LNI Média

30 décembre 2008

Un billet pour la fin de l’année 2008 et pour les 400 ans de Québec

Filed under: Divers — François M. @ 2:14

Un billet pour la fin de l’année 2008 et pour les 400 ans de Québec

Voilà que l’année 2008 s’achève. Elle fut mouvementé dans plusieurs domaines. Pas besoin de vous décrire tout, vous en êtes déjà conscient. Cet année a marqué le 400e anniversaire de Québec et ce billet fait partie d’une belle initiative qui souligne ce moment, nommée 400 ans 400 blogs. Vous pouvez trouver tous les autres billets qui rendent hommage à cet anniversaire de la ville de Québec.

Je pense sincèrement que Québec est une des plus ville d’Amérique et que les gens qui y vivent sont merveilleux. Nous avons une belle culture et il fait bon vivre sur cette terre, d’où l’importance de le réaliser et de vouloir toujours en prendre soin. Il y a beaucoup d’histoire dans cette belle région et il ne faudrait pas oublier qu’avant Québec, il y avait des gens qui y vivaient, les amérindiens. Nous avons pris beaucoup de place et il faudrait redonner beaucoup plus de pouvoir à ces gens qui nous ont précédé.

Longue vie à Québec, ville romantique et remplie d’amour!

24 décembre 2008

Le Père Noël exige son plan de sauvetage!

Filed under: Divers — François M. @ 8:44

Le Père Noël exige son plan de sauvetage!

Comme si ce n’était pas assez de ces charognards de banquiers et constructeurs automobiles qui se font octroyer des sommes astronomiques en guise de plan de sauvetage, voilà que le Père Noël exige le sien!

Ha ha! Je vous souhaite un très joyeux Noël, de l’amour et de la santé pour vos familles et les êtres chers qui vous entourent! Que la paix et la fraternité soient dans votre coeur.

Joyeux Noël à tous!

23 décembre 2008

L’arbre vert illégal

Filed under: Divers,Santé — François M. @ 11:52

L’arbre vert illégal

Voici une tranche intéressante de l’histoire absurde de la légalisation et criminalisation du chanvre, une plante versatile et qui donne la fibre la plus résistante et durable. Comme le reste, tout est une question d’argent et d’intérêts privés qui interfère avec nos vie et notre bien commun.


Why is the massively valuable and versatile hemp plant illegal in the United States?

Three reasons.

Making hemp illegal:

1. Provides make-work for a vast army of « law enforcers » who then are available to be used for other social control work.

2. Protects the market share of numerous well organized lobbies: alcohol makers, plastics and chemical manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and cotton growers (still a powerful economic force in America 200 + years after the Civil War.)

3. Gives fascist minded politicians yet another way to control the population.

13 décembre 2008

Source d’inspiration: Vidéo TED

Filed under: Divers — François M. @ 11:51

Source d’inspiration: Vidéo TED

Voici plusieurs courts vidéo qui vont vous inspirer et vous faire réfléchir. On y parle de la créativité et du jeu, des blogueurs et les médias, des raisons pour lesquelles les civilisations s’effondrent, un nouveau modèle pour l’univers et la matière noire et l’énergie noire dans l’univers ainsi que les pouvoirs d’auto-guérison du corps.

Tim Brown: The powerful link between creativity and play

About this talk

At the 2008 Serious Play conference, designer Tim Brown talks about the powerful relationship between creative thinking and play — with many examples you can try at home (and one that maybe you shouldn’t).

James Surowiecki: The moment when social media became the news

About this talk

James Surowiecki pinpoints the moment when social media became an equal player in the world of news-gathering: the 2005 tsunami, when YouTube video, blogs, IMs and txts carried the news — and preserved moving personal stories from the tragedy.

Jared Diamond: Why societies collapse

About this talk

Why do societies fail? With lessons from the Norse of Iron Age Greenland, deforested Easter Island and present-day Montana, Jared Diamond talks about the signs that collapse is near, and how — if we see it in time — we can prevent it.

Garrett Lisi: A beautiful new theory of everything

About this talk

Physicist and surfer Garrett Lisi presents a controversial new model of the universe that — just maybe — answers all the big questions. If nothing else, it’s the most beautiful 8-dimensional model of elementary particles and forces you’ve ever seen.

Dr. Dean Ornish: Healing and other natural wonders

About this talk

Dean Ornish talks about simple, low-tech and low-cost ways to take advantage of the body’s natural desire to heal itself.

Patricia Burchat: The search for dark energy and dark matter

About this talk

Physicist Patricia Burchat sheds light on two basic ingredients of our universe: dark matter and dark energy. Comprising 96% of the universe between them, they can’t be directly measured, but their influence is immense.

9 décembre 2008

Un petit test qu’on donne aux enfants de la Chine

Filed under: Divers — François M. @ 10:33

Un petit test qu’on donne aux enfants de la Chine

Serez-vous capable de résoudre ce problème? Il y a véritablement une solution, ce n’est pas une attrape!

Are you smarter than a second grader from China?

7 décembre 2008

Les guerres faciles, la fausse guerre contre la drogue et la guerre contre nos enfants

Filed under: Divers,Médias et Internet — François M. @ 10:24

Les guerres faciles, la fausse guerre contre la drogue et la guerre contre nos enfants

Trois vidéo incontournables à voir aujourd’hui:

War Made Easy

American Drug War Economics

Ending drug prohibition and focusing on addiction as a sickness, like alcohol and prescription drugs, could save the U.S. economy and millions of lives. Please pass this video on to as many people as you can. We need your help to end the Drug War.

Who Controls Our Children?

Grimper les arbres les plus hauts du monde

Filed under: Divers — François M. @ 9:34

Grimper les arbres les plus hauts du monde

Cette présentation est en anglais, mais ça vaut la peine d’être vu. Vous aurez une toute nouvelle image de ces majestueux séquoïa qui poussent sur la côte ouest du continent nord-américain. Il faut voir l’écosystème qui se développe à la cime de ces arbres géants. Malheureusement, ils sont menacés par une invasion d’organismes venus de l’étranger.

Richard Preston: Climbing the world’s biggest trees

About this talk

Science writer Richard Preston talks about some of the most enormous living beings on the planet, the giant trees of the US Pacific Northwest. Growing from a tiny seed, they support vast ecosystems — and are still, largely, a mystery.

16 novembre 2008

VIDÉO: Empires, religions malades-Palin-Enfants Africains, mariages gay en Californie, Payante guerre contre le terrorisme

VIDÉO: Empires, Religions malades-Palin-enfants Africains, Mariages gay en Californie, Payante guerre contre le terrorisme

Voilà de quoi vous divertir en réfléchissant sur les absurdités sidérantes de notre époque. Ce sont les vidéo les plus frappantes de la semaine qui circulent sur Internet.

Chalmers Johnson – Imperial Overreach

Historian and ex-Navy man Chalmers Johnson was interviewed for his new book, Nemesis and if you have ever read his book called Blowback, you will definitely want to see this. If you are new to Johnson’s analysis, here is a chance to get acquainted.

Keith Olbermann Speaks Out On Prop 8

George Carlin: Religion is bullshit


Killing kids for Christ

Warning: Contains disturbing images


Palin and « Spiritual Warfare »

An African holocaust

Freedom of religion, sure.

But freedom FROM religion too.

The Founding Fathers were equally interested in both.

Here’s an example of why it’s so important.

Source: « Saving Africa’s Witch Children »

In some of the poorest parts of Nigeria, where evangelical religious fervor is combined with a belief in sorcery and black magic, many thousands of children are being blamed for catastrophes, death and famine: and branded witches.

Denounced as Satan made flesh by powerful pastors and prophetesses, these children are abandoned, tortured, starved and murdered: all in the name of Jesus Christ.

This Dispatches Special follows the work of one Englishman, 29-year-old Gary Foxcroft, who has devoted his life to helping these desperate and vulnerable children. Gary’s charity, Stepping Stones Nigeria, raises funds to help Sam Itauma, who five years ago, rescued four children accused of witchcraft. He now struggles to care for over 150 in a makeshift shelter and school in the Niger Delta region called CRARN (Child Rights and Rehabilitation Network).

Gary and Sam introduce Dispatches to some of the rescued children who have been through unimaginable horrors, such as Ekemeni, aged 13, who was tied up with chicken wire and starved and beaten for two weeks, and Mary, aged 14, who was burnt with acid before her mother attempted to bury her alive. Other children display the hallmarks of witch-branding – acid burns and machete scars. Uma Eke, aged 17, has been left brain-damaged after having a three-inch nail driven into her skull.

Hospitals refuse to treat children associated with sorcery, so Sam’s centre does its best to provide medical aid.

Influential preachers from the more extreme churches brand the children witches or wizards and exploit their desperate parents by charging them exorbitant amounts of money in return for exorcising the spirits.

The film features extraordinary access to some of the preachers who openly discuss their work.

One preacher who calls himself ‘The Bishop,’ says he has made a fortune by carrying out ‘deliverances’ on children. He admits having killed 110 people in the past. Dispatches films him as he administers a mixture of pure alcohol, a substance known as ‘African mercury’ and his own blood to one child accused of witchcraft.

Exorcism is big business. Preachers can charge as much as a year’s salary for an average Nigerian to treat children. They often hold the child captive until the parents can pay up. The Niger Delta area is oil rich – but very few have access to oil wealth; the average life expectancy is around 47.

Shocking and tragic, Dispatches reveals the plight of the thousands of innocent children who suffer intolerable cruelty at the hands of so-called Christian pastors. As Gary, Director of UK Charity Stepping Stones Nigeria, says:

« It’s an absolute scandal. Any Christian would look at the situation that is going on here and just be absolutely outraged that they were using the teachings of Jesus Christ to exploit and abuse innocent children. »

You can find out more about the work of Stepping Stones Nigeria at http://www.steppingstonesnigeria.org

Site was down the last time I checked.

War on Terror = A cash cow

The only growth area left in the economy

A ferry somewhere in god-only-knows-where North Carolina is
threatened by terrorist bomb attack?

Give me a break.

How much does this thing cost?

How much will it cost to place it everywhere some Homeland Security ninny thinks there might be a threat?

Someone is getting rich off this nonsense and with the money made you can bet they can buy a lot of public officials to approve this hyper-expensive junk security.

Peter Dale Scott & former Democratic Congressman Dan Hamburg on Continuity of Government


Recorded August 8, 2008, Peter Dale Scott and former Democratic Congressman Dan Hamburg discuss Continuity of Government, the upcoming election, and Deep Politics. Thanks to John Bertucci, for making the video available.

Also, Scott’s remarks from the Making Sense of the 60s conference have been published at 911truth.org;

The Assassinations of the 1960s as “Deep Events”

2 novembre 2008

Les justiciers masqués révélent la lenteur intellectuelle de Sarah Palin

Filed under: États-Unis,Divers,Québec — François M. @ 11:19

Wow, Sarah Palin n’est pas très vite…

24 octobre 2008

Voici quelques vidéo qui risquent de vous intéresser!

Filed under: Divers — François M. @ 7:30


Voici quelques vidéo qui risquent de vous intéresser!

There will be consequences

The inevitable collapse of the dollar

What goes up will come down

« The path that we’re on right now is not sustainable. »

« The portfolio adjustments will be swift and severe. »

« There’s going to be a major realignment of global living standard. »

« Every knows the dollar could collapse, but nobody knows where it will start. »

The first day of a Second American Revolution Part 1

The first day of a Second American Revolution Part 2

Slavery didn’t end in the US until 1945

US Steel was one of the main beneficiaries

Slave nation

An honest and complete history of the United States would include the fact that its economy, especially in the South, was addicted to slavery…

And that slavery continued in the South protected by local laws, law enforcement, courts and judges through 1945 (with occasional episodes afterward.)

Amazingly, one of the primary beneficiaries of this period of Post-Emancipation neo-slavery was U.S. Steel.

For more info Google the book « Slavery by another name »

Today, people charged with petty drug crimes do hard time, work for a few cents an hour while in prison, and have their labor leased to Fortune 500 corporations.

And the US is building news prisons every day.

Little known fact: The US has a higher percentage of its citizens in prison than any other country on earth including Russia and China.

A challenge to McCain?

All too real

This video captures better than anything I’ve seen yet the reality of the quality of presidential candidates Americans get to choose from.

I believe it was made before Palin was picked to run as VP proving that satire often does a much better job of predicting reality that sober analysis.

Moose-eating, go-go boot wearing, oil company-lovin’ Sarah…

No one could make this stuff up if they tried.

Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus

What the US government doesn’t want you to know about the « terror pilots » and their friends

From Mad Cows News

Who were the 9/11 pilots?

The FBI doesn’t seem to want to know.

And the US news media has been very cooperative in not seeking or reporting the facts.

Far from being a devout Muslim or diligent military intelligence operative, « Mohamed Atta » was a scotch-drinking, coke-snorting, strip-club-attending loud mouth who was widely known in Venice, FL for his anti-social behavior.

Daniel Hopsicker’s well researched book « Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus » indicates that Atta looks a whole lot more like a government protected drug pilot than anything else.

But don’t tell the FBI or any other US law enforcement agency. They clearly don’t want to know – and they don’t want you to know either.

The source of this remarkable video is: Daniel Hopsicker’s investigative journalism web site

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