LNI Média

9 décembre 2008

Les compagnies pétrolières, la Banque Mondiale et l’armée US

Les compagnies pétrolières, la Banque Mondiale et l’armée US

Voilà quelques pistes de réflexion que je soumets à vous analyse. Il existe un triangle de pouvoir et d’intérêts communs, de collusion entre les compagnies pétrolières, la Banque Mondiale et la machine militaire étasunienne. Pour certains ceci ne sera guère une grande révélation, mais de comprendre comment peut être des plus intéressant.


Oil companies and the World Bank

Merchants of misery

The World Bank helps poor countries, right?

Not quite.

As this two part video shows, World Banks loans come with « conditions. »

Not only that, but they seem to be designed not to strengthen the borrowing countries, but to make it easier to extract – you guessed it – oil and other resources from these countries.

The U.S. Military as an Oil Acquisition Service

Conspiracy theorist: “A psychologically disturbed person who poses a danger to society by virtue of the fact that he frequently questions or refuses to accept the views or opinions of society’s authorities” – The consensus definition of ‘conspiracy theorist’ promoted by society’s authorities.

A brief and incomplete history of U.S. military and CIA actions to secure access to foreign oil

7 décembre 2008

Les voitures à air comprimé et des carrosseries fait à base de chanvre

Filed under: Pétrole et énergie,Technologies/ Découvertes — François M. @ 9:23

Les voitures à air comprimé et des carrosseries fait à base de chanvre

Air cars

Here, there. everywhere

Ready for market now

The BBC reported on the French version of this technology.

This report from Australia goes into more depth and also covers an Australian version.

How many billions of dollars in research and development funds would the big auto makers claim they need to get this far?

Yet, the technology is here now, ready to exploit – and it is not being used.

What’s the hang up?

Why are we still:

* allowing ourselves to be dependent on whacked out foreign countries for our energy?
* spending billions to transport and refine a highly toxic material?
* polluting our air thereby sickening and killing people, especially children, with toxic fumes?
* putting a massive, daily « transportation tax » on everyone who drives a car?

Who needs steel?

Even Henry Ford was shut down


No less an industrial and financial titan than Henry Ford demonstrated that the plant hemp could be transformed into a lightweight material stronger than steel.

The perfect material for car bodies.

Who needs steel?

Maybe the guys who owned all the iron ore and coal fields (the Rockefeller syndicate) needed steel which is why for decades this simple technological possibility has been denied to us.

21 septembre 2008

Informations censurées à propos du pétrole

Filed under: Pétrole et énergie — François M. @ 4:06

Informations censurées à propos du pétrole

How PBS and Chevron
got together to kill
the alternative fuel movement

When it really matters,
information in the
US is censored

Hopefully, you’ve seen all the videos in this series.

If not, I recommend you do that now to appreciate the enormity of what’s been done to us by the oil industry and its henchmen.

And those henchmen most definitely include PBS, the so-called Public Broadcasting Service, perhaps better called the Petroleum Broadcasting Service.

For a few million dollars a year, the oil industry has completely censored any reporting on the REALITY that the US does not have to – and never had to – be dependent on gasoline for transport.

* The original scheme during the early days of the automobile to kill alcohol as fuel:


* How the oil industry continues to censor the science of alcohol as fuel:


If you’ve already seen these clips, here’s where you can get the book:

Alcohol can be a gas

The Great Amnesia

How we became slaves to oil

Oil really is the root of all evil

Take oil and petroleum out of the energy equation and replace it with a locally produced, locally controlled, ecological, economical, renewable resource and what happens?

95% of the world’s structural problems melt away.

No more oil wars. No more money leaving our country by the hundreds of billions. No more ecological devastation related to fuel production. Greatly reduced carcinogens.

But oil is necessary for our lifestyle, right?

If it’s not, how did we get hooked on oil in the first place?

History tells us the US went from whale oil to kerosene for lamps courtesy of the ingenuity of John Rockefeller and Standard Oil.

It also tells us that gasoline and diesel made from oil and was the only practical source of fuel for motor vehicles (cars, trucks, buses and tractors.) Still is, so they say.

But think about something for a moment.

Prohibition was the total ban on alcohol manufacturing in the US from 1919 to 1933.

We accept it as a force of nature and never examine it.

The US is a hard drinking nation. Always has been and back when this ban was put in place it was far more so. The people who put Prohibition in place were men, most of whom were serious drinkers themselves.

Are we to believe that these 1919-era men were led and controlled a group of 1919-era church ladies?

Does that make any sense?

Is it a coincidence that the ban of alcohol production took place just as the fledgling auto industry was gaining traction and alcohol was the obvious and superior choice for fuel?

And was only lifted after the local alcohol-for-fuel infrastructure was completely destroyed, forgotten and supplanted by oil industry giants?

Am I saying that the last 90 years of the economic, political, and ecological rape of the world by oil companies has been a total con job, enforced with violence and supported by generations of corrupt politicians (Cheney, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Nixon, and on and on it goes.)

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

20 juillet 2008

Pétrole: Tout le monde en parle, mais peu le comprennent

Filed under: Pétrole et énergie — François M. @ 11:22


Pétrole: Tout le monde en parle, mais peu le comprennent

C’est comme si on était mystifié devant ce sang noir de notre économie. Beaucoup le haïssent, certains en profitent énormément, mais une chose est certaine, nous sommes tous impliqués dans cette galère. Alors, je propose de mieux connaître tout ce qui entoure cette ressource par rapport à laquelle nous semblons avoir une dépendance.

Premièrement, je vous propose de faire du rattrapage historique si vous ne connaissez pas comment il est peu à peu entré dans nos vies. Voici une série de documentaires à propos de l’histoire du pétrole qui va vous éclairer énormément si vous avez la patience de visionner les environs 8 heures total. C’est en français et le producteur était très recherché.

L’Histoire secrète du pétrole

Ensuite vous avez une panoplie d’articles qui vont vous mener à travers le supposé pic pétrolier, le fait que le pétrole est renouvelable, sur les vrais enjeux autour de celui-ci en Irak et ailleurs, nouvelles découvertes, manipulations des prix actuels et de la nouvelle bourse du pétrole en Iran qui va vendre son pétrole en d’autres devises que le dollar américain et plus!

Those who control oil and water will control the world

History may not repeat itself, but, as Mark Twain observed, it can sometimes rhyme. The crises and conflicts of the past recur, recognizably similar even when altered by new conditions. At present, a race for the world’s resources is underway that resembles the Great Game that was played in the decades leading up to the First World War. Now, as then, the most coveted prize is oil and the risk is that as the contest heats up it will not always be peaceful. But this is no simple rerun of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Today, there are powerful new players and it is not only oil that is at stake.

Iran Ends Oil Transactions In U.S. Dollars

Iran, OPEC’s second-largest producer, has completely stopped conducting oil transactions in U.S. dollars, a top Oil Ministry official said Wednesday, a concerted attempt to reduce reliance on Washington at a time of tension over Tehran’s nuclear program and suspected involvement in Iraq.

***It’s all about oil

Yes, the War is for Oil – and the Oil is for israel

Are you seeing a pattern here???

They need oil, they take Sinai. They don’t give it back until they’ve secure guaranteed access to its oil.

They need oil, they kick off a war between the US and Iraq to secure cheap oil from Mosul to Haifa. But, Syria and Lebanon stand in the way, so they decimate Lebanon and now they’re after Syria.

And of course, they’ve been itching to re-open the pipeline from Iran since it shut down in ’79. Hence, israel’s incessant call for the US to attack Iran.

Finally, israelis don’t intend to end their quest for oil with Iran. They have other countries in their cross-hairs, like Saudi Arabia and their so-called « grand prize » – Egypt.

The Myth Of Peak Oil

The « Peakers » are pointing to today’s record high price as proof that we have reached the « oil peak ». But what we are seeing is not a drop in supply but a drop in the dollar. Plus, let us not forget that the US Government is starting to buy petroleum products and stockpile them for their planned war on Iran. That also drives prices up (as does pissing off those countries we buy oil from).

Now, it is obvious that oil is a finite resource, and even if there is a renewal mechanism deep in the Earth’s crust, it is not replenishing the oil as fast as we are using it (and nothing uses it up faster than war). But whether we are at the peak or not is still open to debate, as both sides of the argument are agenda-driven rather than fact-driven.

There is an old homily that when it takes a barrel of oil to recover a barrel of oil, the party is over no matter how much oil is really down there. But of course, advances in technology can change that crossover point.

Personally, I think we should be spending money on new energy technology than in killing each other over what oil is left. Because if we run out of the oil that runs our machinery and we have not created a replacement, then we will have dead-ended ourselves, spending the rest of our species’ lifespan trapped on a planet of dead and rusting hulks.

There is fusion power to look at, and of course, the outer gas giant planets have all the hydrocarbons we could ever need. True, we cannot get those hydrocarbpns here easily, just as it would have been impossible to transport vast amounts of oil and gas across the oceans in Columbus’ time. But we know mining the outer planets is possible; it is just a matter of scale to get it done, and the political leadership wise enough to invest in that future starting now.

World not running out of oil, say experts

A landmark study of more than 800 oilfields by Cambridge Energy Research Associates (Cera) has concluded that rates of decline are only 4.5 per cent a year, almost half the rate previously believed, leading the consultancy to conclude that oil output will continue to rise over the next decade.

Oil Doesn’t Come from Squashed Ferns and Fish??

In his later years, Gold challenged the belief, deeply held by American and British geoscientists, that oil is fluid concentrated from huge amounts of vegetation and animal remains that have been buried in the sediments over hundreds of million of years. Instead, he and many other geophysicists, most notably in Russia and China (5), for decades have been providing evidence that oil and natural gas are generated from hydrocarbon substances in the Earth’s crust that were “brought in from space when the Earth was formed.”

Rock Eating Bacteria Bring New Questions About The Evolution Of Life On Earth

Once considered a barren plain dotted with hydrothermal vents, the seafloor’s rocky regions appear to be teeming with microbial life, say scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Woods Hole, Mass., University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, and other institutions.

‘Huge’ oil field found off Brazil

A huge natural gas field has been found a short distance off Rio de Janeiro’s coastline, Petrobras, Brazil’s state-controlled oil company, says.

Oil price profiteering to be curbed at ICE Futures Europe and Nymex

Two of the world’s largest energy exchanges have forced traders to deposit significantly more money when investing to curb volatility in energy markets and drive out speculators.

There are only three people necessary for a transaction. The person making the product. The person moving the product from the person who makes it to the person who uses it, and the person who uses it, Everything else, all the extra middlemen who worm their way into the path that products follow from manufacture to use, are superfluous make-work positions that add cost without adding benefit.

308,000 barrels missing from Petroleum Reserve

« Dangit, they were right here just a moment ago! » — Official White Horse Souse

18 Years on and Exxon Still Won’t Pay $2.5 Billion for Valdez Oil Spill

The Supreme Court’s recent decision to hear ExxonMobil’s reasons to void the $2.5 billion punitive award in the Exxon Valdez case hit the town of Cordova, Alaska, hard. This small coastal fishing community — my hometown — along with the Alaska Native villages in Prince William Sound have borne the brunt of the largest crude oil spill in America’s waters; a spill that took place more than 18 years ago, but one that continues to hold the region hostage.

The second painful blow was the high court’s decision to not even hear our reasons why the award should be restored to the full $5 billion that a jury of peers decided was necessary to punish the corporate giant back in 1994.

Triple-digit oil prices expected after 2007 records

After a record-smashing year with oil peaking at $99 a barrel in 2007, a triple-digit world of crude oil awaits in the coming year, energy experts say.

And if the US, in some fit of insanity, attacks Iran, all bets are off over just how high the price of oil will go.

In Crude’s Sights: $101.70, The Real Record High for Oil

If the uptrend continues, market watchers say this could be the week that oil manages to punch through the symbolic level and eclipse the inflation-adjusted record of $101.70 reached in April 1980.

And the oil company execs, all « Bush’s base », are laughing themselves to the bank.

How High Will It Go? Oil Prices Top $98 A Barrelt

Record oil prices edged closer to $100 a barrel Wednesday amid expectations of declining U.S. supplies. The weak dollar and OPEC’s apparent reluctance to pump more crude into the market also boosted prices.

In light of the fact that $100.00 a barrel oil is precisely what the industry execs want, this is probably what we’re going to be living with – or worse – for some time to come.

Oil Futures Rise to $100 a Barrel

Crude oil prices soared to $100 a barrel Wednesday for the first time, reaching that milestone amid an unshakeable view that global demand for oil and petroleum products will outstrip supplies.

Globalists Take a Step Closer To $200 Dollar Oil

US-made oil disaster has mileage

The short answer is that the US Federal Reserve was in large part responsible for the oil price explosion and its volatility, while two successive US administrations have created the oil supply shortfall, again adversely affecting oil prices.

Michael Chertoff Calls Iran, Venezuela Relationship ‘Troubling’

Iran and Venezuela are united in their disdain for the U.S. Some reports have indicated that Chavez won’t hesitate to cut off his country’s oil supply to the United States if it launches an air strike or any military action against Iran. Chertoff suggested that his department and indeed the intelligence community are tracking the growing ties between these two nations and the potential threat it could pose.

This has absolutely nothing to do wiith « Al Qaeda ».

The only thing troubling Chertoff is the reality that Venezuela may very well cut off its oil supplies to the US if we attack Iran, and that would be very economically painful.

Iraq nullifies Kurdish oil deals

Iraq’s oil ministry has declared all crude contracts signed by the Kurdish regional authorities with foreign companies null and void, a government official said on Saturday.

« The ministry has nullified all contracts signed by the Kurdistan Regional Government, » the official told AFP, asking not to be named. « They will not be recognised. »

Iraq’s oil reserves — the world’s third largest — lie in the Kurdish north and Shiite south and the Sunnis fear the two communities could monopolise future income.

It will be interesting to see precisely how this plays out.

Gazprom plans Africa gas grab

Gazprom, Russia’s state-owned energy group, is seeking to win access to vast energy reserves in Nigeria in a move that will heighten concerns among western governments over its increasingly powerful grip on gas supplies to Europe.

You have to chuckle at the headline describing describing this gambit by Russia s a « gas grab »: at least, they’re looking to purchase these resources, not invading countries to get it.

India, Pak resolve issues blocking gas pipeline deal

India and Pakistan today said they have resolved all bilateral commercial issues impeding implementation of the USD 7.4 billion gas pipeline from Iran and will jointly address Tehran’s demand for price revision.

« I am happy to report that as far as Pakistan and India are concerned, we have resolved all bilateral issues. There is no issue whatsoever that needs to be addressed now, » visiting Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi told reporters after a brief meeting with Petroleum Minister Murli Deora.

« But darn it, oil to India and Pakistan should be flowing through the pipelines and from the countries we TELL you to use, not the ones that make the most economic sense for both countries! » – official white horse souse.

Chinese tiger has nothing in tank

PetroChina’s Value Tops $1 Trillion, Surpassing Exxon

PetroChina Co. almost tripled on its first day of trading in Shanghai, becoming the world’s first company to be valued at $1 trillion, more than Exxon Mobil Corp. and General Electric Co. combined.

PetroChina shares rose to 43.96 yuan from the sale price of 16.7 yuan, giving the state-owned oil producer a greater market value than the entire Russian stock market.

Experts Predict Imminent Oil Squeeze

The oil price could hit $160 a barrel as soon as next week, says ´Zapata’ George Blake, the Texan oil analyst quoted by the London-based online newsletter Money Morning.

27 Mai 2008

Le culte du réchauffement climatique et les 31 000 scientifiques qui s’y opposent

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,Global warming,Pétrole et énergie — François M. @ 9:18


www.caglecartoons.com, By Mike Lester

Le culte du réchauffement climatique et les 31 000 scientifiques qui s’y opposent

Ce texte d’analyse se veut une analyse critique des crises simultanées du réchauffement climatique, de la nourriture, du pétrole et financière à travers le monde. Il s’y trouve un peu plus de 10 pages en plus de nombreuses références à explorer pour approfondir les informations discutées. Le lecteur devrait avoir une meilleure vue d’ensemble après avoir terminé la lecture. Les pièces du casse-tête devraient tomber en place, ce qui est essentiel pour se protèger mentalement contre la désinformation qui règne dans les médias traditionnels.

La crise alimentaire mondiale que nous vivons demande d’être mieux comprise pour qu’on puisse réellement éviter le pire : des famines et de violentes révoltes. La crise actuelle semble naturelle et le simple fruit du hasard, alors qu’il en est tout autrement. Les médias ont induit en erreur l’opinion publique sur les causes de ces hausses de prix. On nous parle de coûts de production et de climat par exemple, mais en réalité, bien que ces derniers facteurs puissent affecter la situation, leur portée réelle en tant cause de cette crise sont plutôt minimes.

Cette hausse soudaine du prix de la nourriture est en grande partie le résultat d’une manipulation des marchés à travers la spéculation boursière sur les matières premières et sont ainsi donc artificiellement gonflés par ces opérations spécialement sur les marchés boursiers de New-York et de Chicago. Nul besoin pour eux d’avoir de réelles transactions de blé, maïs, soja ou de maïs pour spéculer sur leur prix.

C’est donc qu’à quelque part entre les gens qui produisent réellement de la nourriture et les gens qui la mangent, se trouve un autre groupe de gens qui ne font pas pousser la nourriture, ne la transportent pas, ne l’emballent pas, ni le la place sur les tablettes, mais qui d’une façon ou d’une autre se sont insérés dans la ligne d’approvisionnement pour le seul but la traiter comme un géant casino légal pour être capables d’en retirer des profits énormes (Voir cet article).

Voici deux extraits éclairants tirés de cet excellent texte à lire intégralement :

La famine mondiale

par Michel Chossudovsky, Mondialisation.ca, Le 4 mai 2008

Ces augmentations contribuent d’une manière très réelle à « éliminer les pauvres » à travers « la mort par la famine. » Dit dans les mots de Henry Kissinger: « Contrôlez le pétrole et vous contrôlerez les nations, contrôlez la nourriture et vous contrôlerez la population. »

À cet égard, Kissinger a fait savoir à travers le « Mémorandum d’études sur la sécurité nationale de 1974: Les implications de la croissance de la population mondiale sur la sécurité et les intérêts étrangers des États-Unis, » que des famines récurrentes pourraient constituer de facto un instrument de contrôle de la population.

Une crise d’une telle ampleur a des racines qui remontent à plusieurs décennies. Les politiques de réforme macro-économique et de restructuration économique mondiale imposées par le FMI et la Banque Mondiale, en dévaluant les monnaies nationales et en enfermant la paysannerie du monde dans un cycle d’endettement infernal ont contribué à baisser le niveau de vie mondialement. Le tout s’est dégradé davantage lorsque la crise actuelle a commencé à sévir, moment où il y avait déjà un tiers de l’humanité qui ne mangeait pas à sa faim. Pourtant, la seule solution que le FMI et la Banque Mondiale nous suggèrent est de prêter plus d’argent aux fermiers pauvres, comme ceux de l’Afrique, les enfonçant encore plus dans l’endettement, situation qui est une cause importante de cette crise sur le plan historique, depuis le début des années 1980.

– Le traitement choc du FMI

« Historiquement, les escalades de prix des produits alimentaires au niveau du commerce en détail ont été déclenchées par la dévaluation des monnaies, qui ont toujours été le résultat invariable d’une situation hyper inflationniste.

Dans le cadre du contrat de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), les géants de l’agroalimentaire ont une entière liberté d’entrer dans les marchés céréaliers des pays en développement. L’acquisition de « droits de propriété intellectuelle » exclusifs sur les variétés végétales par des intérêts agroindustriels favorise aussi la destruction de la biodiversité.

Agissant au nom d’une poignée de conglomérats de biotechnologie, des semences OGM ont été imposées aux agriculteurs, souvent dans le cadre de « programmes d’aide alimentaire. » Par exemple, en Éthiopie des trousses de semences OGM ont été remis aux agriculteurs pauvres afin de rétablir la production agricole à la suite d’une grande sécheresse. Les semences OGM ont été plantées, donnant une seule récolte. Mais après, les agriculteurs ont réalisé que les semences OGM ne pourraient pas être replantées sans payer de redevances à Monsanto, Arch Daniel Midland et al. Ensuite, les agriculteurs ont découvert que les graines ne pousseraient que s’ils utilisaient les intrants agricoles soit, les engrais, les insecticides et les herbicides qui sont produits et distribués par les entreprises agroalimentaires de biotechnologie. Toute l’économie paysanne est dorénavant enfermée entre les mains des conglomérats de l’agro-industrie. »

La famine mondiale, par Michel Chossudovsky

Avec la pression que cette crise engendre sur les gouvernements pour arriver à nourrir leur population, les résistances qu’on avait contre les OGM tombent. Des pays comme le Japon acceptent maintenant ce qu’ils refusaient farouchement jusqu’à maintenant : importer des organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM).

Quelle coïncidence heureuse pour ces compagnies. Sur l’émission spéciale de L’Autre Monde sur la réserve de grains de Svalbard, on avait discuté de la deuxième révolution « verte » que le secteur de l’agroalimentaire-pharmaceutique-ingénierie génétique veut opérer en Afrique. Heureux hasard encore une fois pour eux, car l’Afrique risque de perdre la majorité de son blé cette année à cause d’une infestation fongueuse nommée Ug99. L’ONU a averti que cette infestation hautement pathogène est en train de se propager aux cultures de l’Iran et que 25% des cultures de blé pourraient en être affectées.

Ceci va ouvrir la porte aux compagnies de semences OGM comme Monsanto pour vendre des produits qui sont censés régler tous les maux de la Terre et qui sont vendus avec la prétention de produire plus que les semences conventionnelles. Pourtant, selon la plus importante étude du genre à être menée, conduite par le International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, rapporté originalement dans le journal Better Crops et ensuite par le journal The Independent UK, ils ont étudié de telles cultures OGM durant les trois dernières années à l’Université du Kansas et ils ont trouvé que les cultures de soya produisaient 10% de moins que les cultures conventionnelles. C’est clair que cela ne fera pas plaisir aux producteurs d’OGM de ce monde parce qu’une de leur assertion principale est que les OGM sont la solution à la faim dans le monde.

Jean Ziegler, Rapporteur spécial de l’ONU pour le droit à l’alimentation, a condamné la conversion de la nourriture en carburant comme étant « un crime contre l’humanité » et il a déclaré que cette histoire est « une recette pour un désastre ».

Il demande l’imposition d’un moratoire de trois ans pour réévaluer la politique de convertir la nourriture en carburant alors que la planète fait face à des pénuries de nourriture. Les critiques du moratoire ne voient pas de lien entre les biocarburants et la faim dans le monde.

Bien sûr que la principale raison de convertir la nourriture en carburant « vert » a été poussé par le culte du réchauffement climatique causé par le CO2 de l’activité humaine. Ils sont grandement responsables de cette catastrophe humanitaire et feront tout pour le nier pour refuser toute responsabilité et pour continuer d’encaisser leur argent. Le reste de la population a été submergé dans la désinformation.

Le culte d’Al Gore et les « on va tous mourir à cause du CO2 » pédalent beaucoup de ces temps-ci à parce que les données empiriques des 10 dernières années ne montrent aucun réchauffement depuis 1998, année où on a connu les effets de El Niño et une activité solaire intense. En réalité, la température globale s’est légèrement refroidit, même chose pour les océans. Pourtant, les taux de CO2 ont augmenté de 5.5% durant cette même période de temps, ce qui brise le lien entre le CO2 et le réchauffement climatique. On sait avec les carottes glacières extraites aux pôles que les taux de CO2 augmentent environ 800 ans APRÈS un réchauffement climatique, et non AVANT. Et pour ceux qui pensent qu’on est responsables des changements climatiques, pourquoi est-ce que l’ensemble des autres planètes du système solaire suivent les mêmes changements à la baisse et à la hausse en même temps, en parfaite corrélation avec les cycles de l’activité solaire?

En réalité, les plantes et arbres produisent plus si les taux de CO2 sont plus élevés et en retour ils produisent plus de CO2, ce qui est meilleur pour notre santé.

Nous vivons à une période où les taux de CO2 sont très bas comparé à d’autres périodes du passé.

Au sommet de Bali sur les changements climatiques de l’an dernier, Dr Roy Spencer a présenté au Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) un rapport qui expliquait qu’au lieu d’avoir le CO2 causant la formation de vapeur d’eau qui à son tour cause le réchauffement de la température en tant que gaz à effet de serre comme ils le pensaient au début, on s’est aperçu grâce aux satellites météorologiques que les vapeurs d’eau dans l’atmosphère jouent un rôle qu’on ignorait : elles enlèvent les excès de CO2 de l’atmosphère dans un processus d’auto-balancement de ses effets en tant que gaz à effet de serre.

Vous pouvez lire le rapport complet du Dr Roy Spencer en cliquant ici.

Vous pouvez aussi lire le dernier rapport du GIEC, Climate Change 2007 en .pdf ici.

À ce sommet de Bali en décembre dernier, Viscount Monckton, Dr David Evans et Dr Vincent Gray ont présenté un document qui démontrait qu’en dépit des prédictions des modèles du GIEC qui prévoyaient que les gaz à effet de serre produiraient des points chauds dans la haute troposphère, rien de tel ne s’est produit en réalité. Les données des satellites nous montrent aucun réchauffement rapide de la troposphère comme prédit dans les modèles informatiques du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC).

Monckton et Evans ont trouvé que ces larges différences sont le résultat d’erreurs de base dans leur évaluation de la loi de Stefan-Boltzmann.

Le rôle des pluies, du processus de la formation des nuages, des mouvements d’air et des courants d’eau sont encore très mal compris et très complexes et ne sont même pas inclus dans les calculs et modèles informatiques du GIEC !

On vient de vivre l’hiver le plus froid et neigeux depuis 15 à 100 ans selon les régions du monde, avec une baisse moyenne de 0.7 degré Celcius, ce qui annule le réchauffement qu’on a connu depuis un siècle.

La population des ours polaires a quintuplé depuis les 25 dernières années.

Les satellites de la NASA ont mesuré que les glaces de la mer Arctique ont couvert 2 millions de kilomètres carrés de plus que la moyenne des trois dernières années et étaient en moyenne 10 à 20 centimètres plus épaisses qu’en 2007. « La neige est retournée sur le Mont Kilimanjaro » déclarait l’International Herald Tribune du 21 janvier dernier, défiant le narratif du « réchauffement ».

Pour avoir un vrai débat scientifique sur la question du réchauffement climatique, il faudrait être assez honnête pour admettre la position et les évidences de tous les partis, chose qui n’est pas le cas.

Depuis, l’hystérie causée autour de cette question s’apparente plus à un type d’endoctrinement où les faits contrariant le point de vue qu’on veut faire accepter sont rejetés avec indignation sans même engager la conversation. On a même comparé les opposants à l’idée que le réchauffement soit causé par le CO2 de l’activité humaine aux négationnistes (Négation de la Shoah). Tout est dans l’utilisation de l’intimidation pour clore le débat. Comme si tout d’un coup les politiciens et les médias commençaient à nous raconter la vérité, la main sur le coeur, pour sauver la planète! Beaucoup blâment les compagnies pétrolières pour avoir dépensé 40 millions pour acheter des scientifiques pour jeter le doute sur la thèse du réchauffement climatique, mais ce que peu de gens savent, c’est que ces mêmes compagnies, en plus de banquiers internationaux privés ont payé d’un autre côté des milliards pour nous faire accepter que nous sommes le problème, la menace qui risque de détruire la planète.

Al Gore est en sérieux conflit d’intérêts car il se positionne pour profiter des taxes sur le carbone et des « solutions vertes » qu’on va tous nous imposer, comme ces bulbes incandescents qu’on va bannir au Canada, remplacés par d’autres qui contiennent du mercure et des isotopes radioactifs. Le nouveau pouvoir que les gouvernements et les institutions internationales vont gagner sous le prétexte de lutter contre le réchauffement global va servir par ricochet à enrichir des compagnies qui se donnent et donnent bonne conscience en vendant des fausses solutions vertes.

Al Gore s’est joint à un groupe de capital-risque nommé Klein Perkins Caufield & Byers en septembre dernier. Le 1er mai, la firme a annoncé des investissements de 500 millions dans la firme de technologies vertes Green Growth Fund et le groupe a annoncé un autre 700 millions qui sera investi sur les trois prochaines années dans ce même domaine. Alors si le climat se refroidit, il n’y aura pas de retour sur ces volumineux investissements. Il n’y aurait pas besoin de ces investissements si le réchauffement climatique ne serait pas une menace. Conséquemment, Gore a lancé une massive campagne de publicité de 300 millions de dollars pour nous convaincre qu’IL Y A MENACE. Ce n’est plus une question de science, mais seulement de CONVAINCRE.

Or, ces opposants aux Accords de Kyoto et du CO2 comme cause du réchauffement climatique ne sont pas des parvenus. 100 prestigieux géologues, physiciens, météorologistes et autres scientifiques ont écrit en décembre 2007 au Secrétaire général des Nations-Unies, Ban Ki-Moon. La lettre soulignait qu’il n’y avait aucun consensus et que la science n’est pas complète, en plus de nombreuses recherches ayant passées le processus d’évaluation par les pairs qui soulèvent de sérieux doutes quant à l’hypothèse du dangereux réchauffement causé par les humains. Ils ont aussi noté que les modèles informatiques d’aujourd’hui ne peuvent pas prédire le climat tel que l’expérience nous le montre : a contrario des projections à la hausse des températures, il n’y a pas eu de réchauffement net depuis 1998.

En décembre 2007, 400 scientifiques d’institutions respectées comme celles de Princeton, National Academy of Sciences, l’Université de Londres et l’Institut Pasteur de Paris ont déclaré leur indépendance de la « sagesse conventionnelle » pro-réchauffement devant le Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

« Non pas le CO2, mais les vapeurs d’eau constituent le plus important gaz à effet de serre » a déclaré le climatologue Luc Debontridder du Belgium’s Royal Meteorological Institute. « Elles sont responsables d’au moins 75% des gaz à effets de serre. Ceci est un simple fait scientifique, mais le film d’Al Gore a fait un tel battage médiatique à propos du CO2 que personne ne semble prendre note de cela. »

Alors, combien de scientifiques cela prend t-il pour établir que le consensus sur le réchauffement climatique n’existe pas? Cette quête a débuté avant même que la plupart des gens commencent à entendre parler de changements climatiques. En 1992, les Nations Unies étaient sur le point de tenir le Sommet de la Terre à Rio. Ce sommet fut nommé la plus grande assemblée environnementale et politique de l’histoire de l’humanité. Des délégations sont venues de 178 nations, incluant 118 chefs d’état ou de gouvernement ainsi que 7 000 bureaucrates diplomates. Les groupes environnementaux de la planète se sont aussi joint, envoyant 30 000 représentants en plus des 7 000 journalistes pour couvrir l’événement.

En février de cette année, 47 scientifiques ont signé le « Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming » dénonçant l’assomption sans fondement selon laquelle un réchauffement planétaire catastrophique prenait place suite à l’utilisation des combustibles fossiles, situation qui demandait des actions immédiates. Ils ont ri d’eux, ridiculisant le nombre minuscule comparé aux milliers qui étaient d’avis contraire. Sachant cela, la pétition Heidelberg Appeal fut élargie et à la fin du sommet, 425 autres scientifiques l’avaient signé. Avec le temps et les années qui ont suivi, la pétition a atteint 4 000 signataires dont 72 gagnants du prix Nobel.

Ensuite, il y a eu la Leipzig Declaration on Global Climate Change avec 150 signataires, la Cornwall Declaration on Environmental Stewardship en 2000, signée par 1 500 personnes de tout acabit, finalement il y a eu la Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine’s Petition Project de 2001 qui a ramassé 17 800 noms de scientifiques qui ont déclaré non pas seulement qu’ils n’étaient pas d’accord avec les évidences décrivant les émissions de gaz carbonique comme étant dommageables, mais en ajoutant que Kyoto lui-même endommagerait l’environnement.

Face à la corruption de la science de Kyoto, un nouvel effort fut déployé à la demande de ces scientifiques pour repartir la pétition de l’Oregon Institute et la réponse a été extraordinaire : 31 000 signataires ont répondu avec près de 10 000 d’entre eux qui sont des titulaires de doctorat. Ce nombre de scientifiques est plus élevé que tous les environnementalistes qui sont descendus sur Rio en 1992. Est-ce suffisant pour établir que la science n’est pas définitive et consensuelle à propos du réchauffement climatique ?

En dépit de toute cette contradiction, le culte du réchauffement et toute la cohorte d’arrivistes qui en profitent ne manquent pas d’imagination pour se sortir de cette situation. Au lieu d’avouer qu’ils avaient tort, qu’ils n’auraient pas dû culpabiliser les humains et les enfants pour rien en plus de causer une crise mondiale de la nourriture et d’imposer de fausses solutions comme les OGM et les bio-carburants éthanol qui n’est plus ni moins la transformation de notre nourriture en carburant -probablement une idée des plus stupides qu’on ait vu depuis un siècle- ils en sont venus à une nouvelle stratégie : le réchauffement climatique sera en pause jusqu’en 2015, dû à l’absence de réchauffement depuis 1998 et du refroidissement des océans depuis quelques années et amplifié par El Niña de cet hiver. Alors tenez-vous bien et avalez ceci : le réchauffement climatique causé par l’activité humaine continue quand même, mais se passe en même temps que le refroidissement qui lui est NATUREL et prévalent pour le moment! Selon eux, le réchauffement n’a pas cessé et n’est pas part des cycles naturels; mais le refroidissement, pour sa part, est naturel. Désolé pour la prédiction d’une hausse de 0.3 degrés d’ici la prochaine décennie du GIEC, ils ont dû l’annuler. Mais voilà, ne vous inquiétez pas : le réchauffement catastrophique va reprendre en 2015 qu’ils nous disent. Nous avons une hausse des taux de CO2 de 5.5% depuis 1998 sans hausse des températures, mais cela ne les gêne pas pour vous prédire le futur climatique, alors qu’ils admettent du même souffle qu’ils ont dû révisé leurs modèles informatiques et qu’ils ne sont pas encore certains qu’ils représentent la réalité. En fait, ils n’incluent même pas les phénomènes comme le El Niño qui fut l’un des principaux facteur de la soudaine hausse des températures en 1998. Dire qu’on a de la misère à avoir une prédiction météorologique juste pour les 48 prochaines heures!

Parlant de fausses solutions vertes, n’oublions pas que le processus de production de l’éthanol consomme plus d’énergie et produit plus de gaz à effets de serre que ce que peut produire l’équivalent de pétrole régulier. Un litre de gaz éthanol contient moins d’énergie chimique qu’un litre de gaz normal en plus d’être plus dur sur les joints d’étanchéité et boyaux des voitures. Il faut 200kg de maïs pour produire entre 90 et 100 litres d’éthanol, ce qui représente un ou deux pleins de réservoir d’auto. La même quantité de maïs serait suffisante pour nourrir une personne pendant un an.

En conclusion, si vous pensez comme Henry Kissinger, Bill & Melinda Gates, Dr Pianka, les Rockefeller et autres partisans de la dépopulation de la planète comme Ted Turner et des groupes environnementalistes extrémistes comme le groupe Voluntary Human Extinction, vous pouvez suivre leur conseil et commencer à dépeupler volontairement la planète en commençant par vous-mêmes et cessez d’avoir des enfants. Ted Turner a donné une entrevue à Charlie Rose de PBS et a déclaré que le réchauffement climatique était directement lié au fait qu’il y avait trop d’humains sur la planète, expliquant que pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique on doit réduire dramatiquement la population mondiale. Si cela n’est pas fait, il pense que nous devoir avoir recours au cannibalisme.

Nous devons être taxés pour le CO2 que nous produisons, ce qui revient effectivement à taxer l’air qu’on respire comme dans la bonne vieille blague d’antan, étant donné qu’inspirations et expirations sont deux parties du même cycle respiratoire. Le résultat est clair : nous sommes le problème et nous devons disparaître.

Nous pouvons encore décider de nous éduquer nous-mêmes et comprendre que ces crises financières, alimentaires, pétrolières (L’Allemagne va proposer de bannir mondialement la spéculation sur le pétrole en accusant les Hedge Funds d’être responsables de la folle hausse des prix du pétrole qui doublé l’an dernier) sont de criminelles manipulations pour consolider le pouvoir de quelques puissants de ce monde tel que démontré dans le documents officiel de 1974 écrit par Henry Kissinger, ceux de l’ ONU et du Club de Rome qui ont considéré ouvertement de créer des famines de toute pièce pour protéger leurs intérêts particuliers tout en maintenant la population dans un climat de tension et de peur constante, court-circuitant leur habilité de penser rationnellement et de façon critique et indépendante.

« Comme détaillé dans un article antérieur, un calcul prudent montre que, dans le prix du baril de pétrole brut d’aujourd’hui, au moins 60% des 128 dollars sont dus à la spéculation à terme non réglementée, des hedge funds, des banques et des groupes financiers. Ils utilisent les échanges à terme du ICE Futures de Londres et du NYMEX de New York, et les échanges inter-bancaires incontrôlés ou négociés hors cote pour échapper à tout examen minutieux. Les règlements de la Commodity Futures Trading Commission du gouvernement étasunien permettent aux spéculateurs d’acheter du pétrole brut grâce à des contrats à terme sur le Nymex, en avançant seulement 6% de la valeur du contrat. Le prix en ce moment étant de 128 dollars par baril, cela signifie que le spéculateur à terme n’a qu’à donner environ 8 dollars pour chaque baril et emprunter les autres 120 dollars. Cette « force » exceptionnelle de 16 pour 1 permet d’amener le prix à un niveau follement irréaliste et de compenser les pertes bancaires du subprime et des autres catastrophes au détriment de l’ensemble de la population [mondiale]. »

« La mystification du pic pétrolier, c’est-à-dire l’argument selon lequel la production pétrolière aurait épuisé plus de la moitié des réserves, ce qui rend le pétrole bon marché et abondant sur le déclin dans le monde, a permis à cette fraude coûteuse de perdurer depuis l’invasion de l’Iraq en 2003 avec l’aide des principales banques, des négociants et des opérateurs pétroliers majeurs. Comme toujours, Washington tente d’en faire porter le chapeau aux producteurs arabes de l’OPEP. Le problème n’est pas la pénurie de l’approvisionnement en pétrole brut. En fait, l’offre est actuellement excédentaire dans le monde. Pourtant, le prix grimpe toujours plus haut. Pourquoi ? La réponse se trouve dans la politique manifestement délibérée du gouvernement étasunien, qui permet la manipulation effrénée du prix du pétrole. »

– par F. William Engdahl – 2008-05-25, Précisions sur l’origine du prix élevé du pétrole

La hausse du prix de pétrole n’est qu’une taxe déguisée imposée à tous les habitants de la planète.

Ce dont nous avons besoin c’est de cesser d’avoir peur, de se créer une vision du futur que nous voulons vivre et de reprendre les choses en mains. Il y a assez de nourriture pour tous et de génie humain, de coeur pour réinventer nos façons de faire. Nous avons laissé 7000 producteurs de semence contrôlant moins de 1% du marché mondial chacun il y a 25 ans être rachetés et consolidés sous le pouvoir de 10 multinationales incluant Monsanto, DuPont-Pioneer, Syngenta, Bayer Cropsciencie, BASF, and Dow Agrosciences qui contrôlant ensemble 50% de ce marché des semences. Nous sommes aussi responsables de toutes ces dérives par notre indifférence, naïveté ou simplement par vanité. Pendant ce temps, ne manquez pas de commencer un grand jardin et d’acheter des produits biologiques des fermiers locaux. Cessons d’être dépendants des produits dénaturés et chimiques des gros de l’industrie agroalimentaire. Cessons la pollution inutile et adaptons nous aux changements climatiques naturels sans oublier qu’un réchauffement du climat a toujours été plus favorable qu’un refroidissement!

Texte et recherche de F. Marginean, LNI.

Sources d’informations à consulter:

Germany in call for ban on oil speculation

Privatisation Making Seeds Themselves Infertile

Seeds were once for ever. After harvest, a few from the crop would be planted for the following year, and so it went on. Now, biochemical industry giants are making seeds themselves infertile. You sow them this year, and that’s it. For next year’s crop, you need brand new seeds — you would have to buy them, of course. Twenty-five years ago, there were at least 7,000 seed growers worldwide, and none of them controlled more than one percent of the global market. Today, after a takeover spree, 10 major biochemical multinationals, including Monsanto, DuPont-Pioneer, Syngenta, Bayer Cropsciencie, BASF, and Dow Agrosciences, control more than 50 percent of the seeds market.

And all it will take is a single genetics mistake (and we know they are already happening) to trigger an ecological catastrophe.

Eco Group Calls For « Voluntary Human Extinction »

There is a lot of self-hate in the radical environmentalist movement.

Setting that aside, there is a fundamental problem with this approach. The people most willing to make such a sacrifice for the good of the whole world are the very ones you would WANT to encourage to have (and teach) offspring. It’s the ones least likely to voluntarily curb their instincts that are the problem.

Speculation wreaking havoc on food prices

Speculation is exerting pressure on agriculture-based commodities – now facing competition with regard to their use as food and a source of energy – and sending prices to unprecedented levels. This is in turn fuelling the current global food crisis, according to economists.

Let me see if I understand this.

Somewhere between the people who actually grow the food, and the people who eat it, is a bunch of other people who neither grow the food, transport it, package it, or stock the grocery shelves, who somehow have inserted themselves into the supply line for the sole purpose of treating it all like a giant legal casino they are able to make huge fortunes off of.

That about sum it up?

***** Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age

Lorne Gunter, National Post Published: Monday, February 25, 2008

Has global warming stopped?

Nouvelles données sur le soleil qui signifie la fin d’une période chaude et le retour vers une ère plus froide.

***Changes in the Sun’s Surface to Bring Next Climate Change

Global Warming or Global Governance

Interviews of climate scientists and biologists from numerous sources who explain, step by step, why Al Gore and the global warming … all alarmists are incorrect. In some cases, blatantly so. It also provides evidence that the global warming agenda is being funded with tens of billions of dollars as a mechanism to create global governance. Hear from congressmen, experts and even well-known news broadcasters how global governance puts global institutions that are not accountable to the American people in control of every aspect of our economy. The U.S. government is very close to making this a reality. Very close. Every American, every citizen of the world, needs to hear the other side of the global warming story.


Ocean Cooling to Briefly Halt Global Warming, Researchers Say

By Jim Efstathiou Jr.

April 30 (Bloomberg) — Parts of North America and Europe may cool naturally over the next decade, as shifting ocean currents temporarily blunt the global-warming effect caused by mankind, Germany’s Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences said.

Average temperatures in areas such as California and France may drop over the next 10 years, influenced by colder flows in the North Atlantic, said a report today by the institution based in Kiel, Germany. Temperatures worldwide may stabilize in the period.

The study was based on sea-surface temperatures of currents that move heat around the world, and vary from decade to decade. This regional cooling effect may temporarily neutralize the long- term warming phenomenon caused by heat-trapping greenhouse gases building up around the earth, said Richard Wood, a research scientist at the Met Office Hadley Centre, a U.K. provider of environmental and weather-related services.

AccuWeather’s Expert Senior Forecaster Joe Bastardi has stated: « People are concerned that 50 years from now, it will be warm beyond a point of no return. My concern is almost opposite, that it’s cold and getting colder. »

And on Wednesday, the respected journal, Nature, indicated that Earth’s climactic cycles have stopped global warming through 2015.

Global warming may ‘stop’, scientists predict

Global warming will stop until at least 2015 because of natural variations in the climate, scientists have said.

Researchers studying long-term changes in sea temperatures said they now expect a « lull » for up to a decade while natural variations in climate cancel out the increases caused by man-made greenhouse gas emissions.

The average temperature of the sea around Europe and North America is expected to cool slightly over the decade while the tropical Pacific remains unchanged.

This would mean that the 0.3°C global average temperature rise which has been predicted for the next decade by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change may not happen, according to the paper published in the scientific journal Nature.

However, the effect of rising fossil fuel emissions will mean that warming will accelerate again after 2015 when natural trends in the oceans veer back towards warming, according to the computer model.

Noel Keenlyside of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences, Kiel, Germany, said: « The IPCC would predict a 0.3°C warming over the next decade. Our prediction is that there will be no warming until 2015 but it will pick up after that. »

He stressed that the results were just the initial findings from a new computer model of how the oceans behave over decades and it would be wholly misleading to infer that global warming, in the sense of the enhanced greenhouse effect from increased carbon emissions, had gone away.

The IPCC currently does not include in its models actual records of such events as the strength of the Gulf Stream and the El Nino cyclical warming event in the Pacific, which are known to have been behind the warmest year ever recorded in 1998.

Global Cooling Slows Global Warming

This appears to be a cover to me. Scientists are now predicting a cooling period over the next ten years. This natural cooling period will counter the man-made warming. Do you see the covering of all the bases that is going on here? Because the earth is beginning to go into a cooling period, scientists hoping to hold onto their global warming grants are now beginning to cover their asses.

Parts of North America and Europe may cool naturally over the next decade, as
shifting ocean currents temporarily blunt the global-warming effect caused by

Not only this but we are supposed to believe that the earth is still warming even as it cools.

Those natural climate variations could be stronger than the global-warming trend
over the next 10-year period,” Wood said in an interview. “Without knowing that,
you might erroneously think there’s no global warming going on.”

If we don’t experience warming over the next 10 years, it doesn’t mean that
greenhouse-gas warming is not with us,” Keenlyside said in an interview. “There
can be natural fluctuations that may mask climate change in the short term

Let me get this right, the earth is still warming, it is just cooling faster than it is warming. We are also just supposed to believe that the cooling is natural while the warming isn’t. How stupid do these people think we are? The earth goes through natural cooling and heating periods. PERIOD!

Let us just pretend for one moment that man-made global warming exists. If the earth is going to start naturally cooling, while man is causing the earth to heat, then don’t we owe it to the planet to keep on warming the earth. Without man-made global warming during this cooling period wouldn’t we be headed to another ice age?

Just one more question. If the earth is warming how is it possible for the oceans to be cooling in the first place? Shouldn’t the oceans be warming also? Okay, so that was two more questions. I can’t help it. The more that we hear about this subject, the more absurd it becomes. Scientists will do and say anything to protect their grant money. Politicians will also do or say anything to guilt people into paying more “green” taxes.

We are now told to believe that if the earth cools over the next decade that it doesn’t mean the warming has ended. It sounds like a cover to me.


Global Warming Petition

We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

Research Review of Global Warming Evidence

Enclosed is a twelve-page review of information on the subject of « global warming, » a petition in the form of a reply card, and a return envelope. Please consider these materials carefully.

The United States is very close to adopting an international agreement that would ration the use of energy and of technologies that depend upon coal, oil, and natural gas and some other organic compounds.

This treaty is, in our opinion, based upon flawed ideas. Research data on climate change do not show that human use of hydrocarbons is harmful. To the contrary, there is good evidence that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is environmentally helpful.

Click here to see the rest of this letter from the past president of the National Academy of Sciences.

Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide

A review of the research literature concerning the environmental consequences of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that increases during the 20th Century have produced no deleterious effects upon global weather, climate, or temperature. Increased carbon dioxide has, however, markedly increased plant growth rates. Predictions of harmful climatic effects due to future increases in minor greenhouse gases like CO2 are in error and do not conform to current experimental knowledge.

Click here to see this peer reviewed research paper.

Note: The Petition Project has no funding from energy industries or other parties with special financial interests in the « global warming » debate. Funding for the project comes entirely from private non-tax deductible donations by interested individuals.

Al Gore And Climate Ka-Ching

So why the hype? Well, global warming is a growth industry designed to keep Earth and some bank accounts green.

Gore himself joined the venture capital group groupe de capital-risque, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers just last September. On May 1, the firm announced a $500 million investment in maturing green technology firms called the Green Growth Fund.

The group announced another $700 million to be invested over the next three years in green-tech startup firms. But if the green technology business, uh, cools down, there will be no return on that investment. There would be no need for such investments if global warming wasn’t a threat. So Gore just launched, among other things, a $300 million on an ad campaign to convince us it is so.

Next – « Kill-Yourself-For-The-Earth Day »

Organized by the elite World Wildlife Fund, « Earth Hour » was a psy-op designed to remind us we are a burden on the ecosystem. The event was organized by an elite who represent one percent of the world’s population yet own over 40% of the resources.

From the elite perspective, we’re superfluous- the real message of ‘Earth Hour. »

Have they ever done anything to celebrate human life?

If we are energy challenged, it is because the Illuminati banking cartel has been suppressing non-polluting free-energy technology for almost a century. At the same time, this cartel has been fomenting wasteful and tragic wars.


If people feel they are such a burden, why not kill themselves? Is there a more effective way to say you care about the planet? Erase your « carbon footprint » altogether.

We will need some time to get our affairs in order, and say our goodbyes, but perhaps next Spring, the World Wildlife Fund could sponsor a « Kill-Yourself-for-the-Earth Day. » Families, companies, cities and countries could offer sacrifices to the Environmental God. With proper promotion, millions might volunteer.

Why dither with symbolic gestures when we can make a real difference?

As former US vice-president Al Gore said last year in accepting the Nobel Peace Prize: « We are what is wrong and we must make it right! »

No, Al Gore. You and your Illuminati henchmen are the problem. Please consider my modest proposal.

19,000 Scientists Say Global Warming is Bunk

Gore Connection to Occidental Petroleum

Ted Turner Wants You Dead To Save The Planet

Ted Turner the largest U.S. land owner and wealthy media mogul has stated yet again during a PBS interview with Charlie Rose that the world’s population needs to be reduced. Turner also used the interview as an opportunity to continue the non stop irrational fear mongering of global warming. He stated that if something isn’t done about global warming that people would soon be forced to resort to cannibalism. Turner also stated that he believes that global warming is directly related to the fact that there are too many people on the planet using too much stuff. Therefore, to fight global warming you’d need to have a dramatic reduction in population.

Eco Group Calls For « Voluntary Human Extinction »

There is a lot of self-hate in the radical environmentalist movement.

Setting that aside, there is a fundamental problem with this approach. The people most willing to make such a sacrifice for the good of the whole world are the very ones you would WANT to encourage to have (and teach) offspring. It’s the ones least likely to voluntarily curb their instincts that are the problem.

Climate change confirmed but global warming is cancelled

In December last year, at the UN conference in Bali, I heard Viscount Monckton present a paper prepared by himself, the Australian Dr David Evans and our own Dr Vincent Gray (who were at Bali, too) that showed while the IPCC models predict that greenhouse gases would produce an extensive « hot spot » in the upper troposphere over the tropics, the satellite measurements show no such hotspots have appeared.

Monckton and Evans found a large part of this discrepancy is the result of some basic errors in the IPCC’s assessment of the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. When they applied their revised factor to the effect of greenhouse gases, the temperature rise was about a third of that predicted by the IPCC.



UN chief calls for review of biofuels policy

The UN secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon, has called for a comprehensive review of the policy on biofuels as a crisis in global food prices – partly caused by the increasing use of crops for energy generation – threatens to trigger global instability.

Ethanol fuel is not so green

It is not green, it is not economically viable, and any move to mandate its inclusion in fuel would have enormous repercussions for other sectors of Australian industry. It is something of a relief, therefore, to read a just-released parliamentary research paper on the economic effects of an ethanol mandate.

The paper concludes that « no prima facie economic case for a mandate has been established ».

And making ethanol is a hungry process. It requires some 200kg of corn to produce between 90 and 100 litres of ethanol, enough to fill the fuel tank of a typical four-wheel-drive vehicle. That same amount of corn could supply enough calories to feed a person for a year.

Corn has doubled in price in the past two years, while stockpiles have shrunk alarmingly. As ABN Amro Morgans chief economist Michael Knox put it so well recently: « Part of this increased (grain) consumption comes from turning corn into fodder for automobiles. This is the dumbest idea that politicians have produced this century. »

Climate facts to warm to

Duffy asked Marohasy: « Is the Earth still warming? »

She replied: « No, actually, there has been cooling, if you take 1998 as your point of reference. If you take 2002 as your point of reference, then temperatures have plateaued. This is certainly not what you’d expect if carbon dioxide is driving temperature because carbon dioxide levels have been increasing but temperatures have actually been coming down over the last 10 years. »

Perhaps The Climate Change Models Are Wrong

When they were first deployed in 2003, the Argos were hailed for their ability to collect information on ocean conditions more precisely, at more places and greater depths and in more conditions than ever before. No longer would scientists have to rely on measurements mostly at the surface from older scientific buoys or inconsistent shipboard monitors.

So why are some scientists now beginning to question the buoys’ findings? Because in five years, the little blighters have failed to detect any global warming. They are not reinforcing the scientific orthodoxy of the day, namely that man is causing the planet to warm dangerously. They are not proving the predetermined conclusions of their human masters. Therefore they, and not their masters’ hypotheses, must be wrong.

OFFICIAL: Global warming mistakes have been made

The IPCC’s computer models, used to predict the effects of global warming, it appears, failed to accurately predict the influence that water vapour has on the temperature of the earth. At the global climate change summit in Bali late last year, Dr Roy Spencer presented a paper to the IPCC, saying that rather than CO2 driving the formation of water vapour, which then drives up temperatures as a greenhouse gas, water vapour actually washes excess CO2 out of the atmosphere, dampening and balancing its affect as a greenhouse gas. This discovery was made thanks to weather satellites that showed water vapour forms a lot lower in the atmosphere than was initially suggested. Shock horror, the finely balanced system that is the global ecosystem is able to keep itself in balance… who’d have thought it?!


Is the earth getting warmer, or cooler?

One clue we can see is that NASA has been reworking recent temperatures upwards and older temperatures downwards – which creates a greater slope and the appearance of warming. Canadian statistician Steve McIntyre has been tracking the changes closely on his Climate Audit site, and reports that NASA is Rewriting History, Time and Time Again.

Particularly troubling are the years from 1986-1998. In the 2007 version of the graph, the 1986 data was adjusted upwards by 0.4 degrees relative to the 1999 graph. In fact, every year except one from 1986-1998 was adjusted upwards, by an average of 0.2 degrees. If someone wanted to present a case for a lot of recent warming, adjusting data upwards would be an excellent way to do it.

Looking at the NASA website, we can see that the person in charge of the temperature data is the eminent Dr. James Hansen – Al Gore’s science advisor and the world’s leading long-term advocate of global warming.

Globe may be cooling on Global Warming

« Disconcerting as it may be to true believers in global warming, the average temperature on Earth has remained steady or slowly declined during the past decade, despite the continued increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, and now the global temperature is falling precipitously. » Dr. Phil Chapman wrote in The Australian on April 23. « All those urging action to curb global warming need to take off the blinkers and give some thought to what we should do if we are facing global cooling instead. »

What should we do? Stop listening to politicians who take what nature does NATURALLY and turn it into a crisis requiring our money and obedience to « solve. »

The link between solar cycle length and decadal global temperature

The alleged link between cosmic ray flux and cloudiness remains to be proved or disproved.

The link between solar cycle length and decadal global temperature changes is obvious throughout all the weather records. It’s not strictly a sunspot issue, it just happens that the longer the solar cycle is the less intense is the sunspot activity and presumably the overall heat output ( not necessarily the same as what we artificially term Total Solar Irradiance) during the cycle.

Short fast cycles with many sunspots result in warming. Long slow cycles with fewer sunspots result in cooling.

Astrophysicist Links Temperature Change with Sun’s Energy Output

Global temperature change can be attributed to slight variations in the sun’s energy output, not man-made carbon dioxide emissions. That’s according to astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon, who was in Salt Lake City today to present his research to a crowd at The Sutherland Institute.

World cooling – but scientists insist that warming is real

CLIMATOLOGISTS may insist the world is getting warmer and that climate change is here to stay.

But the meteorological phenomenon called La Niña, in which the central and eastern Pacific Ocean is getting cooler, means global temperatures will drop slightly this year.

« Look, dammit, they paid me to investigate global warming and dammit, THAT’S what I am going to investigate! »

Global Warming Censored: How the Major Networks Silence the Debate on Climate Change

Skeptical voices were suppressed by the networks, outnumbered by nearly a 7-to-1 ratio by those promoting fear of climate change or being used by the network for the same purpose. CBS had an even worse record: nearly 38 proponents to one skeptic.

Global Warming: First Do No Harm

Well, initially, liberal pundit Noam Chomsky has said that he would submit to fascism if it would help combat global warming:

I don’t care if Godzilla is about to attack . . . submitting to fascism is always a bad idea.

Hurricane expert reconsiders global warming’s impact

One of the most influential scientists behind the theory that global warming has intensified recent hurricane activity says he will reconsider his stand.

The hurricane expert, Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, unveiled a novel technique for predicting future hurricane activity this week. The new work suggests that, even in a dramatically warming world, hurricane frequency and intensity may not substantially rise during the next two centuries.

The Birds Are Not Being Wiped Out

Another pillar of global warming alarmism is proven to be totally wrong by fresh scientific studies

Study: Global warming not to blame for rise in hurricanes

The paper, which simulated Atlantic hurricane activity during warming 21st century conditions, found 27 percent fewer tropical storms, and 18 percent fewer hurricanes. The strongest hurricanes, the researchers found, had slightly higher wind speeds.

« This does not support the idea that we’ve already seen a large positive trend in hurricane activity emerging from greenhouse gases, » said lead author Tom Knutson, a Princeton, N.J.-based research meteorologist for NOAA. « In fact, it points in the other direction. »



Here is the bottom line. WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT DRIVES THE CLIMATE WITH ANY EXACTITUDE. Certainly not enough to pin the blame solely on humans as a pretext for new taxes and further erosion of our freedoms.

Russian scientist says Earth could soon face new Ice Age

Temperatures on Earth have stabilized in the past decade, and the planet should brace itself for a new Ice Age rather than global warming, a Russian scientist said in an interview with RIA Novosti Tuesday.

« Russian and foreign research data confirm that global temperatures in 2007 were practically similar to those in 2006, and, in general, identical to 1998-2006 temperatures, which, basically, means that the Earth passed the peak of global warming in 1998-2005, » said Khabibullo Abdusamatov, head of a space research lab at the Pulkovo observatory in St. Petersburg.

« Okay, so we drop the idea of a carbon-tax and we hit ’em with an ice-tax instead! Hey, it’s all the same money, and who cares how it ends up in our pockets as long as it ends up in our pockets, right? »

Lord Lawson claims climate change hysteria heralds a ‘new age of unreason’

On one hand, we are just starting to appreciate the colossal cost of the measures being taken to meet the European Union’s target of a 60 per cent cut in our CO2 emissions in the next four decades, ranging from plans to spend hundreds of billions of pounds on wind turbines to the EU’s emissions trading scheme, already costing us billions through our electricity bills.

On the other hand, global temperatures, after flattening out, have in recent months shown a sharp fall, wholly unpredicted by those computer models on which the proponents of warming orthodoxy rely. This raises rather large question marks over whether the theory has actually got it right.

Surface Stations

A volunteer survey of the stations used to collect temperature data to « study » global warming, and why that data is compromised.

Glass Particles in the Sky Studied As ‘Global Warming’ Fix

Government scientists are studying the feasibility of sending nearly microscopic particles of specially made glass into the Earth’s upper atmosphere to try to dampen the effects of « global warming. » The idea, while « interesting, » said one leading global warming skeptic, is « not practical » and, if done on a large scale, could depress the ozone layer and cause other problems.

... such as drifting down to the lower atmosphere and being inhaled.

Radical climate action would change sky’s colour: Flannery

Professor Flannery says climate change is happening so quickly that mankind may need to pump sulphur into the atmosphere to survive.

We have a volcano here in Hawaii pouring out shiploads of sulphur into the sky.

It is not pleasant.

A typical day in the Stevenson Screen Paint Test

Given that the global warming cult is concerned about temperature increases in the tenths of a single degree it is worth noting that changing the kind of paint used on the sensor enclosures can alter the temperature reading by more than a degree.

Lawyers Embrace U.S. Climate Practice at $700 an Hour

Twenty of the 100 highest-grossing U.S. law firms have started practices advising companies on climate change, according to a Bloomberg survey of the firms’ Web sites. The attorneys help clients finance clean-energy projects and lobby Congress, typically billing $500 to $700 an hour.

Yep, it’s all about the money, not the science.

BC’s Carbon Tax Is About to Raise Our Gas Prices

I keep telling you folks, all this « Human-caused-global-warming » crap is just finding out a way to take more of your money.

Washington may charge $40-240 yearly ‘greenhouse gas’ global warming tax

I keep telling you people, the global warming « cult » is not about saving the Earth, but about selling you policies, products, and surrendering more of your money, tricking you into making do with less so that the government can have that much more.

The World Bank’s Carbon Deals

Opposition to The World Bank’s Proposed Climate Funds

The Carbon Corps

Al has acquired $300m., to further his ambitions. This vast sum is to be used in a three year marketing programme, which will ensure the imposition of swathes of carbon taxes, and a most satisfactory return on investment (assuming, as we do, that this $300 came from quasi-governmental/corporation sources, who would expect to benefit, directly or indirectly, from this new taxation revenue stream, and the trading of carbon credits).

Professor: Big Money Behind Global Warming Propaganda

A retired physics professor became the latest public figure to debunk the myth of a « consensus » behind man-made global warming when he slammed big money interests for pushing climate change propaganda that was at odds with real science in a speech yesterday.

See post below about the creation of a whole new « Carbon Credit » brokerage industry out of thin air.

Banks Urging U.S. to Adopt the Trading of Emissions

A group representing some of the world’s leading banks will urge the United States and other industrial nations this week to move quickly to introduce a lightly regulated system for trading carbon emissions permits.

Permit-trading systems offer banks a potentially vast new business. For it to grow, leading economies — particularly the United States — will need to set limits on the quantities of greenhouse gases that can be released and to allow companies in other parts of the world to buy emissions permits.

« Where politicians opt to implement carbon constraints, then it should be cap-and-trade, » said Imtiaz Ahmad, head of emissions trading at Morgan Stanley in London and vice president of a lobbying group called International Carbon Investors and Services, which is being created to represent the banks.

The banking companies, which include Citigroup, Lehman Brothers Holdings and Morgan Stanley, are giving strong signs that Wall Street wants Washington to open the way to reduced emissions using a trading system based on the Kyoto Protocol, an agreement the United States did not ratify, rather than by enacting carbon taxes.

The group also includes European institutions like BNP Paribas, Barclays Capital and Deutsche Bank, as well as niche investment banks like Climate Change Capital and the law firms of Baker & McKenzie and DLA Piper.

Here is the payoff behind the global warming scam. Out of thin air (and a lot of speechifying) a new product is created; the « Emission Credit » or « Carbon Credit. » Once legislated into existence, these credits will be sold by companies that have too many, to companies that do not have enough … with the brokers and brokerages making huge commissions on the trade. Since these « Carbon Credits » are in effect a commodity needed to conduct business, the prices will float, there will be « futures » contracts on them, and the whole mess will get « Enronized ». The insiders will get rich, the price you pay for everything will go up even more, and you will be told to accept the impoverishment and tolerate the newly rich traders in this legal fiction because after all, it’s good for the planet!

Prince Charles: Eighteen months to stop climate change disaster

The Prince of Wales has warned that the world faces a series of natural disasters within 18 months unless urgent action is taken to save the rainforests.

Anyone want to bet Charles is part of that investment group that plans to make money trading carbon-tax credits?

Gore Used CG Video To Hype Climate Crisis

Al Gore’s widely discredited film « An Inconvenient Truth » that falsely hypes the threat of global warming has now been further discredited. ABC News has discovered that Gore used computer generated footage in his documentary that was taken from the 2004 natural disaster film « The Day After Tomorrow » to fraudulently emphasize the global warming threat.

Gee, I thought some of that footage looked really familiar! 🙂

22 avril 2008

Regard sur les énergies alternatives

Filed under: Pétrole et énergie — François M. @ 12:39


Regard sur les énergies alternatives

solar shingles, solar energy shingles, Roof Shingles roof shingles, and photovoltaic shingles

Searl Proof of Concept Video Posted

Mock-up completion marks the first time since 1963 that a roller has rotated about a ring continuously. To be followed in a few months by a full 15 kW SEG generator capable of cheaply and safely producing electricity without fuel, pollution, friction, or noise.



Water, Water Everywhere – But Not a Soul to Think

The Slingshot is one of those once-in-a-lifetime inventions that truly can save the world. It takes any contaminated source of water, even pure raw sewage, and blasts the water out of the source by vaporizing it, extracting it, and storing it. The contents that have been extracted from the water is deposited in a separate bin and can even be used as a combustible to power the engine!

My favorite quote of Kamen’s is the following, « Not required are engineers, pipelines, epidemiologists, or microbiologists. You don’t need any -ologists. You don’t need any building permits, bribery, or buræucracies. » Sounds like my kinda guy…

5 avril 2008

Énergies libres et alternatives / Chauffe-eau fusée

Filed under: Pétrole et énergie,Technologies/ Découvertes — François M. @ 9:40


Free Energy – Pentagon Conspiracy to Cover up


Stanley Meyer and many others. Always the same story. The Pentagon wants to see your idea and tell you how they would like to use your invention. You demonstrate your device proving to them that it works, then they block all of your efforts and end up killing you. The only way to get a free energy device out to the public is to foget about patents, distribute underground, sell it to EV enthusiests with the plans and encourage them to travel around and do as you are, you then have created a non interlinked underground distribution system that will spread to the general populous and it will spread like wild fire, it will be un-stoppable.

Help Stop The Suppression Of Inventions

Real alternative energy War, energy, veterans and bio-diesel


Water Heater Explosion


1 avril 2008

L’illusion du biocarburant

Filed under: Pétrole et énergie — François M. @ 10:54


L’illusion du biocarburant

Par Jimmy St-Gelais, le 1er avril 2008

profil | site

La version originale de cet article a été publiée à cet endroit.

L'illusion du biocarburant

photo : BinaryApe (Flickr)

Cet article a paru le 31 mars 2008 dans le journal “Le Devoir”.

Le pétrole fossile va manquer d’ici 45 ans, selon Jean-Marie Chevalier, professeur à l’université Paris-Dauphine où il dirige le Centre de géopolitique de l’énergie et des matières premières (CGEMP). Alors, on se tourne vers la recherche de sources équivalentes de carburants au lieu d’investir dans le développement d’énergies propres et renouvelables.

En Amérique latine, on favorise l’exploitation de terres agricoles pour la production de biocombustibles à base de maïs, de soja, de blé ou de cannes à sucre. On détourne alors les denrées de la satisfaction alimentaire de millions de pauvres gens des pays en voie de développement ou sous-développés pour faire rouler les voitures énergivores des riches locaux et des citoyens occidentaux. Le président américain G.W. Bush s’est déjà montré favorable à cette industrie.

Pis encore. Une compagnie de recherche forestière du Québec, FPInnovations, travaille sur un procédé qui transformerait la matière ligneuse en carburant raffinable, comme si la forêt québécoise n’était pas déjà assez délabrée. Pourtant, on annonce clairement au Québec que les coupes de qualité se font de plus en plus rares, particulièrement pour les feuillus, et le forestier en chef a imposé une réduction de l’exploitation pouvant atteindre 33% dans certaines régions pour les cinq prochaines années. Tant qu’à tout raser le Québec, allons-y jusqu’au bout.

Si le biocarburant prend de l’ampleur, la déforestation planétaire s’accentuera (particulièrement en Amazonie), l’érosion s’aggravera emportant avec elle un nombre croissant de terres arables et l’eau douce, déjà considérée comme une ressource en danger sur l’ensemble du globe, se fera de plus en plus rarissime au détriment des démunis du globe car il faut 4.000 litres d’eau pour créer un litre de bioéthanol. Par ailleurs, les prix des produits agricoles exploseront, tout comme celui de l’eau, rendant ainsi de plus en plus inaccessibles ces ressources pour une grande partie de l’humanité souffrant de la famine.

Les biocarburants sont peut-être moins polluants, mais les impacts écologiques résultants de leur production n’en font pas une solution viable à long terme car trop coûteuse en ressources naturelles.

Les compagnies pétrolières et les constructeurs automobiles appuient tacitement la nouvelle mode de cette énergie « verte », car elle permet de faire perdurer les voitures à explosion au lieu de migrer vers des nouveaux moteurs à énergies renouvelables qui leur profiteraient moins financièrement.

Article trouvé sur l’excellent média citoyen québécois

12 mars 2008

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 13 mars 2008: Économie, Pétrole, Moyen-Orient, Rareté de la nourriture, Espace

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 13 mars 2008: Économie, Pétrole, Moyen-Orient, Rareté de la nourriture, Espace

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 13 mars 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…”

– Dans notre tour de monde avec Les Nouvelles Internationales, nous avons le Kosovo, le Moyen-Orient et Israël/Palestine et on parle d’une nouvelle course pour l’espace ainsi que la rareté de la nourriture et l’augmentation des prix partout de celle-ci.

Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Changements climatiques et réserves de nourriture et sa grandissante rareté

2008: The year of global food crisis

IT IS the new face of hunger. A perfect storm of food scarcity, global warming, rocketing oil prices and the world population explosion is plunging humanity into the biggest crisis of the 21st century by pushing up food prices and spreading hunger and poverty from rural areas into cities.

The problem is that the global warming cultists have created this food crisis with this lame-brained idea that we could divert farm lands from food production into making fuel for our cars and that this would be carbon-neutral on the theory that the plants absorb as much carbon as burning the fuel produces.

This is, of course, not true. The promises of carbon-neutrality fail to take into account the emissions created by the processing used to convert the plant material into ethanol. But then the purveyors of panic seldom really thing these things all the way through, and as this last winter’s temperatures showed, the claim that the Earth faces catastrophic global warming lacks real scientific foundation. Yes, it is true that the scientists rich on grants to study global warming for the most part see a problem, but grant-driven science has created some notorious scarecrows in recent decades, including the Y2K bug (it didn’t happen), Bird Flu Pandemic (also not happening), and the loss of the Ozone Layer (turns out that hole over Antarctica has been there all along).

These fashionable « scientific emergencies » are a great way for government to keep the public from looking at real issues, like how we got lied into a war, or whether our voting system is really honest. And for those in a position to exploit these pseudo-science public relations campaigns, a great deal of money can be made in a very short time. Right now there are warehouses filled with Bird Flu vaccine, purchased at taxpayer expense, which will most likely never be used (a good thing when you consider the problems with vaccines these days), and will sit there until they rot and get dumped into the landfills (and into the water supply). But the vaccine maker got their money, so who cares, right?

Human-caused Global Warming is not science. It is a hoax, perpetuated by government that wants to give people something to fret about that does not endanger the oligarchy. along the way, GW ™ is used to justify greater control over the private lives of people, not to mention yet more taxes. GW is also loved by corporations eager to sell more products, many of which, like ethanol, actually give you LESS value while costing more money.

And now the GW cult has brought about a disruption in the food supply. Not their problem, of course; they were only out to save the Earth, and those pesky useless eaters just get in the way with their cars and light bulbs and oth8ert icky human stuff! The globe is just much better off without them (or so says this « Aftermath » program on TV, which lauds how wonderful nature will come back after humans vanish).

And again, this illustrates how the Global Warming Cult (industry) really wasn’t thinking globally. The goal was to sell ethanol, so that businessmen who don’t actually own oil wells can get into the fuel industry. Lobbying resulted in a mandated ethanol fuel and literally out of nothing, a whole new business was created out of thin air for the politically connected to leap into. Yet these people who claim to care so much about the Earth were oblivious to the fact that Earth is finite. That includes farmlands. In order to grow corn for fuel they must STOP growing corn for food. That doesn’t seem very globally aware thinking to me. But then again, maybe they just don;t really care. Because after all, the end result is that they are selling us a less powerful fuel for far more money. and that seems to be the American way of doing business these days.

So, the ethanol gets sold, more emissions get poured into the air than before, and since ethanol contains less chemical energy than gas, you have to buy and burn MORE of it to go the same distance. And food shortages result, which drives up food prices, but hey, that’s someone ELSE’S problem; we’re just here to sell ethanol and get our chunk of the fuel economy pie!

More than 73 million people in 78 countries that depend on food handouts from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) are facing reduced rations this year. The increasing scarcity of food is the biggest crisis looming for the world », according to WFP officials.

At the same time, the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation has warned that rising prices have triggered a food crisis in 36 countries

The bank points out that global food prices have risen by 75% since 2000, while wheat prices have increased by 200%. The cost of other staples such as rice and soya bean have also hit record highs, while corn is at its most expensive in 12 years.

In India last year, more than 25,000 farmers took their own lives, driven to despair by grain shortages and farming debts.

The increasing cost of grains is also pushing up the price of meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products. And there is every likelihood prices will continue their relentless rise, according to expert predictions by the UN and developed countries.

High prices have already prompted a string of food protests around the world, with tortilla riots in Mexico, disputes over food rationing in West Bengal and protests over grain prices in Senegal, Mauritania and other parts of Africa. In Yemen, children have marched to highlight their hunger, while in London last week hundreds of pig farmers protested outside Downing Street.

Already we have riots, hoarding, panic: the sign of things to come?

The spectre of food shortages is casting a shadow across the globe, causing riots in Africa, consumer protests in Europe and panic in food-importing countries. In a world of increasing affluence, the hoarding of rice and wheat has begun. The President of the Philippines made an unprecedented call last week to the Vietnamese Prime Minister, requesting that he promise to supply a quantity of rice.

Macy’s Grocery Store: Wheat Shortage is Here

During our department meeting at our local Macey’s grocery store, the director gave us a copy of this letter and said that wheat prices will be doubling in the next three weeks and the stores will be limited in what they will be able to get from the warehouse. Wheat bread will be about $4.00 a loaf soon. I have noticed in just a week the price of wheat has gone up $7.00.

Tons of food aid rotting in Haiti ports

While millions of Haitians go hungry, containers full of food are stacking up in the nation’s ports because of government red tape — leaving tons of beans, rice and other staples to rot under a sweltering sun or be devoured by vermin.

We constantly hear about food shortages, yet here in the United States, we still waste half of the food produced. With a bit more care and awareness, we could feed almost twice as many people with no increase in actual harvests.

Bend over and spread ’em, Canadians.

Ottawa approves the Carbon Tax even as Canadians dig out from record snowfalls.

New Proposals To Fight Global Warming Would End Civilization, Kill Billions

stone age man at least was able to make use of fire – that too would presumably be banned under the measures being proposed.

« I know! We can save Earth by killing off all those icky human beings! » — Official White Horse Souse

CO2 & Temperature

(also see Temperature Record)

The ice-core data is frequently cited as principal evidence to argue that CO2 is the earth’s main climate driver. It is, in a way, the jewel in the crown of the theory of man made global warming. But the ice-core data does not show that CO2 drives climate. It shows, very clearly, that variations in temperature precede rises in atmospheric CO2 – not the other way round. The two phenomena are divided by a time lag of several hundred years.

There is no evidence that CO2 has ever ‘driven’ the climate in the past, nor is there any compelling evidence that it is doing so now.


International experts foresee collapse of U.S. economy

Harry Koza in the Globe and Mail quotes Bernard Connelly, the global strategist at Banque AIG in London, who claims that the likelihood of a Great Depression is growing by the day.

Martin Wolf, celebrated columnist of the U.K.-based Financial Times, cites Dr. Nouriel Roubini of the New York University’s Stern School of Business, who, in 12 steps, outlines how the losses of the American financial system will grow to more than $1 trillion – that’s one million times $1 million. That amount is equal to all the assets of all American banks.

Every day now, thousands of people all over the U.S. and Great Britain are walking away from their homes – simply mailing their house keys to the banks – as housing bailout plans fail.

Derivatives the new ‘ticking bomb’

Buffett and Gross warn: $516 trillion bubble is a disaster waiting to happen

Derivatives bubble explodes five times bigger in five years

Wall Street didn’t listen to Buffett. Derivatives grew into a massive bubble, from about $100 trillion to $516 trillion by 2007. The new derivatives bubble was fueled by five key economic and political trends:

To grasp how significant this five-fold bubble increase is, let’s put that $516 trillion in the context of some other domestic and international monetary data:

  • U.S. annual gross domestic product is about $15 trillion
  • U.S. money supply is also about $15 trillion
  • Current proposed U.S. federal budget is $3 trillion
  • U.S. government’s maximum legal debt is $9 trillion
  • U.S. mutual fund companies manage about $12 trillion
  • World’s GDPs for all nations is approximately $50 trillion
  • Unfunded Social Security and Medicare benefits $50 trillion to $65 trillion
  • Total value of the world’s real estate is estimated at about $75 trillion
  • Total value of world’s stock and bond markets is more than $100 trillion
  • BIS valuation of world’s derivatives back in 2002 was about $100 trillion
  • BIS 2007 valuation of the world’s derivatives is now a whopping $516 trillion

Oil spike to last through 2008: OPEC president

Oil prices will stay at current high levels for the rest of this year due to speculation and geopolitical tensions, Algerian state media on Monday reported OPEC President Chakib Khelil as saying.

Prices could retreat in 2009 with a recovery of the U.S. dollar in foreign exchange markets following the election of a new U.S. president, and as fundamentals reassert themselves as major market forces, he was reported as saying by government newspaper El Moudjahid and state news agency APS.

Oil stay above $US105 dollars

OIL prices stayed above $US105 in Asian trade today but were off last week’s record levels amid fresh concerns over the US economy, the world’s biggest energy user, dealers said.

New ‘super-spike’ might mean $200 a barrel oil

With $100-a-barrel here for now, Goldman Sachs says $200 a barrel could be a reality in the not-too-distant future in the case of a « major disruption. »

Translation: « Oil will explode in price when we start bombing Iran. »

See next article down.


When asked about the reasons for the investigation and the frivolous use of taxpayer money, their response was:

1. That the Liberty Dollar is flirting with counterfeit laws

2. That the Liberty Dollar is not regulated by the government

3. That widespread use of the Liberty Dollar would further weaken the already weak US government issued dollar

« You WILL use our paper fiat money, and you will LIKE IT!!!!! » — Official White Horse Souse

Consumer Debt Grows to $2.52 Trillion

That is about what the Pentagon announced they had « misplaced » back on September 10th, 2001. If we could just find that missing money and return it to the rightful owners (the taxpayers), we could erase that consumer debt. In fact, since the Pentagon misplaced all our money, let’s just send them our credit card bills and tell them it’s their problem to solve.

TIPS’ Yields Show Fed Has Lost Control of Inflation

Bond investors have never been so sure that the Federal Reserve will lose control of inflation. They’re so convinced that they’re giving up yields just to buy debt securities that protect against rising consumer prices.

Mysterious Charge Shows Up On Omaha Man’s Bank Statement

A mysterious charge is showing up on some bank statements across the country, and bankers said a consumer’s best protection is early detection.

Dimiter Todorov said his wife found a charge for $9.85 on their February bank statement for a company listed as Ich Services.

Credit thieves no longer empty the cards they steal, because that calls attention to their activity. Given that identities are stolen by the tens of thousands via carelessly secured government laptops, criminals now « ping » each account for just a few dollars knowing that in 99% of the cases, the extra charge will never be noticed and no complaint will be filed.


World would back Palestine independence

Sergei Lavrov said Monday that Kosovo’s Western-backed declaration of independence from Serbia one week ago could spur Palestinians into following suit.

« At present there are already some Palestinian politicians who say it is futile to follow up negotiations with Israel and that these negotiations will not yield anything, » Lavrov said on the Vesti 24 television channel.

If politicians in the West heaved a collective sigh of relief that the only bad thing, so far, coming from the declaration of Independence of Kosovo was the torching of the US Embassy in Belgrade, they got it terribly wrong.

That they did not see a movement for Palestine unilaterally declaring its independence as a response to Kosovo having done so shows a truly amazing lack of both foresight and judgment. – M. R.

The Real Story Behind Kosovo’s Independence

By Jeremy Scahill, AlterNet. Posted February 23, 2008.

All of a sudden, DC establishment figures care about « international law » when it suits their interests in Kosovo.

News Flash: The Bush administration acknowledges there is a such thing as international law.

But, predictably, it is not being invoked to address the US prison camps at Guantanamo, the wide use of torture, the invasion and occupation of sovereign countries, the extraordinary rendition program. No, it is being thrown out forcefully as a condemnation of the Serbian government in the wake of Thursday’s attack by protesters on the US embassy in Belgrade following the Bush administration’s swift recognition of the declaration of independence by the southern Serbian province of Kosovo. Some 1,000 protesters broke away from a largely non-violent mass demonstration in downtown Belgrade and targeted the embassy. Some protesters actually made it into the compound, setting a fire and tearing down the American flag.

« I’m outraged by the mob attack against the U.S. embassy in Belgrade, » fumed Zalmay Khalilzad,the US Ambassador to the United Nations. « The embassy is sovereign US territory. The government of Serbia has a responsibility under international law to protect diplomatic facilities, particularly embassies. » His comments were echoed by a virtual who’s who of the Bill Clinton administration. People like Jamie Rubin, then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s deputy, one of the main architects of US policy toward Serbia. « It is sovereign territory of the United States under international law, » Rubin declared. « For Serbia to allow these protesters to break windows, break into the American Embassy, is a pretty dramatic sign. » Hillary Clinton, whose husband orchestrated and ran the 78-day NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999, said, « I would be moving very aggressively to hold the Serbian government responsible with their security forces to protect our embassy. Under international law they should be doing that. »

There are two major issues here. One is the situation in Kosovo itself (which we’ll get to in a moment), but the other is the attack on the US embassy. Yes, the Serbian government had an obligation to prevent the embassy from being torched and ransacked. If there was complicity by the Serbian police or authorities in allowing it to be attacked, that is a serious issue. But the US has little moral authority not just in invoking international law (which it only does when it benefits Washington’s agenda) but in invoking international law when speaking about attacks on embassies in Belgrade.

Perhaps the greatest crime against any embassy in the history of Yugoslavia was committed not by evil Serb protesters, but by the United States military.

On May 7, 1999, at the height of the 78 day US-led NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the US bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, killing three Chinese citizens, two of them journalists, and wounding 20 others. The Clinton administration later said that the bombing was the result of faulty maps provided by the CIA (Sound familiar?). Beijing rejected that explanation and alleged it was deliberate. Eventually, under strong pressure from China, the US apologized and paid $28 million in compensation to the victims’ families. If the US was serious about international law and the protection of embassies, those responsible for that bombing would have been tried at the Hague along with other alleged war criminals. But « war criminal » is a designation for the losers of US-fueled wars, not bombers sent by Washington to drop humanitarian munitions on « sovereign territory. »

Another Kosovo lie exposed: NATO used doctored video to justify bombing of passenger train

Fresh evidence that NATO’s bombing of Chinese embassy in Belgrade was deliberate

The Oil factor in Kosovo independence

Kosovo does not have oil but its location is strategic as the trans-Balkan pipeline – known as AMBO pipeline after its builder and operator the US-registered Albanian Macedonian Bulgarian Oil Corporation – will pass through it.

The pipeline will pump Caspian oil from the Bulgarian port of Burgas via Macedonia to the Albanian port of Vlora, for transport to European countries and the United States. Specifically, the 1.1 billion dollar AMBO pipeline will permit oil companies operating in the Caspian Sea to ship their oil to Rotterdam and the East Coast of the USA at substantially less cost than they are experiencing today.

Russia could use force in Kosovo

Russia’s ambassador to Nato, Dmitry Rogozin, has warned that Russia could use military force if the Kosovo independence dispute escalates.

« If the EU develops a unified position or if Nato exceeds its mandate set by the UN, then these organisations will be in conflict with the UN, » he said.

In that case Russia would « proceed on the basis that in order to be respected we need to use brute force », he said.

Anyone who couldn’t imagine that the declaration of Kosovo’s independence wouldn’t possibly come to this is both not terribly bright, and also unencumbered with any appreciation of the history of this region.

This includes the policy wonks wonks at the EU and NATO and the US (who should absolutely have known better, but obviously didn’t).

Serb official blames U.S. for violence

In a sign that Serbia is fast drifting away from the West and toward Russia, which is backing its fierce resistance of Kosovo’s secession, hard-line Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica condemned anew the U.S. and other nations that have recognized Kosovo as an independent state.

Notice how Putin and Russia are cast in the role of the « heavies » and bad guys in this article.

What the US, the EU, and NATO have done here is to declare that any part of any country can, unilaterally and pre-emptively, declare its independence (if we say so), even though it may have been part of another country for centuries.

This would be like Texas, or, let’s say, New Hampshire, declaring their independence from the US.

Would the government of the US say, « Gee, that’s great: goodbye. »?.

Or would every available military person be sent immediately to to the capitals of those states to bring them back into the fold of the Republic?

You know exactly what the answer here would be.

And from this precedent, Palestine may be ready to unilaterally declare their independence from Israel.

And at this point, after the US having supported the independence of Kosovo from Serbia, it’s going to be rather hard to explain why Kosovo’s independence is good, but Palestine declaring independence from Israel is wrong, bad, and impossible.

The question is, how far Serbia and Russia are prepared to go to bring Kosovo back to Serbia.

Serbian settlers plan partition of Kosovo

The mostly Serb-populated northern region around the divided town of Mitrovica, next to the Serbian border, has begun preparing a de facto secession from the newborn country that Serb officials consider « illegal ».

Serbia ruling coalition collapses

Serbia‘s Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica has said his coalition has collapsed and is calling for elections.

Israël, Palestine et la bande de Gaza

After meeting Condi, Israeli officials start planning for a forced mass evacuation of Palestinians from northern Gaza: Israeli TV

Some reports in English have noted that the Israeli Security Cabinet yesterday decided against any more attempted « partial stoppages » of the rocket attacks, in favor of a « complete stoppage », but they don’t explain what that means.

With a nice little staged « terror » attack to justify it all, of course.

Zionist rabbis says Torah permits killing Palestinian civilians

The association of rabbis for the people and land of Israel headed by extremist rabbi Dov Lior issued on Wednesday a religious ruling legitimizing the shelling of Palestinian civilian gatherings by IOF troops at the pretext of responding to the rocket attacks carried out by the Palestinians.

The new « Osama » shows up…

Popular Resistance Committee? That last word screams « We made this up at a New York public relations firm. »

At least 8 killed at Israeli seminary

I am watching this on TV and all I can think of is that last week Israel killed over 100 people in Palestine, most of whom were not combatants, and we hardly heard about it. 8 people get shot, and it’s the non-stop headline news all day long.

This reeks of a false-flag attack to justify a new aggression by Israel.


At a time when Israel is looking for any excuse to justify it’s operations of genocide in both Gaza and the West Bank, one was literally handed to them on silver platter this evening in Jerusalem.

… which is why I am suspicious. Cui Bono? Who gets what they need at this critical time?

Bush tells Olmert US ‘firmly with Israel’ after attack

US President George W. Bush on Thursday assured Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert that the United States stands with Israel after the « barbaric and vicious attack » on a school in west Jerusalem.

Folks, the false-flag just does not get any more obvious than this. Israel was losing in the court of world opinion. They were looking for an excuse to get back into Gaza and right when they needed it, one shows up.

At least 7 killed at Israeli seminary

A gunman infiltrated a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem and opened fire in a library Thursday night in an attack that left at least seven dead and more wounded, officials said.

Israel has its excuse to go back into Palestine. How wonderful for them that someone carries out an attack like this EXACTLY when Israel most needed it to deflect world opinion away from what Israel was doing in Palestine.

Fake Al Qaeda

Relinked in light of today’s « terror » attack that gives Israel the excuse they have been wanting to go back into Gaza.

Escape from Gaza or Voluntary Transfer?

“MK (Israeli Knesset member) Aryeh Eldad is hailing the Arab exodus to Egypt as proof that voluntary transfer is indeed an option.”

Remember when Ariel Sharon offered to get out of Gaza if we would just allow Israel to build more est bank settlements? And I predicted that as soon as the settlements were built Israel would manufacture an excuse (like those toy rockets hitting empty lots) to renege on the deal. And here we are,with Israel firmly planted in the West Bank, and Gaza to be emptied to make was for Israel.

And off the coast of Gaza are recently discovered oil and gas fields, which would economically aid Gaza … if Israel would allow the importation of the necessary equipment. But if the Palestinians are « voluntarily transferred », Israel gets that oil and gas.

BTW, « Voluntary transfer » is what Hitler originally planned to do with the Jews in Germany, sending them to Africa or Madagascar, but Zionist leaders demanded Palestine and refused « voluntary transfer. »

But what was not acceptable to the Zionists in Europe (and which then resulted in millions of deaths from typhus in the closing months of the war), is now apparently quite acceptable in Gaza.

Israeli troops loot food, clothes, furniture, equipment from orphanage

Hundreds of Israeli occupation troops stormed a Palestinian orphanage and a boarding school in the southern West Bank City of Hebron early Thursday, looting large amounts of frozen food, dairy products, clothes, shoes, refrigerators and kitchen equipments, local officials and eyewitnesses said.

The World Will Never Accept A Nation of Baby Killers

Appeal to the Outside World: – Israeli Electric Outrage Inflict Serious Damage on Gaza Strip Hospitals

A Qatari Red Crescent official, Mr. Rashid Al-Hindi currently visiting Cairo, is quoted as saying that Gaza Strip Hospitals is calling the world for relief, Al-Hindi also emphasized the importance of sanitation maintenance in homes of the many needy and poverty-stricken Gaza Strip Palestinians.

Even though the translation from Arabic into English is a little rusty, the picture at the head of this article speaks volumes.

Imagine, for one second, the man getting treated is your dad, your uncle, your cousin, or your son.

He may die because common standards of medical care are not available to him, and the hospital is blacked out due to power cuts by Israel.

Would you blame Hamas for your loved one’s condition?

No, you would blame Israel.

The eyes of the world need to be fixed on the humanitarian disaster created by Israeli policy, and find very concrete ways of letting its government know that this is unacceptable.

The death of a medically fragile person (or child) because they couldn’t get treatment they desperately needed has nothing to do with Israel’s right to « self defense »; it has everything to do with Israeli government’s institutionalized sadism in pursuing these policies.

Abbas’ aide reiterates declaring statehood unilaterally if talks faile

Yasser Abed Rabbo, a senior aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, reiterated on Thursday that the Palestinians can declare their statehood unilaterally if talks with Israel fail.

If there was any administration in the history of this country which deserves an industrial-strength booby prize for the unintended consequences of its foreign policy, it’s Bush’s, hands down.

Because if was OK for Kosovo to declare its independence from Serbia, why now is it not OK for Palestine to unilaterally declare ITS independence?

And while w’re at it, why not Hawaii?

This administration will be tying itself in knots to begin to explain why this is OK for Kosovo, but not for other parts of the planet.

If Kosovo, why not Palestine?

In American and EU eyes, a Kosovar declaration of independence from Serbian sovereignty should be recognised, even if Serbia does not agree. However, their attitude was radically different when Palestine declared independence from Israeli occupation on 15 November 1988. Then the US and EU countries (which, in their own eyes, constitute the « international community », to the exclusion of most of mankind) were conspicuously absent as over 100 countries recognised the new State of Palestine, and their non-recognition made this declaration of independence « symbolic », unfortunately for most Palestinians as well.


The United States cannot justify supporting a free Kosovo at the same time it supports Israel’s continued occupation and enslavement of the Palestinians.

Abbas: PNA to resort to Arab countries if talks with Israel fail/a> Abbas: PNA to resort to Arab countries if talks with Israel fail

Costa Rica recognizes ‘Palestine’

Israel has postponed a planned meeting with Costa Rican officials over the Central American nation’s decision to formally recognize a Palestinian state.

Earlier reports quoted a member of the Palestinian negotiation team as saying that the Palestinians will declare their statehood unilaterally if the talks with Israel continued to achieve no progress.

Looks like Palestine is right on the verge of pulling a Kosovo.

But if this is the case, they had better have their ducks in a row in terms of regional and international support, which, of course, Israel will condemn with every bit of firepower they have.

Israel prepares to commit mass extermination in Gaza

Gaza forced to pump more raw sewage into sea

As temperatures rise after the winter, more people in Israel and the Gaza Strip will head for the seaside but they should beware: Gaza is being forced to dump much more raw sewage into the Mediterranean than before, environmentalists told IRIN.

According to Monther Shoblak, head of the Gaza Coastal Municipalities Water Utility, before the Israeli-imposed restrictions on fuel imports, the utility was dumping about 20,000 cubic metres of raw sewage into the sea daily. This was due to the outdated treatment plants in the enclave being too small to handle the amount of waste produced by the growing population.

Israel knew full well, during this siege of Gaza, that inadequate power supplies to already inadequate water treatment stations would lead to raw sewage being dumped in the the Mediterranean.

An invention called ‘the Jewish people’

Israel‘s Declaration of Independence states that the Jewish people arose in the Land of Israel and was exiled from its homeland. Every Israeli schoolchild is taught that this happened during the period of Roman rule, in 70 CE. The nation remained loyal to its land, to which it began to return after two millennia of exile. Wrong, says the historian Shlomo Zand, in one of the most fascinating and challenging books published here in a long time. There never was a Jewish people, only a Jewish religion, and the exile also never happened – hence there was no return. Zand rejects most of the stories of national-identity formation in the Bible, including the exodus from Egypt and, most satisfactorily, the horrors of the conquest under Joshua. It’s all fiction and myth that served as an excuse for the establishment of the State of Israel, he asserts.

My ancestors (Rivero is a Sephardic name) were among those who split from Judea in 70AD and moved to Spain, became noble, became rich, fought in the crusades, then were forcibly converted to Catholicism in the 1490s.

In contrast, most of the Jewish people living in Israel are Ashkenazi, who have no genetic link to the Biblical Hebrews at all. But they like to claim they do, as part of what Shlomo Zand correctly describes as the justification for the existance of Israel (on land stolen from the Palestinians, who actually ARE the genetic descendants of the Biblical Hebrews.

Israelis know this. They have actively suppressed scientific evidence that shows Palestinians and ARAB Jews are the descendants of Biblical Hebrews.

The irony here is how these converted Khazars, who are not actually descendants of the Semites, call me, an actual genetic descendant of the Biblical Hebrews, « Anti-Semitic »! 🙂

Abdullah Offers to Rebuild All Gaza Homes

« The king has ordered the reconstruction of Palestinian houses at the expense of the Saudi government, » Al-Jazirah Arabic daily quoted the minister as saying. Al-Manie did not say how many Palestinian homes would be rebuilt under the program.

Israeli State Terror is O.K.

This took place yesterday in the Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip when an Israeli missile leveled a three-story house and damaged several houses next to it. Eight were murdered, including a brother and a sister aged 5 and 6. Over 50 were injured, including 17 children.

Any protests from the U.S.? From the E.U.? From the U.N.? Of course not.

Keep this in mind if a suicide bombing takes place in Israel.


Remember the name Baruch Goldstein? Fourteen years ago he charged into one of Palestine’s most sacred mosques, situated in the building that houses the Tomb of Abraham our Father, and gunned down 30 Muslims at prayer. He was killed before he could continue with his shooting spree…

There was no world outrage that the attack took place in a House of Prayer, that the victims were at prayer. There was no world outrage that the number of victims was 30…. they were Muslims, it just didn’t matter to them.

Remember the name Baruch Goldstein? Fourteen years ago he charged into one of Palestine’s most sacred mosques, situated in the building that houses the Tomb of Abraham our Father, and gunned down 30 Muslims at prayer. He was killed before he could continue with his shooting spree…

Israel is holding 365 Palestinian children captive in its prisons

The Palestinian Center for Detainees’ Studies issued a press release on Monday revealing that Israel is currently holding more than 365 Palestinian children captive in its prisons, including 100 children who are 13-15 years old.

300 Palestinians, including 32 children, kidnapped by the Israeli army since the beginning of February

It also said that the 32 kidnapped children were transferred to interrogation and detention centers in direct violation to the international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. The ages of the kidnapped children are between 14 and 18.

Israeli Sniper Takes 12-Year-Old Girl’s Life

« I put my hand on her chest to stop the streaming blood. She told me that she could not breathe, her body trembled and she closed her eyes, » said Ra’d Abu Saif of his 12-year-old daughter Safa’s last moments after she was shot by an Israeli sniper last Saturday.

And tell us all just what military necessity was served by shooting this girl.

Two Palestinian patients die due to the Israeli siege on Gaza

With the deaths of Owdah and Obeed, the number of Palestinians who have died due to the Israeli siege imposed on the Gaza Strip since June 2007 now stands at 88.

This is Israel’s « final solution » for sick Gazans.

And of course, « Abbas, as usual, is completely impotent to make any positive impact on the situation.

1000 Christian refugees being kicked out of Israel

Christian-Zionists please take note.

How Israeli Troops Invade Homes in Gaza, Brutalize, Smash and Steal

SAFA ABU SEIF, 12, was fatally wounded as she stood in an upstairs room of her home in the Gaza City district of Jabaliya 10 days ago.

She was one of 27 children identified by United Nations staff among the 107 Palestinians who were killed in five days last week. Another 25 dead, including five women, were identified as unarmed non-combatants. The status of 13 more dead victims could not be determined. At least three of the children were reportedly shot in their homes by Israeli small arms or sniper fire.

The IDF indulges in this kind of behavior all the time: they just hate like hell getting caught at it.

Japanese shot in eye by Israeli troops may lose sight

Army Radio said on Friday that the army had denied firing any rubber-coated bullets on that day.

The IDF does this all the time, then denies it ever happened.

They just hate like hell getting caught at it.

Shot with a rubber bullet

Shanbo Heinemann, a pro-Palestinian activist from San Francisco, California, sits on the ground after being shot in the head with a rubber bullet fired by Israeli troops during a violent protest against Israel’s security fence in the West Bank village of Bilin, February 22, 2008.


Farm animals get better care than the Palestinians!

Newsweek: 64% of Israelis Want Talks With Hamas NOW!

The numbers are a reflection of the Israeli public’s growing frustration at what they see as a failing Gaza policy. Since the Islamists won power in parliamentary elections two years ago, Israel and the United States have enforced a punishing embargo on the coastal strip, hoping support for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his moderate West Bank allies could help turn public opinion against Hamas.

The US tried the same tactic on Cuba. It didn’t work there. They tried the same tactic on Chile. It didn’t work there. The US has tried this same tactic, of putting in a puppet regime and covertly waging war against the government the people want, and in the long run it has NEVER worked.

Apparently, the US government is incapable of learning from its mistakes.


Rabbi Menachem Froman of the West Bank settlement of Tekoa has for years been involved in interfaith dialogue toward Israeli-Palestinian peace.

After a series of interfaith meetings, Rabbi Froman and Hamas-allied friend Khaled Amayreh succeeded in drafting a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas.

The two submitted the document, which covers the release of abducted Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, to the cabinet and to the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip.

According to them, Hamas leaders have agreed to the deal’s terms, but Israel has rejected them.

‘IDF should wipe out parts of Gaza’

Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit told The Jerusalem Post that during Sunday’s cabinet meeting, he had called on the IDF to « take off its gloves, » head into Gaza with armored tractors and raze an entire neighborhood from which rockets have been launched, and then withdraw. The residents of that neighborhood would be warned in advance to flee, he said.

Memo to Israeli Interior Minister Sheetrit; sir, to where can these Gazan Palestinians flee, if you raze certain sections of Gaza?

Gaza is flanked on all sides by Israeli and Egyptian-manned borders through which they cannot escape.

So just where are these people, the majority of whom have never harmed Israelis, supposed to go?

IDF Ready for Large Operation in Gaza, Waiting for the Order

The Israeli government is waiting for the exact moment when world attention will be turned elsewhere to order the strike.

« We must take a neighborhood in Gaza and wipe it off the map. »

Cabinet Minister Meir Sheetrit took the murderous statements a step further: « We must take a neighborhood in Gaza and wipe it off the map. »

But, but, but, you said ‘wiping off the face of the map’ was a BAD thing!!!!


Israeli FM heads to US

Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni leaves on a three-day visit to the United States on Sunday amid efforts to advance faltering peace talks with the Palestinians.

Livni will meet Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice along with other senior officials, her office said in a statement.

Looks as though Bush, Cheney, Rice, et all, will get their « marching orders » on Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, and Iran during this visit.

And whatever is said, you can be absolutely certain that the words are crafted to give the impression of wanting peace.

However, Israel’s actions, past, present, and – most probably future – tell en entirely different story.

FM to U.S. envoy: Conditions not ripe for forming Palestinian state

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Sunday told visiting U.S. envoy James Jones that that the creation of a Palestinian state amid the current situation in the Gaza Strip and ongoing attacks on Israelis was not in line with Israel’s security demands.

Translation: there will never be a time when conditions are « …ripe for forming a Palestinian state. »

And the way Israel is gobbling up bits and pieces of the West Bank, by the time their is a Palestinian state (if that is ever allowed to happen), the physical territory won’t be much larger than a postage stamp.

Two Israeli warplanes fly over Beirut in violation of Resolution 1701

« Two Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace and flew over Beirut briefly before leaving the area, » a senior Lebanese security official said.

Israeli forces cross boarder line in south Lebanon

BEIRUT, March 6 (Xinhua) — Israeli forces on Thursday penetrated the border line in south Lebanon towards the Ghajar area overseeing Wazani river, but did not cross the « Blue Line, » Future TV reported.

Previous report said that Israeli troops crossed the border line towards Wazani River and inched six km, but did not cross the « Blue Line, » but Future TV said later that it advanced only one km.

Israel ‘planning another Lebanon war’

The Lebanese Premier says the Winograd Report on the 2006 war against Lebanon confirms that Israel plans to attack his country again.

US warship leaves Lebanon for Gulf

A US warship deployed off the coast of Lebanon has passed through the Suez Canal and is heading for the Gulf, an official with the canal authority told AFP.

« The USS Cole has crossed the Suez Canal and is making its way to the Gulf, » the official said.

This explains why it was replaced off the coast of Lebanon yesterday. One has to wonder: for what reason has the USS Cole been ordered into the Persian Gulf??

US: Lebanon vote delay ‘unacceptable’

The White House on Monday condemned delays in Lebanon’s presidential vote as « unacceptable » and urged outside forces to stop meddling in the deadlocked political process there.

So that’s why we have that huge bunch of military naval hardware in the Mediterranean?

And just what are we going todo, start shelling the place to demonstrate our displeasure at their delay?

US Navy strike group responds to increasing Lebanon, Syria tension

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the United States’ Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Nassau group would operate in the region « for a while » and that the deployment signals the navy « is engaged » in « a very important part of the world ».

You don’t send this kind of naval fire-power off the coast of the Eastern Mediteranian without understanding that you are going to use it, at some point in the not too distant future.

Israelis Killed ‘Hundreds Of Children’ In Lebanon 2006

Based on its on-the-ground research and analysis of the conduct of hostilities in 2006, Amnesty International concluded that the Lebanese civilian population paid the heaviest price for the Israel Defense Force attacks.

Of some 1,190 people killed, the vast majority were civilians not involved in the hostilities, among them hundreds of children. The overwhelming majority of homes, properties and infrastructure targeted in air strikes and artillery attacks were likewise civilian. »

Let that sink in for a moment: « hundreds of children ».

Israel admits war crimes

Israel must consider whether it wants to consider using cluster bombs in the future, because its current manner of employing them does not conform to international law. The Winograd Committee made this recommendation in its report on Israel’s conduct in the Second Lebanon War as it relates to international law.

Israel continues to refuse to tell international sappers where it dropped its illegal cluster bombs on Lebanon.

« Just walk around; you’ll find ’em! » !!!!!!!

UN officer reported Israeli war crimes before deadly bombing: widow

A United Nations military observer sent e-mails home to Canada reporting that Israel was bombing schools and waging « a campaign of terror against the Lebanese people » shortly before he was killed by an Israeli bomb in Lebanon, said his widow.

Israel: We Are Ready For Iran, Syria, Hezbollah

As the Israel Foreign Ministry protests to the UN repeated statements by Iran to « wipe Israel off the map » security analysts in Israel say that the Jewish democratic nation is more than ready for any aggression by Iran, Hezbollah and Syria.

Translation: look for some kind of false flag operation, courtesy of Israel, to trip off the next war in the Middle East.

And remember: Bush has promised to support Israel militarily, no matter whether or not it starts a confilct.


Don’t sack Musharraf, US and UK warn election victors

In a strategy some Western diplomats admit could badly backfire, the Bush administration has made clear it wishes to continue to support Mr Musharraf even after Monday’s election in which the Pakistani public delivered a resounding rejection of his policies.

« Hey, remember what we did after HAMAS won in Palestine! » — Official White Horse Souse


The Man Between War and Peace

As head of U. S. Central Command, Admiral William « Fox » Fallon is in charge of American military strategy for the most troubled parts of the world. Now, as the White House has been escalating the war of words with Iran, and seeming ever more determined to strike militarily before the end of this presidency, the admiral has urged restraint and diplomacy. Who will prevail, the president or the admiral?

I guess we just found out!

If Fallon is leaving, it means Bush will have his war with Iran. All he needs is a contrived excuse.

It’s the « Oh Shit! » Moment on Iran

Well, we just got our « Oh Shit! » moment with the just-announced resignation of Admiral William J. Fallon, the military commander of US Middle East operations.

6 Signs the U.S. May Be Headed for War in Iran

The resignation of the top U.S. military commander for the Middle East is setting off alarms that the Bush administration is intent on using military force to stop Iran’s moves toward gaining nuclear weapons. In announcing his sudden resignation today following a report on his views in Esquire, Adm. William Fallon didn’t directly deny that he differs with President Bush over at least some aspects of the president’s policy on Iran. For his part, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said it is « ridiculous » to think that the departure of Fallon — whose Central Command has been working on contingency plans for strikes on Iran as well as overseeing Iraq — signals that the United States is planning to go to war with Iran.

Iran: UN must investigate Israel’s nukes

Israel is always the first to accuse other nations of having nuclear weapons, and the UN acts on the assumption that Israel’s accusations are true, as we saw just a few days ago with the passing of yet more sanctions against Iran.

Isn’t it time that the UN took a look at Israel’s arsenal? Isn’t it time the UN dealt with REAL nuclear weapons?

Fallon resigns as Mideast military chief

The top U.S. military commander for the Middle East resigned Tuesday amid speculation about a rift over U.S. policy in Iran.

Fallon’s resignation is frightening.

« The current issue of Esquire Magazine portrays Fallon as the one person in the military or Pentagon standing between the White House and war with Iran. The article credits Fallon with « brazenly challenging his commander in chief » over a possible war with Iran, which Fallon called an « ill-advised action, » and implies Fallon would resign rather than go to war against Iran. »

Rice, Gates to head to Russia: White House

The White House announced Wednesday that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates would travel to Russia next week for talks on issues including a controversial US missile shield.

What part of « Nyet! » are Rice and Gates having a hard time with?

In fact, I would almost bet that the real subject of conversation will be Iran, and what kind of a deal Russia can expect after a US/Israeli-led invasion, compared with what they are getting at present.

US not seeking war with Iran: White House

The White House said Wednesday that « there is no one » inside the US government who wants war with Iran, even though US President George W. Bush has not ruled out any options.

Please remember: this was precisely the same kind of rhetoric we got right before the invasion of Iraq.


Turkey says military operation in Iraq might last a year

Turkey’s military operation in northern Iraq against Kurdish separatists could finish in as short a time as one day or take up to year, Turkish Chief of General Staff Yasar Buyukyanit said on Thursday.

It appears that Turkish Chief of General Staff Buyukanit is taking great pleasure in « rubbing salt into the wound » of US SecDef Gate’s complete impotence to do anything about the Turkish invasion of Iraq.

And the longer Turkey stays and fights, the more destabilized the region is apt to become.

Iraqi Kurd rulers OK force if Turks go near civilians / Incursions to battle rebels have raised tensions in area

Lawmakers in northern Iraq’s semiautonomous Kurdish region authorized their military Tuesday to intervene if Turkish forces pursuing anti-government rebels bring their battle into civilian areas.

The move heightened fears that the conflict could draw in Iraqi Kurdish forces and destabilize the one region of Iraq that has been relatively peaceful since the U.S. invasion in March 2003.

So if we start to see civilian casualties in the Kurdish region, and the Kurds go after the Turks, whose side are we on??

Until the aftermath of the next election, we are, unfortunately, going to have to endure the continuation of a foreign policy crew which absolutely never saw this coming.

Are geopolitical myopia, catastrophic lack of imagination, and ignorance of history the core prerequisites to getting hired to develop foreign policy for this administration?

The Turkish invasion could destroy a unified Iraq

Iraq is disintegrating faster than ever. The Turkish army invaded the north of the country last week and is still there. Iraqi Kurdistan is becoming like Gaza where Israel can send in its tanks and helicopters at will.

What the Turkish incursion is doing is weakening the Kurdistan Regional Government, the autonomous Kurdish zone, the creation of which is one of the few concrete achievements of the US and British invasion of Iraq five years ago.

The Turkish invasion should have given the government in Baghdad a chance to defend Iraq’s territorial integrity and burnish its patriotic credentials. Instead the prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has chosen this moment to have his regular medical check up in London, a visit which his colleagues say is simply an excuse to escape Baghdad. Behind him he has left a country which is visibly falling apart.

When US General Shinseki told Rumsfeld that we would need 300,000 troops to succeed in the occupation of Iraq, he was handed his hat, and laughed out of the room.

I don’t think there’s much laughter in the Pentagon now at how badly Rumsfeld missed the mark on his estimate of what it would take to really handle the occupation of Iraq.

At Shinseki’s suggested troop level, we would possibly have had enough troops to secure Iraq’s northern border with Turkey.

The last two Bush administrations aptly deserve a booby prize for how the catastrophic unintended consequences of their foreign policy (if one can call it that) have played out.

Turkey Launches Ground Operation in Iraq

It is the first confirmed ground operation by the Turkish military into Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein. It also raised concerns that it could trigger a wider conflict with the U.S.-backed Iraqi Kurds, despite Turkey’s assurances that its only target was the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK.

And all the US can do is stand back, watch what happens, and do… absolutely nothing.

Escalation of Turkey operations feared

Analysts point out that escalation in the conflict can take place if there is fighting between the Turkish troops and the Peshmerga units — the combatants loyal to the regional Kurdish authorities in Iraq.

Welcome, yet again to the wonderful world of the Bush Administration’s unintended consequences in Iraq.

Let’s see, now how this laundry-list shakes out:

1. The Iraqi people are much worse off than they ever were under Hussein. In much of the country, there is no electricity, and no clean water.

This has lead to outbreaks of water-borne diseases, such as cholera.

Also, the use of depleted uranium has sickened and killed countless Iraqis, and our vets and their kids are suffering the consequences of exposure as well.

2. Because we never had enough boots on the ground to do the job, the US can barely hold on to the green zone, forget the other borders of the country. This means that the Turks can do whatever they want, for as long as they like, because they understand that the US can do nothing to stop them.

3. The US invasion and occupation has put Iraq even more firmly into the orbit and embrace of their Shiite neighbor, Iran, a country which is still making Bush’s « rogue country list », and one which many elements in the US and elsewhere (read: Israel) are looking to clobber.

Yet, ironically, Iran is assisting with the stabilizing of Iraq.

The two Bush terms have to be characterized as the « Never Saw It Coming » US administrations. – M. R.

Turkish Army to set up security corridor in northern Iraq after ground operation :

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) will create temporary security bases in northern Iraq after troops wrap up an ongoing ground offensive in the region against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), security sources told Today’s Zaman.

The army plans to establish 11 temporary bases south of the border with Iraq to prevent the PKK ever again using this territory to launch attacks on Turkey, after pulling out the bulk of the troops currently taking part in the cross-border offensive.

Looks like Iraq’s borders are about to be re-shaped.

And don’t look for these 11 « temporary » Turkish bases to shut down anytime soon.


US bombs Islamist town in Somalia

A US military official in Washington told Associated Press it had been « a deliberate, precise strike against a known terrorist and his associates ».

The Pentagon’s ambitious plan to bring peace to Africa

The White House scramble for Africa came to an end this week – symbolically, at least. During his tour of the continent, President Bush seized every opportunity to boast of his innovative approaches to African health and development issues. But he kept strangely silent about what may be his administration’s most enduring legacy for Africa: AFRICOM, the most significant U.S. foreign and military policy innovation you’ve probably never heard of.

Considering how magnificently the Pentagon has done in Afghanistan and Iraq, who can blame them for their enthusiasm about what they can bring to the table in Africa??


China plans first spacewalk

NASA Wary of Relying on Russia

For NASA, however, the launch of the Jules Verne Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) also highlights a stark reality: In 2 1/2 years, just as the station gets fully assembled, the United States will no longer have any spacecraft of its own capable of carrying astronauts and cargo to the station, in which roughly $100 billion is being invested. The three space shuttles will be retired by then, because of their high cost and questionable safety, and NASA will have nothing ready to replace them until 2015 at the earliest.

Kind of a poor image of « The Right Stuff » to see them by the side of the highway with their thumbs out at the passing traffic.

Mankind’s secrets kept in lunar ark

IF civilisation is wiped out on Earth, salvation may come from space. Plans are being drawn up for a « Doomsday ark » on the moon containing the essentials of life and civilisation, to be activated in the event of earth being devastated by a giant asteroid or nuclear war.

Cassini to make audacious flyby

Such is the interest in Enceladus that Nasa has directed its Cassini spacecraft to pass just 50km from the Saturnian moon on Wednesday.

5 mars 2008

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 6 mars 2008: Économie, Pétrole, Santé, Réserves de grains

Émission de L’Autre Monde du 6 mars 2008: Économie, Pétrole, Santé, Réserves de grains

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 6 mars 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…”

– Dans notre tour de monde avec Les Nouvelles Internationales, nous abordons les sujets suivants: l’économie mondiale, le pétrole, la réserve de semences de Svalbard, et le Moyen-Orient.

– On se penche aussi sur l’épineux dossier de la santé et de la pratique médicale.

Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:


P.O. Box 385-916 West Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Z1K7

Phone: 604-708-3372 Fax: 604-872-1504


To all fellow citizens of the North American Continent:

The 2008 Security and Prosperity Partnership (S.P.P.) meeting will take

place in New Orleans on April 21st and 22nd. This partnership is a wide

ranging agreement meant to harmonize trade regulations, standards ,and laws

across Canada the U.S. and Mexico. It also incorporates security and

immigration measures designed to make North America into one continental

security zone wherein labour and goods flow freely between transnational

corporations without the hassle of borders or democratically imposed trade

barriers. It also enables military and para-military forces of ANY of the

three countries to operate freely ANYWHERE within the North American

continent. This is the pivotal step towards a North American Union and it

is being implemented by banking, corporate, and governmental powers, working in concert without public consent or serious media scrutiny.

ON APRIL 19th, across the continent, people from all walks of life will come

together and demand that their voices be heard. International demonstrations

against the S.P.P. and North American Union will take place in cities and

towns across North America. We will stand united and make it known within

the halls of government that our heritage and our future are not for sale.

We will act to ensure that ourselves and our children live in a country

where our identities and our rights and freedoms are respected and

preserved. Canadians, Americans, and Mexicans will mobilize to inform their

fellow citizens and to call out their respective governments, demanding to

know exactly what the Security and Prosperity Partnership really means to

them. Once the full intent of the S.P.P. has been disclosed, the citizens

of North America will demand it be stopped. We will order the investigation

and impeachment of our elected representatives for going behind our backs

and selling us out to unaccountable special interests.

THE TIME HAS COME to act together, to protect what so many have struggled, fought and died for. There are many ways to improve all of our lives without destroying what we have achieved.

WE implore you to take action and make a stand for your way of life and for

your very freedom.

JOIN US on April 19th and make a international impact on the Security and

Prosperity Partnership!


Yours truly,

Citizens United Against The North American Union

For more information contact: Daniel Merchant tre_merchant@hotmail.com

For more information visit:

Okanagan Residents Against the NAU

Canadians United in Protest Against the SPP/NAU/NWO


Canadian Action Party

More Americans turning to Web for news

Nearly half of the 1,979 people who responded to the survey said their primary source of news and information is the Internet, up from 40 percent just a year ago. Less than one third use television to get their news, while 11 percent turn to radio and 10 percent to newspapers.


Le vendredi 29 février 2008

L’armée canadienne reprend le transfert de détenus afghans

Afghanistan mission close to failing – US

After six years of US-led military support and billions of pounds in aid, security in Afghanistan is « deteriorating » and President Hamid Karzai’s government controls less than a third of the country, America’s top intelligence official has admitted.

Hamid Karzai was part of the Unocal working group that went before the US Congress in 1998 and urged war on Afghanistan to make way for a pipeline project from the Caspian Sea to a tanker port on the Indian Ocean.


Israël, Palestine et la bande de Gaza

Blood-thirsty ISRAEL seeks « clean break » to ensnare Iran/Syria into the war after « shoah » attacks on Gaza & Lebanon

« We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Moslem regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan; Syria will fall to us. We then bomb and move on and take Port Said, Alexandria and Sinai. » Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, May 1948


The situation in the Middle East has become extremely volatile over the last few days what with the Israelis killing Palestinians by the score in the Gaza and the US provocatively placing their warships just outside of territorial waters off Lebanon. After months of festering, the Israelis and the US seem set to bring the entire Middle East to a head with the ultimate endgame being the final confrontation between Iran and the US and Israel.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait have all ordered their nationals to leave Lebanon within the next 48 (now 36) hours.

US sending warships to eastern Med

Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters the deployment should not be viewed as threatening or in response to events in any single country in that volatile region.

Expect some fur to fly shortly.

Between Israel making threatening noises at Hezbullah, Hamas, Lebanon, Syria, and of course, Iran, this is probably not about presenting a show of strength: this is strategic.

Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria

Jordanian newspaper Al-Arab Al-Youm reported today, through sources that an American message leaked by Egypt to Syria shows that the United States is ready to launch a broad military operation against Syria if it insists on its position on the Lebanese crisis and this is the real reason behind the deployment of “USS Cole” in front of the Syrian – Lebanese waters

Israeli troops train for next battle in South Lebanon

Amid renewed tensions and a political crisis in Beirut, the United States said on Thursday it was deploying the warship USS Cole off Lebanon in the eastern Mediterranean as a signal aimed at bolstering regional stability.

That line about the US Naval presence « bolstering regional stability » is ironic, because the US presence in this part of the world can only create more instability.

The timing of Israeli war games is rather interesting.

This, coupled with the the Saudis, Bahrainis, and the Kuwaitis urging their citizens to get out of Lebanon within the next 36 hours, indicates that something profoundly ugly is about to happen here.


My last post was about Israeli leaders calling for a holocaust against the Palestinians….

This was reported throughout the world…. upsetting the zionists. Rather then get Israel to call off it’s stormtroopers… they merely call it all a ‘bad translation’ of what was actually said….

Embarrassed by the legitimization of holocaust against the Palestinians, Israel tries to back-peddle by claiming it was all a mistranslation.


Israel likes to name it’s wars, it makes them more personal I guess… The holocaust that is occurring in Gaza at the moment was just named… ‘Operation Warm Winter’…. probably to give the impression that the electrical and fuel stoppages are not causing too much suffering to the freezing population… it’s part of their new PR campaign.


The population of Gaza was about 1.5 million as of yesterday morning… there are 13 less this morning. Last night Israel murdered 13 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including the gorgeous baby in the photograph above. The child had a name, it was Muhammed Al-Bura’i. He was six months old. Israel felt the need to kill him as he might have been responsible for a Qassam rocket that was fired into Sderot killing an Israeli civilian.

Israeli jet bombs Palestine labor union HQ in Gaza

Gaza Strip Is Suffering – Need Actions – Not Talks

Israel insists it has no choice but to kill Palestinians. Of course there is another choice. Israel could give back the land it stole and allow the Palestinians to have their own nation on their own soil.

All this misery and threat of war exists because Israel is never content with what it has, but always must have more, taking at away from its neighbors.

Look at the maps. It is Israel that is the aggressor nation.

Punishing the people

Four months have passed since the peace meeting in Annapolis, and the smouldering fire of the Israel-Palestine conflict has once again combusted. Up to 70 Palestinians have died in two days of fighting, after Israel launched an offensive – involving ground troops, air strikes and shelling – to stop the firing of Qassam rockets. Half the casualties of Israel’s onslaught are civilian, including women, children and a 21-month-old baby. Yesterday Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister, said an even broader offensive was on the cards to crush the rocket squads – and maybe even bring down Hamas’s rule.

It is really simple folks; 60 years ago Israel started taking land away from the Palestinian people by force. They are still taking it away today.

The core problem is that Israel demands the world recognize the Jewish state, but refuses to recognize a Palestinian state. If Israel would simply to give Palestine exactly the same thing it demands for itself, there would be peace.

Israel insists it has a right to do what it does in Palestine because of the suffering of Jewish people in Germany in the middle of the last century. But what did Palestine have to do with any of that? Why should they pay the price for other peoples’ crimes?

Israel screams about Qassam rockets, but if a new nation was declared in the middle of the North American continent without your permission, a nation that refused to actual declare its borders, a nation that continued to take more and more land from you until you and your family were barely clinging to survival as the lights went dark and the sewage piled up, would you not fight back?

What Palestine is doing to Israel is no different than what the American patriots did to the British in 1776. A foreign power occupies their land, and they want it back.

Amnesty rips IDF for ‘reckless disregard of life’ in Gaza

« Israeli military attacks over the past few days have killed more than 75 Palestinians in Gaza, including at least 10 children, and other unarmed civilian bystanders not involved in the confrontations » Malcolm Smart, director of Amnesty’s Middle East and North Africa program, said Sunday. « Israel has a legal obligation to protect the civilian population of Gaza. Such attacks are disproportionate and go beyond lawful measures which Israeli forces may take in response to rocket attacks by Palestinian armed groups. »


Over 112 Palestinians Killed in Five-Day Israeli Attack, Mohammed Omer Reports from Gaza.


The first tentative talk of moving Gazan citizens has begun in Israeli government circles. Israeli Minister for Terrorism against the Palestinian People, Ehud Barak, has suggested that Gazans be cleared out of areas where Palestinian fighters are launching rockets and mortars. In order to ensure that they then stay out of the area one of two things need to happen; one, the Gazans that are removed will need to moved out of the Gaza altogether, perhaps to the West Bank, or as many Zionists would prefer, to Jordan or the Sinai in Egypt, or two, the Israeli IDF occupies the area evacuated. The third option, of course, is that they do both.

I’ll bet Israel turns around and demands that the US take in the Palestinians since we « complained » so much about their living conditions in Gaza.

israeli Defense Minister vows to unleash « Shoah » on Gaza


Speaking on Israel Army Radio, [israeli deputy defense minister] Mr Vilnai said if Palestinians increased rocket fire, they will bring upon themselves what he called a « shoah » – a Hebrew word for catastrophe, and for the Nazi Holocaust.

Israel threatens to unleash ‘holocaust’ in Gaza

An Israeli minister gave warning today that the army may unleash a “holocaust” on the Gaza Strip if Islamists there do not end their daily barrages of home-made Qassam rockets and their increasing use of Iranian-built Grad missiles.

Note the attempt to link Iran into this mess.

Olmert: Don’t preach morals to Israel

In cabinet meeting, prime minister slams international criticism leveled at Israel over Gaza operation, saying country has right to defend its citizens against rocket fire; Olmert vows military operation to continue.

This is about territory, and de-legitimizing (read: « neutralizing ») the political party which actually won the last Palestinian elections which were characterized as primarily free and fair.

Look for a truly major incursion into Gaza just as soon as Israel decides that the timing is right.


Two Israeli ministers are openly debating the best way to kill Palestinian people. It seems that the Israeli Minister for Terrorism Against Palestinians, Ehud Barak, favours an invasion of the Gaza Strip to kill as many Palestinian fighters that they can lay their hands on, while the Israeli Minister for the Interior, Meir Sheetrit, would prefer a massive targeted killing spree. Either way, it is likely that many innocent civilians will die as well as many Palestinian fighters.

Olmert threatens to assassinate Hamas political leaders

Israeli premier Ehud Olmert has threatened to assassinate the Hamas Movement’s political leaders, adding that « no one was immune ».

Olmert: Any minister who votes against gov’t to be dismissed

Middle East Online

The report — posted on the UN Human Rights Council’s Web site — says that while Palestinian terrorist acts are deplorable, « they must be understood as being a painful but inevitable consequence of colonialism, apartheid or occupation. »

This assessment speaks for itself.


Israeli warplanes breach Lebanese airspace

Al Jazeera English – News – Saudis Urged To Leave Lebanon

The manure is about to hit the ventilation system.

Lebanon Orders Army to ‘Achieve High Combat Readiness’

There are more signs of a wider regional war as Tears for Lebanon (TFL) and Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) are reporting Army Commander General Michel Suleiman has ordered his officers to « achieve high combat readiness of their units to confront all expected possibilities, especially defending the southern land, maintain domestic security and stability. » General Suleiman was issuing the directives to his senior commanders of Lebanon’s most important units from his headquarters at Yarze a suburb east of Beirut. This is definitely within the time-table of Tehran as most of Lebanon’s military has close relations with Damascus-Hezbollah. He said the army’s « basic duty is to prevent the Israeli enemy from occupying Lebanese territories or attempting to use them as a passage to launch an aggression against Arab brethren. »

Now we understand why various Middle Eastern countries were imploring their foreign nationals still in Lebanon to « get the heck out of Dodge », and do it very quickly.


Iran shifts oil sales away from dollar

Analysts are of the view that Iran’s oil revenues have enabled the country to bear the costs of UN sanctions and US attempts to prevent dollar transactions through third party banks.

US pushes EU to shut down Iranian banks

The US is pushing the European Union to increase the pressure on Tehran over its nuclear programme by stopping two Iranian banks from operating on European soil.

This has nothing to do with nuclear weapons (which Iran is not building anyway) and everything to do with preventing other nations from being able to purchase oil from Iran’s non-dollar bourse.

Of course, Iran will be perfectly happy to sell their oil to Russia and China, and so the end result of this pig-headed policy is that instead of conquering Iran’s oil the US will have succeeded in cutting us off from it completely.

Iran no threat to region, says UAE premier

Israel and the US, on the other hand …

ElBaradei ‘to declare Iran clean’

The IAEA Chief’s report on Iran’s nuclear program would be positive and it would rule out the possibility that Iran may running a clandestine nuclear arms program, informed sources familiar with the UN nuclear watchdog’s issues said on Wednesday.

Now then, about that reactor complex at Dimona …

Iran calls for UN sanctions against U.S.

Supreme National Security Council Secretary Saeed Jalili has urged the UN Security Council to impose sanctions on the U.S. for developing nuclear weapons.

“The Security Council must issue sanctions resolution against the U.S. which has a long record in proliferation and use of nuclear weapons,” Jalili told Japan’s NHK television aired on Friday.

That is true. In the whole wide world there is only one nation that has ever actually used nuclear weapons of mass destruction on the civilians of another country. That nation is the United States.

UN Approves New Sanctions Against Iran

I understand why Russia went along with the sanctions. If Iran stops making fuel rods for their reactors, then they will have to buy them from Russia.

As for China, the lever used on them is obvious. This round of sanctions bans trade with Iran in goods which have both civilian and military uses. That means the oil, which Iran wants to sell for non-dollar currencies. If Iran were allowed to continue to sell their oil for non-dollar currencies, the dollar would fall, and every nation, China included, that is holding large reserves of dollars would see the value of those reserves plummet.

So, the UN vote is essentially a vote not for concern about nuclear weapons, but pure self interest. The other member nations of the security council have been taking US dollars and sticking them in warehouses to keep the value of the dollar high and now they are stuck. They HAVE to do whatever it takes to prop those dollars up.

Russia, China Block UN Iran Resolution

Russia and China on Tuesday scuttled a Western attempt to introduce a resolution on Iran’s nuclear defiance at a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency, diplomats said.

Famine, Semences et Changements climatiques

***** Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling

Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
Michael Asher– February 26, 2008

World Temperatures according to the Hadley Center for Climate Prediction. Note the steep drop over the last year.

Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile — the list goes on and on.

No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA’s GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.

A compiled list of all the sources can be seen here. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C — a value large enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year’s time. For all four sources, it’s the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.

Scientists quoted in a past DailyTech article link the cooling to reduced solar activity which they claim is a much larger driver of climate change than man-made greenhouse gases. The dramatic cooling seen in just 12 months time seems to bear that out. While the data doesn’t itself disprove that carbon dioxide is acting to warm the planet, it does demonstrate clearly that more powerful factors are now cooling it.

Forget global warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age

Lorne Gunter, National Post Published: Monday, February 25, 2008

Snow cover over North America and much of Siberia, Mongolia and China is greater than at any time since 1966.

The U.S. National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) reported that many American cities and towns suffered record cold temperatures in January and early February. According to the NCDC, the average temperature in January « was -0.3 F cooler than the 1901-2000 (20th century) average. »

B.C. budget hikes fuel costs with new carbon tax

I keep telling you; this whole « Humans cause global warming » thing is a SCAM to justify taking more money from you.

Look at all the record-setting cold we have this winter. If global warming were the issue, the proponents would slow down and re-evaluate the model in light of this new and unexpected data. But the agenda is really about grabbing money, so the global warming cult doesn’t even break stride, imposing their carbon tax on you even as the snow and ice rise to record levels.

Cold Water on « Global Warming »

A whole cottage industry has sprung up among people who get grants, government agencies who get appropriations, politicians who get publicity, and the perpetually indignant who get something new to be indignant about. It gives teachers something to talk about in school instead of teaching.

Those who bother to check the facts often find that not all those who are called scientists are really scientists and not all of those who are scientists are specialists in climate. But who bothers to check facts these days?

Wheat prices doubled almost overnight

And the blame falls on the global warming cultists who insisted farmers grow fuel instead of food.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you, because … I did! – M. R.



World Grain Demand Straining U.S. Supply

Okay, so the global warming « cult » promised us all that if we turned food production farmland into ethanol production, that we would have a zero carbon footprint source of energy.

Of course, it didn’t work out that way because the process used to turn corn into ethanol actually produces more greenhouse gas than just burning an equivalent amount of gasoline. And since ethanol actually contains less chemical energy than the equivalent amount of gasoline, you have to buy MORE of this already-expensive concoction to drive the same number of miles.

Meanwhile, because less land is growing food, now we have food shortages, and because the US dollar is in decline, American agricultural corporations are selling the food grown in the United States to foreign markets … leaving US store shelves empty.

Good thinking, guys. Real Einstein-class brains you got there! – M. R.

Food shortages loom as wheat crop shrinks and prices rise

The world is only ten weeks away from running out of wheat supplies after stocks fell to their lowest levels for 50 years.

The crisis has pushed prices to an all-time high and could lead to further hikes in the price of bread, beer, biscuits and other basic foods.

Famines May Occur Without Record Crops This Year, Potash Says

People and livestock are consuming more grain than ever, draining world inventories and increasing the likelihood of shortages, Doyle said yesterday in an interview on Bloomberg Television.

Food Riots already happening

Here in Jordan, the cost of maintaining fuel subsidies amid the surge in prices forced the government to remove almost all the subsidies this month, sending the price of some fuels up 76 percent overnight. In a devastating domino effect, the cost of basic foods like eggs, potatoes and cucumbers doubled or more.

In a few places the price increases have led to violence. In Yemen, prices for bread and other foods have nearly doubled in the past four months, setting off a string of demonstrations and riots in which at least a dozen people were killed. In Morocco, 34 people were sentenced to prison on Wednesday for participating in riots over food prices, the Moroccan state news service reported. Even tightly controlled Jordan has had nonviolent demonstrations and strikes.

In Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, inflation is in the double digits

In the oil-producing gulf countries, governments that are flush with oil money can soften the blow by spending more. The United Arab Emirates increased the salaries of public sector employees by 70 percent this month; Oman raised them 43 percent. Saudi Arabia also raised wages and increased subsidies on some foods. Bahrain set up a $100 million fund to be distributed this year to people most affected by rising prices. But all this government spending has the unfortunate side effect of worsening inflation, economists say.

Mr. Abdul Raheem, the clothing store employee in Amman, potatoes have jumped to about 76 cents a pound from 32 cents. A carton of 30 eggs went to nearly $4.25 from just above $2; cucumbers rose to 58 cents a pound from about 22. All this in a matter of weeks.

Middle Class May Be Subject To Food Rations, Warns UN

« The WFP crisis talks come as the body sees the emergence of a “new area of hunger” in developing countries where even middle-class, urban people are being “priced out of the food market” because of rising food prices, » reports the Financial Times.

I think I have the curse of Cassandra on me.

Back when the global warming cultists were touting ethanol as an alternative to gas because it would have zero carbon footprint (it doesn’t after you add in the emissions from the conversion process), I warned that once huge tracts of farmland were diverted from food production to ethanol production that we would see food shortages and skyrocketing prices as a result.

And here we are.

Privatisation de la Biodiversité: La Société Radio Canada impliquée dans le mensonge médiatique

Privatisation de la Biodiversité: La Société Radio Canada impliquée dans le mensonge médiatique

par Michel Chossudovsky

Mondialisation.ca, Le 26 fevrier 2008

Un reportage de Radio Canada (Le Point, 25 février) passe en revue un projet de Banque de la biodiversité situé dans l’Artique. Il s’agit d’un projet est une de « chambre forte » des semences mondiales situé à Svalbard, sur l’île norvégienne de Spitsbergen. .

(25 février 2008) – Une installation très particulière sera inaugurée cette semaine dans l’archipel du Svalbard, au large de la Norvège dans l’océan Arctique. Il s’agit d’un abri souterrain destiné à sauvegarder les graines des différentes espèces végétales de la planète.

Ce projet international ambitieux, appelé Voûte internationale des semences, vise à préserver une biodiversité de plus en plus

Le projet est une « chambre forte » des semences mondiales situé à Svalbard, sur l’île norvégienne de Spitsbergen. .

Jean-François Bélanger l’a visitée. http://www.radio-canada.ca/actualite/v2/tj22h/index.shtml#

Video du programme (real)

Ce reportage présente le projet de Svalbard comme étant une initiative à caractère humanitaire visant la protection de la biodiversité mondiale, afin de protéger l’agriculture biologique. Toutes les semences de la planète seraient déposées dans cette chambre forte de Svalbard, à l’abris des catastrophes.

Ce reportage est mensonger à plusieurs égards.

Il s’agit d’une initiative de la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates. Le reportage ne le mentionne pas. Qui plus est, les principaux partenaires du projet sont Monsanto, la plus grande société mondiale de biotechnologie, la Fondation Sygenta, géant des semences OGM et de produits de l’agrochimie et la Fondation Rockefeller.

Également associé au projet est le géant étasunien de l’agro-alimentaire DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred, impliqué dans le brevetage d’organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) et de semences,

La Fondation Rockefeller est impliquée par l’entremise de son réseau mondial (CGIAR) dans la promotion des OGM au détriment de l’agriculture biologique. Le gouvernment norvégien figure également comme partenaire du projet.

Il ne s’agit nullement d’un projet humanitaire. Bien au contraire.

Ce projet permet à une poignée d’entreprises de la biotechnologie de prendre le contrôle des semences biologiques de la planète. Ce projet vise la privatisation de la biodiversité mondiale au détriment des peuples.

Il est averé que les principaux partenaires (la Fondation Gates, Monsanto, Sygenta et la Fondation Rockefeller) de ce projet visant, selon Radio Canada, ‘à sauvegarder les graines des différentes espèces végétales de la planète’ constituent en réalité une des principales menaces a la biodiversité mondiale.

Le Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation (CRM) basé à Montréal vient de publier une étude détaillée de William F, Engdahl (Associé de recherche du CRM) au sujet du projet de Svaarlberg.

En voici quelques extraits

Bill Gates investit des millions dans une chambre forte pour semences sur la Mer de Barents, près de l’Océan Arctique, à quelque 1.100 kilomètres du Pôle Nord. Le Svalbard est un bout de roche stérile revendiqué par la Norvège et cédé en 1925 par un traité international (voir la carte).

Sur cette île perdue, Bill Gates investit des dizaines de millions avec la Fondation Rockefeller, Monsanto Corporation, la Fondation Syngenta et le gouvernement de Norvège, entre autres, dans ce qui est appelé doomsday seed bank [arche de Noé végétale traduit au mieux cette expression qui combine chambre forte, semences et fin des temps ou apocalypse, NDT]. Officiellement, le projet est appelé chambre forte à semences mondiales de Svalbard, sur l’île norvégienne de Spitsbergen, qui fait partie de l’archipel de Svalbard. ……

La Fondation Rockefeller avec la Fondation Gates, … investissent à présent des millions de dollars dans la préservation de toutes les semences contre un scénario « apocalyptique » éventuel, investissent aussi des millions dans un projet nommé Alliance pour la Révolution Verte en Afrique (AGRA).

L’AGRA, comme elle s’est elle-même appelée, est une alliance avec cette même Fondation Rockefeller qui a créé la « Révolution Génétique » .

Bien qu’à ce jour ils gardent profil bas, Monsanto et les principaux géants de l’agro-alimentaire OGM sont soupçonnés d’être au cœur du problème en se servant de Kofi Annan de l’AGRA pour disséminer leurs semences OGM brevetées dans toute l’Afrique sous l’étiquette trompeuse de « biotechnologie, » le nouvel euphémisme pour semences génétiquement modifiées brevetées. À ce jour, l’Afrique du Sud est le seul pays africain qui autorise légalement la plantation de cultures OGM. En 2003 le Burkina Faso a autorisé des essais d’OGM. En 2005, le Ghana de Kofi Annan a rédigé des lois sur la sécurité biologique et les principaux responsables ont exprimé leur intention de poursuivre la recherche sur les cultures OGM.

Texte an anglais de William Engdahl

« Doomsday Seed Vault » in the Arctic – by F. William Engdahl – 2007-12-04

Texte en français (traduction)

L’« arche de Noé végétale » en Arctique – par F. William Engdahl – 2008-02-15

Arctic ‘Doomsday Vault’ Filled With World’s Seeds Comes to Life

It has the capacity to hold up to 4.5 million batches of seeds from all known varieties of the planet’s main food crops, making it possible to re-establish plants if they disappear from their natural environment or are obliterated by major disasters.

It sounds good on paper, but if something comes along that drives natural food plants to extinction (such as a runaway « intellectual property » gene), the instant seeds from the vault are brought out, they will suffer the same fate.

Faults in the Arctic Seed Vault: not everyone is celebrating Svalbard

Global Research, February 27, 2008


Weather Warfare: Beware the US military’s experiments with climatic warfare

‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change.


by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, December 7, 2007

The Ecologist, December 2007

« HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems globally. »

« ‘Climatic warfare’ potentially threatens the future of humanity, but has casually been excluded from the reports for which the IPCC received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. »

Pdf version of article on Weather Warfare by Michel Chossudovsky, The Ecologist, December 2007 (pdf)


US Life Expectancy Drops To 29th Worldwide: 69.3 Years

So, as medical costs increase in the US, the actual benefit declines. We have the most expensive medical care in the world, yet one of the poorest quality health systems of any industrialized nation. Pay more, get less; THAT’S the American way!

Surprise! You are ten times more likely to die from prescription drugs than from recreational drugs!

Recreational drugs, including cocaine and heroin, are responsible for an estimated 10,000-20,000 American deaths per year, … an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported that an estimated 106,000 hospitalized patients die each year from drugs which, by medical standards, are properly prescribed and properly administered.

Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court – Now What?

After years of insisting there is no evidence to link vaccines with the onset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the US government has quietly conceded a vaccine-autism case in the Court of Federal Claims.

The child’s claim against the government — that mercury-containing vaccines were the cause of her autism — was supposed to be one of three « test cases » for the thimerosal-autism theory currently under consideration by a three-member panel of Special Masters, the presiding justices in Federal Claims Court.

Please make sure that you pass this forward to every parent or family member dealing with the heartbreak of an autistic child.

Please also make sure that you show this to every expectant mom you know.

22,000 died amid delayed Bayer drug recall: doctor

The lives of 22,000 patients could have been saved if U.S. regulators had been quicker to remove a Bayer AG drug used to stem bleeding during open heart surgery, according to a medical researcher interviewed by CBS Television’s 60 Minutes program.

For those who do not believe that profit runs the alleged « health care » system in the US.

FDA ties pneumonia deaths to infant vaccine

GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s rotavirus vaccine is associated with increased pneumonia-related deaths and other adverse reactions, U.S. regulatory staff said in documents posted on Friday.

Researchers Find a Bias Toward Upbeat Findings on Antidepressants

New York Times January 17, 2008

The makers of antidepressants like Prozac and Paxil never published the results of about a third of the drug trials that they conducted to win government approval, misleading doctors and consumers about the drugs’ true effectiveness, a new analysis has found.

How Teenage Rebellion Has Become a Mental Illness

Not complying with authority is now, in many cases, labeled a disease.

In Aldous Huxley’s « Brave New World », the population was kept permanently drugged to control them.

Looks like we are headed that way, where the government will force pills on those people suffering the « sickness » of independence.

Illinois Shooter was Treated with Psych Meds Prior to Shooting Rampage

Psychiatric medications, of course, are well known to cause extremely violent thoughts and behavior in young males. This is actually acknowledged by the FDA and is found in the black-box warnings printed on the packaging for such drugs. In Europe, the prescribing of many such drugs to children and teens is actually illegal. But in the United States, where psychiatric medications have become the « new medicine » for American youth, nobody seems to pay attention to the simple fact that every school shooting we’ve seen in the last decade has been committed by a young male with a history of treatment with psychiatric medications.

Autisme, schizophrénie et hyperactivité- Phosphates dans l’alimentation : les enfants poussés au bord de la folie

par Word Press Mondialisation.ca

Autisme, schizophrénie et hyperactivité- Phosphates dans l’alimentation : les enfants poussés au bord de la folie

Scientific Study Finds Fluoride Horror Stories Factual

The establishment media will have to find a new tactic with which to ridicule those who oppose the fluoridation of water after a major new Scientific American report concluded that « Scientific attitudes toward fluoridation may be starting to shift » as new evidence emerges of the poison’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.

– In Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg fluoridation of water was rejected because it was classified as compulsive medication against the subject’s will and therefore violated fundamental human rights.

– In November of 2006, the American Dental Association (ADA) advised that parents should avoid giving babies fluoridated water.

In 2005, a study conducted at the Harvard School of Dental Health found that fluoride in tap water directly contributes to causing bone cancer in young boys.

An August 2006 Chinese study found that fluoride in drinking water damages children’s liver and kidney functions.

The report also notes that « a series of epidemiological studies in China have associated high fluoride exposures with lower IQ. »

Tools of Eugenics: Fluoride

Water Fluoridation has hit the main stream media after decades being brushed aside. Scientific American had an article about the dangers of fluoride if its overused, revealing that its almost impossible not to overuse it. Many people don’t think twice about the toxic waste that we are drowning in. Fluoride is not what you think, and the deceit is painfully obvious, you just have to look.

Bay Area has first major U.S. study of Morgellons disease

Bay Area researchers are beginning the first major U.S. study into a mystery disease known for its frightening symptoms – among them, open sores and unidentifiable objects poking out of the skin – that doctors have long suspected is all in patients’ heads.

The extreme resistance of the medical establishment to looking into this condition suggests that they already know what causes it, and the cause is something that exposes some industry to a huge liability problem.

Prozac Mania – The Dark Side of Antidepressants

In October 1999, Pfizer, makers of Zoloft, settled for an undisclosed sum with the estate of Brynn Hartman, who had shot her husband comedian Phil Hartman dead, and then killed herself. Ms Hartman had been taking Zoloft at the time of the murder/suicide. According to the lawsuit, Ms Hartman had complained to friends that she felt as if she were going to « jump out of her skin. »

Then there are the well-publicized school shootings: One of the killers in the Columbine tragedy had been prescribed Luvox. Listed in the manufacturer’s warning as « frequent » adverse reactions to Luvox are « manic reaction » and « psychotic reaction. » Meanwhile, Kip Kinkel, who killed four people in Oregon, including his parents, had been on Prozac at the time.

FDA Protects SSRI Makers With Misleading Suicide Warning

« Not only is it continuing to minimize the adverse reactions of the antidepressants on the entire population, » she notes, « it has now become a cheerleader for the psychiatric community. » « When will the well-being of the American People, » Ms O’Meara asks, « get the protection it needs and deserves from the nation’s leading drug watchdog and when will this nation’s lawmakers stand up and be counted on this issue? »

Toxic Chemotherepy may not be as effective against cancer as claimed

Depression drugs don’t work, finds data review

Millions of people taking commonly prescribed antidepressants such as Prozac and Seroxat might as well be taking a placebo, according to the first study to include unpublished evidence.

How depressing! – M. R.

Mercury is good for you! – US Mainstream Media Report

Mainstream media report claiming that mercury is actually good for you! I wonder who lobbied for this one?

Alert over the march of the ‘grey goo’ in nanotechnology Frankenfoods

Professor Vicki Stone, Professor of Toxicology at Napier University in Edinburgh, is concerned about unforeseen side effects.

« We know very little about the ability of nanoparticles to move around the body, to accumulate or to be excreted, or their potential to cause toxic effects in organs, » she said.

Prozac ‘found in drinking water’

Traces of the antidepressant Prozac can be found in the nation’s drinking water, it has been revealed.

New Bacterial Infection Linked to Military

Doctors have linked the bacterium acinetobacter baumannii to at least seven deaths, as well as to loss of limbs and other severe ailments, according to the report, which found the bacterium has spread quickly since the war in Afghanistan began in the fall of 2001

« IRAN DID IT! » — Official White Horse Souse

Natural medicines – the safest way to avoid death

A report just released by the Acting Chair of the Coroner’s Council has shown natural medicines have the lowest fatality rate of all medical treatments in this country.

Research backs theory that vitamin C shrinks tumours

Let us hope that the research moving forward on this at McGill University will not be funded by the very same drug companies invested in having the outcome of this research be negative.

Homosexual activity cause of earthquake, Shas MK says

The recent earthquake that was felt across Israel was the result of the « homosexual activity practiced in the country », Knesset Member Shlomo Benizri said Wednesday.

Is it anti-Semitic to mention plate tectonics?

Économie et pétrole:

US subprime crisis costs global 7.7 trillion dollars

The meltdown in the US subprime real-estate market has led to a global loss of 7.7 trillion dollars in stock-market value since October, a report by Bank of America showed Thursday.

The crisis, which has spread beyond US shores to banks and other sectors worldwide, is « one of the most vicious in financial history, » according to Bank of America chief market strategist Joseph Quinlan.

Quinlan said in the report that the losses are worse than any in the past few decades, including Wall Street’s Black Monday of 1987, the 1999 Brazilian real currency crisis and the collapse of hedge fund Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) in 1998.

The losses were also greater than those suffered after the September 11, 2001, terro attacks, the Asian financial crisis starting in 1997, Argentina’s default on its debt in 2001 and the 1994 Mexican peso crisis.

A report last week by Standard & Poors ratings agency showed global stock markets were walloped with a collective loss of 5.2 trillion dollars in the month of January alone.

Current Account Balances….

Find the UNited States on this balance sheet.

Keep looking …

Keep looking …

Keep looking …

There now.


See The United States Is In Deep Doodoo!

#1 China $ 363,300,000,000 2007 est.

#14 Canada $ 28,460,000,000 2007 est.

# 163 Dernier de liste: United States $ -747,100,000,000 2007 est.

Bank of America circulating confidential proposal to Congress seeking $739 billion bailout

Here is the short version.

Bank of America thought they could get more of your money if the government would leave them alone.

But Bank of America did not become as rich as they expected, so now they want the government to help TAKE money from you and give it to them.

And remember, the terrorists only hate us because we are free.

Oil, gold prices strike historic highs

The price of oil touched an all-time peak of 101.32 dollars a barrel on Thursday, lifted by fears of supply disruptions according to traders.

Oil’s surge meanwhile helped gold to a record high of 948.59 dollars an ounce, they added.

Foreclosures: Worst hit zip codes

Foreclosures of all types rose 75 percent in 2007 according to RealtyTrac.

Remember this statistic the next time Fearless Leader (or one of his minions) chants the mantra: « the fundamentals of our economy are strong ».

Mass. foreclosures rise 128% in January

There were 799 foreclosure deeds in January, up 128.3 percent from the 350 deeds in January 2007, the firm said, and January 2008 also marks the highest number of deeds during any month since August 2007, when there were 1,018.

Can’t Pay Your Mortgage? Trash Your House And Leave

On the lookout for disturbing trends? Here’s one for your pile: According to a recent article in Fortune, there has been a noticeable increase in not just fraud but arson that has kept pace with the housing depression. Professionals in the insurance and lending industry are bracing themselves for all manner of similar situations, as homeowners either trash, or simply leave their trash lying around their houses, often taking off without even claiming their furniture. This is already a dirty problem in the housing business, with owners, lenders and banks having to figure out a way to stick each other with the check when tenants destroy their property on their way out the door. Woe is the person left behind to clean up the chaos.

Notice the use of the word « tenants » in this article.

It is the banks and lending institutions which own your home until the loan is actually paid off.

Insurers of Foreclosed Homes Brace For Arson Epidemic

Insurance fraud investigators are bracing for an epidemic of arsons as desperate borrowers torch their homes for insurance money.

Bangladesh bank offers loans to US poor

Oh come ON, now!


Did terrorists cause the housing mess?

The Bovine Excrement Meter just exploded.

Iran opened its oil bourse today.

The first phase of Iran’s oil stock market started its work on Kish island in the Persian Gulf, southern Iran, on Sunday presenting oil and petrochemical products.

Iran Oil Bourse may use Russian ruble

« We are seeking to launch an oil exchange in Iran selling the crude in currencies other than US dollar. It is possible that in the future, we’ll be able to use the ruble, Russia’s national currency, in our operations, » the Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Gholam-Reza Ansari noted.

« Russia and Iran, two major producers of the world’s energy, should encourage oil and gas transactions in various non-dollar currencies, releasing the world from being a slave of dollar, » he added.

« Bomb ’em! Bomb ’em! Bomb ’em NOW! NOW, NOW, NOW!!! » — Official White Horse Souse

Iran’s envoy: Iran and Russia can rid world of dollar’s slavery

Iran’s Ambassador to Moscow said here Friday Iran and Russia, as major energy suppliers, can rid the world of US dollar’s slavery by promoting oil and gas deals using different currencies.

OPEC may switch to euro, will « take time » -sec-gen :: www.uruknet.info

« Maybe we can price the oil in the euro, » the London-based Middle East Economic Digest quoted Badri as saying in an interview. « It can be done, but it will take time. »

If you think the dollar is in deep distress now, things are definitely likely to get much more dicey, if and when such a move happens.

OPEC considers dumping US dollar

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries plans to discuss a proposal by Iran and Venezuela to price oil in non-dollar currencies.

This, coupled with the opening of the Iranian bourse on the 27th of this month, could be devastating to the standing of the dollar in the international currency markets.

Chavez to cut off oil supplies to Exxon

Hugo Chavez, known for his frequent run-ins with the US, is at it again. However, this time he has put his money where his mouth is. Hugo Chavez has ordered oil supplies to be cut-off to the American oil giant — Exxon Mobil.

« Invade, INVADE!!! » Official White Horse Souse.

Titan’s surface organics surpass oil reserves on Earth

Saturn’s orange moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to new Cassini data. The hydrocarbons rain from the sky, collecting in vast deposits that form lakes and dunes.

There are two thoughts that come to mind with this story.

First, we could probably take the money we are spending on (unsuccessfully) conquering the Mideast oil fields and build a system of space « tankers » to haul all those hydrocarbons from Titan to Earth (probably cheaper). Of course, we could also develop fusion power with some of that money, but both of these solutions require foresight and imagination; two qualities in short supply in our government.

Second, I am pretty certain that Titan never had any dinosaurs, which raises the possibility that if Titan’s hydrocarbons are not created by life forms, then neither are Earth’s.

The Revolution is starting!

BREMERTON, Wash. — Bremerton police said four banks were vandalized early Thursday, with each incident involving windows broken with pieces of concrete that had notes taped to them, reported KIRO 7 Eyewitness News.

According to police, the vandals did not go in any of the banks.

“No entry was gained and nothing was taken, so it appears this was the delivery of some kind of message by the perpetrators,” Andy Oakley with Bremerton police said.

Police said the content of the notes were all the same and read as follows:

Directions: Attach to brick and throw through window

“Here is your brick back. »

« Recognize it? You should.”

“It is part of the wall that you, as one of the elite upper class, have helped to build between the minority ruling class, and the majority working class throughout history. By flaunting your decadence, you have made yourself a target.”

“Get used to it!”

“Social youth chaos-f___ s___ up!”

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