LNI Média

23 décembre 2008

Sur Les 7 du Québec: La venue des grandes révoltes et du nouvel ordre mondial

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,États-Unis,Canada,Terrorisme — François M. @ 6:35


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 23 décembre 2008

La venue des grandes révoltes et du nouvel ordre mondial


Voilà enfin le chat qui sort du sac: le gouvernement Harper a finalement admis publiquement qu’il va encourir de forts déficits budgétaires pendant au moins les quatre prochaines années, à commencer avec des prédictions de déficits de $30 milliards dès le budget 2009-10. Ça ne prenait pas une tête à Papineau pour prévoir cela. Avec ces $75 milliards octroyés aux banquiers canadiens par Harper, il est évident qu’un trou noir abyssal serait créé dans les finances publiques. C’est entre autres ce que je vous rapportais lors de mes deux derniers billets et c’est aussi la réalité que mes confrères collaborant à ce site ont essayés de vous convier (Voir 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Ne comptez pas sur les Libéraux et leur nouveau chef Michael Ignatieff pour vous aider parce qu’il vient de proposer de remonter la TPS pour aider à financer tout ce gâchis.

À ce massif $75 000 000 000 que Harper a accordé aux banques à charte canadienne – sans nous consulter avant de donner notre argent à ces banquiers – se rajoutera maintenant autour de $4 milliards pour les constructeurs automobiles… jusqu’au mois de mars après quoi ils auront besoin d’un autre $4 milliards. Et ensuite d’un autre. Et un autre. Et un autre…

Les constructeurs automobiles

Il reste que nous tenons pour acquis que de prendre de l’argent d’une partie de la population pour la donner à une autre soit louable. Certains diront que nous ne pouvons pas laisser les trois géants Chrysler, Ford et GM faire faillite dans le but de protéger les emplois, mais si nous avons cessé de consommer leurs produits, c’est qu’il y a bien une raison. Même si nous leur lançons tout notre argent alors que personne n’achète leur produit, ne sont-ils pas condamnés de toute façon? Combien d’argent leur avons-nous donné ces dernières décennies? Si nous sommes pour décider de les «sauver», ne devrions-nous pas leur imposer certaines conditions, comme de prendre part aux futurs profits ainsi que les forcer à produire des véhicules qui fonctionnent avec d’autres sources d’énergie que du pétrole, chose que nous savons parfaitement faire depuis assez longtemps?


Source. (Thanks, Richard Metzger) http://buffalobeast.com/133/bigthree.jpg

Les fonds de pension capitalisés

Parce que vous savez, cet argent, c’est vous qui le payez en fin de compte. Ces multichiffres dans la stratosphère des milliards seront payés à même vos fonds de pension, qui eux, sont carrément menacés de disparaitre. Le reste sera siphonné par les fonds de couverture (hedges funds) dans lesquels notre système spécial de fonds de pension capitalisés est investi en grande partie. 92% des avoirs de la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec sont investis à l’extérieur du Québec dont plus de 40% dans ces fonds de couvertures qui sont littéralement en train de s’écrouler. C’est la prochaine bulle financière qui va éclater. Mais attention, si vous pensiez que la bulle des hypothèques à risques était maligne, attendez de voir celle des dérivatifs. Nous parlons d’une bulle de 1,5 quadrillion de dollars ($1 500 000 000 000 000).

Nous faisons partie des quelques pays qui risquent de souffrir le plus de l’effondrement des fonds de pension capitalisés avec les États-Unis, le Japon l’Angleterre, la Hollande et le Danemark. Seulement qu’en 2008, ces fonds de pension ont perdu de $1500 à 4000 milliards et il est estimé qu’ils perdront au moins un autre $3000 milliards au courant de 2009. Ces gouvernements devront éventuellement nationaliser ces fonds de pension comme l’a fait l’Argentine dernièrement.

Ceci s’accompagnera de coupures importantes dans les services sociaux et autres dépenses publiques, de mises à pied massive qui mènera à l’effondrement des finances publiques tant au niveau fédéral que provincial, entrainant une accentuation et accélération de la privatisation de l’état laissant une plus grande emprise des créanciers sur l’appareil politique et un appauvrissement général de la population.

Terrorisme économique

Nous assistons ainsi à une forme pernicieuse de terrorisme économique. Henry Paulson, le Secrétaire du Trésor américain, a menacé plusieurs congressistes américains lors des débats sur le plan de sauvetage en septembre au Congrès: s’ils ne votaient pas pour le passage du plan de sauvetage de $700 milliards (qui se chiffre maintenant plutôt autour des $8500 milliards), alors ils verraient l’économie américaine s’effondrer la semaine suivante et la loi martiale serait imposée sur le territoire américain en suspendant la Constitution. Voilà ce que j’appelle du terrorisme économique. Ils ont d’ailleurs instauré une procédure spéciale qui accélère le passage de lois urgentes au Congrès qui est nommée «loi martiale», qui, celle-là, n’a rien à voir avec le déploiement de troupes dans les rues. À titre de comparaison, le programme lunaire Apollo des États-Unis pour aller sur la lune aurait couté 267 milliards en dollars ajustés d’aujourd’hui.

Bien sûr, un coup que l’argent fut approuvé, l’urgence disparue et l’argent fut distribué secrètement par la FED à divers amis banquiers et financiers de Wall Street qui en profitèrent pour se payer de gras bonus et salaire de l’ordre de $1.6 milliards en gage de récompense pour avoir si mal géré ces institutions financières en jouant au grand casino mondial, entrainant ainsi la crise que nous vivons présentement. D’ailleurs, une grande partie de cet argent servira au rachat d’autres institutions financières et autres compagnies et infrastructures publiques alors que le reste demeurera entre les mains des banques privées qui ont décidé de s’asseoir dessus en attendant de nous prêter plus tard cet argent qui nous appartient, en prenant soin d’y rajouter les intérêts.

La FED refuse de dévoiler comment et à qui elle a distribué plus de 2 trilliards de dollars provenant de… la poche des contribuables américains. Mais il semble que ce soit «business as usual» aux États-Unis, car même Donald Rumsfled avait annoncé la journée précédente des attaques du 11 septembre 2001 que le Pentagone avait écarté $2.3 trilliards de ses livres comptables. Heureusement, tous les documents relatifs à cette histoire seront détruits par les attaques dès le lendemain. Ah, c’est fou ce qu’on peut accomplir quand ces terroristes se décident de donner un coup de main…

Ce que 2009 nous réserve

Déjà plusieurs experts s’entendent pour dire que les États-Unis approchent l’insolvabilité et risquent de voir les finances du pays complètement s’effondrer d’ici l’été 2009 et commencer à faire défaut sur sa dette extérieure qui dépasse de loin 100% de son PIB.

Il est à prévoir que le déroulement de la crise systémique globale va atteindre un nouveau sommet vers mars 2009. À cette période de l’année, le public en général va devenir conscient de trois forces majeures déstabilisatrices qui sont à l’oeuvre dans l’économie globale:

– La durée de la crise qui ne se stabilisera pas avant la fin de 2010 et pas de croissance réelle avant 2018 selon le rapport LEAP/E2020 produit par GEAB;

– L’explosion du chômage à travers la planète;

– Le risque d’un soudain effondrement de tout le système des fonds de pension capitalisés.

Cela aura des conséquences. Dans le domaine de la prédiction des tendances du monde futur et des évènements économiques, Gerald Celente, le directeur du Trends Research Institute, est l’homme le plus respecté pour son exactitude. C’est celui qui a prédit le crash des marchés boursiers en 1987, l’éclatement de la bulle des hypothèques à risques (subprime) et la chute de l’Union Soviétique; et qui prédit maintenant qu’il y aura révolution aux États-Unis, des émeutes pour la nourriture et une rébellion contre les impôts et taxes d’ici les quatre prochaines années. Vers la fin de l’an 2012, il annonce que les États-Unis seront devenus un pays sous-développé. C’est que les gens seront furieux lorsqu’ils prendront conscience que les mauvaises décisions prises par leur gouvernement, industries et par la communauté financière les ont complètement ruinés. Ceci est corroboré par un mémo interne de la Citibank (autre responsable de la débâcle économique) qui prévoit que la création massive de nouvel argent par la FED et les autres banques centrales du monde mènera à un ou plusieurs de ces scénarios: une résurgence catastrophique de l’inflation et/ou à une profonde dépression suivit de troubles d’ordre civil et possiblement de guerres.

Mais il y a fort à parier que ces manifestations légitimes de la part du public seront attendues de pied ferme par les autorités. Il y a plus de 20 000 troupes de combat qui se trouvaient en Irak qui seront déployées graduellement sur le territoire américain pour maintenir l’ordre en cas de troubles civils. Le U.S. Army War College parle dans son dernier rapport d’utiliser des ressources et troupes du Pentagone dans le cas où la crise économique mènerait à des troubles civils, comme des protestations contre des corporations et le gouvernement ou contre des banques assiégées. Donc, on ne va pas protéger la population, mais bien les riches possédants de corporations et les banquiers.

Ce type de révolte a déjà commencé en Grèce et dans plusieurs autres pays en Europe et on s’attend à ce que cette révolte de la population se manifeste un peu partout dans le monde. (23/12/08 12h00 – Note: Les incidents en Grèce témoignent d’un malaise beaucoup plus profond que la simple mort d’un adolescent. Ce que les médias refusent de vous laisser comprendre, c’est que cette mort ne fut que l’élément déclencheur. Mais les Grecques en ont eu assez de ce système financier et le résultat est que plusieurs banques et institutions financières ont été attaquées par les manifestants. Ces derniers pourraient laisser à penser que ce n’est qu’une bande d’anarchistes qui se défoulent, mais la vérité est qu’une large majorité de la population les soutient et est d’accords avec leurs actions, comme révélé par un sondage mené là-bas. C’est sur la base de la manifestation contre la globalisation qui fait en sorte que ces révoltes s’étendent à plusieurs autres pays européens ainsi que possiblement aux États-Unis.)

Le nouvel ordre mondial annoncé

De ce grand chaos dont l’élite est volontairement responsable viendra la possibilité de faire émerger leur grand rêve d’une gouvernance mondiale. La venue de ce gouvernement global, aussi connu sous l’appellation du nouvel ordre mondial, est maintenant admise et annoncée par le prestigieux journal de Londres, The Financial Times, dans cet article nommé «And now for a world government». L’élite ne se cache plus et leur but est annoncé publiquement. À vous d’en prendre note. Ils ont déterminé que ce nouvel ordre mondial sera imposé par la force, ou encore mieux, sera demandé et accepté par la population mondiale qui, trop terrorisée par le chaos engendré par la crise financière, se rendra à cette élite pour être sauvée.

Note: Je vous invite à laisser vos commentaires sur Les 7 du Québec.

5 décembre 2008

Mumbai: mise à jour sur les attentats

Filed under: Asie,Terrorisme — François M. @ 12:06


Mumbai: mise à jour sur les attentats

India’s 9/11. Who was Behind the Mumbai Attacks?

by Michel Chossudovsky

Washington is Fostering Political Divisions between India and Pakistan

From Bad to Worse

Doctors who conducted the post-mortem said the bodies of the terrorists – especially their faces – were beyond recognition. The security forces identified the bodies as those of terrorists [on TV they said it was because of the presence of weaponry near the bodies]. One terrorist was shot through either eye (i.e., both eyes!!!). As the NSG commandos never got to such close range with the terrorists, and nobody commits suicide by shooting both his own eyes, it follows that the killers were somebody else.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Shot through both eyes? Preventing identification via retinal scan?

Search for Mumbai gunman’s roots only deepens mystery

Indian officials and news media officials identified him variously as Ajmal Amir Kamal, Azam Amir Kasav, or Azam Ameer Qasab, and Indian news media quoted police as saying that the alleged killer’s home village was in Faridkot, near the city of Multan in the southern part of Pakistan’s Punjab province.

Local residents, however, are bewildered and alarmed. They said there was no one of that surname in this village, and no missing resident who fit the pictures and description shown in the Indian news media.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Another frame-up starts to dissolve.

Mumbai Terrorists Were Aided By Indian Authorities

Numerous disturbing details now strongly indicate that the terrorists who indiscriminately slaughtered nearly 200 people in Mumbai were aided by some elements of the Indian security apparatus responsible for protecting the city.

It has now been confirmed that the Indian security services received numerous precise warnings that terrorists were planning to arrive by sea and attack the Taj Mahal hotel, but if anything security was relaxed, allowing the terrorists to prolong the attack for days and not hours.

Taj Mahal Hotel chairman: We had warning

The Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai, India, had been warned about the possibility of a terrorist attack before a 60-hour rampage began Wednesday, leaving at least 183 people dead, the chairman of the company that owns the hotel said Saturday.
Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata, whose company owns the Taj Hotel, discusses this week’s attacks in Mumbai.

The hotel heightened security as a result, the chairman of the Tata Group and Taj Hotels, Ratan Tata, said in an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.

There were indications, though, that the hotel relaxed the security before the attack.

Mumbai Mumbai Who Did It?

More evidence of CIA-backed syndicate involvement in Mumbai attacks

Under pressure from Washington, this past May Pakistan’s Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gillani cut a secret deal with the United States and India to turn over to Delhi a number of residents of Pakistan wanted by India for terrorism. One of those included in the deal was the CIA’s erstwhile asset, Mumbai-born Dawood Ibrahim, a veteran of CIA operations in Afghanistan during the mujahedin war against the Soviets.

The Mumbai Attacks: More Than Meets the Eye

As details emerge about who was responsible for the terrorist attacks in Mumbai last week, the evidence points to a militant group and network of associates that can be linked to a number of intelligence agencies, including the ISI, the CIA, and MI6.

Mumbai Attacks: Piecing Together the Story

There is a torrent of information and analysis on the recent attacks in Mumbai, but much of the story is nowhere to be seen in the American mainstream media. Here’s a guide to what you might have missed:

What happened?

Saikat Datta of Outlook India writes that by mid-September, Indian agencies knew that the attack would come from the sea, and by mid-November they knew that the Taj hotel would be targeted. And yet the attacks still happened. A blow-by-blow account of how the plan to attack Mumbai by sea was hatched and executed.

Pakistani TV: ‘Hindu Zionists’ and Mossad Behind Mumbai Massacre

A Pakistani TV station has claimed « Hindu Zionists » and the Mossad carried out the Mumbai terrorist attacks, which it said were a « botched » imitation of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

The terrorists looked like Hindus and « no Pakistani speaks the language they chatted in, » said security expert Zaid Hamid on the television’s « I Differ » news channel show.

Mumbai was a ‘suicide mission’, but now we have a lone living gunman?

This fact rubs me the wrong way the most.
These guys were reportedly on cocaine, steroids, using syringes and other things, yet no one had suicide pills? Or if they did, this lone captured gunman just happened to not take one?

Something’s rotten in Denmark

India not considering military action against Pakistan

India External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee Tuesday denied that India is considering military action against Pakistan at this stage, reported Indo Asian News Service.

But Mukherjee confirmed that India was waiting for Islamabad to act strongly against armed militants based in its territory responsible for terror attacks in the country.

Rice: Pakistan must cooperate in terror probe

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« You are the designated patsy; now start acting like it! »

Mumbai: The Perils of Blaming Pakistan

On Sunday, Indian media began reporting that the only attacker captured alive, a Versace-T-shirted 21-year-old by the name of Ajmal Amir Kamal, was Pakistani, and that he had identified all his fellow militants as being trained by the banned Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba. Pakistanis are suspicious of these claims. « There is simply not enough evidence at this point to blame Pakistan, » says Najam Sethi, editor of the English political weekly, the Friday Times.

Mumbai cemetery won’t bury gunmen

A Muslim graveyard has refused to bury nine gunmen who terrorized Mumbai over three days last week, leaving at least 172 people dead and wreaking havoc at some of its most famous landmarks.

The men are not true followers of the Islamic faith, according to the influential Muslim Jama Masjid Trust, which runs the 7.5-acre (three-hectare) Badakabrastan graveyard in downtown Mumbai.

« People who committed this heinous crime cannot be called Muslim, » said Hanif Nalkhande, a trustee. « Islam does not permit this sort of barbaric crime. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The red cord around the wrist identified them as Hindus anyway.

The misplaced hype about Faridkot

As Mumbai struggles to return to normalcy in the wake of terrorist attacks, a Pakistani village named Faridkot is being mentioned in the Indian media as the place of origin of the lone gunman arrested by Indian commandos. He has been identified as Ajmal Amir Kasab.

The media, however, conveniently avoids mentioning that there is also a town with the same name in the Indian state of Punjab.

Mumbai attacks – city fears five terrorists are ‘missing’

At least five terrorist gunmen have evaded capture in Mumbai and could make a secondary strike on India’s financial capital, it was feared this morning.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Remember the reports of blond-haired white guys doing the shooting? They probably walked out of the hotels pretending to be hostages.

The Fall of the House of Nariman.

Am I premature in assuming that, once again, Israel was deep in the fell doings of one more outrage against the human estate? It seems not and ‘seems’ is the problem. It doesn’t matter how clearly something seems to be, because it seems that few are going to hear about it.

What’s this thing in Mumbai about? I think it’s two things. The first thing is obvious. Someone wants Pakistan and India at each others throats for the purpose of subduing Pakistan and India after that. Someone wants to energize the right wing in India and turn the mind of the Indian people to thoughts of a greater police presence in the hope of a more uniform security. It’s more complex than this and, of course, the money and power thing is always there. The other thing is…

A lot of time has gone by since 9/11 without any real terrorism to talk about and, except for 9/11, the terrorism has always been small potatoes or not terrorism at all but just people who aren’t inclined to bend over for the invaders, as is the case in Afghanistan and Iraq. So… what they needed was a systematic and very well organized event to show the world that, “Yes, there are some serious terrorists out there and if they can do this, then just imagine what they can do later if we don’t stop them. The point was to show that quite possibly this sort of organized mayhem could be brewing anywhere and we have all got to join together to stop it and then, after that, we are going to have to lock up just about everyone, except for the ones we kill, because you just never know who’s doing what. You might be a terrorist. You just don’t know it yet but… you’ll have to take our word for it.”

Now, arrested terrorist Ajmal says ‘kill me’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Step 1: Get patsy to name designated target (in this case Pakistan)

Step 2: « Suicide » patsy.

Signs Of An Attempted Coup In New Delhi

Observers are already seeing how the hawks within the Indian establishment and Hindu militant organizations have seized the initiative from a paralyzed government. The Indian army and intelligence are already penetrated. Now the real culprits are channeling the fears of a traumatized people toward Pakistan.

Some Israelis in Mumbai remain unaccounted for

Amir Kasab, 21, told investigators that this was why they targeted the Chabad House, also known as the Nariman House in Mumbai, an outreach center meant for local Jews and Jews touring India, including Israelis. Sources said Kasab’s colleagues killed in the operation had stayed at the Nariman House in the past.

« They have stayed in Nariman house on rental basis identifying themselves as Malaysian students. » said a source. Police were trying to determine why Nariman House rooms were given to non-Jews, the Times of India reported.

Indian Police discover RSS Hindu Terror Cell which was pretending to be Muslim?s

Just like the Neocon/Zionists, the RSS are staging acts of terrorism and putting the blame on muslims. However, unlike the Neocon/Zionists, the RSS terrorists have been exposed by some honest elements whithin the Indian police.

Pakistan briefs Turkey over Pakistan-India ties after Mumbai attacks

Pakistani troops and Air Force have been put on high alert in the face of « escalation » by India on the eastern border and the forces deployed on the western frontier could also be pulled back, according to local press reports Sunday.

Leaders in Pakistan have condemned the Mumbai attacks and pledged action against any group found to be involved, saying that any increase in Pakistan-India tensions would be a victory for the extremists.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Pakistan is « circling the wagons » right now, in anticipation of being blamed for the Mumbai attacks, and what the aftermath of that blame may bring.

Let us hope that there is an « adult in the room », geopolitically, (and that adult may well be Vladimir Putin) urging calm, and trying to restore frayed trust on both sides, which can cool this situation down.

The alternative possibility is unthinkable, but predictable, if this blame game plays out its course as it appears to be doing now.

And who benefits? Not the Pakistani or Indian people, that’s for certain.

China official daily says don’t rule out Hindu radicals

The Chinese Communist party’s mouthpiece — the People’s Daily — has carried a news article, indicating involvement of Hindu radicals in the Mumbai Terror attacks. The article has based its argument on a “red thread” worn by the attackers on their wrists.

Mumbai Massacre: Is ‘India’s 9/11’ another false flag event?

While American TV News is calling the terrorism in Mumbia « India’s 9/11 » and blaming radical Islamic terrorists as the culprits, some foreign news is beginning to trickle in with a different story: that perhaps the real culprits behind the terrorism where in fact Hindu and white extremists pretending to be Muslims, a classic false flag tactic.

Mumbai attacks: Seven terrorists were British, claims Indian government

SEVEN of the Mumbai terrorists were British Pakistanis, Indian government sources claimed last night.

Insiders said two Brits had been arrested and another five suspects were from the UK.

Brown trying to deny British were among the terrorists


When bombs go off in India there is a tendency to blame Moslems.

However, the evidence points to the terror being the work of people within the Indian military, the Hindu fascist movement, and the CIA and its friends.

Mumbai attacks: ‘It’s war’ declares Indian press

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« All we need is to name the victim, I mean, the target, I mean, the enemy, Yeah, that’s it; the enemy! »

Mumbai attacks: India raises security footing to ‘war level’

India will increase security in the country and on its borders to a « war level » in the wake of the deadly attacks in Mumbai that have been blamed on militants linked to Pakistan, a government minister said.

FLASHBACK: Did Mossad attempt to infiltrate Islamic radical outfits in south Asia?

Indian intelligence officials, too, were surprised by the nationality profile of the eleven. « They are surely Muslims; they say that they have been on tabligh (preaching Islam) in India for two months. But they are Israeli nationals from the West Bank, » said a Central Intelligence official.

Mumbai attack: Was Nariman House the terror hub?

Virendra Ghunawat, a television journalist who has been tracking the Nariman House shootout since the time it took place Wednesday night, said even the cops have been cagey about details.

« Today, during one of the shootout exchanges, the cops managed to rescue a six year old girl and her mother. We know of a man who is critically injured and requires urgent medical help. A couple is also holed up inside apart from the militants », a senior police official said, who did not wish to be quoted.


FLASHBACK: Shock as top Indian Army officer arrested over bomb attack

The Indian Army has been shocked by the arrest of a senior Military Intelligence officer on suspicion of involvement in a bomb attack by Hindu extremists in western India in September.

Colonel Srikant Prasad Purohit is the first serving officer in India’s Army — seen as a bastion of secularism since the country’s independence in 1947 — to be arrested on terrorism charges.

His detention is prompting calls for a ban on Hindu nationalist groups accused of stirring political violence, including recent attacks on Christians in eastern India, before national elections next year.

Pakistan U-turns on sending spy chief to India

Pakistan on Saturday withdrew an offer to send its spy chief to India to help investigate the Mumbai terrorist attacks, damaging efforts to head off a crisis between the nuclear-armed rivals.

Mumbai attack is over, all militants dead: city police chief

Indian commandos have killed the last Islamic militants holed up inside Mumbai’s Taj Mahal hotel, ending the more than two-day assault on India’s financial capital, the city’s police chief told AFP.

« All (combat) operations are over. All the terrorists have been killed, » Mumbai police commissioner Hassan Gafoor said, 59 hours after the attacks began.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

We know from the next story down that at least one of the terrorists is indeed still alive in captivity. We also know, because of the reported purchases of large quantities of alcohol, that the attackers were NOT followers of Islam!

Terrorists used hijacked vessel

Even as special forces continued to battle the terrorists, investigators have been working to piece together the sequence of events that led up to the massacre that started on Wednesday night.

Based on the continuing interrogation of arrested Lashkar terrorist Ajmal Amir Kamal, investigators believe the 12 terrorists who left Karachi on a merchant ship hijacked a fishing boat to facilitate their final assault on Mumbai.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Note that in this report, the interrogation of Ajmal Amir Kamal is « continuing », meaning he is still alive. Yet in other reports, the Indian government is claiming that all of the terrorists are dead!

Mumbai attack: ‘British men among terrorists’

Vilasrao Deshmukh, the chief minister of Mumbai, was reported to have said that two British-born Pakistanis were among eight gunmen seized by Indian commandos who stormed buildings to free hostages.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is now being denied.

US fears Pakistani role in India attacks

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« Can we invade them now? Can we? Huh? Huh? Can we? » — Official White Horse Souse

Indians claim terrorists took orders from Pakistan

THE Indian authorities yesterday claimed to have proof that the Mumbai terrorists were receiving instructions from Pakistan and discussing tactics with their handlers during the three days of attacks in which they killed at least 195 people.

It has also emerged that India had been warned that terrorists were planning an attack in Mumbai.

RR Patil, the deputy chief minister of Mumbai’s state government, said there was “proof” that the terrorists were on the phone to someone in Pakistan during the attack.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

What incontrovertible proof does Mumbai’s DPM Patil actually have to present to the world to indicate that the phone calls were definitely going to Pakistan?

Phone call destinations can be « spoofed » to appear to be going somewhere, when – in truth – the phone calls are going somewhere else entirely. How can he be so absolutely certain this was not the case here??

And if, in fact, India had been warned « …..that terrorists were planning an attack in Mumbai. », why was there no stepped up security, particularly in « soft targets »? like the major foreign hotels where foreigners gather?

Also, it appeared that the terrorists were very familiar with the layouts of the places they attacked. Why the Sam Hill didn’t Indian security forces have electronic « as-builts » on these buildings , so that they could potentially save both time, getting to where they needed to be, and people’s lives??

This is something which makes absolutely no sense, particularly if there were credible warnings of some kind of an attack.

‘Pak may relocate 100,000 army personnel to border’

Pakistan may relocate around 100,000 military personnel from its restive border area with Afghanistan if there is an escalation in tension with India,which has hinted at the involvement of Pakistani elements in the Mumbai carnage, a media report said today.

« These sources have said NATO and the US command have been told that Pakistan would not be able to concentrate on the war on terror and against militants around the Afghanistan border as defending its borders with India was far more important, » Geo News quoted senior Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir as saying.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If true, this is hugely serious Pakistani warning to the US, NATO, and India about what will happen if they decide to blame Pakistan for the Mumbai attacks.

India uncovers Hindu terror group that carried out bombings blamed on Islamists

India is in something of a state of shock after learning from official sources that its first Hindu terror cell may have carried out a series of deadly bombings that were initially blamed on militant Muslims. The revelation is forcing the country to consider some difficult questions.

Mumbai terrorists had been staying at the Jewish Centre (Nariman House) in a guest house for 2 weeks prior to the attacks

In a telephone interview with CBC News from outside the centre, freelance journalist Arun Asthhana said there are reports that some of the militants had stayed at a guest house there for up to 15 days before the attacks.

« They had a huge mass of ammunition, arms and food there, » Asthhana said.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Did Israel double-cross their own Sayan to create a bloody shirt to wave?

U.S. Intelligence Focuses In On Pakistani Group

American intelligence and counterterrorism officials said Friday that there was mounting evidence that a Pakistani militant group based in Kashmir, most likely Lashkar-e-Taiba, was responsible for this week’s deadly attacks in Mumbai.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Okay, so that means those guys are actually innocent and we can move on.

Mumbai: Armed Police Would Not Fire Back

The gunmen were terrifyingly professional, making sure at least one of them was able to fire their rifle while the other reloaded. By the time he managed to capture the killer on camera, Mr D’Souza had already seen two gunmen calmly stroll across the station concourse shooting both civilians and policemen, many of whom, he said, were armed but did not fire back. « I first saw the gunmen outside the station, » Mr D’Souza said. « With their rucksacks and Western clothes they looked like backpackers, not terrorists, but they were very heavily armed and clearly knew how to use their rifles.

Many more questions about the terror attacks

If some of the terrorists had registered at the hotels earlier, could these men/women have left along with the guests who were released? Did the police record the identities and addresses of the guests who were released from both hotels?


According to an exposé in a national daily published from Madhya Pradesh and several other cities, in the aftermath of the arrests of Sadhu, Sadhvi, and other extremist Hindutvadis as involved in the Malegaon bomb blast, Intelligence agencies are now concentrating on foreign connections of the radical Hindutvadis.

3 décembre 2008

La politique à gogo et le terrorisme économique

Filed under: Canada,L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet,Québec,Terrorisme — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 4 décembre 2008: La politique à gogo et le terrorisme économique

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 4 décembre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine sur L’Autre Monde:

– On se pose des questions à savoir ce qui se passe avec les élections au Québec, le cirque à Ottawa et de la hausse de plus de 10% de la dette nationale sans personne ne soit consulté. La nomination de Hillary Clinton par Obama est aussi remise en question sur L’Autre Monde.

– Les attaques à Mumbai – l’autre facette de l’histoire que les grands médias ne vous rapportent pas. Nous allons en profiter pour faire le tour de la situation avec le Pakistan et le siège médiéval que Israël impose sur les Palestiniens de la bande de Gaza qui se résulte en crise humanitaire sérieuse. Nous y reviendrons la semaine prochaine plus en détail.

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
2008-12-04 2008-11-27 2008-11-20 2008-11-13 2008-11-06 2008-10-30 2008-10-23 2008-10-09 2008-10-02 2008-09-25 2008-09-18 2008-09-11 2008-09-04 2008-08-28 2008-08-21 2008-08-14 2008-08-07 2008-07-17 2008-07-10 2008-07-03 2008-06-26 2008-06-19 2008-06-12 2008-06-05 2008-05-29 2008-05-22 2008-05-15 2008-05-08 2008-04-17 2008-04-10 2008-04-03 2008-03-27 2008-03-20 2008-03-13 2008-03-06 2008-02-28 2008-02-21 2008-02-14 2008-02-07 2008-01-31 2008-01-24 2008-01-17 2008-01-08 2007-12-16 2007-12-09 2007-12-02 2007-11-25 2007-11-18 2007-11-11 2007-11-04 2007-10-28 2007-10-21 2007-10-14 2007-10-07 2007-09-30 2007-09-23 2007-09-16 2007-09-09 2007-09-02 2007-08-26 2007-08-12 2007-08-05 2007-07-29 2007-07-22 2007-07-15 2007-07-08 2007-07-01 2007-06-24 2007-06-17 2007-04-22 2007-04-15 2007-04-08 2007-04-01 2007-03-25 2007-03-18 2007-03-11 2007-03-04 2007-02-25 2007-02-18 2007-02-11 2007-02-04 2007-01-28

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

As Crisis Mounts, Ecuador Declares Foreign Debt Illegitimate and Illegal

Amidst the spreading global financial crisis, a special debt audit commission released a report charging that much of Ecuador‘s foreign debt was illegitimate or illegal. The commission recommended that Ecuador default on $3.9 billion in foreign commercial debts–Global Bonds 2012, 2015 and 2030–the result of debts restructured in 2000 after the country’s 1999 default.

Obama confirme les choix de Hillary Clinton et de Robert Gates

Hillary Should Quit!

Politics surely makes for strange bedfellows. President-elect Barack Obama will officially announce on Monday his choice of New York Senator Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State, a position that will make her the nation’s, and the world’s, top diplomat. It’s an appointment that for some comes as no surprise, as some sort of Obama/Clinton marriage always seemed inevitable. But to others, this decision is sure to be truly unfathomable.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.

Essentially, you cannot take a job if the salary was increased during your current congressional term. And the salary for cabinet officials has gone up in the past year. Even if it is lowered back down, constitutional scholars say that may not be enough to fix the problem.

The question is whether this would be an issue at confirmation – if Clinton is nominated to the post – and who would raise it. Senators traditionally grant their colleagues some deference and it could be considered politics at its worst if Republicans try to block her nomination with this argument. But senators may be loathe to vote for something scholars tell them is unconstitutional.

But the moment Obama makes the nomination, he violates the Constitution.

The Death of Vincent Foster

This is the story that nobody dares touch.

Despite having reported the discovery of Dr. Haut’s signed report confirming the existence of a second wound to Vincent Foster’s neck, radio host Rush Limbaugh to this very day refers to Vincent Foster’s death as a suicide.

Even Matt Drudge, when presented with the FBI records proving that the FBI fraudulently manufactured Lisa Foster’s recognition of the gun found at Fort Marcy Park, refused to get involved, opting instead for a story accusing Sidney Blumenthal of domestic violence (for which Drudge was then sued).

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Relinked in light of Hillary Clinton’s nomination for Secretary of State.

The Crimes of Mena


~The Clinton Chronicles

The Crimes of Mena


Volume II: The Contra Story





What were CIA’s legal and regulatory responsibilities during the Contra program regarding the reporting of potential drug trafficking crimes?
What policies and guidelines governed CIA’s contacts during the Contra program with persons and organizations alleged to be involved in drug trafficking?
What do CIA Headquarters and field personnel recall regarding alleged drug trafficking by the Contras?


What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving Contra organizations? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities? 15th of September Legion–Justiniano Perez/Manuel Porro/Juan Francisco Rivera/Hugo Villagra/Fernando Brautigan/Felix Alcides Espinoza/Edwin Hoocker


Central America and the Caribbean Map

What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving Southern Front Contras? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities?
The Southern Front Trafficking Reports
Adolfo Jose Chamorro
Roberto Jose Chamorro
Marcos Antonio Aguado
Gerardo Duran
Alfonso Robelo
Octaviano Cesar
Edmundo Jose Chamorro
Fernando Jose Chamorro
Sebastian Gonzalez
Carol Prado
Jenelee Hodgson
Alfredo Cesar
Jose Davila
Harold Martinez
Rene Corvo
Carlos Alberto Amador
Jose Orlando Bolanos
Moises Nunez
Gustavo Quezada
Felipe Vidal


What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving Northern Front Contras? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities?
Adolfo Calero
Enrique Bermudez
Mario Jose Calero
Juan Ramon Rivas
Stedman Fagoth
Roger Herman
Sebastian Pinel
Arnoldo Jose Arana
Jose Francisco Cardenal/Bergman Arguello/Eduard Jose Sacasa-Urouyo/Rolando Murillo/Juan Savala (or Zavala)/Renato Pena/Roger J. Ramiro


What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving other individuals supporting the Contra program? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities?
Ivan Gomez
A CIA Independent Contractor
A Second CIA Independent Contractor
A Third CIA Independent Contractor
John Floyd Hull


What drug trafficking allegations was CIA aware of, and when, involving pilots and companies supporting the Contra program? How did CIA respond to this information, and how was this information shared with other U.S. Government entities?
Frigorificos De Puntarenas/Ocean Hunter
Hondu Carib
Allegations Involving Other Companies Associated With the Contras
Southern Air Transport
Alan Hyde
Allegations Involving Air Crew Members of Companies that Provided Services to the Contras Under Contract or Subcontract with CIA
What was the nature and extent of CIA’s knowledge of allegations of Contra drug trafficking at the Ilopango Air Base?
To what extent did CIA disseminate « finished intelligence products » that included information about drug trafficking on the part of individuals, organizations, and independent contractors associated with the Contras?
To what extent did CIA share information with Congress regarding allegations of drug trafficking on the part of individuals, organizations, and independent contractors associated with the Contras?


Appendix A — Jack Terrell
Appendix B — Frank Castro
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E


March 2, 1982 DoJ-CIA Memorandum of Understanding regarding « Reporting and Use of Information Concerning Federal Crimes »
[1] – [2] – [3] – [4] – [5] – [6] – [7] – [8] – [9] – [10] – [11] – [12]

February 11, 1982 Letter to DCI William Casey from Attorney General William French Smith regarding DoJ-CIA Memorandum of Understanding

February 8, 1985 DoJ Memorandum to Mark Richard from A. R. Cinquegrana, « CIA Reporting of Drug Offenses »

Israel Hails Takeover Of US Congress

Even more perplexing is that while Israel is facing the worst crisis facing its existence since its establishment by the United Nations in 1948 it is, nevertheless, celebrating the record number of Jews elected to the US Congress where they now control over 10 percent of a government in a Nation where they comprise only 3 percent of the population and where next week President Bush will meet with Prime Minister Olmert to plan their military attacks upon Iran

Urgent Statement From Neturei Karta Palestine (PDF)

Please see attached important appeal letter for people of Gaza. for wide distribution.

UNRWA chief: Gaza on brink of humanitarian catastrophe

Karen AbuZayd, commissioner-general of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), said the human toll of this month’s sealing of Gaza’s goods crossings was the gravest since the early days of a Palestinian uprising eight years ago.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to UNRWA Commissioner-General Abuzayd: what you are seeing on the ground in Gaza is precisely the outcome Israel wants to have happen.

Gazan Palestinians are, Commissioner-General, literally being « softened up » by malnutrition for « the kill’; and by that, I mean that they are being starved so they cannot resist a massive Israeli invasion which will leave no Palestinian standing, if Israel thinks they can get away with it.

Make no mistake: this siege, and the outcomes Israel is creating by it, are clear, and completely unambiguous.

And this impending invasion of Gaza isn’t a question of if; it is a question of when.

Gaza power plant shuts down

Gaza‘s sole power plant has shut down because Israel will not allow the importation of replacement parts needed for urgent repairs, an official in the impoverished Palestinian territory’s energy authority said on Tuesday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This virtually guarantees that many of the medically fragile in Gazan hospitals will die.

Barak closes crossings and health disaster in Gaza due to chlorine depletion

Israeli war minister Ehud Barak decided late Monday to retain the Gaza crossings closed on Tuesday at the pretext of Palestinian rocket attacks, while the popular committee against the siege warned of an imminent health disaster due to the depletion of chlorine used to disinfect drinking water.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Look for water-borne diseases like cholera to start running rampant through the Gazan population.

Of course, the Israeli government understands precisely that this will be the outcome without chlorine to purify the water.

Knowing this outcome, and doing nothing to prevent it, means that the Israeli government wants this to happen.

Essential health facilities at the Al Shifa medical center stopped functioning

Dr. Hussein Ashour, head of the Al Shifa medical center in Gaza, one of the biggest medical centers in the Gaza Strip, stated that main facilities at the center stopped functioning due to the lack of fundamental equipment and tools.

Ashour added that the Oxygen Department, the Heart Unit, Physical Therapy Unit and the main laboratory completely stopped functioning as they lack fundamental equipment and tools.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The Siege: Israel’s « final solution » for sick Palestinian Gazans, including the infants and children.

Gaza’s hospitals struggle to save lives amid Israeli siege

Virtually no food, medicine or other vital supplies have been allowed in to the territory that is home to 1.5 million people. The impact of the siege is most directly observed in Gaza’s health sector.

Dr. Zaki Azzaq Zouq, an oncologist, explained, « There is a widespread shortage of essential medicines which we used to give to patients prior to the blockade. Currently, there are no tools for physicians to treat patients who suffer from lung, stomach, colon or brain cancers. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So much for the Israeli government’s much-vaunted lie about not wanting to create a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Hungry Gazans Resort to Animal Feed as U.N. Blasts Israel

Half of Gaza’s bakeries have closed down and the other half have resorted to animal feed to produce bread as Israel’s complete blockade of the coastal territory enters its 19th day.

Karen AbuZayd, commissioner-general for the U.N.’s Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which supports Palestinian refugees, warned that a humanitarian « catastrophe » loomed if Israel continued to prevent aid from reaching Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to Ms. AbuZayd: my dear lady, don’t you get it? This is precisely the outcome Israel wants, to literally « soften up » Gazan Palestinians for the coming invasion.

The siege, and lack of necessities, is not an accident, but a very carefully thought out strategy to achieve very specific outcomes.

These include death for medically fragile Gazans who are denied treatment outside of Gaza which could save them,
death by water-born diseases, like cholera, because the water pumping and filtration units won’t work, and severe malnutrition in children.

Ms. Abu Zayd, there is absolutely nothing accidental in what the Israelis are doing here. They know precisely what will happen as the siege continues, and that is what they want to see continue to happen.

Israel Creates Humanitiarian Crisis In Gaza

Israel has cut off fuel to Gaza and has illegally instituted collective punishment on 1.5 million Palestinians. Raw sewage runs in the streets, hospitals have no power and the world stands silent and MSM does not cover the story.

El Khoudary: Civilians will nonviolently march to Israel on Ghandi style

The direful situation of Gaza strip reached the peak in last two days. More people are joining the harmed classes of Palestinians living under siege. Popular Committee against Siege PCAS warned today of decisive popular mass towards Israeli borders.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Let us hope that the Palestinian people remember Gandhi’s edict to his followers: no violence, even if violence is done to you.

Many of Gandhi’s followers were beaten and shot by the British.

And let us also hope that the governmental and military infrastructure of Israel understands that shooting into a crowd of unarmed civilians will be a pr catastrophe.

It will be caught on camera, no matter what Israel has done recently to prevent journalists into Gaza, and the footage of this march, and the Israeli response, will be seen around the world.

Deaths and no dinner

Fadiya Al-Zaher, 55, was supposed to return last Thursday to her house following routine kidney dialysis at Shuhada Al-Aqsa Hospital in the centre of the Gaza Strip. She used to go three times a week. Her son Amin, was with her when the power supply to the hospital was cut off and the backup generators, short of fuel, failed to kick in.

Amin was running up and down the corridor leading to her room, not knowing what to do. His sister, Tahani, suggested that they take their mother to another hospital in Gaza. Amin phoned the hospital and was told that it wasn’t ready to take in more patients. Then a nurse came and told Amin that his mother had gone into a coma. An hour later, she was pronounced dead.

Fadiya’s story illustrates the fate awaiting hundreds of people diagnosed with chronic illnesses in Gaza.

Khalil Al-Koreimah, 59, nearly died in similar circumstances. An asthma patient, Khalil keeps an electrically operated oxygen pump at home that he uses in emergencies. When Khalil needed to use the pump recently, there was no electricity in the entire neighbourhood.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Imagine, for one moment, that this woman was your mom, your auntie, your cousin, a dear friend of the family.

Imagine your knowing that her death was completely preventable at that moment: it was a matter of failed power to the generator which made her dialysis machine work.

Imagine understanding that her death was part of Israel‘s « final solution » for sick and medically fragile Gazan Palestinians.

Libyan aid ship blocked from Gaza

Israeli boats have obstructed the path of a Libyan cargo ship en route to the Gaza Strip.

The ship was said to be carrying about 3,000 tonnes of goods for residents of the Strip in defiance of an Israeli sea and land blockade of the territory.

Monday’s scheduled docking was the first attempt by a foreign government to break the blockade.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Where is the outrage?

If this were Muslims starving Jews slowly to death, the howls and screams of anger would be deafening!

Why is it seemingly okay for Israel to treat Palestine the way the Nazis treated the Warsaw Ghetto?

Assad urges EU to help lift Gaza blockade

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad held talks with two French envoys on Sunday and urged Paris and the European Union, currently headed by France, to work to lift the Israeli blockade of Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Every nation on Earth reacted with horror at the Mumbai attacks, 9-11, South Africa’s Apartheid, Darfur, etc.

Yet for some reason, Israel can treat Palestine worse than the Nazis treated the Warsaw Ghetto and escape criticism.

Upon what meat doth this our Israel feed that it has grown so great?

Israel reopens Gaza border to journalists, aid workers

Israel on Thursday reopened its border crossings with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip to journalists and international aid workers, lifting a month-long ban that has been vocally protested.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One has to wonder how long the borders will stay open this time.

But this gesture demonstrates that Israel recognizes that what they are doing, regarding humanitarian aid and not allowing reporters in Gaza, is getting noticed with a great deal of alarm internationally.

Breathless in Washington

On the day that Americans turned out in near record numbers to vote, another record was being set halfway around the world. In Afghanistan, a US Air Force strike wiped out about 40 people in a wedding party. This represented at least the sixth wedding party eradicated by American air power in Afghanistan and Iraq since December 2001.

American planes have, in fact, taken out two brides in the past seven months. And don’t try to bury your dead or mark their deaths ceremonially either, because funerals have been hit as well.

FCC Banned Clip: NYPD Blue Shower Scene

Here’s the scene that got ABC fined $1.43 million by the FCC. It’s
from NYPD Blue five years ago. The scene, which the FCC branded
‘indecent,’ has been posted on the Internet and has become a viral

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So, our national morality is that it is okay to bomb women (and children) in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we cannot let you see them naked!

Is this a screwed-up nation or what?

I would prefer it the other way around.

US drone strike kills 12 in Pakistan

A pre-dawn missile strike by a US drone on a suspected militant hideout in Pakistan’s volatile north Waziristan tribal region has killed at least 12 people.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Aerial strikes guarantee two things, and two things only; the killing of a lot of innocent civilians (and I would almost be willing to bet real money that the strike killed far more people than reported here), and the radicalization of those left standing even further against the government.

One almost has to wonder if the US is hell-bent on creating the level of destabilisation necessary to make conditions ripe for another bloodless coup, a la Musharraf, to bring a yet another military dictator to the fore who will be far more pliable to US demands than Zardari has appeared to be.

Pakistan and U.S. have tacit deal on airstrikes

The United States and Pakistan reached tacit agreement in September on a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy that allows unmanned Predator aircraft to attack suspected terrorist targets in rugged western Pakistan, according to senior officials in both countries.

Civilian deaths remain a problem, Zardari said. « If the damage is women and children, then the sensitivity of its effect increases, » he said. The U.S. « point of view, » he said, is that the attacks are « good for everybody. Our point of view is that it is not good for our position of winning the hearts and minds of people. »

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Was this part of the deal for the IMF loan to Pakistan, which was spiraling on the brink of complete insolvency before the loan was given?

Truck halt on Pakistan pass may hurt U.S.

Pakistan temporarily suspended oil tankers and trucks with sealed containers from using a key passage into Afghanistan, an official said Sunday, a move that will likely impact supplies heading to U.S. and NATO troops.

The suspension came just days after a band of militants hijacked around a dozen trucks whose load included Humvees and other supplies headed to the foreign forces in Afghanistan.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

One has to wonder if the ambush is the « real reason » for the suspension of truck deliveries, or if Pakistan is sending a message to the US and NATO that they do have a way of making life more difficult for US and NATO troops in retaliation for the strikes inside their territories.

Olmert orders plans drawn up for massive offensive against Gaza

At the weekly Cabinet meeting, Olmert said he had ordered security chiefs to draw up action plans against Hamas’ 17-month-old rule in Gaza.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So this is really what the siege of Gaza has been all about: literally « softening up » the Gazan people for the kill, to destroy a democratically elected government (through a process generally viewed as having been free and fair election.)

This is the classic Israeli pattern. Kill Palestinians, and when there is a response, claim that the response is the initiating cause and « retaliate. »

Israeli tanks rumble into Gaza

Israeli tanks forged into the southern Gaza Strip on Tuesday, drawing rocket and mortar fire from Palestinian militants, militant groups said, intensifying violence that has chipped away at a tenuous cease-fire.

Israel and Hamas have been trading fire for two weeks after nearly five months of relative quiet. The June 19 truce is due to expire next month, and both sides might be trying to dictate more favorable terms in anticipation of the agreement’s renewal.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The media is going to feed you a load about how this is all because of rockets fired into Southern Israel a few days ago, and never mention that the rockets were a RESPONSE to an Israeli attack on November 5th.

Gaza Power Plants totally off

Al Khodary stated in a press conference in Gaza that since the Power Plant is not functioning, hospitals and medical centers would not be able to function. Other basic services, including drinking water wells, will also be out of order.

The power shortage would also disrupt critical water and sanitation services, this endangering the health and life of the residents.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The term « collective punishment » is becoming increasingly more synonymous with the name of the country « Israel ».

Hospitals and medical centers non-functional? Looks like those in political power in Israel have their very own « final solution » for the medically fragile in those institutions.

Collective punishment is a war crime.

UN to suspend food distribution in Gaza

The United Nations will suspend its food distribution to half of Gaza’s 1.5 million people on Thursday after Israel failed to allow emergency supplies into the Palestinian territory, a spokesman said.

Israel initially said it would allow 30 trucks to deliver supplies to Gaza on Thursday after it sealed off the Gaza Strip on November 5, but later said mortar fire by Gaza militants made it impossible to do so.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

In future dictionaries, when the entry « Israel » is placed, there will be a side-note indicating « see: collective punishment ».

Support urged for Israeli stand on Gaza

ISRAELI foreign minister Tzipi Livni has told her visiting British counterpart David Miliband she expects the international community to support the Jewish state’s tough stand in Gaza.

« Israel cannot just watch its citizens being attacked… The international community cannot turn a blind-eye, » Ms Livni said today during talks with Mr Miliband.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Memo to FM Tzipi Livni: this time, the world will not be turning a blind eye to the devastation Israel is causing in Gaza.

It is apparent that you haven’t taken a look at the Red Cross Report, issued last week, about the effects of malnutrition on children, and how medically fragile Gazans who could be saved by appropriate medical intervention are being denied treatment outside Gaza.

But of course, FM Livni, these are precisely the outcomes the Israeli government wants to see happen in Gaza. The world knows that Olmert has ordered plans for a massive military action against Gaza, and the Gazan people are literally being « softened up for the kill » by the siege.

This slaughter will include children, women, and the medically infirm.

And I can guarantee you; this time, there will be cameras rolling, real footage of the carnage smuggled out, and the world will know precisely what the Israeli government has done in the name of its « security ». The Israeli government will not be able to stop some of it getting out, in all its gory details, no matter how hard it tries.

This potential assault against Gaza guarantees the destruction of the Israel’s image as « the only true democracy in the region », consistently seeking better relations with its neighbors.

Israel Seals Off Gaza, Expresses Outrage Over UN

The UN was able to resume food distribution with the small number of admitted trucks, it won’t be able to maintain them for long. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay condemned the blockade for denying 1.5 million Palestinian civilians of “their most basic human rights” and said it was a “direct contravention of international human rights and humanitarian law.”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Israel is so adept at blaming the victims.

GAZA: On Top of Humanitarian Disaster, A News Blackout

Israel has imposed a virtual news blackout on the Gaza Strip. For the last ten days no foreign journalists have been able to enter the besieged territory to report on the escalating humanitarian crisis caused by Israel’s complete closure of Gaza’s borders for the last two weeks.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

What is Israel so terrified reporters will see in Gaza?

Are things so horrendous in Gaza that they don’t want any information getting out?

The problem for Israel is that the information about what’s going on in Gaza will get out, one way or another.

Israel Bans International Media from Gaza, Arrests Human Rights Activists

Israel has banned foreign journalists from entering Gaza to cover the deteriorating humanitarian situation there as the country ‘s complete closure of the territory enters a third week.

Foreign Reporters’ Group Fights Israeli Prohibition on Entering Gaza

An association representing international news organizations is campaigning for an end to an unusual Israeli policy barring foreign reporters from entering Gaza that has lasted for almost two weeks.

URGENT: Kidnapped by the Israeli Navy

Fifteen Palestinian fishermen along with three internationals have been kidnapped in Palestinian waters by the Israeli Navy. They were fishing seven miles off the coast of Deir Al Balah, clearly in Gaza fishing waters and well within the fishing limit detailed in the Oslo Accords of 1994.

The fishermen and the human right’s observers were transferred from 3 separate boats to the Israeli warships. Other Palestinian fishermen reported that the 3 boats were seen being taken north by the Israeli Navy.

UN envoy urges Gaza blockade end

The UN’s top human rights official has said Israel’s blockade of Gaza deprives Palestinians of the « most basic human rights » and should end immediately.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« What’s a UN? » — Israel

United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Israel (the vast majority of which have been ignored by Israel)

1. Resolution 42: The Palestine Question (5 March 1948) Requests recommendations for the Palestine Commission

2. Resolution 43: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Recognizes « increasing violence and disorder in Palestine » and requests that representatives of « the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Arab Higher Committee » arrange, with the Security Council, « a truce between the Arab and Jewish Communities of Palestine…Calls upon Arab and Jewish armed groups in Palestine to cease acts of violence immediately. »

3. Resolution 44: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Requests convocation of special session of the General Assembly

4. Resolution 46: The Palestine Question (17 Apr 1948) As the United Kingdom is the Mandatory Power, « it is responsible for the maintenance of peace and order in Palestine. » The Resolutions also « Calls upon all persons and organizations in Palestine » to stop importing « armed bands and fighting personnel…whatever their origin;…weapons and war materials;…Refrain, pending the future government of Palestine…from any political activity which might prejudice the rights, claims, or position of either community;…refrain from any action which will endager the safety of the Holy Places in Palestine. »

5. Resolution 48: The Palestine Question (23 Apr 1948)

6. Resolution 49: The Palestine Question (22 May 1948)

7. Resolution 50: The Palestine Question (29 May 1948)

8. Resolution 53: The Palestine Question (7 Jul 1948)

9. Resolution 54: The Palestine Question (15 Jul 1948)

10. Resolution 56: The Palestine Question (19 Aug 1948)

11. Resolution 57: The Palestine Question (18 Sep 1948)

12. Resolution 59: The Palestine Question (19 Oct 1948)

13. Resolution 60: The Palestine Question (29 Oct 1948)

14. Resolution 61: The Palestine Question (4 Nov 1948)

15. Resolution 62: The Palestine Question (16 Nov 1948)

16. Resolution 66: The Palestine Question (29 Dec 1948)

17. Resolution 72: The Palestine Question (11 Aug 1949)

18. Resolution 73: The Palestine Question (11 Aug 1949)

19. Resolution 89 (17 November 1950): regarding Armistice in 1948 Arab-Israeli War and « transfer of persons ».

20. Resolution 92: The Palestine Question (8 May 1951)

21. Resolution 93: The Palestine Question (18 May 1951)

22. Resolution 95: The Palestine Question (1 Sep 1951)

23. Resolution 100: The Palestine Question (27 Oct 1953)

24. Resolution 101: The Palestine Question (24 Nov 1953)

25. Resolution 106: The Palestine Question (29 Mar 1955) ‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid.

26. Resolution 107: The Palestine Question (30 Mar)

27. Resolution 108: The Palestine Question (8 Sep)

28. Resolution 111:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people ».

29. Resolution 127:  » … ‘recommends’ Israel suspends its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem ».

30. Resolution 162:  » … ‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions ».

31. Resolution 171:  » … determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria ».

32. Resolution 228:  » … ‘censures’ Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control ».

33. Resolution 237:  » … ‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees ».

34. Resolution 242 (November 22, 1967): Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area. Calls on Israel’s neighbors to end the state of belligerency and calls upon Israel to reciprocate by withdraw its forces from land claimed by other parties in 1967 war. Interpreted commonly today as calling for the Land for peace principle as a way to resolve Arab-Israeli conflict

35. Resolution 248:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan ».

36. Resolution 250:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem ».

37. Resolution 251:  » … ‘deeply deplores’ Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250″.

38. Resolution 252:  » … ‘declares invalid’ Israel’s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital ».

39. Resolution 256:  » … ‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation ».

40. Resolution 259:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation ».

41. Resolution 262:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport ».

42. Resolution 265:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan ».

43. Resolution 267:  » … ‘censures’ Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem ».

44. Resolution 270:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon ».

45. Resolution 271:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel’s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem ».

46. Resolution 279:  » … ‘demands’ withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon ».

47. Resolution 280:  » … ‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon ».

48. Resolution 285:  » … ‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon ».

49. Resolution 298:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem ».

50. Resolution 313:  » … ‘demands’ that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon ».

51. Resolution 316:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon ».

52. Resolution 317:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon ».

53. Resolution 332:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon ».

54. Resolution 337:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty ».

55. Resolution 338 (22 October 1973): cease fire in Yom Kippur War

56. Resolution 339 (23 October 1973): Confirms Res. 338, dispatch UN observers.

57. Resolution 347:  » … ‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon ».

58. Resolution 3379: « …’establishes’ Zionism as a form of racism and racial discrimination ». Repealed by Resolution 46|86.

59. Resolution 425 (1978):  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon ». Israel’s withdrawal from Lebanon was completed as of 16 June 2000.

60. Resolution 350 (31 May 1974) established the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, to monitor the ceasefire
between Israel and Syria in the wake of the Yom Kippur War.

61. Resolution 427:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon ».

62. Resolution 444:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces ».

63. Resolution 446 (1979): ‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention ».

64. Resolution 450:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon ».

65. Resolution 452:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories ».

66. Resolution 465:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program ».

67. Resolution 467:  » … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon ».

68. Resolution 468:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return ».

69. Resolution 469:  » … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians ».

70. Resolution 471:  » … ‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention ».

71. Resolution 476:  » … ‘reiterates’ that Israel’s claim to Jerusalem are ‘null and void' ».

72. Resolution 478 (20 August 1980): ‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’.

73. Resolution 484:  » … ‘declares it imperative’ that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors ».

74. Resolution 487:  » … ‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility ».

75. Resolution 497 (17 December 1981) decides that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescinds its decision forthwith.

76. Resolution 498:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to withdraw from Lebanon ».

77. Resolution 501:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops ».

78. Resolution 508:

79. Resolution 509:  » … ‘demands’ that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon ».

80. Resolution 515:  » … ‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in ».

81. Resolution 517:  » … ‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon ».

82. Resolution 518:  » … ‘demands’ that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon ».

83. Resolution 520:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut ».

84. Resolution 573:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters.

85. Resolution 587  » … ‘takes note’ of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw ».

86. Resolution 592:  » … ‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops ».

87. Resolution 605:  » … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians.

88. Resolution 607:  » … ‘calls’ on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

89. Resolution 608:  » … ‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians ».

90. Resolution 636:  » … ‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians.

91. Resolution 641:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians.

92. Resolution 672:  » … ‘condemns’ Israel for « violence against Palestinians » at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.

93. Resolution 673:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations.

94. Resolution 681:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians.

95. Resolution 694:  » … ‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return.

96. Resolution 726:  » … ‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians.

97. Resolution 799: « . . . ‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return.

98. Resolution 1559 (2 September 2004) called upon Lebanon to establish its sovereignty over all of its land and called upon Syria to end their military presence in Lebanon by withdrawing its forces and to cease intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all Lebanese militias to disband.

99. Resolution 1583 (28 January 2005) calls on Lebanon to assert full control over its border with Israel. It also states that « the Council has recognized the Blue Line as valid for the purpose of confirming Israel’s withdrawal pursuant to resolution 425.

100. Resolution 1648 (21 December 2005) renewed the mandate of United Nations Disengagement Observer Force until 30 June 2006.

101. Resolution 1701 (11 August 2006) called for the full cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.

Palestinians: Aid boat en route from Libya to Gaza

A boat loaded with humanitarian aid has left Libya and will try to reach Gaza despite an Israeli naval blockade, a Palestinian lawmaker in Gaza said Wednesday, raising the possibility of a confrontation between an Arab vessel and Israeli sailors.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Let’s hope these folks make it through without an incident.

And a short note to the Israeli government: you are risking a monumental PR fiasco if one of these people gets hurt, or if these humanitarian supplies don’t get through.

Study: Bank Leumi not obliged to return cash to Holocaust victims’ heirs

The company asked the bank in March for money in 1,299 accounts belonging to Holocaust victims, totaling some NIS 147 million. The company later asked for NIS 250 million more, from some 1,000 additional accounts in the bank. Most of the sum consists of revalued accounts, after adding accumulated interest and linkage until 1960, when the bank passed them on to the Custodian General.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

So, the bank got to use the money belonging to holocaust victims, loan it out at interest, but when they are finally forced to return that money to the heirs of the victims, the bank claims that since the original holocaust victims could not be paid the accumulated interest, then their heirs should not be allowed to collect the additional monies either!

Mafia kingpin killed in massive car explosion

Gale force winds and snow hit NSW

Weather conditions across Australia’s south-east appear to be easing after the region was battered over the weekend by gale force winds, flooding and snow.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

… one week before the start of the Australian SUMMER!

1 décembre 2008

Sur les 7 du Québec: Du Québec à Bombay en passant par les banquiers

Filed under: Asie,Économie/ Finances,Canada,Québec,Terrorisme — François M. @ 11:27


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 2 décembre 2008


John James Charest a déclenché les élections avant que le rapport officiel de la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec soit publié en février 2009. Les politiciens et les médias vous répètent que tout va bien, que le Québec et le Canada n’ont pas tant souffert de la débâcle économique, qu’on peut respirer et se détendre.

La Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec est notre bas de laine de 150 milliards de dollars. Elle a investi 37% de notre argent dans des fonds de couverture dit (hedge funds) comme le Blackstone Group et autres. Ces fonds de couverture servent à écumer l’argent des fonds de pension et d’investissement. Ils servent à traire le lait de la population; une sorte d’aspirateur à argent. Nous avons été touchés et on ne veut pas nous laisser savoir si la Caisse a effectivement perdu autour de $30 milliards de notre argent dans ce racket financier. Notre régime de retraite du Canada a perdu 10 milliards, selon les chiffres qu’on nous donne.

Nous sommes lourdement endettés et réellement en récession. C’est ce qu’on va admettre au lendemain des élections. Allez voter en masse le 8 décembre, car Charest compte sur le fait que les gens n’iront pas pour avoir sa majorité. Il faut sortir les truands du gouvernement.

L’autre facette de cette histoire que personne n’ose toucher, mais qui est réellement l’éléphant dans le salon que personne ne veut voir, c’est les $75 milliards donnés par le Fédéral aux banques canadiennes qui ne sont pas nécessairement en trouble. 75 000 000 000 de dollars qu’on va rajouter à la dette d’environ 600 milliards sur laquelle il faudra payer les intérêts aux mêmes banquiers qui ont créé cette crise financière. Cela aura pour effet de changer toute la structure financière des gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux. Il faudra aussi couper dans les services sociaux pour arriver à absorber le choc que ce montant va engendrer.

Tout ça pour quelle raison? On se trouve à financer notre propre dette!
J’ai eu la chance d’avoir le professeur en économie à l’Université d’Ottawa, Michel Chossudovsky sur mon émission. Il est aussi le directeur de Mondialisation.ca et Global Research, deux sites qui reçoivent plus de 40 000 visiteurs par jour en provenance de partout dans le monde. Écoutez ce qu’il avait à dire à propos de cette sordide affaire.

Tout s’est déroulé sans que personne ne soit consulté tant au Parlement qu’au niveau de la population. Pas un mot n’est soufflé dans les élections ni dans les médias. Hallucinant. Comme si de rien n’était. Du terrorisme économique silencieux.

La bonne nouvelle? Nous assistons à une mort et une renaissance. Une bonne partie de la masse se réveille. L’information circule comme jamais auparavant. Plus qu’on est bien informé, moins que l’on peut être manipulé. Lorsque les gens commencent à réaliser ce qui se passe réellement, cela signifie que la partie est finie pour l’élite. Leur dernier ressort est d’utiliser la technique qui consiste à vous faire peur et de partir des guerres. La stratégie de la tension. Pensez-vous réellement que cette histoire à Mumbai (Bombay) est vraiment l’affaire de musulmans relié à l’Al Qaïda? Pourquoi ne pas se poser les trois questions élémentaires pour résoudre un crime: Qui a les moyens, la technique/méthodes et la motivation de perpétrer un tel carnage? Qui profite réellement en terme de pouvoir et financièrement?

Alors voilà, la balle est dans notre camp. Bien sûr qu’il y a une élite hors de contrôle. Mais en tout et partout, ils sont environ 10 000 et nous sommes autour de 7 milliards. C’est la fin d’un empire et son système, mais aussi la naissance de ce que nous voudrons vivre. C’est un moment de vérité. J’ai comme un goût de liberté, de paix et de fraternité. J’ai l’impression que ça va commencer avec une transparence totale du système bancaire et financier ainsi qu’en retournant la responsabilité de la création de la monnaie entre les mains des banques centrales contrôlées exclusivement par le peuple à travers leur serviteur, le gouvernement. Nous devons redistribuer tout l’argent qui nous a été volé et entassé dans les paradis fiscaux et les couloirs dissimulés de la haute finance qui profite de la misère humaine et des guerres. Cette dette de $600 milliards et le $75 de plus qui va s’y rajouter sont de la pure fraude, une trahison, un racket mafieux et nous ne sommes pas obligés de rembourser. Nous aurions pu nous servir de notre banque centrale pour créer cet argent au lieu de l’emprunter des banquiers privés avec intérêts. Nous avons déjà remboursé plus d’argent que ce que nous devons, seulement qu’en intérêts. Ces dettes nationales sont impossibles à rembourser. Annulons-les. Rayons ces dettes de nos livres. Zap, on repart à zéro. L’Argentine l’a fait et d’autres s’apprêtent à suivre cette voie.

Lorsque la population a peur de leur gouvernement, il y a tyrannie, mais lorsque le gouvernement a peur de la population, il y a liberté.

À nous de saisir l’opportunité.

François Marginean

Pour voir ou laisser un commentaire, rendez-vous sur Les 7 du Québec

29 novembre 2008

Les attaques à Mumbai (Bombay): Les musulmans qui n’en étaient pas

Filed under: Asie,Terrorisme — François M. @ 7:10


Les attaques à Mumbai (Bombay): Les musulmans qui n’en étaient pas

Plus les informations sortent, plus cette histoire prend des allures louches. Des musulmans reliés à l’Al Qaïda qui sont super équipés, qui sont passés de la bombe improvisé et l’attaque suicide vers une forme d’attaque sophistiquée avec de l’équipement digne des forces spéciales de l’armée avec un système de communication et d’interception des ondes de communications des médias, agrémenté de prises d’otages? Cela ne fait aucun sens. C’est gens ne boivent pas d’alcool alors que les terroristes à Mumbai (Bombay) en ont fait provision, avec du poulet et autre nourriture, pour tenir pendant trois jours. Un des terroriste a été pris en photo portant un bracelet rouge au poignet droit, une pratique hindoue et non musulmane.

Les États-Unis essaient de déstabiliser le Pakistan depuis plus d’un an, surtout depuis que leur marionnette dictatoriale Mousharaf a été poussé à l’écart du pouvoir par le nouveau gouvernement pakistanais qui lui ne coopère pas aussi bien. Rappelons que le Pakistan a l’arme nucléaire, merci aux États-Unis.

Voir si les musulmans et le Pakistan voudraient s’attirer autant de mauvaise presse et surtout le risque d’être attaqué par l’Inde et les USA qui tous deux possèdent la bombes nucléaires! Obama avait même déclarer vouloir attaquer le Pakistan.

62 attaques militaires à l’intérieur du Pakistan ont été faites par les USA.

62 actes de guerres! Ils ont tué des centaines d’enfants, de femmes et d’innocentes victimes. N’est-ce pas des actes de terrorismes?

Pourquoi est-ce que les médias posent toujours la même question à savoir si l’Al Qaïda se trouve derrière ces actes terroristes et ne posent jamais la question à savoir si c’est les services secrets comme la CIA, le Mossad, le MI5/6 et cie? Pourtant l’histoire est truffée d’exemples de terrorisme d’état.

Maintenant vous devez vous demander qui a vraiment les moyens et les méthodes de parvenir à exécuter une telle opération complexe, et surtout, qui a la motivation, qui profite? Ceci n’est en aucune façon dans l’intérêt des musulmans ni du Pakistan.


NB. Les articles présentés ci-bas incluent ceux publiés hier, en plus d’une grande quantité de nouveaux.

Mumbai Attacks To Be Linked To Obama Target Pakistan?

Coordinated attacks across Mumbai, India’s financial capital, which have killed up to a hundred people and injured hundreds more, are likely to be blamed on a terrorist organization linked to the Pakistani ISI, providing further justification for controversial U.S. bombings inside Pakistani territory and heightened rhetoric against Pakistan on behalf of President elect Barack Obama.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Okay, here are the reason I think this is a false-flag operation.

1. Brand new terror groups have tight budgets. This group, the « Deccan Muhajedeen » (sounds like a sports team, like Cleveland Indians or Cincinnati Pirates) appears from nowhere with a large force, fully automatic weapons, grenades, and intelligence resources on the scale of a nation state.

2. FOX News and CNN are now both reporting that the « terrorists » who took hostages at the Oberoi hotel were specifically seeking people with US and British passports. So, regardless of whatever the « Deccan Muhajedeen » claims their objective may be, the real agenda is to provoke a British and US response.

3. The timing is suspect, occurring just when Bush needs an excuse to kick off one more war of Obama to have to deal with and certainly convenient timing for Israel, which sees Obama as far less likely to engage in more wars for Israel. And, for the last several; weeks Israel has been starving Gaza mercilessly, in advance of an obvious military action, and has kept reporters and even the Papel Envoy out of Gaza.

Mumbai Terror attacks: False Flag to target Pakistan?

With the reports in a frenzy about Terrorists targetting US and UK Nationals, WHERE are the casualties? over 150 dead yet only one British dead! This seems like a False Flag op again comming from an unknown group with the clues being left in a « Scooby Doo » fashion to lead back to Pakistan. How would Pakistan benefit from such an attack? Who WOULD benefit from such an atttack? Find the answer to WHO and you find out WHO is responsible.

Terror attacks in Mumbai; 80 dead, over 250 injured

Webmaster’s Commentary:

As usual, a « never before heard of » group is claiming responsibility. FOX News is also reporting that the « terrorists » at the tourist hotel were specifically searching for people with American passports.

This reeks of a false-flag attack to get the US into another war.

Political Destabilization in South and Central Asia: The Role of the CIA-ISI Terror Network

Recent terror attacks in New Delhi on September 13, 2008, raise the questions of who was responsible and for what reason these attacks occurred. Terror attacks in India are not a new phenomenon, however, in their recent past, they can be largely attributed to the actions, finances, training and resources of one organization: The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). These new bombings bare the same relationship with the ISI as has occurred in the past, and so it must be asked: what is the purpose of the ISI both in Central Asia as well as South Asia?

India Seeking to Bolster Ties with Iran

India says it considers its own national interests and wants to develop relations with Iran without being intimidated by political pressure.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

There’s a good reason for « someone » to shoot the crap out of Mumbai!

Mossad behind the mass terror attack in Mumbai, India?

When I first read the news of the coordinated attacks on specific places firing automatic rifles and lobbing grenades in the city of Mumbai on the west coast of India that occured Wednesday night, I deduce it is Mossad in the planning and execution of the attack — by themselves or the deployment of Manchurian candidates — to provoke international outrage towards the designated enemy. Over 80 persons died and more than 250 wounded.

Mumbai Terrorist Attacks Focus on Westerners. One Attack Near Chabad House. Attacks Continue . . . 78 dead, Many Westerners Taken Hostage

This has Al Qeda written all over it. According to the Television report I heard, the terrorists where looking for Westerners and, specifically, Americans in the attack.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

You know; « Al Qaeda (nudge nudge wink wink) »

Intelligence chiefs were expecting Al-Qaeda spectacular

Western intelligence services have been expecting an al-Qaeda spectacular terrorist attack in this crucial period between the end of President George Bush’s administration and the succession of Barack Obama.

Signals intelligence “chatter” in recent weeks indicated that Osama bin Laden’s terrorist organisation might be plotting an attack “to grab the headlines” before Mr Obama takes over in the White House on January 20.

British security and intelligence sources said there had been increasing concern, particularly in the United States, that a “terrorist spectacular” was on the cards.

Happy Thanksgiving? Not for all

Thanks to rising unemployment and food prices, the Washington Post tells us, Americans on food stamps are set to pass 30 million this month for the first time ever, passing the historic high set in 2005 by Hurricane Katrina. Not exactly something for those folks to celebrate.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

I am sitting here trying to figure out what to be thankful for.

Obviously I am thankful for my wife and my health.

But I am much poorer this year than last, thanks to the government. Taxes are high and services low. People I knew are dead in a war started with lies that our grandchildren are expected to make the payments on. Why should anyone be thankful for that?

Our nation hovers at the edge of ruin because the government decided to help out the poor suffering corporations by giving them tax credits to make it easier to send American jobs to other countries, forcing Americans to take lower paying jobs, thereby triggering the debt crisis. Thankful for that? I don’t think so.

Then the government decides to fix the credit crisis by taking $700 billion away from the working class to give to the banks so that the banks could turn around and loan it back to us at interest. Except that it didn’t work out that way; the banks (and Wall Street) just shoved the cash into their golden parachutes. Thanks a whole bunch for THAT one, assholes.

The so-called bailout now stands at $8.2 trillion (with a « t »); a staggering sum of money so large most people cannot comprehend it. It works out to about $100,000 per US Household. Plus accruing interest. No way should anyone (except the corporations getting that cash) be thankful for that.

And here we are today, Thanksgiving, with a false flag operation leading to in invasion of Pakistan in the fond hopes that with a bloody war to distract us, we won’t remember how badly the US Government has screwed up this country. No doubt, our leaders(?) are betting the farm that a new world war will get the nation out of a financial mess, just as the previous two world wars did. Frankly, I don’t think it will work this time. In Big Mistake I and Big Mistake II, the US was a mighty manufacturing power. This time, we are not. If the US starts WW3, we will ultimately lose.

Thankful? Hell no. Nobody is that much of a schmuck.

Mumbai Attacks Blamed On Al-Qaeda As Pretext For U.S. Military Response

The swiftness with which the media blamed “Al-Qaeda” was staggering, especially considering the fact that the attacks had not even concluded before the boogeyman was whipped out of the closet once more to act as a poster child for the war on terror and allow the TV networks to show lots of blood, panic and authority figures pointing guns at people.

Clues suggest homegrown terrorists in India attack

The attack on India’s financial capital bears all the trademarks of al-Qaida — simultaneous assaults meant to kill scores of Westerners in iconic buildings — but clues so far point to homegrown Indian terrorists, global intelligence officials said Thursday.

Spy agencies around the world were caught off guard by the deadly attack, in which gunmen sprayed crowds with bullets, torched landmark hotels and took dozens of hostages.

FLASHBACK: Is Mossad Hand Behind Mumbai Train Blasts?

MOSSAD, an Israeli intelligence agency, is cited as possible organiser of Mumbai train bomb blasts. Immediately after the blast, Mossad was reportedly engaged by Sai Baba Mandir trust to provide security to the famous religious shrine.

Flashback: How Did Mossad Know the London Bombings Were Going to Happen?

…the Mossad office in London received advance notice about the attacks, but only six minutes before the first blast…

India declines Israeli offer of aid delegation to Mumbai

Israel sent a number of intelligence officers to India Thursday to assist in analyzing the major terrorist attack on Mumbai.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak Thursday offered India security, intelligence and humanitarian aid in dealing with the situation.

It appears the Indian government is not interested in high profile security assistance from Israel. Throughout the day, the Homefront Command prepared to send an aid delegation to India, but efforts were halted when it became clear that Mumbai was not enthusiastic about the prospect.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Maybe India figured out who was really behind it all.

Taxi was meant to blow up Mumbai airport

The flyover outside the domestic airport in Mumbai and a taxi driver’s unfamiliarity with the new slip route to the terminal perhaps went a long way in averting a major disaster that could have taken the toll into hundreds on Wednesday night itself.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Looks like the airport was supposed to be the main event!

FLASHBACK: The Real Story Behind the Marriott Attack

Israel’s staged Entebbe, terrorist group enabler

[Well organized, military operations such as is happening in India now, certainly appear to happen with outside international expertise.]

Famed Israeli Raid on Entebbe Airport Culminated Shin Bet-Staged Hijacking Plot
By Mark Glenn

« Along with the United States and Britain, Israel has a long and well-established history of assisting individuals and groups said to be responsible for acts of terrorism since the creation of the Jewish state in 1948.

Obama: The U.S. will work “with India and nations around the world to root out and destroy terrorist networks,”

The violence in Mumbai came two months after a suicide bombing on the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, killed 40 people and a January attack on the luxury Serena Hotel in the Afghan capital, Kabul, killed eight.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is starting to remind me of Stephen King’s novel « Needful Things » in which the devil tricks an entire town into wanting to kill each other off by setting up dirty tricks; hurtful things done by one party but blamed on another.

Art mimics life?

Mumbai The Mossad Angle

It is 4AM in India right now. I am in Mumbai reporting from the ground. I have not slept a wink. Mumbai is under attack. People and forces who killed Mahatama Gandhi, who demolished the Babari Mosque have triumphed. More than 16 groups of terrorists have taken over Taj, Oberai and several hotels. Hundreds of people are dead. For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations. The Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the ATS have been killed.

Experts doubt Al Qaeda link in Mumbai attacks

An e-mail message to Indian media outlets that claimed responsibility for the bloody attacks in Mumbai on Wednesday night said the militants were from the Deccan Mujahideen.

Global terrorism experts said Thursday they had never heard of the group. And based on its tactics, they said, it was probably not a cell or group linked to Al Qaeda.

FLASHBACK: Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan

Janes information group, the world’s foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that « The Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four new agencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism. »

Red Alert: Possible Geopolitical Consequences of the Mumbai Attacks (Open Access)

If the Nov. 26 attacks in Mumbai were carried out by Islamist militants as it appears, the Indian government will have little choice, politically speaking, but to blame them on Pakistan. That will in turn spark a crisis between the two nuclear rivals that will draw the United States into the fray.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Here is the $64,000 question. If an attack by Pakistan on India leads inevitably and unavoidably to counter attacks by both India and the US on Pakistan … why would Pakistan do it?

Yet another indicator that this is just a false-flag attack, like Gleiwitz, to justify a war of conquest.

Militants who attacked Mumbai came from Pakistan: army official

Militants who staged multiple attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai, killing at least 125 people and injuring hundreds more, came from Pakistan, a senior military official said on Thursday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Why would Pakistan support such a stupid move???

It makes absolutely zero military, rational, or geopolitical sense, for Pakistan to support an operation like this.

The International Backers of the Mumbai Attacks

Reuters states that at least 80 people have been killed and that, « An organisation calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen claimed it was behind attacks ». CNN television is already stating as fact that the Mumbai attacks were funded and supported by foreign sources, implicating Pakistan where President-elect Obama promised to take the so-called « war on terrorism » when he assumes office in January. The attacks which are on-going at this moment set the stage for redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq to Pakistan as Obama promised. George W.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If true, how amazingly convenient for the next President!

This incident reeks of « Eau de False Flag », and one has to wonder, whoever planned this, if these attacks didn’t create quite the carnage the planners were hoping for.

Indian PM says Mumbai militants based ‘outside country’

India‘s prime minister said Thursday that those behind coordinated attacks against Mumbai were based « outside the country » and warned « neighbours » who provide a haven to anti-India militants.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Here comes the frame-up.

India points finger of blame at Pakistan

India pointed a finger on Friday at Pakistani-linked « elements » for the deadly attacks in Mumbai, raising the prospect of a breakdown in the nuclear-armed rivals’ peace efforts.

Mumbai Attacks To Be Blamed On Pakistan?

Coordinated attacks across Mumbai, India’s financial capital, which have killed up to a hundred people and injured hundreds more, are likely to be blamed on a terrorist organization linked to the Pakistani ISI, providing further justification for controversial U.S. bombings inside Pakistani territory and heightened rhetoric against Pakistan on behalf of President elect Barack Obama.

following the script

Sure enough, it’s Muslims. Or so the media tells me. Apparently the terrorists are unhappy with the treatment of Muslims in India. Their plan, as best I can tell, is to kill Indians and foreigners indiscriminately, set fire to major pubic buildings, and take hostages and refuse to release them until Muslims are treated better. Good thinking. Am I alone in wondering at this disconnect?

Webmaster’s Commentary:

No, you are not.

Chopra: Attack prompts tough questions

India at this moment has to contain any reactive violence from the fundamentalist Hindus, which is very likely and possible. So India has to condemn that by not blaming local Muslims. They have to identify the exact groups.

And the world has to be very careful that they don’t go after the wrong people. Because if you go after the wrong people, you convert moderates into extremists. It happens every time, and retribution against innocent people just because they have the same religion actually aggravates and perpetuates the problem.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Chopra is correct. It is the US and Israeli actions directed against ALL Muslims that drives moderates into being extremists. They see clearly and correctly that the US and Israel are not interested in peaceful co-existence. They see what is happening in Gaza, they hear the speeches about the « Clash of civilizations », they know the dirty tricks that are played then blamed on Muslims.

Deepak Chopra Blames Washington For Mumbai Terrorist Attacks …Update: Iran Agrees

Chopra: What we have seen in Mumbai has been brewing for a long time, and the war on terrorism and the attack on Iraq compounded the situation. What we call « collateral damage » and going after the wrong people actually turns moderates into extremists, and that inflammation then gets organized and appears as this disaster in Bombay. Now the worst thing that could happen is there’s a backlash on the Muslims from the fundamental Hindus in India, which then will perpetuate the problem. Inflammation will create more inflammation.

Paul V. Rafferty: Terror in Mumbai, India; ‘Qui Bono ?’

It would be absolutely insane for the Government of Pakistan to provoke India into war!

Before we all rush to judgement, let’s allow Indian and Pakistani authorities time to conduct a proper open investigation. Whoever is responsible for the tragedies in Mumbai – and is/are still alive – are simply criminal and must be punished, in accordance with International and Indian Law.

Putin Urges Calm As India Readies Nuclear Forces

Russian Foreign Ministry sources are reporting that Prime Minister Putin has telephoned India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh urging him to react to the attacks upon his Mumbai with ‘calm’ after being informed by Singh that he has invoked India’s National Security Act which puts their Nuclear Forces on ‘full alert’.

(Video) Mumbai- A CIA/Mossad Job? (Humor with a serious message)

If you’re offended by a few four letter words, don’t watch this video from FKN News.


Why CNN is connecting a local ‘terrorist’ attack to Al Qaida and making grounds for US/UK/Israel to muscle into the imbroglio as ‘interested parties’, so as to dictate terms on Indian government. Could it be a classic covert operation of entrapment of India?

Is India being prepared for a localized war with Pakistan?

Media Forced To Backtrack On Al-Qaeda Link To Mumbai Attacks

After brazenly declaring that the Mumbai attacks were the work of Al-Qaeda, the corporate media has been forced to backtrack, while India continues to blame Pakistan in a dangerous escalation of rhetoric between the two nuclear-armed powers.

Bellicose propaganda about Bin Laden being behind the massacre, which was initially propagated by the BBC, London Times and Fox News amongst others, has largely evaporated, with the majority of the establishment press being forced to admit they have no idea who was behind the siege on India’s financial capital.

Hostages found dead at Mumbai Jewish center

Commandos who stormed the Mumbai headquarters of an ultra-orthodox Jewish group found the bodies of five hostages inside, Indian and Israeli rescue officials said, as a fresh battle raged at the luxury Taj Mahal hotel and other Indian forces ended a siege at another five-star hotel.

A delegation from Israel’s ZAKA emergency medical services unit entered the building after the raid and reported through an Indian aide that five hostages and two gunmen were dead, a ZAKA spokesman in Israel said. The spokesman had no information on the hostages’ identities or whether there were wounded inside.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The corporate media this morning is marching frantically, lockstep, toward fixing the blame for these horrendous attacks on the next country to be up for a US invasion.

I wouldn’t bet against that being placed on Pakistan right now.
And if this happen, I would be willing to bet it will happen before Obama is inaugurated.

Battles rage for Mumbai hostages

Locals say the orgy of killings in Mumbai began here. Three men walked into the cafe, drank beer, settled their bills and walked out. Then they fished out guns from their bags and began firing.

Gaffar Abdul Amir, an Iraqi tourist from Baghdad, says he saw at least two men who started the firing outside the Leopold Cafe.

He was returning to his hotel from the seaside with a friend when he saw two men carrying bags and brandishing AK-47s walking in front of them, shooting.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Blonde hair? Punk hairstyles? Beer?


Indian commandos storm Mumbai hotels

« I went into the building late last night, » he said. « I got a shock because they were white. I was expecting them to look like us. They fired three shots. I fired 10 back.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

We are starting to see more and more reports of blonde-haired white guys doing the shooting in Mumbai, and in this case the Jewish center!

U.S. sends terror investigators to India

A U.S. investigative team headed to Mumbai on Friday, a State Department official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the U.S. and Indian governments were working out final details of the cooperative effort. The official declined to identify which agency or agencies the team members came from.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Forgive my cynicism, but one has to wonder just what the US team can actually do in this situation better than the Indian intelligence team can. The Indian intelligence apparatus is extremely sophisticated, and capable.

My suspicion is US team is not there to uncover the truth, but manipulate the outcome of these dreadful attacks to serve the US geopolitical agenda.

Battles rage for Mumbai hostages

Maj Gen Hooda said authorities had intercepted conversations between some of the attackers speaking in Punjabi, an apparent reference to Pakistan-based militants.

Earlier reports said the attackers spoke Hindi, indicating they were from India.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

The story is changing to fit the agenda of blaming Pakistan.

Why destroy Pakistan?

Ben Gurion on Pakistan, published in the Jewish Chronicle, 1967:

« The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs.

« This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.

Pakistan intelligence chief agrees to visit India

The head of Pakistan’s military intelligence service, the ISI, has agreed to come to India to share information after the attacks in Mumbai by Islamist militants, an Indian government spokesman said.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Pakistan knows that it could very well set up to be the villain in this event, and will be trying to move heaven and earth to demonstrate that it had absolutely nothing to do with this attack.

The Attack in Mumbai II

The cleanup operation in Mumbai are still ongoing as the police and army search and fight through two big hotels that were attacked. The latest casualties numbers are 125 dead, 327 injured.

As said before, there is something weird about these attacks.

Pictures from the Mumbai Attack

Notice the red cord on his right wrist. Tying a red thread or cord around the wrist is a Hindu practice and it is unlikely a Muslim, especially one politicized enough to carry out an attack such as this, would observe it. I think this provides more evidence that this was a false flag operation or at least an attack by a non-Muslim group.

Terrorists Have Food Stocks for Three Days

“They had purchased around two crates of chicken and liquor worth Rs25,000 from two shops in Colaba,” another resident Joseph D’Mello said. “They then entered the Nariman House building and took the Israeli family captive.”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Okay, so they are NOT Muslims.

27 novembre 2008

Les attaques à Mumbai: qui a les moyens, les méthodes et la motivation pour y arriver?

Filed under: Asie,Terrorisme — François M. @ 1:37


Les attaques à Mumbai: qui a les moyens, les méthodes et la motivation pour y arriver?

Je vais parler de cette affaire la semaine prochaine sur L’Autre Monde. Mais en attendant, voyez un peu tous ces articles qui vont certainement aider à mieux comprendre ce qui se passe en Inde. Une chose certaine: ne prenez pas pour du cash ce que les médias vont vous dire. À les croire, ils savent déjà que c’est l’Al Qaïda qui vient du Pakistan. Mais qui a vraiment les moyens et les méthodes de parvenir à exécuter une telle opération complexe, et surtout, qui a la motivation, qui profite? Ceci n’est en aucune façon dans l’intérêt des Musulmans ni du Pakistan.


Mumbai Attacks Blamed On Al-Qaeda As Pretext For U.S. Military Response

The swiftness with which the media blamed “Al-Qaeda” was staggering, especially considering the fact that the attacks had not even concluded before the boogeyman was whipped out of the closet once more to act as a poster child for the war on terror and allow the TV networks to show lots of blood, panic and authority figures pointing guns at people.

Clues suggest homegrown terrorists in India attack

The attack on India’s financial capital bears all the trademarks of al-Qaida — simultaneous assaults meant to kill scores of Westerners in iconic buildings — but clues so far point to homegrown Indian terrorists, global intelligence officials said Thursday.

Spy agencies around the world were caught off guard by the deadly attack, in which gunmen sprayed crowds with bullets, torched landmark hotels and took dozens of hostages.

FLASHBACK: Is Mossad Hand Behind Mumbai Train Blasts?

MOSSAD, an Israeli intelligence agency, is cited as possible organiser of Mumbai train bomb blasts. Immediately after the blast, Mossad was reportedly engaged by Sai Baba Mandir trust to provide security to the famous religious shrine.

India declines Israeli offer of aid delegation to Mumbai

Israel sent a number of intelligence officers to India Thursday to assist in analyzing the major terrorist attack on Mumbai.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak Thursday offered India security, intelligence and humanitarian aid in dealing with the situation.

It appears the Indian government is not interested in high profile security assistance from Israel. Throughout the day, the Homefront Command prepared to send an aid delegation to India, but efforts were halted when it became clear that Mumbai was not enthusiastic about the prospect.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Maybe India figured out who was really behind it all.

Taxi was meant to blow up Mumbai airport

The flyover outside the domestic airport in Mumbai and a taxi driver’s unfamiliarity with the new slip route to the terminal perhaps went a long way in averting a major disaster that could have taken the toll into hundreds on Wednesday night itself.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Looks like the airport was supposed to be the main event!

FLASHBACK: The Real Story Behind the Marriott Attack

Israel’s staged Entebbe, terrorist group enabler

[Well organized, military operations such as is happening in India now, certainly appear to happen with outside international expertise.]

Famed Israeli Raid on Entebbe Airport Culminated Shin Bet-Staged Hijacking Plot
By Mark Glenn

« Along with the United States and Britain, Israel has a long and well-established history of assisting individuals and groups said to be responsible for acts of terrorism since the creation of the Jewish state in 1948.

Obama: The U.S. will work “with India and nations around the world to root out and destroy terrorist networks,”

The violence in Mumbai came two months after a suicide bombing on the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, killed 40 people and a January attack on the luxury Serena Hotel in the Afghan capital, Kabul, killed eight.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is starting to remind me of Stephen King’s novel « Needful Things » in which the devil tricks an entire town into wanting to kill each other off by setting up dirty tricks; hurtful things done by one party but blamed on another.

Art mimics life?

Mumbai The Mossad Angle

It is 4AM in India right now. I am in Mumbai reporting from the ground. I have not slept a wink. Mumbai is under attack. People and forces who killed Mahatama Gandhi, who demolished the Babari Mosque have triumphed. More than 16 groups of terrorists have taken over Taj, Oberai and several hotels. Hundreds of people are dead. For the first time no one is blaming Muslim organizations. The Mumbai ATS chief Hemant Karkare and other officers of the ATS have been killed.

Experts doubt Al Qaeda link in Mumbai attacks

An e-mail message to Indian media outlets that claimed responsibility for the bloody attacks in Mumbai on Wednesday night said the militants were from the Deccan Mujahideen.

Global terrorism experts said Thursday they had never heard of the group. And based on its tactics, they said, it was probably not a cell or group linked to Al Qaeda.

FLASHBACK: Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan

Janes information group, the world’s foremost source on intelligence information, reported in July 2001 that « The Indian spy agency RAW and the Israeli spy agency Mossad have created four new agencies to infiltrate Pakistan to target important religious and military personalities, journalists, judges, lawyers and bureaucrats. In addition, bombs would be exploded in trains, railway stations, bridges, bus stations, cinemas, hotels and mosques of rival Islamic sects to incite sectarianism. »

Red Alert: Possible Geopolitical Consequences of the Mumbai Attacks (Open Access)

If the Nov. 26 attacks in Mumbai were carried out by Islamist militants as it appears, the Indian government will have little choice, politically speaking, but to blame them on Pakistan. That will in turn spark a crisis between the two nuclear rivals that will draw the United States into the fray.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Here is the $64,000 question. If an attack by Pakistan on India leads inevitably and unavoidably to counter attacks by both India and the US on Pakistan … why would Pakistan do it?

Yet another indicator that this is just a false-flag attack, like Gleiwitz, to justify a war of conquest.

Militants who attacked Mumbai came from Pakistan: army official

Militants who staged multiple attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai, killing at least 125 people and injuring hundreds more, came from Pakistan, a senior military official said on Thursday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Why would Pakistan support such a stupid move???

It makes absolutely zero military, rational, or geopolitical sense, for Pakistan to support an operation like this.

The International Backers of the Mumbai Attacks

Reuters states that at least 80 people have been killed and that, « An organisation calling itself the Deccan Mujahideen claimed it was behind attacks ». CNN television is already stating as fact that the Mumbai attacks were funded and supported by foreign sources, implicating Pakistan where President-elect Obama promised to take the so-called « war on terrorism » when he assumes office in January. The attacks which are on-going at this moment set the stage for redeployment of U.S. troops from Iraq to Pakistan as Obama promised. George W.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

If true, how amazingly convenient for the next President!

This incident reeks of « Eau de False Flag », and one has to wonder, whoever planned this, if these attacks didn’t create quite the carnage the planners were hoping for.

Indian PM says Mumbai militants based ‘outside country’

India‘s prime minister said Thursday that those behind coordinated attacks against Mumbai were based « outside the country » and warned « neighbours » who provide a haven to anti-India militants.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Here comes the frame-up.

following the script

Sure enough, it’s Muslims. Or so the media tells me. Apparently the terrorists are unhappy with the treatment of Muslims in India. Their plan, as best I can tell, is to kill Indians and foreigners indiscriminately, set fire to major pubic buildings, and take hostages and refuse to release them until Muslims are treated better. Good thinking. Am I alone in wondering at this disconnect?

Webmaster’s Commentary:

No, you are not.

Chopra: Attack prompts tough questions

India at this moment has to contain any reactive violence from the fundamentalist Hindus, which is very likely and possible. So India has to condemn that by not blaming local Muslims. They have to identify the exact groups.

And the world has to be very careful that they don’t go after the wrong people. Because if you go after the wrong people, you convert moderates into extremists. It happens every time, and retribution against innocent people just because they have the same religion actually aggravates and perpetuates the problem.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Chopra is correct. It is the US and Israeli actions directed against ALL Muslims that drives moderates into being extremists. They see clearly and correctly that the US and Israel are not interested in peaceful co-existence. They see what is happening in Gaza, they hear the speeches about the « Clash of civilizations », they know the dirty tricks that are played then blamed on Muslims.

18 novembre 2008

Mission impossible: attraper le défunt Bin Laden

Filed under: Terrorisme — François M. @ 12:27


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte ci-dessous a été publié sur Les 7 du Québec le 18 novembre 2008

Mission impossible: attraper le défunt Bin Laden

Zbigniew Brzezinski et Tim Osman (Ossama Bin Laden)

Pour ce faire, vous aurez surement besoin d’une pelle! On serait en mesure de croire qui si Ossama Bin Laden était mort, nous en aurions entendu parler depuis le temps. Mais ceci est présumer qu’il n’existe aucun avantage pour l’establishment d’avoir un ennemi juré qui menace de tout faire sauter à n’importe quelle minute. La justification de courir après les méchants terroristes permet d’étendre l’empire qui a besoin de contrôler les ressources naturelles pour assurer sa survie et son hégémonie. Ceci est bien illustré dans le roman 1984 de George Orwell par le personnage de Emmanuel Goldstein et dans les films hollywoodiens où on assiste toujours au même scénario des bons occidentaux (souvent Américains!) qui vont mener des guerres à l’étranger pour défaire les vilaines crapules.

Il est pratique pour l’élite d’unir le peuple dans la peur d’un ennemi commun qui est insaisissable, mais toujours menaçant. C’est le racket typique de protection du crime organisé: si vous refusez de payer l’argent pour assurer votre “protection”, vous aurez la fâcheuse tendance à passer au feu… Les gouvernements ne sont certainement pas étrangers à cette façon de procéder. C’est la formule Problème-Réaction-Solution. On crée un problème auquel le public va réagir, après quoi on offre une solution déjà préparée qui fera avancer notre agenda qui n’aurait pas eu autrement l’appui populaire comme c’est souvent le cas lorsque les gouvernements veulent partir une guerre, couper dans nos droits et libertés et consolider leur pouvoir sur nos vies. C’est la stratégie de la tension. C’est vieux comme le monde. Un exemple frappant est l’Opération Gladio.

Ceci étant dit, retournons à ce que je disais plus haut: si Bin Laden était mort, nous en aurions entendu parler. Mais encore là, c’est présumer que les médias nous rapportent que la vérité, qu’ils soient impartiaux et indépendants. Malheureusement, ce n’est pas le cas. De plus, il est certain que nous avons été bien mal informé quant à l’identité et l’histoire réelle de Bin Laden, qui ironiquement fut au point de départ recruté par la CIA pour combattre les Soviétiques durant la guerre soviéto-afghane. Tim Osman était apparemment le nom qu’il lui était donné par la CIA. Al Qaïda est un Frankenstein crée par la CIA. Zbigniew Brzezinski, le mentor de Barack Obama, s’en est vanté. Il fut d’ailleurs visité par la CIA alors qu’il se trouvait dans un hôpital à Dubaï deux mois avant les attaques du 11 septembre 2001. C’est que notre terroriste favori, qui n’est pas recherché en relation pour les événements du 9/11(voir ici aussi), souffrait de problèmes rénaux en phase terminale, affecté possiblement de l’hépatite C et/ou de typhoïde.

Il demeure que si on se donne la peine de faire quelques recherches soi-même, on peut trouver plusieurs traces dans les médias traditionnels et alternatifs concernant la mort de Bin Laden.

Voici les plus importantes:

– La dernière fois qu’une transmission de Ossama Bin Laden fut détectée remonte au 14 décembre 2001. (voir aussi cet article)

– Le président George W. Bush et l’ancien Secrétaire à la Défense, Donald Rumsfeld, ont laissé entendre à la fin décembre 2001 qu’ils savaient qu’Ossama était mort, même son de cloche par les analystes des services du renseignement.

– L’ancien président pakistanais Pervez Musharraf a annoncé en janvier 2002 que Bin Laden est probablement mort de défaillance des reins.

– Le président de l’Afghanistan, Hamid Karzaï, déclara en octobre 2002 “Le plus qu’on n’entend pas parler de lui, et plus le temps passe, plus il y a la possibilité qu’il est soit mort ou sérieusement blessé quelque part.

– En juillet 2002, le chef de la division du contre-terrorisme du FBI déclarait que Bin Laden était “probablement” mort.

Les services secrets de la France et de l’Arabie Saoudite déclarent qu’il est mort.

– Jetez un coup d’oeil sur ces articles publiés dansé: le New York Times; CNN; UK Telegraph; Washington Post;

– Des informations à propos de son testament furent diffusées sur CNN ainsi que d’autres par rapport à son décès par Fox News et le Pakistan Observer, Al Wafd qui est un journal important en Égypte.

– Les fausses vidéo produites depuis 2001 ont semé la confusion dans la population. Pourtant, nombreux sont les experts qui ont analysé ces dites vidéo et qui en sont arrivé à la conclusion qu’elles n’étaient pas véritablement produites par Bin Laden. À ce sujet, voir ces articles: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Pour terminer, il est primordial de savoir que même si le sombre Ossama Bin Laden était encore vivant, il faudrait questionner le gouvernement américain à savoir pourquoi ils ont décidé d’organiser la fuite de quelques milliers de Talibans et de membres du réseau Al Qaïda de la ville de Kunduz en Afghanistan vers le Pakistan en novembre 2001, suite à l’invasion des forces américaines.

Voir cette vidéo.

Allez, assez d’indices agent 007! C’est le temps de se mettre à la tâche, une récompense de $US25 millions vous attend pour sa capture!

14 juillet 2008

Terrorisme: croyez-y sinon les terroristes gagnent

Filed under: Terrorisme — François M. @ 11:41

Terrorisme: croyez-y sinon les terroristes gagnent

Voici une autre série d’articles sur le sujet du terrorisme cette fois. Prenez le temps de regarder les titres et de les consulter. Vous comprendrez que ce qu’on nous présente comme source du terrorisme et sa nature est pour le moins radicalement différent de la réalité. On a plus de chance de mourrir frappé par la foudre que d’un acte de terrorisme, et dans un deuxième temps, la source des majeurs actes de terrorisme est des gouvernements et des services secrets et plus récemment de multinationales qui comme Chiquita ont carrément engagé des groupes armés pour terroriser des communautés locales.

Toute cette campagne de peur et de guerre contre le terrorisme est une pure fabrication pour mieux vous contrôler et vous garder dans les rangs, l’ordre établit et ainsi couper dans vos libertés et vie privée.

Bomb maker confesses to spray-painting swastikas around Brooklyn

Ivanov rambled to cops that he was trained by the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad.

I guess Mossad is also having trouble finding good recruits! 🙂

Bush’s Endless Hypocrisy on Terror

Is a government guilty of terrorism if it harbors known terrorists? What should one say about a country that permits open fund-raising on behalf of a terrorist implicated in the mass killing of civilians?

What about a government that secretly arms a guerrilla army that wantonly kills and abuses civilians while seeking to overthrow an elected government?

Government Moles in ‘Terror’ Bomb Plot Provided Bomb, Set up Training Camp

Everything about the case of the so-called Toronto 18 is shrouded in mystery. Evidence raised in court, either at bail hearings or the preliminary hearing, is covered by a publication ban. But this hasn’t prevented the public from knowing allegations against 14 adults and four juveniles that are so bizarre as to be almost unbelievable.

Zionist s Killing of US marines in Beirut

In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon and President Reagan sent 1800 marines to Beirut to act as peace keepers. Israel resented the interference and used the US presence to commit a False Flag operation that killed 242 marines.

The purpose was to align the US with Israel and create animosity toward Arab world.

U.S. Media Defends Phony « Al Qaeda »

I was recently banned from the site « Alternet » for daring to suggest « Al Qaeda » is largely a propaganda farce and hollow trap meant to deceive a rather gullible American public – which it certainly has. I didn’t just up and decide to make this up, by the way. Documented authors Webster Tarpley (« Synthetic Terror ») and Michael Chossudovsky (« America’s ‘War on Terrorism' ») along with a host of other well-researched journalists, academics and government insiders have said the same and more.

Sound outrageous?

Truth or Terrorism? The Real Story Behind Five Years of High Alerts

A history of the Bush administration’s most dubious terror scares — and the headlines they buried.

Even Fort Detrick Scientists Themselves Think the Killer Anthrax Came from their Facility

Why has the FBI allowed Br. Barbara Rosenberg to keep their focus on Dr. Steven Hatfill when there is a suspect actually caught on the security systems entering the storage area where the anthrax used in the attacks was kept, without proper authorization and AFTER being fired for a racially motivated attack on an Egyptian co-worker?

Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication

BBC’s killer documentary called « The Power of Nightmares ». Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after « the bad guy of their choice » namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and « criminal organizations » such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government’s story of Al-qaeda, a « group » or criminal organization they could « legally » go after.


Hollywood and Bioterrorism »>Hollywood and Bioterrorism

How to Foil a Terrorist Plot in Seven Simple Steps

Jose Padilla is sentenced to 17 years

Padilla was added in 2005 to an existing Miami terrorism support case just as the U.S. Supreme Court was considering his challenge to President Bush’s decision to hold him in custody indefinitely without charge. The « dirty bomb » charges were quietly discarded and were never part of the criminal case.

Let’s see, here, was Padilla caught with a dirty bomb? No, he wasn’t. Was he caught with a CLEAN bomb, maybe just back from the dry cleaners? No, didn’t have one of those. Did Padilla have any kind of bomb? Nope. Nada. Zip. Who did Padilla kill? Nobody? Okay, then, who did he kidnap? Nobody. Ummm, let’s try asking how many people Padilla actually terrorized? Nobody. Well, was he at least caught with blueprints for a dirty bomb? No, didn’t have those either. Unlicensed dog? Overdue library books? Tore the tags off of his couch cushions? Picture of Osama with autographed dedication? Canceled check to Ahmadinejad? Severe halitosis?

17 years?


The Hebrew year just ended and the statistics are now available… statistics that show how many Palestinians were MURDERED by the Israeli army in the past year. It was a ‘relatively quiet year’…. only 457 Palestinians and 10 Israelis were killed….. including NINETY TWO Palestinian children….

Yet the Israelis claim that Gaza is an ‘enemy entity’….. strange reasoning.

The Mega-Lie Called the « War on Terror »: A Masterpiece of Propaganda

« Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it. » — Mark Twain »


In an affidavit earlier this year, Nichols additionally alleged that high-ranking FBI officials were complicit in the bombing plot.

More about the OK City Bombing is HERE

The second Ryder truck in the Secret Army base

Official Records proving there were bombs INSIDE the Murrah Building


“For those who have studied this case, this document reveals many incredible details that not only help « connect the dots » in many parts of the case, but reveal that the federal government does indeed have video tapes showing more than one person getting out of the Ryder truck in front of the Murrah building. « 

The Evidence Is There: It’s Time for Congress to Investigate the Ties Between the Bush Family and Osama bin Laden

Bush tried to claim that Saddam was linked to Osama bin Laden. But the only link is one all three share, through BCCI!

U.S.A: « insufficient evidence » to extradite Posada

THERE is insufficient evidence against international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, according to what Caroline Willson, a U.S. envoy for legal affairs, has just affirmed in the United Nations, even though a U.S. immigration official stated two years ago that Posada was a threat to national security.

Translation: He’s one of ours.

See also Posada Carriles and the Kennedy assassination.

and Posada Carriles’ US asylum application connects to JFK assassination

Terrorism is Worse Under GOP Regimes

Surveillance video of July 7 bomb plotters

The shaky footage, shot from across the road, was taken by a police surveillance team in Green Street, Upton Park at 6.15pm on March 23 2004, 16 months before the attacks.

So, as of March 23 2004, we are told, Mohammad Sidique Khan was already under suspicion of being a terrorist mastermind.

Then would someone explain to me why Mohammad Sidique Khan was INVITED to visit Parliament in July 2004 by Jon Trickett MP, and more to the point, why nobody objected to Mohammad Sidique Khan visiting Parliament, if he really was a terror suspect at that time?

See also The 7/7 London Bombings: How to Set Up a Patsy

This Picture On The Cover! The Photo Rolling Stone Should Have Published With « >Wanna Get This Picture On The Cover! The Photo Rolling Stone Should Have Published With « The Fear Factory »

Rolling Stone has just published a long and fairly good article called « The Fear Factory », which focuses on the FBI’s so-called Joint Terrorism Task Forces and their apparent history of fomenting bogus terror — creating false « terror cells » which they can then bust.

Daily Telegraph: US Officers Have Regular Meetings with PKK Terrorists

British Daily Telegraph claimed that the US officers have regular meetings with the PKK terrorists in Northern Iraq. Damien McElroy in his report mentioned “US army helicopters are reportedly used to shuttle officers to regular meetings with Kurdish fighters”. Mr. McElroy interview with the head of the PKK terrorists, Murat Karayilan (means ‘Black Snake’ in Turkish language). Mr. Karayilan accepted the US assistance to the PKK yet argued that the US did very little for the Kurds and can do more.

Now let me get my head wrapped around this: the US is supporting the Kurdish PKK against Iran, even while they know that the PKK is attacking sites in Turkey,which is supposed to be one of our most consistently staunch allies in the region?

And the PKK is actually on our « terrorist watch list »?

Just go to the US Department of State’s website page at http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/fs/37191.htm, which is Titled « Foreign Terrorist Organizations » about half way down the page to « Current List of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and there it is, in place and white, at # 21: « Kongra-Gel, (KGK, formerly Kurdistan Workers’ Party, PKK, KADEK) » .

So, the US is collaborating with an organization on its own Current List of Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations?

Unflipping believable.

When the Terrorists Were ‘Our Guys’

In 1976, when George H.W. Bush was CIA director, the U.S. government tolerated right-wing terrorist cells inside the United States and mostly looked the other way when these killers topped even Palestinian terrorists in spilling blood, including a lethal car bombing in Washington, D.C., according to newly obtained internal government documents.

Al Qaeda Supporters’ Tape to Call for Use of WMDs

Intelligence and law enforcement sources tell ABC News they are expecting al Qaeda supporters will post a new video on the Internet in the next 24 hours, calling for what one source said is « jihadists to use biological, chemical and nuclear weapons to attack the West. »

Isn’t it amazing how intelligence sources always know when « al Qaeda » messages are going to be released and what they are about.

Al Qaeda theory: Mumbai intellectuals blame MOSSAD, CIA

Britain Drops ‘War on Terror’ Label

The words « war on terror » will no longer be used by the British government to describe attacks on the public, the country’s chief prosecutor said Dec. 27.

Sir Ken Macdonald said terrorist fanatics were not soldiers fighting a war but simply members of an aimless « death cult. »

« Whereas when we kill them, it’s a ‘glorious victory reaffirming our divine right to rule the world.' »

Purported Al Qaeda Video Shows Prisoners Burned Alive

How nice of « Al Qaeda » (nudge nudge wink wink) to provide such an inflammatory video just when President Bush is having a hard time igniting a war against Iran.

PJAK admits to having US relations

A member of PJAK terrorist group has admitted to the organization’s relations with the US government, New York Times reported.

Iran looms over Turkey crisis diplomacy

Erdogan told the Sunday Times, « We have told President Bush numerous times how sensitive we are about this [PKK] issue but up till now we have not had a single positive result. America is our strategic partner. But in northern Iraq we feel that both the terrorist organization and the administration there are sheltering behind America ˇ­ It makes us sad to see American weapons being found in the possession of the terrorist organization acting against Turkey. »

« W didn’t do that. Honest. It was, it was … Iran! That’s it, it was Iran! They made copies of American weapons, they, they, they INFRINGED ON OUR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, and copied our copyrighted designs without a license, then, then, they PLANTED those weapons on the PKK … to make us look bad. Yep. That’s just what happened! » — Official White Horse Souse

Operation ‘Targeted Killings’

In early 2006, citing American officials familiar with the U.S. program of drone-based assassinations, the Los Angeles Times reported that the program was expanding. It confirmed at least 19 incidents in which U.S. unmanned Predator drones successfully launched rockets against terrorist suspects abroad since the September 11, 2001, attacks. « In most cases, we need the approval of the host country to do them, » one former State Department counterterrorism official told the newspaper. « However, there are a few countries where the president has decided that we can whack someone without the approval or knowledge of the host government. »

Let’s look at that statement « However, there are a few countries where the president has decided that we can whack someone without the approval or knowledge of the host government »

Excuse me, but isn’t that an act of war?

And where might congress be while « the decider » decides to « whack » people they don’t particularly like?

Oh, I forgot: the only thing our congress seems to be able to do for the last 6 years is roll over and play dead.


With today’s breaking story that Israeli Intelligence participated in the Entebbe hijacking with the goal of framing Arafat’s PLO for the crime, it is worth looking back at other incidents of terror and asking if they are what they seem to be.

There is no question that Sin Bet funded HAMAS in the early days for the express purpose of preventing Arafat’s PLO from uniting all of Palestine. Israel needed for there to be an opposition group so that they could continue to ignore Arafat at the United Nations under the pretext that Arafat did not speak for « All » the Palestinian people.


Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel: United Press International 06/18/02

Nidal planned to oust Saddam (Palestinian terrorist working for Mossad): News Insight 08/22/02

The Hamas-Likud Pairing: Jerusalem Post 08/25/95

Hamas Divided Against Itself: Middle East Intelligence Bullitin 06/99

Israeli Roots of Hamas are being exposed: Centre for Research on Globalisation 18/18/02

Sharon War Plan Exposed: Hamas Gang Is His Tool: Executive Intelligence Review 07/20/01

Arafat: Hamas Are Sharon’s Children: Executive Review News Service 12/21/01

Israel’s Hamas: The New York Press 04/17/02


Clinton, pope join Bilderbergers (Arafat attends ’99 Sintra Portugal Bilderberg conference): World Net Daily 05/26/99

Patten to face tough questions on EU money for Palestinian terrorists issue: EU Observer 06/18/02

Incident instilled fear in citizens

Fabricated ‘Bioterrorism’ Case Collapses

After a four-year legal battle, a US federal judge has dismissed all charges against an avant-garde artist who public officials condemned as a bio-terrorist in a case critics are calling « a persecution, not a prosecution. »

« Dammit, isn’t there a REAL terrorist anywhere we can put on the news?!? Can we dig up Osama one more time? » — Official White Horse Souse

Experts cast doubt on credibility of JFK terror plot

An alleged plot to blow up fuel tanks and pipelines at New York’s JFK airport had little chance of success, according to safety experts, who have questioned whether the plot ever posed a real threat.

« Okay, but you should have seen the look on your face when we first told you! » — Official White Horse Souse

Deadlocked jury forces 2nd mistrial in Miami terrorism case

A federal judge declared another mistrial Wednesday against six men accused of plotting to spark an anti-government war by toppling Chicago’s Sears Tower and bombing FBI offices.

Another frame-up collapses.

Now, I know you are tired of hearing that, but take a moment and consider something. After all these years of endless show trials of patsies, not one real terrorist guilty of an actual terror attack has been found, arrested, or jailed.

Now, with all the losers being arrested it stands to reason that sooner or later, even through sheer dumb luck, the authorities are going to trip over a real terrorist if any are out there. But it hasn’t happened.

Is it possible that except for the « terrorists » (nudge nudge wink wink) who carried out 9-11, that there are no real terrorists threatening the country, and this is WHY the Homeland Security guys are trying to justify their budgets with these attempts to railroad the patsies into jail?

It’s like the dog and pony show at the airports. Even the TSA’s own testing shows that half of all terrorist bombs would get through the security gates to the airplanes, yet no planes are falling out of the skies, nor are discovered terrorists detonating themselves at the gates.

It’s all a hoax.

CCTV proves police lied: de Menezes behaved normally before being murdered

The cops claimed Jean Charles de Menezes was wearing a bulky coat to hide a bomb. But they lied. He was wearing a light denim jacket. They said he was running away, jumping turnstiles. But they lied. He walked nonchalantly like everyone else, completely unsuspecting that he was about to be murdered by a bloodthirsty gang of Israeli-trained London cops, who lie, lie and lie some more.

Governments lie.

They lied about Menezes.

They lied about 7-7.

They lied about 9-11.

They lied about history.

Fire the liars!

Al-Qaeda Reportedly Planning Attack « on Par With Hiroshima »

According to a leaked intelligence report Al-Qaeda is planning to « shake the Roman throne » with an attack on « a par with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. » The report indicates that the plan will have the help of supporters in Iran.

And a Death Star! Don’t forget that Iran has a Death Star!


If Israel wants to kick off the « clash of civilizations » (i.e. trick the Muslims and Christians into killing each other off and leaving the world for Israel), nuking the Vatican and framing Iran for it is a good way to go about it.

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

Giuliani Cautions: Another 9/11 if Democrats Win

At a town hall meeting at New England College in Henniker, N.H., Rudy Giuliani, a US Presidential candidate and former NY City mayor, warned that America would be prone to another terrorist attack equal to that of 9/11 if Democrats win the 2008 election.

Oh really? Will you get another advance warning, Rudy?

Al-Qaida has revived, spread and is capable of a spectacular

Al-Qaida has revived, extended its influence, and has the capacity to carry out a spectacular strike similar to the September 11 attacks on America, one of the world’s leading security thinktanks warned yesterday.

Let’s take a closer look at this « think tank. »

Thus, in 1958, the International Institute for Strategic Studies , known as the IISS and located on Tavistock Street in London, was formed as a result of decisions made at Bilderberg ’57. E. H. van der Beugel, who chaired Bilderberg after the death of founder, Joseph Retinger in 1960, later became president of the IISS. Bertram Christoph, representative to Bilderberg for Germany and Bilderberg attendant in ’95, ’96, and ’98, is a former director of the IISS. The Royal Institute of International Affairs web site maintains a link to the IISS — brainchild of Healey, Buzzard, Blackett and Goold-Adams and funded by the Ford Foundation.

American al Qaeda militant urges attacks on Bush

An American al Qaeda militant urged Islamist militants to welcome President George W. Bush with bombs when he visits the Middle East this week and tore up his U.S. passport on camera.

« Welcome him not with flowers and applause but with bombs and traps, » Adam Gadahn said in an Arabic aside on a 50-minute video posted on the internet on Sunday, which was mostly recorded in English and aimed at the American public.

Adam Gadahn’s real name is Adam Pearlman. He was born in Orange County, California and is the grandson of a member of the board of directors for the ADL.

In other words, he is a FAKE, posing as « Al Qaeda » to create the enemy Americans are supposed to hate and surrender their money, freedom, and blood out to destroy.

Chertoff says Europe poses terrorism threat

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said on Wednesday that one of the biggest threats to U.S. security may now come from within Europe.

The US is becoming as culturally paranoid as Israel!

Chiquita Fined $25M For Funding Terrorists

Federal Court Fines Chiquita Brands For Payments To Colombian Narcoterrorist Groups

CIA planning for al-Qaida ‘succession crisis’

The real question is who they can cast to be the next super-villain now that everyone realizes Osama bin Laden has actually been dead for several years.

CIA FOIA – Overview

Double Agent Gadahn Threatens Bush In Neo-Con Stunt

Adam Pearlman, the Jewish Mossad agent who once wrote stinging essays condemning Muslims as « bloodthirsty terrorists », has once again popped up as an « Al-Qaeda spokesman » to boost the Neo-Con’s imperial agenda by threatening George Bush on the eve of his trip to the middle east.

More about Adam Pearlman and other fake Al Qaeda (The Toilet) HERE

FBI Terror Watch List ‘Out of Control’

« U.S. Forces Kill Seven Afghan Police Officers in Friendly Fire Incident | Main | Democrats Focusing on Powell’s Speech; Who Fed Him False Info? »


Were « Iranians » (nudge nudge wink wink) going to stage a « terror attack » (more nudge nudge wink wink) to kick off the invasion of Iran?

Explosive material found in second car on London street

The second car had been parked underground near Trafalgar Square in an area where parking was not allowed.

Yeah, this is starting to look like these cars were supposed to be found before they exploded.

Absurd London “Bomb Plot” Inaugurates “Control Freak” Brown

London car bomb defused

Another witness told Sky News that door staff at the Tiger Tiger nightclub alerted police after the car was driven into bins last night and the driver ran off.

The witness said the large silver saloon car was being driven « erratically » before the minor crash.

This is a « booga booga ». Nobody has claimed responsability and there were no intelligence warnings. Already CNN is slipping stock footage of protesting Muslims into their TV coverage of the incident. From the description of the propane and nails, it doesn’t sound very sophisticated.

Anyone care to bet they find an autographed picture of Ahmadinajad in the glove box? 🙂

BBC NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Brown outlines terror crackdown

Covert intelligence will be used for the first time to seize the assets of terrorist groups under new measures being outlined by Gordon Brown.

What an amazing coincidence. One day into office he now has the excuse to get his draconian laws passed through Parliament

Brown sets out plan for tough new terror laws

What an amazing coincidence. One day into office he now has the excuse to get his draconian laws passed through Parliament

Global > Redress Information & Analysis »>Gordon Brown tells British Zionists he always loved Israel

Government Secrecy May Lead to New Trial In Va. Terrorism Case

Federal prosecutors recently revealed that the CIA had told Brinkema that the interrogations of enemy combatant witnesses in Moussaoui’s trial had not been audiotaped or videotaped, when they had. The judge called the factual error « a mess » yesterday but indicated it probably would not affect Moussaoui’s guilty plea or life prison term.

« Yeah, okay, we lied, but we’re still gonna railroad the patsy. »

Most fake bombs missed by screeners

75% not detected at LAX; 60% at O’Hare

So, let’s see if I have this correct. The TSA fondles our women, takes our nail clippers, annoys our tourists, breaks our laptops (personal experience), loots our luggage, and for all that trouble, we are NOT any safer?

Official Air Force document outlines military assistance to insurgencies

According to a lengthy new Air Force document, which outlines US strategies for « Irregular Warfare, » military resources will sometimes be needed to help insurgencies in foreign countries.

Wait a moment, isn’t that exactly what Bush has been screaming Iran is doing??????

Oklahoma City

Controlled demolition 1995

‘Osama Ben Laid In’ a Grave for 6 Years

Within minutes after the attacks, a parade of politicians and « terrorism experts » appeared on every TV channel, all claiming that the attacks were the work of Osama Bin Laden. A traumatized American public swallowed it all hook, line, and sinker, just like the real perpetrators knew we would. The Bush administration claimed that it had evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks which it would release to the public in a matter of days. They never did. Just like they never provided any evidence that Al Qaeda blew up the US embassies in Africa in 1997. The entire case against Osama Bin Laden was based on nothing but the repeated claim that he was the culprit for the embassy bombings and for 9-11. The entire case against Bin Laden was a mass brainwash job from the very start.

Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked

A FORMER Scottish police chief has given lawyers a signed statement claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

The retired officer – of assistant chief constable rank or higher – has testified that the CIA planted the tiny fragment of circuit board crucial in convicting a Libyan for the 1989 mass murder of 270 people.

So, who likes to blow things up and frame Arabs for it (with the CIA’s help) ?

Sex-slave whistle-blowers vindicated

DynCorp, a private military powerhouse, fired two employees who complained that colleagues were involved in Bosnian forced-prostitution rings. The employees went to court — and won.

‘Shin Bet involved in 1976 hijacking’

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) may have been involved in the hijack of an Air France plane in 1976 by Palestinian terrorists, according to newly declassified British government documents released Friday.

Read this one all the way through. Once again we see Israel covertly setting up the terror attacks that the Palestinians get the blame for.

Documents show Israel aided Entebbe hijack

In a document released by the National Archives, Mr Colvin, citing an unnamed contact at the Euro-Arab parliamentary association, wrote: « According to his information, the hijack was the work of the PFLP [Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine], with help from the Israeli secret service, the Shin Beit. »

Once again Israel is caught CREATING the terrorism that justifies its policies.

« Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information. » — US official quoted in Carl Cameron’s Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

The Fear Factory

The FBI now has more than 100 task forces devoted exclusively to fighting terrorism. But is the government manufacturing ghosts?

The Media Calls him Al Qaeda, but his Jewish Father calls him Adam Pearlman

How much longer will it take Western citizens to wake up to the fact that all those scary terror organisations such as Al Qaeda and Hezbollah are actually creations of their own governments, or to be more precise, Mossad, CIA, MI5 and alike. Their sole purpose is to scare ordinary citizens into blind support of their criminal governments, enabling them to dismantle civil rights and social services in the name of combatting terror and create excuses for brutal oppression of whoever is in the way of profit maximisation for their neo-fascist corporations. Sure, there might be many naive, true believers amongst ordinary members of those phony terror organizations, but the people in power, the likes of Saudi billionaire Osama Bin Laden, are actually part of the Orwellian elite.

Al-Qaeda’s American Recruit Releases Something Entirely New

The American Adam Gadahn—now known as Azzam al-Amriki (Azzam the American)—has emerged as the third most important spokesman among al-Qaeda leaders, following Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri [1].


… that Adam Gadahn is a phony! His real nakje is Adan PEARLMAN, and he is the grandson of Carl K. Pearlman, a member of the board of the ADL. In other words, he’s a fake Al Qaeda, just as most of them turn out to be fakes.

UK police guilty in Brazilian’s death

London’s police force was found guilty Thursday of endangering the public during a frantic manhunt for four failed suicide bombers that led to the killing of an innocent Brazilian man on a subway train.

Looking back, it is instructive to remember all the lies told by the police in an attempt to cover up the murder of an innocent man. They claimed he was wearing a suspiciously bulky jacket. He was not. They claimed he leaped over the turn styles and ran to the train car. He did not. Time after time every claim made to excuse the extra-judicial murder of this man was exposed as a lie … here on the internet. The mainstream media, the BBC in particular, promoted without question the lies used to justify the public execution of an innocent man. Only after the lies were exposed in the blogs did the mainstream media grudgingly admit to what had really happened.

Al-Qaeda‘planning big British attack’

And JUST in time to distract the public from Phony Tony’s corruption troubles. See next article down.

Police poised to charge Blair’s top adviser

Couple arrested as terrorists for sprinking flour in parking lot

Two people who sprinkled flour in a parking lot to mark a trail for their offbeat running club inadvertently caused a bioterrorism scare and now face a felony charge.

The US Government has gone totally round the bend!

Nationality dictates media coverage

Neo-Nazi rally was organized by FBI informant

A paid FBI informant was the man behind a neo-Nazi march through the streets of Parramore that stirred up anxiety in Orlando’s black community and fears of racial unrest that triggered a major police mobilization.

That revelation came Wednesday in an unrelated federal court hearing and has prompted outrage from black leaders, some of whom demanded an investigation into whether the February 2006 march was, itself, an event staged by law-enforcement agencies.

FBI informants used to play these games back during Vietnam. FBI informants have been caught trying to trick people into blowing things up so that the FBI could make newsworthy arrests. Elohim City, the supposed « hotbed » where Tim McVeigh allegedly prepared the OK City bombing, was founded and run by an FBI informant.

Rumsfeld Helped Al Qaeda Establish a Stronghold in Northwestern Pakistan

by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

Sears Tower Bomb Plot Case Falls Apart

Another frame-up collapses.

Abu Nidal – Mossad Terrorist

One French terrorism expert stated: « If Abu Nidal himself is not an Israeli agent, then two or three of his senior people most certainly are. Nothing else can explain some of his operations. »

With today’s breaking story that Israeli Intelligence participated in the Entebbe hijacking with the goal of framing Arafat’s PLO for the crime, it is worth looking back at other incidents of terror and asking if they are what they seem to be.

Many questions remain about Abu Nidas, a supposed terrorist.

The Salvador Option in Beirut

« We should prepare to go over to the offensive. Our aim is to smash Lebanon, Trans-Jordan, and Syria. The weak point is Lebanon, for the Muslim regime is artificial and easy for us to undermine. We shall establish a Christian state there, and then we will smash the Arab Legion, eliminate Trans-Jordan, and Syria will fall to us. » -David Ben-Gurion, From « Ben-Gurion, A Biography » by Michael Ben-Zohar, May 1948

War On Terror Labelled A Disaster

Report author Paul Rogers said: « Every aspect of the War On Terror has been counterproductive in Iraq and Afghanistan, from the loss of civilian life through to mass detentions without trial.

« In short, it has been a disaster.

« Western countries simply have to face up to the dangerous mistakes of the past six years and recognise the need for new policies. »

UK: Seized At Gunpoint For Looking At Cops

Two disabled men from Bournemouth, England were seized from a pub at gunpoint by police under the terrorism act, taken to the local police station and questioned for 45 minutes after one of them opened his mail and the other looked at a police officer.

Mr Hamlen also made it clear that he has arthritis and brittle bone disease and has been registered disabled for five years, while Mr Burbidge has been paralysed all his life and relies on a wheelchair and crutches to get around.

The two men hardly fit the description of hardcore Al Qaeda terror suspects, but then that does not matter because everyone is now a suspect under the 2000 terrorism act.

So the UK can now celebrate the dubious distincting of having adopted Code Napoleon Law: everyone is guilty – for everything – until having proved themselves innocent.

And this, from the country which gave the world the Magna Carta!

U.S. allows Ethiopia to strike arms deal with DPRK


The Israeli jet aircraft were ruthless and stubborn in their attempt to sink and murder all hands aboard. They hit every antennae on our ship, no accident for sure. The Israeli reconnaissance aircraft took pictures of our ship in the morning hours, nothing was missed. The attacking aircraft dropped napalm on the bridge of our ship to burn us alive.

Soon after the jets were done with us we see 3 motor torpedo boats approaching our ship at a high rate of speed. We then learned who our attackers were.

We saw 3 flags marked with the Star of David. We were in shock because the Israelis were supposed to be our allies! We had had no idea who was attacking us until then. The attacking jet aircraft were unmarked.

The Media Calls him Al Qaeda, but his Jewish Father calls him Adam Pearlman

The CIA — a Terrorist Organization

‘Terrorism’ Case: Govt Says Facts Are Too Secret For The Defense To See

In the Al-Haramain case, Eisenberg has had to respond to a government filing he was not allowed to see.

Terror plot to blow up Eiffel Tower uncovered

A plot by Islamic terrorists to blow up the Eiffel Tower has been uncovered.

A scrambled short-wave radio conversation exposing the planned attack on the world’s most visited monument was picked up by Portuguese air traffic controllers and passed on to French spy chiefs.


Rumsfeld a aidé al-Qaïda à établir un bastion dans le nord-ouest du Pakistan

Le gouvernement américain envisage d’envoyer des troupes au Pakistan afin de neutraliser al-Qaïda dans son refuge du Waziristan, dans le nord du Pakistan.

Just when needed, the dead guy speaks!

See Osama bin Laden: A dead nemesis perpetuated by the US government

Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden Murdered

Police could not find any fingerprints on Dr Kelly’s ‘suicide’ knife

Fresh doubts were raised over the suicide of Dr David Kelly after it emerged that no fingerprints were found on the knife he supposedly used to kill himself.

Pentagon says Cole bombing chief confessed

Waleed Mohammed Bin Attash, long suspected of plotting the bombing of the USS Cole, confessed to planning the attack during a hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a Pentagon transcript released Monday.

« No, really, he said that. Right after Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was done Waleed came in and confessed. Really! Why are you guys laughing at us? » — Official White Horse Souse

Noble Resolve 07: Four days of “simulated” nuclear terrorist scenarios in the US & Europe

On September 11th, 2001, drills that simulated a hijacked aircraft attack on the US were underway when hijacked aircraft were used to attack America. In London, on July 7th, 2005, there was a drill simulating multiple bombings on the underground railway that was eerily interrupted by multiple bombings on the underground railway.

So, I can understand why these drills for a nuclear terror attack have some people worried.

New OKC Revelations Spotlight FBI Involvement In Bombing

McVeigh Video Destroys OKC Bombing Official Story

A video that shows Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh at a U.S. military base that specializes in explosives and demolition training over a year after he supposedly left the army puts the official story of the April 19 1995 federal building bombing under serious doubt and mandates a re-opening of an investigation into the terror attack that killed 168 people.

More about the OK City bombing HERE

Info on the additional bombs is HERE

More about the second Ryder truck isHERE

Israeli officer sells weapons to terrorists in Iraq

How a Second Terrorist Attack Will Benefit George W. Bush

Bush may not have been warning of World War III but threatening it. There is always the possibility that World War III is already begun.

Hersh: US, Israel support PKK

« In the past months, Israel and the United States have been working together in support of PKK and its Iranian offshoot PEJAK, I was told by a government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon, » said Pulitzer Prize-winning, Seymour Hersh.

FBI agent testifies he posed as al-Qaida recruiter in terror case

There is no real Al Qaeda. They are all Mossad, MI5, CIA, FBI, etc.

Des bananes qui ruissellent de sang

Chiquita paid terrorist group

Company says money was to protect workers in Colombia, agrees to $25 million fine

Contes et légendes de l’argent du terrorisme

Les mensonges à propos des « armes de destruction massive » en Irak expliquent la perte de crédit du président des Etats-Unis, bien plus que ses bobards sur le financement du terrorisme. Dans les deux cas pourtant, la manipulation a été sans limite, avec des fables tellement loufoques qu’on aurait pu les croire tirées d’une mauvaise bande dessinée. Les inventions de Washington sur l’argent du terrorisme lui ont néanmoins permis de mieux contrôler les mouvements de capitaux de la planète.


Colombia seeks Israelis accused of training death squads

CIA set up 12 bogus companies mostly in Europe after 9/11

Following the September 11, 2001, attacks, the US Central Intelligence Agency set up 12 bogus companies in Europe and other parts of the world in the hope of penetrating Islamic organizations, The Los Angeles Times reported on its website late Saturday.

But citing current and former CIA officials, the newspaper said the agency had now shut down all but two of them after concluding they were ill-conceived.

« So really, you Muslim terrorists can all be really comfortable doing business with the companies in Europe, because we really, really, REALLY did shut down all the CIA front companies, we had set up. Honest. No kidding. Swear to God. Really. » — Official White Horse Souse

Chertoff: Next 9/11 could be launched by Europeans

Arkansas GOP head: We need more ‘attacks on American soil’ so people appreciate Bush

In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country.

Arkansas Republican Party Chair, Dennis Milligan: a man truly in need of immediate psychiatric help.

Are the Osama Tapes Fake?

11 paragraphs down, Nasrawi writes: « The authenticity of the tape could not be independently confirmed. But the voice resembled that of bin Laden. The tape was posted on an Islamic militant Web site where al-Qaida’s media arm, Al-Sahab, issues the group’s messages. »

If the tape can’t be vetted, it shouldn’t be used. That’s Journalism 101.

Al-Sahab is the stomping ground of Adam Gadahn aka Adam Pearlman, the phony « American Al Qaeda ». The Osama tapes coming out of Al-Sahab are likely as phony as « Gadahn ».

Another Day, Another False Flag Op Foiled

According to the New York Times, while the Islamic Jihad Union “has not been linked to terrorist attacks in Europe, it has claimed credit for suicide bombings in July 2004 near the United States and Israeli Embassies in the Uzbek capital, Tashkent. The group has called for the overthrow of the secular government in Uzbekistan.” However, as Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, notes, the “evidence that this organization exists at all is extremely tenuous, and if it does it is almost certainly the fruit of an Uzbek agent provocateur operation.”

America the Target of Israeli Terrorism

My latest research article, entitled « America the Target, » examines the history of Israel’s use of terrorism to coerce the West. This nasty business did not begin in 2001.

12 juillet 2008

La torture – Le retour au Moyen Âge

Filed under: Terrorisme — François M. @ 9:25


La torture – Le retour au Moyen Âge

Voici un dossier complet sur la torture employés par les États-Unis, mais aussi par l’Angleterre, Israël et aussi par le Canada. Vous ne trouverez pas d’articles sur le cas précis du Canada dans cette publication, mais fouillez la rubrique Torture de LNI ou faites une recherche Google et vous en trouverez. Nous sommes aussi impliqués dans cette sale histoire. C’est un géant pas de retour vers les techniques sanglantes et cruelles du Moyen Âge. Dire que nous nous pensons avancés en ce 21ième siècle et d’une plus grande moralité que le reste des barbares…

Mukasey Argues That Torture Authorizers ‘Cannot And Should Not’ Be Prosecuted Or Even Investigated

« Don’t you guys GET it? WE are ABOVE the law!!!! » — Official White Horse Souse


FBI files indict Bush, Cheney and Co. as war criminals

The most stunning revelation in a 370-page Justice US Department Inspector General’s report released this week was that agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation had formally opened a « War Crimes » file, documenting torture they had witnessed at the Guantánamo Bay US prison camp, before being ordered by the administration to stop writing their reports.

Bush may claim privilege in CIA case

President George W. Bush Thursday ordered White House lawyers to use claims of executive privilege to prevent senior White House aides from cooperating with the Justice Department’s criminal investigation into destruction of videotapes that showed CIA interrogators torturing terrorism suspects.

Bush to veto bill banning waterboarding

The White House says President Bush will veto legislation on Saturday that would have barred the CIA from using waterboarding — a technique that simulates drowning — and other harsh interrogation methods on terror suspects.

« Hey, it was good enough for the Nazis and the Spanish Inquisition, so it’s goldanged good enough for ME! » — Official White Horse Souse

Expert: Crime of torture could only have been ordered by the president

US Christian Leaders support Bush’s use of Torture

If this pro-torture stand was Dobson’s alone, there would be little attention paid to it. But last month an ethics professor, Daniel R. Heimback, at Southeastern Baptist Seminary, favors torture much as Dobson does. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) leaders also favor torture. A Baptist Press (BP) release reported that to oppose torture « threatens to undermine Christian moral witness in contemporary culture. » They went on to say that situation ethics necessitates that sometimes torture is the right thing to do.

And of course the most horrific tortures in history (including waterboarding) were done by the Christian’s (UN)Holy Inquisition!

Rumsfeld Personally Approved Brutal Interrogations

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld personally authorized the use of brutal interrogation techniques against suspected terrorists imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay despite warnings from the FBI that the methods amounted to inhumane treatment, was possibly illegal, and would not produce reliable intelligence, a Department of Justice inspector general testified Tuesday.

« The FBI believed that these techniques were not getting actionable information, that they were unsophisticated and unproductive, » said Glenn Fine, the DOJ’s inspector general, in testimony Tuesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee. « They raised their concerns with the Department of Defense, but the Department of Defense, from what we were told, dismissed those concerns and that no changes were made in the Department of Defense’s strategy. »

One has to wonder if Rumsfeld and his associates in this and the former Bush administration were the kind of kids who pulled the wings off flies, just for fun.

And by the way, this testimony is one more example of members of this and Bush’s former administration lying about what it was actually happening.

US Holding 27,000 in Secret Overseas Prisons; Transporting Prisoners to Iraqi Jails to Avoid Media & Legal Scrutiny

« There is a huge number of [secret prisoners] being held in Iraq, and one of the intriguing aspects of this that doesn’t get much reporting is that the US is bringing people into Iraq from elsewhere to hold them there, simply because that keeps [the media and lawyers] away from the prisoners so they can’t get any sort of legal rights, » reports British attorney Clive Stafford Smith.

US accused of holding terror suspects on prison ships

The United States is operating « floating prisons » to house those arrested in its war on terror, according to human rights lawyers, who claim there has been an attempt to conceal the numbers and whereabouts of detainees.

How They Voted: Torture Bill

A « yes » vote is a vote to override the veto.

Voting yes were 220 Democrats and 5 Republicans.

Voting no were 3 Democrats and 185 Republicans.

American Torture: The Documents

Below is a comprehensive list of declassified documents that chart America’s involvement in torture from the early Cold War onward. Each file can be downloaded and viewed freely.

A Kinder, Gentler Torture

In American custody, Al-Ghizzawi was only beaten with chains; bound to chairs in excruciating positions for endless hours; threatened with death and with rape; stripped and subjected to body-cavity searches by non-medical personnel while men — and women — laughed and took pictures.

Among many other brutalities and indignities, Al-Ghizzawi was also posed naked with other prisoners; terrorized with dogs; forced to kneel on stones in the searing heat; left to stand or crouch for extended periods; deprived of sleep; subjected to extreme cold without clothes or covering; denied medical attention; and kept in isolation for years.

Despite U.S. Efforts At Concealment, More Torture Stories Leaking Out

While jailed in Kandahar, Afghanistan, a Red Cross official wrote a letter home for Kurnaz and it was the « dumb stuff » in the letter that infuriated the Americans, according to the cover story in the Spring issue of « Amnesty International » (AI)magazine. The guards’ response illustrates the pains the Bush regime is taking to conceal from the world its horrific crimes against Muslim prisoners in dungeons around the world. There have been numerous other cases now where the Red Cross has not been informed of the existence of « ghost prisoners », such as in the CIA prison in Kabul, or even told of the existence of a prison itself. Not surprisingly, the Red Cross has found U.S. methods are, at the least, « tantamount to torture. »

Remember, this is done in your name, with your tax dollars, and in the name of the United States of America.

Makes you feel proud, doesn’t it?

And just a friendly bit of advice; if you’re thinking of traveling overseas these days, make sure you’ve got something suggesting you’re Canadian in your carry-on luggage, or perhaps sport a Canadian branded t-shirt. People around the world do not loathe us « because we are free », but because of what we have become, in terms of a general resigned acceptance that torture is normal, and this administration has the right to indulge in pre-emptive wars of aggresssion.

Gitmo interrogators told to trash notes

The Pentagon urged interrogators at Guantanamo Bay to destroy handwritten notes in case they were called to testify about potentially harsh treatment of detainees, a military defense lawyer said Sunday.

Destruction of evidence? Obstruction of justice?

CIA has 7,000 documents relating to rendition, detention, torture programs, filing shows

The Central Intelligence Agency has acknowledged having 7,000 pages of documents pertaining to President George W. Bush’s secret rendition and detention programs, according to three international human rights groups.

Amnesty International USA, the Center for Constitutional Rights and the International Human Rights Clinic at NYU School of Law made the claim following a summary judgment motion by the agency this week to avoid a lawsuit that seeks to force the nation’s top spy outfit to make the documents public under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

CIA admits they will continue rendition program, which allows torture overseas

The CIA also acknowledged in their filings that the program « will continue. » Terror suspects detained or « renditioned » by the United States are transferred to third party countries that allow torture which gives the US a legal loophole to allow harsh interrogation without being legally liable. Such suspects, who effectively disappear, are held without access to courts.

CIA tactics given legal cover, newspaper says

Recent letters from the U.S. Justice Department to Congress state that intelligence agents working on counterterrorism can legally use interrogation techniques that might otherwise be banned by international law, The New York Times reported in its Sunday editions.

The US Government cannot declare something to be legal that is considered illegal in other countries and under international law. Doing so is what defines a « Rogue State. »

CIA Gave Torture Tips to Pentagon

Torture « is basically subject to perception, » CIA counterterrorism lawyer Jonathan Fredman told a group of military and intelligence officials gathered at the U.S.-run detention camp in Cuba on Oct. 2, 2002, according to minutes of the meeting. « If the detainee dies, you’re doing it wrong. »

A friendly message to those who might be traveling abroad; stick some stickers saying « Proud to be Canadian » on your carry-on before your board your plane.

And if you feel the need to « wax rhapsodic » about the American values of human rights, human dignity, and democracy, just please shut the hell up until the mood passes.

On Torture

It’s important to understand that almost all of the misery Kurnaz endured at Guantanamo came after he had been cleared of any connection to terrorism. As early as February 2002, German intelligence officials had concluded that there was no « direct » evidence that he was involved in terrorism; a September 2002 memo written by a German intelligence officer confirmed that Kurnaz was among the « considerable number » of Gitmo detainees who were « not part of the terrorist milieu. »

… So for nearly four more years, this innocent man was beaten, starved, tortured, subjected to endless persecution in the form of interrogations designed to elicit perjured self-incriminating testimony. On September 30, 2004 — two years after his innocence had been established — Kurnaz was brought before a Combatant Status Review Tribunal staffed with officers who had access to the exculpatory 2002 memoranda. That august panel designated Kurnaz an « enemy combatant » on the basis of « evidence » it didn’t deign to share with the detainee or his assigned military lawyer, who was utterly inert during the proceedings.

THIS is the image of America we will all live with for the rest of our lives.

ACLU obtains new Defense Department docs on prison deaths in Iraq.»

The NCIS document contains new information about the deaths of some of these prisoners, including details about Farhad Mohamed, who had contusions under his eyes and the bottom of his chin, a swollen nose, cuts and large bumps on his forehead when he died in Mosul in 2004. The document also includes details about Naem Sadoon Hatab, a 52-year-old Iraqi man who was strangled to death at the Whitehorse detainment facility in Nasiriyah in June 2003; the shooting death of Hemdan El Gashame in Nasiriyah in March 2003; and the death of Manadel Jamadi during an interrogation after his head was beaten with a stove at Abu Ghraib in November 2003.

This has been done in your name, folks, and with your tax dollarsWe have a friend who travels frequently due to her job.

Recently, she confessed that when traveling abroad and people ask her where she’s from, she says she’s Canadian, rather than mention that she’s from the US.

It will take decades for this country to wipe away the stain of what we have done in these prisons in the name of « US Security ».

The fact that we have tortured (and/or outsourced torture) completely undermines our ability to talk about freedom, democracy, and the crucial value of human dignity to any other country.

And that is one hell of a shame.

New court can silence captives who tell secrets

A new court at Guantánamo would allow the U.S. military to keep its secrets by cutting off terror suspects’ testimony from the ears of observers at the flick of a switch.

Now then, since the suspects are supposedly « the enemy », what secrets are they in possession of that the military considers theirs? Re-read that quote again; the purpose of the switch is to allow the military to keep « its secrets. » How do the suspects come into possession of the US military’s secrets?

Unless, of course, the secrets being kept is that the suspects (A) really worked for the US at the time they did whatever it is they are accused of, or (B) they have been tortured into confessing.

UN envoy rips US violations in Iraq, Guantanamo, Afghanistan

After a two-week fact-finding tour of US prison and detention facilities, a UN human rights investigator has blasted the administration of President George W. Bush for a rash of shortcomings in the country’s flawed justice system and continued violations of the rule of law.

A large portion of Bush’s « legacy, when all is said and done, will be that of pre-emptive wars abroad, the absolute evisceration of the Constitution and Bill of Rights at home, and the legitimization of the use of torture.

U.N. experts rap U.S. « cruelty » to child prisoners

United Nations experts on child rights criticised the United States on Friday over detention of juveniles at Guantanamo, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and voiced concern that some may have suffered cruel treatment.

They also called for an end to recruitment of under-18s into the U.S. armed forces and for a halt to enlistment campaigns aimed specifically at young people from minority groups and poor or single-parent families.

Do not look for US recruiting practices to change any time soon, short of a reinstitution of a draft.

And as for cruelty to child prisoners; in the eyes of the US military, they are no different than any other prisoners or « military combatants ».

The only US officer charged in Abu Graib scandal cleared of charges.

‘Soldiers routinely abuse detainees’

« IDF soldiers routinely abuse bound and defenseless Palestinian detainees, » a new report by the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) asserted on Sunday.

The abuse alleged in the report – which was written based on 90 testimonies of Palestinians and IDF soldiers and covered arrests made between 2006 and 2007- included beatings, degradation and other acts of violence, as well as acts directed at minors and some which resulted in serious injury.

US military deny that new prison is planned as ‘Guantanamo Two’

A US military spokeswoman has dismissed suggestions that a new prison planned for Afghanistan is intended to receive prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, the detention centre in Cuba that is facing increasing criticism in America.

« This is not going to be Guantanamo Two, » said Lieutenant-Colonel Rumi Nielson-Green, spokeswoman for Combined Joint Task Force 101 based at Bagram Airfield, north of the Afghan capital Kabul. « That is absolutely false. »

Memo to Lieutenant-Colonel Nielson-Green; if in fact what you have stated is truth, then let the Red Cross in consistently from the moment this facility receives prisoners to validate that what you are saying is true.

If the US refuses Red Cross access, the entire world will understand that the US is simply building another « black site » in a foreign country, and doing precisely what it (and foreign enablers) continue to do at other US black sites around the world.

And that, sir, is to torture.


Muslim prisoners held in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison were submerged in water-filled garbage cans with ice or put naked under cold showers in near-freezing rooms until they went into shock, Sgt. Javal Davis, who served with the 372nd Military Police Company there, has told a national magazine.

Just when you think the brutality demonstrated at Abu Ghraib prison couldn’t be any worse than we already knew……..

Guantanamo inmates suffering mental damage: report

In a report entitled « Locked Up Alone: Detention Conditions and Mental Health at Guantanamo, » the group says 185 of the 270 detainees at the U.S. military prison for terrorism suspects are housed in facilities similar to « supermax » prisons.

They spend 22 hours alone in cramped cells, have very limited contact with other human beings and are given little more than the Koran to occupy themselves, said the report, which is based interviews with government officials and attorneys.

Detainees held in this manner include many that have not been charged with crimes and have already been cleared for release or transfer, according to the report.

Take a good hard look at that last paragraph.

Any pretense of the application of the rule of law, as has evolved through the American justice system, is ludicrous beyond comprehension here.

Guantanamo detainees were tortured, medical exams show

Medical examinations of suspected militants formerly held by the U.S. military at the Guantanamo Bay detention centre in Cuba showed evidence of torture and other abuse that resulted in serious injuries and mental disorders, according to a human rights group.

The study, considered the most extensive medical check of former U.S. detainees published so far, also tracked former suspects held at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, with similar findings.

Remember when the Bush White House kept insisting these abuses were the work of a few rogue soldiers?

Gitmo Detainee’s Lawyer ‘Not Allowed To Tell Him’ He’s No Longer An ‘Enemy Combatant’»

Despite the ruling, Parhat has yet to see any of its benefits. In fact, he doesn’t even know about it. Parhat’s lawyer told CBC radio’s As It Happens last night that Parhat is currently being held in solitary confinement and « has no idea » the appeals court ruled in his favor because, he added, « I’m not allowed to tell him »:

Unflipping believable.

So this is what American « justice » looks like these days?!?!?

Guantanamo detainees spead word to boycott trials

The message travels among Guantanamo detainees in whispers between recreation areas and shouts through slots in cell doors: Don’t trust the Americans. Boycott.

Guards call it the Detainee News Network, and it is now prompting inmates to turn their backs on their war-crimes trials at this U.S. Naval station in southeast Cuba.

These men understand that this isn’t about any real justice: this is about « show trials » and kangaroo courts.

And if the prosecution in these cases wasn’t terrified of some of these people telling the truth, why do they have an « off switch » in the witness booth to prevent observers from hearing what the prosecution doesn’t want them to hear?

Waterboarding is torture – I did it myself, says US advisor

In a further embarrassment for Mr Bush yesterday, Malcolm Nance, an advisor on terrorism to the US departments of Homeland Security, Special Operations and Intelligence, publicly denounced the practice. He revealed that waterboarding is used in training at the US Navy’s Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape School in San Diego, and claimed to have witnessed and supervised « hundreds » of waterboarding exercises. Although these last only a few minutes and take place under medical supervision, he concluded that « waterboarding is a torture technique – period ».

Tom Ridge: Waterboarding Is Torture

« There’s just no doubt in my mind — under any set of rules — waterboarding is torture, » Tom Ridge said Friday in an interview with the Associated Press. Ridge had offered the same opinion earlier in the day to members of the American Bar Association at a homeland security conference.

National Intelligence Director Mike McConnell: Waterboarding Is Torturet

« If it ever is determined to be torture, there will be a huge penalty to be paid for anyone engaging in it, » McConnell told The New Yorker, which published a 16,000-word article Sunday on the director of national intelligence.

So it’s not about the practice per se, but the legal ramifications now?

If any member of this administration has any possible doubts about water boarding being torture, they should try it, publicly. Let the cameras roll, and have that footage broadcast live around the world.

This country should withdraw completely and immediately not only from the Geneva Accords, but from any human rights treaty to which the US is a signatory

For despite all the drivel US diplomats regurgitate around the world about the US’s respect for human rights and democracy, the government of this country no longer believes in those values.

Italian Trial of C.I.A. Operatives Begins With Torture Testimony

The cleric’s wife, Ghali Nabila, said her husband, Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, known as Abu Omar, was taken from Italy and transferred to a prison in Egypt, where, she said, he was repeatedly tortured. While acknowledging a program of « extraordinary rendition, » or abducting terrorism suspects outside the United States, the Bush administration claims that no one is sent to nations that torture.

This country tortures, and outsources torture.

And a word to those traveling abroad.

If you feel compelled to talk about this country’s core values of freedom, democracy, and human rights, just please shut up until the urge passes.

Those with whom you are speaking understand that these values hold utterly no meaning to those in the highest offices of this country .

A tortured defense

It turns out that the administration thought seriously about its own style of waterboarding and opted for a Khmer Rouge style over the Spanish style.

Any country using any form of torture cannot, for one moment, with a straight face, criticize any other country which does this.

The US should, immediately, withdraw from any human rights treaties it has ever signed, just to make transparent our official devolution regarding human rights.

Ex-State Dept. official: Hundreds of detainees died in U.S. custody, at least 25 murdered.»

A February 2006 Human Rights First report found that although hundreds of people in U.S. custody had died and eight people were tortured to death, only 12 deaths had « resulted in punishment of any kind for any U.S. official. »

Torture and murder: right up there with mom and apple pie these days as American values, courtesy of this administration!

US illegally detains more Afghans than ever at Bagram military base

The US detention center now houses some 630 prisoners, an increase from a total of little more than 100 in early 2004 and some 500 in early 2006, and more than twice the number currently held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. The deteriorating military and security situation in Afghanistan is driving the process, notes the Times. All but 30 of the prisoners are Afghans, allegedly captured in raids or on the battlefield.

We cannot, as a nation, begin to lecture the rest of the world about human rights, democracy, and freedom while we continue to torture.

If the members of this administration supporting this policy of US torture were really honest, they would simply withdraw the US as a signatory to the Geneva Conventions, and let the whole world know what they really think about human rights.

Foiling U.S. Plan, Prison Expands in Afghanistan

In a confidential memorandum last summer, the Red Cross said dozens of prisoners had been held incommunicado for weeks or even months in a previously undisclosed warren of isolation cells at Bagram, two American officials said. The Red Cross said the prisoners were kept from its inspectors and sometimes subjected to cruel treatment in violation of the Geneva Conventions, one of the officials said.

“The problem at Bagram hasn’t gone away,” said Tina M. Foster, a New York human rights lawyer who has filed federal lawsuits on behalf of the detainees at Bagram. “The government has just done a better job of keeping it secret.”

Let’s just scream this from the rooftops in DC, and in every major capital of the world (where our presence is still tolerated to some degree): the US tortures! There, we’ve said it, plain and simple.

Don’t you feel relieved now?

The next major, and honest, step, would be a complete, absolute, unilateral – and public – withdrawal from the Geneva Accords.

That, once and for all, will demonstrate precisely what the government of this country has become under Bush’s watch.

Bush’s top general quashed torture dissent

The documents unearthed by the Senate Armed Services Committee, along with testimony from a recent hearing, shed new light on the role played by the man who was the nation’s highest-ranking military officer and who acted, by law, as the top military advisor to President Bush. Until now, it was unclear how Myers handled those duties during the genesis of the military’s harsh-interrogation program.

« He is rarely referenced as one of the usual suspects, » noted Jonathan Turley, a professor at George Washington Law School who is following the continuing Senate investigation. « He did play a much more central role » than previously known, Turley said. « The minute the military lawyers expressed concern, they were shut down. »

As we come up on this 4th of July holiday, it is almost terrifying to contemplate what we, now a nation which officially tortures, have become under the watch of this administration.

General – and then President – Washington developed a very strict protocol about how prisoners were to be treated, and never tortured. This is what he said:

« Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country. » – George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775

Four suspect CIA flights refuel at airport

FOUR CIA jets, two of which were identified last year in a special EU report into the practice of extraordinary rendition, have landed at Shannon Airport in recent days, leading to renewed calls for the Government to ban aircraft suspected of participating in the practice.

The planes, operated by Centurion Aviation Services, a shelf company for the CIA, were identified in the EU report on the alleged use of European countries by the CIA for the transport and illegal detention of prisoners, which was published in November 2006. Despite this, both jets continue to stop at Shannon.

And so, the torture continues, funded by your tax dollars and done in your name.

Torture: it’s right up there with mom and apple pie as an American value these days.

And to those in both governmental and educational institutions who might be traveling out of the country, a friendly word of advice. Please just shut your collective traps concerning human rights, human dignity, freedom and democracy and their relevance to American foreign policy today.

I’m just mentioning this to protect you from getting laughed or booed out of the room, or perhaps worse.

Thinking people around the world understand very clearly that the US no longer values those ideals, and particularly at the highest level of its government.

Classified Memo Reveals Iraqi Prisoners as « Starving »

A classified memo written by a top military official stationed in Western Iraq reveals that a prison in downtown Fallujah is so overcrowded and dirty that it does not even meet basic « minimal levels of hygiene for human beings. »

« The conditions in these jails are so bad that I think we need to do the right thing in terms of caring for the prisoners even with our own dollars, or release them, » says the memo, written late last month by Maj. Gen. John Kelly, commander of U.S forces in western Iraq.

These jailed individuals have moms, dads, brothers, sisters, other relatives and friends.

They know, or at least intuit, what it happening to those in this jail.

And again, Iraqis do not hate us « because we are free »: they hate us because of what we have done to their families, countrymen, and their nation.

Iraqi torture victims slam UK ‘contempt’

The Iraqis will meet MoD lawyers on Wednesday inside the Treasury for negotiations presided over by the former Lord Chief Justice, Lord Woolf, to determine a settlement which will include compensation for the death of Baha Musa.

The 26-year-old receptionist had suffered 93 identifiable injuries at the hands of British soldiers in Basra in September 2003. He had died after being subjected to 36 hours of beatings and abusive treatment, including being double-hooded with hessian sacks in stifling conditions.

« ….93 identifiable injuries…….36 hours of beatings ».

Just let that sink in for a moment.

Imagine what you would be thinking if that were your kid.

Folks, the Iraqis don’t hate Westerners « …because we are free ».

CIA Torture and other War Crimes

The embrace of illegal detentions and torture are among the truly horrific decisions that can be attributed to the Bush White House. It is ironic to read the media accounts surrounding the recent discovery by shocked U.S. Marines of an alleged al-Qaeda torture center in Iraq’s Diyala province because the Marines work for a government that itself publicly embraces torture as an interrogation technique. And it is not just the White House. Torture is bipartisan. The recent House of Representatives intelligence appropriations bill included a clause that requires CIA to abide by the Geneva Conventions in its interrogation and detention policies. One hundred and ninety-nine Congressmen from both parties voted « no. » Even if some of the Congressmen voted against the bill for other reasons, there is a strong sense that many politicians consider torture to be perfectly okay.

On Bush’s watch, torture has become the new, accepted American value, right up there with mom and apple pie.

But the problem this has created, geopolitically, is that now US officials cannot, with a straight face, lecture countries about democracy and human rights when we are, in fact, a country which accepts the use of torture: that just won’t work.

US flouts human rights with secret prisons, torture: HRW

The United States continues to violate basic human rights by keeping secret detention facilities abroad, holding people illegally as « disappeared » and justifying torture, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Thursday.

Britain admits its troops abused Iraqi prisoners

Britain’s Defence Ministry is to admit that its troops tortured and breached the human rights of nine Iraqi men they detained in southern Iraq in 2003, opening the way to potentially large compensation claims.

UK Troops May Have Tortured and Executed Iraqis

50 years from now, the movie studios in other countries will portray the British and Americans the way film studios of today portray the Nazis.

Britain’s War in the Cause of Fear and Ignorance

« If our government continues on [this destructive] path, we will ultimately have destroyed much of the moral and legal fabric of the society that we claim to be protecting. The choice and the responsibility are entirely ours. »

Reviving Vietnam War Tactics

Phoenix was far from an « aid and development » program. To achieve deniability, the CIA trained and transferred operational authority to the South Vietnamese national police, who tortured suspects indiscriminately. CIA officer William Colby, founder of the program, told a Congressional committee in 1971 that the Phoenix operation had killed 20,587 Vietcong suspects in two years. An official Pentagon evaluation in 1968 found that « the truncheon and electric shock method of interrogation were in widespread use, with almost all [US] advisors admitting to have witnessed instances of the use of these methods…[and] ‘turned their backs on them.’  » A Naval Institute historian later found that « the large majority of South Vietnamese interrogators tortured some or all of the communist prisoners in their care » as well as Vietnamese suspected of collaboration with the Vietcong.

With people like this calling the shots in Iraq, this country simply needs to withdraw from any and all human rights treaties this country has ever signed, just to make it clear to the world what the US policy is on torture and human rights.

Of course, this also means that we have no business lecturing « crackpot dictatorships » about democracy and freedom, because we have become, under the Bush administration’s watch, just such a country.

Romney: It’s not torture unless you admit it


Citing « ticking time bomb » scenarios, Romney disagrees with the notion of admitting that a particular practice could violate the Geneva Convention, thereby preventing its utilization by the United States in the event of an urgent need to extract information to, for example, prevent a nuclear attack.

Then, let this country follow that philosophy to its logical conclusion; a complete withdrawal from any and all human rights treaties it has ever signed.

The accepted use of torture by police in this country(by way of tazer use, which can cause death), combined with the passing of specific legislation (like the Patriot Act) which eviscerates the Constitution are clear demonstrations that this country is headed down the slippery slope of a « soft » dictatorship.

8 avril 2008

Injuste situation: la menace terroriste des 18 de Toronto

Filed under: Canada,Terrorisme — François M. @ 1:06


Injuste situation: la menace terroriste des 18 de Toronto

Vous pensez vivre dans un pays ou la loi règne et le respect de droits et liberté de la personne sont respectés? Vous pensez que les dérapages du gouvernement après le 9/11 ne sont que le cas des États-Unis?

Détrompez-vous, on peut vous arrêter à n’importe quel moment sous charges de suspicion de terrorisme et vous enfermer en isolement pour un temps indéterminé au Canada. Prenez le temps de vous informer sur le cas des 18 jeunes de Toronto qui furent victimes d’un coup organisé par la police et GRC pour des motifs politiques et dans le but de maintenir la tension et la peur dans le peuple.

Unfair Dealing: The Toronto Homegrown Terror Threat

Canadian law enforcement round up 18 young Muslims, and arrest them on terrorism charges… Were they a legitimate threat? Or were the Canadian people fooled?








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