LNI Média

17 décembre 2008

Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 18 décembre 2008: Les plus grands rackets financiers de la planète: Madoff, Rubin, la Fed et la Cité de Londres

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L’Autre Monde 18 décembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde:

– Le NIST admet que le WTC7 s’est écroulé à la vitesse de la chute libre.

– Le journal The Financial Times annonce le projet d’un nouvel ordre mondial.

– Économie: Émeutes en Grèce qui se répandent à d’autres pays, banques nationalisées et fonds de pension qui vont disparaitre et l’écroulement des finances publiques.

– Nous complèterons avec un survol du Moyen-Orient, état policier, changements climatiques et autres.

Dernière émission de la saison automne; soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

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Pétition contre l’utilisation d’armes radioactives – Petition against the use of radioactive weapons

Attaque au soulier:

« Iraqi reporter al-Zaidi’s arm, ribs broken »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The Secret Service is denying they beat the crap out of him for embarrassing them.

Iraq cheers reporter for Bush shoe attack

Citizens in Baghdad have ennobled a frogmarched Iraqi reporter for throwing his shoes at lame duck US President George W. Bush.

Iraqi reporter Muntadhar al-Zaidi shocked the world on Sunday by hurling his shoes at the visiting US president, who had come to the war-torn country to say farewell.

Sitting in the third row at a press conference attended by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the reporter ‘jumped up’ and shouted « It is the farewell kiss, you dog. »

Showing the sole of your shoe to someone in the Arab world is a sign of extreme disrespect, and throwing your shoes is even worse.

A study conducted by ORB — a well-known British polling agency which has been tracking public opinion in Iraq since 2005 — estimated in September 2007 that 1.2 million Iraqis had been killed in violence-related incidents following the March 2003 invasion of the country.

This is while Human Rights Watch estimates put the number of those killed during a period of twenty years of the reign of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein at 250,000 to 290,000.

Across Mideast, Arabs hail shoe-hurling journalist

Thousands of Iraqis took to the streets Monday to demand the release of a reporter who threw his shoes at President George W. Bush, as Arabs across many parts of the Middle East hailed the journalist as a hero and praised his insult as a proper send-off to the unpopular U.S. president.

Bush Comparison Seen As Unfair to Dogs

This is the question now raised in Iraq: If they throw shoes at your face are you a combat troop or a noncombat troop? The answer may be important in helping to guide President Elect Obama’s strategy of reducing but continuing the genocidal occupation that has made a shoeless journalist one of the most beloved, if little known, people in the world overnight.

Send Shoes To Bush The Genocidal Maniac

Play the game

Join the protest: (I don’t know who began this, but I think it is a great idea)

Please forward to all your lists and join the campaign.

Demand the release of the Iraqi journalist Muntazer Al-Zeidi and flood the White House with old shoes. Speaking Shoes to Power Campaign!

Nouvel Ordre Mondial:

And now for a world government

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Here comes the call for a global government. It sounds benign and wonderful until you remember two important points.

1. Global government is what Alexander the Great and Hitler (among others) wanted.

2. Globalism is what turned a US economic melt-down into a world-wide disaster.

Financial Times Editorial Admits Agenda For Dictatorial World Government

The Financial Times, one of the most respected and widely read newspapers on the planet, features an editorial today that openly admits the agenda to create a world government based on anti-democratic principles and concedes that the term “global governance” is merely a euphemism for the move towards a centralized global government.

Sur Les 7 du Québec:

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Coup d’état monarchique et bancaire au Canada


Greek-inspired protests spread across Europe

The unrest that has gripped Greece is spilling over into the rest of Europe, raising concerns the clashes could be a trigger for opponents of globalization, disaffected youth and others outraged by the continent’s economic turmoil and soaring unemployment.

Protesters in Spain, Denmark and Italy smashed shop windows, pelted police with bottles and attacked banks this week, while in France, cars were set ablaze Thursday outside the Greek consulate in Bordeaux, where protesters scrawled graffiti warning about a looming « insurrection. »

At least some of the protests were organized over the Internet, showing how quickly the message of discontent can be spread, particularly among tech-savvy youth. One Web site Greek protesters used to update each other on the locations of clashes asserted there have been sympathy protests in nearly 20 countries.

More demonstrations were set for Friday in Italy, France and Germany.

Banks gas-bombed in Athens

Five banks were attacked overnight in Athens, police said Saturday as youths prepared to assemble at the scene of a teen’s killing by police one week ago.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The fact that the banks were attacked confirms that the real issue in all these riots is opposition to the financial system which is impoverishing the world’s people.

Fears of unrest spreading across Europe

THE unrest that has gripped Greece this week is spilling into the rest of Europe, raising concerns that it could be a trigger for opponents of globalisation, disaffected youth and others outraged by economic turmoil.

Protesters in Spain, Denmark and Italy smashed shop windows, pelted police with bottles and attacked banks this week, while in France cars were set ablaze on Thursday outside the Greek consulate in Bordeaux, where protesters warned about a looming « insurrection ».

Greece-Style Riots Coming To U.S.

Frighteningly accurate trends forecaster Gerald Celente says that America will see riots similar to those currently ongoing in Greece and that the cause will be a hyper-inflationary depression, leading to the inevitable use of troops and mercenaries to deal with the crisis as Americans are incarcerated in internment camps.

Who are the protesters in Greece?

The fatal police shooting of a teenager in Athens on Saturday and its violent aftermath are in many ways a spill over of a decades-long conflict that has simmered between police and far-left anarchist groups.

The violence has also laid bare a deeper anger that has been gaining ground in Greece over the government’s policies in slashing budget deficits and pushing on with unpopular reforms such as privatisations.

This anger has been exacerbated by a series of financial and political scandals among prominent members of the government of Costas Karamanlis, Greece’s prime minister.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I knew there was more going on than just that shooting.

Inside The Greek Student Protesters’ HQ – Exclusive Photos

The Polytechnic, the HQ of the uprising, is where students are organizing their protest and mixing cocktails. Not the drinking kind, but the throwing kind. The press in general has not been allowed inside. We were lucky enough to have a con

9 more banks nationalized

Nine more banks said their applications to sell preferred stock to the Treasury Department were approved. They will receive a total of $133.4 million in taxpayer capital.

This makes nearly 200 banks the Bush regime has nationalized so far.

Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion in Lending

The Federal Reserve refused a request by Bloomberg News to disclose the recipients of more than $2 trillion of emergency loans from U.S. taxpayers and the assets the central bank is accepting as collateral.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

What is happening here is the new « taxation without representation », which caused a bit of a stir here some 200 plus years ago.

This is the Fed saying, « we can take your money, which you worked hard to earn, and give it our cronies, and you…little people… don’t deserve to know at all what’s going on with it. Go back to your puny little jobs… nothing to see here, move along! »

But, you argue, we have elected legislators who are supposed to represent us!


No; we have representatives who have become the acquisitions of those large corporations which support them, covertly and overtly.

As long as that tax money keeps flowing, our alleged representatives don’t give a damn about the people it’s coming from.

The concept of representative government in this country has become one sick, stupid joke, played on the taxpayers at their expense.

Ron Paul on the Auto Bailout

Congressman: Fed « Bamboozling » Americans

The Fed is refusing to disclose the recipients of $2 trillion dollars in loans, even after Bloomberg sued under the Freedom of Information Act to get the information.

Ex-Nasdaq chair arrested on fraud charge in NYC

A former Nasdaq stock market chairman was arrested on a securities fraud charge Thursday, accused of running a fraudulent investment business that lost at least $50 billion before he confessed to senior employees it was a « giant Ponzi scheme, » authorities said.

How low can the Fed go?

The inflating balance sheet is making life hard for the Fed. In the early phases of the present mayhem, Fed officials funded their programs as they drew down holdings of Treasury bonds. They used the proceeds to finance new programs. But officials don’t want the backroom pile to get too low — like your savings account, credit rating, Social Security, or my bond portfolio. The Fed nut is now at $476 billion, with a chunk of it committed to other programs. The Fed has actually asked the Treasury Department for cash. Bernanke offered to go out in the street with his hat in hand.

Madoff warnings ‘ignored for 10 years’

Pressure has been growing on the SEC over the last week to explain how the Wall Street regulator could have missed a colossal scam.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

As reported at:


« At a business roundtable meeting last year, Madoff boasted of his « very close » relationship with a SEC regulator, chuckling as he said, « in fact, my niece even married one. »

The very rich, and well connected, rarely eat their own.


A new Citigroup scandal is engulfing Robert Rubin and his former disciple Chuck Prince for their roles in an alleged Ponzi-style scheme that’s now choking world banking.

Director Rubin and ousted CEO Prince – and their lieutenants over the past five years – are named in a federal lawsuit for an alleged complex cover-up of toxic securities that spread across the globe, wiping out trillions of dollars in their destructive paths.

Ecuador Defaults!

Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa officially announced that he will not be making the interest payments on his foreign bonds. The country has officially defaulted on its debt obligations. This is the 2nd time in 10 years that Ecuador has defaulted.

“I have given the order that interest payments not be made,” Correa said. “The country is in default.”

Collapse of Pension Funds?

Five western countries will affected by the collapse of the capital-based pension system

Shell’s Dutch pension fund tumbles by 40pc

Plunging equity markets have seen the total assets of Royal Dutch Shell’s Dutch Pension Fund fall below the level required by Holland’s central bank, although the company’s UK pension scheme remains fully funded.

Collapse of Pension Funds: The End of Retirement?

Unless things change fast, human history will show that the phenomenon of “retirement” was limited to one generation. After World War II, when European and Japanese economies stood in tatters, American capitalism could fulfill “the American dream,” since there was little foreign competition to speak of. For the first time ever, workers were promised that — after working thirty or so years — they would be able to securely retire. That was largely the case…for one generation.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Our new policy is ‘work til you drop!' » — Official White Horse Souse


Une compagnie pharmaceutique force les familles pauvres à tester ses vaccins : 12 bébés morts

GlaxoSmithKline, la grande compagnie pharmaceutique, a été accusée de faire pression sur des parents pauvres du Tiers Monde pour qu’ils engagent leurs enfants dans des essais expérimentaux de médicaments qui ont entraîné la mort d’au moins 12 enfants.

Cette compagnie teste actuellement un vaccin expérimental contre la pneumonie sur les enfants de moins d’un an en Argentine, en Colombie et au Panama. Selon la Fédération argentine des Professionnels de la Santé (Feprosa), des parents pauvres argentins ont été « obligés et contraints de signer les formulaires d’acceptation. »

Juan Carlos Fesprosa de Palomares a dit : « Dans la plupart des cas, ces gens, forcés d’engager leurs enfants, sont défavorisées, beaucoup d’entre eux ne sachant ni lire ni écrire. »

« Cela se déroule sans aucune sorte de contrôle étatique [et] ne satisfait pas aux exigences éthiques minimums, » a observé la fédération.

Au moins 12 bébés argentin incorporés dans l’étude sont morts au cours de l’année écoulée.

Répondant aux reproches, GlaxoSmithKline a rétorqué que ses stricts protocoles de sécurité sont contrôlés par un comité indépendant, et que personne n’est forcé de participer au programme.

« L’inscription aux tests est sur la base du volontariat et ceux qui participent aux essais sont libres de se retirer à tout moment, » a fait savoir la compagnie.

Mais, selon Julieta Ovejero, la grand-tante de l’un des enfants décédés, « Beaucoup de gens voulant arrêter le protocole n’en sont pas autorisés ; ils sont forcés de continuer, menacés de ne recevoir aucun autre vaccin en cas d’abandon. »

Le test du vaccin a aussi suscité des accusations de corruption : Dans la province argentine de Santiago del Estero, les essais ont été autorisés par le Ministre de la Santé de la province, Juan Carlos Smith, le frère du principal chercheur de l’étude.

Des critiques, comme Ana Maria Marchese, pédiatre à l’hôpital pour enfants de Santiago del Estero, où l’étude est en cours, accusent GlaxoSmithKline d’utiliser les enfants du Tiers Monde comme des cobayes.

« Parce qu’ils ne peuvent pas expérimenter en Europe ou aux États-Unis, ils viennent le faire dans les pays du Tiers Monde, » dit-elle.

Article original en anglais : http://www.naturalnews.com/025032.html

It’s official: Men really are the weaker sex

December 7, 2008, The Independent (One of the U.K.’s leading newspapers)

The male [sex] is in danger, with incalculable consequences for both humans and wildlife, startling scientific research from around the world reveals. The research … shows that a host of common chemicals is feminising males of every class of vertebrate animals, from fish to mammals, including people. Backed by some of the world’s leading scientists, who say that it « waves a red flag » for humanity and shows that evolution itself is being disrupted, the report comes out at a particularly sensitive time for ministers. It also follows hard on the heels of new American research which shows that baby boys born to women exposed to widespread chemicals in pregnancy are born with smaller penises and feminised genitals. « This research shows that the basic male tool kit is under threat, » says Gwynne Lyons, a former government adviser on the health effects of chemicals, who wrote the report. Wildlife and people have been exposed to more than 100,000 new chemicals in recent years, and the European Commission has admitted that 99 per cent of them are not adequately regulated. There is not even proper safety information on 85 per cent of them. Many have been identified as « endocrine disrupters » – or gender-benders – because they interfere with hormones. These include phthalates, used in food wrapping, cosmetics and baby powders among other applications; flame retardants in furniture and electrical goods; PCBs, a now banned group of substances still widespread in food and the environment; and many pesticides.

Note: For many key reports on health issues from reliable sources, click here.


WTC7: NIST Finally Admits Freefall

In its draft report, released in August 2008, NIST attempted to cover up evidence that WTC7 fell at freefall, but the coverup was transparent. In its final report, released in November 2008, NIST finally acknowledged freefall


9/11 families condemn tribunals

Thirty-three relatives of people killed in the 9/11 attacks on the US have denounced the Guantanamo war crimes trials as illegitimate and unfair.

Story from BBC NEWS:


Cheney admits authorizing detainee’s torture

When asked by ABC News reporter Jonathan Karl whether he approved of interrogation tactics used against a so-called « high value prisoner » at the controversial Guantanamo Bay prison, Mr. Cheney, in a break from his history of being press-shy, admitted to giving official sanctioning of torture.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

OK, Cheney just admitted he authorized torture on national television.

And what happens now?!? Will there be a trial, a prosecution, and a conviction of Cheney and his enabling minions who normalized torture as an accepted US interrogation technique?

Not on your life. The people who put conspired to drag the moral standing, and international reputation, of this nation down to the level of Uzbekistan ‘s, will get off scott free.

And that is the real crime.

Senate torture report confirms Bush, top officials guilty of war crimes

A report issued Thursday by the Senate Armed Services Committee has provided official and bipartisan confirmation that the infamous acts of torture carried out by US personnel at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo were planned, ordered and orchestrated by the highest-ranking officials in the US government. Based on the Senate’s own conclusions, those named in the document, including President George W. Bush, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, are guilty of war crimes.

Iraqi group files 200 lawsuits against Rumsfeld, US security firms for torture

A Jordan-based Iraqi rights group said on Monday it has filed 200 lawsuits against US former defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld and American security firms for their alleged role in torturing Iraqis.

Ali Qeisi, head of the group the « Society of Victims of the US Occupation in Iraq, » said the cases, relating to torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners, have been recently filed in federal courts in Virginia, Michigan and Maryland.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Unless and until all who condoned, ordered, and signed off on the use of torture against detainees are prosecuted to the fullest extent of US law, this country’s moral fiber will have been ripped to shreds in an irrecoverable way.

US: Detainee dies in US custody in Iraq

The U.S. military says a detainee has died of an apparent heart attack while in custody at a U.S. detention facility in Baghdad.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

How many 25 year old men do you know who have had a « heart attack »?!?

This one stinks mightily.

Rep. Reyes: Since Torture Might Be Necessary, Obama Should Keep Torture Apologists Hayden, McConnell

Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told Congress Daily that President-elect Obama should keep Mike McConnell on as Director of National Intelligence and Michael Hayden as head of the CIA. He said Obama should keep “continuity” in the intelligence sector because we live in “a world that is very dangerous.”

Reyes dismissed concerns over Hayden and McConnell’s records as apologists for torture. He insisted that that “there are some options that need to be available” to interrogators — presumably beyond the Army Field Manuel — to get the best information:

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Representative Reyes; the United States of America should not torture, ever.

Apparently, Representative Reyes, you’ve never George Washington’s orders to his troops about never using torture on captured British soldiers.

And as we know from the time of the Inquisition, torture doesn’t get you the hard information you’re looking for; it only gets the tortured person to say what their torturers want them to say in order to get the torture to stop.

By torturing (even subcontracting or off-shoring it), we have de-facto withdrawn from any human rights treaty to which the US has been a signatory.

And if you want to elevate torture right up there with mom and apple pie, chew on this one for a moment; if torture is perfectly legitimate for us to practice on foreign nationals, then why is it not perfectly legitimate for foreign governments to torture US troops?

America used to be known as the land of the free, and the home of the brave. But there is nothing brave about torturing. It’s like never having to take responsibility for indulging your inner sadist, while the guys in the suits in some distant capital applaud you for what you have done to a fellow human being.

Ultimately, torturing puts us on the moral par with Uzbekistan, and that’s not the United States any country or person can look up to.

And Representative Reyes, one final, friendly word of advise; if you travel abroad, and feel compelled to bloviate about the American values of human rights, human decency, humanitarianism, and democracy, just please shut up until the urge passes.

You no longer represent a country which holds those values dear, and the world knows that.

État policier:

Police Have Murdered 400 With Tasers Since 2001

They are marketed as non-lethal weapons that allow police to capture suspects or criminals without causing any permanent harm.

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and businessman Bernard Kerik made millions selling the idea to police departments across the country.

The study includes a medical analysis that concluded someone shot with a Taser could face as high as a 50 percent chance of cardiac arrest.

Microsoft wants to get under your skin

Not that the future of VeriMed is in any way certain, despite the Microsoft link. The company’s parent, VeriChip, has already tried to sell off the human-implanting part of the business as punters prove remarkably reluctant to be serial-numbered. Should the business fail entirely, a connection to HealthVault could be the best hope for the poor souls who’ve already succumbed to having chips embedded in their arms.

U.S. troops’ new mission: America’s ‘special events’

Proposal would allow civilians to activate Army to prevent ‘environmental damage’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Posse Comitatus? WHAT Posse Comitatus!

Attorneys: Fort Dix Terror Plot Was “Planted And Nurtured” By FBI Informants

Lawyers in a case relating to a much vaunted 2007 terror plot have concluded that FBI informants were the key figures behind the operation and that the accused, six foreign-born Muslims, were merely bungling patsies.

Defense attorneys have denied there was any plot, arguing two FBI informants concocted and encouraged the conspiracy because they were being paid and promised legal immigration status, reports the New Jersey Star-Ledger.

Traffic de drogue par les services secrets et Israël:

CIA Drug Trafficking and remembering Gary Webb

Check out this new story by Robert Parry reflecting on journalist Garry Webb’s suicide, after being totally blacklisted by the mainstream media because he had the guts to speak the truth about the CIA and other parts of the US government that helped the Contras and their allies import cocaine into the US, during the period that President Reagan was talking about « fighting drugs » and locking up all those drug users in a cage, beefing up the police state and the prison industrial complex.

Israeli drug smugglers hit Australia

ISRAELI drug lords are increasingly targeting Australia for ecstasy smuggling, according to confidential Israel Police intelligence that shows crime syndicates view it as a booming market for the party drug.

Israeli crime syndicates control a significant share of the global ecstasy trade and have a long history of supplying the Australian market.

CIA helped shoot down 15 planes in ‘drug war,’ often without warning

With the help of CIA spotters, the Peruvian air force shot down 15 small civilian aircraft between 1995 and 2001, ostensibly as part of the US-abetted war on drugs, the ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee revealed Thursday. Many of the shoot-downs were made without warning within two to three minutes of the planes being detected.

Changements climatiques:

Violent storms damage dozens of homes across South

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It is snowing in Houston; the earliest snow has fallen in the year since 1944!

On Global Warming

–Is it possible (just possible) that our « dear leaders » have once again diverted our energy and good intentions away from REAL threats (like genetically modified food, neurotoxins in our vaccines, carcinogenic pesticides all over our food, etc) into something that serves them (expands their power and their profits) while doing NOTHING to « make us safe? »

UK wins battle over carbon capture billions-sources

European leaders agreed on Friday to put billions of euros of funds behind cutting-edge technology to trap and bury global warming gases underground, a key demand of Britain in climate talks, diplomats said.

The words « grand scale » and « waste of money » spring to mind.

‘Brutal’ Prairie cold snap to continue until Christmas

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta as well as U.S. neighbour North Dakota are in a mid-December deep freeze, with temperatures as much as 15 to 20 degrees below normal for this time of year.

No respite as wintery storms spread over nation

Some of the sharpest cold Tuesday was in northern Minnesota, where Hibbing bottomed out at 32 below zero and International Falls dropped to 28 below. In the middle of the state, St. Cloud fell to 24 below, breaking its old record of 21 below set in 1963.

Millionaire behind Stansted climate change protest owns shops at AIRPORTS around the world

The tycoon bankrolling the anti-aviation activists who stormed Stansted owns shops in airports around the world.

Mark Constantine, the owner of Lush Cosmetics, was today accused of profiting from airline passengers while funding groups whose actions can severely disrupt their journeys.

DEMING: Global warming freeze?

Dispute on carbon tax mars climate talks

A U.N. climate conference closed Saturday in contention over a proposal to raise what could amount to billions of dollars for poor countries by levying a tax on carbon trading among the world’s wealthy nations.

Desperate Double Speak: Global Cooling Is Part Of Global Warming

An Associated Press article has stunned some readers by suggesting that an ongoing global cooling trend is actually indicative of how quickly the planet is succumbing to man-made global warming.

The bizarre statement appeared in a panic-inducing article that emphasizes man-made warming fears and highlights how president elect Obama must tackle them with new laws including a carbon tax “cap-and-trade” system.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I think we can establish that the Global Warning cult is a perfect textbook example of politicians taking something that occurs naturally, and turning into a crisis to justify a new tax.

Al Gore and his associates have invested $300 million into selling you that global warming is YOUR fault and to guilt you into accepting a new carbon tax and further control over your life. and they are not about to let as little thing like Earth actually getting colder stand in their way!

Hence, expect to see a lot of these « Human-caused Global Warming MAKES the world cooler! » articles. But like the ice scene Al Gore « borrowed » from « The Day After Tomorrow », this idea that heat makes cold is just a sci-fi movie plot; not real science.

Environmental « Chicken Littles » have come home to roost at the AP

Amazing thing, that Global Warming. When the Earth warms, it’s Global Warming. When the Earth cools, it’s Global Warming. Place your bets on Global Warming, and you’ll come out a winner every time.

Whale songs drowned out by human noise pollution

December 3, 2008, Seattle Post-Intelligencer/Associated Press

The songs that whales and dolphins use to communicate, orient themselves and find mates are being drowned out by human-made noises in the world’s oceans. That sound pollution — everything from increasing commercial shipping and seismic surveys to a new generation of military sonar — is not only confounding the mammals, it also is further threatening the survival of these endangered animals. Studies show that these cetaceans, which once communicated over thousands of miles to forage and mate, are losing touch with each other, … experts said at a U.N. wildlife conference in Rome. « Call it a cocktail-party effect, » said Mark Simmonds, director of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, a Britain-based NGO. « You have to speak louder and louder until no one can hear each other anymore. » Environmental groups also are increasingly finding cases of beached whales and dolphins that can be linked to sound pollution, Simmonds said. Marine mammals are turning up on the world’s beaches with tissue damage similar to that found in divers suffering from decompression sickness. Scientists say the use of military sonar or seismic testing may have scared the animals into diving and surfacing beyond their physical limits. Several species of cetaceans are already listed as endangered or critically endangered from other causes, including hunting, chemical pollution, collisions with boats and entanglements with fishing equipment. Though it is not yet known precisely how many animals are affected, sound pollution is increasingly being recognized as a serious factor, the experts said.

Note: For many reports on threats to marine mammals from reliable, verifiable sources, click here.

New technology to show dreams on screen

A Japanese research team has invented a technology that if completed could display people’s thoughts and dreams on a computer screen.

Bush Excluded by Latin Summit as China, Russia Loom

Latin American and Caribbean leaders gathering in Brazil tomorrow will mark a historic occasion: a region-wide summit that excludes the United States.

U.S. troops’ new mission: America’s ‘special events’

Proposal would allow civilians to activate Army to prevent ‘environmental damage’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Posse Comitatus? WHAT Posse Comitatus!

CIA Embedded in Every State Government

Jesse Ventura Speaks about his personal experiences and knowledge of such facts!

Prisons Earn $878 Million Annually by Poisoning Inmates and Guards, Lawsuit Alleges

Freda Cobb alleges that she and more than 300 other people were poisoned by a Florida prison. Cobb and 25 other plaintiffs are suing the Federal Corrections Institute in Marianna for exposing them to dangerous lead levels while prison laborers burst computers with hammers to extract gold from within. Prisons reportedly earned $878 million each year while under contract to Dell and Hewlett Packard by exposing inmates and employees like Cobb to high levels of lead and toxic chemicals.

16 décembre 2008

Sur Les 7 du Québec: Coup d’état monarchique et bancaire au Canada

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,Canada,Québec,Système bancaire — François M. @ 5:55


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 16décembre 2008

Coup d’état monarchique et bancaire au Canada

Si je vous demande qui est le chef d’État du Canada, plusieurs répondront que c’est le Premier ministre du Canada. En réalité, c’est la reine Élisabeth II qui est notre chef d’État. Vous, vous êtes ses sujets. C’est à travers le gouverneur général du Canada que son pouvoir est représenté et ce pouvoir est plus important que celui du Premier ministre lui-même. Présentement, c’est son Excellence la très honorable Michaëlle Jean, gouverneure générale et commandante en chef du Canada qui assume le pouvoir le plus élevé au pays et qui maintient un lien direct avec la monarque. On vous dira que ce n’est que cérémonial et figuratif. Mais si vous lisez les chartes du Commonwealth, vous constaterez que c’est les parlements des pays membres du Commonwealth qui sont cérémonials.

Gilles Duceppe et les autres ministres ainsi que ceux à la Chambre des communes du Québec, sans oublier les membres des forces armées, doivent porter allégeance et loyauté à la reine avant d’entrer en fonction.

Nous ne sommes pas réellement propriétaires de ce pays en tant que Canadiens. Environ 89% du territoire canadien (8,886,356 km²) constitue ce qu’on appelle les Terres de la Couronne du Canada, ce qui signifie que personne ne possède les terres (à part le 11% restant qui sont entre des mains privées). De ce fait, elles appartiennent à la reine du Canada. Dans les monarchies constitutionnelles, la sanction royale est un acte par lequel le monarque ou son représentant approuve une législation adoptée par le Parlement. Ensuite, nous avons la Gendarmerie royale du Canada. La face royale de la reine est partout sur notre argent. Toutes ces appellations et faits ne sont pas là pour des raisons sentimentales. Vous êtes la propriété, ainsi que tout ce pays, de Élisabeth II, par la grâce de Dieu, reine du Royaume-Uni, du Canada et de ses autres royaumes et territoires, chef du Commonwealth, défenseur de la foi.

Nous pouvons trouver la preuve de cela avec le «coup d’état monarchique» récent au Canada où le Parlement a été prorogé, c’est-à-dire fermé, ce qui met un terme à la session parlementaire et donc à tous les travaux en cours. Tout ceci pour permettre au gouvernement Harper d’éviter un vote de confiance qu’il aurait vraisemblablement perdu.

La conséquence d’une prorogation:

«Toutes les affaires non complétées sont abandonnées ou expirent au Feuilleton et tous les comités perdent leur mandat, permettant ainsi un nouveau départ à la session suivante.» – Source: La procédure et les usages de la Chambre des communes, des auteurs Robert Marleau et de Camille Montpetit.

Un autre exemple éloquent remonte au temps de Brian Mulroney alors qu’il faisait face à un Sénat dominé par les Libéraux qui refusaient de faire passer la loi sur la TPS et qui s’opposaient à l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain (ALÉNA). Mulroney utilisa une provision constitutionnelle peu connue pour augmenter temporairement le nombre sénateurs de huit ainsi donnant la majorité au Conservateurs dans la haute chambre. C’est Élisabeth II qui les nommera. Démocratie de façade. La reine du Canada a décidé qu’elle voulait garder Harper car il soutient et implémente l’Union nord-américain et l’expansion de l’ALÉNA appelé à devenir la Zone de libre-échange des Amériques (ZLÉA).

Lorsque cela compte réellement et que les gens qui se tiennent derrière la reine d’Angleterre et du Canada n’aiment pas ce qui se passe au Canada, ils peuvent suspendre le Parlement et apposer leur véto contre n’importe quelle loi par simple décret de son représentant, le gouverneur général. La reine représente beaucoup plus que la simple royauté. Elle est la représentante de la Cité de Londres – que l’on nomme aussi la City – et ses intérêts financiers. La Cité est principalement composée de plus de 500 banques comme le Crédit Suisse, Barclays Bank, Bank of America, Citigroup et HSBC, de la Bourse de Londres, de compagnies d’assurance tel que la Lloyd’s of London, de grandes entreprises et de journaux. Nous pouvons donc dire que la reine est en quelque sorte la porte-parole et représentante de cette oligarchie.


Ceci étant dit, ce système de gouverneurs dans cette monarchie constitutionnelle canadienne et québécoise coûte excessivement cher aux contribuables canadiens. Selon les estimations du gouvernement fantoche, c’est plus de $30 millions que nous devons dépenser chaque année, soit environ le même montant que Harper voulait couper dans le financement des partis politiques dernièrement. Nous pouvons constater les priorités.

Donc, ce à quoi nous assistons est en quelque sorte un coup d’état monarchique et bancaire. N’oubliez pas que dans tout ce tourbillon politique, Harper a octroyé $75 milliards aux banques privées, dont une grande quantité de cet argent finira dans les mains de quelques banquiers à Londres. Un coup d’état silencieux et sans effusion de sang. Par contre, c’est notre économie et nos finances personnelles qui vont saigner. En effet, avec ce montant qui se rajoutera à la dette nationale et qui devra être remboursé avec les intérêts, nous pouvons nous attendre à subir un sérieux coup très bientôt.

Cela prendra forme de:

À suivre sur Les 7 du Québec

Note: Je vous invite à laisser vos commentaires sur Les 7 du Québec.

9 décembre 2008

Les compagnies pétrolières, la Banque Mondiale et l’armée US

Les compagnies pétrolières, la Banque Mondiale et l’armée US

Voilà quelques pistes de réflexion que je soumets à vous analyse. Il existe un triangle de pouvoir et d’intérêts communs, de collusion entre les compagnies pétrolières, la Banque Mondiale et la machine militaire étasunienne. Pour certains ceci ne sera guère une grande révélation, mais de comprendre comment peut être des plus intéressant.


Oil companies and the World Bank

Merchants of misery

The World Bank helps poor countries, right?

Not quite.

As this two part video shows, World Banks loans come with « conditions. »

Not only that, but they seem to be designed not to strengthen the borrowing countries, but to make it easier to extract – you guessed it – oil and other resources from these countries.

The U.S. Military as an Oil Acquisition Service

Conspiracy theorist: “A psychologically disturbed person who poses a danger to society by virtue of the fact that he frequently questions or refuses to accept the views or opinions of society’s authorities” – The consensus definition of ‘conspiracy theorist’ promoted by society’s authorities.

A brief and incomplete history of U.S. military and CIA actions to secure access to foreign oil

12 novembre 2008

La FED: propriété de banquiers privés

Filed under: États-Unis,Système bancaire — François M. @ 10:08

Pour ceux qui ont encore des doutes à savoir si la Federal Reserve Bank, la banque centrale des États-Unis est la propriété du gouvernement, donc du peuple, ou bien si elle est la propriété de banquiers privés. Réponse: la FED est la propriété de banquiers privés qui ont donc le contrôle de la création de l’argent au États-Unis. Ils contrôlent ainsi toute l’économie, les croissances et récessions, l’inflation et déflation.
Si vous avez le pouvoir de créer l’argent, d’imprimer la monnaie d’un pays, vous pouvez tout acheter du jour au lendemain.

Vous êtes le maître. The Money Masters.

***Ne manquez pas aussi le documentaire The money Masters hyperlien

LE JEU DE L’ARGENT – Archives oubliées

LES ARCHIVES OUBLIEES N°2 – Documentaire Canadien – Le controle et la création du dollar américain est effectué, non pas par le gouvernement, mais par une banque privée « la réserve fédérale » (FED) qui détient le monopole. – 46min –

LE JEU DE L’ARGENT – Archives oubliées

VIDÉO: America: Freedom to Fascism de Aaron Russo hyperlien

The Federal Reserve is a Private Financial Institution

Text of court ruling and analysis

Global Research, April 2, 2008


Court Rules Federal Reserve is Privately Owned

Case Reveals Fed’s Status as a Private Institution

Below are excerpts from a court case proving the Federal Reserve system’s status. As you will see, the court ruled that the Federal Reserve Banks are « independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations », and there is not sufficient « federal government control over ‘detailed physical performance’ and ‘day to day operation' » of the Federal Reserve Bank for it to be considered a federal agency:

Lewis v. United States, 680 F.2d 1239 (1982)

John L. Lewis, Plaintiff/Appellant,
United States of America, Defendant/Appellee.

No. 80-5905
United States Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit.
Submitted March 2, 1982.
Decided April 19, 1982.
As Amended June 24, 1982.

Plaintiff, who was injured by vehicle owned and operated by a federal reserve bank, brought action alleging jurisdiction under the Federal Tort Claims Act. The United States District Court for the Central District of California, David W. Williams, J., dismissed holding that federal reserve bank was not a federal agency within meaning of Act and that the court therefore lacked subject-matter jurisdiction. Appeal was taken. The Court of Appeals, Poole, Circuit Judge, held that federal reserve banks are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the Act, but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled corporations.


Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The stockholding commercial banks elect two thirds of each Bank’s nine member board of directors. The remaining three directors are appointed by the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Reserve Board regulates the Reserve Banks, but direct supervision and control of each Bank is exercised by its board of directors. 12 U.S.C. Sect. 301. The directors enact by-laws regulating the manner of conducting general Bank business, 12 U.S.C. Sect. 341, and appoint officers to implement and supervise daily Bank activities. These activites include collecting and clearing checks, making advances to private and commercial entities, holding reserves for member banks, discounting the notes of member banks, and buying and selling securities on the open market. See 12 U.S.C. Sub-Sect. 341-361.

Each Bank is statutorily empowered to conduct these activites without day to day direction from the federal government. Thus, for example, the interest rates on advances to member banks, individuals, partnerships, and corporations are set by each Reserve Bank and their decisions regarding the purchase and sale of securities are likewise independently made.

It is evident from the legislative history of the Federal Reserve Act that Congress did not intend to give the federal government direction over the daily operation of the Reserve Banks:

It is proposed that the Government shall retain sufficient power over the reserve banks to enable it to exercise a direct authority when necessary to do so, but that it shall in no way attempt to carry on through its own mechanism the routine operations and banking which require detailed knowledge of local and individual credit and which determine the funds of the community in any given instance. In other words, the reserve-bank plan retains to the Government power over the exercise of the broader banking functions, while it leaves to individuals and privately owned institutions the actual direction of routine.

H.R. Report No. 69 Cong. 1st Sess. 18-19 (1913).

The fact that the Federal Reserve Board regulates the Reserve Banks does not make them federal agencies under the Act. In United States v. Orleans, 425 U.S. 807, 96 S.Ct. 1971, 48 L.Ed.2d 390 (1976), the Supreme Court held that a community action agency was not a federal agency or instrumentality for purposes of the Act, even though the agency was organized under federal regulations and heavily funded by the federal government. Because the agency’s day to day operation was not supervised by the federal government, but by local officials, the Court refused to extend federal tort liability for the negligence of the agency’s employees. Similarly, the Federal Reserve Banks, though heavily regulated, are locally controlled by their member banks. Unlike typical federal agencies, each bank is empowered to hire and fire employees at will. Bank employees do not participate in the Civil Service Retirement System. They are covered by worker’s compensation insurance, purchased by the Bank, rather than the Federal Employees Compensation Act. Employees travelling on Bank business are not subject to federal travel regulations and do not receive government employee discounts on lodging and services.

The Banks are listed neither as « wholly owned » government corporations under 31 U.S.C. Sect. 846 nor as « mixed ownership » corporations under 31 U.S.C. Sect. 856, a factor considered is Pearl v. United States, 230 F.2d 243 (10th Cir. 1956), which held that the Civil Air Patrol is not a federal agency under the Act. Closely resembling the status of the Federal Reserve Bank, the Civil Air Patrol is a non-profit, federally chartered corporation organized to serve the public welfare. But because Congress’ control over the Civil Air Patrol is limited and the corporation is not designated as a wholly owned or mixed ownership government corporation under 31 U.S.C. Sub-Sect. 846 and 856, the court concluded that the corporation is a non-governmental, independent entity, not covered under the Act.

Additionally, Reserve Banks, as privately owned entities, receive no appropriated funds from Congress. . . .

Finally, the Banks are empowered to sue and be sued in their own name. 12 U.S.C. Sect. 341. They carry their own liability insurance and typically process and handle their own claims. In the past, the Banks have defended against tort claims directly, through private counsel, not government attorneys . . ., and they have never been required to settle tort claims under the administrative procedure of 28 U.S.C. Sect. 2672. The waiver of sovereign immunity contained in the Act would therefore appear to be inapposite to the Banks who have not historically claimed or received general immunity from judicial process.

For these reasons we hold that the Reserve Banks are not federal agencies for purposes of the Federal Tort Claims Act and we affirm the judgement of the district court.


It is clear from this that in some circumstances, the Federal Reserve Bank can be considered a government « instrumentality », but cannot be considered a « federal agency », because the term carries with it the assumption that the federal government has direct oversight over what the Fed does. Of course it does not, because most people who know about this subject know that the Fed is « politically independent. »

The only area where one might disagree with the judge’s decision is where he states that the Fed furthers the federal government’s fiscal policy, and therefore performs an important governmental function. While we would like to think that the federal government and the Fed work cooperatively with each other, and they may on occasion, the Fed is by no means required to do so. One example is where Rep. Wright Patman, Chairman of the House Banking Committee, said in the Congressional Record back in the ’60s, that depending on the temperament of the Fed’s Chairman, sometimes the Fed worked with the government’s fiscal policy, and other times either went in the complete opposite direction, or threatens to do so in order to influence policy.

The common claim that the Fed is accountable to the government, because it is required to report to Congress on its activities annually, is incorrect. The reports to Congress mean little unless what the Chairman reports can be verified by complete records. From its founding to this day, the Fed has never undergone a complete independent audit. Congress time after time has requested that the Fed voluntarily submit to a complete audit, and every time, it refuses.

Those in the know about the Fed, realize that it does keep certain records secret. The soon-to-be-former Chairman of the House Banking Committee, Henry Gonzales, has spoken on record repeatedly about how the Fed at one point says it does not have certain requested records, and then it is found through investigation that it in fact does have those records, or at least used to. It would appear that the Fed Chairman can say anything he wants to to Congress, and they’ll have to accept what he says, because verification of what he says is not always possible.

© Copyright , http://www.save-a-patriot.org/files/view/frcourt.html, 2008

The url address of this article is: www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=8518


Peter Kershaw, in « Economic Solutions » lists the ten major shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank System as: Rothschild: London and Berlin; Lazard Bros: Paris; Israel Seiff: Italy; Kuhn- Loeb Company: Germany; Warburg: Hamburg and Amsterdam; Lehman Bros: New York; Goldman and Sachs: New York; Rockefeller: New York. (That most, if not all of these families just happen to be Jewish, you may judge the significance of yourself). The balance of stock is owned by major commercial member banks.

17 Mai 2008

Ce qui est à vous nous appartient

Filed under: États-Unis,Système bancaire — François M. @ 12:23


Ce qui est à vous nous appartient

Encore une fois, nos illusions de sécurité sont soufflées par la

Vous pensiez que les banques et gouvernements ne prendraient
jamais vos biens
personnels que vous avez dans ce coffret de
sécurité à la banque? Pensez-y deux fois.

Voici une situation réelle en Californie et à travers
les États-Unis.

Demandez-vous pas pourquoi les Chinois ne font pas
confiance aux banques et gardent
les biens précieux à la maison!

"What's yours is ours."

21 mars 2008

Système bancaire et contrôle de la masse monétaire

Filed under: Canada,Système bancaire — François M. @ 1:17


Système bancaire et contrôle de la masse monétaire

Ne manquez pas cette vidéo de Connie Fogal, leader du Parti Action Canadienne à propos du système bancaire et du contrôle de la masse monétaire au Canada. Ceci est de la plus haute importance pour tous les Canadiens et Québécois puisque nous devons payer à chaque année des sommes astronomiques avec nos impôts pour rembourser la dette nationale avec ses intérêts, et ce, pour rien puisque nous pourrions simplement nous servir de notre Banque du Canada gratuitement au lieu d’emprunter de l’argent avec intérêts à des banques privées. Notre argent pourrait servir à bâtir et entretenir nos infrastructures et nos programmes sociaux.

Vous trouverez aussi plusieurs articles intéressants sur ce système bancaire dans lequel nous vivons. Assurez-vous de bien comprendre comment il fonctionne, car en cela réside possiblement notre salut, notre solution pour redevenir les maîtres de notre système monétaire et regagner le contrôle sur notre économie.

****Connie Fogal on Control of Money Supply


Connie Fogal, leader of the Canadian Action Party speaks on control of the money supply in the new world order. All rights reserved Canadian Action Party.


Banquier, Maître Universel

Canada: Class Action Accuses Banks of Illegal Creation of Money

John Ruiz Dempsey, criminologist and forensic litigation specialist filed a class action suit on behalf of the People of Canada alleging that financial institutions are engaged in illegal creation of money, reports Tom Kennedy, a Canadian activist for economic reform.

One of the best kept secrets is the mechanism of money creation in today’s economic system. Although not really a secret at all, the fact that money is created not by and for the people who use it and not even by the government, but is issued by commercial banks when giving loans to private persons or government, is hidden by what could be described as thick clouds of smoke, put out by economists and government departments.

The complaint was filed Friday April 15, 2005 in the Supreme Court of British Columbia at New Westminster. It alleges that all financial institutions who are in the business of lending money have engaged in a deliberate scheme to defraud the borrowers by lending non-existent money which are illegally created by the financial institutions out of « thin air. »

The Great Banking Deception

Banks loan nothing but pens to sign notes, do you think they would risk all they have stolen ?

All this talk about Subprime Mortgage Banks and Lenders having a bad day, and problems with borrowers unable to make payments on a loan that never existed to start with does make for Hollywood playwright material.

Banks loan nothing but pens to sign notes, do you think they would risk all they have stolen ? While the below pathology, does manage to capture the finer points of how the scam works in general, it is only a brief look into this dark world of fraud and illusion.

Bank Failures

Following the Great Crash of 1929, one of every five banks in America fails. Many people, especially politicians, see market speculation engaged in by banks during the 1920s as a cause of the crash.

A chronology tracing the life of the Glass-Steagall Act, from its passage in 1933 to its death throes in the 1990s, and how Citigroup’s Sandy Weill dealt the coup de grâce.

Today We’re All Irish: Debt Serfdom Comes to America

March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day, when people of all national origins raise a glass and declare, « Today we’re all a bit Irish! » This may be truer than we know. The Irish were driven to America by debt, and they are leading the Western world in household debt today. The London Daily Telegraph reported on March 13, 2008 that household debt in Ireland has reached 190 percent of disposable income, the highest in the developed world; and that the Irish banking system is suffering such acute strains from the downturn in the housing market that it may have to nationalize its banks.1 The same may soon be happening in the United States, and for much the same reasons.

WE are in debt because no matter how hard we work, we cannot afford the basic necessities of life. Why? Because of TAXES.

Back in the late 1900s, there was the concept of the « Company Town », a remote village wholly owned by either mining or railroad corporations. Workers were lured to the company town with promises if high wages, which they got. But the company also owned the housing and the store, and set the prices to ensure that no matter how hard anyone worked, they always owed more than they could pay, and as long as they were kept in debt, they could legally be prevented from leaving.

Today the United States is being turned into one gigantic company town with the assistance of the government, which obligingly taxes you into poverty so that reliance on the lending institutions becomes mandatory for your home, your car, medical emergencies, etc.

If you go back to the >article I wrote several years ago about the US Economy being in deep doodoo, you find in it the prediction, « the day is not long off when the people of the United States will one day wake up and discover they are no longer citizens, but tenants. »

The Coming Economic Depression & Christmas On Threadneedle Street

England ‘s reign as a world power actually began on Threadneedle Street . Then, no bank had its own building and bankers were but goldsmiths who lent money and rented space to do business. But after the moneylenders cut their bargain (and it was a bargain) with King William of England , things were never to be the same, either for England or the moneylenders—or the world.

Avoid These Debit Card Traps

Many people wrongly assume that debit cards offer the same protection against fraud as credit cards. But when a debit card is stolen or copied, there’s no grace period while you contest the charges. Your cash has already been electronically zapped from your checking account. And if it falls short, as Lipman’s did, you could face expensive overdraft charges that your bank isn’t required to repay.

One World, One Money

“A global economy requires a global currency.” — Paul Volcker, former Chair of the US Federal Reserve.

“The great struggle of history has been for the control over money. It is almost tautological to affirm that to control the production and distribution of money is to control the wealth, resources, and people of the world.”
— Jack Weatherford, anthropologist and author of The History of Money.

“The control of money and credit strikes at the very heart of national sovereignty.”
— A.W. Clausen, President of Bank of America, in a response to the suggestion of a global central bank. [Clausen later became the President of the World Bank].

Once a nation parts with control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes that nation’s laws.”
— W.L. Mackenzie King, [former Prime Minister of Canada]

All of this underscores a strategic reality that can be summed up in three words: Crisis equals opportunity. As banking mogul A.W. Clausen once said, “new comprehensive politico-economic systems across peoples almost always arise out of conquest or common crisis…”

Robert Mundell, “the father of the euro,” and one of the world’s most respected economists, also views crisis as the starting point for change. In a May, 2007 lecture, Mundell related, “International monetary reform usual becomes possible only in response to a felt need and the threat of a global crisis.”

This Nobel Prize winner also pointed his finger to the possible trigger event, saying that the “global crisis would have to involve the dollar,” and that a world currency should be viewed as “a contingency” to a global dollar disaster.

In May 1999, economist Judy Shelton suggested the dollarization of North America to the US House Committee on Banking and Financial Services. Others have likewise been examining currency options for the continent, and the momentum towards a new regional economic system binding Canada, the US, and Mexico has grown in intensity.

But how do regional monetary blocks play into a Single Global Currency? Morrison Bonpasse, President of the Single Global Currency Association (SGCA), a group of economists working towards a world currency, answers that question, “The monetary unions of the twenty-first century, and those which survived the twentieth, are the milestones on the path to the future, and to the Global Monetary Union.”

Bonpasse elaborates on this point further,

“Thanks to the success of the European and other monetary unions, we now know how to create and maintain the 3-Gs: a Global Monetary Union, with a Global Central Bank and a Single Global Currency.”

“The world is ready to begin preparing for a Single Global Currency, just as Europe prepared for the euro and as the Arabian Gulf countries are preparing for their common currency. After the goal of a Single Global Currency is established by countries representing a significant proportion of the world’s GDP, then the project can be pursued like its regional predecessors.”

Simply put, the regional model becomes the steppingstone to a one-world currency. However, the problem of nationalism prevails. Discussing this “problem,” Bonpasse writes,

“The task can be stated quite simply: how to move from the current 147 currencies to 1. Developing the political will to overcome the residual strength of nationalism is the major challenge for the movement to a 3-G world. As with the implementation of the euro, the economics and politics of monetary union are inextricably bound together; and the logic of both point toward the 3-G world.

« The question now is not whether the world will adopt a Single Global Currency but When? and How smooth and inexpensive OR rough, costly and chaotic will the journey be?” [Italics and capitals in original]

To the internationalist, national sovereignty is the overriding obstacle. In order for a Global Central Bank and world currency to exist, some other political arrangements will have to be formed. Robert Mundell understood this political problem when giving a lecture in 2003 titled, “The International Monetary System and the Case for a World Currency.” His response was frank: “a global single currency could not be achieved without a global government. To enforce a single currency would involve big problems of organization.”

But this reality isn’t stopping the SGCA and others of like mind from progressive planning. As Bonpasse asserts,

“It is now time to seriously pursue the goal of a Single Global Currency as managed by a Global Central Bank within a Global Monetary Union.”

Already the SGCA has a date in mind: 2024. Regarding a headquarters for the Global Central Bank, Bonpasse suggests Basel, Zurich, or Geneva.

Caisse buys into Rothschild empire

Laurentian teams up with Rothschild

The private bankers of the Federal Reserve: Creating Wars for Fun and Profit

On June 4, 1963, presidential order EO 11110 authorised the president to issue currency. Kennedy ordered the US Treasury to print $4 billion worth of « United States Notes » backed incidentally by US bullion reserves, to replace Federal Reserve Notes, which were backed by nothing, so he could end the Federal Reserve System and the control it gave international bankers over the US government and its citizens. Kennedy’s strategy to bring US troops home from Vietnam by the end of 1965, combined with the removal of the Fed’s control of the US money supply would have killed the profits of this private bank. Literally as Kennedy’s dollars went into circulation he was assassinated in Dallas.

Treasury claims power to seize gold and silver — and everything else

The Treasury Department was surprisingly candid in that correspondence, asserting the U.S. Government’s authority, in declared emergencies, to confiscate precious metals and to restrict ownership of mining shares — and to confiscate and restrict every other financial asset as well. So perhaps precious metals investors shouldn’t feel too paranoid.

The Cashless Society Has Arrived

There are four problems with the cashless society.

1. The value of the money represented by the card is not under your control.

2. Mistakes or malice can turn the card off. You could starve to death despite having a huge bank account.

3. The computers know everything you are doing.

4. Hackers.

Call me old fashioned; I still like the feel of silver coins in my pocket.

Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation Remarks in Congress, 1934 AN ASTOUNDING EXPOSURE

« Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation’s debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed has cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over.

Some guy tried to create « privately owned national bank  » in 1913 in Canada. The PM said no. 1913. Hmn.

A History of Money and Banking Secrets That Banks Dont Want Published

A History of Money and Trade

A History of Money and Gold

A History of Money and Loans

A History of Money and Inflation

A History of Money and Recession

A History of Money and the FED

Goldman Sachs Creates Private Stock Exchange for Unregistered Securities, Clients with $100 Million Minimum


The cheap metal slugs need to be made cheaper.

Credit card debt is ready to blow

After every financial crisis over the past 10 years, the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates and pumped money into the economy. Each rescue solved the problem – and created a new one.

The next bomb from this chain reaction of bailouts and blowups will be credit-card debt. Hardly anybody is talking about it yet, but banks and consumers are laying the ground for a wave of credit-card defaults, bankruptcies and asset write-offs for 2009 or so.

Societe Generale on trial in French-Israel scam

Embattled French bank Societe Generale faces fresh troubles Monday when a trial opens in Paris involving a vast money laundering scam between France and Israel.

15 mars 2008

Le privé dans la police : un dangereux précédent


Quand je vous dis qu’on glisse silencieusement dans un état policier à tendance fasciste.

Le fascisme, c’est simplement le pouvoir des corporations privées qui s’intègre avec le pouvoir du gouvernement. Pendant ce temps, qui protège le peuple contre les fraudes des banques ?

Privatisation et militarisation de la police n’est sûrement pas une bonne chose. Et des banques avec une police maintenant ?


Et le peuple qui dort au gas, bien mou.

Allo ??!?


Article trouvé sur l’excellent média citoyen québécois

Le privé dans la police : un dangereux précédent

le 16 mars 2008

La version originale de cet article a été publiée à cet endroit.

un dangereux précédent

photo : SkyeNott (Flickr)

On apprenait mardi dernier que des discussions étaient encours entre l’Association des banquiers du Canada et le Service de police de la ville de Montréal (SPVM) afin de créer une escouade d’enquête spéciale sur les fraudes bancaires qui serait entièrement financée par les institutions financières.

En toile de fond, il y a l’augmentation des fréquences de clonage de cartes de débit dont les opérations frauduleuses auraient presque triplées depuis 2003. En fait, en 2007, cela aurait coûté 107 millions de dollars aux banques.

Si une telle entente est conclue, ce serait la première fois au Québec que des entreprises privées subventionneraient des forces d’ordre public. Pour l’instant, ce financement s’arrêterait au domaine financier, mais cela n’ouvrirait-il pas la porte à d’autres contributions financières du privé dans l’exercice du maintient de la loi des services de police ?

On pourrait imaginer, dans l’avenir, que n’importe quelle compagnie de n’importe quel secteur d’activité finance la police locale afin de protéger ses intérêts.

L’indépendance et l’intégrité de la police ne seraient-elles pas mises en péril avec de telles manœuvres ? Un service de police n’aurait-il pas tendance à ignorer un crime commis par une compagnie ou par l’un de ses employés si une inculpation se traduisait par une coupure subséquente de l’aide financière privé provenant de cette entreprise ? Par exemple, une compagnie dont un salarié est arrêté pour fraude dans le sein de l’organisation nuirait à son image et elle essaierait probablement de cacher l’incident à tout prix.

Allons plus loin. Ne serait-ce que la première étape de l’instauration de milices privées dont chaque grande entreprise se munirait afin de lutter contre la criminalité qui l’assaille avec tous les problèmes éthiques que cela comporte ?

Devant les crises budgétaires qui touchent la plupart des gouvernements occidentaux, cette alternative peut s’avérer alléchante pour les États face à la criminalité croissante.

La police est un service public et se doit de demeurer ainsi. Le privé est subordonné à l’État de droit et il ne peut s’ingérer, financièrement ou autrement, dans l’action policière au risque de la corrompre et de la vendre aux intérêts particuliers.

Les compagnies désirent plus de protection policière afin de préserver leurs bénéfices ? Qu’elles acquiescent alors à payer un peu plus d’impôt afin de dégager des argents qui seront destinés à cette fin sans ingérence ou pression monétaire de leur part comme on pourrait le connaître si cet accord est adopté.

25 janvier 2008

Comment les marchés financiers fonctionnent réellement/ Déclaration de Stallone

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,Système bancaire — François M. @ 9:40

Comment les marchés financiers fonctionnent réellement/ Déclaration de Stallone

Ce vidéo vaut son pesant d’or: bien qu’il s’agit d’une parodie, vous allez voir qu’elle est aussi très incisive et reflète la réalité de ce qui se passe sur les marchés financiers et plus particulièrement la situation des prêts hypothécaires à hauts risques aux États-Unis (Subprime loans). Vous ne serez pas déçu par ce vidéo!

Ensuite il y a cette déclaration de Stallone qui semble être assez lucide sur l’état de son gouvernement. Il a dit que finalement les mensonges étaient proférés à la tonne pour garder le status-quo. Si la vérité à propos des agissements de leur gouvernements serait exposé, il y aurait anarchie dans les rues!

How the markets really work


Stallone: We are told lies to keep us pacified and to avoid « anarchy in the streets. »

Stallone gently puts things into perspective, « The phrase ‘politically correct’ is basically a euphemism for bold face lying because unfortunately, lies keep society functioning. » That is what is going on in America today, and Stallone goes even further, « The day we have our politicians actually tell us the real truth, we’d have anarchy in the streets. So we’re told what they think will pacify the masses. » That is a powerful statement from Stallone, loaded with truth about what is really going on, could all these years of playing John Rambo taught him about the military industrial complex and the plans of the New World Order?

Let’s see, in Rambo he unveiled the plight of the soldier returning home from the war Vietnam War, to a country that didn’t understand or care to understand the affects of the war. We are introduced to a man that the army turned into a fighting machine. Rambo II was filmed in Vietnam, where Rambo went back to find POW’s, and the government purposefully leaves Rambo and the POW’s behind. And of course there is Rambo III where he joins the mujahedeen who are fighting the Soviets, consistent with what was really going on in the world, « During most of the 1980’s, the CIA secretly sent billions of dollars of military aid to Afghanistan to support the mujahedeen–or holy warriors–against the Soviet Union, which had invaded in 1979. »

7 janvier 2008

Le système bancaire canadien, la grande fraude de la dette

Filed under: Canada,Système bancaire — François M. @ 1:01

Le système bancaire canadien, la grande fraude de la dette

Voici quelques vidéo à vous mettre sous la dent. Il est expliqué comment fonctionne le système bancaire canadien, le processus de la création d’argent, de la dette nationale, des banquiers privés et de la Banque du Canada. Hautement instructif, et je peux affirmer que les informations contenues sont justes et bien documentées.

Techniquement, on a pas à rembourser la dette nationale qui gruge un peu plus de 30 000 000 000$ par année aux canadiens juste en services des intérêts sur la dette. C’est en fait complètement inutile, puisqu’on pourrait imprimer l’argent dont le Canada a besoin par nous-mêmes, au lieu de l’emprunter à des banquiers privés à qui ont doit payer des intérêts sur ces dettes. Mais par une trahison sans nom, il se trouve qu’au gouvernement canadien on n’utilise pas nos presses à imprimer, on emprunte l’argent!!! On nous a monté une facture de 600 milliards de dollars pour rien, complètement inutilement.

Et on voudrait nous passer la facture pour payer ça maintenant.

Et vous qui pensiez que le scandale des commandites de quelques centaines de millions de dollars étaient fâchant!!!!!

Banking and the Canadian Government

For those of you who haven’t seen those other videos yet –

Bill Abram

Part 1 The Crime of the Canadian Banking System

Part 2 The Great Canadian Experiment

Part 3 Gerald G. McGeer: A True Canadian Hero

Money as Debt


9 décembre 2007

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 9 décembre 2007: Système bancaire, inflation et monnaie de papier, NORFED et Liberty Dollars, économie

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 9 décembre 2007: Système bancaire, inflation et monnaie de papier, NORFED et Liberty Dollars, économie

Vous pouvez écouter ou télécharger l’émission directement du site de CHOC FM en cliquant sur le lien ci-haut, ou encore:

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– Nous décorticons l’histoire du système fractionnaire bancaire et monétaire, la création de la monnaie de papier, l’inflation. Nous abordons aussi le cas de la NORFED qui a été saisie par la FED par le FBI.

– Il est aussi question cette semaine de la tactique vieille comme le monde de lier la dissidence politique au terrorisme et l’ennemi qui est de plus en plus ouvertement utilisée en amérique.

– Et bien sûr la cyber revue de presse de la semaine et la bonne musique!

Voici les liens et sources des sujets de l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

– Le système bancaire

The Nature of Money

Where it came from – Where it’s going

Banks Gone Wild

The answer, of course, is that they were high on the usual drug — greed. And they were encouraged to make socially destructive decisions by a system of executive compensation that should have been reformed after the Enron and WorldCom scandals, but wasn’t.

Folks, this is a rep[eat of the S&L debacle of the 1980s. and, it is worth recalling that the taxpayers were forced to pick up the tab for that mess, while a lot of the insiders got very, VERY rich.

A Bush was President for both disasters, and I no longer believe in coincidences.

I think We The People are about to get screwed again.

The Crash of 2008?

When Wall Street crashed, there came a run on the banks by men who had bought on margin, a depositors’ stampede, a bank collapse, a wipeout of uninsured savings and the loss of a third of the money supply, lifeblood of the economy. The Fed never gave the nation the needed transfusions. Hoover and FDR, misdiagnosing the crisis, raised taxes and wrote up new regulations, which was like putting a body cast on a patient in shock from the loss of a third of his blood.

Florida Just First to Face National Run on the Bank

The investment pool, which contained $27 billion this summer, now has $14 billion, the result of withdrawals by municipalities with keenly developed senses of self- preservation. On Nov. 29 the board told the remaining participants they couldn’t withdraw any more money from the pool.


Thank you, Federal Reserve.

2-Important Questions

1. Is the U.S. a Free-Market Economy?
2. How can it be free if there is a federal reserve bank manipulating the money supply?

And the answer is > « To the extent that there is a central bank governing the amount of money in the system, that is not a free market, » said former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said in September 2007 (on T-V to Jon Stewart)
There you have the answer to our questions > This is not a free market.

What will today’s 12 cent dollar be worth when our grandchildren enter the work force? What will it be worth when they retire?

« In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves. Stripped of its academic jargon, the welfare state is nothing more than a mechanism by which governments confiscate the wealth of the productive members of a society to support a wide variety of welfare schemes. The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for the welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit (debt creation). » by Allan Greenspan (#8) in The Objectivist newsletter published in 1966, reprinted in Ayn Rand’s Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.

With those soaring prices, let us now look at what happened to the purchasing power of a single dollar – – from 1950 to today > >

88% Decline of a Dollar’s Purchasing Value since 1950

This chart shows an 88% reduction in the value of a dollar (its internal purchasing power) since 1950, where a dollar of 1950 is worth but 11.9 cents today – based on the consumer price index. Restated, an average cpi item costing $10 in 1950 costs $88 today.

It takes $10,000 cash today to purchase that which $1,190 would purchase in 1950. And with higher combined federal & state/local tax rates today compared to then, it takes even more. Typical example: you need 39 cents as of 2006 to purchase the same stamp that cost just 3 cents in 1950 – – a 1,300% price increase – – and nobody dare claim any quality improvement for that increase.

Who benefits from this performance? Answer: the financial sector and governments at all levels (and proponents of big government over families), as revenue streams are accelerated by both tax bracket creep, extending the caps for social security taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes. Inflation camouflaged government growth, as it expanded to consume and control a larger share of the economy.

Big Question: What is the reason for this horrendous erosion of the purchasing power of a dollar?
Answer: The chart at the top of this page argues that the cause is due to the creation of the Federal Reserve (in 1913), followed by the absence of a gold standard (since 1933) to restrain this Federal Reserve, allowing the Federal Reserve’s banking system to create piles of new dollars and debt out of thin air. For proof of this answer, see the following statements of Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan >

« In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. The abandonment of the gold standard made it possible for welfare statists to use the banking system as a means to an unlimited expansion of credit (debt creation) »Alan Greenspan (#8), 1966

« It was the case that the price level in 1929 was not much different, on net, from what it had been in 1800. But, in the two decades following the abandonment of the gold standard in 1933, the consumer price index in the United States nearly doubled. And, in the four decades after that, prices quintupled. Monetary policy, unleashed from the constraint of domestic gold convertibility, has allowed a persistent over issuance of money. As recently as a decade ago, central bankers, having witnessed more than a half-century of chronic inflation, appeared to confirm that a fiat currency was inherently subject to excess. »

Chairman Alan Greenspan Before the Economic Club of New York, December 19, 2002 « Issues for Monetary Policy » (http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/speeches/2002/20021219/)

Read that last quote again. It states there was zero inflation for 129 years from 1800 to 1929. But, once the gold standard was abandoned there was no restraint on the creation of money and debt out of thin air by the banking system – – and inflation soared, as shown by the charts above. Additionally, as the first chart shows, there was next to zero inflation for 113 years from 1800 to 1913 before the Federal Reserve was created. It appears government and the financial sector wanted inflation to replace stable prices (zero inflation), and the Federal Reserve was created and soon after the gold standard was eliminated to accomplish same.

« Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. To control inflation, you need to control the money supply. » Milton Friedman, Nobel Laureate in Economics.

As money supply exploded 3,000% – –

The dollar’s purchasing power collapsed 85%,

– – as proven by this chart.

The left chart compares growth of the broad money supply M3 (red curve) with the the shrinking value of a dollar as determined by the cost of living index (cpi-all items) – blue curve.

The rising red curve shows growth of the money supply since 1959, the value of which is shown on the left axis in billions of dollars – from $302 billion in 1959 to $11.5 trillion in 2006. ( M3 data: economagic.com).

(the ‘broad’ money supply is defined by economists as the ‘M3’ of money, being the sum of all cash, checking and savings accounts, small and large time deposits and money market funds).

The declining blue curve (taken from the chart at the top of this page) represents the falling buying value of a 1950 dollar, per the right axis shrinking from a value of 83 cents in 1959 to 11.8 cents in 2006 – representing 88% loss in purchasing power since 1959. (based on cpi data: table B-60, 2004 President’s Economic Report).

This chart certainly appears to validate Dr. Friedman’s above statement > « Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. To control inflation, you need to control the money supply. »

– NORFED et Liberty Dollars

Unfair seizure of coins

The company has been in business for 10 years and they have not been targeted by the U.S. government until now. In fact, both the United States Mint and the Federal Reserve have admitted that what the company was doing was perfectly legal.

What is the reason for the raid by the FBI if the company had been operating lawfully for nearly 10 years?

Earlier this year the company began minting two new coins, the 2008 « Peace Dollar » with the words « STOP THE WAR » on the reverse side and the 2008 coin commemorating the presidential campaign of Ron Paul. The Feds just have to stop Representative Ron Paul somehow, since he is the only presidential candidate who is pro-liberty.

If the FBI are busting the Liberty Dollars, why aren’t they busting THESE guys!

The Phoenix Dollar

Here is yet another alternative currency company, offering silver dollars made of real silver. And no FBI raid.

I am beginning to think that Liberty Dollar was taken down because Bush was jealous over the Ron Paul dollar.

I am really pissed at myself I didn’t get my order in for a Ron Paul dollar in time.

The Precedent for the Ron Paul Dollar

The details of the case are complicated, but there are two issues that I can address without going into all the claims and counterclaims. How is it that the US government has the power to prohibit people from using alternative forms of money (i.e., the first provision), and how is it that the coins of NORFED resemble those of the United States (the second)?

A Bright Shiny Lesson in Government Theft: How the Feds Seized My Silver Dollars

-L’économie et le crash qui s’installe

Innovating Our Way to Financial Crisis

How bad is it? Well, I’ve never seen financial insiders this spooked — not even during the Asian crisis of 1997-98, when economic dominoes seemed to be falling all around the world.

Chinese TV: Dump the Dollar

Chinese lunchtime television on Friday gave ordinary people a basic tip on how to play the currency markets: sell the dollar!

This is not good.

House prices seen falling 30 pct

Housing markets from Punta Gorda, Florida, to Stockton, California, will crash and suffer price drops of more than 30 percent before the housing crisis is over, a report from Moody’s Economy.com said on Thursday.

You will start hearing the phrase « negative equity » more and more often.

Crime scene: foreclosure

Cleveland’s mortgage meltdown has sparked a crime wave in the nation’s hardest hit area for troubled homeowners.

OECD Says U.S. Subprime Losses May Reach $300 Billion

Price tag in mortgage crisis is looking like real money

The mortgage meltdown is taking a rising toll on the broader economy, increasing pressure on the Federal Reserve to slash interest rates for a third time next month in hopes of averting a recession.

Homeowners will see their property values sink by $1.2 trillion next year, and 524,000 fewer jobs will be created — both a result of the trouble caused by loan defaults and rising foreclosures, according to a report released this week for the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Japanese shift cash out of U.S. investments

Many in Japan are starting to speak of « quitting America, » but they are not talking about a rise in anti-American political fervor. Rather, they mean a move away from American investments that is altering global capital flows and helping to weaken the dollar.

Oil leaders’ private debate televised by mistake

‘Kill the cable, kill the cable,’ shouted the security guard as he burst through the double doors into the media room at the Intercontinental Hotel in Riyadh, followed by Saudi police. It was too late.

On Friday night, during what the participants thought were private talks, Venezuela’s oil minister Venezuela Rafael Ramirez and his Iranian counterpart Gholamhossein Nozari, argued that pricing – and selling – oil using the crippled dollar was damaging the cartel.

More bad news for the dollar as the UAE gets ready to dump it

Don’t look now: Here comes the recession

The cash registers were ringing on Black Friday, but make no mistake: American consumers are jittery, and seem all but certain to push the U.S. economy into recession.

Sure, blame the ordinary Americans for not borrowing and spending more to keep things going!

Let us not mention the out-of-control government debt that has choked out economy with higher taxes and reduced benefits.

Let us not mention the tax cuts for the rich which were promised to stimulate job creation but which in fact accelerated the flow of higher paying manufacturing jobs to foreign shores, aided by yet more tax incentives.

Let us not mention how Bush’s war spending has drained the wealth of the nation and put it into the pockets of a select few while the product of our labors lies rusting in the deserts of Iraq alongside the pale forms of our dead children.

Let us not mention the Federal Reserve as it pumps billions and billions of worthless phantom dollars into the banks to spare them from the effects of their reckless sub-prime follies.

Let us not mention the billions of tax dollars sent to Israel while American men and women sleep in the alleys and eat out of trash bins.

Let us not mention any of these things at all. Let us, as always, place the blame on the consumers who fail to buy what they are told to buy.

Foreclosures up 165 percent in Florida

Foreclosure fallout: Renters forced out of lost homes

In most states, when a bank forecloses on a landlord, the tenant has no guarantee of being allowed to stay in the property. In addition, neither the bank nor the landlord has any legal obligation to inform the tenant of the foreclosure. Often, the renter first learns of the foreclosure when he or she is being told to vacate the property within a few days or weeks.

U.S. incomes fall, spending flat in October

Inflation eats away at modest gains in wages and salaries.

Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct

A financial crisis will likely send the U.S. dollar into a free fall of as much as 90 percent and gold soaring to $2,000 an ounce, a trends researcher said.

« We are going to see economic times the likes of which no living person has seen, » Trends Research Institute Director Gerald Celente said, forecasting a « Panic of 2008. »

Don’t say you weren’t warned!

Canned foods and shotguns, people. Canned foods and shotguns.

Shadow Mortgage Bailout Already in Progress

The majority of Americans are against a government sponsored mortgage bailout for borrowers and lenders, but that hasn’t stopped the government from working behind the scenes to carry out several plans meant to transfer risk and responsibility to the public.

Policymakers have very carefully orchestrated a shadow mortgage bailout.

Treasury Sec Paulson Expects Tidal Wave of Mortgage Problems; and One Republican Senator is blocking Major Interventions

While all the signs of a perfect economic storm are registering more and more clearly, Bush admin is waffling and barely waking up, while a single lone Republican senator is blocking even minimal intervention.

The goal of any government is to extract the greatest amount of work product from the population with the lowest cost of upkeep. The problem with capitalism, from the government’s point of view, is that the population always demands a higher and higher lifestyle for their labor. At some point, the government, in order to keep its power and authority over the people, in order to sustain the enforced wealth differential without which capitalism cannot function, must have an « impoverishment mechanism » and when taxes are not sufficient to keep the majority of people too poor to quit working without triggering a revolution, then some other mechanism that the government can deny responsibility for must be created.

We may be seeing that right now.

Crude oil prices break $99

Crude oil prices rose above a record $99 per barrel Wednesday as worries about inadequate winter supplies in the Northern Hemisphere and news of refinery problems stoked bullish sentiment.

The declining U.S. dollar and speculation that the U.S. Federal Reserve will again cut interest rates also boosted prices. Some investors put their money into oil contracts, betting that gains in their price will offset dollar weakness. « The market is now really looking at $100 a barrel as the next target to hit, » said Victor Shum, an energy analyst with Purvin & Gertz in Singapore. « The fact that we are having this surge in pricing in this short trading week underscores the strength of this bull run for oil. »

Freddie Mac Loses $2B, Seeks New Capital

Freddie Mac, the nation’s No. 2 buyer and guarantor of home loans, lost $2 billion in the third quarter and said Tuesday it must raise fresh capital to meet regulatory requirements. Its shares fell 25 percent.

Dollar stays weak as Iran joins fray on greenback weakness

The dollar’s woes continued for yet another day with Iran’s call for oil cartel OPEC to recognise the currency’s relentless falls highlighting just how far sentiment on the greenback has deteriorated.

****Is China Blackmailing America?

China now controls 44% of America’s foreign debt. (Over the last couple of years Russia, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and our other allies around the world stopped buying our debt bond issues. China stepped up to the plate and bought when everyone else was selling. Almost single-handedly China has kept the dollar solvent in order to protect their balance of trade.) Beijing’s threat to dump debt bonds was as much a threat to the tough talk from Sen. Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party as it was to the Bush Administration to keep the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury in check.

Fed makes biggest temporary injection since ’01

The Fed injected $47.25 billion in temporary reserves, its biggest combined daily infusion since September 19, 2001, to calm a rise in overnight interbank lending rates.

Florida Holds $2.2 Billion of Debt Cut to Junk Status

The Florida agency that manages about $50 billion of short-term investments for the state, school districts and local governments holds $2.2 billion of debt that was cut below investment grade.

U.S. Production Unexpectedly Falls Most Since January

Industrial production in the U.S. unexpectedly dropped in October as slowing sales prompted factories to make fewer automobiles and appliances.

Goldman Sachs Betting Crisis Going On

Goldman Sees Subprime Cutting $2 Trillion in Lending

The slump in global credit markets may force banks, brokerages and hedge funds to cut lending by $2 trillion and trigger a « substantial recession » in the U.S., according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

Losses related to record home foreclosures using a « back- of-the-envelope » calculation may be as high as $400 billion for financial companies, Jan Hatzius, chief U.S. economist at Goldman in New York wrote in a report dated yesterday. The effects may be amplified tenfold as companies that borrowed to finance their investments scale back lending, the report said.

So, if we work this through,. it appears that the ONLY way business gets done in the US is through borrowing. No borrowing; expect hard times.

Foreclosures nearly double from year ago: report

Overall, residential foreclosure filings nearly doubled in the third quarter from a year earlier, RealtyTrac reported earlier this month.

HSBC to take $3.4 billion charge over U.S. loan losses

HSBC Holdings on Wednesday said it would have to write off a further $3.4 billion from its U.S. business during the third quarter, but said profit before tax will increase because of strong growth from Asia and the Middle East.

The lender, one of the first to report the damage from U.S. subprime mortgages, said it’s taking a $3.4 billion loan-impairment charge in its U.S. consumer finance business during the third quarter, which it said was $1.4 billion higher than would have been implied by extrapolating first-half trends.

BofA to take $3 billion writedown

Recession fears grow as inventories swell

Unsold goods are piling up in warehouses as the housing meltdown and soaring oil prices strain consumers, raising fears that already glum fourth-quarter growth prospects may tip toward recession.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned last week that economic growth would slow from the third quarter’s surprisingly strong 3.9 percent annual rate. But recent data on inventories suggests the slowdown may be even more severe than the central bank has anticipated.

Home Foreclosures … Credit Crunch … Trouble Brewing for U.S. Economy

In late October, Merrill Lynch reported $2.2 billion in net losses. Citigroup reported $11 billion losses and a 57% decline in profits for the third quarter amidst serious volatility in the stock market.

The present credit crisis is the result of a partial deflation of the housing bubble in the U.S. and other debt bubbles that developed as a result of the slashing of U.S. interest rates from 2002 to 2005. The global financial system is now facing a serious threat.

‘Sub-prime black hole is getting scarier’

Blackstone’s president warned that the sub-prime crisis on Wall Street was getting « deeper, darker and scarier » yesterday as the US private equity firm posted a loss for the third quarter, hit by a fall in real-estate revenues and charges related to its initial public offering.

Shares in Blackstone fell 8.3 per cent as it revealed a net loss of $113m (£55m) for the three months to the end of September, under the impact of $803m of non-cash charges related to its IPO on the New York Stock Exchange in June. The real-estate division, where quarterly revenues were down by 44 per cent, came under pressure from the sub-prime mortgage crisis. In contrast, the firm reported net income of $372.5 m last year.

Dollars no good for the Taj Mahal

Foreign tourists to many of India’s most famous landmarks will no longer be able to pay the entrance fee in dollars, the government says.

The ruling is aimed at safeguarding tourism revenues following the recent falls in the dollar.

Until now, foreign tourists to sites such at the Taj Mahal have had the option of paying in dollars or rupees.

The ruling will affect nearly 120 sites of interest run by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).

Of these, at least 27 are World Heritage sites, including the Taj Mahal.

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