torture to stop.

By torturing (even subcontracting or off-shoring it), we have de-facto withdrawn from any human rights treaty to which the US has been a signatory.

And if you want to elevate torture right up there with mom and apple pie, chew on this one for a moment; if torture is perfectly legitimate for us to practice on foreign nationals, then why is it not perfectly legitimate for foreign governments to torture US troops?

America used to be known as the land of the free, and the home of the brave. But there is nothing brave about torturing. It’s like never having to take responsibility for indulging your inner sadist, while the guys in the suits in some distant capital applaud you for what you have done to a fellow human being.

Ultimately, torturing puts us on the moral par with Uzbekistan, and that’s not the United States any country or person can look up to.

And Representative Reyes, one final, friendly word of advise; if you travel abroad, and feel compelled to bloviate about the American values of human rights, human decency, humanitarianism, and democracy, just please shut up until the urge passes.

You no longer represent a country which holds those values dear, and the world knows that.

État policier:

Police Have Murdered 400 With Tasers Since 2001

They are marketed as non-lethal weapons that allow police to capture suspects or criminals without causing any permanent harm.

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and businessman Bernard Kerik made millions selling the idea to police departments across the country.

The study includes a medical analysis that concluded someone shot with a Taser could face as high as a 50 percent chance of cardiac arrest.

Microsoft wants to get under your skin

Not that the future of VeriMed is in any way certain, despite the Microsoft link. The company’s parent, VeriChip, has already tried to sell off the human-implanting part of the business as punters prove remarkably reluctant to be serial-numbered. Should the business fail entirely, a connection to HealthVault could be the best hope for the poor souls who’ve already succumbed to having chips embedded in their arms.

U.S. troops’ new mission: America’s ‘special events’

Proposal would allow civilians to activate Army to prevent ‘environmental damage’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Posse Comitatus? WHAT Posse Comitatus!

Attorneys: Fort Dix Terror Plot Was “Planted And Nurtured” By FBI Informants

Lawyers in a case relating to a much vaunted 2007 terror plot have concluded that FBI informants were the key figures behind the operation and that the accused, six foreign-born Muslims, were merely bungling patsies.

Defense attorneys have denied there was any plot, arguing two FBI informants concocted and encouraged the conspiracy because they were being paid and promised legal immigration status, reports the New Jersey Star-Ledger.

Traffic de drogue par les services secrets et Israël:

CIA Drug Trafficking and remembering Gary Webb

Check out this new story by Robert Parry reflecting on journalist Garry Webb’s suicide, after being totally blacklisted by the mainstream media because he had the guts to speak the truth about the CIA and other parts of the US government that helped the Contras and their allies import cocaine into the US, during the period that President Reagan was talking about « fighting drugs » and locking up all those drug users in a cage, beefing up the police state and the prison industrial complex.

Israeli drug smugglers hit Australia

ISRAELI drug lords are increasingly targeting Australia for ecstasy smuggling, according to confidential Israel Police intelligence that shows crime syndicates view it as a booming market for the party drug.

Israeli crime syndicates control a significant share of the global ecstasy trade and have a long history of supplying the Australian market.

CIA helped shoot down 15 planes in ‘drug war,’ often without warning

With the help of CIA spotters, the Peruvian air force shot down 15 small civilian aircraft between 1995 and 2001, ostensibly as part of the US-abetted war on drugs, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee revealed Thursday. Many of the shoot-downs were made without warning within two to three minutes of the planes being detected.

Changements climatiques:

Violent storms damage dozens of homes across South

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It is snowing in Houston; the earliest snow has fallen in the year since 1944!

On Global Warming

–Is it possible (just possible) that our « dear leaders » have once again diverted our energy and good intentions away from REAL threats (like genetically modified food, neurotoxins in our vaccines, carcinogenic pesticides all over our food, etc) into something that serves them (expands their power and their profits) while doing NOTHING to « make us safe? »

UK wins battle over carbon capture billions-sources

European leaders agreed on Friday to put billions of euros of funds behind cutting-edge technology to trap and bury global warming gases underground, a key demand of Britain in climate talks, diplomats said.

The words « grand scale » and « waste of money » spring to mind.

‘Brutal’ Prairie cold snap to continue until Christmas

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta as well as U.S. neighbour North Dakota are in a mid-December deep freeze, with temperatures as much as 15 to 20 degrees below normal for this time of year.

No respite as wintery storms spread over nation

Some of the sharpest cold Tuesday was in northern Minnesota, where Hibbing bottomed out at 32 below zero and International Falls dropped to 28 below. In the middle of the state, St. Cloud fell to 24 below, breaking its old record of 21 below set in 1963.

Millionaire behind Stansted climate change protest owns shops at AIRPORTS around the world

The tycoon bankrolling the anti-aviation activists who stormed Stansted owns shops in airports around the world.

Mark Constantine, the owner of Lush Cosmetics, was today accused of profiting from airline passengers while funding groups whose actions can severely disrupt their journeys.

DEMING: Global warming freeze?

Dispute on carbon tax mars climate talks

A U.N. climate conference closed Saturday in contention over a proposal to raise what could amount to billions of dollars for poor countries by levying a tax on carbon trading among the world’s wealthy nations.

Desperate Double Speak: Global Cooling Is Part Of Global Warming

An Associated Press article has stunned some readers by suggesting that an ongoing global cooling trend is actually indicative of how quickly the planet is succumbing to man-made global warming.

The bizarre statement appeared in a panic-inducing article that emphasizes man-made warming fears and highlights how president elect Obama must tackle them with new laws including a carbon tax “cap-and-trade” system.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I think we can establish that the Global Warning cult is a perfect textbook example of politicians taking something that occurs naturally, and turning into a crisis to justify a new tax.

Al Gore and his associates have invested $300 million into selling you that global warming is YOUR fault and to guilt you into accepting a new carbon tax and further control over your life. and they are not about to let as little thing like Earth actually getting colder stand in their way!

Hence, expect to see a lot of these « Human-caused Global Warming MAKES the world cooler! » articles. But like the ice scene Al Gore « borrowed » from « The Day After Tomorrow », this idea that heat makes cold is just a sci-fi movie plot; not real science.

Environmental « Chicken Littles » have come home to roost at the AP

Amazing thing, that Global Warming. When the Earth warms, it’s Global Warming. When the Earth cools, it’s Global Warming. Place your bets on Global Warming, and you’ll come out a winner every time.

Whale songs drowned out by human noise pollution

December 3, 2008, Seattle Post-Intelligencer/Associated Press

The songs that whales and dolphins use to communicate, orient themselves and find mates are being drowned out by human-made noises in the world’s oceans. That sound pollution — everything from increasing commercial shipping and seismic surveys to a new generation of military sonar — is not only confounding the mammals, it also is further threatening the survival of these endangered animals. Studies show that these cetaceans, which once communicated over thousands of miles to forage and mate, are losing touch with each other, … experts said at a U.N. wildlife conference in Rome. « Call it a cocktail-party effect, » said Mark Simmonds, director of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, a Britain-based NGO. « You have to speak louder and louder until no one can hear each other anymore. » Environmental groups also are increasingly finding cases of beached whales and dolphins that can be linked to sound pollution, Simmonds said. Marine mammals are turning up on the world’s beaches with tissue damage similar to that found in divers suffering from decompression sickness. Scientists say the use of military sonar or seismic testing may have scared the animals into diving and surfacing beyond their physical limits. Several species of cetaceans are already listed as endangered or critically endangered from other causes, including hunting, chemical pollution, collisions with boats and entanglements with fishing equipment. Though it is not yet known precisely how many animals are affected, sound pollution is increasingly being recognized as a serious factor, the experts said.

Note: For many reports on threats to marine mammals from reliable, verifiable sources, click here.

New technology to show dreams on screen

A Japanese research team has invented a technology that if completed could display people’s thoughts and dreams on a computer screen.

Bush Excluded by Latin Summit as China, Russia Loom

Latin American and Caribbean leaders gathering in Brazil tomorrow will mark a historic occasion: a region-wide summit that excludes the United States.

U.S. troops’ new mission: America’s ‘special events’

Proposal would allow civilians to activate Army to prevent ‘environmental damage’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Posse Comitatus? WHAT Posse Comitatus!

CIA Embedded in Every State Government

Jesse Ventura Speaks about his personal experiences and knowledge of such facts!

Prisons Earn $878 Million Annually by Poisoning Inmates and Guards, Lawsuit Alleges

Freda Cobb alleges that she and more than 300 other people were poisoned by a Florida prison. Cobb and 25 other plaintiffs are suing the Federal Corrections Institute in Marianna for exposing them to dangerous lead levels while prison laborers burst computers with hammers to extract gold from within. Prisons reportedly earned $878 million each year while under contract to Dell and Hewlett Packard by exposing inmates and employees like Cobb to high levels of lead and toxic chemicals.

Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet,Moyen-Orient — François M. @ 8:55


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 18 décembre 2008: Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres

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L’Autre Monde 18 décembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde:

– Le NIST admet que le WTC7 s’est écroulé à la vitesse de la chute libre.

– Le journal The Financial Times annonce le projet d’un nouvel ordre mondial.

– Économie: Émeutes en Grèce qui se répandent à d’autres pays, banques nationalisées et fonds de pension qui vont disparaitre et l’écroulement des finances publiques.

– Nous complèterons avec un survol du Moyen-Orient, état policier, changements climatiques et autres.

Dernière émission de la saison automne; soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:


Role of Alleged CIA Asset in Mumbai Attacks Being Downplayed

Recent press reports on developments with regard to last month’s attacks in Mumbai, India indicate the role of Dawood Ibrahim, a wanted crime boss, terrorist, and drug trafficker, is being downplayed, possibly the result of a deal taking place behind the scenes between the governments of the US, Pakistan, and India, to have others involved in the Mumbai attacks turned over while quietly diverting attention from a man who some say could reveal embarrassing secrets about the CIA’s involvement in criminal enterprises.

U.S.: India prepared for strike on Pakistan

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Because we can’t think of anything else to do, THAT’S why! » — Official White Horse Souse

India demands Pakistan hand over 40 wanted ‘terrorists’

India has demanded that Pakistan hand over 40 people it believes were involved in attacks on Indian soil and other serious crimes, the Indian Foreign Minister announced today.

Pranab Mukherjee also called on Pakistan to follow up on its recent arrest of several militants by completely dismantling the facilities of terrorist groups operating on its territory.

However, Pakistan says it wants proof of their role in Mumbai and has categorically ruled out handing them to India, pledging to try them on its own territory if there is evidence against them.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

India had to know that this demand was a non-starter from the get-go.

Let us hope that Pakistan’s intention of investigating and trying these people on Pakistani soil is not used by India as a justification for targeted strikes in Pakistan.

That could well be the prelude to World War III. Remember: both countries have nukes.

Creating an « Arc of Crisis »: The Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia

The recent attacks in Mumbai, while largely blamed on Pakistan’s state-sponsored militant groups, represent the latest phase in a far more complex and long-term “strategy of tension” in the region; being employed by the Anglo-American-Israeli Axis to ultimately divide and conquer the Middle East and Central Asia. The aim is destabilization of the region, subversion and acquiescence of the region’s countries, and control of its economies, all in the name of preserving the West’s hegemony over the “Arc of Crisis.”

Proxy war between India and Pakistan will benefit ‘divide and conquer’ agenda of the USA and Israel

The USA has been the chief supporter of Pakistan for the past several decades. During the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, the USA funneled vast amounts of war materiel to Afghanistan through Pakistan, and much of that war material was diverted, with US permission, to Pakistani Terrorism against India. The USA actually created Al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden worked as a CIA asset in Afghanistan and also in Kosovo.

Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”

General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani ISI, told CNN yesterday that both the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 were “inside jobs,” much to the chagrin of host and CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria, who told viewers that Gul’s opinions were “absolutely wrong and thoroughly discredited”.

Mumbai gunman’s confession sheds light on massacre

The gunman captured in last month’s Mumbai attacks had originally intended to seize hostages and outline demands in a series of dramatic calls to the media, according to his confession obtained Saturday by The Associated Press.

Mohammed Ajmal Kasab said he and his partner, who assaulted the city’s main train station, had planned a rooftop standoff, but they couldn’t find a suitable building, the statement to police says.

Webmaster’s Commentary:


This operation was too well planned for them not to have had a suitable roof top of that was indeed what they wanted to do. We know that some of the operatives were on the ground in Mumbai as much as two weeks ahead of the attacks; plenty of time to pick high ground (not to mention the ease of using Google Earth to look at the city from above).

Mumbai attack was meant to topple my govt, says Zardari

Highlighting action against Lashker-e-Toiba and detained Jaish-e-Mohammed founder Maulana Masood Azhar as evidence of Pakistan’s
commitment in fighting terror, president Asif Ali Zardari maintained that the Mumbai attacks were targeted at his government and blamed non-state actors for the security situation within Pakistan.

India, Pakistan Air Forces on High Alert

Pakistani F-16s were seen flying over the capital of Islamabad today as the air forces of both Pakistan and neighboring India were reportedly placed on high alert. The navies of both nations are also aggressively patrolling in the Arabian Sea.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Don’t forget the report from Wayne Madsen a few says back that Israeli bombers with Indian makings were prepared to bomb Pakistan.

Mumbai Terror Group Trained American Jihadists

A growing chorus of intelligence officials in the U.S. and in south Asia have pinned the Mumbai attacks on the Kashmir-based militants Lashkar-e-Taiba. But there’s been hardly any mention of the extremist group’s deep ties to American-based jihadists.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Yeah, we’re being « pre-sold » on who to blame for the next faked terror attack!

Arrest Provides More Evidence India, Israel, and the U.S. Behind Mumbai Attacks

It now appears Indian intelligence played a large part in the terrorist attacks. On Saturday, the Associated Press reported that a “counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission” was arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by the gunmen.

Pakistan: We’re ready for war with India

Pakistan warned it is ready for war with India if it is attacked following the strike by the Mumbai terrorists.

Pakistan is a ‘failed state’, says US Congressman

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: We’re ready to invade!

Indian terror suspects linked to Mumbai plot

Police arrested four Indian Muslims for alleged involvement in a planned attack on Mumbai as early as February, a senior police officer who handled the case told The Times yesterday.

One of them, Faheem Ahmed Ansari, was carrying a fake Pakistani passport and a list and maps of nine targets in southern Mumbai, including the Taj Mahal hotel and other sites attacked last week, the officer said.

Paul Craig Roberts: « Washington Arrogance Has Fomented a Muslim Revolution. »

« In a government of law, the existence of the government will be imperiled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. »
Justice Louis Brandeis

Is Pakistan responsible for the Mumbai attack in India? No.

Is India’s repression of its Muslim minority responsible? No.

FBI claims that US has jurisdiction in Mumbai terror probe

The FBI is assisting Indian investigative agencies in collecting evidence in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks, the US attorney general has said as he insisted that his country has the jurisdiction to prosecute the terrorist captured during the deadly strikes.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Why the push to take control of the surviving « terrorist? »

Details emerge on CIA terror plot warnings

Indian intelligence sources have confirmed to The?Hindu that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) delivered two warnings of an impending terror attack on Mumbai in September. The first one was delivered through the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) on September 18. The sources said the information was of a general nature, suggesting that the Lashkar-e-Taiba was planning to attack Mumbai.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Remember the month before 9-11, when ABCNNBBCBS were constantly barraging us all with stories about what a bad dude Osama Bin Laden was, and I pointed out in august 2001 that Osama hadn’t actually done anything to justify such media exposure, and thus the news stories were « selling » Osama to us all as a villain for something yet to occur.

These CIA warnings (which are just as vague as the Mossad 9-11 warnings) seem like they serve the same purpose; telling the intended victims who they should assume is behind the attacks ahead of time.

Phone Call Hoax From India to Pakistan–Yet Another Mossad Operation?

In sum, for 24 hours the two nuclear powers were a hair’s trigger away from war. The United States–having very close (and increasingly closer) ties to India was contacted by Zardari who informed the State Department about the increasingly dangerous situation. Sec. of State Condoleeza Rice contacted her Indian counterpart who informed her that no such call had been made.

WMD attack to originate in Pakistan: US report

The bipartisan Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism reported earlier on Wednesday that if there was a WMD attack on the United States, it would originate in Pakistan.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Can we invade them now? Can we? Huh? Can we? »

Hoax call fuels Pakistan-Indian tensions

A man pretending to be India’s foreign minister called Pakistan’s president and talked in a « threatening » manner during the Mumbai terror attacks, prompting Pakistan to put its air force on high alert, a security official and a news report said Saturday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And yet the US is still trying to claim that there is « irrefutable » evidence linking Pakistan to the Mumbai attacks.

Rice tells Pakistan to act ‘or US will’

The US Secretary of State, Dr Condoleezza Rice, is reported to have told Pakistan that there is ‘irrefutable evidence’ of involvement of elements in the country in the Mumbai attacks and that it needs to act urgently and effectively to avert a strong international response.

Contrary to the formal statements issued by Pakistani authorities and her own statement at the Chaklala Airbase before her departure, sources said she “pushed the Pakistani leaders to take care of perpetrators, otherwise the US will act”.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

What the hell doe it mean that Secretary Rice states that there is « …‘irrefutable evidence’ of involvement of elements in the country in the Mumbai attacks »?

and if such rock-solid ‘irrefutable evidence’ exists, why isn’t it being screamed from the rooftops so that the world knows precisely what Secretary Rice believes she has seen?

Memo to the Pakistani government: if you think you have been struggling to deal with the drone attacks on your borders to date, the US government and military may well be planning an even worse world of hurt for you and your people, with the Mumbai massacres used as the justification for even more attacks.

Pakistan link to Mumbai attacks evident: Obama’s adviser

A prominent adviser to US president-elect Barack Obama said the Mumbai attack was an act by global jihad, and targeted what Osama bin Laden called the « Crusader-Zionist-Hindu » alliance.

Police: Man arrested in Mumbai probe is cop

One of the two men arrested for illegally buying mobile phone cards used by gunmen in the Mumbai attacks is a counter-insurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission, security officials said Saturday.

McCain warns Pakistan of Indian air strikes

United States Senator John McCain has said there is enough evidence of the involvement of former Inter-Services Intelligence officers in the planning and execution of the Mumbai attacks.

If Pakistan did not act swiftly to arrest the people involved, the Senator said, India would be left with no option but to conduct aerial operations against select targets in Pakistan.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

OK, look at the timing here. These two landed right on the heels of Secretary Rice’s visit, and their visit does not appear to be coordinated with her visit at all.

Yes, Lieberman is the Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, and McCain is the ranking member and Former Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce; but why go to India and Pakistan now?!?!?

It’s almost as though these two, de facto, have told Pakistan that the excrement is about to hit the fan in terms of Indian strikes against Pakistan, unless they catch and arrest the perpetrators of the Mumbai massacre. and the US is impotent to do anything to stop it.

The chance of these guys being found in Pakistan is just about as reasonable as that of pigs flying.

So, India has stepped up the timetable, indicating that Pakistan has only « ….a matter of days… » before some strikes will happen.

This is not going to help calm tensions down in any way here.

India uncovers Hindu terror group that carried out bombings blamed on Islamists

India is in something of a state of shock after learning from official sources that its first Hindu terror cell may have carried out a series of deadly bombings that were initially blamed on militant Muslims. The revelation is forcing the country to consider some difficult questions.


Perino: We’re not occupiers in Iraq; we’re guests

« QUESTION: But he wasn’t a guest. We’re occupiers. »

« PERINO: No, we’re not. We are absolutely a guest. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Only a severely deluded fool, or a pathological, serial liar, would open their mouths and say such a thing, considering the current situation on the ground in Iraq.

I would encourage Ms. Perino to take a trip around Baghdad, completely unescorted, to see just how « welcomed » she would be, particularly in areas like Sadr city.

The US military may well be the guests of a US-appointed puppet regime, but it is not the guest of the Iraqi people, after what we have done to their country.

Top Analyst: Iraqi Political Outlook Grim

There is growing concern in the Iraqi political community that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is consolidating power and positioning himself as a future dictator, a leading Iraq analyst has told the Council on Foreign Relations.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If in fact this is the case, then all the US has succeeded in doing in Iraq is exchanging one Sunni dictator for a Shiite dictator.

Of course, a truly democratic republic of Iraq was never in the cards from the beginning.

And the ultimate winner here, after all the blood and money spent?!?



Families, country mourn deaths of three Canadian soldiers in Afghanistan

Taleban tax: allied supply convoys pay their enemies for safe passage

The West is indirectly funding the insurgency in Afghanistan thanks to a system of payoffs to Taleban commanders who charge protection money to allow convoys of military supplies to reach Nato bases in the south of the country.

The controversial payments were confirmed by several fuel importers, trucking and security company owners. None wanted to be identified because of the risk to their business and their lives. “We estimate that approximately 25 per cent of the money we pay for security to get the fuel in goes into the pockets of the Taleban,” said one fuel importer.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

25% of the money for security….goes into the pockets of the Taliban?!?!?

I’m sitting here, reading, and re-reading this statement, trying desperately to get my head around it before, as Lewis Black would say, « it EXPLODES!!« 

Would some adults in the room in Washington and at the NATO HQ in Brussels please stick a fork in the occupation of
Afghanistan? It’s DONE!!

U.S. keeps silent as Afghan ally removes war crime evidence

Seven years ago, a convoy of container trucks rumbled across northern Afghanistan loaded with a human cargo of suspected Taliban and al Qaida members who’d surrendered to Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostum, an Afghan warlord and a key U.S. ally in ousting the Taliban regime.

When the trucks arrived at a prison in the town of Sheberghan, near Dostum’s headquarters, they were filled with corpses. Most of the prisoners had suffocated, and others had been killed by bullets that Dostum’s militiamen had fired into the metal containers.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It has often been said that people can be judged by the company they keep; the same is true for the company nations keep.

Yes, General Abdul Dostum was a thug: but he was our thug!

I was still holding my grandson’s hand – the rest was gone’

« We were walking, I was holding my grandson’s hand, then there was a loud noise and everything went white. When I opened my eyes, everybody was screaming. I was lying metres from where I had been, I was still holding my grandson’s hand but the rest of him was gone. I looked around and saw pieces of bodies everywhere. I couldn’t make out which part was which. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The Afghanis do not hate us « …because we are free. »

They hate us because we are murdering their children, their brothers, their sisters, mothers, and friends in the name of Western oil pipelines.

And this continued aerial bombardment guarantees two things, and two things only.

First, there will be one hell of a lot of « collateral damage », i.e., killing infants, kids, women, the elderly, and the medically fragile who just want to live their lives.

Secondly, it will radicalize those left standing even further against the installed puppet government which the US is desperately attempting to prop up through the use of these airstrikes.

Someone in the Pentagon, the white house, or congress really should have remembered, when (allegedly) « planning » the Afghanistan campaign, that no country, in spite of its fire power, has ever been able to win what is essentially a ground war from the air.

That is precisely the situation in which the US and NATO find themselves Afghanistan.

It should remind you of a military conflict from which the US and NATO should have taken note, but didn’t. That conflict was the Viet Nam War.

Ignorance and stupidity, coupled with magical thinking, should be painful. It’s a damned shame it isn’t.


Target Pakistan?

Faced with a dangerous situation the Americans are now intensifying their attacks inside Pakistan which tantamount to a declaration of war and which is also prompting the threat of reprisals. A fact that is already evident from the increase in attacks on supply convoys that pass through Pakistan to keep the American led campaign in the so-called war on terror.

With all that in mind one has to question why India is now beatings its drums of war after what was clearly a massive Indian Maritime and security failure to prevent a bunch of young men armed with AK 47 Assault rifles.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Whatever Pakistani military and civilian leadership may be, these people are not stupid enough to orchestrate an attack inside India at the time of transition to a new President in the US.

If the Khyber Pass gets captured by Afghani and/Pakistani militants, this war will come to a grinding pause, because that pass is the only way to get many supplies to the US and NATO troops in Afghanistan.

‘Pakistan mulls downing US drones’

Pakistani officials are urging the incoming Obama administration to stop air attacks on Pakistani territory and are even hinting that they might shoot down US drones in its airspace, according to a report published in the Washington Times (WT).

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The moment the Pakistani military actually shoots down a US drone, Pakistan is potentially on the verge of being at war with the US.

But perhaps, if there is no tacit agreement between the US and Pakistan about the continuation of these attacks, that is precisely the outcome the US wants to see in order to justify going directly into Pakistan militarily.

Militants torch over 20 supplies trucks for Afghanistan-based coalition forces in NW Pakistan

It is the fifth attack on a Pakistani freight terminal near Peshawar within ten days, police and terminal authorities said, adding that the fresh attack raised the number of destroyed containers and oil tankers to around 325.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

You have to wonder just how long after the inauguration that our loyal « friend in the war on terror » Pakistan winds up as a member of the « axis of evil » as the justification to go in and really bomb the crap out of this country.

Unfortunately in the current geopolitical climate, with « friends » like the US, who needs enemies?!?!?!?

Bush Warns Pakistan as He Defends Military Strategy

President Bush on Tuesday defended his doctrine of military intervention to shut down potential national security threats before they mature, and he issued a pointed message to Pakistan that “we will do what is necessary to protect American troops and the American people.”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to the Lame Duck in Chief: protecting American troops means not putting them in harm’s way in wars for oil and pipelines based on a solid pack of lies!!

Pakistani Prime Minister Says US Strikes Will Stop Once Obama Takes Office

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani on Thursday denied Islamabad has a secret deal with America allowing the attacks, as some analysts have speculated, and said he expected them to stop when President-elect Barack Obama takes over in January.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Pakistani Prime Minister Galani; were I you, I wouldn’t necessarily bet that these strikes will stop once Obama is in office.

President-elect Obama appears to have surrounded himself with a lot of people one could characterize as « very hawkish » on both Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and who feel that going to war in Iraq (on a pack of lies fed to the American people) was perfectly legitimate.

Jundullah reveals plan to attack US centre in Karachi

Pakistan on Tuesday stepped up security in Karachi following disclosure by a group of detained militants of a plot to attack the US Consulate and American military interests and other vital installations in this port city.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Yeah, « somebody » really wants a war in Pakistan!

Rice tells Pakistan to act ‘or US will’

The US Secretary of State, Dr Condoleezza Rice, is reported to have told Pakistan that there is ‘irrefutable evidence’ of involvement of elements in the country in the Mumbai attacks and that it needs to act urgently and effectively to avert a strong international response.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Rice is not acting like she will be out of a job in another month, is she?


John McCain on a visit to Pakistan together with Joe Lieberman seems determined to talk India into attacking targets in Pakistan if Pakistan continues to refuse to hand over the ‘terrorists’ that India demands.

McCain and Lieberman both know very well that the Pakistan government is no position to do any such thing since to do so would be an admission that their own intelligence service, the ISI, was complicit in the Mumbai attacks.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

In other words, all McCain and Lieberman are there to do is help sell the next war to the suckers back home.

India keeps up pressure, puts peace process with Pak on hold

India on Tuesday kept up the pressure on Pakistan with foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee stating that the composite dialogue process had been paused in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks even as Pakistani President Asif Zardari again ruled out handing over any terror suspects.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is a tinderbox situation, which could inflame the entire region, and spiral out of control, very quickly.

Let us hope that there are some real adults in the halls of power in both Islamabad and New Delhi, so that this peace dialogue can begin again in earnest.

Pakistan, China agree to boost military ties

Pakistan and China on Monday signed an agreement for military co-operation with a view to taking their bilateral military ties to new heights.

Majid said Pakistan cherished the traditional friendship and co-operation with China and was ready to make concerted efforts with the PLA to strengthen military ties

Webmaster’s Commentary:

War with China, anyone?!?

Thought not.


NOBODY IS WATCHING’; America’s hidden war in Somalia

It is a policy time bomb that will be inherited by the incoming Obama administration: a little-known front in the global war on terrorism that Washington appears to be losing, if it hasn’t already been lost.

« Somalia is one of the great unrecognized U.S. policy failures since 9/11, » said Ken Menkhaus, a leading Somalia scholar at Davidson College in North Carolina. « By any rational metric, what we’ve ended up with there today is the opposite of what we wanted. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is yet another one of Bush’s foreign policy « victories » which is about to explode in our faces like the proverbial bad trick cigar.

Somalia’s fractured government slides into chaos

Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf named a new prime minister on Tuesday, snubbing a vote by parliament to reinstate sacked premier Nur Hassan Hussein and further deepening rifts in the fractured government.

The split at the top of the Western-backed government is blamed for stalling a U.N.-hosted peace process and threatens to tear the weak administration apart at a time Islamist insurgents are camped on the outskirts of the capital Mogadishu.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Somalia‘s current government is about to fall apart at the seams, and US intervention (through backing an Ethiopian occupation of Somalia) is very deeply at the heart of its current chaos.

This was never about « protecting » the Somali people; it was, and continues to be, about installing a government favorable to Western countries developing the vast, yet untapped, wealth of this country.

Allies seek power to pursue Somali pirates on land and sea

The United States is seeking international authorisation allowing foreign navies to pursue Somali pirates on land as well as at sea in an effort to curb the growing threat to international shipping lines.

A draft proposal granting nations that are combating piracy permission to “take all necessary measures ashore in Somalia” is being circulated among UN Security Council members before a key meeting on the crisis next week.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Are you kidding me?!?!

This is not about pirates.



« Natural resources: uranium and largely unexploited reserves of iron ore, tin, gypsum, bauxite, copper, salt, natural gas, likely oil reserves »

This is, ultimately, about who controls the disposition of the vast resource wealth of Somalia, and which foreign powers will get first dibs on carving that wealth up.

US to Propose UN Authorize Ground Raids into Somalia

A Bush administration proposal to allow foreign forces to go ashore into Somalia to hunt the country’s notorious pirates is getting a cool reception from U.S. military leaders, regional analysts and some Somali officials.

The proposal — which Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is expected to put forward Tuesday at the United Nations Security Council — is the boldest yet aimed at stopping the pirates, who’ve hijacked 55 ships this year, secured tens of millions of dollars in ransoms and kneecapped maritime trade between Europe and Asia.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Considering just how brilliantly the UN mandate in Iraq went, the UN would be collectively mad to approve of such a proposal.

Let us hope the « cool reception » extends to a permanent deep-freeze on this kind of cowboy, knee-jerk proposal on the part of the US government.

This is not about the piracy, or « protecting » the Somalis from an impending Islamic government (which hasn’t gone very well for the US-backed Ethiopian occupation, or the Somali people, thank you very much).

This is about getting a Somali government in place which is sympathetic to western development of the country’s vast untapped resources.

U.S. Will Push U.N. for Somalia Mission

Meanwhile, the commander of the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet, Vice Adm. Bill Gortney, cast doubt on the wisdom of a separate U.S. plan to seek U.N. approval for commando raids against pirates on Somali soil, saying the possibility of inflicting civilian casualties « cannot be overestimated, » according to the Associated Press.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

In the next flipping administration, can we PLEASE HAVE SOME ADULTS IN THE ROOM REGARDING US FOREIGN POLICY?!?!?!?

Remember 3 weeks week ago when Somali pirates attacked that tanker, and US warships refused to intervene?!? Was that because the US needed the pirates to justify an invasion of Somalia??

I cannot begin to tell you what a refreshing change that would be from the last 8 years, although the jury is still very much out as to whether this will be the case.

But for the US government, at this late date, with a lame duck administration, to have the gall, the hubris, of trying to get a UN mandate about the US conducting « ….commando raids against pirates on Somali soil…. », it is very clear what is going on here.

The US backed Ethiopian forces have absolutely made a complete, abysmal mess of their attempt to occupy Somalia.

As reported in the Telegraph:


«  »The testimony we received strongly suggests that war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity have been committed by all parties and no one is being held accountable, » said Michelle Kagari, Amnesty’s deputy director for Africa. »

These same troops are supposed to be exiting the country, and the Islamists are resurgent.

But this US request has nothing to do with the fact that Somalia is close to becoming an Islamist state, and that the US is concerned that it will be an « incubator for terror »; it has everything to do with having a governmental structure in place which will favor the West when it comes to divvying up the largely unexploited resources of this country.

I would far rather see this country invest in the vision, technical savvy, and drive of American entrepreneurs to come up with workable, affordable energy alternatives than invest in wars of conquest.

We are the first country which, with will, determination and imagination, put men on the moon. One would think that in the 21st century, we’d have better answers to getting resources than wars of conquest.

Situation in Somalia Seems About to Get Worse

The United States failed disastrously in its peacekeeping mission in the early 1990s. (Remember “Black Hawk Down”?) In 2005 and 2006, the C.I.A. paid some of Somalia’s most reviled warlords to fight the Islamists. That backfired. In the winter of 2006, the United States took a third approach, encouraging Ethiopia to invade and backing them with American airstrikes and intelligence.

“The Bush administration made a major miscalculation,” said Dan Connell, who teaches African politics at Simmons College in Boston.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Hey, it wouldn’t be Bush foreign policy without a « major miscalculation ».

Every foreign policy decision made by this administration has featured one – or more – « major miscalculation », ultimately exploding in its face like a really bad trick cigar.

Bush wants history to see him as a liberator of millions

George W. Bush hopes history will see him as a president who liberated millions of Iraqis and Afghans, who worked towards peace and who never sold his soul for political ends.

« I’d like to be a president (known) as somebody who liberated 50 million people and helped achieve peace, » Bush said in excerpts of a recent interview released by the White House Friday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If by “liberation”, the man means by enduring bombs, bullets, starvation, ethnic cleansing (as happened in Iraq), illness (from depleted uranium, water-borne diseases and other poisons), displacement leading to death, then, in that case, Bush’s statement is chillingly correct.

But a thinking person needs to look at that statement, shake their heads, and ask: is this man so far out of touch with reality that he has not a clue what he and his henchmen have done in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia??

History will render the final judgment on this man’s presidency, and that is apt to be justifiably condemnatory, if the whole truth is written about what he and his team have done.


Outgoing US Intel Official: Iran Has Not Restarted Nuke Program

Iran ceased any efforts to design a nuclear warhead or covertly enrich uranium to weapons-grade levels in 2003 and has no current nuclear weapons program. Those were the conclusions of last year’s National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran.

ElBaradei says Iran’s nuclear program is legal: report

IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei in a telephone interview with Al Hayat newspaper has reaffirmed that Iran’s nuclear activities are “legal”.

Ahmadinejad blasts West

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday called for developing an alternative economy in the face of the “total failure” of socialism and capitalism.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

We no longer have a capitalist society. We are a Fascist economy, where profits are private and losses socialized, but are rapidly devolving into modern feudalism, where the state owns everything including the people.

Russia to boost staff at Iran’s nuclear power plant

The Russian state company building Iran’s first atomic power station said on Friday it would increase personnel at the plant by at least 25 percent as it readies to start up the nuclear reactor.

This new phase of the project — which involves readying the nuclear reactor for start up — requires that staff be increased to more than 2000 workers from the current 1600, it said.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

A small note to Israel and the US: create one Russian martyr by bombing the reactor site, and you are risking war with Russia.

Finishing this reactor, getting it started up, and expanding the Russian technical staff is sending a message: don’t mess with this.

Let us hope that some adults in the corridors of power in Tel Aviv and Washington are actually listening to what Russia is saying by this action.

Israël, hostilities envers l’Iran et la bande de Gaza:

‘Israeli Air Force is ready to attack Iran’

Israeli Air Force Commander General Ido Nehushtan claims his forces are ready to follow any order to thwart Iran’s nuclear programs.

He added, however, a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities “is a political decision” and has nothing to do with Israel’s military capabilities.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Israeli Air Force Commander General Ido Nehushtan; there is one factor neither you, nor the politicians in Israel want to discuss, and that’s the 6,0000 lb gorilla in the living room, sitting on the Steinway.

What will Russia do if one of its major trading partners gets attacked?

War with Russia, anyone?

Thought not.

Israel ‘prepared to attack’ Iran nuclear plants

“We could not risk an operation which would only partially succeed, » one defence official told The Times.

« That would leave us open to a nuclear attack from Iran’s remaining weapons stock. Israel would likely need the support, the backing, of forces from a Western ally to successfully carry out the operation,” he said.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Okay, let us back up here a moment and take a closer look.

Iran does not have any nuclear weapons. Iran is a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which allows Iran to develop nuclear power stations and to make fuel for them. The United States is also a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which obligates it to assist Iran in building nuclear power stations. In exchange for this assistance, Iran agrees not to build nuclear weapons and allows inspectors to look over their shoulders to make sure they are playing by the rules. So far, the IAEA has not found any indications that Iran is doing anything other than building a power station.

The brouhaha over enrichment is simple. Uranium must be enriched to make it useful for either power stations or bombs.
Uranium has to be enriched to about 3% for power stations, but has to go up to 95% enrichment for weapons. The difference between the two levels of enrichment is not quite as trivial as the media likes to pretend it is.

Iran is enriching uranium to 3% for the power station Russia is helping them build. Again, the IAEA has found no indications of attempts to enrich to the 95% level required for weapons.

The claim that Iran’s enrichment for a power station represents a weapons program comes from Israel, which is known to actually be doing what it accuses other nations of; running a clandestine nuclear weapons factory underneath a supposedly peaceful nuclear power plant. Israel, it should be noted, is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and does not allow inspections of their nuclear facilities.

And, it must be noted, Israel has made this accusation before, accusing Iraq of hiding a weapons factory underneath a power station, and acting on this accusation, bombed Iraq’s Osirik power station. Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, IAEA experts examined the ruins of the Osirik power station and found nothing to support the claims of covert weapons programs. So we have been down this path before with Israel.

Fool me once …

Report: US Asked Israel Not to Start Any Major Wars Until Obama Takes Office

Amid several bellicose comments about the possibility of an impending Israeli strike against Iran Israeli Defense Ministry officials say they have been contacted by US officials who have asked them to refrain from launching any attacks against Iran until after President-elect Barack Obama takes office in January. Likewise, the officials reportedly have cautioned Israel not to launch its long-reported ground invasion of the Gaza Strip until after the inauguration.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: make any new wars you start Obama’s problems, not our problems!!

Report: Obama to Offer Israel ‘Nuclear Umbrella’ Against Iran

U.S. president-elect will offer Israel a strategic pact designed to fend off any nuclear attack on the Jewish state by Iran, an Israeli newspaper reports.


Prospect of Israel war on Iran ’stronger’

Israeli sources told the Times on Friday that in the past few weeks Tel Aviv has witnessed an increase in the chances of launching an airborne attack on Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The bluster and bombast here is all over the place.

Israel knows that the window is limited for a strike against Iran before Obama becomes the president, as Obama is no where near as carnage-prone as Bush has been in the name of neutralizing Israel’s perceived enemies (and that includes almost all of its neighbors in the Middle East).

Olmert, in his meetings with Bush, is going to appeal for/demand that Bush agree to a strike against Iran, using Iraqi airspace to make it happen.

And Bush just might do it, but not because he sincerely believes that Iran is really a threat.

Putting the US at war against Iran right before the inauguration will thrust Obama into a truly nightmare scenario he won’t be able to back out of easily or gracefully.

Such a move would be insane, childish, and morally reprehensible in the extreme. Of course, that’s never stopped Bush or his minions before.

‘Kill Ahmadinejad, halt Iran’s N-drive’

A former Israeli commander says the West must consider assassinating Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to halt Tehran’s nuclear program.

Former Israeli Army Chief of Staff Moshe « Boogie » Ya’alon told the Australian daily The Sydney Morning Herald that the West should consider all options to stop the Islamic Republic’s nuclear drive, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Sunday.

« We have to confront the Iranian revolution immediately, » Ya’alon said. « There is no way to stabilize the Middle East today without defeating the Iranian regime. The Iranian nuclear program must be stopped. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Yo « Boogie! »

Iran is building a nuclear power station. The IAEA is watching everything they do (something Israel will not allow at Dimona I might add) and so far there is zero evidence that Iran is doing anything other than building a nuclear power station. Or to put it another way, there is no evidence of a clandestine weapons lab underneath Iran’s power station (again, unlike Dimona).

Might I point out that Israel was making the same claims about Iraq just prior to bombing the Osirik reactor. Following the invasion of Iraq in 2003 inspectors visited the ruins of the Iraqi power station and found … ruins of a power station. There was no clandestine weapons lab.

So you will forgive us if we view your statements in the context of yet one more effort by Israel to trick the US into killing people that Israel does not like whose land they covet.

Neo-cons still preparing for Iran attack

A familiar coalition of hawks, hardliners and neo-cons expects Obama’s proposed talks with Iran to fail – and they’re already proposing an escalating set of measures instead. Some are meant to occur alongside any future talks. These include steps to enhance coordination with Israel, tougher sanctions against Iran, and a region-wide military buildup of US strike forces, including the prepositioning of military supplies within striking distance of that country.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Attention War Hawks:

Kindly stop jerking off to « Soldier of Fortune » magazine and take a good look at the United States economy and industrial base.

Our nation is not in a position to engage in any more wars of choice. We hover at the edge of ruin form the existing wars of choice.

Our industrial base is a thin shadow of the mighty factories that powered America through WWI and WWII. We cannot sustain the high rate of output of material required for a new war of choice. The two existing wars have drawn down existing stockpiles and years of use in hostile environmental conditions have worn out the current inventory of vehicles, ships, and aircraft.

PS Netflix called. They demand you return your copy of « Patton » as you have kept it was past the usual return-by date.

‘Halt Israeli Nuclear program’

A US research center on nuclear weapons has urged President-elect Barack Obama to press Israel to halt production of its nuclear weapons.

Revoking Israel’s UN Membership

The Gaza Strip is now the largest concentration camp in the world. The situation grows steadily more insufferable for the 1.5 million Palestinians who live there. Deliveries of food, medicine and fuel are made difficult or stopped altogether. Child malnutrition is increasing. Water supplies and drainage have ceased to function. Children die for lack of healthcare. Tunnels to Egypt, dug by hand, are the only breathing space. Journalists and diplomats are denied entry. Israel is planning more military efforts.

Barak: Israel will act in Gaza when time and place are right

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Wednesday to discuss the future of Israel’s policy on the Gaza Strip, after the ongoing cease-fire with Hamas comes to end next week.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It’s just a matter of time before Israel mounts a full assault on Gaza; they’ve already « softened up » Gazan Palestinians with malnutrition and disease to the point where the IDF can go in for the « kill » anytime Israel pleases.

But I would again caution members of the current Israeli government to be careful what they wish for. Sometimes, immoral actions, and the creation of even more « collateral damage » (read: the killing of women, children, the old and the medically fragile) in Gaza may have rampant unexpected consequences.

And this time, there will be cameras running to film the carnage, so the world can see precisely what Israel considers to be « self defense ».

Israeli army awaiting order for ground offensive in Gaza

As the fragile Egyptian-brokered ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, is ending in eight days, Israeli military leaders stated on Wednesday that the Army is ready to carry out any military offensive the political leaders order, Israeli Ynet News reported.

Military sources said that the army already submitted to the political leadership in Israel several scenarios of action that were in turn handed to the cabinet.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This must be Olmert’s parting shot – literally – to Gazan Palestinians.

One has to wonder how many innocent lives will be snuffed out in this next Israeli military offensive.

Livni calls of a large-scaled military offensive in Gaza

sraeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni, stated on Wednesday that the Israeli army should carry a large-scaled military offensive in the Gaza Strip in retaliation for what she described as « the violation of the truce ».

On the ground, Israel already violated the truce, carried offensives, killed, wounded and kidnapped Palestinians, and kept the border crossings sealed in spite that the truce states that Israel should open the border terminals.

Yet, Livni said that Israel must make it clear to Hamas that it is responsible for the deterioration of the situation.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Foreign Minister Livni:

You and your colleagues in the Israeli must be damned proud of yourselves. Gaza has been starved, medical attention has been denied to desperately ill Gazan Palestinians, and you folks have collectively done a grand job of « softening Gazan Palestinians up » for the Israeli military « kill ».

But understand this: you’re not going to be able to get away with this without full-blown reports of the carnage, mayhem, and destruction you will create getting out for a watching – and stunned – world to see.

Be careful what you wish for, Minister Livni: immoral actions have a way of not delivering quite the result you had anticipated. In fact, many times those actions have a way of producing the absolutely diametric opposite outcome to what you hoped to accomplish.

Vilnai: Israel nearing wide-scale Gaza op

Israel is nearing a wide-scale operation in the Gaza Strip, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai said Saturday, several hours after eight Israel Defense Forces soldiers were injured in a mortar shell attack on the Nahal Oz base in southern Israel.

« We must know that the only solution is reaching an understanding with the Palestinians. We must work with every element on the Palestinian side we can talk to, but in Gaza there’s no one to talk to and the only language there is military power. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: this will be an annihilation of every man, woman, and kid still breathing in Gaza during this military assault.

This is what the siege of Gaza has been all about; literally « softening up » Palestinian Gazans with disease and malnutrition, for the Israeli « kill » of this on-coming assault.

Likud MK calls for using Palestinian prisoners as human shield against Qassam rockets

Following a barrage of mortar shells and Qassam rockets that wounded 8 Israel Defense Forces soldiers near the border with the Gaza Strip on Friday, a Likud MK proposed using Hamas and Islamic Jihad prisoners as human shields to deter future rocket attacks.

MK Gilad Erdan suggested Israel build an open-air, unprotected detention facility in the Western Negev, where the majority of rockets and mortars from Gaza land, and fill it with militants currently held in Israeli jails.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Ignoring the fact that it was Israel’s attack on November 5th that stirred things up.


Tzipi Livni, Israel’s Foreign Minister and leader of the Kadima Party, has told students at a Tel Aviv high school that, once a Palestinian state has been created, Israeli Arabs should leave Israel to go and live in the new Palestinian state.

Confirming her racist credentials, she also told the students that: “The idea is to maintain two states for two peoples…”


Basic human rights, such as health, a life of dignity, education, housing, equality, freedom from racism, freedom of expression, privacy and democracy are increasingly being violated in Israel, a human rights watchdog group warned Sunday.

UNHRC calls for more Israeli concessions

UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday called on Israel to lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip, Israel Radio reported.

After two days of discussions, the council, which consists of 47 member states, passed a list of 99 ‘recommendations’ of gestures for Israel to make to ease Palestinian suffering, including freeing all prisoners.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This will happen….when pigs fly.

The only thing that will get the government of Israel’s attention is a concerted, united, and immediate withdrawal of all financial, military aid, and economic cooperation from the rest of the world to show Israel that the world will not stand by, and allow the catastrophe Israel has created in Gaza to continue.

Of course, that won’t happen, because world leaders have been completely brainwashed that everything Israel does « in self defense » (like preventing infants from getting desperately needed medical attention to save their lives, or causing malnutrition in kids by preventing food supplies in) is perfectly justifiable

UN agency warns of food shortage in Gaza due to Israeli blockade

Adnan Abu Hasna, spokesman of the United Nations for Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza told reporters that the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is mounting and food aids would run out within two days.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Adnan Abu Hasna and UNRWA: starvation of the Gazan people is precisely the outcome Israel wants.

Israel has been talking about a major military incursion into Gaza for some time now, and this is simply, and literally, « softening up » Gazan Palestinians for the kill.

What has to happen is two-fold: The UN must demand that emergency supplies be allowed through. If not, Israel must lose its member status in the UN.

Secondly, all foreign support of Israel, monetary and military, must come to a screeching halt until the above is accomplished.

That, the government of Israel will understand.

Unfortunately, the latter is about as likely to happen as pigs flying, because governmental leaders have been brainwashed to accept everything Israel does to Palestinians as « self-defense » (such as preventing sick infants from getting the medical care they need to live, and creating malnutrition in Palestinian kids).

That’s why we need many (and very brave)honest reporters up to the task alerting the world about the true conditions on the ground in Gaza.

Iran to send relief ship to Gaza

Iran‘s Red Crescent announced on Wednesday that it is sending a relief ship to the Gaza Strip, in the face of an Israeli blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory.

The official did not disclose the nationality of the ship, but said the cargo will include 500 tonnes of wheat, 200 tonnes of sugar, 200 tonnes of rice, 50 tonnes of cooking oil and 50 tonnes of medical supplies.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This could get ugly very quickly.

Let us hope that whatever happens to the ship and its cargo, that there are adults in the room in both Tehran and Tel Aviv as it approaches Gaza.

UN attacks Israeli rights ‘crimes’

Israel‘s policies against the Palestinians are tantamount to a « crime against humanity », the United Nations’ human rights rapporteur has said.

Richard Falk said in a statement on Tuesday that the UN must « implement the agreed norm of a responsibility to protect a civilian population being collectively punished by policies that amount to a crime against humanity ».

How Israel kills Palestinians with Remote Control Guns – shooting fish in a Barrel IDF style

This is no game and several of these systems have recently been installed and are in use , live, along the Israel-Gaza border. The video of the female operator is chilling – her unhurried , yet lethal operation, poise and perfect make up – ensures and maintains the disatnce from the blood and guts of actually blasting people to bits.

Israel blocks bid by Arab MPS to break Gaza Blockade

Israeli security forces boarded a boat in the port of Jaffa on Sunday to prevent a bid by Arab members of parliament to deliver aid to Gaza in defiance of a crippling blockade.

« We were preparing to set sail for the Gaza Strip to deliver hundreds of kilogrammes (pounds) of medicines and basic goods and the maritime police stopped us weighing anchor, » said Israeli Arab MP Ahmed Tibi.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: Israel continues to « soften up » Palestinian Gazans with a combination of malnutrition, illness, and death for the military onslaught to come.

And I’m sure that the siege’s outcome of malnutrition in children and infants (as documented by the UN human rights commission) must give Israeli politicians a truly strong sense of accomplishment!

Tel Aviv police seize Israeli-Arab boat set to deliver aid to Gaza

Israeli police on Sunday foiled an attempt by Israeli Arabs to set off in a boat from Israel to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip with a cargo of food and medical supplies.

Israel‘s blockade of the Gaza Strip has been stepped up in recent weeks amid a surge of violence along its frontier with the Palestinian territory.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel initiated renewed hostilities with their attack on November 5th, then starves the Palestinians, then claims they are to blame for it.

Israel prevents 15 medicine-laden trucks into Gaza

Israel on Sunday prevented 15 trucks loaded with different kinds of medicines from passing through one of Gaza Strip crossings, a Palestinian health ministry official said.

Mo’aweya Hassanein, chief of emergency and ambulance services in the Palestinian health ministry, said in a statement that the Gaza Strip has been under a strict Israeli blockade for 13 days.

« The medical situation is worsening and we are living in a severe humanitarian crisis as Israel prevented the entrance of 15 trucks loaded with medicine from the West Bank into Gaza, » said Hassanein.

Dark days in Gaza: Residents worried about winter

The sound of generators on the sidewalks of Gaza on the weekend made it hard for pedestrians to hear one another. Even though only a few of the well-kept stores on Omar el-Mukhtar Street, one bank and two carpentries, used generators, the noise was still great. The power outage meant most stores were dark, but it did not matter much anyway: There were no shoppers on the street.

Traffic was also sparse, much less than what one might expect on a Saturday that is followed by a national holiday: 20 years since Yasser Arafat’s declaration of Palestinian independence.

Israel Bans International Media from Gaza, Arrests Human Rights Activists

Israel has banned foreign journalists from entering Gaza to cover the deteriorating humanitarian situation there as the country ‘s complete closure of the territory enters a third week.

Foreign Reporters’ Group Fights Israeli Prohibition on Entering Gaza

An association representing international news organizations is campaigning for an end to an unusual Israeli policy barring foreign reporters from entering Gaza that has lasted for almost two weeks.

Israeli forces destroy Palestinian greenhouses and farms in Gaza

Local sources report that a group of Israeli-armored bulldozers and tanks invaded the al-Fukhari neighborhood east of Khan Younis in southern Gaza on Tuesday morning, and bulldozed a number of farms.

According to eyewitnesses, the bulldozers crushed a number of Palestinian greenhouses and razed potato fields belonging to Palestinian farmers.

Feiglin’s missing manifesto: Israel should quit UN, cut off water to Palestinians

An extreme right-wing text by Likud member Moshe Feiglin disappeared on Tuesday from the Web site of his Jewish Leadership movement. In the piece written five years ago, Feiglin says Israel should cut off water and electricity service to the Palestinian territories, withdraw from the United Nations and boycott the Olympics.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It’s pretty obvious: when it comes to the issues of Palestinian rights and statehood, this guy is unabashedly to the right of Attila the Hun!

But what is even more disturbing is the strong resonance so many Israelis have with his perspectives, as demonstrated by Tuesday’s elections.

Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border

AS a convoy of blue-and-white United Nations trucks loaded with food waited last night for Israeli permission to enter Gaza, Jindiya Abu Amra and her 12-year-old daughter went scrounging for the wild grass their family now lives on.

“We had one meal today – khobbeizeh,” said Abu Amra, 43, showing the leaves of a plant that grows along the streets of Gaza. “Every day, I wake up and start looking for wood and plastic to burn for fuel and I beg. When I find nothing, we eat this grass.”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This starvation in Gaza is precisely one of the outcomes the Israeli government wants to have happen in this siege.

Between malnutrition and disease, Israel is « softening up » Palestinian Gazans for the « kill » of an IDF onslaught.

It may well not happen at the end of Olmert’s watch, but if Netanyahu is elected in February, I wouldn’t bet against it.

Kristallnacht in Hebron

Unconcerned about arrest by the police or prosecution by the Israeli justice system, fanatical Jewish settlers in the Palestinian town of Hebron (Al-Khalil) have been attacking Palestinians, damaging and ransacking their property, exactly like Nazi thugs did to Jewish-owned property in Germany 80 years ago.

The settlers, who claim to be acting in the name of true Judaism, espouse a messianic doctrine advocating violence and terror against non- Jews in Israel-Palestine for the purpose of creating a pure Jewish kingdom that would be ruled by Halacha, or Jewish religious law.

House torched in the Old City of Hebron

A Palestinian family of the Old City of Hebron had the top floor of their home torched by a mob of settlers early Saturday morning.

In addition to the fire the violent settlers also attacked the lower floors of the home, completely ransacking and ruining the Al-’Uweiwi family’s kitchen. During the attack Nidal Al-’Uweiwi, his wife and his nine children were all forced to barricade themselves inside a small room of the house so as to not be attacked by the settlers.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So this is how the (illegal) settlers operate to claim more Palestinian territory: one torched Palestinian home at a time.

Memo to the Israeli government: You’ve got a PR catastrophe on your hands.

You cannot possibly talk with a straight face about « being the only true democracy in the Middle East » when you allow acts like this to continue to happen, and to continue to go unpunished.

World Bank warns Gaza banks may collapse

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund warned Saturday that Gaza’s severe cash shortage may cause local banks to collapse.

It was the most serious warning yet regarding the consequences of Israel’s continued refusal to allow new money infusions into banks in the Palestinian territory.

Israel has not allowed money to enter Gaza since October, barring Palestinian banks from transferring cash to their Gaza branches. It is part of a larger blockade imposed on Gaza in response to Palestinian rocket attacks from the territory controlled by the Islamic militant group Hamas.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

… or an unreasonable facsimile thereof.

Nobel laureate Maguire: UN should suspend Israel membership

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Maguire said Thursday the United Nations should suspend or revoke Israel’s membership.

Maguire said Israel should be punished for ignoring a series of United Nations resolutions over the years.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

UN Resolutions Against Israel, 1955-1992

1. Resolution 106: « …‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid »

2. Resolution 111: « …‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people »

3. Resolution 127: « …‘recommends’ Israel suspend its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem »

4. Resolution 162: « …‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions »

5. Resolution 171: « …determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria »

6. Resolution 228: « …‘censures’ Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control »

7. Resolution 237: « …‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees »

8. Resolution 248: « …‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan »

9. Resolution 250: « …‘calls’ on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem »

10. Resolution 251: « …‘deeply deplores’ Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250 »

11. Resolution 252: « …‘declares invalid’ Israel’s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital »

12. Resolution 256: « …‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation »

13. Resolution 259: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation »

14. Resolution 262: « …‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport »

15. Resolution 265: « …‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan »

16. Resolution 267: « …‘censures’ Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem »

17. Resolution 270: « …‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon »

18. Resolution 271: « …‘condemns’ Israel’s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem »

19. Resolution 279: « …‘demands’ withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon »

20. Resolution 280: « ….‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon »

21. Resolution 285: « …‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon »

22. Resolution 298: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem »

23. Resolution 313: « …‘demands’ that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon »

24. Resolution 316: « …‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon »

25. Resolution 317: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon »

26. Resolution 332: « …‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon »

27. Resolution 337: « …‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty »

28. Resolution 347: « …‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon »

29. Resolution 425: « …‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon »

30. Resolution 427: « …‘calls’ on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon’

31. Resolution 444: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces »

32. Resolution 446: « …‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention »

33. Resolution 450: « …‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon »

34. Resolution 452: « …‘calls’ on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories »

35. Resolution 465: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program »

36. Resolution 467: « …‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon »

37. Resolution 468: « …‘calls’ on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return »

38. Resolution 469: « …‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians »

39. Resolution 471: « …‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention »

40. Resolution 476: « …‘reiterates’ that Israel’s claims to Jerusalem are ‘null and void’

41. Resolution 478: « …‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’

42. Resolution 484: « …‘declares it imperative’ that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors »

43. Resolution 487: « …‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility »

44. Resolution 497: « …‘decides’ that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith »

45. Resolution 498: « …‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon »

46. Resolution 501: « …‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops »

47. Resolution 509: « …‘demands’ that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon »

48. Resolution 515: « …‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in »

49. Resolution 517: « …‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon »

50. Resolution 518: « …‘demands’ that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon »

51. Resolution 520: « …‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut »

52. Resolution 573: « …‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters

53. Resolution 587: « …‘takes note’ of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw »

54. Resolution 592: « …‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops »

55. Resolution 605: « …‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians

56. Resolution 607: « …‘calls’ on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention

57. Resolution 608: « …‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians »

58. Resolution 636: « …‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians

59. Resolution 641: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians

60. Resolution 672: « …‘condemns’ Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount

61. Resolution 673: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations

62. Resolution 681: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians

63. Resolution 694: « …‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return

64. Resolution 726: « …‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians

65. Resolution 799: « …‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

Video: Torture Speaks – Israel / Palestine

Remember: every one of your tax dollars which supports Israel supports precisely this kind of Israeli behavior, for which no one is ever held accountable.

Notice that these men mention detention, but never trial and conviction.

These stories are chilling, and terribly disturbing, but need to be heard and shown to the world so that the world understand precisely how their support of Israel manifests in the torture of its prisoners.

U.S. spies on Israel nukes, govt–official history

The United States routinely spies on Israel to try to gather information on its assumed atomic arsenal and secret government deliberations, a new official history of Israel’s intelligence services says.

While espionage by allies on their friends is not uncommon, it is rare that state-sponsored publications acknowledge it. Israeli-U.S. ties have been especially touchy in this regard since a U.S. Navy analyst, Jonathan Pollard, was jailed for life for treason in 1987 for passing classified documents to Israel.

Report: Israeli mineral water company closes site due to Scottish boycott

A Gush Shalom report claims that European anger at Israeli companies producing goods beyond the Green Line is causing real harm to some companies, one of which is reportedly mineral water producer Mayanot Eden.

The report claims Mayanot Eden (coloquially known as « Mei Eden ») had to close its warehouse in the town of Loanhead, south of Edinburgh.

Hebron settlers desecrate mosque

Jewish settlers protesting against an official Israeli eviction order have desecrated Muslim buildings in the flashpoint West Bank town of Hebron.

They sprayed « Death to Arabs » and an insult to the Prophet Muhammad on a mosque wall and vandalised a cemetery.


Ever hear the wails and screams of anti Semitism when a Jewish grave is vandalised in Eastern Europe? Did you hear ONE WORD ABOUT THIS INCIDENT?????


Parents in south Tel Aviv who are seeking to prevent two Arab girls from attending their children’s school are denying accusations of racism, saying they’re worried about academic standings.

Court frees settler seen shooting at Palestinians

A Jerusalem court on Wednesday freed a Jewish settler suspected of firing on Palestinians at point blank range in the flashpoint West Bank city of Hebron.

The judge ordered the immediate release of Braudeh and criticised Israeli police for failing to arrest any of the stone-throwing Palestinians.

« Police are treating the Palestinian behaviour in this incident extremely light-handedly, » the ruling said. « We can not take part in this blatant discrimination

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One has to wonder if this judge does not appreciate the heavy irony in his use of the term « blatant discrimination », considering how settlers routinely harass, beat up, and kill Palestinians, and destroy their houses and their olive groves.

Settler who shot a Palestinian in al-Khalil released

Israeli radio reported on Wednesday that an Israeli settler who shot a Palestinian in al-Khalil was set free by a magistrate who rebuked the IOF for not arresting the Palestinians who were throwing stones.

Malka Aviv, a judge at the magistrates court in Jerusalem, ordered the release of Ze’ev Brauda from « house arrest » after his lawyer claimed that Brauda acted in self defence and even claimed that the Palestinian who was shot got up again and started throwing stones.

Mossad role in Turkey coup plot revealed

Israel‘s national intelligence agency Mossad has been behind a failed coup in Turkey, the Turkish daily newspaper, Milliyet reports.

A secret investigation into detained Ergenekon group members and other studies outside Turkey indicate that Mossad orche

strated the coup plot against the Turkish government, the report says.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Something for the people in Mumbai to keep in mind.

Piracy in the Red Sea: Saudi points towards Israel

Not only do columnists and analysts openly accuse Israel of sponsoring acts of piracy that multiply off Somali waters, but they also do not hide their fears of an internationalization of security in the Red Sea, where Israel plays a decisive role.

“What is happening in the Horn of Africa is not a simple case of piracy. These acts of piracy raise various questions about the capabilities and equipment of simple outlaws who are seeking ransoms,” wrote Tuesday (November 25) Nawaf Al-Meshal Sabhan in the Saudi daily Al-Iqtissadia.

L’Union européenne capitule devant Israël

par Alain Gresh

Les ministres des affaires étrangères de l’Union européenne ont adopté, les 8 et 9 décembre, un texte intitulé « Council Conclusions Strengthening of the EU bilateral relations with its Mediterranean partners – upgrade with Israel ». Sous l’impulsion de la présidence française, le principe de rehausser les relations entre Israël et l’Union européenne a été accepté. Déjà, avant la tenue du sommet méditerranéen, Paris avait essayé de faire adopter cette mesure, mais avait dû reculer devant la levée de boucliers de certains régimes arabes, notamment l’Egypte (lire « Enquête sur le virage de la diplomatie française », Le Monde diplomatique, juin 2008).

Ce texte a été adopté après de nombreuses discussions. La première version présentée par la France faisait la part belle à Israël et a suscité des réserves chez certains des partenaires – notamment le Royaume-Uni et la Belgique – qui ont demandé un « rééquilibrage » du texte. Un comble, quand on pense qu’il y a quelques années encore, la France était accusée d’être pro-arabe.

Notons aussi que ce texte a été entériné le jour même où l’expert de l’ONU sur les droits humains dans les territoires palestiniens, Richard Falk, demandait la mise en oeuvre de « la norme reconnue de la « responsabilité de protéger » une population civile punie collectivement par des politiques qui s’assimilent à un crime contre l’humanité ». Dans le même sens, ajoutait-il, « il semble que c’est le mandat de la Cour pénale internationale d’enquêter sur la situation, et de déterminer si les dirigeants politiques israéliens et les chefs militaires responsables du siège de Gaza doivent être inculpés et poursuivis pour violations du droit pénal international ».

Finalement, le texte adopté par l’Union européenne intègre des références à la politique de voisinage européenne, au Maroc, à la Tunisie, et à presque tous les Etats arabes, références purement formelles qui permettent de faire passer l’essentiel : le point 9, qui affirme la détermination du Conseil à rehausser les relations avec Israël. Il est toutefois souligné que ce rehaussement doit avoir lieu dans le contexte de « nos intérêts communs », qui incluent la résolution du conflit israélo-palestinien sur la base de la coexistence de deux Etats.

Une longue annexe comprend les lignes directrices pour renforcer les structures du dialogue politique avec Israël.

D’abord, la tenue régulière de réunions des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de l’Union européenne et d’Israël, un privilège qui n’était accordé jusque-là qu’à quelques grands Etats, Chine, Russie, Inde, etc. La première réunion devrait avoir lieu sous la présidence de la République tchèque, pays qui, selon la formule d’un haut fonctionnaire à Bruxelles, « ne défend pas la politique du gouvernement israélien, mais celle du Likoud »(…)

Lire la suite de cet article d’Alain Gresh.

Europeans Seek to Revive Nuclear Weapons Ban

The European Union is trying to revive a movement to reduce the number of nuclear weapons, proposing a global ban on nuclear testing and a moratorium on the production of all fissile material, according to a letter from the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, made public on Monday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Now, about Dimona…

10 décembre 2008

Coup d’état royal au Parlement, Desmarais élu au Québec et actualité mondiale

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 11 décembre 2008: Coup d’état royal au Parlement, Desmarais élu au Québec et actualité mondiale

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 11 décembre 2008

60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…

Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde:

– Nous faisons le tour de la situation au Moyen-Orient, dont au Pakistan, l’Afghanistan et l’Irak.

– Nous parlons du résultats des élections au Québec; de l’économie, des changements climatiques, des États-Unis, de l’Europe et de l’Amérique du sud. Bref, après avoir écouté cette émission, vous aurez fait le tour du monde en actualité!

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
2008-12-11 2008-12-04 2008-11-27 2008-11-20 2008-11-13 2008-11-06 2008-10-30 2008-10-23 2008-10-09 2008-10-02 2008-09-25 2008-09-18 2008-09-11 2008-09-04 2008-08-28 2008-08-21 2008-08-14 2008-08-07 2008-07-17 2008-07-10 2008-07-03 2008-06-26 2008-06-19 2008-06-12 2008-06-05 2008-05-29 2008-05-22 2008-05-15 2008-05-08 2008-04-17 2008-04-10 2008-04-03 2008-03-27 2008-03-20 2008-03-13 2008-03-06 2008-02-28 2008-02-21 2008-02-14 2008-02-07 2008-01-31 2008-01-24 2008-01-17 2008-01-08 2007-12-16 2007-12-09 2007-12-02 2007-11-25 2007-11-18 2007-11-11 2007-11-04 2007-10-28 2007-10-21 2007-10-14 2007-10-07 2007-09-30 2007-09-23 2007-09-16 2007-09-09 2007-09-02 2007-08-26 2007-08-12 2007-08-05 2007-07-29 2007-07-22 2007-07-15 2007-07-08 2007-07-01 2007-06-24 2007-06-17 2007-04-22 2007-04-15 2007-04-08 2007-04-01 2007-03-25 2007-03-18 2007-03-11 2007-03-04 2007-02-25 2007-02-18 2007-02-11 2007-02-04 2007-01-28

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Conférence sur la crise financière

Dans le cadre de ses soirées conscientisantes « Des Mots pour des Maux »,

la TROVEP Montérégie présente:


La Grande Dépression du XXIème siècle

conférence publique avec Michel Chossudovsky

Vous êtes inquiet de la situation économique et les impacts dans les mois à venir?

Venez vous informer et réfléchir sur les solutions de rechanges!

Nous aborderons :

Les causes et les conséquences de l’effondrement des marchés

La banqueroute de l’économie réelle

Les impacts sur l’emploi et le niveau de vie des gens

La décomposition des finances publiques

Les impacts sur les services de santé et d’éducation

L’enrichissement d’une minorité sociale

La mondialisation de la pauvreté

Michel Chossudovsky est professeur d’économie politique à l’université d’Ottawa,

directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation et auteur

de nombreux ouvrages dont « Mondialisation de la pauvreté et nouvel ordre mondial ».

Quand : Le 12 janvier 2009 de 17h00 à 20h00

Où : au 7500 Chemin Chambly à Saint-Hubert

Salle Lionel Bergeron

(Édifice du Syndicat de l’enseignement de Champlain sortie 115 de l’autoroute 30)

Vous devez vous inscrire (nombre places limitées) avant le 18 décembre

Un léger buffet sera servi dès 16h45

Seulement la conférence : Gratuit Conférence et buffet : 10$/personne


pour informations : 450-443-9330








HEURE : 19.00




LOCAL : SH-2560


Section cas judiciaire bidon:


Action en solidarité avec Adil Charkaoui et contre les procès secrets et le profilage

Mercredi 10 décembre 2008, à MIDI

À l’extérieur de la Cour fédérale, 30 rue McGill (métro

Square-Victoria), Montréal

Dans le cadre de la journée pancanadienne d’actions contre les certificats de sécurité

Une manifestation théâtrale et animée le 10 décembre, Journée internationale des droits humains, pour dénoncer l’usage des procès secrets dans le cas d’Adil Charkaoui et des autres détenus des certificats de sécurité. La manifestation se déroulera devant la Cour fédérale. Des rassemblements contre les certificats de sécurité vont aussi avoir lieu à Ottawa et Toronto le même jour.

*Voir aussi, appel à la solidarité en Cour : www.adilinfo.org/fr/node/497

*Plus d’information : www.adilinfo.org

Upside Down Christmas Trees… The Hottest New Thing In Holiday Decorating!

Tortured Patsies “Confess” To 9/11

The new set of “confessions” will hold about as much credibility of those of purported “9/11 mastermind” Khalid Sheik Mohammed when he first spilled the beans in March 2007, After only five years of torture, KSM confessed to nearly everything under the sun, only stopping short at accepting responsibility for killing Kennedy, creating AIDS and being the real Santa Claus.

Indeed, KSM was so keen on never seeing a cattle prod again that he even confessed to being responsible for attacking banks that were founded after his arrest, seemingly invoking the power of long range telekinesis to commit his dastardly deeds.

KSM mentioned the “Plaza Bank” by name despite the fact that it only came into existence in 2006, three years after his arrest. Either KSM has the power to influence objects with his mind or we were lied to, but the media and the government would never do that, would they?

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It’s only a matter of voltage!

Alleged 9/11 mastermind to plead guilty in trial

GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba (AFP) – Alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and co-defendants said Monday they will plead guilty to terror charges that could bring the death penalty, as relatives of those killed in the attacks looked on.

« I don’t appreciate between the judge and my attorney and (US President George W.) Bush and the CIA who tortured me, » he said, adding that he also did not trust Henley.

Sheikh Mohammed, captured in Pakistan in 2003 and handed over to US agents who held him in secret prisons for over three years before sending him to the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, is known to have been subjected to harsh treatment by the CIA, including « waterboarding, » or simulated drowning, leading to controversy about the admissibility of his reported confession.

FLASHBACK: CIA holds young sons of captured al-Qa’eda chief (PDF)

Webmaster’s Commentary:

In case you wondered how they got Khalid Sheik Mohammed to confess to 9-11, it’s because the CIA’s torturers have got his KIDS!

Ex-ISI Chief Gul Exposes 9/11 Inside Job

Former Pakistani ISI chief Hamid Gul appeared on the Alex Jones Show yesterday and shared his contention that the 9/11 attack was an inside job, laying out details that were censored during a CNN interview on the same subject last weekend.

Gul served as the director general of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence during 1987-89 and worked with the CIA in the covert war against the Soviets in Afghanistan, helping to train the U.S.-backed mujahideen.

General Hamid Gul(former ISI Chief): 911 & Mumbai Both Inside Jobs

<param name= »movie » value= »http://www.youtube.com/v/juhAreG1p

Musicians don’t want tunes used for torture

The tactic has been common in the U.S. war on terror, with forces systematically using loud music on hundreds of detainees in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay. Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, then the U.S. military commander in Iraq, authorized it on Sept. 14, 2003, « to create fear, disorient … and prolong capture shock. »

Now the detainees aren’t the only ones complaining. Musicians are banding together to demand the U.S. military stop using their songs as weapons.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It is a bit of an insult, if you think about it!

Some 100 countries ban cluster bombs as signing begins in Oslo

Webmaster’s Commentary:

US refuses to sign.

US stands by refusal to sign cluster bomb ban

The United States said Tuesday it will refrain this week from signing a treaty in Norway to ban cluster bombs, because the document is too broad and endangers US soldiers.

« Although we share the humanitarian concerns of states signing the CCM, we will not be joining them, » the State Department said in a statement when asked for its views on the Oslo gathering

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« We’ll just keep blowing up and maiming children (who think the cluster bombs are toys) and non-combatants until we can come up with another nifty device which does the job in a far more deadly way! » – official White Horse Souse.

November in the record books

SUMMER has come to Perth in the nicest possible way – a mild 25 degrees well below the 40-plus temperatures that mugged locals last year.

A prediction of average summer heat was more welcome news for West Australians, who have experienced what the Bureau of Meteorology said was one of the coldest, wettest Novembers on record.

The below-average temperatures saw the city post its first November without a 30-degree day since 1964.

« Since 1897, only five Novembers had previously had no days of 30 degrees or above, » Mr Relf said.

2008 will be coolest year of the decade

Theory Says Climate Change Depends On Solar Wind/Cosmic Rays

Predicting climate change is tough, but now there’s an excuse for not knowing how wet the winter might be: Climate on Earth could be shaped by forces coming from beyond the planet.

A new theory links climate change to cosmic rays, high-energy particles from space that wash over the planet. If the idea can be proved, it might imply that much of Earth’s rising temperature could be caused by extraterrestrial factors, some physicists say.


Henrik Svensmark on Global Warming (part 1)

Henrik Svensmark on Global Warming (part 2)

Over 650 Scientists Challenge Global Warming « Consensus »

In comparison, twelve times fewer – just 52 scientists – participated in the much touted IPCC Summary for Policymakers meeting in April 2007. Climate scientists allied with the IPCC were recently caught citing fake data to make the case that global warming is accelerating.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Folks, the global warming cult’s agenda is simple; to justify talking more money from you and exercising more arbitrary control over your lives.

The scam is simple; take something that happens naturally (climate change) and spin it into a crisis, then convince the suckers (you) that they are somehow to blame for it all in order to get them to pay for the « damage » they cause. Never mind that solar fluctuations are the dominant factor in terrestrial temperatures and that water and methane (not blamable on you) are far worse greenhouse gases, simply fund the science that supports the agenda and ONLY the science that supports the agenda, and if need be fudge the numbers by sticking your measuring instruments in unusually warm places (like right next to a trash incinerator).

Melting ice may slow global warming

Professor Rob Raiswell, a geologist at the University of Leeds, says that as the sheets break off the ice covering the continent, floating icebergs are produced that gouge minerals from the bedrock as they make their way to the sea. Raiswell believes that the accumulated frozen mud could breathe life into the icy waters around Antarctica, triggering a large, natural removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Translation: The global COOLING is making monkeys out of the cultists and now the scramble is on to find some way to save face.

EPA Proposes Tax on Farting Cows

« This is one of the most ridiculous things the federal government has tried to do, » said Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks, an outspoken opponent of the proposal

It would require farms or ranches with more than 25 dairy cows, 50 beef cattle or 200 hogs to pay an annual fee of about $175 for each dairy cow, $87.50 per head of beef cattle and $20 for each hog.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Look for higher dairy prices when this one goes through.

And as a side note, just what does the EPA plan to do with the money? They going to start making large corks or something? Or is this just another example of taking something that occurs naturally, turning it into a « crisis » and charging people a tax to « solve » it?

People emit methane too! Is the government planning to tax out asses?

Obama vows to end global warming ‘denial’ after Gore talks

President-elect Barack Obama said Tuesday his administration would brook no further delay in tackling climate change after discussing global warming with former vice president Al Gore.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Gore must have offered Obama a piece of the action.

EU carbon trading system brings windfalls for some, with little benefit to climate

The European Union started with the most high-minded of ecological goals: to create a market that would encourage companies to reduce greenhouse gases by making them pay for each ton emitted into the atmosphere.

Four years later, the carbon trading system has created a multibillion-euro windfall for some of the continent’s biggest polluters, with little or no noticeable benefit to the environment so far.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It’s all snake oil, folks! Al Gore and his cronies have taken something that happens naturally, turned it into a crisis, and forced you to pay for it!

Rare 50 year Arctic Blast Sets Sights On Southern California.

Resort level snow will be likely next week, and in pretty hefty amounts if things stay on track. OWSweather.com Meteorologist Kevin Martin predicts a 50 year event. While Martin is usually conservative on these events, the pattern highly favors it. « We are in a pre-1950 type pattern, « said Martin. « We know we are due for a winter storm sometime this year. The type we may be dealing with will be ranked up there with the known years before 1950, which set record low daytime temperatures into the forecast region. With this, may come low elevation snow. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

As a side note, there are reports that snow is falling in Austin, Texas.

Rich countries launch great land grab to safeguard food supply

Rich governments and corporations are triggering alarm for the poor as they buy up the rights to millions of hectares of agricultural land in developing countries in an effort to secure their own long-term food supplies.

The head of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, Jacques Diouf, has warned that the controversial rise in land deals could create a form of « neo-colonialism », with poor states producing food for the rich at the expense of their own hungry people.

Julian Borger, diplomatic editor

The Guardian, Saturday November 22 2008

Police open fire as soldiers turn on Mugabe

POLICE shot at rioting soldiers in Harare on Monday as unpaid troops sided with the country’s impoverished people for the first time in protest against Zimbabwe’s collapsing economy.

Tensions erupted when about 50 soldiers were denied money from banks after queueing all day.

The soldiers, who were wearing camouflage dress, staged an impromptu protest. They were joined by hundreds of civilians at the corner of Robert Mugabe and Fourth streets, in the heart of the capital. When armed riot police arrived to break up the demonstration, the soldiers from Cranborne Barracks fought back.

Thai government falls after court bans premier

Thailand’s prime minister resigned on Tuesday after weeks of protests closed the capital’s airports, stranding 300,000 travelers. Protesters promised to lift their siege, and international flights were expected to resume Friday.

The resignation of Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat came after the nation’s Constitutional Court dissolved Thailand’s top three ruling parties for electoral fraud and banned him from politics for five years.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The Thai have balls Americans only dream of!


52 whales die in mass stranding in Australia: report

Fifty-two pilot whales have died after a mass stranding on Tasmania’s northwest coast, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported Saturday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The US Navy just started using their high-power low frequency sonar systems again, after the ban was lifted. The Navy promised to be careful about whales, but …

What are the Greek riots really about?

We’ve been told that the ongoing riots in Greece were prosecuted by anarchists as a reaction to the Greek police’s shooting of a 15 year old boy on Saturday.

But is this really what lies behind such an outpouring of civil unrest? Is the official reason for the rioting just a cover to paper over some real problems facing the Greek government? Take a look at the common thread in all of these reports:

Associated Press: Burning barricades stretched across streets in the capital Athens. And as night fell, gangs again torched stores and smashed bank branches in the city center, and clashes broke out in the streets near Parliament…. Violence often breaks out between riot police and anarchists during demonstrations in Greece. Anarchist groups are also blamed for late-night firebombings of targets such as banks and diplomatic vehicles.

Xinhua: Fires were burnt in the center of Athens and hundreds of people were wandering through the streets, some attacking banks, businesses and vehicles.

Reuters: Protesters angry at the boy’s shooting late on Saturday clashed with police and rampaged through Athens, destroying banks, shops and torching cars. There was no official estimate of the damage, expected to come to millions of euros.

Torching banks? Clashes near Parliament? Attacking diplomatic vehicles? Yesterday, I heard that ten banks had been attacked, and it seems strange that all of this is happening solely over last Saturday’s shooting. Indeed, it is a perfect pretext for the Greek authorities and the media – not to mention their counterparts over here – who fear that their cosy relationship with the international clique of banking criminals may result in them hanging from shiny lamp-posts from Washington to Dublin to Sydney.

Massive riots cripple Greece’s main cities

Greece’s interior minister says the massive protest riots in cities across the country are « unacceptable » but insists that police are doing all they can to protect people’s lives and property.

Thousands of youths are rampaging through Athens, the northern city of Thessaloniki and several other cities in the third day of riots Monday after police shot and killed a teenager on Saturday.

Greek popular revolt about to topple govt

In pictures: Greek riots

BBC PHOTO ESSAY | Dec 8, 2008

Groups of youths have been throwing petrol bombs and stones at riot police, who have responded by firing tear gas. Scores of arrests have been made.

Rioters have been attacking symbols of wealth and prestige, smashing windows and torching hundreds of buildings and cars.

Clashes, looting rock Greek cities for 4th night

Masked youths and looters marauded through Greek cities for a fourth night Tuesday, in an explosion of rage triggered by the police shooting of a teenager that has unleashed the most violent riots in a quarter century.

The nightly scenes of burning street barricades, looted stores and overturned cars have threatened to topple the country’s increasingly unpopular conservative government, which faces mounting calls for Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis to resign.


La CSST, acheteur no1 de soins privés au Québec


Jacinthe Tremblay

du mercredi 12 novembre 2008

Mots clés : soins privés, CSST, santé, Québec (province)

Près de 1,5 milliard a été versé au privé en cinq ans

De 2003 à 2007, la Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) a versé près de 1,5 milliard de dollars à des professionnels de la santé oeuvrant en pratique privée au Québec. Et les factures payées au privé par la CSST ont augmenté sans interruption durant cette période, selon des données compilées par Le Devoir.

En 2003, la CSST a versé des honoraires de 255,1 millions de dollars à des professionnels de la santé oeuvrant en secteur privé, ses plus importants clients étant des médecins spécialistes et des physiothérapeutes. Les années suivantes, elle a payé des factures au privé pour des montants sans cesse croissants qui sont passés de 277, 4 millions en 2004 à 345,6 millions en 2007. Total: près de 1,5 milliard en cinq ans.

Crisis as Canada’s PM shuts down Parliament

Canada loses most jobs in a month since 1982

Canada lost almost 71,000 jobs last month – the worst single-month drop in a quarter of a century – in a clear indication the U.S. recession is beginning to wreak havoc on manufacturers and workers in Central Canada.

Employers cut 533K jobs in Nov., most in 34 years

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And November is when unemployment normally declines because of Holiday season hires.

Financial intelligence uncovers foreign espionage in Canada

An unnamed foreign government has been orchestrating espionage activities in Canada over the past year, according to a report tabled in Parliament Thursday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If it were any nation other than Israel, it would have been named.

Toronto Bans Bottled Water Sales, but Junk Sodas Remain Legal

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, they say. And to prove it, the city of Toronto has decided to outlaw the sale of bottled water in all municipal buildings, including local arenas.

But rather than being an example of smart, progressive action to protect the environment, this decision is actually just a timely example of the tyranny of good intentions. Here’s why:

For starters, the decision was made by city leaders who say their TAP WATER is what people should be drinking, not bottled water. Oh really? Did these people bother to educate themselves about chlorine or fluoride chemicals? Without question, the tap water in Toronto has far greater toxicity than bottled water, even considering the Bisphenol-A effect.

But that’s a debatable issue. Here’s something that’s not debatable: While banning bottled water, the city of Toronto did NOT ban diet soda and soft drink beverages.

Huh? So now selling water is illegal, but selling carbonated SUGAR water is perfectly legal?

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Not to mention all the drugs that keep showing up in city water supplies!


From The “Panic” Of 2008 To The “Collapse” Of 2009

The country’s top trends forecaster, who accurately predicted the “panic” of 2008 nearly a year before it unfolded, is now ominously suggesting that next year will come to be known as “the collapse of 2009?.

Dire forecast for the global economy and world trade

The projections are among the most dire in a litany of recent gloomy prognostications for the world economy, and officials at the World Bank warned that if they proved accurate, the downturn could throw many developing countries into crisis and keep tens of millions of people in poverty.

food stamp users hit record 31.6 million or 1 in 10 Americans

Emergency Storage Food Among Products in Highest Demand

At the end of 2008, there are three consumer marketplaces that are experiencing record sales volumes—firearms, precious metals, and emergency storage food. Crisis preparedness is increasingly the theme for those seeking a refuge for their money and comfort from their concerns.

Minneapolis (Vocus/PRWEB ) December 6, 2008 – Gun dealers all over the United States are having a hard time keeping any inventory on hand for anxious customers. Reports are that guns and ammunition are selling at levels up to 50% higher than previous records.

<!– numquotes=1; quote_index = 0; quote_naptime = 1000 * 4; quote_timeout = 0; function sequentialQuotes() { var i; for( i = 0; i = numquotes ) { quote_index=0; } //alert( quote_index ); document.getElementById( « quote_ »+quote_index ).style.display = « inline »; if( enable_random ) { quote_timeout = setTimeout( « randomQuotes() », quote_naptime ); } } function randomQuotes() { var randQuotId; var i; for( i = 0; i The demand for gold has similarly erupted—Q3 of 2008 showed global sales 45% higher than the quarter before, which itself set the previous high-water mark.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

People who used to talk about preparedness used to get laughed out of the room; these days, they’re taken much more seriously, and for good reason.

Shipping continues it’s downward plunge

« Capesize Vessels » weigh from 175,000 tons to 400,000 tons and count as some of the largest craft in the World. They typically carry raw materials such as Iron ore, Steel, Coal and other raw commodities. Where you used to pay up to $230,000 per day to rent one, now you can have one for a measly $2800 per day. Lloyds even reported yesterday that one Capesize vessel was going for $1000 per day.

US clothing slump hits shipments

The slump in US clothing sales since the summer has led to a precipitous drop in the number of overseas factories shipping to the US, import documents show.

Panjiva, a firm that analyses information drawn from shipping manifests filed with US Customs, said the number of global suppliers actively serving the US market fell from 22,099 in July to just 6,262 in October, a decline of more than 70 per cent.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

70%! Ouch!

Worsening Spending Slump Paces ‘Scary’ U.S. Recession

The biggest slump in U.S. consumer spending since 1942 will extend the recession and push the jobless rate to the highest level in a quarter century, according to economists surveyed by Bloomberg News.

Dow 4,000. Food shortages. A bubble in Treasury notes. Fortune spoke to eight of the market’s sharpest thinkers and what they had to say about the future is frightening.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The government could fix the economy overnight by slashing taxes by 50%. But the one thing that would work is the one thing they will not do.

GM asks FAA to block public from viewing movements of corporate jet

General Motors, under fire for flying its chief executive to Washington for hearings on an auto bailout on its corporate jet, has asked the FAA to block the public from being able to track its plane.

“We availed ourselves of the option as others do to have the aircraft removed,” a GM spokesman told Bloomberg News.

Ad losses send industry into a tailspin

Across the United States, more than 30 daily newspapers are for sale, and buyers are scarce.

From Los Angeles to New York, leading newspapers have slashed newsrooms with buyout offers, and when those failed to reach budget-cutting goals, with layoffs.

The newspaper industry has been caught in a tailspin for three years, a trend variously blamed on plummeting ad revenues, declining readership, growing competition from the Internet and a deepening national recession.

Through 2005, print-advertising revenues grew nationwide, according to Newspaper Association of America data. But the industry took a $5 billion loss in advertising dollars during the next two years, and this year could be much worse.

In the third quarter of 2008, print-advertising revenues were down 28 percent from the third quarter of 2005. Most of that loss came in the classifieds.

The losses have not been spread evenly across the newspaper industry. Many small-city newspapers remain relatively unscathed while larger newspapers watch ad revenues and readership dwindle.

In newsroom staffs at major metropolitan dailies, « we’ve seen roughly 15 percent shrinkage in the last two years, » said Bernard Lunzer, president of The Newspaper Guild.

Paper Cuts, a website that tracks newspaper buyouts and layoffs, estimates that at least 14,447 jobs have been lost this year.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Helping the government lie the nation into a war of conquest » should be on that list!

Tribune Co. Going Bankrupt

Tribune Co. may be filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy next week, as advertising revenues tumbled.The company has $1.5 billion due in interest payments on debt due over the next 8 months and won’t have the cash to make good. Tribune has hired Lazard to prepare the bankruptcy filings.

The print news industry has been in steady decline for several years thanks to the 1-2 punch given by Craigslist.org, which killed their classified ad revenue, and the contraction of the economy that weighed heavy on ad revenues.

Are we witnessing the end of an era? One can hope.

Cost Of Bailout Hits $8.5 Trillion

The total cost of funds committed to the bailout in its various guises has now hit $8.5 trillion dollars, up from $7.7 trillion in just two days after the federal government committed an additional $800 billion to two new loan programs on Tuesday.

The total amount of funds now committed equals a figure that represents 60 per cent of the U.S. gross domestic product.

Fed unveils $800 billion plan to em… ah… whatever.

« Fed unveils $800 billion plan to bolster lending, housing »

This headline adorns the front pages of newspapers this evening. Is it just me or is the Fed getting these plans from cereal boxes at the White House breakfast ? Two or three pieces of cardboard and plastic for Henry and team to assemble in to something before another gruelling day of getting rid of all the money before the other guy takes office in January.

Mind Boggling – The True Cost of The Bailout

We’ve now exceeded the total cost for World War 2, The New Deal, Korean War, Iraq Invasion, Vietnam, The Louisiana Purchase, The Marshall Plan, S&L Bailout, Landing on the moon & NASA. COMBINED! In inflation adjusted numbers!

Big Bailouts, Bigger Bucks

The bailout has cost more than all of these big budget government expenditures – combined:

• Marshall Plan: Cost: $12.7 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $115.3 billion

• Louisiana Purchase: Cost: $15 million, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $217 billion

• Race to the Moon: Cost: $36.4 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $237 billion

• S&L Crisis: Cost: $153 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $256 billion

• Korean War: Cost: $54 billion, Inflation Adjusted Cost: $454 billion

• The New Deal: Cost: $32 billion (Est), Inflation Adjusted Cost: $500 billion (Est)

Bailout – Treasury Secretary Paulson Threatened Reps with Martial Law

Now, Senator Inhofe, speaking on KFAQ radio station in Tulsa, has confirmed who it was that issued this threat. The interview host Pat Campbell asked Infhofe, « Somebody in D.C. was feeding you guys quite a story prior to the bailout, a story that if we didn’t do this we were going to see something on the scale of the depression, there were people talking about martial law being instituted, civil unrest. Who was feeding you guys this stuff? »

Paulson Was Behind Bailout Martial Law Threat

Senator James Inhofe has revealed that Henry Paulson was behind the threats of martial law and a new great depression prior to the passage of the bailout bill, having made such warnings during a conference call on September 19th, around two weeks before the legislation was eventually approved by both the Senate and Congress.


<param name= »movie » value= »http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/eyeblast.swf?v=e4qG

Financial Disaster Will Lead to Civil Disorder in 2009 or 2010, Says Secret Citibank Memo

He goes on to explain that the massive money creation efforts by the Federal Reserve and other central banks will end with one of two things: A resurgence of inflation, or a fall into “depression, civil disorder and possibly wars

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It is like I said on yesterday’s show (and will repeat today), the US Government cannot fix the economy.

« The Last Official Act Of any Government Is To Loot The Nation. »

We are THERE, people!

The Fed boosted emergency loans to banks and firms

The Federal Reserve boosted its lending to commercial banks and investment firms over the past week, indicating that a severe credit crisis was still squeezing the financial system.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One more time (and take notes because there will be a quiz next period), we do NOT have a credit crisis. We have a repayment crisis, and the reason we have a repayment crisis is that the US Government gave huge tax breaks to corporations to make it easier for them to send high-paying American jobs to foreign countries.

It does not matter how much credit is created; few will borrow if they don’t think they can make the payments, the major exception being the government itself.

Russian analyst: U.S. will collapse with secession, civil war in 2009

Government bailout hits $8.5 trillion

Economic rescue

Key dates in the federal government’s campaign to alleviate the economic crisis.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Adjusted for inflation, the entire cost of the Apollo Moon program today would cost $267 billion. And out of that investment came not just a flag on the Moon, but new technologies from circuit miniaturization to materials to aeronautics to pharmaceuticals, launching a thousand new industries and thousands of new products that made America the envy of the manufacturing world.

And now the US Government wants to spend thirty times that amount of money, not to advance our technology but to preserve the already-failed status quo.

Does that sound like wise leadership to you?

U.S. Pledges Top $7.7 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit

The U.S. government is prepared to provide more than $7.76 trillion on behalf of American taxpayers after guaranteeing $306 billion of Citigroup Inc. debt yesterday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Umm, did anyone think to ASK the American taxpayers their permission befopre sticking us with roughly $100,000 per household of new debt (plus accruing interest)?

I mean this is just plain silly. The US Government is taking $7.7 trillion (some put the number higher, at $8.3 trillion) away from us and handing it to the banks, so that they can loan it back to us at interest.

Let me repeat that one more time.

The US Government is taking $7.7 trillion (some put the number higher, at $8.3 trillion) away from us and handing it to the banks, so that they can loan it back to us at interest.

Just @#$%ing boggles the mind, doesn’t it?

Citigroup gets a monetary lifeline from feds

The bailouts keep coming, and they seem to be getting worse for taxpayers.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Who do NOT get a lifeline, it should be added.

Citibank Scam: Why is the U.S. Bailing Out an United Arab Emirates Owned Bank?

The nation’s biggest banking firm counts as one of its top stakeholders Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.

As of last year, the prince owned more than $3 billion in Citigroup shares through his company, Kingdom Holding Company. In January, he was one of eight investors to buy a total of $12.5 billion in Citigroup securities.

Citigroup – Fresh From Being Bailed Out of Derivatives Black Hole – Now Selling Yet Another Type of Derivative

Citigroup has received $45 billion in direct bailout money, plus a guarantee of $306 billion. Citigroup was brought to its knees by – among other things – credit default swaps bet against it, and huge derivatives holdings.

Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan also each got $25 billion in taxpayer bailout money. The bailout money helped save them from the black hole of derivatives debt.

So what are these grateful companies doing now? Are they confessing about the error of their ways, and warning others to stay away from derivatives?

Uh, no.

Colossal Financial Collapse: The Truth behind the Citigroup Bank “Nationalization”

On Friday November 21, the world came within a hair’s breadth of the most colossal financial collapse in history according to bankers on the inside of events with whom we have contact. The trigger was the bank which only two years ago was America’s largest, Citigroup. The size of the US Government de facto nationalization of the $2 trillion banking institution is an indication of shocks yet to come in other major US and perhaps European banks thought to be ‘too big to fail.’

OECD warns of worst recession since early 1980s

The financial crisis will likely push the world’s developed countries into their worst recession since the early 1980s, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said Tuesday.

CitiGroup’s destructive potential still poses a systemic threat.

Yesterday’s handing over of yet more taxpayer money to CitiGroup has temporarily avoided a truly systemic breakdown of the world banking system but, as always, the real problems have not been addressed and the inevitable collapse has just been delayed.

Global demand for oil to plummet

Global oil demand will collapse next year and commodities will not return to the highs they reached this summer in the foreseeable future, two authoritative reports said on Tuesday as they forecast a long and painful worldwide recession.

The stark conclusions came as the World Bank’s chief economist predicted that the world faced “the worst recession since the Great Depression”.

The US energy department said global oil demand will fall this year and next, marking the first two consecutive years’ decline in 30 years.

Illinois’ Blagojevich Arrested for Trying to Sell Obama’s U.S. Senate Seat

Dec. 9 (Bloomberg) — Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested with his chief of staff on charges they tried to sell U.S. President-Elect Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat, according to Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald.

Yesterday Gov. Rod Blagojevich Attacked Bank of America, Today the Bush DOJ Makes Him Disappear

I do not care what the Illinois Governor did or how much sun shine’s out of Fitz’s ass. Someone in the the DOJ and someone even higher up in the Bush administration gave the prosecutor the green light to arrest Gov. Rod Blagojevich today because yesterday the Democratic governor dared to fuck with one of the high holies of the Republican business community, a company that had recently been anointed with $25 billion blessed tax payers’ dollars— Bank of America .

And no one in the United States messes with Big Business and lives to tell about it.

Ill. Governor suspends all state business with Bank of America

In a stinging note of support for the laid off workers that have taken up residency in Chicago’s Republic Windows & Doors factory, the Governor of Illinois has suspended business with Bank of America until it reissues credit to the shuttered company.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And just 24 hours later he gets arrested for corruption charges!

FLASHBACK: Eliot’s Mess

‘Steering,’ sub-prime loans with usurious kickers, fake inducements to over-borrow, called ‘fraudulent conveyance’ or ‘predatory lending’ under US law, were almost completely forbidden in the olden days (Clinton Administration and earlier) by federal regulators and state laws as nothing more than fancy loan-sharking.

But when the Bush regime took over, Countrywide and its banking brethren were told to party hearty – it was OK now to steer’m, fake’m, charge’m and take’m.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And then Spitzer got nailed for the Emperor’s Club VIP.

This is starting to look like the same thing just happened to the governor of Illinois. In both cases Bank of America was involved.

Axelrod Denies Barack Obama Met With Rod Blagojevich

I was mistaken when I told an interviewer last month that the President-elect has spoken directly to Governor Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy. They did not then or at any time discuss the subject.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

There had been a story about such a meeting at http://www.connecttristates.com/news/story.aspx?id=219212, but amazingly, it has gone missing now!

Fortunately, it is cached HERE!

The guy isn’t even in the White House yet and already we have lies and cover-ups.

Change my astrolabe!


Report: Toxins Found In One-Third Of Toys Tested

One in three toys tested by a Michigan nonprofit group contained medium or high levels of toxic chemicals, according to a report released Wednesday. And U.S.-made children’s toys didn’t necessarily contain fewer toxins than their imported counterparts

Webmaster’s Commentary:

How comforting, knowing how well American kids not are protected from this kind of exposure!

FDA sets safe level for melamine in infant formula

Federal regulators set a safety threshold Friday for the industrial chemical melamine that is greater than the amount of contamination found so far in U.S.-made infant formula.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Only one week after finding that US Infant Formula contained Melamine, the FDA has set a « safety threshold » for Melamine that lucky for our baby formula companies is higher than the amounts being added to baby formula. Prasie the FDA; no product recalls will be necessary.

Now then, aside from the fact that one week is way too short to conduct a study, especially for the government, how does anyone KNOW what a safe level of exposure is, since the effects are CUMULATIVE OVER TIME, and can vary widely depending on the body chemistry of the infant’s excretory system?

Only one month ago, the FDA said it could not identify ANY safe level of exposure for infants!

90 Percent of U.S. Infant Formula May Be Contaminated with Melamine; FDA Abruptly Declares Chemical Safe for Babies

Up to 90 percent of the infant formula sold in the United States may be contaminated with trace amounts of melamine, the toxic chemical linked to kidney damage, according to recent tests. The FDA’s test results, which the agency hid from the public and only released after the Associated Press filed a Freedom of Information Act request, showed that Nestle, Mead Johnson and Enfamil infant formula products were all contaminated with melamine.

Pfizer Implicated in Human Drug Experimentation on Critically Ill Children in Nigeria

Did Pfizer recruit critical ill Nigerian children for illegal drug experiments? That’s what the Nigerian government is charging in an $8.5 billion lawsuit against the drug maker. To avoid a court battle, Pfizer is offering to pay off the Nigerian government with $150 million in drug money, hoping it will drop the case and end what could potentially be a public relations nightmare for the drug maker.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If you’ve never seen the film « The Constant Gardner », adapted from the book of the same name, it lays bare the kinds of practices drug companies use to test their new drugs, and the lengths to which they will go to keep info on problems and/or catastrophic failures from ever reaching the public.

If these charges against Pfizer are true, I hope the Nigerian government gets its day in court, and that the proceedings are open for the world to see.

Intervention call as cholera spreads

WESTERN calls for radical intervention in Zimbabwe rose dramatically over the weekend as the United Nations warned that the number of cholera cases in the region could reach 60,000 and the death toll rise to 3000.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

OK, the West is calling for « …radical intervention ».

Uh, just which countries’ armies are going to be dispatched by their governments to provide that « intervention »?

Any takers?

Thought not.


Big brother police to get power to stop you in the street to demand ID… refuse and you’ll face jail

State officials are to be given powers previously reserved for times of war to demand a person’s proof of identity at any time.

Anybody who refuses the Big Brother demand could face arrest and a possible prison sentence.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Your papers please, comrade!

Social services ’set up CCTV camera in couple’s bedroom’


Council staff are said to have spied on the young parents at night as part of a plan to see if they were fit

to look after their baby, who was sleeping in another room.

The mother and father were forced to cite the Human Rights Act, which protects the right to a private life, before the social services team backed down and agreed to switch off the surveillance camera while they were in bed together.

Berlusconi plans to use G8 presidency to ‘regulate the internet’

Italian president and media baron Silvio Berlusconi said today that he would use his country’s imminent presidency of the G8 group to push for an international agreement to « regulate the internet ».

Speaking to Italian postal workers, Reuters reports Berlusconi said: « The G8 has as its task the regulation of financial markets… I think the next G8 can bring to the table a proposal for a regulation of the internet. »

German False Flag in Kosovo

Reuters has the story on what is apparently the latest false flag operation:

Germany declined to comment on on Saturday on reports that three Germans arrested on suspicion of throwing explosives at an EU office in Kosovo were intelligence officers.

The explosive charge was thrown on Nov. 14 at the International Civilian Office (ICO), the office of EU Special Representative Pieter Feith, who oversees Kosovo’s governance, but caused only minor damage. The men were detained on Thursday.

German Intelligence Agents Caught Staging False Flag Terror

German intelligence agents have been caught staging a false flag terror attack against an EU building in Kosovo, apparently in an attempt to create a pretext for EU police to be deployed in Kosovo after government leaders rejected the UN-mandated proposal.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

See The Lavon Affair

See Fake Al Qaeda

See The Attack on the USS Liberty

Amérique du Sud:

Russia president, warships to Venezuela to counter US

Warships, nuclear power, arms sales and perhaps cooperation on oil prices — Russia’s President Dmitry Medvedev is in Venezuela this week with an alarming sounding list to wave under Washington’s nose.

DEA complicit in drug trade, says Morales

Bolivian leader Evo Morales on Thursday accused the US government of encouraging drug-trafficking as he explained his decision to banish the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Morales, a staunch opponent of the Washington government, said the staff from the US agency had three months to prepare to leave the country, because « the DEA did not respect the police, or even the (Bolivian) armed forces. »

« The worst thing is, it did not fight drug trafficking; It encouraged it, » the Bolivian leader said, adding that he had « quite a bit of evidence » backing up his charges.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

See Activities at Mena.

Slaying of Mexican journalist muzzles whole society

Increasingly, such murders are also an ordinary part of life for Mexico’s reporters. The country is now one of the world’s most dangerous for journalists.

Rodriguez was the fifth Mexican journalist slain this year alone, according to the Commitee to Protect Journalists.


America The Illiterate

There are over 42 million American adults, 20 percent of whom hold high school diplomas, who cannot read, as well as the 50 million who read at a fourth- or fifth-grade level. Nearly a third of the nation’s population is illiterate or barely literate. And their numbers are growing by an estimated 2 million a year. But even those who are supposedly literate retreat in huge numbers into this image-based existence. A third of high school graduates, along with 42 percent of college graduates, never read a book after they finish school.

America’s forgotten freedoms

A survey by the First Amendment Center in the US has reached the shocking conclusion that most American citizens don’t know the five basic freedoms enshrined in the constitution.

The study found that no more than 3% of Americans remember “petition” among the First Amendment’s five basic freedoms.

However, freedom of speech was remembered by the majority of respondents – 56%.

The others freedoms enshrined in the constitution appeared to have made little impression: freedom of religion was named by 15%; the same percentage remembered press freedom as a constitutional right while just 14% knew they had a right to assembly.

The number of respondents who remembered freedom of speech was the lowest in the history of the survey, conducted each year for the past eleven years.

What makes this year’s results more shocking is that 4 out of 10 people questioned could not name any freedom at all.

US officials flunk test of history, economics, civics

US elected officials scored abysmally on a test measuring their civic knowledge, with an average grade of just 44 percent, the group that organized the exam said Thursday.

Ordinary citizens did not fare much better, scoring just 49 percent correct on the 33 exam questions compiled by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI).

« It is disturbing enough that the general public failed ISI’s civic literacy test, but when you consider the even more dismal scores of elected officials, you have to be concerned, » said Josiah Bunting, chairman of the National Civic Literacy Board at ISI.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The world is laughing at us!

You can take the test yourself HERE

Average score for this quiz during November: 77.7%

I got 31 out of 33 correctly — 93.94 % 😛

Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security

The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials.

The long-planned shift in the Defense Department’s role in homeland security was recently backed with funding and troop commitments after years of prodding by Congress and outside experts, defense analysts said.

Military Examines Role In Domestic Defense

Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Monday ordered his top department leaders to conduct a broad review to determine whether the military, National Guard and Reserve can adequately deal with domestic disasters and whether they have the training and equipment to defend the homeland.

« Make no mistake, his decisions are aimed at landmark changes, changes that are essential if the Guard and Reserves are to remain fully capable of meeting current and future threats, » said Punaro.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One has to wonder: defend the « homeland » from whom, and what future « threats » are these folks envisioning?

Please remember: as reported in the Army Times,


a deployment of the 1st Brigade Combat Team here in the US, which started 1 October of this year, has been under the control of Northcom. I quote from the article:

« …..They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control …..

What is Gates anticipating in this country that such a deployment is necessary?

FBI was told to blame Anthrax scare on Al Qaeda by White House officials

In the immediate aftermath of the 2001 anthrax attacks, White House officials repeatedly pressed FBI Director Robert Mueller to prove it was a second-wave assault by Al Qaeda, but investigators ruled that out, the Daily News has learned.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The FBI knows of a man who was caught entering the lab where the Anthrax used in the letters was kept, after he had been fired for a racially motivated attack on a co-worker.

NC undercover officers use Taser on pallbearer

Five sheriff’s deputies will be disciplined after they used a Taser while serving an arrest warrant on a man at his father’s funeral, a North Carolina sheriff said Wednesday.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Clinton, everywhere you go?

Judicial Watch Announces Hillary Clinton Constitutionally Ineligible to Serve as Secretary of State

According to the Ineligibility Clause of the United States Constitution, no member of Congress can be appointed to an office that has benefited from a salary increase during the time that Senator or Representative served in Congress. A January 2008 Executive Order signed by President Bush during Hillary Clinton’s current Senate term increased the salary for Secretary of State, thereby rendering Senator Clinton ineligible for the position.

Senate vote will give Clinton legal remedy

US Senate prepares legal remedy to clear Hillary Clinton’s nomination

« Washington, Dec.4 : The US Senate is reported to have come up with a legal remedy that will allow it to circumvent the Constitution and clear the nomination of Senator Hillary Clinton as the country’s next Secretary of State.

According to Politico, the Democrats are readying legislation that could be acted on as soon as next week to pave the way for Clinton’s confirmation in Barack Obama’s Cabinet. »

The More Things Change The More They Stay The Same

Now this same intelligentsia is beginning to howl over Obama’s transition team and early choices to run his Administration. Having defeated Senator Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Primaries, he now is busily installing Bill Clinton’s old guard. Thirty one out of forty seven people that he has named so far for transition or appointments have ties to the Clinton Administration, according to Politico. One Clintonite is quoted in the Washington Post as saying – “This isn’t lightly flavored with Clintons. This is all Clintons, all the time.”

« Obama is merely a fop for the global elite »

“Developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class—involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing—are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Note that Strong and Soros are insisting that it is the Middle Class that must be forced to lower their lifestyles. No mention is made of the ultra rich having to go without.

This « new order » has nothing to do with the environment at all. Strong and Soros know that throughout history, all opposition to oligarchy arises from the middle class, so like the former Soviet Union, Strong’s and Soros’ new socialist order designs the middle class out out of the system from the very start.

New AG Appointee Advocated To Stifle Speech On Web

As tragic as Columbine was, Holder’s reaction to stifle free speech on the internet is nonetheless disturbing. Combine his zeal for what he may consider “reasonable regulations” along with his advocacy for a federal hate crime law(H/T to National Review), and internet users may find themselves in a world of legal woe after the Obama administration takes over in January.

Obama spells end of blank cheques for Israel

Israel can no longer expect « blank cheques » from Washington once president-elect Barack Obama’s administration takes over in January, a former US ambassador to the Jewish state said on Sunday.

« The era of the blank cheque is over, » said Martin Indyk, director of the Centre for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institute who is considered close to incoming secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

We shall see.


The following humble suggestions are based on my 70 years of experience as an underground fighter, special forces soldier in the 1948 war, editor-in-chief of a newsmagazine, member of the Knesset and founding member of a peace movement:

Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)


Obliterating Iraq

Pakistan Daily published a list of Iraqi academics assassinated in Iraq during the US-led occupation.

This is a particularly meaningful aspect of the Iraq genocide, the extermination of its intellectual classes. It wasn’t enough to invade and occupy what was once the most advanced country in the Middle East and destroy its economy. Iraq had to be obliterated, its history re-written and its future denied.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Pol Pot did the same thing in Cambodia and was justly considered a criminal for it.

US contractors lose immunity in Iraq security deal

« In the future, contractors and grantees can expect to be fully subject to Iraqi criminal and civil laws and to the procedures of the Iraqi judicial system, » the official said, adding that contractors faced similar situations in all other areas of the world, including in Afghanistan.

KBR Sued for Giving Soldiers Ice with ‘Traces of Body Fluids and Putrefied Remains’

The scandals for KBR just keep coming. The former Halliburton subsidiary responsible for the sexual assault of Jamie Leigh Jones and the accidental electrocution of a U.S. soldier is now subject of a class-action lawsuit for exposing employees to « unsafe water, food, and hazardous fumes » at the largest U.S. installation in Iraq.

Iraq Parliament approves landmark US military pact

After 11 months of hard-nosed negotiations with Washington and a flurry of 11th hour horse-trading leading up to the vote, the pact was approved by 144 members of the 198 who attended the session of the 275-member assembly.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

77 members of the Iraqi Parliament didn’t show up to vote: you have to wonder why.

You also have to wonder what Al Sadr’s next move will be here, as he as he was on record as being adamantly opposed to this legislation.

AMSI: The Resistance will continue till the exit of the occupiers

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Our kids were supposed to come home end of next month when the UN mandate expired. And, there is no reason for them not to since there never were any weapons of mass destruction and Saddam is now dead anyway.

So, the arm twisting done by the United States to « convince » the Iraqi government to sign the security agreement has one immediate and inevitable consequence. Those groups within Iraq who were waiting patiently for the Americans to leave now know patience will not restore their country to them. They now have no reason to either cooperate with the puppet Iraqi government or to rely on diplomacy. Hence, expect more of our kids to start coming home in body bags.

And as each one rolls off that airplane in the dead of night, ask yourself just what it is they died for.

AMSI: Iraqi Parliament sold Iraq and Iraqis to the occupier

General Headquarters of the Association of Muslim Scholars in Iraq (AMSI) strongly denounced the footprints in the Parliament of Representatives in Iraq who have signed the Convention on Iraq to comply with the U.S. occupation administration and vote to assure the Iraqi people that the Iraqi Parliament had sold Iraq and its people to the occupier

Thousands of Iraqis protest U.S. security pact

A suicide bomber killed 12 people in an Iraqi mosque on Friday while thousands of followers of anti-American Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr demonstrated in Baghdad after parliament passed a pact allowing U.S. troops to remain through 2011.

Some 9,000 people protested in Baghdad’s Shi’ite slum of Sadr City after Friday prayers, burning a U.S. flag and holding banners reading « No, no to the agreement. » About 2,500 people held a similar rally in the southern city of Basra.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Notice how studiously US corporate media is ignoring the hell out of this, but we’re getting « all Mumbai… all the time. »

If Al-Sadr gives the order, we’ve got more civil war in our hands in Iraq.


German general breaks silence on Afghanistan

Breaking with a military tradition of keeping silent about policy, a top German general has branded his country’s efforts in Afghanistan a failure, singling out its poor record in training the Afghan police and allocating development aid.

Afghanistan drug production up 150% since 2001

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! » — Official White Horse Souse

Afghanistan demands ‘timeline’ for end of military intervention

President Hamid Karzai demanded on Tuesday at a meeting with a UN Security Council team that the international community set a « timeline » for ending military intervention in Afghanistan, his office said.

Karzai told a delegation from the Council that his country needed to know how long the US-led « war on terror » was going to be fought in Afghanistan or it would be forced to seek a political solution to a Taliban-led insurgency.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Karzai is many things, but he is not an idiot. He fully understands that ultimately, the only solution here will have to be a political reconciliation with the Taliban.

And that collective, repetitive « thud » you keep hearing is the sound of heads in the state department and at the pentagon, banging against walls, coupled with the screams of « No, dammit, NO!!!!« 

Pentagon plans troop surge in Afghanistan

The Pentagon has begun a massive building operation to construct new barracks and facilities in Afghanistan for 20,000 extra US troops that will pour into the country early next year.

There are 8,100 British troops in Afghanistan, mostly deployed in the southern Helmand province, where the Taleban insurgency has been the most fierce and effective.

It is to house the 20,000 extra troops, who will be joining the 32,000 American forces already there. General Tucker refused to say where the new facility will be.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to the Obama Transition Team and Future Cabinet: these numbers don’t add up at all.

By the US military’s own protocol, we need about 500,000 soldiers to hold Afghanistan. Add the numbers represented here, and what do we have?

When the surge reaches its full troop strength what we’ll have here (counting the British forces) will be – give or take – about 58,000 soldiers.

This is just a little over 10% of the troop strength necessary to get the job done.

So, what do we do? Continue the aerial bombings, declare victory, and go home?

Viet Nam should have taught the American military that you cannot win what is essentially a ground war from the air. Not having learned that lesson is a sad commentary on the mindset at both the Pentagon, and the white house.

At the end of the day, the resolution of the instability in Afghanistan can only be accomplished by dialogue, and by the Afghanis being able to elect a government that isn’t so crooked that government officials have to screw their socks on in the morning.

Taliban chief says US troop building will mean more dead, wounded Americans

The Taliban’s fugitive leader said the planned increase in U.S. troops in Afghanistan will give his fighters incentive to kill and maim more Americans than ever.

Mullah Omar, who is believed to be sheltered by fiercely conservative tribesman on the Afghan-Pakistan border, said battles would « flare up » everywhere.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Even with the impending « surge » of US troops, we won’t have any where near enough boots on the ground to securely occupy Afghanistan, by the US military’s own protocol.

The « surge » is only window-dressing until the adults in the room in Washington hopefully figure out an exit strategy which doesn’t look quite like the abject defeat it will very most probably be.

Why are many of the Afghanis furious with us? Well, let’s see:

1. We invaded their country, and have killed hundreds of people’s wives, children, brothers, and sisters.

2. We installed a puppet government, headed by Hamid Karzai (formerly a UNOCAL consultant), which is so collectively corrupt that people believe these government officials have to screw their socks on in the morning.

3. And if that were not enough, as reported in September of this year,


« A poor harvest, the harshest winter in memory and widespread drought could mean a severe winter food shortage for millions of Afghans, aid officials say. »

‘The grim forecasts generally cover small farmers in central and northern Afghanistan, affecting 9 million people, more than a quarter of the population, The New York Times reported Friday. »

Trust me; the Afghanis do not hate us « because we are free »; they hate us because of what has been done to them in the name of oil and pipelines.

Press, « Psy Ops » to merge at NATO Afghan HQ

Press and « Psy Ops » to merge at NATO Afghan HQ: sources

By Jon Hemming Jon Hemming

KABUL (Reuters) – The U.S. general commanding NATO forces in Afghanistan has ordered a merger of the office that releases news with « Psy Ops, » which deals with propaganda, a move that goes against the alliance’s policy, three officials said.

The move has worried Washington’s European NATO allies — Germany has already threatened to pull out of media operations in Afghanistan — and the officials said it could undermine the credibility of information released to the public.

3 décembre 2008

La politique à gogo et le terrorisme économique

Filed under: Canada,L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet,Québec,Terrorisme — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 4 décembre 2008: La politique à gogo et le terrorisme économique

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 4 décembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde:

– On se pose des questions à savoir ce qui se passe avec les élections au Québec, le cirque à Ottawa et de la hausse de plus de 10% de la dette nationale sans personne ne soit consulté. La nomination de Hillary Clinton par Obama est aussi remise en question sur L’Autre Monde.

– Les attaques à Mumbai – l’autre facette de l’histoire que les grands médias ne vous rapportent pas. Nous allons en profiter pour faire le tour de la situation avec le Pakistan et le siège médiéval que Israël impose sur les Palestiniens de la bande de Gaza qui se résulte en crise humanitaire sérieuse. Nous y reviendrons la semaine prochaine plus en détail.

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

As Crisis Mounts, Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt Illegitimate and Illegal

Amidst the spreading global financial crisis, a special debt audit commission released a report charging that much of Ecuador‘s foreign debt was illegitimate or illegal. The commission recommended that Ecuador default on $3.9 billion in foreign commercial debts–Global Bonds 2012, 2015 and 2030–the result of debts restructured in 2000 after the country’s 1999 default.

Obama confirme les choix de Hillary Clinton et de Robert Gates

Hillary Should Quit!

Politics surely makes for strange bedfellows. President-elect Barack Obama will officially announce on Monday his choice of New York Senator Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, a position that will make her the nation’s, and the world’s, top diplomat. It’s an appointment that for some comes as no surprise, as some sort of Obama/Clinton marriage always seemed inevitable. But to others, this decision is sure to be truly unfathomable.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.

Essentially, you cannot take a job if the salary was increased during your current congressional term. And the salary for cabinet officials has gone up in the past year. Even if it is lowered back down, constitutional scholars say that may not be enough to fix the problem.

The question is whether this would be an issue at confirmation – if Clinton is nominated to the post – and who would raise it. Senators traditionally grant their colleagues some deference and it could be considered politics at its worst if Republicans try to block her nomination with this argument. But senators may be loathe to vote for something scholars tell them is unconstitutional.

But the moment Obama makes the nomination, he violates the Constitution.

The Death of Vincent Foster

This is the story that nobody dares touch.

Despite having reported the discovery of Dr. Haut’s signed report confirming the existence of a second wound to Vincent Foster’s neck, radio host Rush Limbaugh to this very day refers to Vincent Foster’s death as a suicide.

Even Matt Drudge, when presented with the FBI records proving that the FBI fraudulently manufactured Lisa Foster’s recognition of the gun found at Fort Marcy Park, refused to get involved, opting instead for a story accusing Sidney Blumenthal of domestic violence (for which Drudge was then sued).

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Relinked in light of Hillary Clinton’s nomination for Secretary of State.

The Crimes of Mena


~The Clinton Chronicles

The Crimes of Mena


Volume II: The Contra Story





What were CIA’s legal and regulatory responsibilities during the Contra program regarding the reporting of potential drug trafficking crimes?
What policies and guidelines governed CIA’s contacts during the Contra program with persons and organizations alleged to be involved in drug trafficking?
What do CIA Headquarters and field personnel recall regarding alleged drug trafficking by the Contras?


What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving Contra organizations? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities? 15th of September Legion–Justiniano Perez/Manuel Porro/Juan Francisco Rivera/Hugo Villagra/Fernando Brautigan/Felix Alcides Espinoza/Edwin Hoocker


Central America and the Caribbean Map

What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving Southern Front Contras? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities?
The Southern Front Trafficking Reports
Adolfo Jose Chamorro
Roberto Jose Chamorro
Marcos Antonio Aguado
Gerardo Duran
Alfonso Robelo
Octaviano Cesar
Edmundo Jose Chamorro
Fernando Jose Chamorro
Sebastian Gonzalez
Carol Prado
Jenelee Hodgson
Alfredo Cesar
Jose Davila
Harold Martinez
Rene Corvo
Carlos Alberto Amador
Jose Orlando Bolanos
Moises Nunez
Gustavo Quezada
Felipe Vidal


What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving Northern Front Contras? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities?
Adolfo Calero
Enrique Bermudez
Mario Jose Calero
Juan Ramon Rivas
Stedman Fagoth
Roger Herman
Sebastian Pinel
Arnoldo Jose Arana
Jose Francisco Cardenal/Bergman Arguello/Eduard Jose Sacasa-Urouyo/Rolando Murillo/Juan Savala (or Zavala)/Renato Pena/Roger J. Ramiro


What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving other individuals supporting the Contra program? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities?
Ivan Gomez
A CIA Independent Contractor
A Second CIA Independent Contractor
A Third CIA Independent Contractor
John Floyd Hull


What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving pilots and companies supporting the Contra program? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities?
Frigorificos De Puntarenas/Ocean Hunter
Hondu Carib
Allegations Involving Other Companies Associated With the Contras
Southern Air Transport
Alan Hyde
Allegations Involving Air Crew Members of Companies that Provided Services to the Contras Under Contract or Subcontract with CIA
What was the nature and extent of CIA’s knowledge of allegations of Contra drug trafficking at the Ilopango Air Base?
To what extent did CIA disseminate « finished intelligence products » that included information about drug trafficking on the part of individuals, organizations, and independent contractors associated with the Contras?
To what extent did CIA share information with Congress regarding allegations of drug trafficking on the part of individuals, organizations, and independent contractors associated with the Contras?


Appendix A — Jack Terrell
Appendix B — Frank Castro
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E


March 2, 1982 DoJ-CIA Memorandum of Understanding regarding « Reporting and Use of Information Concerning Federal Crimes »
[1] – [2] – [3] – [4] – [5] – [6] – [7] – [8] – [9] – [10] – [11] – [12]

February 11, 1982 Letter to DCI William Casey from Attorney General William French Smith regarding DoJ-CIA Memorandum of Understanding

February 8, 1985 DoJ Memorandum to Mark Richard from A. R. Cinquegrana, « CIA Reporting of Drug Offenses »

Israel Hails Takeover Of US Congress

Even more perplexing is that while Israel is facing the worst crisis facing its existence since its establishment by the United Nations in 1948 it is, nevertheless, celebrating the record number of Jews elected to the US Congress where they now control over 10 percent of a government in a Nation where they comprise only 3 percent of the population and where next week President Bush will meet with Prime Minister Olmert to plan their military attacks upon Iran

Urgent Statement From Neturei Karta Palestine (PDF)

Please see attached important appeal letter for people of Gaza. for wide distribution.

UNRWA chief: Gaza on brink of humanitarian catastrophe

Karen AbuZayd, commissioner-general of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), said the human toll of this month’s sealing of Gaza’s goods crossings was the gravest since the early days of a Palestinian uprising eight years ago.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to UNRWA Commissioner-General Abuzayd: what you are seeing on the ground in Gaza is precisely the outcome Israel wants to have happen.

Gazan Palestinians are, Commissioner-General, literally being « softened up » by malnutrition for « the kill’; and by that, I mean that they are being starved so they cannot resist a massive Israeli invasion which will leave no Palestinian standing, if Israel thinks they can get away with it.

Make no mistake: this siege, and the outcomes Israel is creating by it, are clear, and completely unambiguous.

And this impending invasion of Gaza isn’t a question of if; it is a question of when.

Gaza power plant shuts down

Gaza‘s sole power plant has shut down because Israel will not allow the importation of replacement parts needed for urgent repairs, an official in the impoverished Palestinian territory’s energy authority said on Tuesday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This virtually guarantees that many of the medically fragile in Gazan hospitals will die.

Barak closes crossings and health disaster in Gaza due to chlorine depletion

Israeli war minister Ehud Barak decided late Monday to retain the Gaza crossings closed on Tuesday at the pretext of Palestinian rocket attacks, while the popular committee against the siege warned of an imminent health disaster due to the depletion of chlorine used to disinfect drinking water.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Look for water-borne diseases like cholera to start running rampant through the Gazan population.

Of course, the Israeli government understands precisely that this will be the outcome without chlorine to purify the water.

Knowing this outcome, and doing nothing to prevent it, means that the Israeli government wants this to happen.

Essential health facilities at the Al Shifa medical center stopped functioning

Dr. Hussein Ashour, head of the Al Shifa medical center in Gaza, one of the biggest medical centers in the Gaza Strip, stated that main facilities at the center stopped functioning due to the lack of fundamental equipment and tools.

Ashour added that the Oxygen Department, the Heart Unit, Physical Therapy Unit and the main laboratory completely stopped functioning as they lack fundamental equipment and tools.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The Siege: Israel’s « final solution » for sick Palestinian Gazans, including the infants and children.

Gaza’s hospitals struggle to save lives amid Israeli siege

Virtually no food, medicine or other vital supplies have been allowed in to the territory that is home to 1.5 million people. The impact of the siege is most directly observed in Gaza’s health sector.

Dr. Zaki Azzaq Zouq, an oncologist, explained, « There is a widespread shortage of essential medicines which we used to give to patients prior to the blockade. Currently, there are no tools for physicians to treat patients who suffer from lung, stomach, colon or brain cancers. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So much for the Israeli government’s much-vaunted lie about not wanting to create a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Hungry Gazans Resort to Animal Feed as U.N. Blasts Israel

Half of Gaza’s bakeries have closed down and the other half have resorted to animal feed to produce bread as Israel’s complete blockade of the coastal territory enters its 19th day.

Karen AbuZayd, commissioner-general for the U.N.’s Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which supports Palestinian refugees, warned that a humanitarian « catastrophe » loomed if Israel continued to prevent aid from reaching Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Ms. AbuZayd: my dear lady, don’t you get it? This is precisely the outcome Israel wants, to literally « soften up » Gazan Palestinians for the coming invasion.

The siege, and lack of necessities, is not an accident, but a very carefully thought out strategy to achieve very specific outcomes.

These include death for medically fragile Gazans who are denied treatment outside of Gaza which could save them,
death by water-born diseases, like cholera, because the water pumping and filtration units won’t work, and severe malnutrition in children.

Ms. Abu Zayd, there is absolutely nothing accidental in what the Israelis are doing here. They know precisely what will happen as the siege continues, and that is what they want to see continue to happen.

Israel Creates Humanitiarian Crisis In Gaza

Israel has cut off fuel to Gaza and has illegally instituted collective punishment on 1.5 million Palestinians. Raw sewage runs in the streets, hospitals have no power and the world stands silent and MSM does not cover the story.

El Khoudary: Civilians will nonviolently march to Israel on Ghandi style

The direful situation of Gaza strip reached the peak in last two days. More people are joining the harmed classes of Palestinians living under siege. Popular Committee against Siege PCAS warned today of decisive popular mass towards Israeli borders.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Let us hope that the Palestinian people remember Gandhi’s edict to his followers: no violence, even if violence is done to you.

Many of Gandhi’s followers were beaten and shot by the British.

And let us also hope that the governmental and military infrastructure of Israel understands that shooting into a crowd of unarmed civilians will be a pr catastrophe.

It will be caught on camera, no matter what Israel has done recently to prevent journalists into Gaza, and the footage of this march, and the Israeli response, will be seen around the world.

Deaths and no dinner

Fadiya Al-Zaher, 55, was supposed to return last Thursday to her house following routine kidney dialysis at Shuhada Al-Aqsa Hospital in the centre of the Gaza Strip. She used to go three times a week. Her son Amin, was with her when the power supply to the hospital was cut off and the backup generators, short of fuel, failed to kick in.

Amin was running up and down the corridor leading to her room, not knowing what to do. His sister, Tahani, suggested that they take their mother to another hospital in Gaza. Amin phoned the hospital and was told that it wasn’t ready to take in more patients. Then a nurse came and told Amin that his mother had gone into a coma. An hour later, she was pronounced dead.

Fadiya’s story illustrates the fate awaiting hundreds of people diagnosed with chronic illnesses in Gaza.

Khalil Al-Koreimah, 59, nearly died in similar circumstances. An asthma patient, Khalil keeps an electrically operated oxygen pump at home that he uses in emergencies. When Khalil needed to use the pump recently, there was no electricity in the entire neighbourhood.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Imagine, for one moment, that this woman was your mom, your auntie, your cousin, a dear friend of the family.

Imagine your knowing that her death was completely preventable at that moment: it was a matter of failed power to the generator which made her dialysis machine work.

Imagine understanding that her death was part of Israel‘s « final solution » for sick and medically fragile Gazan Palestinians.

Libyan aid ship blocked from Gaza

Israeli boats have obstructed the path of a Libyan cargo ship en route to the Gaza Strip.

The ship was said to be carrying about 3,000 tonnes of goods for residents of the Strip in defiance of an Israeli sea and land blockade of the territory.

Monday’s scheduled docking was the first attempt by a foreign government to break the blockade.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Where is the outrage?

If this were Muslims starving Jews slowly to death, the howls and screams of anger would be deafening!

Why is it seemingly okay for Israel to treat Palestine the way the Nazis treated the Warsaw Ghetto?

Assad urges EU to help lift Gaza blockade

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held talks with two French envoys on Sunday and urged Paris and the European Union, currently headed by France, to work to lift the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Every nation on Earth reacted with horror at the Mumbai attacks, 9-11, South Africa’s Apartheid, Darfur, etc.

Yet for some reason, Israel can treat Palestine worse than the Nazis treated the Warsaw Ghetto and escape criticism.

Upon what meat doth this our Israel feed that it has grown so great?

Israel reopens Gaza border to journalists, aid workers

Israel on Thursday reopened its border crossings with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip to journalists and international aid workers, lifting a month-long ban that has been vocally protested.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One has to wonder how long the borders will stay open this time.

But this gesture demonstrates that Israel recognizes that what they are doing, regarding humanitarian aid and not allowing reporters in Gaza, is getting noticed with a great deal of alarm internationally.

Breathless in Washington

On the day that Americans turned out in near record numbers to vote, another record was being set halfway around the world. In Afghanistan, a US Air Force strike wiped out about 40 people in a wedding party. This represented at least the sixth wedding party eradicated by American air power in Afghanistan and Iraq since December 2001.

American planes have, in fact, taken out two brides in the past seven months. And don’t try to bury your dead or mark their deaths ceremonially either, because funerals have been hit as well.

FCC Banned Clip: NYPD Blue Shower Scene

Here’s the scene that got ABC fined $1.43 million by the FCC. It’s
from NYPD Blue five years ago. The scene, which the FCC branded
‘indecent,’ has been posted on the Internet and has become a viral

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So, our national morality is that it is okay to bomb women (and children) in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we cannot let you see them naked!

Is this a screwed-up nation or what?

I would prefer it the other way around.

US drone strike kills 12 in Pakistan

A pre-dawn missile strike by a US drone on a suspected militant hideout in Pakistan’s volatile north Waziristan tribal region has killed at least 12 people.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Aerial strikes guarantee two things, and two things only; the killing of a lot of innocent civilians (and I would almost be willing to bet real money that the strike killed far more people than reported here), and the radicalization of those left standing even further against the government.

One almost has to wonder if the US is hell-bent on creating the level of destabilisation necessary to make conditions ripe for another bloodless coup, a la Musharraf, to bring a yet another military dictator to the fore who will be far more pliable to US demands than Zardari has appeared to be.

Pakistan and U.S. have tacit deal on airstrikes

The United States and Pakistan reached tacit agreement in September on a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy that allows unmanned Predator aircraft to attack suspected terrorist targets in rugged western Pakistan, according to senior officials in both countries.

Civilian deaths remain a problem, Zardari said. « If the damage is women and children, then the sensitivity of its effect increases, » he said. The U.S. « point of view, » he said, is that the attacks are « good for everybody. Our point of view is that it is not good for our position of winning the hearts and minds of people. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Was this part of the deal for the IMF loan to Pakistan, which was spiraling on the brink of complete insolvency before the loan was given?

Truck halt on Pakistan pass may hurt U.S.

Pakistan temporarily suspended oil tankers and trucks with sealed containers from using a key passage into Afghanistan, an official said Sunday, a move that will likely impact supplies heading to U.S. and NATO troops.

The suspension came just days after a band of militants hijacked around a dozen trucks whose load included Humvees and other supplies headed to the foreign forces in Afghanistan.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One has to wonder if the ambush is the « real reason » for the suspension of truck deliveries, or if Pakistan is sending a message to the US and NATO that they do have a way of making life more difficult for US and NATO troops in retaliation for the strikes inside their territories.

Olmert orders plans drawn up for massive offensive against Gaza

At the weekly Cabinet meeting, Olmert said he had ordered security chiefs to draw up action plans against Hamas’ 17-month-old rule in Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So this is really what the siege of Gaza has been all about: literally « softening up » the Gazan people for the kill, to destroy a democratically elected government (through a process generally viewed as having been free and fair election.)

This is the classic Israeli pattern. Kill Palestinians, and when there is a response, claim that the response is the initiating cause and « retaliate. »

Israeli tanks rumble into Gaza

Israeli tanks forged into the southern Gaza Strip on Tuesday, drawing rocket and mortar fire from Palestinian militants, militant groups said, intensifying violence that has chipped away at a tenuous cease-fire.

Israel and Hamas have been trading fire for two weeks after nearly five months of relative quiet. The June 19 truce is due to expire next month, and both sides might be trying to dictate more favorable terms in anticipation of the agreement’s renewal.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The media is going to feed you a load about how this is all because of rockets fired into Southern Israel a few days ago, and never mention that the rockets were a RESPONSE to an Israeli attack on November 5th.

Gaza Power Plants totally off

Al Khodary stated in a press conference in Gaza that since the Power Plant is not functioning, hospitals and medical centers would not be able to function. Other basic services, including drinking water wells, will also be out of order.

The power shortage would also disrupt critical water and sanitation services, this endangering the health and life of the residents.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The term « collective punishment » is becoming increasingly more synonymous with the name of the country « Israel ».

Hospitals and medical centers non-functional? Looks like those in political power in Israel have their very own « final solution » for the medically fragile in those institutions.

Collective punishment is a war crime.

UN to suspend food distribution in Gaza

The United Nations will suspend its food distribution to half of Gaza’s 1.5 million people on Thursday after Israel failed to allow emergency supplies into the Palestinian territory, a spokesman said.

Israel initially said it would allow 30 trucks to deliver supplies to Gaza on Thursday after it sealed off the Gaza Strip on November 5, but later said mortar fire by Gaza militants made it impossible to do so.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

In future dictionaries, when the entry « Israel » is placed, there will be a side-note indicating « see: collective punishment ».

Support urged for Israeli stand on Gaza

ISRAELI foreign minister Tzipi Livni has told her visiting British counterpart David Miliband she expects the international community to support the Jewish state’s tough stand in Gaza.

« Israel cannot just watch its citizens being attacked… The international community cannot turn a blind-eye, » Ms Livni said today during talks with Mr Miliband.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to FM Tzipi Livni: this time, the world will not be turning a blind eye to the devastation Israel is causing in Gaza.

It is apparent that you haven’t taken a look at the Red Cross Report, issued last week, about the effects of malnutrition on children, and how medically fragile Gazans who could be saved by appropriate medical intervention are being denied treatment outside Gaza.

But of course, FM Livni, these are precisely the outcomes the Israeli government wants to see happen in Gaza. The world knows that Olmert has ordered plans for a massive military action against Gaza, and the Gazan people are literally being « softened up for the kill » by the siege.

This slaughter will include children, women, and the medically infirm.

And I can guarantee you; this time, there will be cameras rolling, real footage of the carnage smuggled out, and the world will know precisely what the Israeli government has done in the name of its « security ». The Israeli government will not be able to stop some of it getting out, in all its gory details, no matter how hard it tries.

This potential assault against Gaza guarantees the destruction of the Israel’s image as « the only true democracy in the region », consistently seeking better relations with its neighbors.

Israel Seals Off Gaza, Expresses Outrage Over UN

The UN was able to resume food distribution with the small number of admitted trucks, it won’t be able to maintain them for long. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay condemned the blockade for denying 1.5 million Palestinian civilians of “their most basic human rights” and said it was a “direct contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law.”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel is so adept at blaming the victims.

GAZA: On Top of Humanitarian Disaster, A News Blackout

Israel has imposed a virtual news blackout on the Gaza Strip. For the last ten days no foreign journalists have been able to enter the besieged territory to report on the escalating humanitarian crisis caused by Israel’s complete closure of Gaza’s borders for the last two weeks.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

What is Israel so terrified reporters will see in Gaza?

Are things so horrendous in Gaza that they don’t want any information getting out?

The problem for Israel is that the information about what’s going on in Gaza will get out, one way or another.

Israel Bans International Media from Gaza, Arrests Human Rights Activists

Israel has banned foreign journalists from entering Gaza to cover the deteriorating humanitarian situation there as the country ‘s complete closure of the territory enters a third week.

Foreign Reporters’ Group Fights Israeli Prohibition on Entering Gaza

An association representing international news organizations is campaigning for an end to an unusual Israeli policy barring foreign reporters from entering Gaza that has lasted for almost two weeks.

URGENT: Kidnapped by the Israeli Navy

Fifteen Palestinian fishermen along with three internationals have been kidnapped in Palestinian waters by the Israeli Navy. They were fishing seven miles off the coast of Deir Al Balah, clearly in Gaza fishing waters and well within the fishing limit detailed in the Oslo Accords of 1994.

The fishermen and the human right’s observers were transferred from 3 separate boats to the Israeli warships. Other Palestinian fishermen reported that the 3 boats were seen being taken north by the Israeli Navy.

UN envoy urges Gaza blockade end

The UN’s top human rights official has said Israel’s blockade of Gaza deprives Palestinians of the « most basic human rights » and should end immediately.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« What’s a UN? » — Israel

United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Israel (the vast majority of which have been ignored by Israel)

1. Resolution 42: The Palestine Question (5 March 1948) Requests recommendations for the Palestine Commission

2. Resolution 43: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Recognizes « increasing violence and disorder in Palestine » and requests that representatives of « the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Arab Higher Committee » arrange, with the Security Council, « a truce between the Arab and Jewish Communities of Palestine…Calls upon Arab and Jewish armed groups in Palestine to cease acts of violence immediately. »

3. Resolution 44: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Requests convocation of special session of the General Assembly

4. Resolution 46: The Palestine Question (17 Apr 1948) As the United Kingdom is the Mandatory Power, « it is responsible for the maintenance of peace and order in Palestine. » The Resolutions also « Calls upon all persons and organizations in Palestine » to stop importing « armed bands and fighting personnel…whatever their origin;…weapons and war materials;…Refrain, pending the future government of Palestine…from any political activity which might prejudice the rights, claims, or position of either community;…refrain from any action which will endager the safety of the Holy Places in Palestine. »

5. Resolution 48: The Palestine Question (23 Apr 1948)

6. Resolution 49: The Palestine Question (22 May 1948)

7. Resolution 50: The Palestine Question (29 May 1948)

8. Resolution 53: The Palestine Question (7 Jul 1948)

9. Resolution 54: The Palestine Question (15 Jul 1948)

10. Resolution 56: The Palestine Question (19 Aug 1948)

11. Resolution 57: The Palestine Question (18 Sep 1948)

12. Resolution 59: The Palestine Question (19 Oct 1948)

13. Resolution 60: The Palestine Question (29 Oct 1948)

14. Resolution 61: The Palestine Question (4 Nov 1948)

15. Resolution 62: The Palestine Question (16 Nov 1948)

16. Resolution 66: The Palestine Question (29 Dec 1948)

17. Resolution 72: The Palestine Question (11 Aug 1949)

18. Resolution 73: The Palestine Question (11 Aug 1949)

19. Resolution 89 (17 November 1950): regarding Armistice in 1948 Arab-Israeli War and « transfer of persons ».

20. Resolution 92: The Palestine Question (8 May 1951)

21. Resolution 93: The Palestine Question (18 May 1951)

22. Resolution 95: The Palestine Question (1 Sep 1951)

23. Resolution 100: The Palestine Question (27 Oct 1953)

24. Resolution 101: The Palestine Question (24 Nov 1953)

25. Resolution 106: The Palestine Question (29 Mar 1955) ‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid.

26. Resolution 107: The Palestine Question (30 Mar)

27. Resolution 108: The Palestine Question (8 Sep)

28. Resolution 111:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people ».

29. Resolution 127:  » … ‘recommends’ Israel suspends its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem ».

30. Resolution 162:  » … ‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions ».

31. Resolution 171:  » … determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria ».

32. Resolution 228:  » … ‘censures’ Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control ».

33. Resolution 237:  » … ‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees ».

34. Resolution 242 (November 22, 1967): Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area. Calls on Israel’s neighbors to end the state of belligerency and calls upon Israel to reciprocate by withdraw its forces from land claimed by other parties in 1967 war. Interpreted commonly today as calling for the Land for peace principle as a way to resolve Arab-Israeli conflict

35. Resolution 248:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan ».

36. Resolution 250:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem ».

37. Resolution 251:  » … ‘deeply deplores’ Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250″.

38. Resolution 252:  » … ‘declares invalid’ Israel’s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital ».

39. Resolution 256:  » … ‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation ».

40. Resolution 259:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation ».

41. Resolution 262:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport ».

42. Resolution 265:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan ».

43. Resolution 267:  » … ‘censures’ Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem ».

44. Resolution 270:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon ».

45. Resolution 271:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel’s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem ».

46. Resolution 279:  » … ‘demands’ withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon ».

47. Resolution 280:  » … ‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon ».

48. Resolution 285:  » … ‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon ».

49. Resolution 298:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem ».

50. Resolution 313:  » … ‘demands’ that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon ».

51. Resolution 316:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon ».

52. Resolution 317:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon ».

53. Resolution 332:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon ».

54. Resolution 337:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty ».

55. Resolution 338 (22 October 1973): cease fire in Yom Kippur War

56. Resolution 339 (23 October 1973): Confirms Res. 338, dispatch UN observers.

57. Resolution 347:  » … ‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon ».

58. Resolution 3379: « …’establishes’ Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination ». Repealed by Resolution 46|86.

59. Resolution 425 (1978):  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon ». Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon was completed as of 16 June 2000.

60. Resolution 350 (31 May 1974) established the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, to monitor the ceasefire
between Israel and Syria in the wake of the Yom Kippur War.

61. Resolution 427:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon ».

62. Resolution 444:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces ».

63. Resolution 446 (1979): ‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention ».

64. Resolution 450:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon ».

65. Resolution 452:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories ».

66. Resolution 465:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program ».

67. Resolution 467:  » … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon ».

68. Resolution 468:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return ».

69. Resolution 469:  » … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians ».

70. Resolution 471:  » … ‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention ».

71. Resolution 476:  » … ‘reiterates’ that Israel’s claim to Jerusalem are ‘null and void' ».

72. Resolution 478 (20 August 1980): ‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’.

73. Resolution 484:  » … ‘declares it imperative’ that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors ».

74. Resolution 487:  » … ‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility ».

75. Resolution 497 (17 December 1981) decides that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescinds its decision forthwith.

76. Resolution 498:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon ».

77. Resolution 501:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops ».

78. Resolution 508:

79. Resolution 509:  » … ‘demands’ that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon ».

80. Resolution 515:  » … ‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in ».

81. Resolution 517:  » … ‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon ».

82. Resolution 518:  » … ‘demands’ that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon ».

83. Resolution 520:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut ».

84. Resolution 573:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters.

85. Resolution 587  » … ‘takes note’ of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw ».

86. Resolution 592:  » … ‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops ».

87. Resolution 605:  » … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians.

88. Resolution 607:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

89. Resolution 608:  » … ‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians ».

90. Resolution 636:  » … ‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

91. Resolution 641:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians.

92. Resolution 672:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for « violence against Palestinians » at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

93. Resolution 673:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

94. Resolution 681:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

95. Resolution 694:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.

96. Resolution 726:  » … ‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians.

97. Resolution 799: « . . . ‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

98. Resolution 1559 (2 September 2004) called upon Lebanon to establish its sovereignty over all of its land and called upon Syria to end their military presence in Lebanon by withdrawing its forces and to cease intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all Lebanese militias to disband.

99. Resolution 1583 (28 January 2005) calls on Lebanon to assert full control over its border with Israel. It also states that « the Council has recognized the Blue Line as valid for the purpose of confirming Israel’s withdrawal pursuant to resolution 425.

100. Resolution 1648 (21 December 2005) renewed the mandate of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force until 30 June 2006.

101. Resolution 1701 (11 August 2006) called for the full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.

Palestinians: Aid boat en route from Libya to Gaza

A boat loaded with humanitarian aid has left Libya and will try to reach Gaza despite an Israeli naval blockade, a Palestinian lawmaker in Gaza said Wednesday, raising the possibility of a confrontation between an Arab vessel and Israeli sailors.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Let’s hope these folks make it through without an incident.

And a short note to the Israeli government: you are risking a monumental PR fiasco if one of these people gets hurt, or if these humanitarian supplies don’t get through.

Study: Bank Leumi not obliged to return cash to Holocaust victims’ heirs

The company asked the bank in March for money in 1,299 accounts belonging to Holocaust victims, totaling some NIS 147 million. The company later asked for NIS 250 million more, from some 1,000 additional accounts in the bank. Most of the sum consists of revalued accounts, after adding accumulated interest and linkage until 1960, when the bank passed them on to the Custodian General.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So, the bank got to use the money belonging to holocaust victims, loan it out at interest, but when they are finally forced to return that money to the heirs of the victims, the bank claims that since the original holocaust victims could not be paid the accumulated interest, then their heirs should not be allowed to collect the additional monies either!

Mafia kingpin killed in massive car explosion

Gale force winds and snow hit NSW

Weather conditions across Australia’s south-east appear to be easing after the region was battered over the weekend by gale force winds, flooding and snow.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

… one week before the start of the Australian SUMMER!

26 novembre 2008

Entrevue avec Michel Chossudovsky: les vrais artisans de la pire crise économique

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 27 novembre 2008: Entrevue avec Michel Chossudovsky: les vrais artisans de la pire crise économique

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 27 novembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde, nous vous présentons une entrevue exclusive avec Michel Chossudovsky, professeur en économie et directeur du Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation. Nous allons discuter des vrais artisans de la crise financière et vous donner les bonnes informations que les médias refusent de vous donner pour comprendre ce qui se trame réellement sur fond de crise. Consolidation et concentration des richesses et du pouvoir…

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Les deux sites Internet du professeur Michel Chossudovsky qu’on a cette semaine sur l’émission L’Autre Monde:

· ~Mondialisation.ca

· ~Global Research

Ses articles à lire :

Qui sont les artisans de la débâcle économique ?

Le gouvernement Obama inversera-t-il la tendance ?

par Michel Chossudovsky

Mondialisation.ca, Le 16 novembre 2008

The Great Depression of the 21st Century: Collapse of the Real Economy

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, November 15, 2008

Un «deuxième 11 septembre» fait partie intégrante de la doctrine militaire étasunienne

par Michel Chossudovsky

Mondialisation.ca, Le 2 novembre 2008


Angry Americans protest against U.S. monetary policy

Today is National End The Fed day, and a number of U.S. citizens concerned with the country’s fiscal policy have gathered in 39 cities nationwide at each Federal Reserve building saying that they are sick and tired of being robbed.

End The Fed Rally Draws Thousands Around the Country, Few Seem to Notice

You would think that a 39 city protest involving thousands of people might warrant a national wire story, maybe a mention on cable news, but no. Reporters don’t understand the issue and therefore they ignore it. Of course this can be said for most of the important issues that affect people’s lives. Hence we get wall-to-wall coverage of the Obama daughter’s educational preferences. Fiddling while Rome burns seems almost understated.

The G-20’s Secret Debt Solution

Behind the scenes, a far more fundamental fix is being discussed — the possible revaluation of gold and the birth of an entirely new monetary system.

Is it Possible All Mortgage Contracts Are Void and Foreclosures are Invalid?

Jerome Daly was a homeowner living in Minnesota who stopped paying his mortgage. The lender, First National Bank of Montgomery, of course, sued the man for foreclosure. Daly presented his argument before a jury as to why he did not owe the bank anything.

G-20 Meets, Dines in DC, Does Nothing to Save the World Economy

President Bush hosted the G-20 summit –the official menu included fruitwood-smoked quail, thyme-roasted rack of lamb and baked Vermont brie with walnut crostini, along with three wines . . .

More than a quarter million U.S. households received a foreclosure filing in October. A total of 279,561 properties got a default notice, were warned of a pending auction or were foreclosed.

World leaders washed down their quail and lamb with three expensive wines – one Shafer Cabernet “ Hillside Select” 2003 sells at $499 a bottle.

The G-20 Washout

As expected, the G-20 Economic Summit in Washington turned out to be a total bust. None of the problems which have pushed the global economy to the brink of disaster were resolved and none of the main players who gamed the system with their toxic securities were held accountable. Instead, the visiting dignitaries gorged themselves on stuffed quail and roast rack of lamb before settling on a toothless « Statement on Financial Markets » which accomplished absolutely nothing.

Banker Manipulation Of Gold And Silver Prices Further Exposed

Commodities experts are in agreement that the price of gold and silver is being manipulated by bankers and government officials in order to halt a mass abandonment of paper currencies and the debt based economy.

Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions

Given the speed at which the federal government is throwing money at the financial crisis, the average taxpayer, never mind member of Congress, might not be faulted for losing track.

CNBC, however, has been paying very close attention and keeping a running tally of actual spending as well as the commitments involved.

Try $4.28 trillion dollars. That’s $4,284,500,000,000 and more than what was spent on WW II, if adjusted for inflation, based on our computations from a variety of estimates and sources*.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

That comes out to $14,000 for every living American, including children too young and retirees too old to pay taxes.

So, another way to look at it is that every household in America gets soaked for about $50,000 in additional taxes, for which they get no new services, and the inflation caused by an additional $4.2 trillion in cash chasing too few goods and services.

Such a deal!

General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations — Money to Come from U.S. Rescue Program

General Motors plans to invest $1 billion in Brazil to avoid the kind of problems the U.S. automaker is facing in its home market, said the beleaguered car maker.

According to the president of GM Brazil-Mercosur, Jaime Ardila, the funding will come from the package of financial aid that the manufacturer will receive from the U.S. government and will be used to « complete the renovation of the line of products up to 2012. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So let me get this straight; our taxpayer dollars are expected to pay for an expansion of the GM plant in Brazil, if the auto maker bailout happens??

Forgive me; I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around this.

“Shaping a New World Order” During “Vigilant Shield”

Here’s the CNN headline: G-20: Shaping a New World Order.

But look what’s going to be happening at the same time: Vigilant Shield.

World leaders at economic summit vow to cooperate

President George W. Bush underscored how dire the economic crisis has become when he told world leaders that he had agreed to a $700 billion rescue plan for financial institutions only after he’d learned the U.S. was at risk of sinking into a « depression greater than the Great Depression. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Bush either got played by a bunch of people wanting to loot the nation, or Bush himself is playing the rest of the G-20 for some as yet unknown agenda.

But we know that the reasons given for the bailout are totally fictitious, because the money went somewhere other than promised, there is no transparency, and the number 700 billion was picked out of thin air.

Security focused on protesters more than terror

U.S. intelligence officials say they have no credible information about potential terrorist or criminal attacks against a weekend summit in Washington of world leaders to deal with the global financial crisis.

In fact, law enforcement officials said they were more concerned about angry protesters, such as people left jobless by the financial meltdown, than they were about terrorists.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Actually, it has been that way all along.

Rothschild sees a New World Order

Gradually the firm has started expanding throughout the world, including the Gulf. “There is no debate that Rothschild is a Jewish family, but we are proud to be in this region. However, it takes time to develop a global footprint,” he says.

Baron Rothschild shares most people’s view that there is a New World Order. In his opinion, banks will deleverage and there will be a new form of global governance.

So how did the Rothschilds manage to emerge relatively unscathed from the financial meltdown? “You could say that we may have more insights than others… »

Economic collapse: important upcoming dates

The engineers of the economic collapse aren’t finished with you yet. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done to scare you into agreeing to more outright theft of your sovereignty, freedom and wealth.

Now for what is coming next:

  • It was predicted at the end of October that the U.S. Dollar would collapse within 30 days.
  • The dollar collapse will be accelerated by a COMEX default beginning on November 28th. More on what this will look like here.
  • Colin Powell has warned of a “crisis” that will happen on January 21st or 22nd, 2009. It remains to be seen whether this staged event will be financial in nature.
  • The U.S. government is expected to go bankrupt/default in February 2009.

Zionist Extortion

The « Internal Revenue Service » is a collection agency for the private, profit-making corporation that calls itself the Federal Reserve System. The fools who still send money to this private company can prove this by examining the backs of their cancelled checks to the IRS. It will say « Pay to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. » It doesn’t say, « Pay to the US Treasury Department. » Why do you suppose that is? Your hard-earned money goes to a private company that has never been audited, that was created by foreigners for their own gain.

Washington’s $5 Trillion Tab

According to CreditSights, a research firm in New York and London, the U.S. government has put itself on the hook for some $5 trillion, so far, in an attempt to arrest a collapse of the financial system.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is a mis-statement. The government has not put itself on the hook; it has put YOU on the hook, to the tune of about $50,000 per household.

Plus accruing compound interest.

See The United States Is In Deep Doodoo!

Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions
November 18, 2008, CNBC

Given the speed at which the federal government is throwing money at the financial crisis, the average taxpayer, never mind member of Congress, might not be faulted for losing track. CNBC, however, has been paying very close attention and keeping a running tally of actual spending as well as the commitments involved. Try $4.28 trillion dollars. That’s $4,284,500,000,000 and more than what was spent on WW II, if adjusted for inflation, based on our computations from a variety of estimates and sources. Not only is it an astronomical amount of money, it’s a complicated cocktail of budgeted dollars, actual spending, guarantees, loans, swaps and other market mechanisms by the Federal Reserve, the Treasury and other offices of government taken over roughly the last year, based on government data and news releases. Strictly speaking, not every cent is a direct result of what’s called the financial crisis, but it is arguably related to it. Some 68-percent of the sum falls under the Federal Reserve’s umbrella, while another 16 percent is the under the Troubled Asset Relief Program, TARP, as defined under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, signed into law in early October. The TARP alone is bigger than virtually any other US government endeavor dating back to the Louisiana Purchase.

Note: That’s over $10,000 per man, woman, and child in the U.S. Click on the link above to view a highly informative slideshow, the « Biggest Budget Items in US History, » comparing the Wall Street bailout to famous historic government expenditures, and a chart, the « Financial Crisis Balance Sheet, » detailing the many components of the bailout. For many key articles revealing the hidden realities of the bailout, click here.

Paulson backs off asset plan; crisis deals at risk

Secretary Henry Paulson, in the most explicit sign yet that Treasury was abandoning its initial plan for the rescue funds, said on Wednesday he preferred a second round of capital injections into financial companies to help them weather the worst market crisis in 80 years.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Remember back when that Bailout was illegally shoved through Congress? Paulson joined a chorus of others that told Congress and the taxpayers that unless the government used taxpayer dollars to purchase those toxic assets, that ultimate doom was upon us all.

Now that they HAVE their loot, that « crisis » seems to have gone away.

Paulson resists Democrats’ call to rescue homeowners

Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson told unhappy congressional Democrats on Tuesday that, barring a new catastrophe, the Bush administration intended to stand pat on its existing effort to stabilize financial markets — and leave the next stage of economic recovery to the new administration.

Having committed about half of the existing $700-billion rescue fund to ease Wall Street’s credit crunch, Paulson said he had no plans to spend the rest, even on the root cause of the crisis — soaring mortgage foreclosures.

Retail sales suffer record drop

U.S. retail sales in October suffered the worst monthly drop on record as more Americans shunned discretionary purchases amid accelerating job losses in a worsening economy.

As factories close, Chinese workers suffer

Wang Denggui, father of three, arrived more than a year ago in the palm-lined streets of this southern Chinese town with a single goal: toil in a factory to save for his children’s school tuition.

But the plans of Wang and thousands of co-workers unraveled at noon on Nov. 1, when the Taiwan chairman of their ailing shoe factory climbed over a factory wall to flee the country and his debts. That left several U.S. shoe companies with unfilled orders and 2,000 workers without jobs.

« He just ran without telling anyone, » Wang said.

Barack Obama:

Barack Obama : Une victoire programmée par le Nouvel Ordre Mondial ?

Obama vows Iraq exit, to rebuild U.S. ‘moral stature’

Obama Says He Will Do `Whatever It Takes’ on Economy

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Apparently that does NOT include shutting down the Federal Reserve and giving the power to issue money back to the Treasury Department as the Constitution intended.
From Obama’s quotes, he plans to simply continue the policy of hyper-inflation, printing up cash and handing it out to corporations in vast quantities until it is so worthless the bankers will feel comfortable letting us have a tiny bit of it again.

Obama Pushes Carbon Tax Proposal That Would Inflict New Great Depression

The Environmental Protection Agency’s economic analysis of the bill forecast that a whopping $2.9 trillion would be shaved off the economy by the year 2050 if the legislation was enacted. It would also reduce GDP by 6.9 percent – a figure comparable with the economic meltdown of 1929 and 1930, and millions of jobs would have been lost within the first 10 years of its passage.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

See also Arctic Blast Set To Freeze Britain

Blizzards are predicted for Scotland and most of the eastern coast of England, where temperatures could drop as low as -5C.

The Met Office is warning of heavy snow showers and biting winds of up to 70mph in exposed coastal and hilly areas.

UK to auction carbon permits

The UK government is to auction carbon emissions permits to power firms in a sale projected to raise between 1.5 and 2bn euros (£1.2-1.6bn) by 2014.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I keep telling you, folks; this whole global warming scam is just another excuse to impose a new tax, which in this case will be passed onto the consumers via higher rates.

Obama Will Overturn Unconstitutional Bush Laws In First 100 Days

‘I would call my attorney general in and review every single executive order issued by George Bush and overturn those laws or executive decisions that I feel violate the constitution,’ said Obama Other goals for his first 100 days: work out a plan to withdraw troops from Iraq; make progress on alternative energy plans and launch legislation to reform the health care system.

Obama advisers: Harsh interrogators will walk

Even as President-elect Obama vowed « to regain America’s moral stature in the world » during Sunday’s 60 Minutes appearance, two of his senior advisers confessed there is no intent to pursue those in the Bush administration who engaged in torture.

Speaking on condition of anonymity to the Associated Press, the advisers said that the plan is to put a stop to current interrogation methods and to « look forward » as opposed to focusing on prior transgressions.

The Obama transition team did not offer a response before the report was published.

On Saturday it was also revealed that senior intelligence officials are lobbying President Bush to preemptively pardon intelligence agents who committed war crimes: an unprecedented act.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The whole point of the Nuremberg trials was that « I am only following orders » was not a sufficient excuse for tortures and other war criminals to evade punishment for their actions.

Obama’s credibility as the harbinger of change will crumble if he fails to hold the people responsible for this travesty to account.

L’équipe d’Obama du CFR

par Steve Watson

Mondialisation.ca, Le 9 novembre 2008


Rencontrez quelques conseilleurs du Président-élu, Obama pour la politique étrangère et intérieure, ainsi que les membres probables de son cabinet, chacun d’eux est un membre imminent du Council on Foreign Relations.

Obama Warned of ‘Spectacular’ al-Qaeda Attack During Transition

There may be no concrete evidence of a specific plot in the offing, but political leaders and intelligence officials in both the US and Britain are warning President-elect Barack Obama that his fledgling administration may be an appealing target for a ’spectacular’ attack by al-Qaeda, as it struggles to handle a wartime transition of power.

Webmaster’s Commentary:


The only people who would want to stage a « terror » attack during the inauguration are the people who do not want Obama to alter the current pro-war policy of the US.

You know, THESE « Al Qaeda ».

Obama Warned Of Huge al Qeada Threat

Barack Obama is being given ominous advice from leaders on both sides of the Atlantic to brace himself for an early assault from terrorists.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

You know, THESE « Al Qaeda » (nudge nudge wink wink)

Al Qaeda still threatening US: CIA

The head of the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) says Al Qaeda remains the single greatest threat to the United States.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« No. Really. They are! So, ummm, you gotta cut the budget somewhere else. I mean, if you cut MY budget, Al Qaeda will GITCHA!!!! »

Barack Obama is warned to beware of a ‘huge threat’ from al-Qaeda

An Hour with Bolivian President Evo Morales: “Neoliberalism Is No Solution for Humankind”

JUAN GONZALEZ: Meanwhile, Morales spoke out about this earlier this month and gave the Drug Enforcement Administration three months to leave Bolivia. He accused DEA agents of violating Bolivian sovereignty and encouraging the drug trade.


Austrian Government Study Confirms Genetically Modified (GM) Crops Threaten Human Fertility and Health Safety

A long-term feeding study commissioned by the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, managed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Health, Family and Youth, and carried out by Veterinary University Vienna, confirms genetically modified (GM) corn seriously affects reproductive health in mice. Non-GMO advocates, who have warned about this infertility link along with other health risks, now seek an immediate ban of all GM foods and GM crops to protect the health of humankind and the fertility of women around the world.

Surprise! Organic Beekeepers Reporting Zero Losses

New Plan to Grow Genetically-Modified Crops in Secret Military Locations

UK Officials Plan To Grow Genetically-Modified Crops In Top Secret Military Locations In Order To Thwart Angry Anti-GM Extremists.


3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana’s Bakken Formation

North Dakota and Montana have an estimated 3.0 to 4.3 billion barrels of undiscovered, technically recoverable oil in an area known as the Bakken Formation.

A U.S. Geological Survey assessment, released April 10, shows a 25-fold increase in the amount of oil that can be recovered compared to the agency’s 1995 estimate of 151 million barrels of oil.

Changements climatiques:

IPCC Scientists Caught Producing False Data To Push Global Warming

Climate scientists allied with the IPCC have been caught citing fake data to make the case that global warming is accelerating, a shocking example of mass public deception that could spell the beginning of the end for the acceptance of man-made climate change theories.

On Monday, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), run by Al Gore’s chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.

“This was startling,” reports the London Telegraph. “Across the world there were reports of unseasonal snow and plummeting temperatures last month, from the American Great Plains to China, and from the Alps to New Zealand. China’s official news agency reported that Tibet had suffered its “worst snowstorm ever”. In the US, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration registered 63 local snowfall records and 115 lowest-ever temperatures for the month, and ranked it as only the 70th-warmest October in 114 years.”

It soon came to light that the data produced by NASA to make the claim, and in particular temperature records covering large areas of Russia, was merely carried over from the previous month. NASA had used temperature records from the naturally hotter month of September and claimed they represented temperature figures in October.

When NASA was confronted with this glaring error, they then attempted to compensate for the lower temperatures in Russia by claiming they had discovered a new “hotspot” in the Arctic, despite satellite imagery clearly showing that Arctic sea ice had massively expanded its coverage by 30 per cent, an area the size of Germany, since summer 2007.

The figures published by Dr Hansen’s institute are one of the primary sets of data used by the IPCC to promote its case for man-made global warming and they are widely quoted because they consistently show higher temperatures than other figures.

“Yet last week’s latest episode is far from the first time Dr Hansen’s methodology has been called in question,” reports the Telegraph. “In 2007 he was forced by Mr Watts and Mr McIntyre to revise his published figures for US surface temperatures, to show that the hottest decade of the 20th century was not the 1990s, as he had claimed, but the 1930s.”

The world has never seen such freezing heat

A surreal scientific blunder last week raised a huge question mark about the temperature records that underpin the worldwide alarm over global warming. On Monday, Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), which is run by Al Gore’s chief scientific ally, Dr James Hansen, and is one of four bodies responsible for monitoring global temperatures, announced that last month was the hottest October on record.

Sunspots spell end of climate myth

The evidence is unequivocal. Measurable, let alone dangerous, manmade global warming is not happening, and is not likely to happen in the future. The major cause for concern is the possibility of severe cooling.

Global climate has always changed and recent climate changes are not unusual. The world was warmer in the mediaeval warm period, in the Roman warm period and on many occasions before then. During these periods agriculture and civilisations flourished. During cold periods like the little ice age there was famine, plague and war.

Global warning: We are actually heading towards a new Ice Age, claim scientists

It has plagued scientists and politicians for decades, but scientists now say global warming is not the problem.

We are actually heading for the next Ice Age, they claim.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Okay, okay, so the global warming and carbon tax credit thing didn’t work out. But here’s the new plan. We drop the global warming part, because we started looking silly when they figured out we put our temperature sensors right where the air conditioners were blowing heat anyway, and we focus on renewable energy, then we lobby to pass a renewable energy tax which will have renewable energy tax credits, which we can then buy and sell through the same brokerage we were going to use for the carbon tax credits! We still make out like bandits! » — Al Bore

Sea Ice Growing at Fastest Pace on Record

An abnormally cool Arctic is seeing dramatic changes to ice levels. In sharp contrast to the rapid melting seen last year, the amount of global sea ice has rebounded sharply and is now growing rapidly. The total amount of ice, which set a record low value last year, grew in October at the fastest pace since record-keeping began in 1979.

19 novembre 2008

Démocratie menacée au Québec & Écroulement d’une civilisation

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 20 novembre 2008: Démocratie menacée au Québec & Écroulement d’une civilisation

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 20 novembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde, nous abordons le dossier de l’état policier, les mesures répressives, invasion de la vie privée et atteintes à nos droits et libertés.

Nous en profitons pour commenter sur la situation de notre démocratie au Québec à la lumière des agissements des médias. Nous ne manquons pas de parler du plan controversé de sauvetage proposé pour « sauver » les constructeurs automobiles et le problème de valeur que nous avons dans notre époque décadente. Essayons de recentrer les débats.

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Conférence publique: Les enjeux de la crise financière, avec Michel Chossudovsky

LES ÉLECTIONS 2008 AU QUÉBEC – 33 jours et 33 billets – 10


Pour qui se prend ce consortium de diffuseurs, pour s’autoproclamer l’arbitre de ce que doit ou ne doit pas entendre la population lors d’une campagne électorale ? En décidant d’exclure les Verts et le QS du débat télévisé, les diffuseurs biaisent si outrageusement l’issue du prochain scrutin que nos droits à tous sont lésés. Gravement lésés, et notre démocratie qui claudique entre manipulation et corruption n’a pas besoin de ce sale coup supplémentaire.

Canwest TV loss tops $1B

Canadian publisher and broadcaster Canwest Global Communications Corp. has taken a $1.01-billion writedown on its Canadian television operations, citing dire expectations for future advertising revenues.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I guess the Canadians don’t like being lied to any more than Americans do!

New Report: Fake TV News Widespread and Undisclosed

The Center for Media Democracy and Free Press today exposed an epidemic of fake news infiltrating local television broadcasts across country. At a press conference in Washington with FCC Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein, the groups called for a crackdown on stations that present corporate-sponsored videos as genuine news to an unsuspecting audience.

Afin de souligner la journée internationales de solidarité avec le peuple PALESTINIEN

Exposition d’œuvres de Palestine Sur le « mur de la honte ».


De 11 hrs à 18 hrs.



Une conférence sur l’occupation de la Palestine

donnée par M.Rezeq Faraj ( à 12 h 45)

Pavillon : GESTION Salle : R – R 160

Événement organisé par

« La coalition pour la JUSTICE en PALESTINE UQAM »

Renseignements :

Marie-Christine : una_rubia8@hotmail.com

Association étudiante de la culture arabe :


Problèmes de valeurs aux États-Unis:

Obama Pushes for $50 Billion for Automakers, Oversight Czar

By injecting himself into the talks about how to save General Motors, Obama is making an exception to his decision to steer clear of policy-making until he takes office.

The president-elect also wants the Federal Reserve to extend emergency loans to General Motors, Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC, according to Obama aides who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The failure of those companies would likely bring down parts-makers, dealerships and suppliers in addition to inflicting a deep psychological blow.

GM Spends $17 Million Per Year on Viagra

Lifestyle drugs — chiefly Viagra — are costing General Motors $17 million dollars a year and the cost is passed along to car, truck and SUV consumers. The blue pill is covered under GM’s labor agreement with United Auto Workers, as well as benefit plans for salaried employees.

GM ‘Needs’ to Go Under

Listen, it wasn’t American citizens who knuckled under to the UAW and decided to lavish fat pensions and health benefits on assembly line workers making $100k a year the past few decades. So get over it. Figure out how to cut overhead and improve your product or go the hell out of business.

Americans uneasy over bailout for automakers

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Corporations are already legally « persons », and technically immortal as well, but the law making them so does not commit us to perpetual life support of such « persons » when they are no longer able to survive. Even gods may become mortal and die when they fail.

Propping up the corporations (and their political donations) may be immediately expedient, but it perpetuates the core problem, which is that the United States is no longer competitive in the global marketplace.

Yes, a great many of our remaining manufacturing corporations are in dire trouble. But the rules of evolution state quite clearly that those less fit to survive will die off and make way for something more suited to the present world to evolve and supplant them. Older life forms give way to newer life forms., Older methods give way to newer methods. Older manufacturers thus must give way to newer manufacturers.

We cannot prop up the candle maker when the prudent course is to build an electric light factory!

Chrysler leaders get millions

As Detroit’s crumbling auto industry asks Congress for a bailout, Chrysler is in the awkward position of paying about $30 million in retention bonuses to keep top executives while the company cuts thousands of jobs.

Those promised the largest retention bonuses:

• Frank Ewasyshyn, executive vice president, manufacturing, $1.89 million.

• Frank Klegon, executive vice president, product development, $1.8 million.

• Rae, $1.66 million.

• Simon Boag, president, Mopar/global service and parts, $1.65 million.

• Steven Landry, executive vice president, North American sales, $1.63 million.

• Michael Manley, executive vice president, international sales, marketing and business development, $1.53 million.

Daimler: Chrysler worth nothing

The German automaker has depreciated its stake in Chrysler to zero from $268 million at the end of June, the company said Thursday. A little over a year ago, the company valued its 19.9% stake in Chrysler at $2.2 billion.

The announcement came as part of Daimler’s quarterly financial release on a day when Consumer Reports scolded the Auburn Hills automaker’s quality and Chrysler announced plant cuts that will halt hybrid vehicle production — all as majority owner Cerberus Capital Management talks with General Motors Corp. about a merger that could result in 30,000 job cuts.

GM to invest 1 bln dollars in Brazil

The General Motors Corporation (GM) has decided to invest 1 billion U.S. dollars in Brazil to expand business there, local media reported Tuesday.

The investment was part of a U.S. bailout package and would be used to upgrade car production lines before 2012, said Djame Adila, a GM’s official in charge of the markets in Brazil and other member-countries of the South American Common Market which also groups Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Then they sure as hell don’t need taxpayer dollars to build factories in OTHER COUNTRIES!

Chinese Automakers May Buy GM and Chrysler


Main Core: New Evidence Reveals Top Secret Government Database Used in Bush Spy Program

Salon.com has published new details about a top secret government database that might be at the heart of the Bush administration’s domestic spying operations. The database is known as “Main Core.” It reportedly collects and stores vast amounts of personal and financial data about millions of Americans. Some former US officials believe that “Main Core” may have been used by the National Security Agency to determine who to spy on in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell
you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. »

US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the
Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

The Final Push for World Government


Man dies after Taser used

EDMONTON (CBC) – A Calgary man involved in a weekend Taser incident in Calgary has died, a spokesperson for the Alberta Serious Incident Response Team said Monday.

Police tazer man to death

The autopsy obtained by WITN News says Smith was tased four times by deputies. About a half hour later, Smith stopped breathing in the hospital emergency room and later was pronounced dead.

The TV report mentioned that he was tazered twice of those four times while in shackles and hand cuffs.

None the less the hospital rules his cause of death as « natural. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Because when you are electrocuted four time, naturally you will die! »

29 year old tased to death

Crimes by air marshals raise questions about hiring

Shawn Nguyen bragged that he could sneak anything past airport security using his top-secret clearance as a federal air marshal. And for months, he smuggled cocaine and drug money onto flights across the country, boasting to an FBI informant that he was « the man with the golden badge. »

Michael McGowan used his position as an air marshal to lure a young boy to his hotel room, where he showed him child porn, took pictures of him naked and sexually abused him.

Ex-Italian President: Provocateur Riots Then “Beat The Shit Out Of Protesters”

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga has offered a solution to the Italian government in dealing with widespread demonstrations by students and teachers over a cut in state funding of education – use agent provocateurs to start riots and then have the police “beat the shit out of the protesters”.

ACLU: Undercover Cops Staged Confrontation Amid DNC

Undercover police officers posing as protesters staged a fight with a police commander during the Democratic convention, and it was so convincing they were pepper-sprayed by a deputy who wasn’t in on the ruse, a civil liberties group says.


Crack down on young drivers

Yeah, more of government controlling and dictating how to live our lives. No more than one passenger! Socialist/communist government rising. They want to save lives and then send soldiers to kill abroad and permit GMOs in our food chain that modify internal organs.

This is such a sick society.

RAND Lobbies Pentagon: Start War To Save U.S. Economy

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« We just kill off all those pesky poor people! »

No charges but US may never release Guantánamo Chinese

Seventeen Chinese prisoners who have been held for nearly seven years in Guantánamo Bay will be informed on Monday that they could spend the rest of their lives behind bars, even though they face no charges and have been told by a judge they should be freed.

No country is willing to accept them and the US justice department has now blocked moves for them to be allowed to go to the US mainland, where they had been offered a home by refugee and Christian organisations.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Unflipping believable. A life sentence for these guys, « …even though they face no charges and have been told by a judge they should be freed. »

There are a number of ways to characterize what is going on at Gitmo.

One can talk about torture, no civil liberties, no due process, and absolutely no relation to what is thought of as traditional American jurisprudence; a stain on America’s moral character, and a blight on the international opinion of this country which will take years to overcome.

However, there is another way to view what is happening at Gitmo.

Consider it a kind of « laboratory » in which this government tests how carry out any – or all – of the above on American citizens right here in this country, if there is any kind of « national emergency » leading to the declaration of martial law.

And for those who think it « that can’t happen here », please think again.

As reported on 2 October, 2008

« In a barely noticed development, a US Army unit is now training for domestic operations under the control of US Army North, the Army service component of Northern Command. An initial news report in the Army Times newspaper last month noted that in addition to emergency response the force “may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control.” The military has since claimed the force will not be used for civil unrest, but questions remain. »

Questions, indeed. As reported in « Uruknet.com », 25 September 2008,


« the mission assigned to the nearly 4,000 troops of the First Brigade Combat Team does not consist merely of rescuing victims of terrorist attacks. An article that appeared earlier this month in the Army Times (« Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1″), a publication that is widely read within the military, paints a different and far more ominous picture »

« They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control, » the paper reports. It quotes the unit’s commander, Col. Robert Cloutier, as saying that the 1st BCT’s soldiers are being trained in the use of « the first ever nonlethal package the Army has fielded. » The weapons, the paper reported, are « designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals without killing them. »

The equipment includes beanbag bullets, shields and batons and equipment for erecting roadblocks.

« I was the first guy in the brigade to get Tasered, » Cloutier told the Army Times. He described the effects of the electroshock weapon as « your worst muscle cramp ever—times 10 throughout your whole body. »

« The colonel’s remark suggests that, in preparation for their « homefront » duties, rank-and-file troops are also being routinely Tasered. The brutalizing effect and intent of such a macabre training exercise is to inure troops against sympathy for the pain and suffering they may be called upon to inflict on the civilian population using these same « non-lethal » weapons. »

The timing – and true mission – of this deployment are deeply worrisome.

Bush Administration Committed War Crimes Against Prisoners, Reveals Physicians for Human Rights

The Bush administration has committed war crimes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay in its practice of torturing prisoners, according to the conclusions of a medical examination conducted by the organization Physicians for Human Rights.

CIA allowed concealing torture documents

Chief Judge Royce Lamberth of the Washington D.C. Circuit Court declined to review torture allegations from men held in the CIA’s prisons-because it could put the nation at risk of grave danger if allowed to be made public.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Meaning it got far worse than just the waterboarding you already know about.

CIA Can Hide Torture Allegations, Court Rules

The CIA can hide statements from imprisoned suspected terrorists that the agency tortured them in its set of secret prisons, a federal judge ruled Wednesday,

Chief Judge Royce Lamberth of the Washington D.C. Circuit Court declined to review the government’s assertions that the allegations of torture from men held in the CIA’s black site prisons — whether truthful or not — would put the nation at risk of grave danger if allowed to be made public.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Unflipping believable.

CIA officers could face trial in Britain over torture allegations

Senior CIA officers could be put on trial in Britain after it emerged last night that the Attorney General is to investigate allegations that a British resident held in Guantanamo Bay was brutally tortured, after being arrested and questioned by American forces following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington in 2001.

The Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has asked Baroness Scotland to consider bringing criminal proceedings against Americans allegedly responsible for the rendition and abuse of Binyam Mohamed, when he was held in prisons in Morocco and Afghanistan.

U.S. And Allies Tortured Kids in Iraqi Prisons

Since it invaded Iraq in 2003, the U.S. has detained thousands of juveniles—some of whom were tortured and sexually abused, according to published reports. Figures of the number of children behind bars vary. Some estimates put the number as high as 6,000.

While the criminal abuse of male prisoners at Abu Ghraib is well known, child and women prisoners held there have also been tortured and raped, according to Neil Mackay of Glasgow’s “Sunday Herald.” Abu Ghraib prison is located about 20 miles west of Baghdad.

Iraqi lawyer Sahar Yasiri, representing the Federation of Prisoners and Political Prisoners, said in a published interview there are more than 400,000 detainees in Iraq being held in 36 prisons and camps and that 95 percent of the 10,000 women among them have been raped. Children, he said, “suffer from torture, rape, (and) starvation” and do not know why they have been arrested. He added the children have been victims of “random” arrests “not based on any legal text.”

Cleric blames CIA for Bali bombing

An Indonesian Islamic cleric linked to the three extremists awaiting execution for the Bali bombings said the 2002 attack which killed more than 200 people, including 88 Australians, was the work of the CIA.

Elite combat brigade for homeland security missions raises ire of ACLU

In the next three years the military plans to activate and train an estimated 4,700 service members for specialized domestic operations, according to Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of U.S. Northern Command, which was created in 2002 for homeland defense missions.

“This isn’t a military police brigade or a civil affairs brigade. This is actually a combat brigade being assigned a domestic mission,” said Mike German, national security counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union’s legislative office in Washington., D.C.

Two More U.S. Military Units Assigned For Homeland Security

What Is NorthCom Up To?

NorthCom’s press release also says that other participants in the exercise include the U.S. Strategic Command’s “Global Lightning 09,” which is a plan to use nuclear weapons in a surprise attack.

The Pentagon’s “Bulwark Defender 09” is also involved in the exercise, and it is a cyberspace protection outfit of the Pentagon.

Washington, D.C. Is a Fourth Amendment-Free Zone

While the Fourth Amendment guarantees “the right of the people to be secure in their persons … and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures,” the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) made it clear earlier this week that the Constitution does not apply in D.C. According to Metro Transit Police Chief Michael Taborn, “Inspections could take place at any Metrorail station or Metrobus stop.

VIDEO – Greasing the Skids for Martial Law

Government black boxes will ‘collect every email’

Internet « black boxes » will be used to collect every email and web visit in the UK under the Government’s plans for a giant « big brother » database, The Independent has learnt.

‘This is against human dignity’

EU MPs concerned by airport full-body scanners Module body

Thu Oct 23 2008

STRASBOURG, France (Reuters) – Airport full-body scanners that show people’s private parts are a virtual strip search, European Union lawmakers said Thursday, calling for detailed study of the technology before it is used.

New ID rules proposed for airline passengers

The Department of Homeland Security will take responsibility from airlines for checking passenger names against watch lists beginning in January and will require all commercial passengers for the first time to provide their full name, date of birth and gender as a condition of boarding a flight, U.S. officials said Wednesday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« You papers please. Your papers MUST be in order. Papers please! »

Homeland Security Assuming Broad Powers, Turning Vast Swaths of U.S. into “Constitution-Free Zone”

You’re driving along a remote, dusty road, when suddenly you come upon a border patrol checkpoint. There, agents demand to see your identity papers, and search your car. You are taken by surprise, because you know you haven’t wandered across the Texas-Mexico border. In fact, you’re quite sure of that, because you’re driving through rural Wisconsin countryside west of Green Bay. Even the Canadian border is more than 90 miles away.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If you are young, skilled, and intelligent, you might want to seriously consider leaving the US now, while you still can.

Unfortunately, no matter who assumes the position of president after the November election, it does not appear that the erosion of civil liberties, and the continued evisceration of the Constitution and Bill of Rights will stop any time soon.

FBI Finds Most Terrorism Threat Reports Baseless

The FBI tracked about 108,000 potential terrorism threats or suspicious incidents from mid-2004 to November 2007, but most were found groundless, a Justice Department review found on Friday.

The department’s office of inspector general gave the figure in an audit of the FBI’s terrorism case-tracking system, called Guardian, launched in 2002 after the September 11 attacks.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Trust me; had they found a real genuine terrorists, ABCNNBBCBS would have told us all about it. 24/7, for a month and a half.

FBI fights order for deposition of Oklahoma City bombing conspirator, death-row inmate

The FBI is appealing an order that allows a Utah attorney to conduct taped depositions of Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols and a death-row inmate.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Got something to hide, FBI?

Naomi Wolf – Parallel Between US and Fascist Italy

Naomi Wolf, noted author & social critic draws chilling comparisons
between how Mussolini used legal means to gradually take away
democracy in Italy & how the US is going down a similar path. Please view and forward to as many people as possible.




Forget fingerprinting. Companies in Europe have begun to roll out an advanced biometric system from Japan that identifies people from the unique patterns of veins inside their fingers.

Finger vein authentication, introduced widely by Japanese banks in the last two years, is claimed to be the fastest and most secure biometric method. Developed by Hitachi, it verifies a person’s identity based on the lattice work of minute blood vessels under the skin.

Driving Your Liberties Away: Biometrics and “Enhanced” Drivers Licenses

Privacy advocates across Canada have been struggling to prevent the Ontario provincial government from passing legislation that will see radio identifiers and biometric data inserted into future Ontarian drivers licenses. In spite of their efforts to raise the government’s awareness of the privacy dangers accompanying the proposed licenses, it appears as though their work may been in vain: Bill 85 is now in its final reading, and is widely expected to be passed on November 17th, or shortly thereafter, when the reading continues.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The problem is that all these identifiers used by the government are inevitably cracked by the hackers, so these licenses, which make it more convenient for the government to herd us up and harvest their cash from us, actually increase the risk of identity theft and further posses to criminals.

Documents say feds can track cell phones’ locations without telecoms help

Using « triggerfish » technology, mobile phones are tricked into transmitting their serial numbers, phone numbers and other data by posing as a cellular phone tower. Until now, it’s been believed that such technology could only be successfully employed with the help of the telecoms themselves, because the specific location of the phone couldn’t be traced with enough accuracy.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Intelligent bad guys won’t be using their cell phones to transmit any information that will likely trip them up.

This is just another way of the federal government prying into the lives of some private citizens (of course, they can’t track every call or every email, no matter what they may want us to think.)

Voice of the White House October 30, 2008

“Even as the Bush righwingers are smelling defeat in the air, they are allying themselves with American law enforcement agencies in an attempt to completely censor and control the Internet usage and reception inside the United States.

Parents to be fingerprinted by nursery schools

Parents are to be fingerprinted when they pick their children up from nursery school, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

Up to 50 nurseries and playgroups have already signed up for the new security measures, thought to be the first time parents have been targetted in this way.

Civil libertarians have branded the decision a « huge overeaction ».

The new entry system requires people who collect their children to place their finger on a scanner, to make sure that only nominated individuals can get through secure entrances.

Kidsunlimited, the nursery chain, will be rolling out the new technology to its 50 playgroups.

Packs of robots will hunt down uncooperative humans
October 22, 2008, New Scientist

The latest request from the Pentagon jars the senses. They are looking for contractors to provide a « Multi-Robot Pursuit System » that will let packs of robots « search for and detect a non-cooperative human ». Given that iRobot last year struck a deal with Taser International to mount stun weapons on its military robots, how long before we see packs of droids hunting down pesky demonstrators with paralysing weapons? Or could the packs even be lethally armed? Steve Wright of Leeds Metropolitan University is an expert on police and military technologies. « The giveaway here is the phrase ‘a non-cooperative human subject’, » he told me: « What we have here are the beginnings of something designed to enable robots to hunt down humans like a pack of dogs. Once the software is perfected we can reasonably anticipate that they will become autonomous and become armed. We can also expect such systems to be equipped with human detection and tracking devices including sensors which detect human breath and the radio waves associated with a human heart beat. These are technologies already developed. » Noel Sharkey, an AI and robotics engineer at the University of Sheffield, says « This is a clear step towards one of the main goals of the US Army’s Future Combat Systems project, which aims to make a single soldier the nexus for a large scale robot attack. Independently, ground and aerial robots have been tested together and once the bits are joined, there will be a robot force under command of a single soldier with potentially dire consequences for innocents around the corner. »

Note: For many revealing reports of new weaponry technologies in the planning and development stages, click here.

Darpa Wants to See Inside Your House

The Pentagon wants to be able to peer inside your apartment building — picking out where all the major rooms, stairways, and dens of evil-doers are.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

My webcam isn’t good enough for you?

Australia planning to block 10,000 websites

The websites will be blocked as part of a government-sponsored trial of its filter technology that will start before Christmas and last six weeks.

The government has already identified 1300 websites that it wants to black list as part of the clean feeds scheme.

Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said the sites mostly contained child pornography and other unwatned content, including images and videos.

The Slaves That Time Forgot

The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies. By the mid 1600s, the Irish were the main slaves sold to Antigua and Montserrat. At that time, 70% of the total population of Montserrat were Irish slaves.

Ireland quickly became the biggest source of human livestock for English merchants. The majority of the early slaves to the New World were actually white.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The British captured Irish people and sold them as slaves, especially to the Caribbean and South America. In the first few years of American history there were more white slaves than black; most of them being Irish.

They were White and They were Slaves – 1 of 3


Bush Trying to Pardon Himself


Bush Could be Executed For War Crimes

Members of the Bush administration and George W. Bush personally conspired to violate the Geneva Convention, US obligations to it as well as US criminal codes! When it became apparent to Bush that he and high ranking members of his administration were culpable and could be put to death upon conviction, Bush tried to make his crimes legal –but only after he had committed them.

Clearly –the Bush administration itself is aware that it is in deep, deep trouble.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Broadcast the executions on pay-per-view. The revenue from around the world will restore the US economy.

Bugliosi: Bush Should be Prosecuted for Murder


Bush’s Capital Crimes



VIDEO – Halloween plans from Bush


Believe or Dont Believe this video will make you think – million FEMA Coffins – Why?

A field of thousands maybe a million plastic coffins spread out over a 10 mile radius, you can see it from Google Earth!? are you kidding me?

33°33’57.36″N 83°29’6.26″W



U.S. admits it held 12 juveniles at Guantanamo

New report details shattered lives of released Guantanamo detainees

The report, « Guantanamo and Its Aftermath: U.S. Detention and Interrogation Practices and Their Impact on Detainees, » based on a two-year study, reveals in graphic detail the cumulative effect of Bush Administration policies on the lives of 62 released detainees. Many of the prisoners were sold into captivity and subjected to brutal treatment in U.S. prison camps in Afghanistan. Once in Guantanamo, prisoners were denied access to civilian courts to challenge the legality of their detention.

George W Bush could pardon spies involved in torture

A former CIA officer familiar with the backstage lobbying for pardons, said: « These are the people President Bush asked to fight the war on terror for him. He gave them the green light to fight tough. The view of many in the intelligence community is that he should not leave them vulnerable to legal censure when he leaves.

« An effort is under way to get pre-emptive pardons. The White House has indicated that the matter is under consideration. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It is Bush and Cheney and everyone else in this administration who approved of using torture who should be tried for war crimes.

Of course, that will never happen, except, possibly in absentia, at the Hague.

Italy PM argues state secrecy in CIA kidnap trial

Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has told a Milan court trying U.S. and Italian spies for a suspected CIA kidnap that details on ties between the two countries’ secret services must remain secret.

12 novembre 2008

Le système de santé maladie; Moyen-Orient: aventures militaires et occupation sanglante

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 13 novembre 2008: Le système de santé maladie; Moyen-Orient: aventures militaires et occupation sanglante

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 13 novembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Sur L’Autre Monde cette semaine, nous attaquons le dossier de la santé: danger des mammographies, les médicaments qui tuent trois fois plus que les drogues illégales, les vaccins dangeureux et l’immunité pour la FDA.
Nous effectuons aussi un tour de l’actualité mondiale en nous penchant particulièrement sur la situation au Moyen-Orient où l’OTAN et l’armée US continuent de faire beaucoup de victimes innocentes, autant en Afghanistan, au Pakistan qu’en Irak. L’Irak a d’ailleurs officiellement demandé à Obama de retirer les troupes américaines le plus tôt possible. Regard aussi sur les dernières nouvelles de l’économie. Écoutez pour entendre tout le reste des informations!

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

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***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Obama: le vrai changement?

Le changement. Voilà un terme vague et large. Changement pour qui, où, quand, comment et pourquoi? Illusion de changement ou vrai changement? Pour le mieux ou pour le pire? Voilà une notion très relative qui pourtant électrise tant de monde.

Essayons de comprendre qui est Barack Obama, ses influences et ce qu’il entend par “changement”. Le prochain président des États-Unis commence déjà à choisir les personnes qui vont occuper les plus hautes fonctions dans son administration.

Dans sa publicité de 30 minutes diffusée partout en Amérique le 29 octobre dernier, Obama déclarait “Président, je reconstruirai notre potentiel militaire de manière à affronter les défis du XXIe siècle”. Voilà qui est plutôt bizarre, car il est difficile de comprendre dans quelle mesure “reconstruire” le potentiel des États-Unis est une urgence et un besoin de changement alors que ce pays consacre déjà à son armée presque autant que tous les autres pays du monde réunis!

Ceci est peut-être plus facile à comprendre lorsqu’on connait Zbigniew Brzezinski, son mentor et maître à penser. Cet homme est membre du Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), participe au sommet des Bilderbergs, et est un protégé du clan des Rockefellers. Il est aussi l’architecte de la création de l’Al Qaïda et est un fervent partisan à l’encerclement militaire de la Russie et de la Chine pour assurer l’hégémonie américaine dans le monde.

– Ensuite, il y a Joseph Biden, le futur vice-président. Il était l’un des premiers à qualifier le président serbe Slobodan Milosević de criminel de guerre. Il fut le co-auteur en 1999, avec le sénateur John McCain, d’une résolution du Congrès autorisant le président Bill Clinton à utiliser toute la force nécessaire pour faire cesser les violences contre les droits de l’Homme au Kosovo. Pour vous rappeler quelques faits importants, les forces de l’OTAN ont bombardé moins de dix installations militaires alors qu’environ 300 infrastructures publiques comme des écoles, ponts, stations d’épurations et stations de télévision furent détruites. Mais ce qui est bien méconnu, c’est que l’OTAN, dont nous avons fait partie, a utilisé de l’armement à l’uranium appauvri. Il est admis qu’environ 31 000 munitions pour un poids total de 9,3 tonnes ont été répandues sur 112 sites au Kosovo, contaminant ces endroits avec de l’uranium appauvri radioactif pour 4,5 milliards d’années. La question est à savoir qui sont les véritables criminels de guerre ici.

Après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, Joe Biden avait organisé les auditions sur l’Irak et il en concluait alors que les États-Unis « n’ont d’autre choix que d’éliminer Saddam Hussein ». En octobre 2002, il vote en faveur de la résolution autorisant le président George W. Bush à mener des opérations militaires contre l’Irak en épeurant le reste du monde avec l’autre mensonge des armes de destruction massive que nous n’avons jamais trouvé. Nous savons maintenant que ceci était un mensonge et que l’Irak n’avait rien à voir avec les attentats du 9/11. De plus, les seules armes de destruction massive qui ont été trouvées sont celles que les États-Unis ont utilisées contre les populations civiles, telle que l’uranium appauvri (plus de 3000 tonnes), du phosphore blanc qui brûle la chaire jusqu’aux os ainsi qu’une nouvelle version du napalm, une bombe incendiaire qui colle à la peau. Elles sont pourtant toutes interdites par l’ONU et classées comme étant des armes de destruction massive constituant un crime de guerre si utilisées.

Biden a voté en faveur du Patriot Act qui n’est rien de moins qu’une agressive atteinte aux droits et libertés des Américains.

Patriot Act – The War on Civil Liberties

A brief history of the Patriot Act, showing the many deceptions brought in by the Bush Administration, including: requesting total secrecy form public input and swapping at the last moment, the original Bill that Congress agreed to sign, with one manipulated by the Administration. The Administration’s version of the Bill contained unconstitutional provisions that had been rejected earlier by Congress.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

You need to watch this.


Wikipedia deletes page on Rahm Emanuel’s father

The Chosen: Jewish members in the 111th U.S. Congress

The following is a list of the 45 Jewish members —13 senators and 32 representatives — who will serve in the 111th U.S. Congress that convenes in January:

***Je vous invite à signer cette pétition qui sera remise à Barack Obama le 20 janvier 2009 lors de sa prise de pouvoir:

Pétition contre l’utilisation d’armes radioactives – Petition against the use of radioactive weapons

Signer la pétition


(Pétition à compléter avant le 20 janvier 2008 pour qu’elle puisse être remise au futur Président des États-Unis, Barack Obama ainsi qu’au reste des pays du monde.)








The Five Stages of Collapse

by Dmitry Orlov

Hello, everyone! The talk you are about to hear is the result of a lengthy process on my part. My specialty is in thinking about and, unfortunately, predicting collapse. My method is based on comparison: I watched the Soviet Union collapse, and, since I am also familiar with the details of the situation in the United States, I can make comparisons between these two failed superpowers.

Canada buys up mortgages, central bank lends more

Brown calls for new world order

Prime Minister Gordon Brown believes the world financial crisis offers the opportunity to establish a « truly global society ».

3 ‘superbanks’ now dominate industry

Several of the nation’s biggest banks have failed or been absorbed by healthier institutions, leaving three giant « superbanks » with an unprecedented concentration of market power: Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo.

Bank executives enjoy SECRET £300,000 champagne party… just weeks after £20bn bail-out by taxpayers

The Royal Bank of Scotland has blown £300,000 on a secret champagne junket for executives – less than a month after being given a £20billion handout by the taxpayer.

Bankers and their partners enjoyed the lavish party to mark their ‘success’ after a year in which the collapse of the banking industry led to global financial meltdown.

The supposedly stricken bank laid on the celebration amid extraordinary secrecy to try to prevent details reaching the public, even cancelling the original venue, a top hotel in Hampshire, and transferring the party 350 miles north to Edinburgh.

US jobs market in ‘full recession mode’

The US labour market is in “full recession mode” after 240,000 jobs were lost in October, taking the unemployment rate to its highest level in 14 years.

This is the 10th month in a row that jobs have declined, pushing total job losses for the year to 1.2m.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The country may not last long enough for Obama to start his new job!

The Secret Bailout of J. P. Morgan: How Insider Trading Looted Bear Stearns and the American Taxpayer

The mother of all insider trades was pulled off in 1815, when London financier Nathan Rothschild led British investors to believe that the Duke of Wellington had lost to Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. In a matter of hours, British government bond prices plummeted. Rothschild, who had advance information, then swiftly bought up the entire market in government bonds, acquiring a dominant holding in England’s debt for pennies on the pound. Over the course of the nineteenth century, N. M.

Fed Refuses To Identify Recipients Of $2 Trillion In Emergency Taxpayer Loans, Bloomberg Sues For Info

The Federal Reserve is refusing to identify the recipients of almost $2 trillion of emergency loans from American taxpayers or the troubled assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I am going to speculate that some of this went to Goldman Sachs to cover losses from all the plunge protection team work they have been doing these last several years.

Officials Refuse to Provide Details on Secret Previous Bailout

Top government officials are refusing to provide details on a secretive deal it made to manage billions in assets from an earlier bailout.

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, has been pressing top officials for months to provide details on a deal the Federal Reserve made for a private firm to manage $30 billion in financial assets from the collapsed investment bank Bear Stearns, as part of an arrangement to facilitate J.P. Morgan Chase’s purchase of the bank in March.

GM shares plunge after analyst sees them hitting zero

General Motors shares plunged more than 30 percent Monday after an analyst forecast their price would fall to zero, saying that even if there is a government bailout of the auto giant, shareholders would not benefit.

« We are lowering our target on GM equity to zero dollars, » the Deutsche Bank report said.

Credit crunch is a good thing says bishop

Thousands have lost their jobs and had their homes repossessed but an Anglican bishop says the credit crunch is a gift from God.

The Bishop of Lewes, the Right Reverend Wallace Benn, believes the economic slump is God’s way of shaking Britain from its materialism.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« I am surrounded by priests who repeat incessantly that their kingdom is not of this world, and yet they lay their hands on everything they can get. » — Napoleon Bonaparte

Russian companies will drill for oil and natural gas on and off the island of Cuba

Russian companies will drill for oil and natural gas on and off the island of Cuba. A standing Russian credit line to Cuba for buying Russian wheat and cars is now extended to until 2011. Russia will build new rail lines on Cuban territory. There will also be joint projects in aircraft- and shipbuilding.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If the US had lifted the embargo years ago, it would be American oil companies drilling off of Cuba.

Chalk up another foreign policy disaster for the pig-headed US Government and its obsolete cold-war mentality.

40 Afghan civilians killed as U.S.-led air strike hits wedding party

At least 40 Afghan civilians have been killed and 28 more injured as an airstrike of the U.S.-led Coalition forces hit a wedding gathering in southern Afghanistan’s Kandahar province, officials and local villagers said Wednesday.

The War in Afghanistan Is Unwinnable

Veteran journalist Tariq Ali said this morning that the war in Afghanistan is lost.

Specifically, he said that British intelligence has concluded that – no matter how many troops are sent in – the war is already lost and is unwinnable in the future.

Ali also said that, should Obama follow through on his campaign promise to send more troops into Afghanistan, it would be a foreign policy blunder as big as Bush getting us into Iraq.

No one since Alexander the Great has conquered Afghanistan. America and England will not break that losing streak.

(Iraqi) Lawmakers call on Obama to pull out troops from Iraq

Fawzai Akram, parliamentarian for the Sadr bloc, told Aswat al-Iraq “We demand Obama to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq, to achieve sovereignty and independence for Iraqis.”

“I hope that major changes would occur in the U.S. policy, especially after the promises made by Obama, stressing his attempts to impose peace worldwide,” he said.

Saddam Trial Documents

Why was Saddam hanged BEFORE the conclusion of the trial,. . . because he had issued orders NOT to use gas? These are the translations made by the US Military, and which the UN had access to only AFTER 29 December 2006 after Saddam had been hanged. Tony Blair knew and George Bush knew about this, as these translations were made by the RCLO Office US Military.

Bombings raise spectre of al-Qaeda

The triple bombing during Baghdad’s morning rush hour may have come as a surprise to many in the outside world, who now have the idea that Iraq is on the path to stability.

Webmaster’s Commentary:


Why would Al Qaeda set off bombs right NOW when the US is about to get kicked out? Al Qaeda gets what it wants by NOT doing anything. The US, on the other hand, wants to stay, so the bombings clearly serve US interests.

Le Pentagone a facilité les attaques contre Al-Qaida partout dans le monde

LEMONDE.FR | 10.11.08

Les forces spéciales de l’armée américaine ont mené depuis 2004 une dizaine d’opérations secrètes contre Al-Qaida et d’autres groupes islamistes au Pakistan, en Syrie, en Somalie ainsi que dans d’autres pays, avec l’accord de l’administration du président George Bush, révèle le site Internet du New York Times, dimanche 9 novembre.


Vidéo Après le raid américain meurtrier, la Syrie dans l’incompréhension

Les faits Pakistan : des missiles américains tuent une dizaine d’insurgés, selon les autorités

Une directive classée confidentielle, signée au printemps 2004 par le secrétaire à la défense, Donald Rumsfeld, avec l’approbation du chef de l’Etat, autorisait à attaquer Al-Qaida et d’autres cibles hostiles n’importe où dans le monde, y compris dans des pays n’étant pas en guerre avec les Etats-Unis, selon des officiers supérieurs américains cités par le journal, sous le couvert de l’anonymat.

‘US missiles’ hit Pakistan village

A suspected US drone has launched a missile strike into northwest Pakistan, reportedly killing at least 10 people.

The attack on Friday targeted a town in North Waziristan, a tribal region on the Afghan border, security officials said.

Sovereignity violated

At least 18 such attacks by unmanned US aircraft have occured since September.

Pakistan militants seize Humvees

Militants in Pakistan have looted 12 trucks carrying supplies for Western forces in Afghanistan, officials say.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

And JUST in time to counter Pakistan’s demand that western forces stay the heck out of their country!!!!!!!

National Intelligence Estimate: Iran Intentions and Capabilities

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is the official US Government analysis of what Iran is doing with regards to developing nuclear weapons. It is NOT what you were being told by ABCNNBBCBS!

PDF Document

Bush administration delays release of prisoner abuse photos

The Bush administration is doing everything it can to delay compliance with a court’s order that the Pentagon turn over pictures of prisoners abused in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new court filing.

A three-judge appeals court panel in September ordered the administration to turn over 87 photographs depicting abuses at Abu Ghraib prison and other sites. The American Civil Liberties Union filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the photos in 2005.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Let’s hope that these photos get released as quickly as possible, per the ruling of the 12 appeals court judges. US taxpayers should see precisely what has been done with their tax dollars, and in their names.

There are some real, gritty problems with the use of torture, not the least of which is, by doing it, the Bush administration has, de facto, removed the US as a signatory from any human human rights treaty it has ever signed, including the Geneva Conventions.

Second, as we know from the times of the Inquisition, torture isn’t about getting the truth: it’s about getting the person tortured to say precisely what the torturers want them to say.

And thirdly, torturing prisoners under American control means that if our soldiers are captured in a military confrontation, there will be no qualms from their capturers about torturing them.

Let that one sink in for a moment.

FBI staff silenced over torture

Israel breaks Gaza ceasefire, assassinates six

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns in the strongest possible terms the killing of six Palestinians carried out by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in the Gaza Strip yesterday evening and this morning. The victims were all killed by air strikes. This escalation is the first of its kind since the tahdia (the Egyptian-brokered truce between Palestinian resistance groups and Israel) entered into force on 19 June 2008.

Student detained after refusing to shake hands with Israeli President

Peres was visiting the university as part of a public relations tour.

When the President approached Bahar to shake his hand, the student refused, stating QUOTE « I will not shake hands with a murderer of children. »

Israel’s Livini blasts Obama’s Iran plan

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni attacked U.S. president-elect Barack Obama on Thursday for declaring a willingness to talk with Iran about its nuclear program.

« We live in a neighbourhood in which sometimes dialogue . . . is liable to be interpreted as weakness, » Livni told Israeli Radio, expressing a view held by many of her countrymen.

Asked if she supported discussions between the U.S. and Iran, Livni said: « No. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Livni wants war between the US and Iran. But then, that seems a permanent feature of Israel; sending young AMERICANS off to die in Israel’s wars.

Not the arrogant assumption on Livni’s part that the is in a position to dictate how the US should deal with Iran.

Who is sending your children off to die in war?

Israeli best seller breaks national taboo: Idea of Jewish people invented, says historian

No one is more surprised than Shlomo Sand that his latest academic work has spent 19 weeks on Israel’s bestseller list – and that success has come to the history professor despite his book challenging Israel’s biggest taboo.

Dr. Sand argues that the idea of a Jewish nation – whose need for a safe haven was originally used to justify the founding of the state of Israel – is a myth invented little more than a century ago.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

See Did the Red Sea Part? No Evidence, Archaeologists Say

Warnings from world leaders all within 72 hours

« Australian PM Kevin Rudd – “Nuke strike would make 9/11 insignificant” and other weird warnings »

« Over the last 72 hours there has been a strange melange of cryptic messages leaked from world political leaders about what could be in store for America over the next few months.

These predictions of impending doom come from England, France, Australia and the United States.

Mass-casualty attacks alert

Warning of new bin Laden attack

OSAMA bin Laden is planning an attack against the United States that will « outdo by far » September 11, an Arab newspaper in London has reported.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The post-election booga booga!
Obviously the
dead guy isn’t such a big fan of Obama! 🙂

Council on Foreign Relations president predicts coups, genocide and terrorism to test Obama

Coffin mishap kills wife headed to bury husband

By The Associated Press

SAO PAULO, Brazil – Police say a woman has died on the way to a cemetery when a traffic accident hurled her husband’s coffin against the back of her neck.

Police say 67-year old Marciana Barcelos was in the front passenger seat of the hearse when the accident occurred Monday in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul.

Barcelos died instantly.

Her 76-year-old husband Josi Coimbra died Sunday of a heart attack while dancing at a party.

The driver of hearse and Barcelos’ son suffered minor injuries.

How to entertain your pet: barmy advice from the British!

Under a new government-issued code of practice, British cat and dog owners are now obliged to provide “entertainment” and « mental stimulation » for their pets.

The 26 page document on cat welfare begins with a warning to owners: « It is your responsibility to read the complete Code of Practice to fully understand your cat’s welfare needs and what the law requires you to do. »

« You should ensure that your cat has enough mental stimulation from you and from its environment to avoid boredom and frustration,” the document proceeds to point out.

U.S. ambassador tells Cdns: You’ll miss George W. Bush

Module body

Thu Nov 6, 2008

OTTAWA – The U.S. ambassador to this country offers an audacious prediction to Canadians who might be eager to see the back of the White House’s exiting occupant: You’ll miss George W. Bush.

David Wilkins says he’ll return home to South Carolina soon after the current president hands over the reins of power to Barack Obama on Jan. 20.


Regional war fear as 50,000 homeless in Congo in two days

Congolese government forces are fleeing the eastern capital of Goma as Rwandan-backed rebels press towards the town, threatening a lethal confrontation with United Nations peacekeepers and the prospect of all out regional war.

Western aid workers in Goma, with a population of 600,000, described scenes of mayhem in the streets as columns of government tanks and military vehicles streamed out of the city and panicking civilians fled for cover, fearing an imminent rebel onslaught.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is about to get very ugly very quickly.


Safest plastics for food and beverages

Some plastics are safer to eat and drink from than others. Here’s a quick guide to help you make informed choices.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The recycling numbers tell you what the bottle is made out of. 1, 2, 4, and 5 are safe. The rest are not.

The beauty creams with nanoparticles that could poison your body

Tiny particles that may be toxic are being used in beauty creams without proper safety testing, a consumer group has warned.

Nanoparticles, which are 80 times thinner than a human hair, are used by firms including Boots, The Body Shop, Avon, Nivea and Unilever.

Life Expectancy Drops To 69.3 Years In The US

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The most expensive medical care in the world, and the least effective.

Prescription Drugs Kill 300 Percent More Americans than Illegal Drugs

An analysis of 168,900 autopsies conducted in Florida in 2007 found that three times as many people were killed by legal drugs as by cocaine, heroin and all methamphetamines put together. According to state law enforcement officials, this is a sign of a burgeoning prescription drug abuse problem.

The Biggest Breast Cancer Risk Factor That No One Is Talking About

While the media sound alarms about breast cancer’s links to lifestyle choices and genetics, a much more likely risk factor is going undiscussed.

The most deafening silence, however, is about radiation, which is a 100 percent known cause of cancer. We are exposed to radiation in a variety of ways, through X-rays, CT scans and mammograms, but also by living near a nuclear power plant or having been exposed to weaponry that uses depleted uranium.

Before 1945, cancer mortality was very rare. Large increases in cancer mortality in the past 100 years begin with the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. A Japanese government map of the major causes of death in Japan from 1899 to 2004 shows that cancer mortality increased rapidly after 1945. With the introduction of each new nuclear technology since 1945 — atmospheric testing, nuclear power plants, depleted uranium — it is obvious that ionizing radiation is a major cause of cancer globally, and uranium is a major radioactive component of nuclear weapons, including depleted uranium weapons systems introduced to the battlefield in 1991 in Gulf War I.

This breast cancer map from Centers for Disease Control data (see below illustration) identifies that within a 100-mile radius of nuclear reactors is where two-thirds of all U.S. breast cancer deaths occurred between 1985 and 1989.

Marshall: It strikes me as quite peculiar that since genetic damage caused by radiation is cumulative over a lifetime that the medical community advocates that women, particularly those with no risk factors, get routine yearly mammograms. I’m also wondering about the use of radiation as a treatment for breast cancer. According to Breast Cancer Fund’s « State of the Evidence 2008, « Women older than age 55 derive less benefit from radiation therapy in terms of reduced rate of local recurrence and may face increased risks of radiation-induced cardiovascular complications, as well as secondary cancers such as leukemias and cancers of the lung, esophagus, stomach and breast. Using SEER data from the National Cancer Institute, researchers showed a 16-fold increased relative risk of angiosarcoma of the breast and chest wall following irradiation to a primary breast cancer. That seems like an awfully dangerous « cure » to me.

He told me that for every case of breast cancer identified through mammograms, five new cases of breast cancer are caused by the diagnostic use of radiation in mammograms. It sounds like a good way, for the medical industry, to generate repeat business and large profits.

Marshall: I also want to ask you what your thoughts are on the new molecular breast imaging (MBI) test, which is reportedly more effective than mammograms at finding breast cancers in dense breast tissue, but exposes women to 8 to 10 times more radiation than they receive with mammograms.

Moret: If the molecular breast imaging test exposes a woman to 8 to 10 times more radiation than mammograms, and mammograms are known to create five new cases of breast cancer for every case they identify, then it is not an option. I think the best option for women is to regularly practice breast self-exams.

Marshall: It seems to me that if we really want to « cure » breast cancer, we need to work toward preventing it by limiting our exposure to known carcinogens, especially radiation.

If you Google Video my name, Leuren Moret, there are many interviews and presentations of mine on the Internet providing the information people need to understand more about this issue.

Reverse osmosis filters should be in every home to purify the drinking water and remove radioactive isotopes from the water. The filter systems are about $500, which is very cheap compared to the cost of radiation-caused illnesses. The global atmospheric pollution of Planet Earth with depleted uranium from our radioactive battlefields in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan is contaminating drinking water globally. Each day as the depleted uranium bombing continues in faraway countries, the need for an effective water filter system is more important because the uranium is here in two weeks. Uranium levels in Los Angeles drinking water doubled in 2007 alone — in just one year.

How Merck Made a Killing

There are two remarkable things about the painkiller Vioxx. One was its disastrous impact on those who took it. Before it was pulled from the market in September 2004, Vioxx probably did more harm than any other modern prescription medicine. Critics of the drug have estimated that up to 140,000 Americans suffered heart attacks or strokes and about a third died as a result of taking it—and that is not counting those who died in the other countries where the drug was sold. It was as if a full jumbo jet dropped from the sky every week for five years, yet no one noticed.

Copper door handles and taps kill 95% of superbugs in hospitals

Making door handles, taps and light switches from copper could help the country beat superbugs, scientists say.

A study found that copper fittings rapidly killed bugs on hospital wards, succeeding where other infection control measures failed.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The ancient Romans wore copper ornaments in the belief that they cured many common ailments.

New flu shot fears emerge

Why healthcare workers avoid the shot

Canadians still urged to get flu shots

B.C. man paralyzed after flu shot warns of risks Module body

Wed Oct 22, 2008

SASKATCHEWAN (CBC) – A New Westminster man is raising a warning flag after he contracted a rare and debilitating condition linked to the flu shot that left him paralyzed for almost five months.

Hospitals Push Tdap Vaccine On New Mothers

As with all vaccines, people who have received this vaccine have experienced numerous adverse reactions. While some health officials tend to sugar-coat the severity of side effects, an article on a Canadian government site notes that some of the possible reactions to this shot include severe swelling and pain at the injection site; a lump at the injection site that “usually” disappears in two months; serum sickness (a disease that affects various organs of the body); tingling, numbness, or weakness in the arm and chest; and serious allergic reactions (i.e.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

For all mothers to be, new mothers, and the men who love them, please take time to be an informed consumer when it comes to vaccinations.

Do the research on your own, so if you are confronted with a doctor or medical staff person attempting to steer you in a particular direction, you have the info to either concur, or decline.

Big Pharma May be Handed Blanket Immunity for All Drug Side Effects, Deaths

The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.

The Supreme Court may rule that pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for dangerous or even deadly side effects from their drugs if those side effects arise from an FDA-approved use.

Under a legal argument known as “pre-emption,” the FDA’s approval of a drug absolves companies of any responsibility if that drug later turns out to be dangerous, even if information was concealed from the FDA during the approval process.

Bush administration has been actively urging the courts to apply the same principle to drugs. The administration argues that only the FDA is equipped to regulate drugs and decide whether a product is safe, and that judges or juries are not able to make informed decisions on those matters.

Drug companies are using the pre-emption argument as a legal defense in a wide variety of lawsuits, and the Supreme Court is expected to hear such a case, concerning the company Wyeth, in the fall. Before that, however, a lower federal court is expected to rule on whether pre-emption can be used to dismiss lawsuits by more than 3,000 women who claim that they were injured by using Johnson & Johnson’s OrthoEvra birth control patch according to the instructions on the label.

FDA Conspired with Chemical Industry to Declare Bisphenol-A Harmless

The FDA has been caught red-handed conspiring with the chemical industry to conclude that Bisphenol-A, the plastics chemical, is harmless to human health. As revealed by the Environmental Working Group (see below), the FDA based its evaluation of BPA on a report authored by the American Chemistry Council (ACC), a trade group that represents chemical companies and plastics manufacturers.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Yet another reason to never trust anything the FDA has to say about product safety.

The GM genocide: Thousands of Indian farmers are committing suicide after using genetically modified crops

Shankara, like millions of other Indian farmers, had been promised previously unheard of harvests and income if he switched from farming with traditional seeds to planting GM seeds instead.
Prince Charles

Beguiled by the promise of future riches, he borrowed money in order to buy the GM seeds. But when the harvests failed, he was left with spiralling debts – and no income.

So Shankara became one of an estimated 125,000 farmers to take their own life as a result of the ruthless drive to use India as a testing ground for genetically modified crops.

Hell Freezes Over: White House Drug Czar Backs Decriminalization

The Marijuana Policy Project today congratulated White House “drug czar” John Walters for backing a Mexican government proposal that would remove criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Watch the booze companies get all pissed off now!

Plea for more research cash as two billion bees die from rampant disease

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I still think that more research needs to be done on the effects of genetic modification of the plants bees use for food.

They accused the Government of failing to invest in the research needed to stem diseases and parasites which are now thought to have destroyed one in three bee colonies over the past year.

The British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA) has calculated that up to two billion bees succumbed to sickness between November 2007 and April 2008, with a similar number expected to be wiped out by the end of this winter.

Doctor says an oil lessened Alzheimer’s effects on her husband

« And then it hit me, » she said. « Why don’t we just try coconut oil as a dietary supplement? What have we got to lose? If the MCT oil in it worked for them, why couldn’t it work for us? »

5 novembre 2008

Les défis qui attendent Obama; les États-Unis attaque le Pakistan, la Syrie et la Bolivie: la nouvelle doctrine d’agression

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 6 novembre 2008: Les défis qui attendent Obama; les États-Unis attaque le Pakistan, la Syrie et la Bolivie: la nouvelle doctrine d’agression

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 6 novembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
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Nous effectuons notre tour de l’actualité mondiale hebdomadaire et nous touchons en particulier du Moyen-Orient, de l’uranium appauvri et des dégâts causés dans la région. Nous parlons bien sûr des élections aux États-Unis et de quelques enjeux importants dont aura à faire face Obama, comme par exemple ces guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan, la doctrine de Bush, la torture et les prisons secrètes, le système bancaire et la FED et autres. Les dernières nouvelles à propos des changements climatiques ainsi que de la crise financière sont aussi à l’ordre du jour. Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Europe’s secret plan to boost GM crop production
October 26, 2008, The Independent (One of the U.K.’s leading newspapers)

Gordon Brown and other European leaders are secretly preparing an unprecedented campaign to spread GM crops and foods in Britain and throughout the continent, confidential documents obtained by The Independent on Sunday reveal. The documents –- minutes of a series of private meetings of representatives of 27 governments –- disclose plans to « speed up » the introduction of the modified crops and foods and to « deal with » public resistance to them. The secret meetings were convened by Jose Manuel Barroso, the pro-GM President of the Commission, and chaired by his head of cabinet, Joao Vale de Almeida. The prime ministers of each of the EU’s 27 member states were asked to nominate a special representative. Neither the membership of the group, nor its objectives, nor the outcomes of its meetings have been made public. But The IoS has obtained confidential documents, including an attendance list and the conclusions of the two meetings held so far – on 17 July and just two weeks ago on 10 October – written by the chairman. The list shows that President Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany sent close aides. Britain was represented by Sonia Phippard, director for food and farming at the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The conclusions reveal the discussions were mainly preoccupied with how to speed up the introduction of GM crops and food and how to persuade the public to accept them. The documents also make clear that Mr Barroso is going beyond mere exhortation by trying to get prime ministers to overrule their own agriculture and environment ministers in favour of GM.

Note: For an excellent summary of the many health risks posed by genetically modified foods, click here.

Goldman Sachs ready to hand out £7bn salary and bonus package… after its £6bn bail-out

Goldman Sachs is on course to pay its top City bankers multimillion-pound bonuses – despite asking the U.S. government for an emergency bail-out.

The struggling Wall Street bank has set aside £7billion for salaries and 2008 year-end bonuses, it emerged yesterday.

Each of the firm’s 443 partners is on course to pocket an average Christmas bonus of more than £3million.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

You have been screwed.

Half of Bank Bailout Money Going to Shareholders

Washington Post reports major US banks are on pace to spend more than half their bailout money on rewarding their shareholders. The thirty-three banks are set to receive some $163 billion in government bailouts. Half of that sum would go toward paying off shareholders over the next three years. The Bush administration touted the bank bailout as necessary to resume lending. But Treasury officials say the banks would never accepted loans if they weren’t allowed to redistribute dividends to shareholders.

U.S. warns banks that using bail-out money for pay and pensions to executives will be criminal offence

Using bail-out money for anything other than lending – such as paying bonuses or pensions to Wall Street executives – will be a criminal offence, the powerful chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee has said.

The news comes after reports financial giants owe bosses some $40billion in bonuses and pension promises.

Rescued bank to pay millions in bonuses

Royal Bank of Scotland, which is being bailed out with £20bn of taxpayers’ money, has signalled it is preparing to pay bonuses to thousands of staff despite government pledges to crack down on City pay.

IMF needs hundreds of billions of dollars more

Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the International Monetary Fund (IMF) needs « hundreds of billions of dollars » to help countries at risk of collapsing amid the world financial crisis.

They are helping BANKS, not sountries.

Wall Street’s Great Heist of 2008

The Wall Street Journal published a front-page article Friday reporting that the nine biggest US banks, which have received a combined $125 billion in taxpayer funds as part of the $700 billion bailout authored by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and passed by the Democratic Congress, owed their executives more than $40 billion for recent years’ compensation and pensions as of the end of 2007.

This means that nearly a third of the public funds given to these banks will ultimately be used to increase the private fortunes of a handful of multimillionaire Wall Street executives.

The Federal Reserve Is Inflating at 341% per Annum. (Don’t Look for the Decimal Point.)

Wall Street’s red October

The Fed as a central bank to the world

Nicolas Sarkozy may be pushing for a new financial order but Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson have beaten him to it.

While the French President dreams of global economic cooperation ahead of the G20 summit in Washington, the Fed is quietly becoming central bank to the world, backed by the full might of the U.S. Treasury and a teflon-coated greenback.

World Shipping slowly grinding to a halt.

The situation now is that for those shipping companies that can actually get letters of credit are now slowing down their ships to reduce fuel consumption, slashing crew numbers and leaving some of their tonnage in dock with the lights out.
The problem with letters of credit, which are needed before a vessel leaves harbour, is that demands between banks are being denied as banks are not trusting each other

IMF Bailout of the United States Coming?

The World Tires of Dollar Hegemony

What explains the paradox of the dollar’s sharp rise in value against other currencies (except the Japanese yen) despite disproportionate US exposure to the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?

No curbs on Wall Street pay despite meltdown
October 24, 2008, San Francisco Chronicle/Associated Press

Despite the Wall Street meltdown, the nation’s biggest banks are preparing to pay their workers as much as last year or more, including bonuses tied to personal and company performance. So far this year, nine of the largest U.S. banks, including some that have cut thousands of jobs, have seen total costs for salaries, benefits and bonuses grow by an average of 3 percent from a year ago, according to an Associated Press review. « Taxpayers have lost their life savings, and now they are being asked to bail out corporations, » New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo said of the AP findings. « It’s adding insult to injury to continue to pay outsized bonuses and exorbitant compensation. » That there is a rise in pay, or at least not a pronounced dropoff, from 2007 is surprising because many of the same companies were doing some of their best business ever, at least in the first half of last year. In 2008, each quarter has been weaker than the last. « There are, of course, expectations that the payouts should be going down, » David Schmidt, a senior compensation consultant at James F. Reda & Associates. « But we haven’t seen that show up yet. » Some banks are setting aside large amounts. At Citigroup, which has cut 23,000 jobs this year amid the crisis, pay expenses for the first nine months of this year came to $25.9 billion, 4 percent more than the same period last year. Typically, about 60 percent of Wall Street pay goes to salary and benefits, while about 40 percent goes to end-of-the-year cash and stock bonuses that hinge on performance, both for the individual and the company.

Note: For lots more on the Wall Street bailout, click here.

Exxon Mobil posts biggest US quarterly profit ever

Exxon Mobil Corp., the world’s largest publicly traded oil company, reported income Thursday that shattered its own record for the biggest profit from operations by a U.S. corporation, earning $14.83 billion in the third quarter.

Shell reports 22 percent rise in 3Q profit

“Global Warming” Has Stopped

In a blog post, Bill Chameides says “global warming” is still happening. It isn’t. As the global temperature graph below shows, all four of the world’s major global surface temperature datasets (NASA GISS; RSS; UAH; and Hadley/University of East Anglia) show a decline in temperatures that have now persisted for seven years.

Global Cooling is Here

Global Cooling is Here

Evidence for Predicting Global Cooling for the Next Three Decades

by Prof. Don J. Easterbrook

Global Research, November 2, 2008

Department of Geology, Western Washington University

NOAA: U.S. breaks or ties 115 cold and sets 63 new snowfall records

Of course many of you that live in this weather already know this, but there is an early start to winter this year, not only in the USA, but also in London, where it snowed in October for the first time in over 70 years.

So far, no mention of this broadly distributed U.S. record event in the mainstream media. There are a few individual mentions or record lows in Florida. See this Google News search.

Record Low Temperatures in Cuba
Prensa Latina, Cuba – Oct 30, 2008
Havana, Oct 30 (Prensa Latina) The ephemeral winter of Cuba began with record low temperatures for October in several western regions.

Snow blankets London for Global Warming debate

Snow fell as the House of Commons debated Global Warming yesterday – the first October fall in the metropolis since 1922.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

There is another report that a group of global warming protesters got caught in a snowstorm and had to take refuge inside the coal-fired plant they were picketing to keep from freezing.

Mother nature has a sense of humor!

Weather isn’t climate, of course. But you can still be equally hopeless about predicting both.

7 killed in Tibet’s ‘worst snowstorm’

At least seven people have been found dead after « the worst snowstorm on record in Tibet, » China’s state-run news agency reported Friday.

About 1,350 people were rescued in Lhunze County — another 300 were trapped — after nearly five feet (1.5 meters) of snow blanketed much of Tibet this week.

When trees grew in Antarctica

Trees that grew in Antarctica millions of years ago had a growth pattern much different than modern trees, according to a new fossil study reported during the Geological Society of America meeting.

Evidence of sunspot involvement in climate change compelling

Over the last few years, the evidence that sunspots on our sun are directly related to climate change on earth has been steadily increasing.

I explained the exact proposed mechanism in some detail previously. Great work in this field is being carried out by Dr Henrik Svensmark and coworkers in Denmark and elsewhere.

Briefly, the mechanism is that cosmic rays impact on the earth from deep space. These cosmic rays penetrate our atmosphere and lead to the formation of cloud cover. The cosmic rays nucleate sites in the atmosphere, from which clouds form from the natural water vapour.

Coastal Maine tide change a mystery

Meteorologists are baffled by rapid tidal changes along the Maine coast, which damaged some boats and piers.

Witnesses say low tide turned and became high within a matter of minutes on Tuesday afternoon. The changes occurred six or seven times. The National Weather Service says reports from several locations indicated that water levels fell and rose from 4 feet to as much as 12 feet during the event.

In a public information statement, the weather service says the cause « remains a mystery and may never be known. »

Major ethanol producer files for bankruptcy

VeraSun Energy, one of the major producers of ethanol in the U.S., has filed for bankruptcy after citing rising costs and liquidity problems.

Newly discovered footage of Building Seven and North Tower collapse

Astounding new video footage of Building 7 & the North World Trade Center Tower has suddenly appeared on the net posted by an anonymous user November 1st, 2008


VIDEO: FOX NEWS:  » We Need Another 9/11″

Columnist Stu Bykofsky: We need another 9/11

Broadcast on Fox News (August 2007), Columnist Stu Bykofsky claims that America needs a new 9/11 to unite the American people, because they have « forgotten » who the enemy is.

« its going to take a lot of dead people to wake people up. »


Kid Killers are Barbarians

There is yet more news from Afghanistan about the killing of civilians by foreign forces’ air attacks. The BBC reported that “Angry villagers took 18 bodies – including badly mangled bodies of women and children – to the governor’s house in the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah, Haji Adnan Khan, a tribal leader in the city who had seen the bodies, was reported as saying. He said there might be more bodies trapped under the rubble. A BBC reporter in Lashkar Gah said he saw the bodies – three women and the rest children ranging in age from six months to 15.

Millions of Afghans Face Starvation

With a combination of a summer drought, poor irrigation and rising global food prices, a famine is unveiling in Afghanistan with third of Afghans are suffering chronic food insecurity, a British think-tank warned on Friday, October 31.

« While the eyes of the world have focused on violence which is increasingly terrorist in character, an estimated 8.4 million Afghans, perhaps a third of the nation, are now suffering from ‘chronic and transitory food insecurity’, » Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) analyst Paul Smyth said in a press briefing on its website.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Welcome to yet more of the real « Bush Legacy » in Afghanistan: one third of its population may face famine conditions this year.

And anyone who believes that the US and NATO will allow airdrops of food to the worst-hit areas hasn’t taken a good, hard look at the outcomes of their occupation of this country.

Gates: Afghan conflict must not be seen as ‘America’s war’

US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that Afghanistan’s military must be expanded and that the conflict needs to be recognized as « an Afghan war, not an American war and not a NATO war. »

Promoting the expansion of Kabul’s military force, Gates said: « We would be making a terrible mistake if this ends up being called America’s war. This is the Afghans’ war for their own country, and we need to make sure they know we are not there to run it, we are there to help. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Forgive me, but has this gentleman gone completely mad?

One has to wonder what koolaid US Secretary of Defense Gates has imbibed to make such an completely absurd statement. Does he believe, for one second, that thinking Americans do not remember the history of US oil interests in this region?

As reported on 2 May, 2001 in http://www.mediamonitors.net/mosaddeq2.html:

« An article appearing in the prestigious German daily Frankfurter Rundschau, in early October 1996, reported that UNOCAL “has been given the go-ahead from the new holders of power in Kabul to build a pipeline from Turkmenstein via Afghanistan to Pakistan. It would lead from Krasnovodsk on the Caspian Sea to Karachi on the Indian Ocean coast.” The same article noted that UN diplomats in Geneva believe that the war in Afghanistan is the result of a struggle between Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and the United States, “to secure access to the rich oil and natural gas of the Caspian Sea.”[50] Other than UNOCAL, companies that are jubilantly interested in exploiting Caspian oil, apparently at any human expense, include AMOCO, BP, Chevron, EXXON, and Mobile. »

« It therefore comes as no surprise to see the Wall Street Journal reporting that the main interests of American and other Western elites lie in making Afghanistan “a prime transhipment route for the export of Central Asia’s vast oil, gas and other natural resources”. « 

So, there you have it.

One can say, with some degree of certainty, that it is not the sons or daughters of people like Secretary Gates, or other governmental or corporate officials who are fighting, and getting maimed, and dying, in this war for pipelines and oil transportation.

This occupation of Afghanistan was never about furthering the interests of peace or economic growth for this beleaguered country; it was, and continues to be, about the brutal fight for its location as a trans-ship point for oil.

The End of International Law?

A parallel new Bush doctrine is emerging, in the last days of the soon-to-be-ancien regime, and it needs to be strangled in its crib. Like the original Bush doctrine — the one that Sarah Palin couldn’t name, which called for preventive military action against emerging threats — this one also casts international law aside by insisting that the United States has an inherent right to cross international borders in « hot pursuit » of anyone it doesn’t like.

They’re already applying it to Pakistan, and this week Syria was the target. Is Iran next?

Bolivia alleges US role in violent jungle clash

A top Bolivian official on Friday accused the United States of backing armed anti-government groups in a violent jungle clash that left 15 people dead last month, including 13 supporters of leftist President Evo Morales.

Raid américain contre la Syrie

lundi 3 novembre 2008, par Alain Gresh

Dans l’après-midi du dimanche 26 octobre, les hélicoptères des forces armées américaines ont lancé une attaque à l’intérieur de la Syrie. Selon la télévision syrienne, quatre hélicoptères ont violé l’espace aérien dans la region d’Al-Boukamal, à la frontiere irakienne. Ils ont visé une maison en construction — située à 8 kilomètres à l’intérieur du territoire syrien — et provoqué, selon les autorités, la mort de huit citoyens, dont le gardien, sa femme et leurs trois enfants. Les hélicoptères sont ensuite retournés en Irak. Dans cette zone désertique se trouve un point de passage frontalier officiel entre l’Irak et la Syrie ouvert il y a un an.

Une source officielle syrienne a déclaré que « la Syrie dénonçait et condamnait cet acte d’agression, tenait les forces américaines pour responsables de cette agression et de ses repercussions et appelait le gouvernent irakien à assumer ses responsabilités et à commencer immediatement une enquête sur cette dangereuse violation et empêcher l’usage du territoire irakien pour des agressions contre la Syrie ».

« Le vice-ministre syrien des affaires étrangères a convoqué le chargé d’affaires américain et lui a transmis les protestations de la Syrie au sujet de cette dangereuse agression, et affirmé qu’il tenait l’administration américaine comme pleinement responsable. Le chargé d’affaires irakien a aussi été convoqué dans le même but. »

Mardi 28, la Syrie a déposé une plainte auprès du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies et l’a appelé à prendre ses responsabilités. Le gouvernement a aussi annoncé la fermeture du centre culturel américain à Damas ainsi que d’une école. Des manifestations de protestation contre le raid ont eu lieu le jeudi 30 octobre dans la capitale syrienne.

La position irakienne a été hésitante. Dans un premier temps, certains responsables ont paru approuver le raid, mais, selon un article du journal libanais The Daily Star (30 octobre) [1], le porte-parole du gouvernement de Bagdad a affirmé que son pays ne permettrait pas l’utilisation de son territoire pour lancer des attaques contre des pays frontaliers, une telle utilisation étant contraire à la constitution. D’autre part, le parlement irakien a aussi deploré l’opération, au moment même où les relations entre la Syrie et l’Irak se renforcent, avec l’installation pour la première fois depuis 26 ans d’un ambassadeur irakien à Damas. Ces positions s’inscrivent dans un débat très vif en Irak sur la ratification de l’accord américano-irakien qui devrait fixer le statut des forces américaines après le 31 décembre 2008.

Selon le quotidien The Daily Star du 3 novembre, les ministres des affaires étrangères des deux pays se seraient parlé au téléphone et chercheraient à réduire les tensions [2].

Un point de vue israélien : « Un avertissement avait été lancé par les Etats-Unis. A une conférence de presse la semaine dernière, un commandant américain important dans la région occidentale de l’Irak avait prévenu que la situation empirait à la frontière syrienne, au moment même où la Jordanie et l’Arabie saoudite répondaient aux demandes américaines et fermaient leurs frontières. Le modus operandi rappelle la stratégie israélienne des “assassinats ciblés” : une combinaison effective de renseignement et d’opération, avec l’usage de frappes aériennes accompagnées de commandos qui doivent confirmer le succès de l’opération. » [3] (…)

Le journaliste rappelle ensuite différentes actions menées contre la Syrie.

« Israël a précédé les Etats-Unis avec l’attaque contre un site nucléaire en septembre 2007, sans parler de différents incidents mystérieux sur le sol syrien, de l’assassinat d’Imad Moughniye en février dernier à celui du général Mohammed Souleyman il y a environ deux mois. (…)

Le dénominateur commun de toutes ces opérations est que personne ne prend désormais au sérieux la Syrie, puisque l’on viole régulièrement sa souveraineté. Il est probable que la situation intérieure n’ait jamais été aussi instable.

Cette instabilité accroît la situation déjà tendue entre Israël et le Liban. Le chef du renseignement militaire de l’armée, Amos Yadin, a déclaré dimanche que le trafic d’armes clandestin de la Syrie au Hezbollah continue. Le ministre de la défense, Ehoud Barak, a averti qu’Israël est prêt à attaquer les convois d’armes, notamment à cause des efforts du Hezbollah pour s’équiper en missiles anti-aériens. »

Sur son site « Syria Comment », Joshua Landis livre une analyse à chaud le 26 octobre :

« L’administration Bush semble mener des actions d’escalade durant ses derniers jours au pouvoir. Le raid contre la Syrie (…) semble s’inscrire dans un nouveau schéma d’attaques contre des pays qui ne sont pas officiellement en guerre, comme dans le cas du nord-ouest du Pakistan.

A la fin de l’année 2007, le général David Petreus qui commandait les troupes de la coalition en Irak, avait salué la coopération de la Syrie pour diminuer la violence en Irak : “la Syrie a pris des mesures pour diminuer le flux de combattants étrangers à travers sa frontière” (Voice of America, 6 décembre 2007). »

Dans un envoi du 2 novembre, Joshua Landis revient sur les informations qui circulent, relayées notamment par Israël, selon lesquelles ce raid aurait été… coordonné par Washington et Damas. Il ne trouve pas cette information crédible et explique pourquoi.

Il est donc bien difficile d’expliquer les raisons de ce raid américain, mais cette action totalement contraire au droit international, doit nous rappeler que, quel que soit le candidat élu le 4 novembre, l’administration Bush reste au pouvoir jusqu’au 20 janvier…

Sur un tout autre front, celui des droits de la personne, le quotidien syrien Al-Watan annonce le 3 novembre que, selon un avocat de l’opposition, les opposants Michel Kilo et Mahmoud Issa devraient être libérés dans les quarante-huit heures. Nous avons évoqué ici, à plusieurs reprises le cas de Michel Kilo, y compris dans l’entretien avec le président Bachar Al-Assad. Cette bonne nouvelle, si elle était confirmée, arriverait en même temps que la condamnation à plus de 2 ans de prison d’une dizaine d’intellectuels et de membres de l’opposition (le 29 octobre — lire la déclaration de Human Rights Watch, « Syria : Harsh Sentences for Democratic Opposition », 30 octobre).


[1] « Questions swirl over American stonewalling about Syria raid »

[2] « Damascus, Baghdad in talks to ease tensions over deadly American raid »

[3] « U.S. takes page from Israel’s book in Syria strike », par Amos Harel, Haaretz, 27 octobre.

Syria condemns deadly ‘US raid’

Syria has condemned an alleged US raid that killed at least eight people in the country’s east, close to the border with Iraq, calling it an act of « serious aggression ».

US Faces International Condemnation in Wake of Syria Strike

While the White House has declined comment and other US officials defended the strike on a Syrian border town yesterday which killed eight, international condemnation rained down on the strike from a number of sources.

Unnamed US officials said the attack had targeted and killed a “smuggler of foreign fighters into Iraq” and said they didn’t kill any of the women and children found at the attacked site. US officials say the attack is justified under an “expansive definition of self-defense” similar to the argument made by Israel when it attacked a site in Syria last year.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So, if the US raid inside Syria DIDN’T kill those women and children, would someone kindly tell me precisely how they died?!?

And to describe this action in any way, shape or form as having been justified under « …..an ‘expansive definition of self-defense' » just boggles the mind.

This was not « self-defense »; it was sheer, naked aggression; there’s no other logical way to describe it.

US aggression on al-BouKamal unjustified, Ban Ki-Moon says

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Friday expressed regret over the US aggression on Syrian lands, saying « there was no justification to such act that unsettles atmospheres in the Middle East. »

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on Friday expressed regret over the US aggression on Syrian lands, saying « there was no justification to such act that unsettles atmospheres in the Middle East. »

Syria’s fury is justified — Who can blame Damascus for getting cosy with Moscow?

The US has once again “targeted foreign fighters” as part of its so-called war on terror. But these “fighters” were all Syrian civilians, including four youngsters. Another five individuals have been hospitalized after being shot by US Special Forces.

Washington has admitted perpetrating this tragic incident but insists the victims were terrorists just as it does when its fighter jets illegally cross the Afghanistan-Pakistan border and end up wiping out entire families. Syria describes the adult victims as construction workers.

US shows it is ready to take the war across boundaries

The US commando attack inside Syrian territory appears to amplify an emerging message to countries giving safe passage to terrorists: Take action, or America will.

Syria demands US apology and compensation for cross-border raid that killed 8

Analysts Question Timing of Syria Raid

A cross-border raid into Syria by U.S. forces in Iraq and subsequent stonewalling by U.S. officials unwilling to divulge details have led to rampant speculation among U.S. analysts about the origins and meaning of the attack.

« So the question is: Why? » wrote geo-strategic analyst and journalist Helena Cobban on her blog, wondering if the raid could have been pulled off without explicit permission from the highest levels of the President George W. Bush administration.

U.S. Damascus embassy may close mission following deadly raid

The U.S. embassy in Syria said on Wednesday that it may close to the public for fearing retaliation following a Sunday deadly raid on Syrian border by U.S. troops in Iraq.

The U.S. embassy made the warning in a statement on its Website, calling on Americans in Syria to remain alert to review their personal security.

Unforeseen events may cause the U.S. embassy in Damascus to close to the public indefinitely following the Sunday raid on eastern Syria blamed by Damascus on Washington, said the statement.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Closing an embassy is usually what happens before a heavy-duty military confrontation is planned to take place.

And note the us of the word « indefinitely » in terms of the length of this embassy closure.

Nine killed in US air strike on Pakistan school

A suspected US air strike killed nine people at a religious school in north-west Pakistan, intelligence officials said today.

It was claimed the school, on the outskirts of Miran Shah, the main town in the North Waziristan region, had links to the Taliban.

Pakistan To US: Stop Missile Strikes Near Border

A marked uptick in frequency of the missile attacks has badly strained America’s seven-year alliance with Pakistan, where rising violence is exacerbating economic problems gnawing at the nuclear-armed Islamic republic’s stability.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

There is nothing Pakistan can actually do to stop the drone attacks.

The US understands that the outcome of more of these strikes will be further destabilization of the Pakistani government.

One has to wonder if the US is continuing these policies in the hope of overthrowing the current elected government, and having it replaced by some strongman (in the mold of Musharraf) who was infinitely more pliable to the will of the US than Zardari appears to be.

Bush Missing Iraq WMD has Been Found in Iraq and One Million U.S. Soldiers are its Victims

No Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) that Bush told us were in Iraq were found. Today, to the tragedy of over one million U.S. soldiers and countless innocent Iraqi civilians, there is a Weapon of Mass Destruction in Iraq. That weapon is the deadly radioactive Depleted Uranium (DU) that is used by the U.S. military.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One has to wonder, for those in the military claiming that DU is not a health problem, if they would be willing to be exposed to it, or have their kids exposed to this chemical to prove it was safe.

And I’d be willing to bet that NO ONE making this claim would seriously think about doing it for even one second, because they know they are lying through their teeth every time they make the statement that this chemical has utterly no effect on the people who have been exposed to it.

As with the use of Agent Orange in Viet Nam, the military will continue to deny the deadly effects of DU , because they don’t want to have to deal with the financial costs that would accompany an admission that they knew it was potentially deadly to humans before they used it.

Millions of Iraqis at risk from polluted water: ICRC

Millions of people in Iraq are at risk of disease because of inadequate health care, water and sanitation services, the international Red Cross warned Wednesday.

« Far too many Iraqis still have no choice but to drink dirty water and live in insalubrious conditions, » said Juan-Pedro Schaerer, the head of delegation for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Iraq.

« This leads to more sick people seeking treatment in a health-care system already stretched to the limit, » he said in a statement.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Of course, the US’s having blown Iraq’s very functional water system to smithereens during the initial attack on Iraq hasn’t helped things any, either.

And almost any and all reconstruction has reeked of corruption and completely shoddy workmanship.

UN envoy speaks out against resumed Israeli demolitions in West Bank

Israel bans cloths, shoes into Gaza

Israel removed cloths and shoes from the list of goods that were allowed into Gaza Strip after Egypt brokered a ceasefire there, a Palestinian official said on Wednesday.

Ali al-Hayek, head of Industries Federation, said the Israeli occupation prevented these sorts of goods from entering Gaza Strip « since they could be used in producing military uniforms. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« The only good Palestinian is a naked one! »

Lebanon says 12 IAF warplanes violate its airspace

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Looks as though Israel is up to its old tricks in terms of attempting to intimidate Lebanon.

So Easy for Israelis to Shoot to Kill

Israeli soldiers shot and killed three young Palestinians in the Ramallah district of the central West Bank last week. The Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) claimed the Palestinians were about to throw Molotov cocktails at soldiers and settlers in the Bet El settlement.

But the circumstances in which the young men were shot, whether they actually did throw or attempt to throw firebombs, and if they actually threatened the lives of any soldiers or settlers, has been questioned.

EU slams Israeli settlers’ attacks on Palestinians

The European Union’s French presidency called on the Israeli government Friday to take action to halt Jewish settlers from attacking Palestinians near the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.

Some Israelis feel an urgency to attack Iran

Much of the international community quietly wants Israel to launch a strike, the officials say, but only if it succeeds.

« They will be very happy if we do their dirty work for them, » said Efraim Inbar, director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv. « The world is moving into ‘What can we do about it?’ mode. There is a strong instinct here to do it on our own. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Efraim Inbar: one has to wonder about your use of the phrase « They will be very happy if we do their dirty work for them… »

Since when was it the responsibility of any country on earth to « neutralize » all of your perceived existential threats in the region? (and for Israel, that’s about all of its neighbors, even the ones – like Egypt and Jordan – with which it has some degree of peaceful relations.)

As reported, « Navy Adm. Michael G. Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said he does not intend to get involved in another war when he has his hands full with Iraq and Afghanistan. »

However, this statement about intention cannot obviate the fact that Bush, even though he is a « lame duck president », has promised Israel that the US will defend it will the full force of the American military (with which the Israeli military is now very fully integrated.)

And that defense will come whether or not Israel has started the confrontation.

This perhaps puts Secretary Rice’s visit to Israel and the Middle East this next week into a potentially very dark context.

If Senator Obama does win the presidential election, Bush and Cheney, in their final days in the White House, may well be conjuring the worst possible scenario for Obama to handle just as he assumes the presidency.

A military strike by Israel against Iran, where the US has « no choice » but to defend their buddy Israel, and Russia steps in to defend Iran??

Between now and January, I wouldn’t bet heavily against just such a scenario being played out.


Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit

A Pennsylvania lawsuit alleging that Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” of the United States took an unusual twist this week, after a federally mandated deadline requiring Obama’s lawyers to produce a “vault” copy of his birth certificate expired with no response from Obama or his lawyers.


Before the child was born, the U.S. citizen parent must have been physically present in the U.S. and its possessions for at least 10 years, 5 of which must have been after the parent turned 14.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Under United States law, Barack Obama, even if born outside the United States, is a US citizen. His mother was born and raised in Kansas, and met Obama’s father while they were both students at the University of Hawaii. Because Barack’s mother was a citizen and had lived at least ten years of her life inside the US prior to giving birth, Obama is a citizen no matter where he was born.

The claim being made by McCain’s goons is that Barack’s mother actually gave birth in Kenya, then flew half way around the world with a newborn baby, to smuggle him into Hawaii and fake a birth certificate here. Clearly, under US law, such a subterfuge would n9ot be needed unless somehow, Obama’s parents knew that he would eventually run for President.

This whole citizenship issue is another hoax, like the « B-girl », by a campaign that cannot win on issues and plans to lie, cheat, and steal its way into the White House.


Hawaii has two major newspapers, the Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin.

BOTH newspapers include birth announcements, and BOTH newspapers record the August 4th, 1961 birth of Barack Obama.

Report hike in gun and ammunition sales

Experts say U.S. economic conditions and the presidential election are partly responsible for an increase in the sale of guns and ammunition this year.

Data supplied by federal and state government show sales of firearms up 8 to 10 percent in 2008, continuing a trend that began in 2006, The Washington Post reported Monday.

US defense secretary expands pre-emptive war doctrine to include nuclear strikes

In a remarkable speech on nuclear policy delivered October 28 at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), US Defense Secretary Robert Gates painted a dire portrait of international affairs and argued that Washington should expand the doctrine of pre-emptive war formulated by the Bush administration to include possible nuclear strikes.

29 octobre 2008

Barrick Gold vs Éd. Écosociété; la crise financière:un transfert d’argent; élections au Québec; refroidissement climatique et les pneus d’hiver

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 30 octobre 2008: Barrick Gold vs Éd. Écosociété; la crise financière:un transfert d’argent; élections au Québec; refroidissement climatique et les pneus d’hiver

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 30 octobre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…

Cette semaine nous effectuons un sérieux tour de l’actualité mondiale. Nous continuons de vous tenir au courant des derniers développements de la crise financière, ce transfert de notre argent public vers des paradis fiscaux avec les conséquences que nous connaissons; des changements climatiques et des surprenantes nouvelles s’y rattachant; et nous terminons avec un commentaire sur la nouvelle loi 55 obligeant les pneus d’hiver.

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
2008-10-30 2008-10-23 2008-10-09 2008-10-02 2008-09-25 2008-09-18 2008-09-11 2008-09-04 2008-08-28 2008-08-21 2008-08-14 2008-08-07 2008-07-17 2008-07-10 2008-07-03 2008-06-26 2008-06-19 2008-06-12 2008-06-05 2008-05-29 2008-05-22 2008-05-15 2008-05-08 2008-04-17 2008-04-10 2008-04-03 2008-03-27 2008-03-20 2008-03-13 2008-03-06 2008-02-28 2008-02-21 2008-02-14 2008-02-07 2008-01-31 2008-01-24 2008-01-17 2008-01-08 2007-12-16 2007-12-09 2007-12-02 2007-11-25 2007-11-18 2007-11-11 2007-11-04 2007-10-28 2007-10-21 2007-10-14 2007-10-07 2007-09-30 2007-09-23 2007-09-16 2007-09-09 2007-09-02 2007-08-26 2007-08-12 2007-08-05 2007-07-29 2007-07-22 2007-07-15 2007-07-08 2007-07-01 2007-06-24 2007-06-17 2007-04-22 2007-04-15 2007-04-08 2007-04-01 2007-03-25 2007-03-18 2007-03-11 2007-03-04 2007-02-25 2007-02-18 2007-02-11 2007-02-04 2007-01-28

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Qu’est-ce que la Liste nationale de numéros de télécommunication exclus ?

Vous n’êtes plus capable de vous faire écoeurer par téléphone pour du télémarketing? N’oubliez pas que vous pouvez depuis quelques mois déjà vous désinscrire officiellement de ces listes un bonne fois pour toute! Voici les informations qui se trouve sur le site du Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes:

Les 7 du Québec

Ces textes ci-dessous sont parus sur Les 7 du Québec

Barrick Gold, la honte

Qui doit craindre le plus une élection générale au Québec ?

Pierre R Chantelois

Most Major Papers Continue Circ Decline

For those holding out for some improvement in print circulation, this morning brings disappointment. The Audit Bureau of Circulations released the latest figures for the six- month period ending September 2008 and the report shows major drops in circulation at the big metros.

According to ABC for the 507 newspapers reporting in this period, daily circulation slipped 4.6% to 38,165,848 copies. For the 571 papers, Sunday dropped 4.8% to 43,631,646 copies.

For comparison purposes, in September 2007 reporting period, daily circ fell 2.6% and Sunday was down 4.6%.


$16.3 trillion in stock value lost since Sept. 1

Pessimism about the global economy deepened yesterday as fresh evidence of a worldwide slowdown showed up in feeble corporate profit reports from Asia, sinking commodities prices, and a scramble by emerging economies to prop up their sagging currencies and avert credit defaults.

Foreclosure filings spike 71%

CNNMoney.com staff writer

October 23, 2008

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — The housing crisis still has a choke hold on America: In September, 81,312 homes were lost to foreclosure, according to a report released Thursday.

RealtyTrac, an online marketer of foreclosed properties, said that 851,000 homes have been repossessed by lenders since August 2007.

Follow the M3 Money

As Wikipedia states, our money supply has three large components. M1 is physical currency circulating in the economy plus demand deposits (checking accounts). This measure is used by economists to try and quantify the amount of money in circulation. M1 is the most liquid measure of money supply since it only contains cash and assets quickly usable for conversion to currency.

Stocks dive on belief global recession is at hand

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Wall Street joined world stock markets in a precipitous plunge Friday, with the Dow Jones industrials dropping more than 400 points in early trading and all the major indexes falling more than 4 percent. The growing belief that the world will suffer a punishing economic recession has investors furiously dumping stocks.

Futures halted as trading enters ‘panic mode’

American stock futures trading was halted on Friday morning following deep declines on the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Standard & Poor’s 500 indices as global stock markets plunged.

Futures contracts fell more than 6% triggering a « limit down » suspension of selling on either index, as S&P 500 futures sank to 855.20, according to Bloomberg News. Nasdaq futures were also halted.

All three contracts lost the maximum amount permissible before the start of futures trading in the United States.

Dow Average May Sink to 5,000, Boockvar Says: Chart of the Day

Oil Tumbles on Signs OPEC Cut Won’t Halt Slide as Demand Drops

House prices ‘will fall further 25% in 2009’, warn analysts

Qui est derrière la crise financière?

– par Michel Chossudovsky – 2008-10-13

Qui est derrière la crise financière?

La manipulation des marchés et les spéculateurs institutionnels

Le marché est fortement manipulé. La force motrice derrière la crise se situe dans les opérations spéculatives. Le système de « régulation privé » sert les intérêts des spéculateurs.

Alors que la plupart des individus investisseurs enregistrent des pertes lorsque le marché s’effondre, les spéculateurs institutionnels gagnent de l’argent lorsque se produit un effondrement financier.

En fait, le déclenchement d’un effondrement du marché peut s’avérer une entreprise très rentable.

Derrière la panique, la guerre financière pour la future domination bancaire mondiale

– par F. William Engdahl – 2008-10-14

Les anecdotes dramatiques de la crise financière et la panique provoquée servent délibérément à certains groupes d’influence à façonner le futur visage de la finance mondiale.

Derrière la panique, la guerre financière pour la future domination bancaire mondiale

par F. William Engdahl

Mondialisation.ca, Le 14 octobre 2008

Wealth gap creating a social time bomb

Growing inequality in US cities could lead to widespread social unrest and increased mortality, says a new United Nations report on the urban environment.

n a survey of 120 major cities, New York was found to be the ninth most unequal in the world and Atlanta, New Orleans, Washington, and Miami had similar inequality levels to those of Nairobi, Kenya Abidjan and Ivory Coast. Many were above an internationally recognised acceptable « alert » line used to warn governments.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« ….Social unrest »; what a completely reasonable excuse for the introduction of martial law in this country!

Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin: Global systemic crisis Alert – Summer 2009: The US government defaults on its debt.

Therefore, as we repeated it on and on since 2006, this crisis is far more important, in terms of impact and outcome, than the 1929 crisis. Historically, we are the very first players, witnesses and/or victims of a crisis affecting the whole planet, in a situation of unprecedented interdependence of countries (resulting from twenty years of globalisation) and people (the level of urbanization – and related dependence for all the basic needs – water, food, energy… – is also unprecedented).

U.S. Dollar Currency Collapse Within 30 Days

My reaction: I am certain the US is less than a month away from a currency collapse. The fed and treasury are not even taking the time to think at this point: they are just throwing money and guarantees at each new problem that pops up without worrying about the consequence. Since no one can imagine a currency collapse, there isn’t the political will to take the painful steps needed to prevent it (reign in fed and let institutions fail). The forces and trends behind the financial collapse are too powerful to stop.

IMF may need to « print money » as crisis spreads

The International Monetary Fund may soon lack the money to bail out an ever growing list of countries crumbling across Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, and parts of Asia, raising concerns that it will have to tap taxpayers in Western countries for a capital infusion or resort to the nuclear option of printing its own money.

Crisis Brings Opportunity. Here’s hoping we don’t blow it this time.

Have no doubt, by the end of this week or the next, life will have changed for good, there will be no going back to the way it was. Period.
If the World is expecting to have it’s cake and eat it , forget about it. So what’s going to be the logical outcome of such a sytemic failure ?

Meet the World’s New Reserve Currency: The Chinese Yuan

The real tragedy of this financial crisis is that people will die

The harsh reality of the economic fallout isn’t that Joe the plumber can’t buy his business or that people’s retirement funds are being lost or that unemployment is rising; the harsh reality is that people will die.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

An estimated 7 million people starved to death in the United States during the Great Depression.


Nor’easter May Bring Foot of Snow to Eastern U.S.

A gusty storm dumped rain and the first snow of the season from Virginia to Maine today, closing schools and roads and further delaying Major League Baseball’s World Series.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

When I was a kid living in New Hampshire, the first real snow usually fell about Thanksgiving. I don’t recall ever once having to go trick or treat in the snow!

One dead, thousands without power and the first October snow in London in 74 YEARS as Arctic blast sweeps across UK

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« B-b-b-b-u-t-t-t-t Al G-g-g-g-ore said-d-d-d-d-d w-w-w-we w-w-w-w-ere g-g-g-g-gett-t-t-t-ting w-w-w-warmer! »

Even London was hit by a light dusting last night – the first time the capital has seen snow in October since 1934.

While the capital woke to its first October blanketing since 1934, the rest of the South had its first pre-Halloween snowfalls since the 1970s.

‘The last time snow was on the ground in the South East in October was 1974, while London hasn’t had October snow on the ground for 74 years.’

In 1934, Britain was in the fifth year of the Great Depression – an economic downturn fuelled by greedy bankers and incompetent economists.

Global Cooling: Record Low Temperatures Hit America

Record low temperatures have hit dozens of areas across America as a natural period of global cooling accelerates, leaving man-made global warming advocates with egg on their face as the big chill sets in.

Data compiled by the IceAgeNow website shows that record lows are being matched and broken on an almost daily basis in states throughout the U.S. as the country prepares for a freezing cold winter.

“Sunspot counts are at a 50-year low,” says solar physicist David Hathaway of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. “We’re experiencing a deep minimum of the solar cycle.”

Which is why we are seeing evidence of natural global cooling all over the planet – Alaskan glaciers growing for the first time in 250 years, unprecedented ice storms in Kenya, China experiencing its coldest winter in 100 years, many parts of the U.S. suffering their coldest April on record along with record snowfall, Britain suffering its coldest Easter in decades, Sydney Australia suffering its coldest summer in 50 years.

Increasing Arctic Ice Is What We Don’t Hear

Last summer a headline from the Christian Science Monitor read: « Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Expected ». The first line of the article sounded the environmental alarm.

It said: « Arctic Ocean sea ice, one of the most visible indicators for global warming, may be headed for another recordbreaking summer decline. » There were similar articles concerning a connection between global warming and melting Arctic sea ice in many other magazines and newspapers at the time.

The fact is that after last summer’s Arctic ice melt fell short of the 2007 record extent, Arctic sea ice has been increasing at the fastest rate seen in years. As of last Friday, it was running ahead of the same day in October of last year by 31.3%. (See: annual comparison in purple shade in picture above – 10/17/2007 5,663,125 square kilometers, 10/17/2008 7,436,406 square kilometers ).

Huge Mountain Range Should Not Be There

An Antarctic mountain range that rivals the Alps in elevation will be probed this month by an expedition of scientists using airborne radar and other Information Age tools to virtually « peel away » more than 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) of ice covering the peaks.

22 octobre 2008

Entrevue avec Patrick Biron à propos du mouvement pour la vérité sur le 9/11; la crise économique et les Tasers

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 23 octobre 2008: Entrevue avec Patrick Biron à propos du mouvement pour la vérité sur le 9/11; la crise économique et les Tasers

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 23 octobre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…

Cette semaine à l`Autre Monde nous vous présentons une entrevue exclusive avec Patrick Biron, co-fondateur du mouvement pour la vérité sur le 9/11 de Montréal rencontré à Ottawa le 11 septembre dernier.

Nous discutons aussi des pistolets Taser, armes de torture; nous touchons aux dernières nouvelles sur la crise économique et autres aspects de l’actualité mondiale.

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
2008-10-23 2008-10-09 2008-10-02 2008-09-25 2008-09-18 2008-09-11 2008-09-04 2008-08-28 2008-08-21 2008-08-14 2008-08-07 2008-07-17 2008-07-10 2008-07-03 2008-06-26 2008-06-19 2008-06-12 2008-06-05 2008-05-29 2008-05-22 2008-05-15 2008-05-08 2008-04-17 2008-04-10 2008-04-03 2008-03-27 2008-03-20 2008-03-13 2008-03-06 2008-02-28 2008-02-21 2008-02-14 2008-02-07 2008-01-31 2008-01-24 2008-01-17 2008-01-08 2007-12-16 2007-12-09 2007-12-02 2007-11-25 2007-11-18 2007-11-11 2007-11-04 2007-10-28 2007-10-21 2007-10-14 2007-10-07 2007-09-30 2007-09-23 2007-09-16 2007-09-09 2007-09-02 2007-08-26 2007-08-12 2007-08-05 2007-07-29 2007-07-22 2007-07-15 2007-07-08 2007-07-01 2007-06-24 2007-06-17 2007-04-22 2007-04-15 2007-04-08 2007-04-01 2007-03-25 2007-03-18 2007-03-11 2007-03-04 2007-02-25 2007-02-18 2007-02-11 2007-02-04 2007-01-28

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Avis aux consommateurs

Les « Pirate’s Gold Pièces de Monnaie de Chocolat de Lait » de marque Sherwood peuvent être contaminées par de la mélamine

Mélamine – Certains produits de la Chine – 2008
Page principale | Rapport sur les résultats des tests

OTTAWA, le 8 octobre 2008 – L’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) avise la population de ne pas consommer, distribuer ni vendre les « Pirate’s Gold Pièces De Monnaie De Chocolat De Lait » de marque Sherwood décrits ci-dessous. En effet, ce produit est retiré du marché en raison des résultats positifs d’analyses de dépistage de la mélamine menées par l’ACIA.

Le produit touché, les « Pirate’s Gold Pièces De Monnaie De Chocolat De Lait » de marque Sherwood, est vendu en contenants de 840 g renfermant 240 pièces chacun, portant le CUP 0 36077 11240 7 et le code de lot 1928S1.

Ce produit est vendu à l’échelle nationale dans les magasins Costco et peut également être vendu en vrac ou individuellement à divers magasins de vente en vrac ou magasins tout à un dollar à l’échelle du Canada.

Si l’identité du produit original et le CUP ne sont pas évidents, on conseille aux consommateurs de vérifier auprès de leur détaillant pour déterminer s’ils ont acheté le produit touché.

Les détaillants et les distributeurs devraient également arrêter de distribuer les « Pirate’s Gold Pièces De Monnaie De Chocolat De Lait » de marque Sherwood et lancer un rappel volontaire de ce produit. L’ACIA collaborera avec les importateurs afin de retirer du marché le produit touché.

Aucun cas de maladie associé à la consommation de ces produits n’a été signalé.

Le risque pour la santé associé à ces produits est jugé être faible. L’avis est diffusé dans le cadre de l’enquête du gouvernement du Canada sur le lait et les produits d’origine laitière provenant de la Chine qui peuvent avoir été distribués au Canada.

L’ACIA surveille l’efficacité du rappel.

La mélamine est une substance chimique utilisée dans un certain nombre d’applications commerciales et industrielles. Le Canada n’autorise pas son utilisation comme ingrédient alimentaire.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, les consommateurs et les gens de l’industrie peuvent appeler l’ACIA au 1‑800‑442‑2342/ATS 1‑800‑465‑7735 du lundi au vendredi de 8 h à 20 h (heure de l’Est).

Pour savoir comment recevoir les rappels par courrier électronique ou pour obtenir d’autres renseignements sur la salubrité des aliments, visitez notre site Web à l’adresse http://www.inspection.gc.ca.


Questions des médias :

Jean-Louis Michaud (français)
Coordination des opérations – Centre opérationnel du Québec
Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments

Garfield Balsom (anglais)
Bureau de la salubrité et des rappels d’aliments
Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments


Why Wont The Bail Out Work? MUST SEE!

*****On voit dans la video Paulson qui admet à Ron Paul que l’inflation est en réalité un forme de taxation


Banks Are Likely to Hold Tight to Bailout Money

Lenders have been pulling back on credit lines for businesses, mortgages, home equity loans and credit card offers, and analysts said that trend was unlikely to be reversed by the government’s money.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It’s is NOT « The Government’s Money », it is YOUR money and when the bailout was ramrodded through Congress, we were all told that the money was to be used to buy up defaulted mortgages so that we could go back to buying homes.

Then we find out that the money, YOUR money, $700 billion of it, is being given to the banks and they can pretty much do whatever they want with it. Which means that loans to We The People, who were forced to cough up $700 billion (that is $1700 per household, BTW) will not see any benefit from this bailout after all. The banks are holding onto the money.

Folks, we have been HAD. While the DOW is down today, it is not down consistent with the massive liquidations required to cover $360 billion in Lehman Brothers credit defaults. So, what must be happening is that the $700 billion of YOUR money handed to the banks is being used to cover these losses.

In other words, Wall Street made a killing in the bull market with derivatives, and now that the market has turned bear, We The People get the losses.

When profits remain private, but losses are socialized, THAT is a fascist economy!

Fed to Provide Up to $540 Billion to Aid Money Funds

The Federal Reserve will provide up to $540 billion in loans to help relieve pressure on money-market mutual funds beset by redemptions.

Investors suffer as US ethanol boom dries up

Investors, such as Microsoft’s Bill Gates, are sitting on billions of dollars in losses after buying into the corn-based ethanol industry that George W. Bush embraced as the answer to US energy woes.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Let’s see. Growing the crops for ethanol diverted farm resources away from food, which triggered food shortages and skyrocketing prices.

Far from being « Carbon neutral » the processing required to convert the crops to ethanol produced greenhouse gas emissions.

Ethanol contains far less energy than gasoline, so you have to buy and burn more of it to travel the same distance.

And finally, Germany just banned ethanol after discovering that it damages the fuel systems of cars which are not designed to deal with ethanol in the first place.

Yeah, I can see why this hare-brained idea didn’t work out. Like most everything connected with the let’s-make-a-buck crowd that hijacked the environmental movement, it’s an idea that was not thought all the way through.

Zimbabwe introduces $100 billion banknotes

Zimbabwe‘s troubled central bank introduced $100 billion banknotes Saturday in a desperate bid to ease the recurrent cash shortages plaguing the inflation-ravaged economy.

Once-prosperous Zimbabwe has seen an unprecedented economic meltdown since it gained independence in 1980, with the official inflation rate now at 2.2 million percent.

Zimbabwe started issuing large bank notes in December, starting with denominations of $250,000.

In January, the government issued bills in denominations of $1 million, $5 million, and $10 million — and in May, it issued bills from $25 million and $50 million up to $25 billion and $50 billion.

Bush To Host Summit On Global Financial System

« We need a new global financial order, » he said.

U.S. willing to discuss financial governance: EU

The United States has indicated its willingness, for the first time, to discuss creating an international governance structure for financial markets, a top European Union official said on Friday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Folks, we have had one « Governance structure » after the other after the other. The « Governance structures » ARE the problem, because inevitably the « Governance structures » bias to favor the rich and powerful.

Globalism got us INTO this mess. Claiming that globalism will get us out is like saying more ice can save the Titanic!

Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show: “A Global Financial Order”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is like saying we can save the Titanic with more ice.

NWO Currency System to be Presented to U.S.A. by EU Leaders

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Globalism created this disaster. More globalism cannot fix it.

EU Leaders Call for Global Currency

Kurt Nimmo
Saturday, Oct 18, 2008

If we are to believe the Washington Post, French president and current EU leader Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged to save us from nameless “freewheeling bankers and traders” who get the blame for the current economic crisis.

Hopper explains the world (A Bug’s Life)

There is a message here.. in the video.. The Leader says: « The ants outnumber them 100 to one ».. But using this clip as a political metaphor.. The fact is that we outnumber them 20,000 to one… And yet they still rule… The ruling elite is only twenty thousand people.. And we the rest of humanity are 6 billion..(or something close to it.)

Why do we let them get away with this shit?


The Derivatives Market is Unwinding!

A couple of months ago, a financial analyst who sells derivatives told me that fears about a meltdown in the derivatives market were unfounded.

Yesterday, he told me – with a very worried look – « THE DERIVATIVES MARKET IS UNWINDING! »

The Government Economy Con-Game = « Derivatives »

The fiat US-dollar not being backed by any hard commodity value gave government the opportunity to takeover the domestic and International market place wealth of all others for the last fifty years by perpetual printing of those dollars as the entire populations productivity value was drained through the use; conversion; and taxing of those dollars.

The Financial Tsunami has not reached its Climax

Credit Default Swaps: Next Phase of an Unravelling Crisis

by F. William Engdahl

Understanding Derivatives to Understand the Credit Crisis

Derivatives are financial instruments whose values depend on the value of other underlying financial instruments. The main types of derivatives are futures, forwards, options and swaps.

Actualité mondiale

Coalition airstrike kills 9 Afghans, officials say

AP- KABUL, Afghanistan – A U.S.-led coalition airstrike mistakenly hit an Afghan army checkpoint early Wednesday, killing nine soldiers and wounding three others, Afghan officials said.

Blackwater sends warship to Gulf of Aden

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Blackwater has their own warships????????

Élections USA

Police prepare for unrest

Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the totally unprecedented come-from-behind surprise upset victory of John McCain.

Associated Press just exploded their own credibility

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Every major poll has Obama with a 9% to 12% lead over McCain, but AP insists it’s all « even ».

Setting the stage for another stolen election?

Warning over US election problems

Chertoff Says Change in Presidency Fuels Terror `Vulnerability’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Lots of « Booga Booga » in the campaign, all of a sudden!

Ballot debacle predicted for November 4

Machine Problems Plague 1st Day Of Early Voting

People lined up to be among the first to vote at several early voting sites around Jacksonville Monday morning had an extra long wait and some left frustrated when machines at several locations refused to record the ballots.

Loi martiale

Concerns about deployment of military on U.S. soil growing — while mainstream media buries its head in the sand

The Army Times initially reported that the First Brigade would handle domestic crowd control and subduing ‘unruly individuals’ and that they had ‘lethal and nonlethal technologies’ to do so. Then it issued a correction declaring that the ‘nonlethal’ package was not for domestic crowd control. Then after a hue and cry was raised by many citizens, Northern Command (NorthCom) offered a wholesale revision of their mission – and the mainstream media is eating it up.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Leni Riefenstahl, the great propagandist of the Nazis, would have been delighted at the « spin » the Army Times is attempting to put on this.

But this is an unusually dangerous precedent which has just happened here.

One has to wonder under just what contingencies these troops are to be deployed against their fellow American citizens.

FBI Uses InfraGard to Train Private Citizens to Cooperate with Government, Potentially Enforce Martial Law


Twenty-three thousand executives and employees of various private firms work with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The group, called InfraGard, receives secret warnings of terrorist threats well in advance of public notification, and sometimes before elected officials. In return, InfraGard provides information to the government. InfraGard is a quiet quasi-governmental entity which wields an unknown, but extensive, amount of power and influence.

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