LNI Média

30 octobre 2008

Alerte santé: nourriture de la Chine et le complexe militaro-médical US

Filed under: Santé — François M. @ 11:02


Les alertes concernant la nourriture et ingrédients en provenance de la Chine se multiplient. On y retrouve des agents chimiques et toxiques et on ne sait pas vraiment jusqu’où cela va. Au États-Unis, c’est des tonnes de poudre de lait fabriqué en Chine qui sont entrés et se retrouvent maintenant dans la chaîne alimentaire, dont les bonbons et autres friandises.

Plusieurs enfants chinois en sont morts. Des alertes ont été émises au Canada et à Taiwan aussi. Le Japon a eu ses problèmes aussi avec les oeufs en poudre provenant de la Chine. En Europe, c’est dans les biscuits qu’on a retrouvé de la mélamine, ce déchet industriel qui n’est en aucune manière un additif alimentaire. Aucun seuil de sécurité n’existe. La Corée a retiré toute une gamme de produit des tablettes. La SuisseCeci est un problème mondial. Informez-vous et ne consommez pas de ces produits qui risquent d’être contaminés.

Dans un deuxième volet, je vous présente une vidéo concernant le complexe militaro-médical aux États-Unis qui a une portée mondiale et qui manipule les chiffres, la vérité et les informations à propos du HIV et le sida. Vous serez surpris d’apprendre vous aussi que plusieurs institutions de santé aux É-U paraissent être gouvernementales alors qu’elles sont militaires. C’est plutôt curieux et troublant.

Tainted food alert

Melamine may be in US food supply


Brasscheck TV has independently verified the claims made in this video.

If anything, this video understates the situation because melamine has been found in US and European food other than candy.

The only item in question is exactly how much Chinese manufactured milk powder was imported into the US before the contamination was finally admitted to by the Chinese government.

Also, Japan has found melamine in other widely used food ingredients manufactured in China like egg powder.

A link to additional background info is available at the bottom on this page.

Take this seriously and pass it along

In China, ANYTHING made with Chinese-manufactured milk powder before September 14th was PULLED from their store shelves.

In the US, this garbage is still being sold!

Note: Brasscheck TV has found independent verification of all the claims in this video.

Source: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/462.html

Foods at risk: ANY food manufactured in China and potentially any food containing milk powder. US food manufacturers imported millions of pounds of milk powder from China before September 14th. The FDA continues to allow to be sold.

This includes chocolate, cookies, cakes, and even things like packaged macaroni and cheese.


Mike Mozart is a product designer who also runs a video blog about new developments in the toy industry.

His reviews are normally light, cheerful affairs and completely apolitical.

If he appears distraught, it’s because he is. This is serious.

Mozart has discovered that the US is the ONLY country that still permits potentially melamine-contaminated food on its shelves. Even China has removed these products from its stores.

That’s right. This poison that killed and injured thousands of people, mainly children, may be in US food. We’re the only country that hasn’t pulled it from its shelves.

More info here:

Click here for more info

For example:

1. Melamine has been found in manufactured
cookies and cakes in Europe.

2. It has been found in manufactured food
products in the US that do not list powdered milk
as an ingredient.

3. It has been found in Snickers bars
and Nestle chocolate in Korea.

Bottom line:

Two million pounds of powdered milk was
imported from China into the US before
the Chinese government admitted to the
melamine contamination problem.


* The federal government knows EXACTLY what
companies imported these raw materials

* These importers know EXACTLY what food
manufacturers they sold these materials

* The manufacturers know EXACTLY what batches
they put this material in and EXACTLY what
stores they shipped these potentially
contaminated products too.

* If alerted, the retailers could pull
the products from their shelves today.

And none of them – not the FDA, not the
food manufacturers, not the retailers,
not the Bush administration – are doing
anything to protect the public.

In fact, they are deliberately NOT releasing
this public domain information – gathered
with tax payers dollars – to the public.

And, of course, US news media is completely

Today’s update is here:


The Military-Medical Complex

What a tangled web they weave…

URGENT News Bulletin: 10/28/08

Melamine in US food supply – severe risk to children

Click here for details: Melamine contamination widespread

University of Professor Peter Duesberg is the pre-eminent virologist in the world today and one of the top, if not the top, molecular biologists.

Unfortunately, he has a political problem.

He doesn’t accept the still-unproven (and some say dubious) theory that the group of diseases known as AIDS is caused by HIV.

If « science » is wrong about the cause of AIDS, then finding a cure is impossible.

This may explain why a cure has not been found in spite of billions of dollars that has been raised and spent on AIDS « research. »

But the waste of time and effort is only the tip of the iceberg.

There may be something more sinister afoot.

With a little understanding, the AIDS « help » trumpeted for Africa (by George Bush no less) and low income, minority families in the US looks less like medicine and more like a genocide program.

Who’s behind this scam?

The answer may surprise you.

Note: The t-shirted « surfer dude » at the end of the first video is Kary Mullis.

He won the Nobel Prize winner for developing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), one of the fundamental tools of biomedicine and hailed as one of the monumental scientific techniques of the 20th century.

Not everyone buys the AIDS story as told by the media, the US government and the pharmaceutical companies.

How this scam plays out in Africa:

African Genocide

29 octobre 2008

Barrick Gold vs Éd. Écosociété; la crise financière:un transfert d’argent; élections au Québec; refroidissement climatique et les pneus d’hiver

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 30 octobre 2008: Barrick Gold vs Éd. Écosociété; la crise financière:un transfert d’argent; élections au Québec; refroidissement climatique et les pneus d’hiver

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 30 octobre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

Pour télécharger, faite un clique droit puis “enregistrer la cible sous…

Cette semaine nous effectuons un sérieux tour de l’actualité mondiale. Nous continuons de vous tenir au courant des derniers développements de la crise financière, ce transfert de notre argent public vers des paradis fiscaux avec les conséquences que nous connaissons; des changements climatiques et des surprenantes nouvelles s’y rattachant; et nous terminons avec un commentaire sur la nouvelle loi 55 obligeant les pneus d’hiver.

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
2008-10-30 2008-10-23 2008-10-09 2008-10-02 2008-09-25 2008-09-18 2008-09-11 2008-09-04 2008-08-28 2008-08-21 2008-08-14 2008-08-07 2008-07-17 2008-07-10 2008-07-03 2008-06-26 2008-06-19 2008-06-12 2008-06-05 2008-05-29 2008-05-22 2008-05-15 2008-05-08 2008-04-17 2008-04-10 2008-04-03 2008-03-27 2008-03-20 2008-03-13 2008-03-06 2008-02-28 2008-02-21 2008-02-14 2008-02-07 2008-01-31 2008-01-24 2008-01-17 2008-01-08 2007-12-16 2007-12-09 2007-12-02 2007-11-25 2007-11-18 2007-11-11 2007-11-04 2007-10-28 2007-10-21 2007-10-14 2007-10-07 2007-09-30 2007-09-23 2007-09-16 2007-09-09 2007-09-02 2007-08-26 2007-08-12 2007-08-05 2007-07-29 2007-07-22 2007-07-15 2007-07-08 2007-07-01 2007-06-24 2007-06-17 2007-04-22 2007-04-15 2007-04-08 2007-04-01 2007-03-25 2007-03-18 2007-03-11 2007-03-04 2007-02-25 2007-02-18 2007-02-11 2007-02-04 2007-01-28

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Qu’est-ce que la Liste nationale de numéros de télécommunication exclus ?

Vous n’êtes plus capable de vous faire écoeurer par téléphone pour du télémarketing? N’oubliez pas que vous pouvez depuis quelques mois déjà vous désinscrire officiellement de ces listes un bonne fois pour toute! Voici les informations qui se trouve sur le site du Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes:

Les 7 du Québec

Ces textes ci-dessous sont parus sur Les 7 du Québec

Barrick Gold, la honte

Qui doit craindre le plus une élection générale au Québec ?

Pierre R Chantelois

Most Major Papers Continue Circ Decline

For those holding out for some improvement in print circulation, this morning brings disappointment. The Audit Bureau of Circulations released the latest figures for the six- month period ending September 2008 and the report shows major drops in circulation at the big metros.

According to ABC for the 507 newspapers reporting in this period, daily circulation slipped 4.6% to 38,165,848 copies. For the 571 papers, Sunday dropped 4.8% to 43,631,646 copies.

For comparison purposes, in September 2007 reporting period, daily circ fell 2.6% and Sunday was down 4.6%.


$16.3 trillion in stock value lost since Sept. 1

Pessimism about the global economy deepened yesterday as fresh evidence of a worldwide slowdown showed up in feeble corporate profit reports from Asia, sinking commodities prices, and a scramble by emerging economies to prop up their sagging currencies and avert credit defaults.

Foreclosure filings spike 71%

CNNMoney.com staff writer

October 23, 2008

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — The housing crisis still has a choke hold on America: In September, 81,312 homes were lost to foreclosure, according to a report released Thursday.

RealtyTrac, an online marketer of foreclosed properties, said that 851,000 homes have been repossessed by lenders since August 2007.

Follow the M3 Money

As Wikipedia states, our money supply has three large components. M1 is physical currency circulating in the economy plus demand deposits (checking accounts). This measure is used by economists to try and quantify the amount of money in circulation. M1 is the most liquid measure of money supply since it only contains cash and assets quickly usable for conversion to currency.

Stocks dive on belief global recession is at hand

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Wall Street joined world stock markets in a precipitous plunge Friday, with the Dow Jones industrials dropping more than 400 points in early trading and all the major indexes falling more than 4 percent. The growing belief that the world will suffer a punishing economic recession has investors furiously dumping stocks.

Futures halted as trading enters ‘panic mode’

American stock futures trading was halted on Friday morning following deep declines on the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Standard & Poor’s 500 indices as global stock markets plunged.

Futures contracts fell more than 6% triggering a « limit down » suspension of selling on either index, as S&P 500 futures sank to 855.20, according to Bloomberg News. Nasdaq futures were also halted.

All three contracts lost the maximum amount permissible before the start of futures trading in the United States.

Dow Average May Sink to 5,000, Boockvar Says: Chart of the Day

Oil Tumbles on Signs OPEC Cut Won’t Halt Slide as Demand Drops

House prices ‘will fall further 25% in 2009’, warn analysts

Qui est derrière la crise financière?

– par Michel Chossudovsky – 2008-10-13

Qui est derrière la crise financière?

La manipulation des marchés et les spéculateurs institutionnels

Le marché est fortement manipulé. La force motrice derrière la crise se situe dans les opérations spéculatives. Le système de « régulation privé » sert les intérêts des spéculateurs.

Alors que la plupart des individus investisseurs enregistrent des pertes lorsque le marché s’effondre, les spéculateurs institutionnels gagnent de l’argent lorsque se produit un effondrement financier.

En fait, le déclenchement d’un effondrement du marché peut s’avérer une entreprise très rentable.

Derrière la panique, la guerre financière pour la future domination bancaire mondiale

– par F. William Engdahl – 2008-10-14

Les anecdotes dramatiques de la crise financière et la panique provoquée servent délibérément à certains groupes d’influence à façonner le futur visage de la finance mondiale.

Derrière la panique, la guerre financière pour la future domination bancaire mondiale

par F. William Engdahl

Mondialisation.ca, Le 14 octobre 2008

Wealth gap creating a social time bomb

Growing inequality in US cities could lead to widespread social unrest and increased mortality, says a new United Nations report on the urban environment.

n a survey of 120 major cities, New York was found to be the ninth most unequal in the world and Atlanta, New Orleans, Washington, and Miami had similar inequality levels to those of Nairobi, Kenya Abidjan and Ivory Coast. Many were above an internationally recognised acceptable « alert » line used to warn governments.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« ….Social unrest »; what a completely reasonable excuse for the introduction of martial law in this country!

Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin: Global systemic crisis Alert – Summer 2009: The US government defaults on its debt.

Therefore, as we repeated it on and on since 2006, this crisis is far more important, in terms of impact and outcome, than the 1929 crisis. Historically, we are the very first players, witnesses and/or victims of a crisis affecting the whole planet, in a situation of unprecedented interdependence of countries (resulting from twenty years of globalisation) and people (the level of urbanization – and related dependence for all the basic needs – water, food, energy… – is also unprecedented).

U.S. Dollar Currency Collapse Within 30 Days

My reaction: I am certain the US is less than a month away from a currency collapse. The fed and treasury are not even taking the time to think at this point: they are just throwing money and guarantees at each new problem that pops up without worrying about the consequence. Since no one can imagine a currency collapse, there isn’t the political will to take the painful steps needed to prevent it (reign in fed and let institutions fail). The forces and trends behind the financial collapse are too powerful to stop.

IMF may need to « print money » as crisis spreads

The International Monetary Fund may soon lack the money to bail out an ever growing list of countries crumbling across Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, and parts of Asia, raising concerns that it will have to tap taxpayers in Western countries for a capital infusion or resort to the nuclear option of printing its own money.

Crisis Brings Opportunity. Here’s hoping we don’t blow it this time.

Have no doubt, by the end of this week or the next, life will have changed for good, there will be no going back to the way it was. Period.
If the World is expecting to have it’s cake and eat it , forget about it. So what’s going to be the logical outcome of such a sytemic failure ?

Meet the World’s New Reserve Currency: The Chinese Yuan

The real tragedy of this financial crisis is that people will die

The harsh reality of the economic fallout isn’t that Joe the plumber can’t buy his business or that people’s retirement funds are being lost or that unemployment is rising; the harsh reality is that people will die.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

An estimated 7 million people starved to death in the United States during the Great Depression.


Nor’easter May Bring Foot of Snow to Eastern U.S.

A gusty storm dumped rain and the first snow of the season from Virginia to Maine today, closing schools and roads and further delaying Major League Baseball’s World Series.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

When I was a kid living in New Hampshire, the first real snow usually fell about Thanksgiving. I don’t recall ever once having to go trick or treat in the snow!

One dead, thousands without power and the first October snow in London in 74 YEARS as Arctic blast sweeps across UK

Webmaster’s Commentary:

« B-b-b-b-u-t-t-t-t Al G-g-g-g-ore said-d-d-d-d-d w-w-w-we w-w-w-w-ere g-g-g-g-gett-t-t-t-ting w-w-w-warmer! »

Even London was hit by a light dusting last night – the first time the capital has seen snow in October since 1934.

While the capital woke to its first October blanketing since 1934, the rest of the South had its first pre-Halloween snowfalls since the 1970s.

‘The last time snow was on the ground in the South East in October was 1974, while London hasn’t had October snow on the ground for 74 years.’

In 1934, Britain was in the fifth year of the Great Depression – an economic downturn fuelled by greedy bankers and incompetent economists.

Global Cooling: Record Low Temperatures Hit America

Record low temperatures have hit dozens of areas across America as a natural period of global cooling accelerates, leaving man-made global warming advocates with egg on their face as the big chill sets in.

Data compiled by the IceAgeNow website shows that record lows are being matched and broken on an almost daily basis in states throughout the U.S. as the country prepares for a freezing cold winter.

“Sunspot counts are at a 50-year low,” says solar physicist David Hathaway of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. “We’re experiencing a deep minimum of the solar cycle.”

Which is why we are seeing evidence of natural global cooling all over the planet – Alaskan glaciers growing for the first time in 250 years, unprecedented ice storms in Kenya, China experiencing its coldest winter in 100 years, many parts of the U.S. suffering their coldest April on record along with record snowfall, Britain suffering its coldest Easter in decades, Sydney Australia suffering its coldest summer in 50 years.

Increasing Arctic Ice Is What We Don’t Hear

Last summer a headline from the Christian Science Monitor read: « Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Expected ». The first line of the article sounded the environmental alarm.

It said: « Arctic Ocean sea ice, one of the most visible indicators for global warming, may be headed for another recordbreaking summer decline. » There were similar articles concerning a connection between global warming and melting Arctic sea ice in many other magazines and newspapers at the time.

The fact is that after last summer’s Arctic ice melt fell short of the 2007 record extent, Arctic sea ice has been increasing at the fastest rate seen in years. As of last Friday, it was running ahead of the same day in October of last year by 31.3%. (See: annual comparison in purple shade in picture above – 10/17/2007 5,663,125 square kilometers, 10/17/2008 7,436,406 square kilometers ).

Huge Mountain Range Should Not Be There

An Antarctic mountain range that rivals the Alps in elevation will be probed this month by an expedition of scientists using airborne radar and other Information Age tools to virtually « peel away » more than 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) of ice covering the peaks.

28 octobre 2008

Liste nationale de numéros de télécommunication exclus

Filed under: Canada — François M. @ 10:27


Vous n’êtes plus capable de vous faire écoeurer par téléphone pour du télémarketing? N’oubliez pas que vous pouvez depuis quelques mois déjà vous désinscrire officiellement de ces listes un bonne fois pour toute! Voici les informations qui se trouve sur le site du Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des télécommunications canadiennes:

Qu’est-ce que la Liste nationale de numéros de télécommunication exclus ?

La Liste nationale de numéros de télécommunication exclus (LNNTE) permet au consommateur de décider s’il veut recevoir des appels de télévendeurs à la maison. La LNNTE impose de nouvelles responsabilités aux télévendeurs canadiens.

En tant que consommateur vous pouvez décider de réduire le nombre d’appels de télémarketing non sollicités en inscrivant sur la LNNTE vos numéros de téléphone d’appareil cellulaire, de résidence, de télécopieur ou du service VoIP. Vous pouvez également vérifier votre inscription, apprendre comment supprimer un numéro de la LNNTE et déposer une plainte au sujet d’appels de télémarketing non sollicités. Pour en savoir plus sur la LNNTE, consultez la Foire aux questions sur ce site Web.

La Liste nationale de numéros de télécommunication exclus (LNNTE) impose de nouvelles responsabilités aux télévendeurs canadiens. Si vous êtes un télévendeur, vous pouvez utiliser ce site Web pour enregistrer les renseignements sur votre entreprise, acheter un abonnement à la LNNTE et télécharger ou interroger la LNNTE. La section « Télévendeurs » de ce site Web contient de l’information sur les tarifs d’abonnement et les formats de fichiers ainsi que d’autres renseignements utiles.

Certaines sections de ce site Web exigent que les témoins soient activés pour fonctionner correctement. Pour plus de renseignements à ce sujet, consultez la rubrique Avis importants à l’adresse : http://www.lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/notimp-impnot-fra.

27 octobre 2008

Barrick Gold, la honte

Filed under: Canada,Québec — François M. @ 10:37


Les 7 du Québec

Ce texte a paru sur Les 7 du Québec le 28 octobre 2008

Barrick Gold, la honte

Le harcèlement honteux de la part de Barrick Gold à l’endroit des trois auteurs de Noir Canada. Pillage, corruption et criminalité en Afrique et Les Éditions Écosociété atteint de nouveaux sommets. Barrick Gold, la plus importante société aurifère du monde, a envoyé le 19 septembre dernier une nouvelle mise en demeure à Alain Deneault, William Sacher, Delphine Abadie et la maison d’édition les enjoignant de cesser, «dans le cadre de la campagne de financement ou de solidarité, de lobbying politique, d’événements promotionnels, d’entrevues médiatiques ou sur des sites Internet», de qualifier de «pousuite-baîllon» la poursuite qu’elle leur intente.

Le bulletin d’information diffusé par Les Éditions Écosociété révèle que la lettre d’avocat avise les auteurs et l’éditeur de Noir Canada qu’ils s’exposent ce faisant à «davantage de dommages punitifs » et que leur « comportement rendra d’éventuelles rétractations, excuses publiques, ou actions réparatrices encore plus difficiles et embarrassantes».

C’est qu’il ne faut pas oublier qu’en mai dernier Barrick Gold a intenté une pousuite en diffamation de $6 millions à l’endroit des Édition Écosociété et des auteurs de Noir Canada. Maintenant, c’est le tour à une autre géante de l’extraction de l’or, Banro Corporation, de se joindre à ce type d’intimidation: ils ont déposé une seconde poursuite pour $5 millions contre les mêmes personnes.

La suite de cet article ici…


Global Warming Inc.

Filed under: Global warming — François M. @ 10:11

Pour ceux qui ont encore l’esprit assez ouvert et intègre pour rechercher la vérité là où elle mène, voici un bon documentaire sur le réchauffement climatique Inc.


Global Warming, Inc.

A very informative documentary about the real cause of global warming. It clearly discuss about the fact that CO2 is not cause of global warming. Take a look also at the Great Global Warming Swindle and Green House Conspiracy in google video. This documentary discusses many topics that are not covered in the Swindle such as the hockey stick graph, from the viewpoint of Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas.

Don’t be too hasty

I know this one is going to get some people’s knickers in a knot.

In fact, it already has.

But let’s look at some facts:

1. Automobile emissions are noxious

2. Most industrial output it FAR far more toxic than it needs to be.

So what are the UN and the rest of the world’s top-down opinion leaders focusing on?

A vague and scientifically suspect threat called « global warming. »

If you dare question the science of human-caused global warming, you’re shouted down.

Is the world getting warmer?


Has it ever been this warm before?

Yes, MUCH warmer and long before « carbon emissions. »

Should we clean up industrial pollution?

Of course, but notice how the « global warming » hysterics conveniently let polluters off the hook.

We know EXACTLY who is putting mercury and other dangerous toxins in our air, soil and food. We don’t have to guess. We know exactly what companies are doing it and where their plants are located.

So what do we do?

We hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and make vague noises about the need to be « more green. »

This is a swindle if ever I saw one and looking at the smarmy self-righteous Al Gore being showered with Nobel Prizes and Oscars is practically all the proof I need that something is rotten in Denmark (and Greenland.)

But there is far, far more proof than that.

26 octobre 2008

Vidéo: Lou Dobbs sur la loi martiale aux USA et où est passé l’argent?

Filed under: Économie/ Finances,État policier - Dictature,États-Unis — François M. @ 10:04


Lou Dobbs: Major Public Concerns Of Martial Law In The U.S. & Army Denies Claims


The money went where?

Fox in the hen house

I hate to give TheStreet.com any exposure or credence.

It’s the home of Jim Cramer, the pyromaniac TV stock picker who led thousands of people to financial catastrophe with his BS shoot-from-the-hip « investment » advice.

That being said this clip of theirs is unusually informative (in spite of the moronically chipper interviewer.)

US Treasury Secretary Paulson is, in fact, one of the small handful of people who is personally responsible for the mess we’re currently in. He pushed hard for the conditions that created the sub-prime disaster while CEO of Goldman Sachs.

It’s bizarre, to say the least, that he’s the person who’s been given the job of cleaning up the mess.

That his « solution » to the problem was to give his former employer access to billions of dollars in taxpayer money with no strings attached is troubling.

Also, troubling is where the money went and where it’s going.

As predicted by many, the bank bailout did nothing to change the tone of the financial markets. They’re still in free fall and there literally is not enough money in the world to bail them out.

The final insult:

Minutes of the meetings in which the bail out billions (trillions?) are being distributed are issued to the news media with key figures blacked out.

24 octobre 2008

Voici quelques vidéo qui risquent de vous intéresser!

Filed under: Divers — François M. @ 7:30


Voici quelques vidéo qui risquent de vous intéresser!

There will be consequences

The inevitable collapse of the dollar

What goes up will come down

« The path that we’re on right now is not sustainable. »

« The portfolio adjustments will be swift and severe. »

« There’s going to be a major realignment of global living standard. »

« Every knows the dollar could collapse, but nobody knows where it will start. »

The first day of a Second American Revolution Part 1

The first day of a Second American Revolution Part 2

Slavery didn’t end in the US until 1945

US Steel was one of the main beneficiaries

Slave nation

An honest and complete history of the United States would include the fact that its economy, especially in the South, was addicted to slavery…

And that slavery continued in the South protected by local laws, law enforcement, courts and judges through 1945 (with occasional episodes afterward.)

Amazingly, one of the primary beneficiaries of this period of Post-Emancipation neo-slavery was U.S. Steel.

For more info Google the book « Slavery by another name »

Today, people charged with petty drug crimes do hard time, work for a few cents an hour while in prison, and have their labor leased to Fortune 500 corporations.

And the US is building news prisons every day.

Little known fact: The US has a higher percentage of its citizens in prison than any other country on earth including Russia and China.

A challenge to McCain?

All too real

This video captures better than anything I’ve seen yet the reality of the quality of presidential candidates Americans get to choose from.

I believe it was made before Palin was picked to run as VP proving that satire often does a much better job of predicting reality that sober analysis.

Moose-eating, go-go boot wearing, oil company-lovin’ Sarah…

No one could make this stuff up if they tried.

Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus

What the US government doesn’t want you to know about the « terror pilots » and their friends

From Mad Cows News

Who were the 9/11 pilots?

The FBI doesn’t seem to want to know.

And the US news media has been very cooperative in not seeking or reporting the facts.

Far from being a devout Muslim or diligent military intelligence operative, « Mohamed Atta » was a scotch-drinking, coke-snorting, strip-club-attending loud mouth who was widely known in Venice, FL for his anti-social behavior.

Daniel Hopsicker’s well researched book « Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus » indicates that Atta looks a whole lot more like a government protected drug pilot than anything else.

But don’t tell the FBI or any other US law enforcement agency. They clearly don’t want to know – and they don’t want you to know either.

The source of this remarkable video is: Daniel Hopsicker’s investigative journalism web site

L’asymptote de la semaine!

Filed under: Asymptote — François M. @ 12:04


L’asymptote de cette semaine : cliquez sur l’image pour l’agrandir

22 octobre 2008

Entrevue avec Patrick Biron à propos du mouvement pour la vérité sur le 9/11; la crise économique et les Tasers

Filed under: L`Autre Monde - Radio Internet — François M. @ 9:00


Émission de L’Autre Monde du 23 octobre 2008: Entrevue avec Patrick Biron à propos du mouvement pour la vérité sur le 9/11; la crise économique et les Tasers

Pour écouter, simplement cliquer sur le lien ici:

L’Autre Monde 23 octobre 2008
60 min / Radio de l’UQAM, CHOQ FM

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Cette semaine à l`Autre Monde nous vous présentons une entrevue exclusive avec Patrick Biron, co-fondateur du mouvement pour la vérité sur le 9/11 de Montréal rencontré à Ottawa le 11 septembre dernier.

Nous discutons aussi des pistolets Taser, armes de torture; nous touchons aux dernières nouvelles sur la crise économique et autres aspects de l’actualité mondiale.

Soyez au rendez-vous le jeudi à 11h sur les ondes de CHOQ FM!

Diffusion en direct : Jeudi à 11:00h

Animation : François Marginean

Archives d’émission
2008-10-23 2008-10-09 2008-10-02 2008-09-25 2008-09-18 2008-09-11 2008-09-04 2008-08-28 2008-08-21 2008-08-14 2008-08-07 2008-07-17 2008-07-10 2008-07-03 2008-06-26 2008-06-19 2008-06-12 2008-06-05 2008-05-29 2008-05-22 2008-05-15 2008-05-08 2008-04-17 2008-04-10 2008-04-03 2008-03-27 2008-03-20 2008-03-13 2008-03-06 2008-02-28 2008-02-21 2008-02-14 2008-02-07 2008-01-31 2008-01-24 2008-01-17 2008-01-08 2007-12-16 2007-12-09 2007-12-02 2007-11-25 2007-11-18 2007-11-11 2007-11-04 2007-10-28 2007-10-21 2007-10-14 2007-10-07 2007-09-30 2007-09-23 2007-09-16 2007-09-09 2007-09-02 2007-08-26 2007-08-12 2007-08-05 2007-07-29 2007-07-22 2007-07-15 2007-07-08 2007-07-01 2007-06-24 2007-06-17 2007-04-22 2007-04-15 2007-04-08 2007-04-01 2007-03-25 2007-03-18 2007-03-11 2007-03-04 2007-02-25 2007-02-18 2007-02-11 2007-02-04 2007-01-28

***Hyperliens vers les sources des informations discutées sur l’émission d’aujourd’hui:

Avis aux consommateurs

Les « Pirate’s Gold Pièces de Monnaie de Chocolat de Lait » de marque Sherwood peuvent être contaminées par de la mélamine

Mélamine – Certains produits de la Chine – 2008
Page principale | Rapport sur les résultats des tests

OTTAWA, le 8 octobre 2008 – L’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) avise la population de ne pas consommer, distribuer ni vendre les « Pirate’s Gold Pièces De Monnaie De Chocolat De Lait » de marque Sherwood décrits ci-dessous. En effet, ce produit est retiré du marché en raison des résultats positifs d’analyses de dépistage de la mélamine menées par l’ACIA.

Le produit touché, les « Pirate’s Gold Pièces De Monnaie De Chocolat De Lait » de marque Sherwood, est vendu en contenants de 840 g renfermant 240 pièces chacun, portant le CUP 0 36077 11240 7 et le code de lot 1928S1.

Ce produit est vendu à l’échelle nationale dans les magasins Costco et peut également être vendu en vrac ou individuellement à divers magasins de vente en vrac ou magasins tout à un dollar à l’échelle du Canada.

Si l’identité du produit original et le CUP ne sont pas évidents, on conseille aux consommateurs de vérifier auprès de leur détaillant pour déterminer s’ils ont acheté le produit touché.

Les détaillants et les distributeurs devraient également arrêter de distribuer les « Pirate’s Gold Pièces De Monnaie De Chocolat De Lait » de marque Sherwood et lancer un rappel volontaire de ce produit. L’ACIA collaborera avec les importateurs afin de retirer du marché le produit touché.

Aucun cas de maladie associé à la consommation de ces produits n’a été signalé.

Le risque pour la santé associé à ces produits est jugé être faible. L’avis est diffusé dans le cadre de l’enquête du gouvernement du Canada sur le lait et les produits d’origine laitière provenant de la Chine qui peuvent avoir été distribués au Canada.

L’ACIA surveille l’efficacité du rappel.

La mélamine est une substance chimique utilisée dans un certain nombre d’applications commerciales et industrielles. Le Canada n’autorise pas son utilisation comme ingrédient alimentaire.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, les consommateurs et les gens de l’industrie peuvent appeler l’ACIA au 1‑800‑442‑2342/ATS 1‑800‑465‑7735 du lundi au vendredi de 8 h à 20 h (heure de l’Est).

Pour savoir comment recevoir les rappels par courrier électronique ou pour obtenir d’autres renseignements sur la salubrité des aliments, visitez notre site Web à l’adresse http://www.inspection.gc.ca.


Questions des médias :

Jean-Louis Michaud (français)
Coordination des opérations – Centre opérationnel du Québec
Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments

Garfield Balsom (anglais)
Bureau de la salubrité et des rappels d’aliments
Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments


Why Wont The Bail Out Work? MUST SEE!

*****On voit dans la video Paulson qui admet à Ron Paul que l’inflation est en réalité un forme de taxation


Banks Are Likely to Hold Tight to Bailout Money

Lenders have been pulling back on credit lines for businesses, mortgages, home equity loans and credit card offers, and analysts said that trend was unlikely to be reversed by the government’s money.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

It’s is NOT « The Government’s Money », it is YOUR money and when the bailout was ramrodded through Congress, we were all told that the money was to be used to buy up defaulted mortgages so that we could go back to buying homes.

Then we find out that the money, YOUR money, $700 billion of it, is being given to the banks and they can pretty much do whatever they want with it. Which means that loans to We The People, who were forced to cough up $700 billion (that is $1700 per household, BTW) will not see any benefit from this bailout after all. The banks are holding onto the money.

Folks, we have been HAD. While the DOW is down today, it is not down consistent with the massive liquidations required to cover $360 billion in Lehman Brothers credit defaults. So, what must be happening is that the $700 billion of YOUR money handed to the banks is being used to cover these losses.

In other words, Wall Street made a killing in the bull market with derivatives, and now that the market has turned bear, We The People get the losses.

When profits remain private, but losses are socialized, THAT is a fascist economy!

Fed to Provide Up to $540 Billion to Aid Money Funds

The Federal Reserve will provide up to $540 billion in loans to help relieve pressure on money-market mutual funds beset by redemptions.

Investors suffer as US ethanol boom dries up

Investors, such as Microsoft’s Bill Gates, are sitting on billions of dollars in losses after buying into the corn-based ethanol industry that George W. Bush embraced as the answer to US energy woes.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Let’s see. Growing the crops for ethanol diverted farm resources away from food, which triggered food shortages and skyrocketing prices.

Far from being « Carbon neutral » the processing required to convert the crops to ethanol produced greenhouse gas emissions.

Ethanol contains far less energy than gasoline, so you have to buy and burn more of it to travel the same distance.

And finally, Germany just banned ethanol after discovering that it damages the fuel systems of cars which are not designed to deal with ethanol in the first place.

Yeah, I can see why this hare-brained idea didn’t work out. Like most everything connected with the let’s-make-a-buck crowd that hijacked the environmental movement, it’s an idea that was not thought all the way through.

Zimbabwe introduces $100 billion banknotes

Zimbabwe‘s troubled central bank introduced $100 billion banknotes Saturday in a desperate bid to ease the recurrent cash shortages plaguing the inflation-ravaged economy.

Once-prosperous Zimbabwe has seen an unprecedented economic meltdown since it gained independence in 1980, with the official inflation rate now at 2.2 million percent.

Zimbabwe started issuing large bank notes in December, starting with denominations of $250,000.

In January, the government issued bills in denominations of $1 million, $5 million, and $10 million — and in May, it issued bills from $25 million and $50 million up to $25 billion and $50 billion.

Bush To Host Summit On Global Financial System

« We need a new global financial order, » he said.

U.S. willing to discuss financial governance: EU

The United States has indicated its willingness, for the first time, to discuss creating an international governance structure for financial markets, a top European Union official said on Friday.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Folks, we have had one « Governance structure » after the other after the other. The « Governance structures » ARE the problem, because inevitably the « Governance structures » bias to favor the rich and powerful.

Globalism got us INTO this mess. Claiming that globalism will get us out is like saying more ice can save the Titanic!

Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show: “A Global Financial Order”

Webmaster’s Commentary:

This is like saying we can save the Titanic with more ice.

NWO Currency System to be Presented to U.S.A. by EU Leaders

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Globalism created this disaster. More globalism cannot fix it.

EU Leaders Call for Global Currency

Kurt Nimmo
Saturday, Oct 18, 2008

If we are to believe the Washington Post, French president and current EU leader Nicolas Sarkozy has pledged to save us from nameless “freewheeling bankers and traders” who get the blame for the current economic crisis.

Hopper explains the world (A Bug’s Life)

There is a message here.. in the video.. The Leader says: « The ants outnumber them 100 to one ».. But using this clip as a political metaphor.. The fact is that we outnumber them 20,000 to one… And yet they still rule… The ruling elite is only twenty thousand people.. And we the rest of humanity are 6 billion..(or something close to it.)

Why do we let them get away with this shit?


The Derivatives Market is Unwinding!

A couple of months ago, a financial analyst who sells derivatives told me that fears about a meltdown in the derivatives market were unfounded.

Yesterday, he told me – with a very worried look – « THE DERIVATIVES MARKET IS UNWINDING! »

The Government Economy Con-Game = « Derivatives »

The fiat US-dollar not being backed by any hard commodity value gave government the opportunity to takeover the domestic and International market place wealth of all others for the last fifty years by perpetual printing of those dollars as the entire populations productivity value was drained through the use; conversion; and taxing of those dollars.

The Financial Tsunami has not reached its Climax

Credit Default Swaps: Next Phase of an Unravelling Crisis

by F. William Engdahl

Understanding Derivatives to Understand the Credit Crisis

Derivatives are financial instruments whose values depend on the value of other underlying financial instruments. The main types of derivatives are futures, forwards, options and swaps.

Actualité mondiale

Coalition airstrike kills 9 Afghans, officials say

AP- KABUL, Afghanistan – A U.S.-led coalition airstrike mistakenly hit an Afghan army checkpoint early Wednesday, killing nine soldiers and wounding three others, Afghan officials said.

Blackwater sends warship to Gulf of Aden

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Blackwater has their own warships????????

Élections USA

Police prepare for unrest

Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the totally unprecedented come-from-behind surprise upset victory of John McCain.

Associated Press just exploded their own credibility

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Every major poll has Obama with a 9% to 12% lead over McCain, but AP insists it’s all « even ».

Setting the stage for another stolen election?

Warning over US election problems

Chertoff Says Change in Presidency Fuels Terror `Vulnerability’

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Lots of « Booga Booga » in the campaign, all of a sudden!

Ballot debacle predicted for November 4

Machine Problems Plague 1st Day Of Early Voting

People lined up to be among the first to vote at several early voting sites around Jacksonville Monday morning had an extra long wait and some left frustrated when machines at several locations refused to record the ballots.

Loi martiale

Concerns about deployment of military on U.S. soil growing — while mainstream media buries its head in the sand

The Army Times initially reported that the First Brigade would handle domestic crowd control and subduing ‘unruly individuals’ and that they had ‘lethal and nonlethal technologies’ to do so. Then it issued a correction declaring that the ‘nonlethal’ package was not for domestic crowd control. Then after a hue and cry was raised by many citizens, Northern Command (NorthCom) offered a wholesale revision of their mission – and the mainstream media is eating it up.

Webmaster’s Commentary:

Leni Riefenstahl, the great propagandist of the Nazis, would have been delighted at the « spin » the Army Times is attempting to put on this.

But this is an unusually dangerous precedent which has just happened here.

One has to wonder under just what contingencies these troops are to be deployed against their fellow American citizens.

FBI Uses InfraGard to Train Private Citizens to Cooperate with Government, Potentially Enforce Martial Law


Twenty-three thousand executives and employees of various private firms work with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. The group, called InfraGard, receives secret warnings of terrorist threats well in advance of public notification, and sometimes before elected officials. In return, InfraGard provides information to the government. InfraGard is a quiet quasi-governmental entity which wields an unknown, but extensive, amount of power and influence.

Fraude hors de contrôle en Afghanistan


Out of Control Fraud


Voici un autre exemple de la façon dont la guerre en Afghanistan est menée. Des centaines de millions de dollars donnés à des fraudeurs pour équiper les troupes de munitions qui ne fonctionnent plus parce que trop vieilles. Incroyable. Cette guerre est une monumentale entreprise criminelle. Ramenons nos troupes au plus vite. Exigeons-le.

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